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Silly Symbols >,=,<

Rationale: The purpose o! this lesson

is to understand t o digit numbers and the concept o! hether they are greater than# less than# or e.ual in relation to one another through use o! the symbols $# %# "&

Submitted by: Samantha Foltz '+%%ic+l+m -nte&%ation: Grade Level: 1st grade
Music Social Studies Science ,riting Math <eading Theatre *rt -2 Subject/Topic: @ealth



(ate%ials)E*+i,ment: brainpop jr video on comparing numbers# bags ith real orld items adding up to 345144# )one bag per pair o! students+# one set o! paper symbols $#%#" !or each pair o! students# silly symbols recording sheet !or each student# number line !or each pair o! students& TEKS Achieved:
1&8 =5 generate a number that is greater than or less than a given hole number up to 184 1&8 G5 represent the comparison o! t o numbers to 144 using the symbols "# $# %

The student ill demonstrate their understanding o! the symbols "# $# % by stating verbally the correct comparison o! t o given numbers during hole group instruction& The student ill apply their 'no ledge o! the $# "# % symbols by riting a true number sentence on their recording sheet&

Lesson Plan:

(ntroduction )*nticipatory Set/Motivation+:

,atch brainpopjr video on comparing numbers&


(n!ormation Giving: *!ter atching the brainpop jr video# revie the symbols o! greater than# less than# and e.ual to& ,rite some numbers on the smart board# and as' the students to ma'e the number sentence true& /e sure to use several e0amples# and allo several di!!erent students to ans er& 1nce you !eel that the students understand the symbols and their meanings# introduce the bro n bags and the recording sheet activity& Modeling: *s' the students to !orm a circle# and have one student model the process o! the activity ith you& 2ach pair o! students ill get a set o! symbols# a bro n bag o! items ith any here !rom 345144 items in it# a number line to help them compare the numbers# and both students ill get a recording sheet& 2mpty the bag o! its6 items# and separate the contents into 7 di!!erent piles# emphasizing that they are supposed to do this .uic'ly# ithout counting anything yet& Then# they are to count the items in the piles they separated one at a time& /e sure to discuss ho it is easier to count lots o! items i! they do it by 8s# 9s# or even 14s instead o! by 1s& Sho them ho to record their in!o on the recording sheets# and ho to complete the number sentences at the bottom so that they are true& *lso be sure to sho the use o! the number line !or !urther visual comparison& :hec' !or ;nderstanding: <evie the process in simpli!ied !orm# sometimes ( li'e to put things in perspective o! hat to do !irst# second# third# and so !orth& *s' i! students have any .uestions& Guided -ractice: -artner students in heterogeneous pairs# and allo them to begin the process on their o n& ,al' among the students and observe those ho are struggling& -ull small groups i! needed !or e0tra guidance& (ndependent -ractice: 1nce you are sure that the students can complete their tas' independently# continue to observe# but allo them to problem solve on their o n& :losure / :ulminating *ctivity: ,hen one pair o! students !inishes their recording sheet# have them share and compare their results ith another group&

loom!s Ta"onomy:
>no ledge/<emember *nalysis :omprehension/;nderstand 2valuate *pplication :reate

#i$$e%entiated Lea%nin&:
*uditory >inesthetic ?erbal/Linguistic (ntrapersonal ?isual/Spatial Logical/Math Musical (nterpersonal

'lass%oom St%ate&ies:
:ooperative Groups Technology (ndependent *ctivities :harts/Graphs/Maps -roblem Solving -eer tutoring

@ands51n :enters Simulation Lecture ,hole5group -airing

For the child ith a hearing disability# be sure to ear the FM system


@ave t o groups combine their bags o! items and create 7 ne piles to compare ith "# $# % symbols# and create a true number sentence&


Students are evaluated on their demonstration o! understanding and applying the "# $# % symbols through in!ormal observation in hole group instruction# and through revie o! their recording sheets& Students may not miss5use the symbols more than 8 times on the recording sheet& (! students struggle ith this concept# or !ill out the recording sheet ith more than 8 errors# do a re5teach be!ore moving on to the ne0t game that involves "# $# % symbols&

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