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Hingham Public Schools Guidelines Head Lice

1. Children will be sent home from school for treatment if a case of pediculosis infestation has been found. An active infestation is determined if the school nurse identifies live lice and/or many nits within one-quarter inch of the childs scalp. (CDC) 2. Efforts will be made by the school nurse to check other students in the school known to be in close contact with the infested student. Classroom-wide student head checks will no longer take place. (NASN) 3. After being treated at home, students must be checked by the school nurse before returning to class. The nurse will make a determination as to whether the child will be allowed to remain in school. 4. Parents will be encouraged to check their childs head periodically throughout the school year. 5. Informational fact sheet will be made available on Hingham Public School Web-site. 6. A head lice notification letter will be sent home to specific classes that have students with active head lice.

Updated 3/8/12 Guidelines were taken from the following resources: http://www.cdcgov/lice

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