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Also by Catherine BybeeContemporary RomanceWeekday Bride SeriesWife by WednesdayMarried by MondayFianc by FridayNot Quite SeriesNot Quite atin!

Not Quite Mine"aranormal RomanceMacCoinnich #ime #ra$elsBindin! %o&sSilent %o&sRedeemin! %o&s'i!hland Shifter#he Ritter Were&ol$es SeriesBefore the Moon Rises(mbracin! the WolfNo$ellasSoul Mate"ossessi$e(rotica)ilt Worthy)ilt*A*+icious

#he characters and e$ents portrayed in this book are fictitious, Any similarity to real persons- li$in! or dead- is coincidental and not intended by the author,#e.t copyri!ht / 0123 Catherine BybeeAll ri!hts reser$ed,No part of this book may be reproduced- or stored in a retrie$al system- or transmitted in any form or by any means- electronicmechanical- photocopyin!- recordin!- or other&ise- &ithout &ritten permission of the publisher,"ublished by Montlake Romance"4 Bo. 511626+as %e!as- N% 672518SBN*239 7:62;22177<008SBN*219 2;22177<06+ibrary of Con!ress Control Number9 01207<3:30 #o Crystal8=m so incredibly blessed to ha$e you as my friend ContentsChapter 4neChapter #&oChapter #hreeChapter FourChapter Fi$eChapter Si.Chapter Se$enChapter (i!htChapter NineChapter #enChapter (le$enChapter #&el$eChapter #hirteenChapter FourteenChapter FifteenChapter Si.teenChapter Se$enteenChapter (i!hteenChapter NineteenChapter #&entyChapter #&enty* 4neChapter #&enty*#&oChapter #&enty*#hreeChapter #&enty*FourChapter #&enty* Fi$eChapter #&enty*Si.Chapter #&enty*Se$enChapter #&enty*(i!htChapter #&enty* NineChapter #hirtyChapter #hirty*4neChapter #hirty*#&oChapter #hirty*#hreeChapter #hirty*FourChapter #hirty*Fi$e(pilo!ueAckno&led!mentsAbout the Author Chapter 4ne#he flash of the cameras made her stand strai!hter- turn to&ard the hecklin! papara>>i- and smile, +ady ?&en 'arrison kne& the photo!raphers &eren=t entirely sure &ho she &as, 'ere in the States the media didn=t follo& her around, #he photo!raphers sa& an ele!ant &oman &ho looked as if she mi!ht be a mo$ie star- but in fact &as nothin! more than a dau!hter of a deceased duke, #hat &ouldn=t stop the papara>>i from cross*referencin! her ima!e and comin! up &ith her name, 'er brother- Blake 'arrisonthe current uke of Albany- &as @uite popular in this country, And because of him- and his !roup of friends- ?&en=s o&n ima!e had made many a paper,?&en took one more !lance o$er the heads of the photo!raphers- smiled- and turned to &alk a&ay, She had &ork to do,#he Wilson Charity Ball &as e.actly the e$ent ?&en &as born to &ork,

'a$in! !ro&n up in an estate outside of +ondon &ith a $ery proper mother and a father &ho rarely ackno&led!ed her presence unless she &as standin! in front of him- ?&en &as the poster child of a socialite, She &asn=t threatenin! to anyone here, Most of the !uests &ere actors- acti$ists- political fi!ures- or the si!nificant others of the aforementioned people, ?&en &as none of them, 'er sole purpose for attendin! the ball &as to find potential clients for Alliance,A &aiter approached her as she stepped into the room and offered her a !lass of champa!ne, She accepted it &ith a smile and mo$ed into the room,She reco!ni>ed a fe& faces- mainly people (li>a- a friend and former employee of Alliance- had introduced her to in the past,A+ady 'arrison,B A $oice called her attention to a small !atherin! of people a fe& feet a&ay,Marilyn Cohen- petite- stunnin!and probably the most famous &oman in the room- &a$ed her o$er,Marilyn kissed each of ?&en=s cheeks in !reetin!, A8t=s lo$ely to see you a!ain-B ?&en said, A'o& lon! has it beenCBA#he !o$ernor=s ball- 8 belie$e-B Marilyn reminded her, A'o& are Carter and (li>aCBASettlin! into their ne& roles,B Carter had &on the !o$ernor=s seat the pre$ious election- and the t&o of them had mo$ed to Sacramento once he took office, Carter &as Blake=s best friend and (li>a &as the sister ?&en ne$er had,?&en !lanced around Marilyn- e.pectin! to see her husband, AAre you solo toni!htCBA#om=s on location in ?reenland, Why the studios can=t recreate that a&ful place on a set is beyond me, What about you- are you aloneCB?&en offered a smile, A8t=s hard to be alone in a room filled &ith people,B And it &as filled, Women &ere dressed in floor*len!th e$enin! !o&ns- men &ore tu.esDand not the rented kind,Marilyn slipped her hand into ?&en=s arm and pulled her alon!, AWell- let=s see &hat trouble &e can cause- shall &eCB She &a$ed at a !roup of actors and mo$ed in their direction, AAre you scoutin! toni!htCB Marilyn &hispered,Marilyn kne& enou!h about Alliance to &arrant the @uestion, A8=m al&ays searchin! for clients,B'er companion flashed her million*dollar smile, A+et=s see &ho &e can hook up toni!ht then,BAlliance &as founded by Samantha- or Sam as most of her friends called her, Who Eust happened to be married to ?&en=s brother, Samantha had the brilliant idea of formin! an a!ency that ali!ned couples, 8t &asn=t a datin! ser$ice, No- it &as a life plannin! ser$ice, #heir clients consisted of men and &omen &ho needed to marry the perfect person for reasons other than lo$e, "oliticians &ho needed to fit the Afamily profileB in order to !et elected into office, ukes &ho needed to marry to fulfill their a&ful father=s &ill in order to inherit millions, 4r perhaps an actor- or actress- &ho &anted a scandal to keep their name in the paper,?&en recruited the payin! client at e$ents like this, And on occasion she=d find a suitable match for the men already in her database,Not e$eryone married for lo$e and fore$er, 'er clients married for their o&n reasons- and the matches Alliance set up paid them handsomely for it,Marilyn introduced ?&en to e$eryone &ho &as anyone, 4nce in a &hile Marilyn &ould nod to&ard a prospecti$e client to &hom ?&en &ould ask a fe& discrete @uestions, Alliance &as a $ery pri$ate company and not somethin! that &as ad$ertised on a business card,As the e$enin! !re& late- ?&en thou!ht perhaps it &ould end up a bust,4$er her shoulder someone said her name,She turned to&ard the deep $oice and offered a polite smile, #he o&ner of the $oice stood o$er her by se$eral inches- his broad shoulders and easy demeanor told her he &as $ery comfortable approachin! stran!ers, A8=m sorry- do 8 kno& youCB'e chuckled as if she=d said a Eoke, AWe ha$en=t met,B 'e e.tended a hand, AMichael Wolfe,B?&en accepted his hand- &hich he @uickly let fall, A id 8 say somethin! funny- Mr, WolfeCB'e leaned a!ainst the table and smiled at a couple as they

passed, AFou really don=t kno& &ho 8 amCBShe shook her head, ASorry,BA8=m an actor,BA'o& &onderful for you, 8 still ha$e no idea,B'e &as lau!hin! full on no&deli!hted &ith himself, A4h- ho& rich is thatC 8=d ask to buy you a drink but they=re !i$in! them a&ay toni!ht,B#hese &ords from anyone else &ould feel like a pick*up line, Not from this man,'is eyes tra$eled beyond her a!ain- this time to a !roup of men standin! far a&ay,'mmmmCASo- +ady 'arrison, 'o& is your brother=s marria!e !oin!CB?&en kept her e.pression neutral, A o you kno& my brotherCBMichael Wolfe shook his head, A8 ha$en=t had the pleasure, We share a fe& ac@uaintances,BWhich meant that Michael Wolfe &asn=t askin! about Blake and Sam- but rather their marria!e, And that meant that Mr, Wolfe &as askin! about Alliance,A'o& about another !lass of champa!ne- Mr, WolfeCBA8 think 8 found you the perfect husband,B ?&en bent her knee and slid her +ouboutins from her feet before tossin! them to the floor, Fou &ould think shoes that cost nearly a thousand dollars &ould be e.empt from hurtin! your feet, Sadlythat &asn=t the case,AFou think you found &hatCB )aren turned do&n the $olume on the tele$ision and t&isted around on the sofa,AA husband for you,B?&en=s &ords sparked )aren=s full attention, #he #% &ent dark and )aren patted the sofa beside her, ACome sitG #ell,BAfter placin! her handba! on the hall table- ?&en turned the lock on the door and set the house alarm, A+et me !et out of this dress first, #he beadin! has rubbed my skin ra& all ni!ht,B She turned her back to )aren &ith a silent plea to un>ip the e$enin! !o&n,)aren loosened the clasp and lo&ered the >ipper- and then proceeded to follo& ?&en up the stairs, AFou can=t drop the H'= &ord and lea$e the room- ?&en, #hat=s Eust mean,B'oldin! the front of the dress up &ith one hand- and liftin! the hem &ith the other?&en mana!ed the stairs &ithout trippin!,A#he Wilson Charity Ball &as filled &ith people, +ots of couples and plenty of those actor types runnin! about,B She stepped into her closet and let the !o&n slide from her shoulders, After han!in! the dress- she !rabbed a ni!ht!o&n from her chest and &alked back into her bedroom, AFou kno&- Samantha said 8 &ould tire of these dinners- but 8=m enEoyin! them, 8=$e met so many interestin! people since 8 mo$ed here,B ?&en had mo$ed to the States nearly a year a!o, At thirty* one years old- she had li$ed a sheltered life on her family estate outside of +ondon, She=d tra$eled the &orld- but al&ays &ith a body!uard or her mother,No& that her brother &as the duke in the family- the estate belon!ed to him, Not that ?&en couldn=t li$e there- but his marria!e to Samantha had presented the opportunity for ?&en to mo$e for&ard &ith her life, (specially &hen Samantha had e.plained her business to ?&en,With Samantha takin! on the duties of full*time &ife- mother- and duchess- she didn=t ha$e time to run her business, ?&en stepped in to help run Alliance- e$en thou!h she didn=t ha$e a business skill to name as her o&n, 'o&e$er- li$in! a titled life- she did understand ho& to brush elbo&s &ith the rich and famous- the $ery clients Alliance sou!ht, Where ?&en &as lackin!- )aren e.celled, )aren=s clerical skills and ability to keep all the records &ere better than any hi!h*paid la&yer=s secretary, #o!ether they ran the business fla&lessly,A?ettin! back to the perfect husbandDBA'e=s a $ery handsome- tallDlo$ely man,B ?&en sat on the ed!e of her bed and unclasped her !arters one at a time,AFou do kno& that no one &ears those anymore,B )aren pointed to her lin!erie,A8f that &ere truefindin! a place to buy !arters and stockin!s &ould be impossible,BAFeah- but you need to !o to those se.y bra stores in order to find them-B )aren teased,AMen lo$e frilly under&ear,BA+otta !ood that=s doin! you, Seems 8=m the only one &ho sees it,B?&en lau!hed and continued &ith her ne&s, A'is name is WolfeDMichael Wolfe, Fou mi!ht

ha$e heard of him,BA#he actorCB )aren asked,ASo you ha$e heard of him,B)aren shook her head, A#here is no &ay Michael Wolfe=s lookin! for a temporary &ife throu!h an a!ency, 'e=s like the hottest thin! on the bi! screen ri!ht no&,BASo he told me,BA'e told youC Fou mean you didn=t kno&CB?&en shru!!ed- remo$ed her bra- and pulled her ni!ht!o&n o$er her head, AWhen ha$e you seen me !o to the cinemaC 8=d enEoy a !ood book before &atchin! a mo$ie,BABut Michael Wolfe, 'e=s a bi! name- ?&en,B )aren follo&ed her into the bathroom &here she ran hot &ater in the sink and proceeded to remo$e her makeup,A8 don=t kno& &ho he is, "erhaps if he played in a Bond film 8=d kno& him,B)aren leaned a!ainst the frame of the door- and &atched ?&en throu!h the mirror, AFou=re serious, Michael WolfeCBA+o$ely man, %ery funny,BAAnd se.y- and sin!le- and richD&omen fall all o$er him,BAnd that- ?&en thou!ht- &as the problem,?&en turned to&ard the commode and flushed it to fill the room &ith noise, While the noise of the toilet filled the room- she leaned into )aren and &hispered, A8 think he likes men,B)aren=s eyes rounded, ASeriouslyCB?&en shushed her, #he #ar>ana home had under!one an e.tensi$e security system installation- includin! t&enty*four* hour audio and $ideo monitorin!, (li>a had li$ed in the house before she married Carter&ho had insisted on the security measures for multiple reasons, 4nce Carter &on the !ubernatorial race- and they both mo$ed to Sacramento- the security system stayed in place at the insistence of ?&en=s brother,And Neil,AFou think he=s !ayCB?&en hushed her a!ain and pointed to&ard the hall, #here &eren=t any cameras in the bedrooms or bathrooms- but ?&en kne& for a fact the hall &as monitored, A4ur clients deser$e all the pri$acy they can !et,B)aren rolled her eyes, A?ood +ord- ?&en- &e parade around here half naked and you=re &orried about our clients= pri$acyC Fou kno& NeilI he &ouldn=t allo& Eust anyone to listen to &hat !oes on around here,BJust hearin! Neil=s name brou!ht &armth to the pit of ?&en=s stomach, #he man &as a force of nature &ith the ability to stand shoulder to shoulder &ith si.teenth*century 'i!hland &arriors, 'is hard lines and broad physi@ue mi!ht threaten others- but for ?&en- all they=d e$er done &as in$ite her in,#oo bad Neil ne$er opened the door,A"ri$acy is paramount to our clients, Best &e keep some details as hidden as possible- don=t you a!reeCB)aren rolled her eyes and they both descended the stairs,ASo if Michael isDyou kno&- &hy is he talkin! &ith youC 'o& did you approach him- any&ayCB?&en made herself comfortable on the couch- and settled in for a lon! talk, A'e came to me, Seems the Alliance name has found its &ay into a fe& celebrity circles,BA#hat=s !ood to kno&, +otta deep pockets in 'olly&ood,BAActors make the perfect clients, (specially if they &ant temporary,B Alliance helped the elite and rich find life matches, Many of &hom &anted a temporary bride or !room and &ere &illin! to pay hea$ily for it, Beautiful &omen like )aren had no problem findin! men- but some &omen &eren=t lookin! for lo$e,For reasons ?&en had yet to disco$er- )aren &anted a temporary match to set her up financially for years to come, When t&o people came to!ether &ith the understandin! that their relationship &ould end on an assi!ned date- e$eryone &as happy,AMichael has no problem con$incin! the &orld he=s in lo$e &ith e$ery heroine he &orks &ith-B )aren said, AWhat makes you think he=sDCBA'e didn=t come ri!ht out and say it, Not yet any&ay, 'e introduced himself and &as completely taken aback that 8 didn=t kno& &ho he &as,BA'e=s Kber famous- ?&en,BA#hat may be, Any&ay- he asked me ho& my brother=s marria!e &as !oin!, Stran!e @uestion, 8 asked him if he kne& Blake to &hich he promptly said he did not, Michael &ent on to tell me that he and Blake shared a fe& ac@uaintances,BA'is

subtle &ay of sayin! he kne& about Alliance,BA#hat=s &hat 8 assumed, 8 asked him if he=d like to meet some of my friends, 'e &inked- said he=d lo$e to- and then handed me his card,B)aren lifted both hands facin! up, ASo &hat makes you think !LBAAhh- Eust ho& he presented himself, Sometimes you Eust kno& these thin!s,B Michael had flirted &ith the &omen in the room and appreciated the men, 4h- he=d been subtle but if there &as one skill ?&en had perfected in the past fe& months- it &as readin! men and their intentions,A man searchin! for someoneDanyoneDhad a certain ener!y about him, (li>a had schooled ?&en for months about ho& to approach these men to help them learn about Alliance, #here had been social e$ents in &hich no contacts had been met, And others &here ?&en &as able to recruit men- and &omen- into their database,AMichael WolfeCB )aren tapped a fin!er to her chin,A8f he=s lookin! for temporary- 8 think you=d be the perfect match,BA4h- &hyCBAFirst- you=re both beautiful people, #he cameras &ould eat you up, Second- Michael=s hi!h profile &ould pro$e difficult for many &omen to maneu$er &ithout crackin!- and you- my dear- ne$er crack,BAWhat do you mean- 8 ne$er crackCBAFou ha$e your eye on the entire picture and &ould ne$er lose si!ht of that under pressure,B ?&en &a$ed three fin!ers in the air, A#hird- you ha$e no illusions that a temporary marria!e mi!ht mold into a lo$in! relationship,BAAll of our clients say that,BAFet some keep, 8f Michael is- you kno&- then that &on=t be possible,B)aren shru!!ed and pushed off the couch, A8 think 8=ll turn in early- see if any of his flicks are on pay*per*$ie&,B?&en &ished )aren a !ood ni!ht and made her &ay into their kitchen, She placed a kettle on the sto$e and boiled &ater for tea, She took in the small space &ith its co>y cotta!e feel and si!hed, When the day came that Alliance did find a !room for )aren- she=d mo$e a&ay and ?&en &ould be li$in! alone,Neil MacBain paused the audio feed- shook his head- re&ound the damn thin!- and listened to it a!ain,AFou do kno& that no one &ears those anymore,BA8f that &ere true- findin! a place to buy !arters and stockin!s &ould be impossible,BAFeah- but you need to !o to those se.y bra stores in order to find them,BAMen lo$e frilly under&ear,BNeil slapped his hand on the mouse and turned off the sound before he tortured himself anymore,FuckG 8 need to !et laidG +istenin! to ?&en=s polished accent mentionin! !arters and stockin!s shot his brain strai!ht to his cock,#he desire to click on the $ideo monitor made his ri!ht eye t&itch- but he refrained and forced himself a&ay from his sur$eillance room,Blake Samantha- their son (ddie- and e$en Samantha=s sister Jordan &ere in (urope &ith plans to stay for at least a month, #heir absence meant fe&er people to &atch o$er and plenty of time to think,'e hated thinkin!, oin! &as such a better pastime, oin! meant standin! in the shado&s of tall buildin!s and &atchin! o$er the only 'arrison stateside he could,Not that &atchin! ?&en &as a chore, #oni!ht she &ore a floor*len!th- !old beaded number that sparkled in the li!ht !i$en off by the flash of photo!raphers= cameras by the red carpet, #hou!h she &asn=t the focus of their lenses- she &as the center of his, She offered one look- and one smile- to the papara>>i before &alkin! inside the $enue, 'er lithe frame mo$ed &ith the sort of !race and ele!ance that most of the people around her tried to buy but ne$er @uite achie$ed,?&en had played center sta!e to many of his fantasies,Fantasies that &ould ne$er become reality,Neil shru!!ed out of his black leather Eacket and tossed it on the side of his sofa, 'e unhooked his holster that carried the Beretta M7 he ne$er left home &ithout and set it on top of his Eacket,#he t&o*bedroom !uesthouse that sat on Blake and Samantha=s Malibu estate had been his refu!e for fi$e years, After fi$e yearshe finally felt some de!ree of comfortDof belon!in!, 4ther than the housekeeper and

cook- Neil had no one on site he needed to &atch o$er durin! the ni!ht,'e double* checked the system in #ar>ana- and confirmed that someone there had set the internal alarms that shouldn=t !o off unless breached, ?&en and )aren set the alarms &hen they left or &hen they turned in for the ni!ht,Neil flicked on the local ne&s- more for back!round noise than for company, 'e poured himself a drink and stretched out on the couch,#his &as the life he &antedDlo& stress- e$en lo&er profile, 'e could !uard a duke and his family in his sleep, No- make that in his sleep &ith a han!o$erDthe kind you &oke up from &ith the room still spinnin!, #he people he=d kno&n in the past &ould say he &as &astin! his time,But it &as his time to &aste,'e brushed a&ay memories of those past people- tilted his head back- and closed his eyes, 'is consciousness slid into sleephis body! &ith it,#he hi!h*pitched scream of a security breach shot him to his feet and he &as fully a&ake in half a breath,Neil ran to his security room- hit a master s&itchand a do>en monitors spran! to life, 'e scanned them @uickly and found the breach in @uestion in #ar>ana, #he monitor flashed red and displayed $ideo feeds from inside and outside the house, Neil hit speed dial &ith one hand and placed the #ar>ana feed onto his bi! screen,#he hall &as clear- the motion detector hadn=t tripped the outside li!htsDthe front door &as closed, But the back door &asn=t secure,A?&enCB Neil o$erheard )aren callin! from inside the #ar>ana house- the audio feed no& relayin! e$ery &ord clearly, #he alarm sounded inside the house- probably loud enou!h to &ake the nei!hbors, 'e heard the phone rin!in! both in his ear and in the house,'e flipped the feed- searchin! for herDhis heart skipped se$eral beats before ?&en appeared on screen,She ran to the control panel- opened it- and started hittin! numbers, Seein! her unharmed- Neil kept scannin! the feeds, AAns&er the fuckin! phone-B he said throu!h clenched teeth,A8 for!otDB ?&en=s $oice rose abo$e the alarm,A#urn the noise off-B )aren said,Both ?&en and )aren &ere standin! at the control panel, 4nce the numbers &ere pressed inthe alarm &ent silent,?&en mo$ed from the panel to the phone, A'elloCBAWhat happenedCB Neil=s hand ho$ered o$er the mouse on the master controls- the one that &ould alert the local police to respond,A'ello- Neil,B#his &asn=t a fuckin! social call, A?&enCB 'is tone &as strained,A8 opened the back door, For!ot to cancel the alarm first,B)aren &as &alkin! back up the stairs seemin!ly unaffected by the drama,?&en mo$ed throu!h one room to another, #he ni!ht!o&n she &ore hardly co$ered her ass,AWhyCBAWhy &hatCBA#he back door- &hy is it openCB #he backyard feed &as darkno si!n of problems,A8t=s a nice ni!ht, 8 thou!ht 8=d let some fresh air in, ($erythin! is fine- Neil, 8=m sorry 8 &oke you,BShe &as leanin! a!ainst the door she=d opened and talkin! on the phone to him,A8 &asn=t asleep,BA4f course you &eren=t, Fou ne$er sleepdo youCBA8 sleep,B Just not in a bed, And not for e.tended periods of time,AAnd &hat does Neil dream of &hen he sleepsCB For some reason only kno&n to ?&en- she taunted him by talkin! about him in third person,Neil turned off his alarms and sat in the tall back leather chair in the center of the room,AWellCBWhat &as the @uestionC 4h- ri!htD&hat does he dream ofC "latinum blondes &ith British accents &earin! !arters and stockin!sD and nothin! else,A8 don=t dream,BA($eryone dreams,B?uns- e.plosionsDburnin! bodies,A8 don=t,BA8=$e heard that a lack of dreams is a si!n of poor health,B She t&irled a lock of hair and stared out the back door, #he door that should be closed- locked- and alarmed,A#here=s nothin! &ron! &ith my health, 'o& lon! are you keepin! that door openCB?&en stopped playin! &ith her hair and looked around the room, AAre you &atchin! meCBNeil s&allo&edDhard,ANeilCBAFou need to lock the door and reset the

alarm,B?&en turned to a kitchen chair and lifted her foot on top of it, #he short ni!ht!o&n rode hi!her on her thi!h as she played at scratchin! her le!- &hich he kne& &asn=t by accident, She kne& he &as &atchin! her, ?&en had been flirtin! &ith him for a $ery lon! time,A+ock the door- ?&en,BA8 like the bree>e, 8t=s &armer here than in Malibu,BA#urn on the air conditioner,B And put your le! do&n,AFou=re &orried for nothin!- Neil, No one is out to harm )aren or myself,BA+ock the door,BA8=m han!in! up no&- Neil, #ry and !et some sleep,B'e kne& she &asn=t !oin! to close the door- let alone lock it, A?&enGBAS&eet dreams,BA amn it- ?&enGBShe hun! up- i!norin! his re@uest, #here &as only one person &ho refused to take his direction and it &as ?&en 'arrisonD no- +ady ?&en 'arrison,+ady ?&en finished her tea in the bree>e before lockin! the screen door the nei!hborhood cat could breach, And then- she turned off the kitchen li!ht and left the room,+ea$in! the back door &ide open,8 didn=t &ant to sleep toni!ht any&ay, Chapter #&o?&en mo$ed the blinds a fraction of an inch and peered outside, Across the street- Neil reclined in the front seat of his dark sedan- his head bobbin! e$ery so often as he fou!ht sleep,A tiny bit of !uilt laced her thou!hts &hen she=d peeked throu!h an hour earlier and reali>ed that Neil had dri$en o$er sometime in the ni!ht to keep an eye on her, She=d kept the back door open to prod him- but she hadn=t thou!ht he=d actually come o$er and do anythin! about it,She=d been &ron!,#he remorse she felt &as cloaked by somethin! elseDe.hilaration,#he man cared, 4h- he tried hard not to- but ?&en kne& that some&here in that hard shell of a man &as a hu!e heart,'e kept his distance from her e$ery chance he could, "hysically any&ay, 'e=d not once taken her up on her not so subtle hints about her attraction to him, 'e &as as mo$able as a brick &all at times, Fet last ni!ht- all it took &as one open door and he &as there,'mmm- she=d ha$e to think about that,8n the kitchen- the coffeemaker pin!ed to tell her it &as finished bre&in!, Althou!h she preferred tea- she made a pot of coffee- intendin! to apolo!i>e for her actions by !i$in! Neil somethin! for his trouble,Not the somethin! she truly &anted to !i$e him- but somethin! he=d actually accept,?&en poured a cup- considered cream and su!ar- and then shook her head,'e=ll take it black, Anythin! else simply &ouldn=t fit his personality, Stron!- robustD'e=ll take it black,?&en ti!htened the belt on her soft- pink bathrobe and slid her feet into matchin! slippers, With a cup of coffee in hand- she stepped into the early mornin! de&,#he @uiet #ar>ana nei!hborhood had yet to &ake and the street &as $oid of any acti$ity,"eerin! into the tinted &indo& of the car ?&en spotted a laptop computer and a tablet- both of &hich streamed $ideo feeds of her home, Neil=s head listed to the side and his massi$e chest rose and fell in e$en breaths,'e does sleep,'er earlier e.citement shifted back to !uilt,She took a deep- fortifyin! breath and laid her knuckles to the &indo&, She tapped li!htly- hopin! she &ouldn=t Ear Neil a&ake,'er plan didn=t &ork,Neil=s e.plosi$e response- complete &ith a !un comin! from no&here and pointed directly at her- resulted in her screamin! and the coffee cup crashin! to the !round,'er heart lod!ed some&here in her throat and her le! blistered in pain from hot coffee and shards of !lass,Reco!nition &ashed o$er Neil=s face, 'is !un disappeared and he pushed himself out of his car,AWhat the hell are you doin!C #ryin! to !et yourself killedCBMnable to form any &ords- she stood there shakin!,Neil mo$ed to&ard her- his foot crushin! the remainder of the coffee cup on the !round, 'e !lanced do&n and s&ore under his breath,'e kicked his car door shut and lifted her in his arms before she found her $oice,A"ut me do&n,B'e marched across the street- i!norin! her

re@uest,'e plo&ed throu!h the front door of her home like a linebacker &ho took do&n three*hundred*pound men,A"ut me do&n- Neil,BStormin! throu!h the house- he placed her on the kitchen counter and brou!ht her achin! le! o$er to the sink, 'e turned on the &ater- nearly rippin! the faucet from the sink, With a !entleness she hadn=t e.pected- he remo$ed her soaked slipper and splashed cool &ater o$er her le!,AWhat=s all the noiseCB )aren shru!!ed into a robe as she &alked into the room, ANeilCB she asked- ob$iously surprised to see him there,?&en &inced as Neil brushed o$er the !lass lod!ed in the cut on her le!, A8*8 dropped a coffee cup,B)aren mo$ed from one side of Neil to the otherattemptin! to !et a look at ?&en=s le!,A4uchGB ?&en s@uealed,A'old still,B Neil=s lar!e fin!ers passed o$er the embedded !lass a!ain- &orkin! it free,A#hat hurts,BNeil huffed and continued probin! her skin,)aren mo$ed a&ay, A8 think you=ll li$e-B she said as she found a cup and filled it &ith coffee, AWhat are you doin! here any&ayCB?&en met Neil=s ha>el eyes- &hich chan!ed color &ith his mood, As usual- Neil didn=t offer an e.planation for his appearance, 'e focused on her le! a!ain, #he cut &as superficial but the hot coffee left an an!ry shade of red in its &ake,AAl&ays nice talkin! to you- Neil-B )aren said &ith a lau!h, A?&enCBA8DB She cleared her throat, A8 left the back door open, Neil &as checkin! on us,B)aren sipped her coffee, A4h,B With her comment- )aren left the room huddled o$er her cup of coffee,After turnin! off the &ater- Neil cradled ?&en=s calf in his bi! hand and !ently blotted her skin dry &ith a paper to&el,AFou=ll need medicated cream on this-B he told her,AWe ha$e some upstairs,B'e stopped touchin! her inEury but kept his hand on her ankle, Without lookin! at her face- he said- A on=t sneak up on me,B?&en &ould s&ear his $oice trembled- but that &ould sho& some si!n of &eakness- and Neil &as ne$er &eak,AFou don=t ha$e to tell me t&ice, +esson learned,B She &ouldn=t soon for!et the hard e.pression on his face as he dre& his !un,'e hesitated &hen he let her !o and turned to&ard the back door, 'e closed and locked it &ith a loud click,Without any other &ords- he left the room and the house throu!h the front doorlea$in! ?&en to stare after him,Neil &aited until he &as around the corner from her home to stop on a side street,'e !ripped the &heel until his knuckles &ere &hite, 'is heart hadn=t stopped racin! since her knock on the car door, #he absolute look of horror and fear that raced o$er ?&en=s face &hen he turned his !un on her &ould li$e &ith him fore$er, 'is fin!er had been poised o$er the tri!!er, 4ne s@uee>e and he &ould ha$eD 'e shook his head- banished the thou!ht,'o& the fuck had he fallen asleepC Not seen her approachC'e &as !ettin! soft and &hen that happened people !ot hurt, )illed,8f somethin! happened to ?&en on his &atchDand it &as al&ays his &atchDhe=d ne$er be able to li$e &ith it,With one press of a button- he had one of his men- the ones he called on &hen he needed backup- on the phone, A8=m !oin! dark for a couple of hours-B he told illon &hen he ans&ered the phone, A8 need your eyes on #ar>ana and Malibu,BAFou !ot it- Boss,BNeil hun! up and turned off the $ideo feeds, 'e needed to re!roup, #he only &ay to achie$e that &as hard- physical &ork,'e ran on the treadmill for a solid hour instead of his usual thirty minutes, 'e doubled his repetitions &ith his &ei!hts- added t&enty more pounds- and pushed his muscles past their limits, After a sho&er- he stretched out naked on his bedDthe one he seldom slept inDand closed his eyes,And he dreamed,4h- he dreamedD ressed do&n- at least as much as ?&en kne& ho& to- she sat at an outside caf in Santa Monica sippin! iced tea, She=d arri$ed early to assure the table she occupied &as not one &here others could spy upon her and her client,She &ore a hatand not the kind she preferred- but a brimmed $ariety that flattened her hair and made her

feel $ery American,She scanned the entry to the patio and spotted Michael as he slipped past the hostess and &alked strai!ht to&ard her, A hat also co$ered his dark hair- and sun!lasses hid his eyes and most of his features from those in the restaurant, ?&en stood as he approached and didn=t back a&ay &hen he !reeted her &ith a hu! and a kiss to the cheek as if they &ere old friends, ASo !ood to see you a!ain-B she said- a$oidin! the use of his name should anyone be listenin!,A#hank you for meetin! me,B 'e &aited for her to sit before takin! his seat, 'e looked around the room, 8t &asn=t lunch or dinner hour so the restaurant &asn=t busy, #he closest !roup of people &as &ell out of hearin! ran!e,A8 assumed you &anted some pri$acy-B she said Eust abo$e a &hisper, A8 hope this establishment meets your needs,B'e !lanced around a!ain, A8=m hopin! this is the only time &e meet in pri$ate,B#he &aiter arri$ed and took their drink order, #hey ordered a couple of appeti>ers and let the &aiter kno& that they &eren=t there for a meal,4nce his soda arri$ed- and the &aiter &alked a&ay- ?&en started askin! @uestions, A#ell meMichaelDshould 8 call you MichaelCBA+et=s stick &ith Mike for today, For some reason my fans don=t think of me as a Mike,B?&en smiled and continued, AWhat do you kno& about Alliance- MikeCBA8 kno& you ha$e the ability to find a companion for my needs, My temporary needs,BAFou make us sound like a call ser$ice,BMichael smiled- and shook his head, A#hat &on=t be one of my needs,BAhh- yes, #he confirmation she needed of his se.ual orientation, But Eust in case she &as mistaken- she prodded him one last time, A8=m told you can ha$e any &oman you &ant, Why come to usCBMichael leaned for&ard and peered o$er the top of his sun!lasses, A8 can ha$e any &oman 8 &ant, 8=m comin! to you because althou!h 8 don=t &ant one- 8 need one,BA8 see,B'e slid his !lasses up on his nose and kicked back in his chair, A8=m an actor- Miss 'arrison, 8 pretend to be somethin! 8=m not e$ery day of my life, My &ife &ill be re@uired to do the same,BA#hat=s understood, All my clients understand the rules,BABut mine &ill ha$e to do it in front of the public eye, She &ill ha$e to be as skilled as 8 am in con$incin! people &e=re happily married and that ruse must not fall until after the di$orce,B?&en noticed the &aiter approachin! and shifted their con$ersation to the &eather, 4nce the food &as on the table- she continued, A'o& lon! &ill you re@uire a &ifeCBAA yearDmaybe sli!htly lon!er, My filmin! schedule is massi$e o$er the ne.t ei!hteen months- &hich &ill take me out of the country @uite a bit,BAAll of &hich &ill make it easier for you and your &ife to li$e a life apart from each other,BAFes- but &hen to!ether- &e need to be the perfect couple, She &ill be kissed in public- held in front of the cameras- and passed off as my lo$er,B#he entire time they talked- ?&en thou!ht of )aren, 'o& apt she &as for this role, )aren could ha$e been an actress if she &ere so inclined, 'er liberal $ie&s on se.uality and ability to !et alon! &ith kids from the street Eust as e@ually as the political elite made her the perfect choice for Michael,AWhy are you doin! thisCBA8 ha$e my reasons-B he said, AMillions of them, My publicist &on=t e$en be pri$y to &hat 8=m doin!, 4nly you and your client &ill kno& the truth,B?&en sat for&ard and picked at some of the food, She took the time to e.plain the contract he=d ha$e to si!n- and the payment schedule they &ould set up, A8 ha$e papers 8 need you to fill out, 8 &ill probe into your life- Mike, And 8 &ill find out thin!s about you you=ll probably not &ish me to kno&,B ?&en thou!ht of Samantha- of ho& easily she told prospecti$e clients that their li$es &ere a book for her to read and she ne$er skimmed the pa!es,AFou=ll only find &hat 8 &ish you to find-B he told her- his smile cocky,8t &as her turn to lo&er her sun!lasses and force his !a>e to hers, ABy the time 8=m done- 8=ll learn the name of your first lo$er, Some of our

clients ha$e bi!!er secrets than yours to keep, 8f you=re &illin! to open &ide- 8=m happy to help,BA#he media can=t find out that information, What makes you think you &illCBA#he media &ants a story, 8 &ant to protect my clients and make certain 8=m not settin! someone up for abuse, My !oals are more personal- Mike,B She pushed her !lasses back up and let him ponder her &ords,A8 like you- ?&en, Are you marriedCB?&en tilted her head back and lau!hed, ANo- and no thank you,B Samantha had met her brother &hen she &as hired to set him up &ith another &oman to marry, But Blake had ne$er met any other &oman- and the t&o of them &ere nearin! their third anni$ersary, She &as not Samantha and nothin! like her brother,A?o ahead and look-B he told her, A8t &ill be refreshin! to ha$e someone to talk to &ho kno&s all my secrets,BAFour &ife &ill kno& them- too,BA8 &ould assume so, 'o& soon &ill 8 be hearin! from youCB he asked,A8 already ha$e a &oman in mind,BA#rust&orthyCBAAll of our clients are that, #his one in particular mi!ht be the only one &ho &ouldn=t beD&hat do you call it- starstruckC With you, Four celebrity status mi!ht be ne&s to me but not &ith any others in our database,BA8 understand that,BA8f the &oman 8 ha$e in mind a!rees to meet &ith you- ho& soon can &e set that upC And ho& @uickly do you &ant to marryCBA#his is 'olly&ood, ($erythin!- and 8 do mean e$erythin!- is carefully choreo!raphed, 8=d &ant a Hchance= meetin!- a slo& burn of a courtship- and then an undeniable attraction and undyin! lo$e,B As Michael e.plained his needs- his $oice lo&ered an octa$e and the charm 'olly&ood paid dearly for s&ept up her spine,#oo bad he=s !ay,ASo one monthDtopsCB she asked &ith a !rin,AFeah- that should &ork, 8=ll time it as 8=m finishin! filmin! in Ne& Fork, o you think &e can &ork &ithin that time frameCBAs lon! as )aren a!reed,ANot a problem,B Chapter #hree#he sound of the shutter clicked as the camera captured ima!e after ima!e of the t&o lea$in! the restaurant, #he man kissed the &oman on the cheek and they &ent their separate &ays,From &here he sat- he sa& the make and model of the man=s carsnapped a picture of the license plate- and s&un! his lens to the &oman, She remo$ed her sun!lasses &hile searchin! in her purse, She !lanced around- as if a&are someone &atched,A8=m &atchin!-B he &hispered to himself, A?et used to me,B'e lo&ered his camera as the man sped by- obli$ious,And &hen the &oman pulled a&ayDhe popped a piece of candy into his mouth and follo&ed,?&en dialed into the lon! distance call and &aited throu!h the double rin!s, After a @uick cordial con$ersation &ith #amara- the housekeeper at her brother=s estate- ?&en &as put on hold &hile she &ent to find Samantha,A'elloCBA4h- it=s so !ood to hear your $oice, 'o& is AlbanyCBAWet-B Samantha said- lau!hin!, A'o& is #ar>anaCBA'ot and dry,BA'o& is e$erythin! thereC 'o&=s )arenCBAShe=s !reat, 8n fact- she=s part of the reason 8 called, 8 need a back!round check on a prospecti$e husband for her, 'a$e you heard of a Michael WolfeCBA#he actorCBWhy &as it e$eryone kne& the man but herC A4h- !ood- you do kno& him,BSamantha no lon!er took care of the daily acti$ities of Alliance since her marria!ebut she kne& the people to contact for back!round checks, #he hi!her the profile- the harder it &as to find anythin! of substance, 8f there &as any dirt to find- she=d find it,A($eryone kno&s him- ?&en,BASo )aren has told me, o you ha$e time to lookCBSamantha lau!hed, AFou=$e li$ed here- you kno& 8 ha$e nothin! but time, #here=s more staff on this estate than there are people on your block, 8f 8 lea$e a to&el on the bathroom floor it=s picked up before 8 !et out of the sho&er,B?&en remembered,

omestic help filled the halls of the home of a rich duke, And althou!h she &asn=t much of a cook- she &ouldn=t take three decent meals a day in return for pri$acy a!ain anytime soon, ?&en !lanced up at the camera she kne& &as hidden in the corner of the room,Almost pri$ate,ASo &hat does this ha$e to do &ith )arenCBAShe=s a suitable match, 'e needs someone attracti$e enou!h to con$ince his fans that he=s found the ri!ht match, 8f he=s as sou!ht after as e$eryone tells me- he could ha$e anyone,BA'e could-B Samantha told her,A)aren=s beautiful, #hey=ll make a $ery handsome couple, )aren isn=t rattled by his celebrity status, 8 doubt there are many &omen in our database &e can say the same about,BA8 a!ree,B?&en kept listin! )aren=s attributes, A'er closest friends are you- (li>aand myself, 8f she needs to bend our ear about her marria!e &e can be there for her &ithout her slippin! to someone talkin! &ith the media, She understands the stakes better than most, She only has to con$ince the kids at the Boys and ?irls Club that she=s helplessly in lo$e,BAShe mi!ht be the perfect match-B Samantha a!reed, A#hat is- if e$erythin! checks out,BA4h- 8 think so, #hey=d !et alon! $ery &ell,BAShe hasn=t met him yetCBANo, 8=ll &ait until you=re done before introducin! them, 'o& lon! do you think you=ll beCBA?i$e me forty*ei!ht hours, Michael Wolfe, 'o& e.citin!, Fou kno& &hat that means if this all &orks out- ri!htCB?&en ble& out a breath- anticipatin! Samantha=s reference to &hat &as comin! ne.t, A8t means 8=ll finally !et some pri$acy around here,B ?&en lo$ed sharin! the home &ith another &oman her a!e- but the last thin! she &anted &as for anyone in the family to feel sorry for her, #hey all kne& she=d ne$er li$ed alone,AFou don=t fool me- ?&en,BA8 don=t kno& &hat you=re talkin! about, 4h- &ould you look at the timeC 8 ha$e a fe& more phone calls to make, o be a dear and !i$e my brother a kiss from me- &ill youCBA+ea$e the actin! to Michael, Fou suck at it,B?&en chuckled- sent her lo$e- and hun! up,A'ey- ?&enCB )aren called from the back of the house,?&en follo&ed )aren=s $oice and found her starin! out the kitchen &indo&,AWhat do you make of thatCB )aren pointed in the backyard- beyond their fence, A crane on the street behind them &as hoistin! a lar!e &ooden bo. o$er the ed!e of the house,A8=$e no idea,BA8 kno& the old o&ners &ere foreclosed on, #he Hfor sale= si!n &ent do&n a couple of &eeks a!o, 8 &onder &hat the ne& o&ners are doin!,B?&en opened the back door, #he sound of a do>en male $oices speakin! in a minimum of t&o lan!ua!es filled the kitchen, ?&en &alked throu!h the back door and peered o$er the fence to the nei!hbors= house, #he &ooden bo. hun! on a lar!e cable that tilted close to the ea$es of the house, She held her breath &hen someone from the other side of the fence shouted for &hoe$er operated the crane to stop, )aren mo$ed to ?&en=s side and stepped up onto a la&n chair to !et a better look,A o you see anythin!CB#heir small backyard &as fenced &ith a combination of cinder blocks and &ood, #he fence that separated the t&o properties stood no more than fi$e feet tall, A fe& trees helped separate the space- but no matter ho& you looked at it- the backyard pri$acy &as none.istent,A8 think it=s a hot tub,B#he &ooden bo. s&un! in midair- the hydraulic hum of the machine holdin! it hiccupped- and the tub Eolted about an inch closer to the house,A8 hope it doesn=t fall into the roof-B )aren said,A8=m !uessin! that=s &hat e$eryone o$er there is &orried about- too,BNeither of them could stop &atchin! the s&in!in! bo. until the crane set it safely on the !round,AWhat are &e doin! do&n hereC Four room is the perfect place to &atch-B )aren said,?&en mo$ed back into the house, ASuit yourself,B Watchin! the nei!hbors- especially colorful ones- &as a nice source of entertainment- but ?&en hadn=t seen any men in their nei!hbors= yard &orth !a&kin! o$er,After a short time spyin!- )aren returned to their

Eoint office and sat at her desk, AFou kno& &hat this means- don=t youCB?&en &as scannin! the entertainment section of an online ma!a>ine- searchin! for information on her ne&est client, ANo- &hat=s thatCBAMrs, S&eeny is !oin! to smell up the block,B?&en pinched her eyes shut, #heir nei!hbor- Mrs, S&eeny- !reeted all nei!hbors and ne&ly&eds &ith a batch of her completely unpalatable pasta and clam sauce, #he smell alone &ould make the hun!riest do! sprint in the opposite direction, ($en the cats,AWe=ll be sure and close the house up ti!ht and keep the air runnin! as soon as &e scent the first boilin! noodle,BA8f all she did &as boil noodles- no one &ould complain,BA#rue,B ?&en noticed a picture of Michael on the arm of another actress, (ach time she found him he &as &ith someone ne&, A8 spoke &ith Samantha, She=s checkin! out Michael=s back!round,B)aren s&i$eled in her chair- !i$in! ?&en her full attention,A8 someho& doubt she=d find much of anythin! &e don=t already kno& about the man,BA4r &hat &e assume about him-B ?&en added,A o you kno& &here he li$esCBAMo$ed to Be$erly 'ills about a year a!o, Before that he had a home in 'olly&ood 'ills,B All of that &as on public record,ASecludedCBAFou kno& ho& most of those homes are in Be$erly 'illsD completely unseen from the street, Mnless the o&ner &ants to flash and flaunt,BAMy !uess is Michael &ouldn=t &ant his home life flashed,B )aren shru!!ed, A8 can li$e &ith that,B?&en re!arded her friend, A8=d think you=d enEoy some pri$acy, Bet&een the cameras and noisy nei!hbors- &e don=t ha$e much here,BA8 like bein! around people,B)aren $olunteered at a local Boys and ?irls Club and probably spent half her income on disad$anta!ed kids, Althou!h Samantha had done a complete back!round check on )aren lon! before ?&en started &orkin! at Alliance- ?&en didn=t feel it &as her place to di! into )aren=s past, 8f Michael had specific @uestions about )aren- ?&en &ould ha$e Samantha call him &ith the details, As ?&en=s co*&orker and roommate- she thou!ht that e$entually the other &oman &ould open up to her, 8f she didn=t- then that &as her business,AWhat &ill you do &ith the moneyDif in fact you and Michael marryCB #heir female clients &ho &ere &illin! to marry rich men did so for a $ery steep price, A minimum t&o million dollars &ith a t&enty percent commission to Alliance &as in the contract, #he !room a!reed to take care of e$ery e.pense his ne& bride needed- includin! e$erythin! from a ne& &ardrobe to a ne& car, +i$in! arran!ements &ere determined early in the ne!otiatin! phase, Some husbands li$ed &ith the &i$es- thou!h ne$er in the same bedroom, 8f the couple became attracted to each other- it &as understood that Alliance &ould ha$e nothin! to do &ith any resultin! paternity suits, 8f the couple stayed married after the a!reed upon time- Alliance &as paid as per the a!reement and it &as up to the couple to dissol$e the prenuptial contracts,#here &ere a fe& clients- $ery fe&- &ho &ere actually lookin! for lo$e, 8n those cases- couples &ere matched based on their profiles and desires for a romantic interest, Both parties a!reed to pay Alliance for their back!round checks and all e.penses associated &ith the matchDand a finder=s fee,Samantha had started Alliance o$er fi$e years a!o, Se$eral couples had met- marriedand di$orced their spouse- lea$in! as friends, So far- ei!hty percent of the couples they matched for lo$e &ere still married, 4nly about t&enty percent of the couples &ho married for money had endured past their contracts and had children- or &ere other&ise &ed for life, #he rest di$orced as planned,Samantha and Blake bein! amon! the t&enty percent,A8=ll in$est half of it, Make sure 8=m set later in life,BAAnd the other halfCBA8=$e been thinkin! of openin! a house for runa&ays, A place &here e$ery child can escape to and feel safe, A place for kids to !o &hen they ha$e no&here else,B8f there &as e$er a

time ?&en &anted to probe it &as no&, A#hat sounds like a lot of &ork,BAAnythin! &orth&hile usually is, #here are a lot of homeless teens out there !ettin! into all kinds of trouble Eust to keep food in their mouths,B )aren turned a&ay- &hich si!naled to ?&en that Asharin! timeB &as o$er, ABesides- an e.*&ife of a celebrity mi!ht be able to con$ince others to make donations to help &ith the kids, 8t=s &orth a shot,B)aren had a hu!e heart, A+et=s hope Michael=s back!round checks out then,B?&en=s phone ran!sa$in! )aren from more @uestions,A'elloCBAWhat=s !oin! on in the backyardCB +ea$e it to Neil to skip any Aho& do you do=sB and !et ri!ht at the meat of thin!s,A8=m sorryCBAFour backyardC #he motion detectors are off the charts but nothin! is comin! up on the $ideo feed,B Neil=s short tone and @uick @uestions made it difficult to respond in a &arm or friendly manner,AWe ha$e ne& nei!hbors, #hey=$e craned in a Jacu>>i,BA#he people directly behind youCB he asked,AFes,B#he line &as silent for a fe& seconds, ANeilC Fou still thereCBA8 need you to step outside,BAWhyCB she asked as she left her chair and started &alkin! to&ard the back door,A8 need to run a test,B?&en opened the back door and &alked into the yard, A'as anyone e$er told you you=re paranoidCBAMost people a$oid sayin! thin!s to me that piss me off,BShe smiled, A8 like annoyin! you,BNeil lau!hedD&ell- more snort than lau!h,AWas that a lau!h- NeilCB#he man rarely smiledbut &hen he did- her body &ent numb and she lost herself in his !a>e, #oo bad he &asn=t standin! &ith her so she could see him instead of ima!ine him,A#here you are-B he saidnot ans&erin! her @uestion,?&en &a$ed- kno&in! the camera had found her,AWalk to the back fence,B?&en tiptoed and a$oided sinkin! her heels into the soft !rass,AAre you thereCBA8 am, Can=t you see meCBA8 need to readEust the e@uipment, ?et a better an!le,BA8=m !oin! back inside no&,B #he men in the yard behind them &ere startin! to peer o$er her &ay, She &a$ed- smiled- and returned to the house, A8f you=re doneD8 need to !et back to &ork,BA8=mD8=mD'o&=s your le!CB?&en paused inside the kitchen and !lanced at her foot, A8t=s fine, #hank you for askin!,BA?ood, Mhm- 8=ll be there in an hour to check the cameras,BShe=d look for&ard to it, A"aranoid-B she told him a!ain,'e snorted a second time and hun! up the phone, Chapter Four8 shouldn=t be here,But damn he couldn=t stay a&ay, 'e kne& the static on the motion detector &as most likely due to normal nei!hbor beha$ior- a passin! cat- or e$en the &ind,?&en &as ri!ht, 'e &as paranoid,'e couldn=t stop his paranoia any more than he could stop thinkin! about her- about the terror in her eyes as he pulled his !un and pointed it at her,?ettin! close to an assi!nment- &hich is ho& he needed to look at ?&enDat all the 'arrisons- made him &eak, istanceDhe needed to find it and keep it,So &hat the hell &as he doin! dri$in! to #ar>ana to check on a &oman &ho didn=t &ant or need his helpC8!norin! his o&n internal &arnin! bells- Neil pulled into ?&en=s dri$e&ay alon!side her car and fro&ned, Why did she insist on parkin! outside the !ara!eC"urposeful strides took him to the front door, 'e knocked t&ice and stepped back so ?&en or )aren could see him clearly on the monitor by the door,Neither &oman ans&ered, 'e knocked a!ain- this time louder and lon!er,AComin!DB?&en opened the door a little too @uickly and &ithout enou!h effort to assure him it had been locked, A4hhi,BShe stood back- lettin! him in,A id you e$en look to see &ho &as hereCBAFou told me you &ere comin!,BABut did you lookCB 'e mo$ed past her- i!norin! the floral scent of her skin that reminded him of sprin!,She disre!arded his @uestion- confirmin! that she hadn=t checked, When she closed the door- she didn=t lock it,8=m !oin! to need a dentist

if 8 keep !rindin! my teeth to!ether,As ?&en mo$ed to lea$e the foyer- Neil stepped into her path and !rasped her hand, +ike a child- he mo$ed her hand to the lock on the door and held it there, AFor!ettin! somethin!CBShe smiled up at him and mo$ed e$en closer, A8 doubt anyone &ould attempt anythin! &ith you here- bi! !uy,B 'er pale blue eyes sparkled as she taunted him,AFour brother asked me to keep an eye on you?&endolyn,BShe lo&ered her $oice and t&isted the lock under his hand, A8 like &hen you use my full name- Neil, Makes me think you care,BAny other &oman and he=d flatten her a!ainst the &all- press his body to hers- and slide into her sultry $oice and flirtin! eyes,'e released her hand and forced his eyes a&ay from hers, amn &omanGAWhere=s )arenCBARunnin! errands,B?&en &as aloneD&ith the door unlocked and her car parked outside the !ara!e, Why not Eust &ear a fuckin! si!n that said A8=m here, Come and !et meBC8 hate this nei!hborhood, #oo damn hard to mana!e, #he nei!hbors are only feet a&ayDcars dri$in! by, No locked !ates,'e &orked his &ay to the back of the house and out the door, #he camera positioned in the backyard had been strate!ically placed alon! an ea$e line, Without askin!- he mo$ed to the side of the house and tried the side door,MnlockedG'e found a ladder and returned to the yard, 'e set his laptop up on the patio table and mo$ed the camera back &here he &anted it, 'e cleaned the dome of the motion detectors and checked the lines,#he ne& nei!hbors had placed a hot tub in the center of their small yard, Wood &as stacked around it- lettin! him kno& that there &ere probably !oin! to be more people around- maybe e$en a small construction team,Neil made a mental note to s&in! around the block and check out a fe& carsDand their license plates,AFinished up thereCB ?&en asked from belo&, Neil hardly noticed that she &atched him from the door&ay,4nce both his feet &ere on the !round- he asked, A'a$e you met the ne& nei!hborsCBANot yet, Mp until today- 8 ha$en=t seen anyone there since it sold,BA8t &as a foreclosure- &asn=t itCB?&en nodded, A#hat=s &hat (li>a told me, 8 ne$er met the old nei!hbors,BMore eyes- so lon! as they &ere friendly eyes- &ere better than less, A nosy nei!hbor &as more likely to call the police if they sa& anythin! suspicious,ASo &hat=s all this really about- NeilCBA oin! my Eob,BAFou sure that=s allCB'e &as about to ans&er &hen ?&en crossed her arms o$er her chest in a si!n of defiance, A#his doesn=t ha$e anythin! to do &ith the possibility of )aren lea$in!- does itCB'e set the ladder back do&n, A)aren=s lea$in!CBAMaybe, Fou hadn=t heardCBA'eard &hatCB 'e really needed to ea$esdrop on the #ar>ana con$ersations a little more often,?&en lo&ered her $oice, A8 mi!ht ha$e found a match for her, 8f it all &orks out )aren could be mo$in! in a couple of monthsDmaybe sooner,BAFou=re serious,BA8t=s &hat &e do,BA muscle in his Ea& started to t&itch, 'e tried to rela. and failed,AFou=re starin! at me- Neil,B'e rubbed his chin- set the ladder back up- and checked to see if another feed had been placed in the &irin! so he could install another camera, #o make damn sure he could see e$ery inch of the small backyard,'e spent the ne.t thirty minutes checkin! and recheckin! the security e@uipment, #here &as static in one of the e.ternal audio feeds- and he made a note tell the electricians to replace them,#he entire time he mo$ed about the house he kept thinkin! of her li$in! there alone,+ady ?&endolyn 'arrison- a pampered dau!hter of a duke- and the most stunnin! &oman ?od e$er !raced the earth &ith- had no business li$in! alone in this cheap nei!hborhood only blocks a&ay from murderers- rapists- and thie$es, Neil had listened to the police scanners enou!h to understand the nei!hborhood demo!raphics,No &onder &riters crafted tales of keepin! capti$e princesses safe in i$ory to&ers,AFou=$e tested that lock three times,B ?&en

!raced him &ith her pristine &hite teeth and brilliant smile,A8t sticks,BAAh- huh,BAWhen &ill you kno& about )arenCB 'e t&isted the lock a fourth time,AWe=ll finish the back!round check- and then ha$e them meet, We should kno& if it=s !oin! to &ork in a couple of &eeks, Maybe sooner,B(nou!h time to add a couple of camerasDupdate a couple of thin!s, 'e didn=t like the amount of motion the outside detectors &ere pickin! up, 'e stood in the yard- completely still- and the damn thin!s &ere !oin! ape*shit cra>y, ?litches like that made people i!nore the si!nals,'e tapped the control panel used to set and unset the alarms, AWhat=s your distress codeCBANod,BAWhat numbersCBANine si. three,BAWhen do you use that codeCB 'e &as drillin! her- but he didn=t kno& &hat else he could do,A8f someone &as here threatenin! me and tellin! me to turn off the alarm, 8 kno& the drill, Nothin! is !oin! to happen, 8=m a bi! !irl,BAFou=re a tiny !irl the nei!hborhood paperboy could snap like a t&i! if he &anted to,BA#ommy &ould do no such thin!, 'e=s a !ood boy,B#he ed!e of his lips lifted e$er so sli!htly,A8s that a smile 8 see on Neil=s lipsCB'e forced his lips to a thin line,A4h- my mistake,B ?&en hid her o&n !rin,A8=ll call tomorro& &ith details about &ho &ill come to fi. a fe& thin!s,B 'e returned his e@uipment to his ba!, A+ock the door behind me,BAFes- sir,B She !a$e him a mock salute,A8=m serious- ?&en, Four security habits suck, Four brother isn=t !oin! to let you li$e here alone if you don=t start takin! thin!s seriously,B'er playful !rin fell and Neil kne& he=d used the &ron! &ords to !et her to mo$e o$er to his &ay of thinkin!,AMy brother is not my keeper,BA'e o&ns the house,BASamantha o&ns the house, And she=d ne$er make me lea$e,BNeil=s Ea& started to t&itch a!ain,A"erhaps 8 need to remind you that 8=m not a child,B'is eyes did a @uick s&eep of her body, AFou don=t ha$e to remind me of that,BShe took a step to&ard him- placed her hand on his arm, A8=ll try and be better about lockin! the doors,B'e nodded- not &illin! to let her kno& ho& much the thou!ht of her li$in! there alone distressed him, 'e opened the door to let himself out and called o$er his shoulder, AAnd park your car in the !ara!e,BA4h my ?od- ?&en- !et up hereGB )aren lau!hed as she yelled from upstairs, AQuick,B?&en hustled up the stairs and found )aren ho$erin! o$er her bedroom &indo&, She=d pulled the curtains back enou!h to peek out,AWhat is itCBA+ookGB?&en s&itched positions &ith her roommate and narro&ed her eyes, 8t &as late at ni!ht and the nei!hborhood &as darkDe.cept for the li!ht comin! from the ne& nei!hbors= hot tub, A couple of days had passed since their arri$al, 8n the Jacu>>i sat t&o people- and from &hat she could see one &as a &oman and the other a man, 8f ?&en had to !uess- she=d say that they &ere an older couple, Maybe retirement a!e, AWhat am 8 lookin! forCBAJust keep &atchin!,B?&en &as about to lea$e her spyin! perch &hen the &oman stood to mo$e to a different spot,AShe=s naked,B)aren started lau!hin!, A(&&&GBAWe ha$e naked nei!hborsDB 8 ne$er sa& this back home,)aren peeked beside her all the &hile !i!!lin!, A+ook ho& hairy he is,B?&en a$erted her eyes, AWe shouldn=t stare,BA#hey shouldn=t parade around naked,BA#hey=re in their o&n yard,BASurrounded by t&o*story houses,B )aren flashed a brilliant smile, A#hat=s the cra>y crap you ne$er !et &hen you=re locked behind security !ates at an estate,B?&en couldn=t ar!ue &ith that, She took another @uick look,#he phone ran! and both of them Eumped,AWe shouldn=t stare,B)aren continued to &atch &hile ?&en ans&ered the phone, A'elloCBA#here=s noise comin! from the backyard,B Neil skipped pleasantries and started issuin! orders, AMake sure the doors are locked,BAFou kno&- Neil- normal people say hello &hen they call on the phone, A little Hhi- ho& do you do-= stuff like that,BA#he motion detectors are off the charts,B #here &as frustration in his $oice,?&en purposely

hesitated to say anythin!,She heard him si!h, A'ello- ?&en, Can you tell me &hat=s !oin! on o$er thereCB8sn=t that betterC AWhy hello- Neil, Nice of you to call, Nothin!=s !oin! on, 4ur ne& nei!hbors are enEoyin! their hot tub, "erhaps their tub is interferin! &ith your e@uipment,BA8 should come o$er and see for myself,BA on=t you dare,BAWhy notCBA8 do not need my ne& nei!hbors thinkin! 8=$e in$ited people here to !a&k at them,B #hat &ouldn=t be the &ay to introduce herself,A?a&kC Who said anythin! about !a&kin!CB?&en peeked throu!h the shade a!ain- catchin! the un&elcome si!ht of the hairy man=s backside, AApparently their hot tub is clothin! optional, #hey opted out,BA#hey &hatCBA#hey=re enEoyin! the Eets naked, And 8=ll not ha$e you comin! o$er to stomp around my backyard &ith them out there, 8f somethin! needs repair- then you can come o$er tomorro&,BA#hey=re nakedCBA#hat=s &hat 8 said, #he doors are locked and the alarm is set, We=re fine- Neil, 8 promise,BAFine, 8=ll be there in the mornin!,BASuit yourself, 8 &on=t be here- 8 ha$e an early appointment,BAFine,BA?ood ni!ht- Neil,B'e clicked off the phone, Apparently sayin! hello and !ood*bye &as too much to ask for in one con$ersation, Chapter Fi$e?&en $isited the corner bakery &here she picked up her mornin! tea and biscuits before meetin! &ith Michael for the second time,#he skeletons in his closet &eren=t une.pected- and none raised any alarms for Samantha- )aren- or ?&en,)aren &as cautiously e.cited,Since Michael checked out- it &as his turn to appro$e of )aren=s portfolio before they met,She dro$e throu!h the locked !ates of his estate- &hich &as located &ell off the main streets of Be$erly 'ills, A star map purchased for a small price &ould point out Michael=s estate- but a tourist &ould ha$e to scale a t&el$e*foot block &all to see his yard,#he stone dri$e reminded her of home, But that &as &here the similarities ended, #he Spanish influence of the architecture &as e$ident e$ery&here her eye &as dra&n, Bou!ain$illea climbed up the columns of the entry- &elcomin! !uests in shades of purple and red, Arched &indo&s and doors reminded ?&en of one of the many missions sprinkled alon! the California coast,Michael &alked throu!h his front doors &ith open arms, A+ady 'arrison,B'e kissed both her cheeks,A?&en- please, No one calls me +ady 'arrison unless they &ant somethin!,BAWe both kno& 8 &ant somethin!, Come in,BAFour home is beautiful,B She &as e.pectin! somethin! modernDsleek,ANot &hat you e.pectedCBAAm 8 that transparentCB 8nside the home the $isual deli!hts continued, (.pansi$e &alls filled &ith luscious art led to $aulted ceilin!s &ith iron chandeliers,A8t=s the closest thin! to a Spanish $illa this side of the borderD&ell- that 8=$e found any&ay,BA8t=s lo$ely- Michael,B )aren=s !oin! to lo$e it,A8=m sure if e$erythin! &orks out you=ll be here often enou!h to enEoy it,B'e led her to a !reat room &ith massi$e &indo&s allo&in! a $ie& of a !arden courtyard, #he sound of &ater flo&in! dre& her eye to a fountain in the center of the yard, Splashes of color mi.ed in &ith trees and shrubs,A8 thou!ht you=d lean to&ard a modern dcor,BA'ard ed!es and black and &hite linesDnot me, For some of the characters 8=$e played- maybe,B Michael indicated for her to sit, A8 come from a small to&n &here people take more pride in their yards than they do their cars, 8 !uess some of it sunk in,BA8=m sorry to admit this- but 8=$e not seen your films,BASo you told me, What about the &oman you=re sho&in! meC 'as she seen my filmsCB?&en centered her attention on her client, A)aren kne& &ho you &ere the instant 8 uttered your name,BAA fanCBAFan &ould be short for fanatical, )aren isn=t enamored &ith anyone, Well- perhaps a child &ith a sad story to tell, But not fame, Not e$en money

belie$e it or not,B'e leaned a!ainst his chair and crossed his arms o$er his broad chest, A#hen &hy &ould she a!ree to this marria!eCBAShe &ants the money this a!reement &ill make her- Mr, Wolfe- but not so she can li$e a life of opulence and !randeur,B She spread her arms &ide indicatin! the room they &ere in, A#his isn=t a life she &ants permanently,BA8=$e yet to meet anyone &ho &ouldn=t &ant this,B?&en reached into her case and remo$ed )aren=s file,Michael took it and !lanced at the photo, AShe=s beautiful,B?&en shru!!ed, AAnd if you &ere attracted to &omen you mi!ht be tempted to keep her, But &e both kno& that &ill ne$er happen,B Samantha=s back!round check did find the name of his first lo$er- but not many after, Michael had done a superb Eob of keepin! his personal life personal,Michael offered her half a smile and flipped the pa!e, AMind if 8 read thisCBA4f course not, #hat=s &hy 8=m here,BACan 8 !et you somethin! to drinkCBAWater &ould be nice,B'e stepped into the kitchen and brou!ht back a bottle each of sparklin! and plain &ater, She took the plain and told him to take his time,While Michael looked o$er )aren=s information- ?&en mo$ed into the courtyard to !i$e her client all the time he needed,#he file contained a snapshot of )aren, What her interests &ere- &here she spent her time, 'er &ork- up until Samantha brou!ht her into Alliancehad been mana!in! an assisted li$in! home for youn! disabled patients, 4n the surface)aren &as a bleedin! heart- al&ays helpin! someone less fortunate than her, 'er only family &as an aunt &ho had recently married a rich !entleman &ho had been in the process of hirin! Alliance to find him a youn! bride, 'e &anted the bride to tick off his children and !randchildren, All of &hom &ere fi!htin! o$er his &ealth, )aren set up her Aunt (ddie &ith Stanley and e$erythin! turned out remarkably &ell,A#his &oman sounds like a saint-B Michael said from the door&ay,A8=ll be sure and tell her you said so,B'e mo$ed to a chair adEacent her on the patio, ASeriously, No one can be this clean and be real,B 'e tossed the papers on the table, AWhat=s she really likeCBA($erythin! in there is true,BAFine, 8 !et that, But &hat=s she likeCB?&en thou!ht of tellin! him that )aren &as a kind and &itty !irl &hom he &ould adoreDbut instead she decided to tell him somethin! else,A+ast ni!ht- &hile &atchin! the e$enin! ne&s- )aren called me upstairs to spy on our ne& nei!hbors,BMichael=s bro& dre& up, ASpyCBAApparently our ne&- $ery old- and @uite unattracti$e nei!hbors ha$e decided that their backyard oasisD&hich is clearly $isible from all the homes around them- is their o&n personal nudist retreat,BMichael=s smile &as slo& to come- but then he started lau!hin!,A)aren is not a saint, Fes- all &e=$e put in there is true, She is e.ceptionally bri!ht and funny, 'er cle$er ton!ue ne$er seems to fail her- e$en &hen life erupts, 8 reali>e you=re the mo$ie star in this e@uation- but )aren is the pri>e, And &hen your a!reement &ith her is resol$ed- 8=ll lay my bets no& that you=ll al&ays be friends,BAWhen can &e meetCB?&en lifted her chin, "erfect,An hour later- they stepped out of Michael=s home as he &alked her to her car,She !lanced around the door- searchin! for the cameras that she felt &ere &atchin!, #here &as nothin! $isible,AWhat are you lookin! forCB he asked,AWhere are your security camerasCB #he ones on her home &ere tucked under the ea$es but no such de$ice could be seen under Michael=s,A8 ha$e a camera on the !ate but that=s it, 8 ha$e an alarm system,B?&en turned a full circle, A8 &ould think you=d &ant ti!hter security,BA8s that !oin! to be a problem for )arenCBShe shook her head, ANo, Not at all,B ?&en looked behind her a!ain, Neil=s paranoia is rubbin! off on me,A(li>aGB ?&en &alked into (li>a=s hu! &ith both arms, AMy !oodness it=s &onderful to see you, 'o& is the First +ady of CaliforniaCB?&en stepped aside and let (li>a into the house,A8=m stupid busy-B she said

as she mo$ed past ?&en, AWho kne& that Carter=s Eob &ould be so damn! on meCBASam and 8 both &arned you about your position,B(li>a tucked a strand of her dark hair behind her ear and tossed her purse on the coffee table, A8 thou!ht you &ere e.a!!eratin!, #here=s at least one political dinner a &eek- sometimes t&o dependin! on &ho=s in to&n, +adies= luncheonsD&ith ladies 8 don=t e$en like, 8 could do lunch all day lon! if it &ere &ith you !uys, Ribbon cuttin!s- trips to C,BFet e$en as (li>a pitched her fit- she smiled,A o you &ant your old life backCBANot unless 8 can take Carter &ith me, 'e=s lo$in! his Eob, 8t=s !oin! to take a lot of &ork to turn thin!s around for our state- but if anyone can do it- he can, So ho& are youCBA8=m !ood, 8 assume Samantha told you about )arenCB(li>a=s eyes lit up, A o you think it=s !oin! to happenCBA8=d plan on attendin! t&o &eddin!s this year- if 8 &ere you,B Blake made Samantha marry him in %e!as the first time and had made up for that mistake e$ery year since,A'o& e.citin!, 'as )aren met him yetCBA#heir Hchance= meetin! should happen &ithin the hour, She=s at the Boys and ?irls Club ri!ht no& &here he is !oin! to make an une.pected "R stop,BA8 &ish &e could &atch,BA#hat &ould be too ob$ious, 8t=s up to the t&o of them no&,B(li>a !lanced around the room, AWill she still &ork hereC 4r ha$e you talked about thatCBAMost of her &ork is online or on the phones- so &e=re !oin! to &ork it out from Michael=s place,BAWhich means you=ll be here all by yourself,B?&en pushed off the couch, A4h- pleaseDnot you- tooCB She &alked into the kitchen,AMe too &hatCB (li>a follo&ed her,?&en remo$ed a chilled bottle of Chardonnay from the refri!erator- lifted the bottle for (li>a to see, A8s it too early for &ineCBA8t=s ne$er too early for &ine,B?ood, Because the Ayou=re li$in! here aloneB con$ersation needed &ine, A8=m !ettin! tired of people treatin! me as if 8=m a child incapable of li$in! on her o&n, Shortly after you mo$ed out )aren mo$ed in, 8=$e lo$ed the company, But 8 don=t need a keeper,BA8 don=t think 8 said anythin! about a keeper,B?&en sa& the doubt in (li>a=s !a>e, ASamantha brou!ht up me li$in! alone and Neil hasn=t stopped comin! o$er to check on me since the ne&s of Michael and )aren broke,B She uncorked the &ine- poured t&o !lasses- and handed one to her friend,A8=m sure ha$in! Neil o$er isn=t a hardshipDfor you,BAlthou!h ?&en had ne$er confirmed her feelin!s for Neil to (li>a- her friend had al&ays !uessed they &ere deeper than those of a friend, Besides- she &ould ne$er say anythin! in a house Neil listened in on- that mi!ht clue him in to Eust ho& often she thou!ht of the man,A8t=s nice outside, +et=s !o out back,B Where the audio feeds &eren=t as clear as Neil liked,4nce outside and seated &ith their &ine- (li>a started in, A4)- ?&enD&hat=s upCBA'a$in!Dhim around isn=t a hardship, 8t=s a constant reminder that 8=$e not had one lo$er since 8 mo$ed here, My lo$e life may not ha$e been ideal at home, 8n fact- it &as do&nri!ht borin! after a &hile- choreo!raphed affairs that usually ended a &eek after they should ha$e,B(li>a sipped her &ine, AWhere did you meet the men you=$e datedCBAFriends of the family- sons of men my father &orked &ith &hen he &as ali$e, Borin!- predictable, Not once did 8 ha$e the ur!e to carry on &ith any of them,BAFou make it sound like there &ere a lot,BANot that many, #hese past months 8 reali>e ho& sheltered 8=$e been, +i$in! here- althou!h it couldn=t be more different from Albany- is still an e.tension of that shelter, (yes are al&ays on me, 8=$e e$en taken to lookin! o$er my shoulder lately,BA#hat mi!ht be your subconscious talkin!, Fou=re used to the security of people bein! aroundDof cameras and alarms,B?&en played &ith the stem of her !lass- chasin! the condensation &ith her manicured nail, A#hat isn=t real life thou!his itCBA8t=s been your life,BAA sheltered life 8 don=t need and don=t &ant,B(li>a sat

for&ard and lo&ered her $oice, ANo one kno&s more than me &hat it feels like to ha$e un&anted security !uards &atchin! your e$ery mo$e, But you can=t i!nore the fact that your brother is titled and $ery rich, Fou ha$e a trust fund &orth more money than 8=ll e$er see and there are people out there that &ouldn=t think t&ice about !ettin! to you to !et to that money, Fou &ant independence, 8 !et that, +ord kno&s you=re more street* smart no& than &hen you first mo$ed here, But in order to shake off all this securityyou=re !oin! to ha$e to pro$e you can take care of yourself, And not Eust to your brother and NeilDbut to yourself,B?&en kne& her friend &as ri!ht, +ookin! o$er her shoulder &as part insecurity and part paranoia, Both of &hich made her seek the refu!e of her home or e$en the pri$acy of her car, 8f she &ere e$er !oin! to !et her o&n life- and stop ridin! on that of her brother=s- she=d ha$e to start makin! some chan!es,AFou=re ri!ht,B(li>a smiled- satisfied &ith herself, ASo- &e ha$e an island &eddin! to plan,BAAnd you=re in char!e of the dresses-B ?&en said &ith a lau!h, She=d picked out the yello& bridesmaid !o&ns they=d &orn last year for Blake and Sam=s &eddin!, (li>a hated them and offered to pick out the dresses for Aruba, ($entually ?&en &ould !et an opportunity to redeem herself, Blake and Samantha repeated their $o&s e$ery year,A8t=s an islandD8=m thinkin! simple, Beach ceremony, 8sland foodDflo&ers,B?&en thou!ht of the sea !ently lappin! on the shore and bein! carried off in the sunset, ASounds lo$ely,BA?ood, 8=ll pick out the dresses and e$erythin! to !o &ith them here and &e=ll tra$el to the island a fe& days early to finish any details needed, #his ceremony is !oin! to be smaller, Samantha &anted only family and close friends,BA#hey can=t all be !rand,BANot &hen you !et married e$ery year,B?&en rolled her eyes, A8=d settle for oncethank you $ery much,B(li>a finished her &ine and stepped inside to !et the bottle, AFou &ant to !et marriedCBA8 don=t &ant to li$e my life as a spinster,B Bein! Auntie ?&enD the &oman &ho ne$er married, Ne$er had a family of her o&n, No, She didn=t &ant that as her le!acy,A8t &ouldn=t be hard for you to find a husband- ?&en, Fou Eust need to put yourself out there, Waitin! for you kno& &ho to make a mo$e that mi!ht not e$er come is a &aste of your time,B (li>a topped off ?&en=s !lass and refilled her o&n,A8=m not &aitin! for anyone,BA8 see ri!ht thou!h you, 8f you=re serious about takin! char!e of your life- you mi!ht try startin! &ith a date,B?&en hated that her friend &as ri!ht, 'ated it e$en more that a co&ard lurked inside her head and kept her from findin! the nearest pub and pickin! up a manDe$en for one ni!ht, Chapter Si.Moisture !athered on the palms of )aren=s hands, She=d be lyin! if she said she &asn=t ner$ous,AMiss JonesCB)aren forced her attention to the study !roup at her table, #here &ere four !irls and three boys &ith open math books and paper sittin! in front of them, #&o of the boys &ere busy te.tin! on their phones &hile one flirted &ith the oldest !irl at the table,A8=m sorry- Amy- &hat did you askCBA8s this ri!htCB)aren !lanced at the paper and noticed Amy=s mistake instantly, AAdd the fraction a!ain,B'elpin! the kids after school &ith their math- or (n!lish- or &hate$er school&ork they had &as somethin! she could do to help these kids stay in school, #hey &ere !ood kidsDkids from broken families- or parents &ho had to &ork second Eobs to make ends meet and couldn=t be around to help their kids &ith their home&ork, )ids &ho needed a safe ha$en from the streets on &hich they li$ed,)aren al&ays spotted those kids, #he ones &ho didn=t ha$e enou!h food- &ho kept the &orld from kno&in! that they li$ed in a car- or on the streetDor a lean*to structure beside someone=s yard, 'omeless kidsDkids

ready to !i$e up on a normal life and reduce themsel$es to dru!sDto droppin! out of school,Amy pushed the paper in front of )aren a!ain, A"erfect,BJeff- the club director&alked to&ard her, 'is !rin spread across his face and )aren could s&ear he &as skippin!, A)aren- can 8 talk to youCBASure,B#he unusually e.cited tone of Jeff=s $oice had the kids lookin! bet&een them, ABoys, +et=s see if you can !et at least t&o problems done before 8 !et back,B4ne of the boys i!nored her and continued playin! on his phone, #he other t&o strai!htened up- pulled their home&ork in front of them- and picked up pencils,AWhat=s up- JeffCB she asked as they &alked a&ay,A8 Eust !ot a call from a man named #ony, Says he &orks &ith a celebrity &ho &ants to come by today and check out our facility,B'er heart skipped, AA celebrityCBJeff nodded, A#ony said the actor is lookin! for kid charities to spend some of his money on, Needs the ta. &rite*off or some such thin!,BWell that=s ori!inal, She &anted to roll her eyes but didn=t, AReallyC What does this ha$e to do &ith meCBA'e &ants someone &ho=s been here a&hile to sho& him the place,B Jeff shuffled his feet &ith e.citement or maybe it &as ner$es- )aren couldn=t tell,She shru!!ed- tryin! to act uninterested, AFou=$e been here a&hile, Why don=t you do itCBJeff stood a little taller, A8=ll be &ith youDbut you kno& the kids better than anyone here, 8f anyone can plead their need it=s you,BAFine, +et me kno& &hen moneyba!s !ets here,B And the 4scar !oes toDShe mo$ed back to the kids at her table and checked their &ork,AFou kno&- Juan- if you e$er &ant to mo$e past al!ebra you=re !oin! to ha$e to do some of the &ork-B she told the one teen at the table &ho acted like he didn=t &ant to be there,A8=m ne$er !oin! to use this stuff,BAFou don=t kno& that,BJuan stopped leanin! back in his chair and !lared at her, AFeah- 8 do,B'e &as probably ri!htbut she=d take a bite out of her o&n ton!ue before tellin! him that, ASo &here do you hide your crystal ballDthe one that tells you the futureCBJuan smirked,AC=mon, 8=ll sprin! for pi>>a on Friday after your test if you come back &ith a C or better,B#he other kids at the table perked up,8f she thou!ht for a minute that Juan &asn=t capable of obtainin! a C in his sleep- she &ouldn=t ha$e added the pressure, #he kid &asn=t unintelli!ent- Eust cocky and uninterested,'is friend smacked him upside his arm, AC=mon- Juan, 8 can help,BJuan picked up his pencil and started sol$in! for .,#&enty minutes and se$eral problems laterthe noise le$el in the room started to rise, )aren and the kids at her table looked to&ard the entrance,Wearin! desi!ner Eeans and sun!lasses that probably cost enou!h to feed e$ery kid there pi>>a for a &eek- &as her future husband, Michael stood ne.t to Jeff and a shorter man )aren didn=t reco!ni>e,When Jeff motioned for her to come their &ay- the kids started &hisperin!,A4h- my ?od, 8s that Michael WolfeCBAMichael &hoCB )aren asked, Mi!ht as &ell make this !ood,A#he actor-B Amy said- her face unable to contain her e.citement,)aren pushed a&ay from the table, AAction flicks- ri!htCBASeriously- Miss Jones- you don=t kno&CB)aren &inked at the !irls, A8 !o to the mo$ies- too, 'e=s Eust a person- no better than you or me,B Makin! the kids belie$e they &ere Eust as $aluable to society as Michael Wolfe mi!ht be difficult- but not impossible,She offered a polite smile &hen Michael cau!ht her eyes,A'ere she is-B Jeff said, A)aren Jones- this is Michael Wolfe- &ho 8=m sure you reco!ni>e- and his mana!er- #ony,BAAction flicksDri!htCB She asked- e.tendin! her hand,'e took her palm in his and sand&iched it &ith his other hand,4h- the t&o*sided handshake, %ery con$incin!,A#hat=s ri!ht,BShe turned to #ony, ANice to meet you,BAMr, Wolfe &anted a tour of the place- )aren,BASure, Anythin! to help the kids, Fou don=t mind meetin! some of them- do you Mr, WolfeCBAMichael, "lease call me Michael,B 'e tucked his sun!lasses into his shirt and looked around the

room, 8t seemed e$erythin! and e$eryone stood silent as he &alked bet&een her and Jeff, A8=d lo$e to meet the kids- Miss Jones,BShe thou!ht of su!!estin! he use her first namebut that &ould be &ay too easy,A couple of the bra$er !irls follo&ed behind them &hile others huddled to!ether in the corners &hisperin!,#he kids= !oo*!oo eyes &eren=t !oin! to lea$e them alone, )aren placed a hand on his briefly and stopped their pro!ression throu!h the club,A'ey- !uysCB she called to the kids in the room, AWe=re !oin! to !i$e Mr, Wolfe a @uick tour of your club but he=s promised to stick around after to meet you, So &hy don=t you !o back to &hat you &ere doin!- 4)CBMost of the kids kept starin!but some mo$ed back to their &ork or to playin! &hate$er it &as they &ere playin! before Michael &alked in,A8 don=t think Mr, Wolfe promised anythin!- )aren-B Jeff said under his breath,AFeah he didDhe said he=d meet the kids, Ri!ht- MichaelCBA#hat=s &hat 8 said,B 'e smiled and stared at her, 'is !a>e &ould ha$e been unner$in! if this &ere a chance meetin!,'e=s !ay- she reminded herself,A'a$e you e$er been in a Boys and ?irls ClubCBANo- 8 ha$en=t,BShe &alked him throu!h the !ame room, Se$eral couches and chairs- beanba! chairs- and pillo&s &ere thro&n about, A4ur mission statement really does define &hat &e do for the kids, #o enable all youn! people- especially those &ho need us most- to reach their full potential as producti$e- carin!- responsible citi>ens,B )aren had memori>ed the statement a lon! time a!o,AWe accomplish that by ha$in! a safe place for kids to han! out after school, )ids lo$e $ideo !ames so &e ha$e that here for them,B #here &as a bi!*screen tele$ision she had personally bou!ht for the club alon! &ith t&o !amin! stations, A fe& older arcade !ames &ere lined up alon! the &alls, A#here=s also table tennis and a pool table &hen the $ideo monitor isn=t &orkin! for them, We ha$e a yard outside 8=ll sho& you &hen &e !et there,BA'o& many kids come inCBA8t $aries, We=$e had up to a hundred kids si!ned up to come in dailyDbut double that &ho only come in periodically,BMichael looked at the kids &ho &ere tryin! to act uninterested but failed, A#hey ha$e to si!n upCBAFor our insurance purposes they do, We ha$e a pay*&hat*you*can system, Most of these kids aren=t able to pay, We rely on donations and outside fundraisers,BA#he kids themsel$es do some of the fundraisers-B Jeff added, AWe had a car &ash last month that brou!ht in a couple hundred dollars,BAA couple hundred doesn=t sound like it &ould pay your po&er bill,BA8t doesn=t-B )aren saidsurprised at the le$el of interest in Michael=s $oice,AWe help the kids after school &ith their home&ork and school proEects, 8t=s mainly teens but sometimes &e !et kids that are ele$en or t&el$e,B )aren &alked by her math table and !lanced at Juan=s paper as she did, AFou=re ne$er !onna !et that pi>>a if you don=t !et past problem si.- dude,B #here &as lau!hter in her $oice, She really did &ant the kids to do &ell,AFes- Miss Jones,BShe &alked Michael into the kitchen, A#he kitchen is fully functionin!, We pro$ide snacks and occasional meals, #he truth is- there are plenty of kids out there &ho don=t !et a solid meal at home, ($ery one of them kno&s they can find somethin! here, Most are too embarrassed to say they=re hun!ry,BA'o& do you !et past thatCBAWe let them kno& &hen &e=re pro$idin! meals- and none of them miss that day,BAWhy not pro$ide a meal e$ery dayCB)aren met Michael=s eyes, AFunds,BA4h,B'e held the door to the back open and she &alked throu!h, Jeff had fallen behind &ith #ony- &ho &as askin! about details of &hat it cost to run the club,A#here=s a basketball court and a yard &here the kids play, We try to or!ani>e scrimma!e !ames for them, Seems the only &ay to !et them off the $ideo !ames,B'e &atched her no&- and she &as hi!hly conscious of the smile on her face,ASounds like you lo$e it here,BA#he kids are !reat, Not all of them are

disad$anta!ed, Just mis!uided, 8 like to think &e keep them off the streets and a&ay from dru!s and !an!s,B'e placed his sun!lasses o$er his eyes, A o you ha$e a lot of that hereCBAWe=$e had a couple of problem kids, But &e deal &ith them as soon as &e kno& anythin! about it, #&o or three times a month a youth counselor is a$ailable, 8 think of this place as a safe ha$en for these kids, We ha$e no tolerance for bullyin! and don=t Eud!e,BA8nterestin!,BJeff stood se$eral yards a&ay- &ell outside of hearin! ran!e, #he teens lin!erin! in the yard talked amon! themsel$es,She lo&ered her $oice, A)id charities to spend your money onCBMichael looked behind them, AWorked- didn=t itCB)aren lau!hed, ASo- &hat do you thinkCB'e shook his head, A8 think ?&en &as &ron!, 8 think you are a saint, Fou do all this for freeCBA#hat &ould be the definition of $olunteer,B'e chuckled, A4h- a smart*assDyou=ll fit ri!ht in,BShe pointed a fin!er to his chest, ASaintly smart*ass, ?et it ri!ht, oes #ony kno& &hy you=re really hereCB'e shook his head, A4nly you and 8Dand ?&en,BJeff and #ony &ere &alkin! their &ay so )aren @uickly chan!ed the subEect, AWell- &hat do you thinkCBA8 like it, #here are plenty of youth charities out there helpin! kids after they=$e fallen do&n the &ron! path, #his one seems to &ant to !et a hold of at risk kids before they tumble,B ($en if Michael &as actin! the part- he did it successfully,#hey &alked back into the main room- &here none of the kids had mo$ed,Michael leaned do&n and &hispered in her ear, A#ime to turn on the charm,BAnd he did,)aren found a stool for him to sit on as he encoura!ed the kids to ask @uestions, AWhere do you !uys !o to schoolCB he asked them- helpin! to break the ice, AWhat do you like most about schoolCBSe$eral kids told him they liked !oin! home,Amy told him she liked comin! to the club after school,AWhat do you like least about schoolCBAAl!ebraGB Juan said from the math table,AJust think pi>>a party- Juan, Makes sol$in! for . easier-B )aren called from the back of the room,Se$eral kids lau!hed,A"i>>a partyCB Michael asked,AMiss Jones bribes us &ith pi>>a if &e do !ood on our tests,BA o &ell on your tests- Ste$e-B )aren corrected him,A8f 8 had a tutor as stunnin! as Miss Jones &hen 8 &as in hi!h school- 8 &ould ha$e had strai!ht A=s,B Michael kept eye contact &ith her throu!hout his e.chan!e, ANo bribes needed,B#he kids around them hooted and &histled,A8t=s been a lon! time since you &ere in hi!h schoolMr, Wolfe, #hin!s ha$e chan!ed,B She &as teasin! him- makin! him &ork a little harder,From the playful e.pression on his face- he enEoyed the banter,#he kids &ere lau!hin! and at least one had a cell phone out as he took pictures,A8 tell you &hat- !uysD if someone here can con$ince Miss Jones to !o out &ith me- 8=ll do better than pi>>a,B#he kids &ere eatin! this up,A4h- my ?od- Miss Jones- Michael Wolfe Eust asked you outGBAFou=$e !ot to !o- Miss Jones,BMichael chimed in, AFeah- Miss Jones,BA oes it al&ays take a room full of kids to make &omen !o out &ith you- Mr, WolfeCBMichael cocked his head to the side, ANo, But it helps,B#here &ere no less than four cell phones out, She &as !oin! up on Fou#ube before she mana!ed to !et home, She Eust kne& it,AC=mon- Miss Jones,BA8 tell you &hat, Why don=t 8 !i$e you my number and &e can talk &ithout an audienceCBA8 can li$e &ith that,BShe looked around the !a&kin! eyes in the room, ACan 8 borro& someone=s penCBSomeone sho$ed one in her face, She &alked up to her future husband- !rasped his hand- and did &hat she &as sure no one had e$er done to him before, She &rote her number on his palm, When she finished he took her hand in his and kissed the back of it,'is eyes &ere lau!hin!,Somethin! told her that the ne.t year of her life &as !oin! to be a boatload of fun,And if the kids could !et more than pi>>a out of the dealDshe &as all in,A#his &as e.actly &hat 8 needed-B )aren said from

across their table,?&en smiled and lifted her drink into the air, AMi!ht be the closest thin! you !et to a bachelorette party if Michael mo$es as fast as 8 think he &ill,B)aren and ?&en sat across from each other at the 'ard Rock Caf on Sunset, ?&en had decided to take (li>a up on her su!!estion, "ut yourself out there, ate, Meet someone,8f she &anted to meet someone other than a borin!- responsible man &ho could be counted on to sho& up on time but ne$er make her feel e.cited about his presence, She=d had predictable and utterly dull men in her life before- she needed to look outside of the ballrooms &here she conducted her business,#he bar &as packed, #he patrons &ere all drinkin!- lau!hin!- and for!ettin! about their problems,A'e=s really a nice !uy, #he kids lo$ed him,B?&en !lanced around the room- but didn=t notice anyone &atchin! them, A8=m sure his celebrity status &ill make the kids look up to you e$en more,BAAn added bonus,BA#o a successful relationship-B ?&en said- clickin! her cocktail to )aren=s,A8 can drink to that,B #hey sipped their drinks, A8 can=t belie$e this is really happenin!,BAWait until you see his house,B)aren smiled as she peered beyond ?&en, A4$er here-B she said as she &a$ed,(li>a Eoined them- tossin! her clutch on the table, A8 &asn=t sure 8=d find you in this >oo, Could they pack more people in hereCBA"robably,BA8t=s !ood to see you-B (li>a told )aren, A8 hear con!ratulations are in order,BANot yetDbut it is startin! to look that &ay,B(li>a fla!!ed do&n a &aitress and ordered a martini, A8 see not a lot has chan!ed-B she said after the &aitress left,AWhat do you meanCB ?&en asked,AWe=re sittin! in a bar and your !iant shado& is lurkin! in the back of the buildin!,B (li>a tossed a peanut in her mouth,AMy shado&CB(li>a looked to the ri!ht of the bar, AFeah, #he man &ho acts like you=re a Eob but can=t seem to lea$e you alone, 8f it &as anyone other than Neil 8=d be afraid he &as a stalker,B?&en t&isted around in her chair, Sure enou!hperched at the ed!e of a seat on the far side of the bar- sat Neil,AWhat=s he doin! hereCB'is eyes found hers for a brief moment before she looked a&ay,A8 think that=s ob$ious,B'er back teeth started to !rind, A8 don=t need a babysitter,BA8 don=t kno&?&en, #he last time &e sat in a bar 8 remember a certain someone !ettin! drunk and a couple other someones !ettin! into a fi!ht,BShe=d ne$er li$e that do&n, ?&en and (li>a &ent to blo& off steam in a bar, #he co&boys &ere full of Ayes- ma=amB and Aho&dy- darlin=,B #hey danced and carried onDand yes- she drank a little too much, When one of the co&boys mistakenly took her smile as an in$itation for intimacy- Neil erupted from the bar to teach the co&boy the meanin! of the &ord no,8t &as the first time Neil had defended her honor- and thou!h she hated to admit it- she !ot a kick out of ho& ticked off he became &hen another man looked at her, A#hat &as last year,BAWhat=s chan!ed since thenCBNothin!G 8t didn=t matter ho& much she flirted &ith the man- or ho& ob$ious she &as about her attraction, Neil didn=t bite,A($erythin!,B ?&en stood- ready to put Neil in his place, A8f you=ll both e.cuse me for a minute,BShe pushed her &ay throu!h the cro&d as if on a collision course &ith Neil, 'e kept his lips in a thin line as she approached and !ripped the lon!neck bottle at his side,Slippin! bet&een the &oman on the stool ne.t to him and Neil=s massi$e frame- ?&en slapped her hand on her hip and !ro&led, AWhat are you doin! hereCB'e blinked- once- and picked up his beer, A'a$in! a drink,BShe &anted to scream, A'a$in! a drink-B she repeated,'e tilted the bottle backtook a s&i!,A8 kno& &hat you=re doin!- Neil, And 8 don=t like it, 8 don=t &ant or need a body!uard,BA#hat=s debatable,B8f stompin! her foot &ould knock some sense into himshe=d stomp better than a farm !irl in a $ineyard,"okin! a fin!er into his chest- she mo$ed closer, A o you ha$e any idea ho& difficult it is to ha$e a lo$e life &ith a t&o*

hundred*thirty*pound bodybuilder standin! in my &ayCBA muscle in his Ea& ti!htened, A#&o hundred and fifty,BAAhhhGB She did scream no&,'e lifted his beer a!ain- but before he could take a s&i!- ?&en !rabbed it from his fin!ers and tilted it back herself,8n a mo$e that &ould make (li>a and )aren proud- she pushed the empty beer bottle back into his hand and slid bet&een his thi!hs,'is Ea& t&itched a!ain,#he stron! musky scent that &as pure Neil in$aded her senses, She dropped one hand to his thi!h and left it there, A#his is ho& 8 see it- Neil, Fou ha$e t&o choices, (ither back off or step up,B?&en s@uee>ed his thi!h before $acatin! his personal space and marchin! back to the !irls,A satisfied smile stretched o$er her face, Chapter Se$enWhat the fuck Eust happenedC?&en=s shapely butt s&ayed back and forth as she &orked her &ay back to her table,'e didn=t ha$e time to process ?&en=s ultimatum before he heard someone callin! him,AMacC 8s that youCBNeil fro>e, 'is name from the past cau!ht in his throat- makin! him think t&ice before turnin! around,'e &a$ed his empty beer to the bartender- hopin! &hoe$er called out &asn=t lookin! at him,AMacBainCB'e !lanced o$er his shoulder, ARickCB he said in shock, #he last time he=d seen RickD#hick heat sealed in the scent of dirt- blood- and death, #he Blackha&k carried &hat &as left of his men to safety, Fi$e of them made it out- and one of those &ould take his last breath before the chopper landed,8t &as his fault,Rick slammed his hand into Neil=s and pulled him into a man*hu!, A amn- it=s !ood to see you,BAFou look !ood-B Neil mana!ed- thankful the bartender &as @uick &ith his drink,AFou look an!ry as e$er,B Rick ASmileyB ($ans- Smiley to those in their unit because of the ne$er*endin! lips that smiled re!ardless of the sky fallin! around them- ordered a &hiskey- and sat in the no& $acant stool at Neil=s side,A'o& lon! has it beenCBNeil !lanced o$er Rick=s shoulder- noticed ?&en lau!hin!,AA fe& years,B Fi$e years- ei!ht months- and a handful of days,Rick shifted in his seat, A#hat=s a tableful of trouble if 8 e$er sa& one, Friends of yoursCBNeil a$erted his !a>e- and focused on his old collea!ue, #he last thin! he &anted to do &as e.plain ?&en to Rick, 'ell- he didn=t kno& ho& to e.plain ?&en to himself, AWhat are you doin! in +AC 8 thou!ht you didn=t like the West Coast,BRick took his drink in his hand and the smile he al&ays &ore fell,A chill ran do&n Neil=s spine,A8 hate this plastic scene,BASo &hy are you hereCB Somethin! told Neil he &asn=t !oin! to like the ans&er,Rick emptied his !lass &ith one s&allo&, A+ookin! for you,BAh- fuckGRick dropped a t&enty on the bar and stood, A+et=s find a @uieter place,BNeil=s Ea& ached, 'e had no desire to lea$e ?&en- but kne& Rick &ouldn=t su!!est they talk if it &asn=t important, 'e !lanced ?&en=s &ay one last time before follo&in! Rick out of the bar,#here &ere plenty of bars to fade @uietly into throu!hout +A, #hey found oneordered a couple of drinks- and faded,ABilly=s dead,BAWhatCB #he hair on Neil=s arms &ent up and stayed there, Billy #hompson &as a redneck from the &oods of #ennesseeand one of Neil=s men, 'is !randfather &as notorious throu!hout his hometo&n because of the moonshine he pumped out of a homemade still, A skill he passed on to Billy &ho shared his bounty in mason Ears, Redneck he &as- but Billy could track a kin! rat throu!h a rain forest and take it out &ith a shot throu!h the eyes from a mile a&ay, 'is place on the team &as in$aluable,'ad been in$aluable,A'o&CBA#he official report said suicide, "ost traumatic bullshit,BA#hat=s crap,B Shit rolled off Billy better than most of them, +ast Neil heard- he=d married his hi!h school s&eetheart and &as tryin! to put his military days behind him,Rick took a drink, A#hat=s &hat 8 said, #he fact there &as a report to

hack into told me our !uys &ere &atchin! him,BAWhyCBA'is &ife disappeared, Rumor in his to&n &as that she left &ith someone other than Billy, #he official report &as he drank himself stupid and Eumped off a cliff,BNeil sat for&ard, A8f Billy=s &ife ran off &ith another man he=d hunt them do&n and brin! her back,BRick smiled, A(.actly,BASo &hat do you think happenedCBA8 think someone tossed him off that cliff, And &hoe$er did it either has his &ife- or killed her and no one has found her body,BAWhat makes you say thatCBA'is &ife- +ucy- &orked at a local restaurant- &aited tables, #he day she disappeared someone sa& her in the restaurant parkin! lot talkin! to a man, A man &ho &asn=t Billy,BAWhere did you !et that informationCBRick shru!!ed, ASe$eral people &ere happy to share, 8t=s a small to&n- people lo&er the $olume on their #%s to hear their nei!hbors fi!htin!, Cheap entertainment, #he ne.t day +ucy doesn=t sho& up for &ork,BAAndCBABilly comes home from his shift at the mill, #he report said some of her clothes &ere missin!- but her mother said the only thin! missin! &as her purse,BA id Billy file a missin! persons reportCBASo the local yahoos can find herC What do you thinkCBA8 think Billy could find her faster,BRick nodded, A(.actly, (.cept Billy stays homeDdoesn=t look for her, #here are three phone calls to his residence- all from pay phones, Who fuckin! uses a pay phoneCBA"eople &ho don=t &ant to be seen,BA(.actly,BAWhen +ucy doesn=t sho& up for &ork and her boss calls- Billy says she=s ran off,BNeil=s Ea& t&itched, AFou think someone had +ucy and &as callin! BillyDtauntin! himC #hreatenin! himC emandin! ransomCBRick pointed his beer in Neil=s direction, A#hat=s e.actly &hat 8 think happened, 4nly 8 don=t think they &ere after money,BA8 don=t think Billy had any money,BA(.actly, Which is &hy 8 think they &ere Eust fuckin! &ith himDmakin! him bleed on the inside- ya kno&CBAJesus, #hat=s sick,BASome kids huntin! came across Billy=s body at the bottom of a ra$ine,BA'iddenCBANo, 4n a pathDor Eust off one, Whoe$er did this &anted him found,BNeil rubbed his Ea&, ASo you &ant to hunt do&n &hoe$er did this to BillyCBA amn ri!ht- but that=s not &hy 8=m here talkin! to you,BA4hCBRick=s cold- hard stare met Neil=s, A#hey found a dead ra$en sho$ed inside Billy=s coat,B#he chill up Neil=s spine turned to blocks of thick ice,?&en t&isted her pillo& o$er a third timefindin! the cool spot- and forced her eyes closed, Still- sleep eluded her,'e=d left, Walked out &ithout as much as a back&ard !lance, 4ne minute he &as standin! !uard- the ne.t he &as !one,All she could say to herself &asD8 pushed him to it,)aren and (li>a both su!!ested she mo$e on, Re!ardless of the heat bet&een them- if Neil ne$er made a mo$e thin!s &ould ne$er !et off the !round,Fet as they left the bar- ?&en could s&ear someone &as &atchin! her, Maybe Neil decided he needed to be stealthier,(li>a su!!ested she take a couple of self*defense coursesDbuy a !un, 8f only to feel better about li$in! alone, +ea$e it to (li>a to see throu!h some of ?&en=s armor, ?&en &asn=t makin! a bi! deal about li$in! alone- but the truth &as- she=d ne$er done it, (li>a had already sho&n her ho& to use a !un, Mp until (li>a=s marria!e- there had al&ays been a firearm in the house, (li>a=s parents &ere murdered &hen she &as a youn! !irl, #he man responsible promised to kill (li>a- too, 'er friend had !ro&n up in a &itness protection pro!ram and carried a hand!un for her o&n protection, )aren mo$ed in shortly after (li>a mo$ed out, With )aren around and the ne$er*endin! presence of Neil- ?&en didn=t feel the need to o&n a !un,But maybe she=d look into it no&,#hrou!h the etched !lass of her 8=m fine on my o&n thank you $ery much facade- she &asn=t completely comfortable by herself,#he ne.t day (li>a fle& back to Sacramento and )aren &ent on her first

official date &ith Michael,At ten in the e$enin! her phone bu>>ed- si!nalin! a te.t,8 like him, ?oin! to stay the ni!ht,?&en smiled and te.ted her back, Call anytime if you need me,)aren=s reply &as an emoticon smiley face,And so the e$enin!s home alone be!in, ?&en set the alarms- thou!ht of Neil- and &ent to bed,8n the mornin! &hen she &orked her &ay into the kitchen for tea- she noticed the back door open an inch, She could ha$e s&orn she=d shut it- but maybe she hadn=t, #he offshore &inds- other&ise kno&n as the Santa Anas- &ere tossin! lea$es around the backyard,She &as sure the motion detectors &ere !oin! cra>y and yet Neil hadn=t called,'e &asn=t !oin! to call,'e=d made his choice,AA &eek from Friday-B )aren announced &hen she strode throu!h the door midday,AWelcome home,B)aren beamed, AWe=re !ettin! married a &eek from Friday,B?&en mo$ed from her desk &here she &as searchin! the 8nternet for self*defense classes- and hu!!ed )aren, A'o& e.citin!,BAWe=re !oin! to fly to Ne& Fork- !rab a Eud!e- and hide out in France for a &eek, 8=$e ne$er been to France,BA8t=s lo$ely this time of year, o you parle> $ousCBAWhat about H8=$e ne$er been to France= did you not understandC 8 don=t poly $u anythin! other than (n!lish and the occasional teena!e !utter talk,B )aren flopped on the couch and tossed her feet up on the coffee table, A8 can=t belie$e this is happenin!,BA#ell me e$erythin!,B)aren ble& out a breath, A'e took me to this hidden !em in Brent&ood, #he &aiter kne& him, #he patrons craned their necks to !et a !limpse of us, 8 asked him ho& he mana!ed to !o to the bathroom &ithout someone follo&in! him, 'e told me he did it like &omen- in pairs,B )aren lau!hed, A#he fame doesn=t bother him, 'e i!nored the stares and e$entually 8 found myself i!norin! themtoo, 8 talked about the kids at the center, 'e talked about his latest mo$ie, 4ur con$ersation &as entirely superficial &hile &e ate, When &e !ot in the car &e headed to his house,BA8sn=t it beautifulCBA8t=s ama>in!, Not as stuffy as 8 thou!ht it &ould be,BA8t felt $ery &elcomin! to me,BA4nce &e &ere alone- &e talked about the ne.t yearDif it all &orked out, We &atched a chick flick, 8 su!!ested one of his mo$ies- but he said he ne$er &atches them, Can=t stand to see himself up there, 'e likes drinkin! &ine but pretends to like beer in public, id you see his &ine cellarCB )aren rushed the e$ents of the e$enin! to!ether in her e.citement,ANo- 8 didn=t,BA'u!e- brick &alls- iron tableD racks and racks of &ine 8 kno& nothin! about, #hat=s one of the reasons &e picked France, #here are a couple of $ineyards he &ants to $isit and &hat better e.cuse than a honeymoonCBA8 a!ree, So &hy did you stay the ni!htCB)aren smirked, ASome !uy &ith a camera follo&ed us out of the restaurant, When 8 left this mornin!- he clicked a fe& pictures, Michael kne& he=d be there- &aitin!,BA#here &ill be more of that,BA8 kno&, 8t=s only a year, Well- si.teen months, Cra>y to be plannin! the di$orce before the &eddin!but Michael has the timeline do&n to the hour,B?&en narro&ed her eyes, A8s all of this for publicityCB)aren shru!!ed, A8=m not entirely sure, 'e talked about his family- ho& they didn=t kno& about him, 'e thinks his mom suspects- but not his father, A couple of &omen he=d dated- for the camera- made it clear to the media that there &asn=t a se.ual relationship- &hich 8 think started some inside rumors, #he industry is rather ti!ht*knit accordin! to Michael, 8=m not sure if he=s doin! this to sa$e his macho rep- or to buy himself some time, 'e has three hu!e films he=s in$ol$ed in o$er this ne.t yearDand another t&o for the ne.t, #he millions he makes per film is enou!h incenti$e for him to !et married,BA#hat=s &hat 8 thou!ht, oesn=t matter any&ay, So lon! as you don=t ha$e any romantic ideas,BA'e=s se.y as hell but he rubs me like a !ood friend or a brother, No &orries about me fallin! for him,BA?ood,B ?&en pushed off the couch, AFou=re !oin! to

ha$e to sho& me a fe& thin!s in our files, #hou!h 8 doubt there &ill be much acti$ity &hile you=re prancin! around France- you ne$er kno&,BA+et me chan!e my clothes first,B )aren left the room and headed upstairs,?&en bookmarked the pa!e she=d been lookin! at on the 8nternet and clicked into Alliance=s main client files,A(&&hG ?&en- !et up here-B )aren yelled,?&en lau!hed as she &alked to&ard )aren=s $oice, A4ur naked nei!hbors at it a!ainC #hey &ere up late last ni!ht,B)aren stood in the door of her roomnot at the &indo&,?&en follo&ed )aren=s stare,#he &indo& in )aren=s room &as open a fe& inches and on a flo&er bo. &as a mass of black feathers, A8s it a dead birdCBAA cro&8 think,B?&en mo$ed closer, Sure enou!h- the cro& looked like it had attempted to peck inside the screen, #he beak &as cau!ht partially inside &hile its body lay in the !ardenias,A8 hate birds- ?&en, Bad Alfred 'itchcock flashbacks,B?&en chuckled, She remo$ed her shoe and tapped the end of the beak until it &as free of the screen, She popped the screen free- and then usin! the tips of her fin!ers- ?&en mana!ed to pick up a feather and @uickly toss the bird to the !round belo&, A8=ll put it in the trash,BA#hanks-B )aren said shi$erin!, A(&&h,B?&en chuckled as she left the room, AAnd e$eryone thinks 8=m the &eak one around here-B she said under her breath, Chapter (i!ht?&en dro$e throu!h the !ates of her brother=s Malibu estate and parked her car in the circular dri$e, She &a$ed at one of the !roundskeepers and let herself into the house, A'elloCB she said as she &alked inside,#he sound of soft heels meetin! the tile floors preceded the housekeeper,A+ady ?&enCBA'i- Mary,B ?&en remo$ed her sun!lasses and set them &ith her purse on the hall table, A'o& are youCBMary had &orked &ith her brother for as lon! as he=d li$ed in this house, She &as the main cook and &ould sometimes help &ith other domestic chores, #here &as a full*time li$e*in maid and !roundskeepers &ho &ent home in the e$enin!s, And of course- Neil,8t &as killin! her not to look for him, 'e &as probably in the !uesthouseDif he &as there at all,?&en told herself she didn=t care, She &as on a mission,An independent mission,A id Samantha tell you 8 &as comin!CBAShe did, Will you be stayin! for lunchCB Mary asked &ith hope on her face,ABored- MaryCBA#o tears, 8 can hardly &ait for them to come home,B#hey &alked to!ether do&n the massi$e hall to the kitchen, #he kitchen and breakfast room opened to a !reat room &ith hu!e floor to ceilin! &indo&s, Beyond the s&immin! pool and patios &as a breathtakin! $ie& of the "acific 4cean,A8=d be happy to stay for lunch so lon! as you=ll Eoin me,BMary raised her eyebro&s, AWonderful, Any re@uestsCBAAnythin! that isn=t prepared in a micro&a$e &ould be super,B +earnin! ho& to cook hadn=t been part of ?&en=s upbrin!in!, Since mo$in! to the States- she=d had to learn to fend for herself- and that meant plenty of ready*made micro&a$able meals,AComin! ri!ht up,BAWonderful, 8=ll be in my brother=s study if you need me,BMary smiled as she &rapped an apron around her thick &aist, ?&en heard her hummin! as she left the room,Blake=s study &as a painted in dark masculine colors &ith built*in bookcases and a desk that sat center sta!e, Bro&n leather chairs flanked the desk- &ith a couch and &et bar on one end of the room, Considerin! ho& much Blake despised their father she found it entertainin! ho& the space reminded her of the lar!er study in Albany &here their father used to spend all his time, #he $ery same one Blake no& used &hen in (urope, 'e ran his shippin! business from both continents and did so @uite successfully,Not that he needed to any lon!er, #heir father left his estate to Blake once he married and had an heir, ?&en and her mother &ere !i$en small stipends on &hich to

li$e, Small by their standards- lar!e by anyone &ho hadn=t li$ed in a country manor all her life &ith Eets at her disposal and a clothin! allo&ance that could feed small countries, Blake didn=t feel the di$ision of funds &as fair so he added to her trust fund- not that she asked him to, ?&en kne& her brother lo$ed her, When he transferred the money into her accounts- she reali>ed ho& much he=d sacrificed to obtain their father=s millions, She also reali>ed ho& different her father and brother had been,+i$in! in the small #ar>ana house &as a choice, 4ne ?&en really did enEoy, But no& that she kne& Neil &asn=t !oin! to &atch her e$ery mo$e- she needed to make certain she &as safe,?&en crossed to &here her brother hid his &alk*in safe, #he panelin! on the &all looked like the others in the room- but &hen she placed her fin!er on a di!ital reader- the &all mo$ed and a steel door stood in its place, A palm scanner opened the ne.t door and she &as inside,4nly four people had access to the safe9 Blake- Sam- Neil- and herself, ?&en kept some of her o&n Ee&elry and funds in the secure space but that &asn=t &hy Blake !a$e her access, At t&enty*four feet by t&enty feet- and impermeable from the outside- it doubled as a safe room, When Blake and Samantha took a pri$ate $acation- ?&en stayed &ith her nephe& and Sam=s disabled sister Jordan, Blake &anted to be sure that if there &as e$er a problem his family &ould be protected,?&en &alked into the room and opened a dra&er,8nside- four hand!uns of different shapes and si>es sat ne.t to open of ammunition,All she had to do &as fi!ure out &hich one suited her best,She lifted the !un that looked like one that (li>a o&ned,Al&ays treat it like it=s loaded, (li>a=s &ords drifted in ?&en=s mind,She checked the chamber- found it empty- and noticed the clip sittin! beside it,AWhat are you doin! in hereCB Neil=s boomin! $oice made her Eump, She turned to&ard him- !un in hand,She noticed his !un in his hand and pointed to&ard the floor, A?ood +ord- Neil- you scared me half to death,B'e reached behind his backholstered his !un- and stepped into the room, AAns&er the @uestion,B#he sheer si>e of the man d&arfed the space, She turned a&ay from him- doin! her best to i!nore his presence,AWhat does it look like 8=m doin!CB She picked up the clip- tested its &ei!ht,A#hat=s not a toy,BA8=m @uite a&are of that,BAWhat do you need &ith itCBANothin!, "robably, But bet&een (li>a and Samantha=s ad$ice- 8=$e decided 8 should ha$e somethin! at the house should 8 e$er need it,B Samantha had a!reed &ith (li>a=s ad$ice &hen they=d last spoken on the phone,AFou=ll likely shoot off your o&n foot,B 'e mo$ed closer,A#hank you for your $ote of confidence but 8=m sure 8=ll be fine,B After puttin! the !un and clip do&n- she lifted a re$ol$er, She=d only held (li>a=s re$ol$er once and couldn=t remember ho& to check the chamber, She &asn=t about to ask the man &ho Eust mocked her,A'a$e you e$en held a !un beforeCBShe put the re$ol$er backskipped o$er the second lar!er re$ol$er- and lifted another !un that &as similar to the first, A(li>a tau!ht me- rememberCBNeil !runted, ANone of these are &hat (li>a carries,BA#hese look the same,BA ifferent calibers- different mechanisms,B'e stood ne.t to her no&- close enou!h that she felt the heat of his body,She closed her eyes, 8 really ha$e to stop torturin! myself &ith this man,A#hey shoot bullets- don=t theyCBA4f course,BShe !rabbed the first !un and the clip, A#hen 8=ll be fine,B She turned to &alk a&ay- and Neil placed a hand on her arm- stoppin! her,'is !rip &as firm at first- and then softened &hen she met his ha>el eyes, A(li>a shoots a ,36, #hat=s a ,5< and &ill knock you clear across the room &hen you s@uee>e the tri!!er,BShe couldn=t remember &hat (li>a shot- but apparently- Neil did, ?&en !lanced at the !un,A8=m not lea$in! here &ithout a !un- Neil,B'is hand barely rested on her arm no&- but he didn=t mo$e

a&ay,AFine,B 'e let her !o- knelt on the floor- and opened another dra&er, 'e remo$ed a black case- opened it- and proceeded to place all the !uns- clips- and e.tra bullets inside,A8 don=t need them all-B she said,'e cocked his head to the side, AFou need to lea$e &ith the ri!ht one, Fou &on=t kno& &hat that is until you fire all of them,BA4h,B#hey stayed for lunch- appeasin! Mary- and then dro$e to an outdoor shootin! ran!e tucked in one of the many canyons of the California mountains,#he ran!e &as relati$ely @uiet and it didn=t take lon! to reali>e that she &as the only &oman there, A couple of men sent her an appreciati$e !lance- but after noticin! Neil at her side@uickly looked a&ay,#he concrete !round &as littered &ith shell casin!s- makin! it difficult to &alk in hi!h heels, 4nce they entered the area &here the !uns &ere bein! fired- Neil handed her ear protection, #he sounds of the blasts &ere muffled- and ?&en had a hard time hearin! &hat Neil &as sayin!,'e set up their !uns at the far end of the run and rested his hand on the counter, A8 &ant you to try this one first,B 8t &as the lar!est re$ol$er in Blake=s dra&er,8ts sheer si>e intimidated her, AWhy that oneCB id he &ant to scare her a&ay from !unsCA8t=s the easiest to shoot,BShe huffed out a lau!h, A8 doubt that,BA8 take my &eapons seriously- ?&endolyn- and &ould ne$er lie to you about them,B#he fact he used her full name made her @uestion her doubt,She !lanced at the !un and decided to o&n up to her lack of kno&led!e, A8=$e for!otten ho& to open and load it,BNeil brushed a!ainst her and picked it up, 'e pressed a button and s&i$eled out the round chamber in the middle, A#here are si. shots,B 'e picked up the bullets- one at a time- and added them, A4nce it=s loaded- it=s li$e, Fou don=t ha$e to pull this hammer back to shoot- but if you do- it helps &ith accuracy,BA'o& does it helpCBA8t takes more pressure on the tri!!er to fire the &eapon than one of these !uns,B 'e pointed to the !uns &ith clips, A#he added pressure messes &ith your aim- unless you=re a !ood shot,B'e handed her the &eapon and nodded to&ard the tar!ets on the field, Mnlike the paper tar!ets she=d used before- this ran!e &as full of s&i$elin! metal that made clan!in! noises &hen hit,#he !un felt hea$y in her hand, 'ea$ier than the others,Neil hesitated before mo$in! into position behind her, 'e &rapped his arms around hers- holdin! her hands in his o$er the !un as he positioned them to his likin!,She s&allo&ed, #he thick feel of him holdin! her- e$en like this- made her breathless, #he desire to lean into him made her di>>y, But she refrained, ($ery other time he=d been close to her- she=d practically Eumped in his lap,Not anymore, 8t &as Neil=s turn to make the mo$es, #hat isif he &anted to,She &asn=t sure &hy he brou!ht her to the ran!e- outside of his instruction, 4f course he could ha$e su!!ested an instructor if he &anted to keep his distance,But that &ouldn=t ha$e been Neil, 'e didn=t allo& anyone to do &hat he did better,AReadyCB 'is $oice &as muffled,AWhatCBAAre you readyCBShe nodded and closed one eye to see the tar!et at the end of the barrel,Neil cocked the !un and released her hands, 'e inched back- but she still felt his body a!ainst hers,She focused on the beat*up red rotatin! trian!le- sucked in a breath- and s@uee>ed the tri!!er,#he blast kicked her back into Neil- but it &asn=t that bad, 8n fact- it &as better than &hat she remembered about (li>a=s &eapon,A id 8 hit itCB She hadn=t paid attention,ANo,BNo& that she kne& &hat the !un &ould do- she cocked the hammer herself- took aim- and fired,#he trian!le >ipped in a circle,She !lanced up at Neil- &hose eyes smiled e$en if his lips didn=t,She fired a!ain and hit the same tar!et t&ice,Neil pointed farther out on the ran!e, AShoot there,B#he second set of tar!ets took a couple of e.tra shots to hit, But soon she found herself pluckin! a&ay at them as if she=d done so for years, (.citement shot up her

spine,4ne corner of Neil=s lips lifted,Fou really are se.y &hen you smile,A#ry it a!ain, Without cockin! the hammer,BShe concentrated harder- her ton!ue poked throu!h her teeth as she fired the &eapon, Sure enou!h- she missed her tar!et- but at least it &asn=t off in the bushes- &hich made her feel !ood,#hey &ent throu!h se$eral rounds &ith both re$ol$ers before Neil mo$ed to the pistols, #he smaller one felt like (li>a=s but ?&en=s accuracy &asn=t as !ood, After a fe& shots- Neil took the !un in his hand- narro&ed his eyes- and s@uee>ed, 'is arms didn=t so much as mo$e &ith the kick, 'e missed his tar!et,'e readEusted his aim and fired a!ain,?&en &atched as he fired si. shots- all hittin! their tar!ets at the far end of the ran!e,A#he si!hts are off, 8=ll ha$e to adEust them at home, 8t=s shootin! to the left of &hat you=re aimin!,B 'e handed her the !un a!ain, A#ry and adEust for the !un=s issue and hit somethin! close,BShe mana!ed one out of fi$e tar!ets,#hey finished &ith the !un she=d nearly taken home, Neil &arned her about the kick and braced her body &ith his, She did her best to i!nore the &arm feel of him at her back and shot,#he !un tilted her back- into his arms,AWo&,B 'er arms $ibrated &ith the force of the !un,A8 told you,BShe set the &eapon do&n- not &illin! to shoot it a!ain,A?i$in! upCBShe narro&ed her eyes and found him smilin! do&n at her,AFou=re tauntin! me,BAMaybe, But if you needed to use it- 8 don=t &ant you unprepared,B'e &rapped his arms around her a!ain and picked up the !un, 'e held on to her as she shot the !un t&o more times- helpin! absorb the impact, #he follo&in! rounds came close to their tar!ets- but missed, When the clip &as empty- Neil stood behind her &ith his hands on her shoulders, For a moment she stood still- enEoyin! the feel and scent of the man she=d fantasi>ed about relentlessly since they=d met,#he ran!e had emptied out- lea$in! only the t&o of them,ANot bad- 'arrison,BShe lau!hed, 'e=d ne$er addressed her by her last name, A'arrisonCB'is hands softened on her shoulders, A8n the military- &e often called each other by our last names, Seemed appropriate &ith you out here li!htin! up the place,B'e=d ne$er- not once- said a thin! about his military days, #hat he did so no& felt intimate someho&,ASo they called you MacBainCB she asked- remo$in! the plastic !lasses she &ore to protect her eyes,AMac, #hey called me Mac,B 'is $oice had softenedmakin! it difficult to hear him, She tu!!ed the earmuffs a&ay and t&isted in his arms,'e offered a smile- one seldom seen,AWell- Mac- thanks for the lesson,B'e hadn=t mo$ed a&ay, 'is hands rested on her forearms, #his close- she could see his eyes e$en throu!h the dark sun!lasses, #hey stared directly into hers,'er heart kicked in her chest- firin! si!nals throu!hout her body, Neil lifted his hand to her face- traced his thumb alon!side her Ea&,She &anted his kiss so much she could taste it, For one brief moment- she felt him mo$e into her, #hen somethin! snapped- and he mo$ed a&ay, 'is !a>e- his body- his hand,AWe should !o,B?&en &anted to call him out, 'e &anted herI +ord kne& she &anted him, So &hy did he hesitateCWhat &as so broken inside of him that made him pull a&ayC Chapter Nine#he silent ride back to Malibu ate at him,'is !ut ached, #he floral scent of the shampoo she used found a comfortable place inside his head and took root, 'e=d ne$er a!ain look at the froufrou shampoo section in the store and not think of ?&en,'e=d tortured himself &hen he=d &rapped his arms around her, 'er tiny frame fit perfectly a!ainst his, Not that it mattered,But it did, 'e kne& it mattered, #he only &ay he &as !oin! to escape her &as to lea$e, 'ire someone to take his place at Blake=s side- pack his one ba!- and disappear,And &hat about the ra$en left &ith Billy=s bodyC Was it a

&arnin!C A &arnin! that &ouldn=t mean anythin! to anyone other than the remainin! members of Neil=s teamCMore reason to pack up and lea$e,But &ho could protect ?&en better than himCNeil kne& the ans&er before he bothered bookin! a fli!ht,'e didn=t need anyone thinkin! he cared about her- thus makin! her a tar!et,She stared out the &indo& at the passin! traffic on the free&ay, She should ha$e been ridin! in the back- &here the tinted &indo&s &ould obscure her face, But ?&en refused, Said he &as no more her dri$er than she &as his maid,A o you think about itDyour time in the militaryCB'er @uestion came from no&here, 'e &asn=t sure ho& to ans&er it,ANeilCBASometimes,BAWas it a&fulCB'e !ripped the &heel- recalled the smell of her hair- and i!nored the memory of burnt flesh and blood, AWar is hell,BA8 can=t ima!ine, #he only $iolence 8=$e &itnessed &as my brother breakin! the nose of a boy chasin! me in school, And you and Carter fi!htin! those men in,B'e felt his spirits lift, 'e=d enEoyed teachin! the man hittin! on ?&en a lesson in propriety, 'e flattened his lips and said- A%iolence doesn=t sol$e as many problems as it creates,BAFou=re probably ri!ht, #he threat of $iolence does tend to keep people in line- ho&e$er, #ake today for e.ample, We spent the day firin! &eapons, 8 doubt anyone &ould mess &ith you but 8 reali>e ho& 8 mi!ht be considered $ulnerable, 8f the people out there &ho &ould do me harm kne& 8 had a &eapon- my !uess is they=d look for an easier tar!et, on=t you a!reeCBASome,B "urse snatchers and co&ards,A8 don=t ima!ine 8=ll e$er ha$e the need to use the !un for its intended purpose, 8t does feel ri!ht to ha$e one- ho&e$er,B#hat- he completely a!reed &ith,Short of that i$ory to&er he thou!ht of puttin! her in &hen he sa& her- o&nin! a !un &as better than nothin!,AFou=ll need to keep it at the house,B?&en nodded, A8 didn=t think to carry it &ith me,B'e pulled off the hi!h&ay and onto the street leadin! to the Malibu estate, AA #aser fits inside a purse, 8t=s le!al for you to carry,BA4ne of those electric >apper thin!sCBA rare chuckle rose in his throat, AFes, 4ne of those,BShe smiled at him and damn if he didn=t &ant to melt into that smile and for!et e$ery a&ful thin! about his life,A o you ha$e oneCBANo,B 'e didn=t need one, ABut 8=ll !et one for you,BA#hat &ould be lo$ely- Neil,B4nly a lady &ould say a #aser as a !ift &as lo$ely,Neil parked behind ?&en=s car, 'e placed the lar!er re$ol$er she liked the most inside her trunk alon! &ith an e.tra bo. of ammo,She opened the door- and tossed her purse inside, A#hank you- for today, 8 feel better kno&in! 8 ha$e the proper &eapon,B'e liked the i$ory to&er idea better, AFou=re &elcome,BNeil stepped a&ay from the carintendin! to !i$e her room to dri$e a&ay,A4hDuhm- the alarm on the houseCBAFesCBAAll the doors and do&nstairs &indo&s ha$e to be closed in order for it to set properly- ri!htCB'e paused, Stepped closer, A#hat=s ri!ht,BA on=t freak out-B she &arned him,When a &oman su!!ested he not Afreak out-B it meant he had reason to,'e lifted his hands in the air and forced the tension a&ay from his shoulders,A4)D&ell- 8 found the back door opened- Eust a little bit- &hen 8 &oke up the other day, #he alarm said it &as en!a!ed,BA#he alarm &on=t set if a door is open,BA#hat=s &hat 8 thou!ht, With all the interference lately- 8 thou!ht 8 should mention it,BAAre you sure the alarm &as armedCBA"ositi$e, 8 checked it t&ice, #hou!h 8 think the cameras and outside motion detectors are o$erkill- 8 do think a home alarm is &ise,BA id you set it before you came o$er todayCBA8 did,B'e fished his cell phone from his pocket- clicked on his mobile app of her home, A)aren=s not homeCBANo,B#he alarm said it &as set- and the cameras didn=t indicate any issues, 'e didn=t like it, Any of it,A8=m comin! o$er,BSurprisin!ly- ?&en didn=t ar!ue,A8 ha$e a fe& errands to run-B she told him, A o you mind lookin! into it

&ithout me thereCB'e preferred it- actually, #he distraction of her bein! there mi!ht make him miss somethin!, ANot a problem,BA#hank you-B ?&en said as she dro$e a&ay,Fet the farther ?&en dro$e a&ay from him- a&ay from the safety he kne& he could pro$ide- the less control he felt,'e hated a lack of control, Made him &eak,ASo Blondie has a !un-B the man said to himself as he &itnessed the t&o lea$e the ran!e,'is camera recorded them- found the subtleties of their beha$ior that he &ould analy>e later,MacBain &asn=t actin! alarmed, idn=t e$en reali>e he &as bein! &atched,AFou=re slippin!dude,B'e doubled around to his perch abo$e the Malibu house and &atched as she left alone,'e kne&- &ithout a doubt- that she hadn=t mentioned the dead bird in her con$ersation &ith Neil,8f she had- he &ould ne$er ha$e let her lea$e,#ime to up the ante,)enny Sands- the o&ner of "ark$ie& Securities- met Neil at the #ar>ana house,A#his doesn=t make sense,B )en stated the ob$ious,Neil had run test after test, Sure enou!h- the back door no lon!er tripped the alarm, Fet &hen on a chime mode- a feature that let the homeo&ner kno& &hen a door or &indo& &as bein! opened- it made noise,A#here=s been an unusual amount of noise in the backyard motion detectors- too, 8 thou!ht 8 fi.ed it last &eek- but it seems to li!ht up anytime the nei!hbors use their hot tub,BA#hat shouldn=t affect it,B )enny picked up his cell phone, A'i- Jane, 8 need you to send a team to <501 Cherry +ane,B 'e paused, ANo- ha$e them brin! a full truck, We=re replacin! the &irin! to the back door,BNeil mo$ed into the backyard- looked around- and found nothin! out of place, 'e &alked to the back fence and looked o$er to the other side, #here &as a base around a Jacu>>i complete &ith a small bar set up, +ucky for him the naked nei!hbors liked to tub in the dark,8t &as midday,'e !lanced up at the second story of ?&en=s home and noticed an open &indo&,Neil &alked into )aren=s unusually &arm bedroom, 'e mo$ed throu!h it to the &indo& and tu!!ed it closed, #he $ie& to the naked nei!hbors &asn=t ideal from this perch so he mo$ed to the ne.t room o$er,?&en=s room &as filled &ith soft colors and plush te.tures, Feminine- Eust like the &oman, #he space smelled like her too,'e peeked out the &indo&, ANice naked $ie&,B 'e=d lau!h if it &eren=t scre&in! &ith his sur$eillance,Somethin! flashed in the corner of his eye, 'e looked beyond the houses to the hillside that separated #ar>ana from Woodland 'ills, 8t &as one of the nice features of the location of the house, #here &as one ro& of houses behind ?&en- and then a park,For Neil- it &as both a blessin! and a pain, A blessin! that there &ere fe&er nei!hbors- a pain because anyone could be hidin! in the acres of brush,'e searched for the source of the li!ht but didn=t find anythin!,While )enny=s men &orked- Neil took a &alk around the nei!hborhood, "ayin! close attention to the house directly behind ?&en=s, #he shades &ere dra&n and t&o ne&spapers &ere stacked on the front porch, #here &asn=t a car parked in the dri$e&ay, From the look of the nei!hborhood- most of the residents parked a car in the dri$e&ay or on the street, %ery fe& houses had empty space in front of the !ara!e doors,Neil attempted a smile and &alked to the door and knocked t&ice,No one ans&ered,'e tried to look inside the bay &indo& to the front room, #hey had blackout shades makin! it impossible to see anythin! inside, Blackout shades &ere a staple in %e!as- but in suburbiaC Not so much,Why &ould people &ho parade around the backyard naked hide from the front yardCNeil kne& he &as as inconspicuous as a semi truck in a parkin! lot full of Smart cars, So instead of &alkin! around the house- he mo$ed a&ay from the front door and back around the block, For the most part- the nei!hborhood &as @uiet, As much as he hated the fact that he couldn=t control it in e$ery &ay- it could be &orse,'e turned a full

circle- lookin! around,'e felt naked &alkin! the streets in the &ide*open &orld &ithout the security of an A) in his hands,'o& fucked up &as thatC8t didn=t help that Rick had dropped a load of shit on his door t&o days a!o, #hey &ere both puttin! out calls to the fourth man &ho made it out ali$e,So far nothin!, Mickey &asn=t takin! calls- or &asn=t around, 'e could ha$e !one back in, Mnits like his seldom left the military- makin! it a career for life,'e hoped to hell Mickey had !one back in, #he thou!ht of somethin! sinister happenin! to himDto any of them- made Neil sick,And Billy &as dead,'o& did anyone !et past himCBack at the house- the &irin! for the back door had been replacedthe motion detectors in the backyard s&apped out, Neil and the men &ho &orked for him simulated se$eral break*in scenarios- all of &hich screamed the alarm and notified Neil=s phone and the monitors illon &atched o$er at his base,Neil checked the time- it &as nearly fi$e, 'e considered &aitin! for ?&en or )aren to return- but remembered ?&en=s ultimatum in the bar,Back off or step up,She couldn=t ha$e made herself more clear and after spendin! the day at the firin! ran!e- she=d probably think he &as steppin! up,And that couldn=t happen,'e checked the ?"S on ?&en=s car- &hich he=d slipped under her hood &hen she=d purchased the car,She &as inchin! throu!h traffic on the free&ay- but headed home,Neil made a point of pullin! out before she sa& him,4n his &ay to Malibuhe sent her a te.t- tellin! her the monitor and alarms &ere back up and runnin! correctly, #old her to let him kno& if there &ere any more problems,She didn=t call,'e noticed &hen she arri$ed home, 'e &atched her &alk throu!h the house- and then check the back door, A look of disappointment crossed her face as she mo$ed into her office and turned on her computer,Neil left the audio feeds on and listened to e$ery sound in the house, A one*sided con$ersation on the phone led him to understand that )aren &asn=t comin! home a!ain that ni!ht,Accordin! to a con$ersation &ith Blake earlier that &eek- Neil learned that )aren &ould be mo$in! by the follo&in! &eekend,?&en li$in! alone meant the noises of the #ar>ana home &ere !oin! to be his constant companion, Someone needed to look out for her, Chapter #enAFou can al&ays back out,B ?&en and )aren sat tucked in a pri$ate back corner in a Ruth=s Chris steakhouse,)aren shook her head, ANo &ay,B She lo&ered her $oice, A#he money=s already in the trust,BA oesn=t matter,B)aren smiled, A8t=s !oin! to be a !reat year- ?&en, 8t=s like a lon! paid $acation &here 8 !et to meet ne& friends and spoil the kids at the center,B?&en felt it &as her duty to !i$e )aren the out if she &anted it, 8n theory- !ettin! married for a short time for a lot of money sounded doableDuntil one said A8 do-B then there &ere doubts,?&en lifted her !lass of champa!ne and clicked it to )aren=s, A#o a fabulous year,BA'ear- hear,B#hey drank and ?&en continued, AFou=ll be back before Aruba- ri!htCBA4f course, #hat=s on a FridayCBAFes, WhyCB ?&en had confirmed the dates &ith Samantha and Blake- &ho &ere plannin! on !oin! strai!ht to Aruba from Albany,AMichael told me his Fridays are almost al&ays free, ($en if he can=t stay in Aruba- he can make it for the day,BA#hat=s a bit of a fli!ht for a day trip,BAApparently he doesn=t think so, Says he does that kind of stuff all the time,BA(li>a and 8 &ill be there early, Fou=re &elcome to Eoin us if you can,BA8=ll try, 8 assume your mother is comin!CB?&en hadn=t thou!ht of her in a &hile, A8 can=t ima!ine her not sho&in! up, Althou!h 8 don=t think 8 can stand one more pityin! !lance from her,BAWhat do you meanCBAAl&ays the bridesmaid- ne$er the bride,BA4h,B )aren buttered a piece of bread, A8=m sure she Eust &ants to see you happy, Most mothers do,BA8f only 8 could ha$e

a fianc by that FridayDthen she &ould keep her comments to herself,B)aren raised her eyebro&s, AFou ha$e a handful of men in a database at home to consider,B?&en smiled, A8 hadn=t thou!ht of that,B And if she started to inter$ie& men to be her date- ho& &ould the man &atchin! o$er her feel about thatCA4n the other hand- 8=ll be in$ited to all kinds of industry parties o$er the ne.t year, Fou ne$er kno& &ho 8=ll meet,B#he &aiter arri$ed &ith their food, #he rich aroma of the steaks &ashed o$er the table, #here &as somethin! about bein! able to cut into a filet &ith a fork that made the dinin! e.perience e$en better, After refillin! their !lasses- the &aiter left,A'a$e you heard from NeilCB?&en used the e.cuse of che&in! her food to keep from ans&erin! the @uestion @uickly,ANot a &ord,B)aren shook her head, AWhat=s his deal any&ayC 'e &as a marine- ri!htCBA'e &as,BA8 !uess that e.plains &hy he=s head of your brother=s security, But you=d think that &ould mean he=d be at Blake=s side t&enty*four se$en, ($en if that meant follo&in! Blake and Sam to (urope,BA#he only times he=s tra$eled to Albany &ere for personal parties and e$ents, 4ther&ise he=s stayed here,BA#o keep an eye on the houseC Seems o$er*the*top- if you ask me,BABlake told me they had been friends before he hired him to be his body!uard, Samantha indicated that Neil had some kind of loyalty to my brotherthou!h 8 don=t kno& &hat for,B)aren bit into her steak, A?od this is !ood,BA#he best,BA o you think Neil sa$ed your brother=s butt in a fi!ht or somethin!CBAMy brother doesn=t fi!ht,B Not &ith his fists any&ay,)aren lau!hed, AAll men fi!ht if they need to, 8t=s in their NA,BA8 completely disa!ree, 8=$e met men &ho cried o$er paper cuts,B)aren rolled her eyes, A4)D8 mean men like Blake and Neil, Blake &ouldn=t stop his fists from flyin! if someone pushed him,BA8 suppose you=re ri!ht, 8 don=t kno& &hat transpired bet&een them that led Neil to &ork for my brother, 8 suppose someday 8=ll find out,B Maybe it &as time to ask her brotherDor ask Samantha to find out for her,ANeil seems so an!ry all the time,B?&en felt the need to defend him, A?uarded, Not an!ry,B She remembered the e.pression on his face &hen he=d fou!ht the co&boys in, 'is ha>el eyes turned a dark shade of !ray and the muscles in his neck strained &ith e$ery heated breath, No& that &as an!ry,A?uarded- an!ryD&hate$er, 8 don=t think 8=$e e$er seen him smile,BA8t=s de$astatin! &hen he does,B ?&en felt breathless Eust thinkin! of Neil=s smile,A4h- man- do you ha$e it bad, 8 hope you=re not &astin! your time &ith him,BACan 8 tell you somethin!CB)aren leaned for&ard,A#he other day- after &e &ent to the shootin! ran!eD8 s&ear he &as !oin! to kiss me,B)aren blinked, AAndCB?&en shook her head, A8 don=t kno&, 'e backed off, Snapped a&ay really, +ike 8 bit him or somethin!, o you think he=s not takin! ad$anta!e of &hat 8 clearly told him he could ha$e if he &ere to ask- because he &orks for my brotherCB)aren shook her head, ANo, Absolutely not, 8f &orkin! &ith your brother &as an obstacle to !ettin! to youDand he &anted you- he=d @uit,B?&en si!hed, A8 !uess that means he doesn=t &ant me,BA#he man follo&s you around- and !uards you as if you &ere made of !lass,BAAn obli!ation to &atch o$er me isn=t the same as &antin! me,BAFou said yourself he nearly kissed you,B )aren sipped her &ine,A#hen ran a&ay, 8=$e not seen him since that day,BASomethin! is stoppin! him- ?&en, Find out &hat that somethin! is-B she said, AAnd you=ll find the problem,B)aren &as ri!ht, A o you think there &as a &omanDsomeone &ho hurt himCBAFou ne$er kno&,B?&en picked at her food, A($en if 8 do find out- there=s no !uarantee he=ll come around,B #he thou!ht depressed her,A#rue, But &ill you li$e &ith ne$er kno&in! &hether thin!s mi!ht ha$e &orked bet&een youC So lon! as he &orks &ith your brother you=ll see him all the time,BA8 don=t kno& &hat to do-B ?&en

admitted,AFou ha$e one life- ?&en, And you=re a romantic if 8=$e e$er seen one, Fou should follo& your heart,BASo &ait for himCBAWaitin! is passi$e, 8=d ne$er ad$ocate you pine a&ay for a man &ho &asn=t sho&in! interest, 8 su!!est you set a time limit for yourself, And then mo$e on, 8 kno& you told him to !et a hint the other ni!htDbut you=re not ready to mo$e on,BANot after the firin! ran!e,B)aren smiled, AJust promise me &e &on=t be ha$in! this con$ersation ne.t year at my di$orce partyD4)C 8f Neil hasn=t stepped up- 8=m !oin! to kick your ass to mo$e on,BA8 can drink to that,B#hey did,#hey finished their meals and stepped into the parkin! lot, Since )aren had started datin! Michael the media and plenty of freelance photo!raphers &ere often close by snappin! pictures of her,A+ooks like the papara>>i took the ni!ht off-B )aren said,?&en remo$ed her keys from her purse as they stepped to her car, A8 still feel like someone is &atchin! me-B ?&en said,A8=d say you=re paranoid- but 8 ha$e to a!ree, ($er since Michael and 8 started to date 8 al&ays feel eyes on me,B )aren turned in a circle, A8f someone=s &atchin! toni!ht- 8 think the stealth eyes are on you, #he !uys follo&in! me don=t care if 8 see them,BANeilCBShe !i!!led, AFou thinkCB"erhaps he did care,)aren &alked around to the passen!er side of the car and s@uealed, A(&eeh,BAWhatCB)aren backed a&ay from the car and looked at the !round, AWhat is up &ith the suicidal birdsCBAt her feet &as another dead cro&, #his one lar!er than the last,A o you think someone kno&s you don=t like birdsCB)aren=s eyes &idened, A4h- you don=t thinkDoh- yuck, Fou think this is here on purposeCB?&en reached do&n and mo$ed the bird a fe& feet a&ay, A#&o dead birds in as many &eeks, 8 !uess it could happen,BA#hat=s sick,BAC=mon, +et=s !o home,B#hat ni!ht they locked all the doors and checked all the &indo&sDt&ice,#he ne&s of Michael and )aren=s &eddin! &as e$ery&here by Friday e$enin!, #he media follo&ed them to Ne& Fork and reported them lea$in! $ia pri$ate Eet- compliments of +ord and +ady 'arrison- to take them to France,Samantha insisted on lendin! them the plane, A fli!ht to France for a honeymoon &as a simple token for the ne&ly&eds,By Sunday e$enin!- the media that had been attemptin! to !et information from ?&en had left the nei!hborhood, #here had been three phone calls o$er the past thirty*si. hours, 4ne from (li>a Acheckin! inB and Samantha called to see if ?&en Aneeded anythin!,BAnd then there &as her mother,AFou should return to Albany,BA#hat isn=t !oin! to happen- Mum,B+inda had al&ays been $ery proper and direct, AFou=re not e@uipped to li$e alone- ?&endolyn, Blake and Samantha aren=t e$en there,BAMother- please, 8=m not a child,B +ord- Neil must be lo$in! this con$ersation, #hat &as of course if he &as listenin!, ?&en !lanced at the $ideo monitor and rolled her eyes,AWhat if 8 told you 8 &as lonelyCBA8=d su!!est you find a lo$er,B #hat ou!ht to @uiet mother,A?&enGBAWhatCBA4ne does not simply find a lo$er,B?&en lau!hed, AFou=re ri!ht, 4ne chooses a lo$er,B+inda paused on the line, A8s that &hat you=$e doneC 8s there a man in your lifeCBA8f 8 told you there &as &ould you lea$e me aloneCBA8=d insist on meetin! him-B +inda said,A8n that case 8 &on=t tell you,BAFou &ere ne$er this difficult &hen you li$ed here,BNo, She &as al&ays perfectD the perfect dau!hter- the perfect sister, "erhaps that &as &hat attracted her to Neil, 'e &asn=t perfect, 'is ed!es &ere hard- rou!h- and comple.,A?&endolynC Are you still thereCBAFes, (.actly &here 8 plan on stayin!,BA4h- $ery &ell, But be prepared for a proper amount of !uilt &hen 8 see you in Aruba,B?&en lau!hed, A8=d e.pect nothin! less, +o$e you,BA8 lo$e you too- dear,B?&en smiled as she hun! up the phone,Neil turned the #aser o$er in his hands, amn thin! &as pink,'e felt a !enuine smile on his lips &hen he looked at the thin!, 4nly ?&en &ould carry a pink #aser, At first he thou!ht- 'ell noD

8=m not buyin! a pink &eapon,But it &as for ?&en- his little blonde fireball that held a !un &ith purpose and pride, 'isC 'e really needed to !et her out of his mind as his,'is phone ran!- remo$in! pink #asers and ?&en from his mind,AFeahCBA'eyMac,BARick,BA+ooks like Mickey is back to his day Eob,BAConfirmedCBAShit- Mac, Fou kno& that=s impossible, When you=re in deep- no one kno&s crap,BNeil remembered, #heir last assi!nment &as cloaked so dark he and his men didn=t kno& &hat there &ere doin! until they &ere in the air, #here &ere no official orders- no files, What happened in Af!hanistan didn=t happen, Not officially any&ay,#he deaths of his cre& &ere Atrainin! accident fuckups,BA8=d feel better kno&in! &here he &as,BAFou and me bothbuddy,BAWhere you headed no&CBABilly=s,BA8t could be a trap,B 'e should !o &ith him,A8 don=t ha$e a &ife- Mac, My family thinks 8=m cra>y and stays a&ay as it is, #here=s no emotional !arba!e this ass&ipe can use a!ainst me,BNeil rubbed a hand o$er the stubble on his chin,A8 could use some backup- man,BNeil !lanced at the #aser in his hand, Maybe it &as time to mo$e on, A8 need to secure a fe& thin!s first,BRick ble& out an e.cited &histle, A'ot damn, 8 kne& 8 could count on you,BAWhere are you no&CBAWashin!ton State, +et=s hook up in Colorado in four days, #hat !i$e you enou!h timeCB'e looked around the empty &alls of &hat he called home, AFeah,BARock and roll, 8t=ll be like old times,BNeil thou!ht of the ones &ho didn=t make it home, +et=s hope not,As much as Neil &anted to lea$e the actin! to the man )aren had Eust married- he needed to step up and put an end to any romantic ideas ?&en had about him, 'e &as !oin! to play &ith her mind and break anythin! that mi!ht ha$e been bet&een them,'e had to,'is con$ersation &ith Smiley reminded him &hy men like Neil didn=t ha$e normal li$es, +ook &hat lo$e cost Billy,#&o hundred #aliban soldiers armed to their teeth&illin! to blo& themsel$es up for their cause didn=t take Billy outDbut add a &oman to the mi.- and his friend &as dead,#he chances of findin! Billy=s &ife ali$e &ere less than >ero,Bein! responsible for his o&n life Neil could li$e &ith,Not ?&en=s,Neil &orked his &ay to the back of the estate and let himself in the kitchen, Mary sat at the kitchen table &ith ne&spapers and !lue e$ery&here,AWhat are you doin!CBANot cookin!, 8 can tell you that,B#he ne&spaper clippin!s &ere pictures of )aren and Michael from e$ery tabloid in +A, 'e noticed one of )aren and ?&en eatin! in an outside caf,A8t=s a scrapbook for )aren, Can you tell 8=m boredCBMary &as a !ood &oman,AWomen like these thin!s-B Neil told her,Mary picked up a paper and looked at the one belo&, AFeah- they do,B?&en &as art at the end of a camera lens- Neil thou!ht,'e looked closer,#he !irls &ere standin! beside ?&en=s car, ?&en had somethin! black in her hand,Neil !rabbed the paper,A'eyyou=ll mess up my system-B Mary scolded,'e read the caption bello& the photo, +ady ?&en isn=t as fra!ile as she looks as she clears a dead cro& from )aren Jones=s path,($ery muscle in Neil=s body ti!htened, 'e t&isted the paper in his hands, #he article had been &ritten a &eek a!o,AJesus,B ead cro&sDRa$ens, Rick=s &ords filtered in his head, #hey found a dead ra$en sho$ed inside Billy=s coat,ANeilC What=s &ron!CBA8=$e !ot to !o,B 'e ran from the main house to his, 'e checked the monitors and #ar>ana feeds, Sa& ?&en &earin! a bathrobe and cleanin! dishes,'e picked up the phone, Sa& her ans&er it,A'ello- Neil,B#he backyard motion detectors &ere fu>>y a!ain,ANeilCBAWhat=s !oin! on in the backyardCBANot this a!ain, Remember &hat &e talked aboutC A simple hello !oes a lon!LBA amn it- ?&endolyn, Skip it,BA o not cuss at me- Neil MacBain- or 8 &ill han! up the phone, #here is nothin! !oin! on in my backyard,B No& she &as pissed, Somethin! he didn=t hear $ery often- but at least she

ans&ered the @uestion,AAre the nei!hbors in the Jacu>>i a!ainCB #here &as a li!ht !lo& from beyond the reach of the monitors,A8 don=t kno&, 8 think so,BA?o check,BANeil- this is silly, We both kno& there isn=t anyone roamin! my yard,B'is hand clutched the phone so hard he heard the case around it pop, A"lease- ?&en, Just check,B?&en turned her back to the camera in the kitchen- tossed the to&el in her hand on the counter- and marched upstairs,A#his is the last time- Neil, Ne.t time the monitor !oes nutty you=re Eust !oin! to ha$e to come o$er here and check it out yourself,B?&en &alked into her room and out of reach of the $ideo monitors,#hen she screamed, Chapter (le$en?&en dropped the phone and backed a&ay from the &indo&,Both her naked nei!hbors &ere floatin! facedo&n in the &ater, +ifeless, 'er body started to shake,She needed to help them, "ull them out of the &ater, Call 722, Somethin!,A?&enC ?&enC Fuck- ?&enCBShe heard her name, idn=t kno& &here it &as comin! from,#he phone,She dropped to her knees and the alarm in the house suddenly started to scream,She Eumped and turned to&ard the door of her room, 'alf e.pectin! someone to be standin! in it, 8t &as empty,A?&enCB'er fin!ertips found the phone, ANeilCBAJesus?&en,BA#hey=re dead- Neil,B 'er breath came in short pants,AWhoCBA#he alarm, My alarm is !oin! off,B 'er &hole body shook, What=s !oin! onCA8 tripped the alarm from here, #he police are on their &ay, Who=s dead- ?&enCBShe looked to&ard the &indo&, A#he nei!hbors, 8n the Jacu>>i, 8 need to see if 8 can help them,BANoG Fuck, No- ?&enlisten to meG Stay inside, Stay in your bedroom, +ock the door,BABut 8 can help,BA amn it- ?&en- no, Fou ha$e to trust me, Where=s your !unCB?unC Why do 8 need the !unC 8t &as hard to think abo$e the screamin! alarm fillin! her house, Neil &as frantic- &hich &asn=t keepin! her calm, idn=t she need to be calmCAs she asked herself those @uestions- she opened her bedside table- found her &eapon- and !rasped it, A8 ha$e it,BA8s your bedroom door shutCBShe scrambled to it- closed it &ith a loud ban!, A8t is, o you think someone is hereC 8s someone hereCB Was someone in her yardC She=d felt a set of eyes on her for &eeks no&, id Neil kno& somethin!CA'old on,BShe !lanced outside a!ain but kept her body shielded from the &indo&,4nly her bobbin! nei!hbors &ere $isible, +i!hts from se$eral nei!hbors= houses &ent on, "robably because of the noise comin! from her house,She stepped a&ay from the &indo&- and pointed the !un in front of her as she looked in the bathroom- checked under the bed- her closet, Nothin!, She released a shudderin! breath,She heard Neil talkin! to someone else throu!h her phone, A irectly behind the residence, My client sees t&o bodies in a backyard hot tub,B?&en scrambled into the middle of the bed and listened to Neil barkin! information and orders, 'is tone &as deadly, 4ne she=d ne$er heard him use before,A?&enCBA8=m here,BA'old on,B+ike she could do anythin! else, She asked herself &hy she &anted to li$e alone, #his &asn=t independenceDthis &as fear, Ra& unadulterated fear, Seconds ticked into minutes,'er body Eolted as the screamin! of her alarm &ent silent, A id you do thatCB she frantically asked Neil,AFes, 8=m in my car, 4n the &ay, on=t open the door for anyone,BShe already heard sirens approachin! from outside, ABut the police,BAFor no one, 8=ll let you kno& &hen 8=m there,B 8t &as a t&enty*minute dri$e under the best of conditions from Blake=s home to hers, She didn=t think she could &ait that lon!,AWhat=s !oin! on- NeilCB Somethin! &as &ron!, %ery &ron!,A#en minutes,B#here &ere flashes of li!hts behind her house, She cra&led to the &indo& and noticed the flashli!hts of the police as they roamed the nei!hbors= yard,A?&enCBA#he police are here,B 4ne of the

uniformed officers mo$ed to !rab one of her dead nei!hbors from the &ater, Another man stopped him by pullin! him back, #he officer tossed somethin! in the &ater- and the &ater sparked,A4h- ?od,BAWhatCB Neil asked,A#he police are tryin! to remo$e my nei!hbors but the &aterD8t=s char!ed, 8t Eust arced,BA(lectrical currentCBA8 !uess, 'o& is that possibleCBA8s there a po&er line do&n in the &aterCBShe looked around- didn=t notice anythin! out of the ordinary,ANo,B She heard the horn of Neil=s car, ABe careful,BAAre you still in your roomCB he asked,AFes,BMinutes ticked by at a painfully slo& speed, Finally- Neil said- A8=m pullin! onto your street,BShe s@uee>ed her eyes closed and thanked ?od he &as close,A8=m comin! in no&,BShe heard him runnin! up the stairs,4ne ur!e from his foot and the door popped open- crackin! the &ood as it crashed a!ainst the &all,?&en flun! the !un on the bed and Eumped into Neil=s &aitin! arms,'e held her, 'is massi$e arms &rapped around her in a cocoon of safety,A8t=s 4),BShe held him ti!hter, Buried her face in his chest,AShhh- it=s 4),BA8=$e ne$er been so scared,BA8=m sorry,BAMiss 'arrisonCB Someone called from do&nstairs, A#ar>ana "olice,BNeil loosened his hold and held her face in one hand,Real fear traced Neil=s bro&, 'e tried to smile and failed miserably,AMiss 'arrisonCBAMp here-B Neil ans&ered for her,#he hea$y feet of the officer made it up the stairs, 'e !lanced briefly at the door and then at the t&o of them, #he officer- a kid not much older than t&enty*fi$e- looked around the room,AMiss 'arrisonCB?&en nodded- not trustin! herself to speak Eust yet, Neil still held her and she &asn=t about to push a&ay,A8 understand you sa& the bodies and notified the police,BA8 &as on the phone &ith her and sounded the alarm by remote access-B Neil said,#he officer raised a @uestionin! bro&, ARemote accessCBA#hat=s ri!ht,B?&en=s !a>e slid to her blinds,#he officer mo$ed into the room and looked out the &indo&, AFou can=t miss that, Fou spy on your nei!hbors often- Miss 'arrisonCBNeil=s arm ti!htened around her, AFou=re out of line- officer,B #he an!er in Neil=s $oice &as thinly reined,A uly noted- Mr,DCBAMacBain-B he ans&ered, AC=mon- ?&en- let=s !et you out of this room,B?&en &as still shakin! as she made her &ay do&nstairs &ith Neil holdin! her up,When she closed her eyes- she sa& her nei!hbors bobbin! in the bubblin! &ater, 'o& lon! &ould she li$e &ith that ima!e as companyCNeil perched himself at the ed!e of the couch and sat her do&n beside him,Another officer had made his &ay into the house, AAre you the homeo&nersCBA8 am,BAFou reported the bodiesCB?&en blinked t&ice, ASo they are deadCB#he officer looked at Neil and nodded once,Bloody hell,#he officer upstairs called his collea!ue,A8 need to talk to the police, Are you !oin! to be 4) hereCB Neil asked,?&en &rapped her robe closer to her body, A8=ll be fine,BAWhere=s your cell phoneCBA8n my purse- &hyCBA8 need you to call (li>a- !et Carter on the phone if you can, 8 need him to clear a path for me to see &hat happened o$er there &ith my o&n eyes,B?&en crin!ed, AClear a pathC 8 don=t understand, 8t=s probably an unfortunate accident,BNeil looked around the room- spotted her purse- and brou!ht it to her, AJust call her,B(li>a=s $oice mi!ht help to calm her do&n- e$en if ?&en had no idea &hy Neil insisted on stickin! his nose into the in$esti!ation,While ?&en remo$ed her phone from her purse- Neil &alked up the stairs to the officers in her bedroom,#he phone ran! t&ice before (li>a picked up, A'ey- +adyD&hat has you callin! thisLBA(li>aCB ?&en heard the distress in her o&n $oice,A4h- no- &hat=s &ron!CB?&en closed her eyesI sa& the bodies, AMy nei!hborsDthey=re- they=reDBA#hey=re &hat- honeyCBShe s&allo&ed, A ead,B(li>a !asped,A8 &as &ashin! dishes, Neil called- pissin! about the monitors in the backyard,B Recallin! the e$ents no& made her remember the distress in his $oice, More

than normal,AAndCBA#he monitors ha$e been actin! up a lot, #hey don=t &ork &hen the nei!hbors are in their hot tub for some reason,BA#he naked nei!hborsCBNaked and dead nei!hbors, ?&en sucked in her bottom lip and refused to let tears surface, ANeil told me to !o check if they &ere in the tub, 8 &as pissin! mad at him- (li>a, 4rderin! me around, 8 told him it &as the last time 8 &as runnin! up stairs to look do&n at my nei!hbors, And thenDthen 8 looked, #hen the house alarm &ent off- and Neil &as orderin! me to lock the door and &ait for him,BA4h ?od- ?&en, #hat=s a&ful,BANeil needs to talk to Carter, 8s he thereCBA'e=s not, But 8=ll call him and tell him to call Neil=s phone ri!ht a&ay,BA4)Dthanks- (li>a,BA8=ll call you ri!ht back,B(li>a hun! up and ?&en held her phone in her lap, +i!hts flashed out her front and back &indo&s,#&o people &ere dead, ?&en &asn=t sure she could li$e in this house alone after all,AFou noticed somethin! abnormal on the sur$eillance systemCB the sarcastic- &et*behind*the*ears cop asked,Neil lied, AFes,BAWhatCBA8=ll ha$e my assistant make a di!ital file for you to e.amine,B What Neil needed ri!ht no& &as to !et out of the bedroom and o$er the fence into the nei!hbors= yard to check out the scene himself,A id you kno& the $ictimsCBANo,BAMiss 'arrisonCBAFou=ll ha$e to ask her,BAWho are you to Miss 'arrisonCBNeil narro&ed his eyes, A'er security,BA#his is hardly an upscale nei!hborhood- Mr, MacBain, Sounds like the security system you ha$e here and the sur$eillance is o$er*the*top,BNeil=s Ea& t&itched, A8f you=ll e.cuse me- 8 need to in$esti!ate the scene,BA"ri$ate security isn=t cleared- Mr, MacBain, 8=m sure you kno& that,BNeil clenched his fist,#he cell phone rin!in! in his pocket directed his attention some&here else and kept him from committin! a felony,AMacBain-B he ans&ered,ANeilC 8t=s Carter, What=s !oin! onCBNeil turned his back to the cops, A?&en=s nei!hbors are dead,BA#hat=s &hat (li>a Eust said,BAMr, MacBain- this is an acti$e scene- &e don=tLBA8 need clearance from &hoe$er=s in char!e of #ar>ana " to check out the scene, And 8 need it before they fuck it up o$er there,B#he officers looked at each other &ith sli!ht smiles on their lips,Cocky kids,Neil heard Carter talkin! to someone before he !ot back on the phone, 8f anyone could arran!e his clearance- it &ould be the !o$ernor,A8 ha$e someone on it, (li>a Eust called ean,B ?ood, ean &as a detecti$e &ith the +A" - and a close friend of (li>a=s, A o you think it=s a homicideCB asked Carter,A8 &on=t kno& until 8 look, 'ope the hell not,BAMr, MacBainCBA8=$e !ot to !o-B Neil told his friend, ACall Blake- tell him ?&en=s safe,BAWill do, 8=ll call back if there=s a holdup,BAfter Neil hun! up- the officers started @uestionin! him a!ain, AWhere do you li$eCBWhere he li$ed &asn=t rele$ant and ans&erin! these kids= @uestions &hile the uniforms &ere runnin! around outside &as a &aste of $aluable time, Neil cut them off, A8=ll talk to you after 8=$e seen the area,B'e returned to ?&en=s side, She hadn=t mo$ed an inch from the couch,AFou all ri!htCB'er blonde head started to nod and then she shook it, AFou don=t think this &as an accident,BNeil didn=t confirm or deny,A#hat=s &hy you told me to stay in my room- !et the !un,B#hose fe& moments &hen she=d screamed and didn=t respond to him on the phone &ere the lon!est in his life, 'e ran out of his house and broke e$ery traffic la& to !et to her, Rick=s &ords repeated in his head, 8 think they &ere Eust fuckin! &ith himD makin! him bleed on the inside- ya kno&CNeil !lanced at the officers as they &alked do&n the stairs and out the back door,'e sho$ed his hand into his pocket and remo$ed the crumpled up paper clippin! of ?&en and )aren and the dead bird,AWhat &as this aboutCB?&en smoothed the paper on her lap, A)aren and 8 &ere eatin! dinner, She found the dead bird on the !round by the passen!er side of the car,BAFou look upset in the

picture,BAWeD&e &ere a little &orried, )aren found a dead cro& outside her &indo& in the flo&ers a fe& days earlier, She hates birds so she asked meDB ?&en kept talkin! but Neil didn=t hear her,#&oDt&o dead cro&sCA#he cro& in the &indo& 8 didn=t think much of, But this looked bi!!er to me- like a ra$en, 8 looked it up, Ra$ens aren=t indi!enous to this area,BA8 ha$e Ra$en in my si!hts- Mac,B Billy &as holdin! a sniper &eapon and Neil &as about to call the order to fire- sa$e all of them the trouble of mo$in! closer so they could !et the hell out of there,A amn,B Billy pulled back,AWhatCBA)ids, 'is kids Eumped in his lap,BAWait, We=ll !et closer, Make it clean,B +ess collateral dama!e,ANeilCB ?&en=s hand &as on his arm- brin!in! him back,AWhy didn=t you tell me about thisCB 'e needed to !et her out of there,AWe thou!ht this &as about )aren, A sick fan of Michael=s,B8t could be ?&en floatin! in a pool of &aterDand not the nei!hbor,A)arenCBAShe hates birds, We found them in her &indo& and on her side of the car,BAMr, MacBainCB #he officer nodded to&ard the back, AFou=$e been cleared,B#hank you- CarterGA?o upstairs- ?&en, "ack a ba!, Fou=re not stayin! here,B'e didn=t &ait around for an ar!ument, 'e mo$ed out the back door and scaled the block &all,#he bodies had been pulled out of the &ater and &ere co$ered &ith sheets, #he do>en officers in the yard &ere pokin! their flashli!hts around,AWho=s in char!eCB Neil asked as he &alked to the back of the hot tub,A8 am,BNeil looked o$er- and noticed a uniformed officer, AFirst on sceneCBA#hat=s ri!ht,BWhich meant he &as &aitin! for someone of hi!her rank to sho& up and take o$er, AWhat do you kno&CBA(ach $ictim has burn &ounds- one on the hand- the other the side of the face,B(lectrocuted, AWhere did you cut the po&erCBAAt the bo.,BNeil stood- mo$ed to the side of the yard, #&o cops &ere lookin! inside the bo., 4ne of them took pictures,ANeilCBNeil turned and sa& ean and his partner Jim &alkin! his &ay,A#hanks for comin!,BA(.cuse me,B #he lead officer pushed his &ay bet&een them, ean and his partner flashed their bad!es,AFou=re out of your Eurisdiction- detecti$e,B ean pointed to ?&en=s house, A o you kno& &ho li$ed in that houseCB#he officer shook his head,A#he !o$ernor=s &ife, Anythin! that happens &ithin a mile of this house is my Eurisdiction, No& tell your !uys to back off- they=re tramplin! the scene,B#he officer took ean=s ad$ice and &alked a&ay,A8 lo$e sayin! that,B ean=s easy smile spread o$er his face,AWhat happenedCBNeil brou!ht them up to date, 4mittin! all information about the ra$ens, For no&, ean looked around, AFou think it=s a homicideCBAWhen=s the last time you heard of a couple fryin! in a Jacu>>iCB Neil asked,#hey &alked back to&ard the tub, #he other cops &ere standin! aside,Jim lifted a tarp, Neil didn=t see &hat &as underneath- and didn=t need to,A(lectricity tra$els thou!h the body and out Eust about any&here, Fryin! e$erythin! in bet&een,BA#he &ater &as still char!ed &hen the uniforms arri$ed-B Neil told them,'e knelt do&n to the ser$ice door of the tub, 4ne of the officers had already opened it, A o you ha$e a flashli!htCBJim handed him one,Neil peered in, Any possibility that this &as an accident dissipated &hen he spotted the dead birds,AWhat the hell are thoseCBARa$ens,B Chapter #&el$eARun- heroDrun,B"layin! &ith his prey &as more addicti$e than crack, No &onder !an!ban!ers couldn=t keep their asses out of Eail, #hey &ere all hi!h and doin! shit like thisD&ell- not @uite like this,#his &as fuckin! !enius,'e &atched as Neil scaled the back fence and ran into the house, 4ne suit follo&ed him- &hile the other directed the minions,'e popped a sour candy in his mouth and &atched the entertainment,'is binoculars follo&ed Neil pullin! the !irl from the house and sho$in!

her in his car, Neil tossed a ba! into the backseat- and slammed the door closed,A8 thou!ht you didn=t care- MacBain, #hou!ht you &ere lea$in! your princess,B'e lau!hedsho$ed more candy in his mouth, No& that Mac had pro$ed the &oman meant somethin! to him- it &as time to take her a&ay,Mac didn=t deser$e to be happy, None of them did,?&en fell into an e.hausted heap on the bed in one of Blake=s !uest rooms, o&nstairs Neil appeared to be mobili>in! for some kind of &ar, 'e and illon mo$ed all the sur$eillance e@uipment into Blake=s study- alon! &ith se$eral lar!e black ?&en assumed held &eapons,She=d !i$en up askin! Neil for details, When he=d run into the house and found her packin! a suitcase instead of a ba!- Neil sho$ed a bare minimum of clothes into a satchel and rushed her to Malibu, ean follo&ed him into the house and the t&o of them talked for half an hour before ean left,All ?&en &anted to do &as sleep, Refill her ener!y reser$e and sort out &hat had happened on this ne$er* endin! ni!ht,She took a lon!- hot sho&er before climbin! into the plush- &elcomin! bed, As she closed her eyes- she forced the ima!es of hot tubs and death from her mind and focused on the memory of Neil=s embrace,8t took Neil some time to remo$e the trackin! locators for his phone- and on the cars they &ould be lea$in! in that ni!ht, 'e set the house system to produce static for ten minutes &hen he &as ready to mo$e, 'e &as doin! e$erythin! possible to lea$e the house and keep anyone from kno&in! about it,After returnin! from the #ar>ana home- his first thou!ht &as to hold ?&en in the i$ory to&er kno&n as the Malibu estate- and find the man responsible for the nei!hbors= deathsDfor Billy, Fet as he mo$ed his e@uipment into the house and rebooted the system- he noticed t&o stealth cookies locked onto his system,'is state*of*the*art system had been hacked, 'acked so damn &ell that Neil couldn=t find a physical bu!, 8t had to be there- but he couldn=t see it,'e kne& no& the reason he ne$er found a problem &ith the #ar>ana lines &as because the problems manifested from the outside, #he e@uipment used &as beyond his kno&led!e, ($ery year the military came up &ith e$en more spectacular stuff to make their Eobs easier, ($er since the in$ention of a bu!- en!ineers &orked to make them smaller and harder to detect, Well- this one he detected, Neil Eust couldn=t find the damn thin!,With the ne&s of Billy=s death and the trail of dead ra$ens follo&in! ?&en- Neil kne& he &asn=t dealin! &ith Eust anyone,Whoe$er &as behind the hot tub murders had a back!round in intelli!ence,Since Billy &as dead- Neil had to assume the person could o$erpo&er Billy physically as &ell,Sittin! in the Malibu house &as a trap, Neil kne& that no&, Who kne& ho& e.tensi$e this man=s reach &asCNeil=s brief con$ersation &ith Blake &as met &ith resistance,A8=ll fly ?&en back here, She=ll be safe at Albany,BNeil didn=t a!ree, #he only safe place for ?&en &as at his side until he cau!ht this dirtba! and took him do&n,AShe=s safer here, With me, And before you su!!est it- no, on=t come home early,BABloody hell- Neil, Fou e.pect me to sit here &hile people are endin! up dead thereCBNo, 'e e.pected Blake to come back as soon as the plane could lift off, But that &ould brin! more people to &atch o$erDmore people for the killer to !o after,ARemember &hen &e met- BlakeCB4f course he &ould, 8t had been the lo&est moment in Neil=s life, Si. months had passed since he=d limped &hat &as left of his team to safety, #hree team members had been blo&n into so many pieces Neil couldn=t identify them, Billy and Smiley carried +inden out- his left le! se$ered mid thi!h, 'e died on the &ay home, 'is body couldn=t handle the blood loss,Neil ne$er thou!ht he=d ha$e sur$i$or=s !uilt,Fet he did, 'e &as ali$e and his men &ere deadDall because he said to hold the shot until they !ot closer,A8 remember,BNeil pulled in his memories- tried

to keep &hat he said as cloaked as possible, Chances &ere- the man responsible for toni!ht &as listenin! ri!ht no&,AWhat did 8 do the ne.t dayDafter 8 sobered upCB#hey=d met in a bar, And not a place Blake &ould normally &alk into, Blake had returned to the States after his father=s funeral and &anted to remain anonymous &hile he proceeded to !et hammered,#hey toasted each other for hours, #&o stran!ers hatin! life and commiseratin! &ith a bottle, Neil had spent si. months drinkin! to for!et, 'e remembered sayin! that much to Blake,Neil still &asn=t completely sure Eust ho& much he=d told Blake about his time in the military, But some&here at the end of the bottleBlake pushed the &ron! button,ASo that=s it-B Blake said, AFou=re done &ith life, ?onna spend the rest of it in a shithole like this until you=re one of those $ets on the street &ith a fuckin! cardboard bo.CBNeil took a s&in!- connected his fist &ith Blake=s Ea&, Blake &as on him in seconds, Mana!ed a fe& !ood hits- too- but e$en drunk Neil outmaneu$ered the man and had him pinned in seconds, 'e could ha$e taken the fi!ht further but the problem &as- Blake &as ri!ht,Neil let Blake !o and &alked a&ay,8n the li!ht of the ne.t day- once the fo! lifted and his headache stopped screamin! like a bitchNeil remembered Blake 'arrison and his shippin! business, 'e also remembered Blake sayin! he thou!ht his personal phone line &as bu!!ed but that none of the men he=d hired found a thin!,Within a couple of hours- Neil had a residential address for Blake 'arrison and &as on his &ay to Malibu,'e hid under a hat- posed as a !ardener- and !ot on the property &ithout e$en a do! sniffin! at his feet, For a man as rich as Blake 'arrison- his security &as shit, Neil=s o&n !randmother could &alk on the property and Eack his phone line in her sleep, And Nana &as in her se$enties,Neil found the tap on the phoneremo$ed it- and &aited for Blake to come home,Neil cornered Blake before he made it to the front door,AWhat the hellCBNeil tossed him the small tap dis!uised as a line clip,Blake scrambled to catch it,A#hat=s your tap,B 8t &as Neil=s &ay of apolo!i>in! for takin! a cheap shot the ni!ht before, And maybe a thank*you for &akin! him up, Because &hile he &as locatin! Blake- sneakin! onto the man=s property and takin! out a tap- Neil remembered ho& much he lo$ed to li$e, And he for!otDif e$en for a short period- he for!ot about dead friends and body parts,Blake stared at his hand- turned the clip o$er a couple of times, ANo shit,BNeil turned a&ay, Ready to &alk from Blake=s life fore$er,A'ey, 'o&=d you !et in here- any&ayCBNeil huffed, AFour security is shit'arrison,BAWant a EobCBNeil took the Eob, But not for the money, Neil had moneyD blood money is &hat that felt like, Blake in$ested Neil=s salary into his o&n company under Neil=s name, AA retirement fund-B Blake had told him,But Blake &as a fuckin! A#M, #he man turned lea$es from a tree into hundred dollar bills,And Neil took on the man=s security,Workin! helped heal some of the pain,A8 remember-B Blake said on the phone, And then he &as silent,A#hen you=re !oin! to ha$e to trust me, And you=re !oin! to ha$e to stay there, )eep your family safe,BA?&en is my family,BA8 kno&,B But to Neilshe &as so much more,A hand co$ered her mouth &hen she &oke, #he room &as pitch* black,?&en started to stru!!le- kick- and scream,A?&enG Shhh- it=s Neil-B he said in a hushed &hisper,She stopped stru!!lin!- but stayed on alert,A8 need you to listen &hen 8 let you !o, Can you do thatCBShe nodded,'e released her mouth slo&ly and spoke @uickly,AWe need to lea$e the house, We ha$e to !o no&,B Neil &as dressed in dark colors much like a midni!ht thief,AWhyCB ?&en matched his tone- keepin! her $oice lo&,ANo time to e.plain, Fou need to trust me, o you trust me- ?&endolynCB'is eyes &ere hard- searchin!DA8 trust you,BA?ood !irl,B'e lifted his &ei!ht from the bed and

picked up a small !ym ba! from the floor, A'ere,B 'e sho$ed some clothes into her arms as she left the bed,AWhy are &e &hisperin!CBA#he house is tapped,BShe hesitated, A#appedCB 8f her heart beat any faster- it &ould be a problem,ANot no&- ?&en, on=t turn on the li!hts, ?et dressed- hurry,BShe sat on the ed!e of the bed and pulled on the black pants he=d handed her, A(.ercise clothesCBA(asier to mo$e in,B 'e &ent into the connectin! bathroom and rumma!ed around for less than a minute, She kept her back turned to him as she pulled a spande. bra o$er her head and follo&ed it &ith the skinti!ht shirt, She remembered packin! the clothes earlier &hen she left the #ar>ana housethinkin! that she could use a little yo!a to help ease her mind,Neil returned- tossed a fe& thin!s into her ba!- and follo&ed them &ith the ni!ht!o&n she=d Eust taken off,A hundred @uestions inundated her mind, Why &ere they runnin!C Who &as after themC Where &ere they !oin!C8f someone had penetrated the secure fortress that Neil created for her brother and his family- then the enemy must be formidable,She !lanced at the clock, 8t &as t&o thirty in the mornin! and somethin! told her that life &as about to chan!e fore$er,8n less than a minute Neil s&un! her small ba! o$er his shoulder and pulled her to her feet, ANot one &ord until 8 say,BShe=d ne$er seen Neil like this, 'is eyes appeared to see e$erythin!- e$en in the dark, #he intensity of his stare and the taut muscles t&itchin! under his snu! shirt pro$ed he &as more alert than a cheetah ready to strike,Neil kept to the shado&s inside the house and out, #hey skirted throu!h the courtyard and @uietly made it into the !ara!e, A second to&n car sat beside Blake=s &ith illon behind the &heel,($en standin! ri!ht ne.t to the car- ?&en found it nearly impossible to see the dri$er, She narro&ed her eyes as they mo$ed to the second car and he sho$ed her in the backseat, 'e took her head in his hand and !a$e a !entle nud!e do&n to the seat,?&en took the hint and lay flat in the seat, From then on- the only thin! she sa& &as the back of Neil=s head,'e pulled on a stockin! capDall black, #hey backed out of the !ara!e alon! &ith illon in the other car, Both of the cars inched up the dri$e in the dark,Neil dro$e on a &indin! road- takin! the turns faster than normal, ?&en braced herself to a$oid bein! tossed around,Adrenaline pumped as @uickly as the car=s speed, ?&en had to admit- if only to herself- it &asn=t fear that char!ed her, 8t &as e.citement,($en &ithout an e.planation- she kne& Neil &as protectin! her and doin! it so fiercely it sparked an une.pected flame of desire,She shot her hand out as they rounded another corner,Bad time to !et turned on- ?&enG8t didn=t help that before she &oke up- she &as dreamin! of him, 'e held her &ith those arms of steel and leaned into her &ith parted lips, #hen Neil &oke her,#hey hit a bump on the road and ?&en fell to the floor &ith an A4omphGBAAre you 4)CB Neil asked as the car slo&ed,?&en scrambled back onto the seat, AFes,BAJust a little farther-B he said, A#hen &e=ll s&itch cars,BACan 8 sit upCBANo, Not yet,BShe stayed do&n and matched his silence &ith her o&n,A lifetime passed in the backseat before Neil slo&ed the car do&n and pulled it off the road,Neil slammed the car into park and Eumped out, 'e opened her door and reached for her hand, 'er stiff muscles protested as she stood and mo$ed to a different $ehicle,What felt like fore$er &as less than an hour, While Neil opened the trunks of both cars and transferred obEects bet&een them- ?&en sat in the front seat and stared into the ni!ht, #hey &ere parked in a commuters= park and ride lot &ith a do>en cars surroundin! them,?&en &aited until they &ere on a narro& hi!h&ay &ithout a car in si!ht before she uttered a &ord, ANeilCB'e !lanced at her and then looked back at the road,AWhat are you doin!CB'is fin!ers !ripped the &heel and for a full minute he didn=t say a thin!,ABackin!

off &asn=t an option,BAt first- ?&en didn=t understand &hat he meant, #hen she remembered her ultimatum in the bar,?&en folded her hands in her lap and rested her head back on the seat,All of her @uestions and more importantly- all of Neil=s ans&erscould &ait, Chapter #hirteen'eat*sensiti$e ni!ht $ision !o!!les captured the cars as they cra&led out of the Malibu dri$e&ay,Both cars indicated the heat of the dri$er and heat in the backseat,'e scrambled from his perch- tossin! the candy from his hand- and Eumped into the front seat of his car,+ooked like MacBain &as takin! matters into his o&n hands,AWouldn=t be !ood if you rolled o$er on your back and !a$e up- no& &ould itCBBoth cars &ere identical- the license plates remo$ed, 'is trackin! &as do&n,($en a stupid man kne& not to turn on his cell phone if he &anted to hide, Sooner or later he had to turn it back on, But the man &asn=t in a hurry, 8n fact- he could do this all year,#he cars split up- !oin! in separate directions, 'e took a chance and follo&ed the car !oin! east,#he other mo$ed &est,#he sun !listened on the hori>on as it rose o$er the eastern sky, ark sun!lasses kept Neil from starin! directly into it, 4n his ri!ht- ?&en=s head slumped a!ainst the passen!er &indo& and the e$en rise and fall of her chest told him she &as fast asleep,'e kept his speed only a couple of miles o$er the posted limit, 'e didn=t need somethin! as simple as a speedin! ticket breakin! his co$er,#he deserted hi!h&ay stretched for miles in front of him, #he only thin! to break up the dirt landscape &as the occasional hi!h desert mountain ran!e off in the distance,And ?&en slept,'e &as proud of her for &hat she=d done or maybe more importantly &hat she hadn=t done, She could ha$e insisted on kno&in! &hat he &as doin!- ar!ued &ith himDbut she hadn=t done that, ?&en follo&ed his instructions to the letter and he left Southern California &ithout a !ood*bye,Neil s&ept his !a>e up and do&n her lithe frame, ressed like a cat bur!larshe=d ne$er been more beautiful, And e$en thou!h he ne$er said one &ord to her about his naked thou!hts about the t&o of them- someone else had fi!ured it out,Fi!ured it out and used it a!ainst him,Stay out of %e!as- Mac- he told himself, 'is poker face needed some &ork,?&en moaned beside him, A throaty sound that ti!htened his balls and made him s@uirm,She blinked her eyes a&ake and stretched, A?ood mornin!-B she murmured,'er simple !reetin! made him &ant to smile, A?ood mornin!,BAWhere are &eCB She looked behind them,AWe=ll be in Ne$ada in about half an hour,BANe$adaC 8s that &here &e=re !oin!CBA ri$in! throu!h,BA4h,B'e &aited for se$eral breaths before he spared her a !lance, AWhatDno @uestionsCBShe smiled and somethin! inside him burst, ASome&here last ni!ht- bet&een you dra!!in! me out of bed and thro&in! me in the back of the car- and fallin! asleep once you stopped dri$in! like a madman- 8 decided to take each moment as it comes,BAFou=re not !oin! to ask me &here &e=re !oin!CBAWould you tell meCBNo, #he less she kne& the easier it &ould be for her to keep &here they &ere a secret, A stop at a !as station could result in a simple con$ersation that &ould blo& their location,A#hat=s &hat 8 thou!ht, Which is all &ell and !ood for a little &hile,B'e only needed a little &hile, 'e hoped,A id you tell anyone &here &e=re !oin!CBANo,B'er brother &ould &orry- and her mother &ould be frantic,AAre &e !oin! to callLBANo-B he interrupted, AWe can=t callDnot until 8 say, #he phones in Malibu &ere bu!!ed,BA8f you kne& that- &hy not Eust remo$e themCBA8f the man follo&in! us thinks some of his toys are still in place he=ll hear only the information 8 &ant him to,BA#hen ho& are &e !oin! to tell Blake and the others that &e=re 4)CBA+ea$e that to me,B?&en rubbed her

forehead, AFou think someone is after usCB8n the rear$ie& mirror- a car approached, Neil kept his speed steady and s@uelched the ur!e to stay ahead of the car,A8 kno& someone is after us,BAWhy meC 8=$e not made any enemies here- or any&here that 8 kno& of,B#he car mo$ed up on them fast and sped around,Neil si!hed, AWhoe$er they are- they &eren=t after youDthey=re after me,BA#hen &hy did they murder my nei!hborsC 'o& does that affect youCBNeil s&allo&ed- thankful his sun!lasses hid his eyes,A'e &as makin! it clear that he could !et to you Eust as easily,B 8t could ha$e been her facedo&n in a bathtub, +ifeless,A#hat=s cra>y- Neil, #he house is &ired from top to bottom,BAFet the back door &as open and the system &as armed, Anyone could ha$e come in,BA#hat still doesn=t e.plain &hy someone &ould use me to !et to you, Fou &ork for my brother and hardly !i$e me a second !lance,B'e !lancedDmore than !lanced, Someone had noticed,ANeilCB'e decided a defensi$e tactic &as best ri!ht at that moment, AWe=re stoppin! at the ne.t open !as station, Fou can use the restroom- but don=t talk to anyone,BAs ?&en !lanced out the &indo& &here not another li$in! soul could be seenD not e$en abandoned houses &ere on the road he chose- he kne& &hat she &as !oin! to say,A8 don=t see anyone after us out here,BAFour accent &ill !i$e us a&ay if the man follo&in! us finds our trail,BA8 hadn=t thou!ht of that,BA+ea$e the thinkin! to me,B#he half smile on ?&en=s face fell, 4h- damn, Wron! thin! to say,A8=m blonde- not stupid,BA8 didn=t say you &ere stupid,BAFou told me not to think,BANo- 8 said lea$e the thinkin! to me, Bad choice of &ords, Mntil 8 fi!ure out &ho=s out there- and kno& you=re safe- you need to trust me,BA8 belie$e 8=$e pro$en my trust in you by makin! the cloaked from my brother=s home in the dead of ni!ht, 8 didn=t do that by not thinkin!, 8 did that by makin! &ise choices and trust, Both of &hich take thinkin!,B She !lared at him no&- her bro&s ti!ht to!ether,'e !ripped the &heel hard and searched for the ri!ht &ords to di! him out of &hat he=d Eust said to her, She &asn=t a soldier under his orders, 'e=d do &ell to remember that, Findin! his softer side &as impossible &hen it &asn=t there, 'e a$oided deep con$ersations &ith &omen for this $ery reason,A8=m sorry,B #here, #hat should make her happy, 'e dared a !lance,Not happy,8nstead of steppin! deeper in the pile of shit he=d spe&ed from his mouth- he reduced himself to silence,"ainful silence,#he filthy bathroom pro$ided little relief, But it &as better than a bush on the side of the road, Althou!h it killed her- she didn=t utter one &ord &hile at the petrol station, She kne& Neil &as ri!ht about her talkin! to anyone, 'er British accent !a$e her a&ay better than her blonde hair and hi!h cheekbones,As for Neil=s silenceDhe had no idea ho& proficient she &as at the silent !ame, #he British &ere kno&n for their cool- dry humor and patient silence, 8n her family any&ay, Americans &ere the ones &ho spoke e.cessi$ely, She had to admit that chattin! &ith her friends &as much more entertainin! here than back home, (li>a called ?&en on e$erythin!, 8n fact- (li>a had made the first comment about ?&en=s attraction to Neil,#he bi! Eerk,+et me do the thinkin!,She rolled her eyes as she pulled a paper to&el from the holder so she could open the dirty door, No use comin! do&n &ith &hate$er disease the bathroom &as incubatin!,#he hot Ne$ada mornin! &as e$en &armer in the black spande. clothin! co$erin! her body, #he thou!ht of takin! anythin! off in the bathroom left her ill- so she decided to &ait until they stopped for the ni!ht,Besides- she &asn=t e$en sure &hat clothes &ere in her ba!, Neil had packed most of it,She had !rabbed a pony clip to tame her hair before runnin! out the door- so at least her hair &asn=t lyin! hot upon her back,Neil finished pumpin! the !as and returned the spout &hile she took her place in the car,8n the center console &ere t&o

steamin! cups, #he smell of coffee filled the interior of the car,Neil took his seatfastened his belt, A8 kno& you like tea- but they only had coffee,BA on=t most Americans drink coffee in the mornin!CBNeil pulled a&ay from the pumps, AFes,BA#hen 8 think it=s best 8 drink coffee, 4rderin! one coffee and one tea mi!ht !i$e us a&ay,BA'umphGB he said- &ith a !rin on his face, Chapter FourteenAWhat do you mean &e=re sleepin! hereCBNeil had pulled the car far off the road and tucked it behind an outcroppin! of rocks that littered the Ne$ada desert, #hey=d dri$en until dusk and from &hat ?&en could tell- they &ere dri$in! as slo&ly across the Ne$ada desert as humanly possible, No- make that meanderin! throu!h the desert, #hey=d started out headin! east- then north- then back to the &est on a maEor hi!h&ay for a short time then northeast a!ain, And since she &as hell*bent on &innin! the silent !ame- ?&en kept her mouth shut,#hat &as until no&,Not e$en the fast food Neil had tossed her raised her ton!ue,AFes here,BShe looked out the &indo& at the Euttin! cliff that rose to the left of the car,A8 don=t see a hotel,BNeil backed the car up to the cliffput it in park- and Eumped out of the car,From the trunk- he remo$ed a pillo& and blanket and tossed it in the backseat, AFou=ll sleep in the back-B he said from the back door,AFou=re serious,BA"roblem- ?&endolynCBShe pushed out of the front seat and !lared at him o$er the car, AFou kno&D8 used to think you usin! my full name &as endearin!- no& 8 reali>e it=s thinly $eiled sarcasm, Which mi!ht humor me after a sho&er and a !ood ni!ht=s sleep- but 8 suppose that &ill Eust ha$e to &ait,BAWe=ll stay in a hotel once it=s safe,BAAnd if 8 ha$e to use the bathroomCB'e spread his hands open and looked around them,4f course, Someho&- she kne& the dirty toilets at the stations &ere a lu.ury,A id you at least remember a toothbrush for meCB'e mo$ed back to the trunk and fished throu!h her ba! &ith a flashli!ht,?&en stood ne.t to him to see e.actly &hat he=d packed for her,'e pushed her knickers aside- a ni!ht!o&n- socks- a real bra- a pair of Eeans- and a couple of shirts, 'is hand &rapped around a hairbrush and deodorant before findin! her toothbrush and a tube of paste,A#hat=s all you packed for meCBAWe=ll find a place to &ash &hat you ha$e on,BShe pushed him aside- !rabbed his flashli!ht- and looked a!ain, But no matter ho& far she du! the results &ere the same, AFou e.pect me to &ear t&o outfits and that=s allCBA4ne to &ash- one to &ear,B#he e.pression on his face &as a complete blank, She shone the li!ht in his face and he turned a&ay,AWhere=s my makeupCBA8=m sorry- ?&endolyn-B he said drippin! in sarcasm, A8 thou!ht findin! safety &as more important than packin! your &ar paint, Besides- you=re more beautiful &ithout it,BAWar paintCBAA mask men put on their face before battle,BAFes- yes- 8 kno& &hat &ar paint is, Why do you call makeup &ar paintCBNeil pushed the flashli!ht from his face, A8t=s an American sayin!,BA4h,BShe batted a bu! a&ay from the beam of li!ht and turned to the dark, After placin! her toothbrush and paste in the backseat- she found an e.tra napkin from their pathetic dinner of &armed o$er hambur!ers and fries and started to &alk a&ay from the car,AWhere are you !oin!CBShe stopped- turned to&ard him- and raised her arm to the outside, A#he ladies= room, What do you thinkCB#he flashli!ht kept her from stumblin! o$er rocks and bushes,AWatch out for snakes,BShe hesitated but kept mo$in!, 4f course, 'e &ould ha$e to pick a part of the &orld infested &ith poisonous snakes to hide out,A lar!e rock separated her from Neil, She &as about to set the flashli!ht do&n &hen he called out, AAnd coyotes, #hey run in packs, 8f you see onethere are three surroundin! you,BABrilliant-B she &hispered to herself, She flashed the

li!ht in a full circle- assurin! herself she &as alone,When she finished- she &alked @uickly back to the car, Neil leaned on the hood- his arms crossed o$er his chest,A#hat &asn=t so bad- &as itCBShe !rabbed her toothbrush and paste &ith a bottle of &ater from the car, ANot bad at allDif you enEoy relie$in! yourself &ith the snakes and coyotes,B She s&atted a bu! from her arm before splashin! &ater on her hands in a feeble attempt to &ash them, After smotherin! the tip of the brush &ith minty paste- she sho$ed it in her mouth and tried to &ash the day=s !reasy food a&ay,Neil &as &atchin! her- a smile on his face,AWhat=s so amusin!CB She ne$er sa& the man smile yet he did no& at her e.pense,A4nly you can make peein! in the bushes sound ele!ant,BA id not,B'is smile only !re& &ith her a!itation,A(rrrGB She mo$ed behind the car- rinsed out her mouth- and returned to him,#he beam of li!ht found his face a!ain, AFou=re lau!hin! at me,BARela.?&en, 8=m not lau!hin! at you,BShe s&atted another bu! and found three more ready to land on her,Neil pushed off the car and took the flashli!ht from her fin!ers, 'e s&itched it off and plun!ed them into the dark, A#here, No li!ht- no bu!s,B#he li!ht from the moon &as barely $isible as she cast her eyes to the sky,She !asped, A4h- &o&,BABeautiful- isn=t itCBAMa!nificent,B Mndaunted by the city li!hts- the ni!ht sky held millions of stars, A8=$e ne$er seen it @uite like this,B While starin! at the sky- ?&en didn=t mind their stop in the desert nearly as much as she had a moment a!o,A#he desert has the best $ie& of the uni$erse-B he muttered,She leaned a!ainst the car and tilted her head back, After a fe& minutes she asked- A o you e$er &onder if there=s somethin! else out thereCBA8ntelli!ent lifeCBAFeah,BNeil si!hed, A8 hope so,BShe smiled at that, AMe too, 8=d hate to think &e=re it,BAWhen 8 &as a kid- 8 &anted to be an astronaut,B?&en looked at him, AFou didCBAFeah,BAWhy didn=t you pursue spaceCBA8 don=t kno&, +ost interest, Mo$ed on,BShe understood that, A8 &anted to be a ballerina,BAWhat stopped youCB#he hair on her arms stood up and the cool ni!ht made her shi$er,AFou=ll lau!h if 8 tell you,BA8 don=t smile- so lau!hin! is out of the @uestion,BShe !i!!led- completely unprepared for a Eoke,Neil tried to hide his smile,A8 &as too fat,B'is Ea& dropped, AFou don=t ha$e an ounce to spare,BA8 kno&, Ne$er ha$eDbut prima ballerinas eat salad and @uestion the dressin!, 8 enEoy food too much,B She returned her stare to the stars and rubbed her arms, A8 still enEoy the ballet, #he !race and beauty of the dance,BNeil shru!!ed out of his Eacket and &rapped it o$er her shoulders, She snu!!led into his side and surprisin!ly he kept his arm on her shoulders, A#hank you,B'e !a$e a passin! smile and looked up a!ain, A8=$e ne$er been to a li$e sta!e sho&, 4utside of a rock concert,BAReallyC WhyCBANe$er occurred to me to !o,B'er head rested on his shoulder as they talked, A8 suppose the &ealth 8=$e al&ays been surrounded by has afforded me many fine thin!s in life, But you kno& somethin!CBAWhatCBA8=$e ne$er seen this- a ni!ht sky so crisp and clear &ith stars that look like the finest diamond in a bri!ht li!ht,BA#he best thin!s in life cost nothin!,B#rue,A star shot across the sky, A id you see thatCB she asked,AFeah,BShe closed her eyes and &ished they=d make it home safely,AWhat are you doin!CBShe opened her eyes and found him starin! at her, AMakin! a &ish, C=mon- make a &ish upon a fallin! starDsurely you=$e heard of that,BAAhh,B 'e &as smilin! a!ain and the si!ht took her breath a&ay,AAre you !oin! to make a &ishCB'e shook his head,AWhy notCB She turned to him- his hand rested on her arm,A8 don=t belie$e in &ishes,BShe huddled under his coat, A8t=s only a small fantasy- or desire- to &ish for somethin!, 8t=s meant to be fun,B'is smile fell and his !a>e slid to her lips,A8t=s 4) to ha$e fun once in a &hileNeil,BShe cau!ht his eyes a!ain- and dro&ned in his !a>e, 'e leaned in and she made a

second &ish- his &ish- that he not pull back this time,Neil=s hand mo$ed up her arm and pulled her closer before her &ish came true, #here- in the middle of the desert filled &ith &ild animals and a >illion stars- Neil kissed her, 'ot- desperate kisses that filled e$ery lonely pore of her body,?&en skirted her hands up his thick chest and cla&ed into his skin, She opened for him- acceptin! the feelin! of his ton!ue alon!side hers, She couldn=t breathe- his embrace &as so hard- but she didn=t care, She could breathe later, No& &as the time for feelin!, As in ho& his hand found the back of her head and he !uided her &here he &anted, 8t &as then she kne& that she &ould !i$e him anythin! should he ask,'er dreams didn=t prepare her for his touch, She pushed into him- felt his arousal- and &anted all of him,8f his kiss &as any indication- he &anted her- too,So &hy &as he pushin! her a&ayC'is hot breath ble& upon her cheek, A?&endolyn-B he si!hed,A8 don=t &ant you to stop-B she confessed,#he arms that held her ti!htened,AFou=re a distraction, istractions !et you killed,BWas he sayin! this to himselfC 4r to herCA#here=s no one out here but us,B And &ild- hot se.- e$en on the hood of the car- &as better than backin! a&ay no&,AWe can=t do this,B 'e took her head in both hands and looked into her eyes, ANot no&,BShe could taste the ar!ument on her lips,She s&allo&ed it,8=$e &aited this lon!, 8 can &ait a little lon!er, No& that she=d sampled him- she=d taste him on her lips e$ery time she thou!ht of him,Blake intended to follo& Neil=s ad$ice, Mntil he=d heard that he and ?&en had left in the middle of the ni!ht and hadn=t been seen since, At that point- Blake told his pilot to fuel his pri$ate Eet and he kissed his &ife and son !ood* bye,Samantha hadn=t been happy about bein! left in Albany- but a stomach flu kept her from usin! her po&er o$er him to let her come, 8f Neil=s concerns &ere e$en half $alidated- Blake didn=t need his family underfoot or in harm=s &ay &hile he searched for his sister and body!uard,4nce the Eet set do&n on the &est end of the run&ay and customs cleared him- Blake &alked to the car &aitin! to take him home,AMr, 'arrisonCBNot used to seein! anyone but Neil as his dri$er- Blake did a double take,AFirst Class Ser$ices sent me,B First Class Ser$ices &as a company Blake had used from time to time, 'e needed to thank Sam &hen he talked to her later that ni!ht,Blake nodded and ducked into the backseat, ean &as sittin! on the opposite seat- a smirk on his face, AWelcome home- Four ?race,BBlake shook the detecti$e=s hand, A)nock that ?race crap off- ean, What the hell is !oin! onCB ean nodded to&ard the dri$er &ho inched off the run&ay,AAll their dri$ers are cleared before they !et behind the &heel,B ean sucked in a deep breath,A8=m not sure &hat=s !oin! on- Blake, (li>a called me, #old me about the dead nei!hbors, We tuned into the radios of #ar>ana=s menD heard the calls !oin! back and forth, #hey &eren=t happy about ha$in! to let Neil poke around and e$en less e.cited to see us arri$e, At first !lance- it looks like birds nested inside the hot tub=s electrical system,BAAnd at second !lanceCBAWe don=t ha$e that yet, 'omicide is !oin! o$er the place &ith t&ee>ers no&, No one thinks it=s an accident, Spontaneous electrocutions in hot tubs don=t happen, Not unless the &irin! &ith the tub had been tampered &ith, Which brin!s me to the $ictims themsel$es,BAWhat about themCBA#hey &ere s@uatters,BAS@uattersCBA#he &hole damn country is fillin! up &ith them, "eople &ho mo$e into abandoned or bank*o&ned homes and take up residency, Banks hate bein! landlords and many of the properties they=$e foreclosed on in the last fi$e years are still $acant, "eople mo$e in- !et a bill or t&o in their name- and no& the bank has to e$ict them, #here are !roups of people all o$er &ho or!ani>e s@uattin!,BBlake shook his head, ASo these people li$e free for &hatC Si. monthsCBA4r a

yearDsometimes lon!er, 4nly &hen a real estate a!ent comes around to inspect do they find the problem, 'ell- San Francisco banks can o&n houses in "acoima- and use San ie!o a!ents to handle sellin! them, Needless to say- many times the a!ent ne$er e$en sees the house, 8t=s a mess,BA'o& the hell do they !et the po&er turned onCBA8n this casethey &ere stealin! po&er from the nei!hbors- ?&en and )aren included,BANeil told me there &ere problems &ith the monitors at the house e$ery time the nei!hbors used the Jacu>>i,BAAnd he ne$er found the problem because he didn=t ha$e access to the nei!hbors= house, #he fact that the s@uatters stole the po&er leads me to belie$e there could be a plausible e.planation for their demise,B4h- no& Blake &as $ery confused, A8f that=s true then Neil o$erreactedCBA8=m not sayin! that yet, Neil doesn=t strike me as an impulsi$e man, 'e=s so damn @uiet most of the time 8 don=t ha$e a clue &hat=s !oin! on in his head,BFeahDbut Blake remembered a time &hen Neil &as as impulsi$e as a teena!er !ettin! lucky for the first time,AWhere the hell is heCBA on=t kno&, 'e &as rippin! the place apart before 8 left your house, Fou=ll see the mess he left behind, All his e@uipment is in your den, 8t=s like he &as settin! up a fortress in there, Scared the shit out of Mary,BAAnd ?&enCBAShe &as already upset about the nei!hbors, 8 came back yesterday mornin! and found them !one, illon !a$e me this,B ean handed him a hand&ritten note, ean)eep all con$ersations outside of the Malibu and #ar>ana houses, ($erythin! 8 set up has been compromised,8 &ill notify you in se$enty*t&o hours &ith more information,8f you don=t hear from me- ha$e Carter contact the Commander in Chief, ?i$e them my name, And code name9 Ra$en,MacASe$enty*t&o hoursCBA#hirty* si. as of this mornin!,BBlake ran a hand throu!h his hair, ACommander in chiefC Who is he talkin! aboutCB ean le$eled his eyes &ith his, A8 think he=s talkin! about the president,BBlake=s skin chilled, What the fuck did Neil dra! his sister intoC Chapter Fifteen#&o consecuti$e ni!hts of sleepin! in the backseat of a small car &as enou!h, Sure- it helped that Neil had mana!ed to find t&o of the most beautiful places in &hich to camp- but enou!hG#he Ne$ada mornin! had taken her by surprise, #he cliff they=d parked ne.t to Eutted hundreds of feet in the air &ith nothin! but bri!ht blue sky beyond, 8n the li!ht of day- their impromptu camp!round felt less threatenin!,Nothin! prepared ?&en for Mtah, She=d seen pictures- but had ne$er been, #he landscape &as candy for her eyes, She sounded like a recordin! &ith her constant Abrilliant- and stunnin!B bein! uttered from her lips,#he fierce &inds that shaped the cliffs and $istas also ble& their tiny car around,A8t=s lo$ely-B she said as they rounded another corner and one more picture &orthy $ie& met her eyes,A8t is,B'e hadn=t done more than brush his hands a!ainst hers since their kiss, 'e seemed to ha$e found the comfortable distance he=d said he needed in order to stay alert, #hat didn=t mean she didn=t see him &atchin! her e$ery so often,Neil had three days= !ro&th on his face- and she lo$ed it, 'andsomein his harsh &ay- he someho& softened &ith the beard, 'is short hair made the beard look deliberate instead of la>y, She &ouldn=t e$en mind the scrape of it on her skin, ($ery&here,'e had paid for e$erythin! &ith cash, ($en ?&en- &ho hadn=t &atched that many mo$ies about fleein! men and &omen- kne& that credit cards could be traced, #hey &ere completely off the !rid- as they say, No one kne& them- no one &ould be able to find them like this, With anyone but Neil- the thou!ht mi!ht fri!hten her, 8nstead- she felt liberated,A"lease tell me &e=ll find lod!in! toni!ht,BAWe=ll see,BANeil- please, My clothin! needs a !ood &ash and 8 don=t think you=$e slept more than an hour or t&o at a

time,BA8 don=t need a lot of sleep,BA4h- posh, ($eryone needs to sleep, My attempts to clean up ha$e been less than ade@uate, A bed and runnin! &ater- please,B She poured su!ar into her re@uest, AFou kno& no one is follo&in! us out here,B'e made a point of checkin! the rear$ie& mirror,A#here=s no one back there,B'e si!hed, AWe need to buy a fe& thin!sDbefore &e check into a hotel,BShe clapped her hands like a school!irlEumped o$er the seat- and planted her lips to his rou!h cheek, A#hank you, 8 can=t &ait to be clean a!ain,B She settled back in her seat and counted the mile markers to the ne.t to&n,#hey found a corner store that seemed to ha$e a little of e$erythin!, +ike a mini Walmart- there &as clothin! for the &hole family in a fe& aisles and !roceries in the other,AWe &on=t be here lon!, on=t talk to anyone,B?&en made a keyin! motion on her lips and smiled, 'e handed her t&o t&enties, A8=ll !rab some food- you !et &hate$er you need,BShe hopped out of the car and practically skipped inside the store, After !rabbin! a basket and findin! the shampoo aisle- she bou!ht a couple of tra$el si>e shampoo and conditioners- soap- and a ra>or, She &alked past the hair dye and stopped, She found a &ashable tint in both bro&n and red- tossed them inside, +ip !loss- bu! repellant, #he important thin!s,A &oman &alked past her and ?&en pretended to read the back of one of the,She &asn=t sure ho& lon! she=d taken- so she headed to the re!ister and noticed one more item she had to buy,Condoms,8t ne$er ceased to ama>e Neil ho& people responded to the simple thin!s in life after they=d done &ithout them for a &hile,?&en=s smile lit up her face as they climbed back into the car,A?et e$erythin! you needCB he asked,A8=m sure 8 for!ot somethin!- but 8 mana!ed the essentials,BShe unscre&ed the cap of the small shampoo and brou!ht it to her nose, A+o$ely,B She pushed it in his face, ASmell,BASmells like you,BANot yet- but soon,B'e pulled out of the parkin! lot and &atched the rear$ie& mirror until they &ere back on the road, #hey=d find a hotel that &ouldn=t ask @uestions and he=d make a phone call in the mornin! once they &ere far a&ay from the place they slept,8t &as time to start leadin! his prey,Bein! the prey &asn=t an option,Not any lon!er,'e still needed to &ork out ho& to keep ?&en far from the action &hen it &ent do&n, A couple of ideas s&am inside his head- each nearly impossible for its o&n reason, 'e still had a fe& days to fi!ure it out,AFou=re fro&nin!, What=s &ron!CBANothin!,BA8=d lo$e to belie$e you- but my !uess is you=re tryin! to &ork out &hat to do ne.t, We=$e left California- but &e can=t run fore$er, #hou!h a little &hile mi!ht be fun,B'e felt the fro&n on his face liftin!, AFou like runnin!CBACome no&- Neil- ha$e you e$er seen such a beautiful place in your lifeC 8 &ould ne$er ha$e seen this had you not dra!!ed me out of the house in the middle of the ni!ht,BA#here=s nothin! stoppin! you from takin! a road trip,BAWhen there are perfectly !ood airplanes to take me &here 8 &ant to !oC 8 &ould ne$er ha$e chosen to take a car,BASometimes the Eourney is the destination,BA'mmm-B she hummed, A8 like that, Any&ay- you=re &orried about &hat comes ne.t, Am 8 ri!htCBAWorried- no-B he lied,A"erple.ed thenCB'e didn=t ans&er,ASometimes talkin! about it helps you &ork it out,B'e couldn=t tell her he planned to find an i$ory to&er for her- lock her inside- and then !o fi!ht the bad !uy, Neil didn=t think she=d sit back and let that happen, She &as a lot better at the cloak*and*da!!er life than he thou!ht she=d be and &ould probably insist on comin! alon! to help,AWomen talk- men think @uietly,BA8s that your &ay of tellin! me to stop talkin!CBAWhen ha$e 8 e$er been that politeCBShe leaned a!ainst the seat back and smiled, A4h- you=re @uite ri!ht, Fou=d tell me to shut up if you didn=t &ant to hear me any lon!er,BAFinally-B he said lau!hin!, A#he &oman understands me,BA#he hell she

does,B'is Ea& dropped,AWhatCB she asked,AFou said hell,BA4f course 8 said hell, 8=m not a prude, 8 did li$e &ith (li>a- you kno&, #he &oman can make a sailor blush &hen she &ants to,BNeil kinda liked that about (li>a, 'e supposed he admired her battle*tested spirit as &ell, Carter &as a lucky man,AFou don=t kno& ho& happy it makes me to hear you profess you=re not a prude,BShe ran a hand throu!h her hair that she=d left loose since they=d pulled a&ay from the store, A4h- &hy=s thatCB'e nodded to the backseat, A8 bou!ht you somethin! ne& to &ear,B?&en=s face lit up- her !rin nearly blindin! him, 'er seat belt &as off and she &as reachin! in the back in seconds,'er body stilled,AWhat theCBAFou said you=re not a prude,BShe t&isted back into her seat- his purchases in her hands, AFou=re Eokin!,B#he look of horror on her face bri!htened his, 'e for one couldn=t &ait to see her in his choice of clothin!,AAre these shortsCB She lifted the teenybopper shorts that only sported enou!h material to co$er one cheek modestly,A#hose are shorts,BA#hey &on=t co$er my knickers- Neil,B'e=d seen her knickers, #hey=d co$er a thon! plenty,#he red and &hite checkered top &as ri!ht off the @ueen of the Fourth of July parade,AAt least the shoes are cute-B she said- dan!lin! the pumps &ith a fin!er, ACheap- but cute,BAFou likeCBA8t=s appallin!,BFou can take a +ady out of the castle- but not the castle out of the +ady,A#hat=s &hat 8 &as !oin! for,BAWhyCBAFou=ll see-B he told her,A8t better be !ood,B She tossed the clothes back &here she=d found them, A4r 8=ll choose an outfit for you,B She leaned back and closed her eyes, AAnd 8 ha$e a fondness for black leather,B#&enty miles outside of to&n- Neil stopped at a !as station and told her to chan!e, She !rumbled- but marched to the bathroom all the same, AAnd do somethin! e@ually appallin! &ith your hair,B'e chuckled as he &alked into the con$enience store and bou!ht a pack of !um and a pack of ci!arettes,4utside the bathroom- he leaned a!ainst the hood of the carD&aitin!, 'e kept checkin! his &atch- &onderin! if she=d e$er come out, 'e mo$ed to the door and !a$e a @uick knock, A($erythin! all ri!ht in thereCBA8 look ridiculous,BAScared- "rincessCB he taunted her, Somethin! he noticed &orked on this trip, And here he thou!ht he kne& +ady ?&endolyn better than most, 'e hadn=t kno&n shit,A8=m not scared,BAMh*huhGB'e backed up to the car and &aited,Finally- the door to the bathroom opened, 'er heeled foot carried her out the door, She tossed her ba! of clothes to the !round and spun in a circle,AS&eet Jesus-B he &hispered as he pulled his sun!lasses off his face, 'e already kne& her le!s &ere lon! and ele!ant- but he had no idea ho& far up they &ent, #he shorts fit like a second skin, When she turned for him- her ass did indeed peep out from belo&, She=d buttoned the shirt up hi!h and kept tu!!in! on it, A lar!e portion of her hair &as brushed to one side and put in a pi!tail,Feah- she looked like a school!irl fantasy hooker playin! !ro&n*up &ith the heels,Blood shot from his head to his cock,AFou=re starin!Neil,B'e s&allo&ed and took a step to&ard her, #he shoes brou!ht her closer to his hei!ht- but he still had to look do&n at her by se$eral inches, ?&en stood perfectly still as he reached out and unbuttoned the shirt until the creamy e.panse of her breasts &ere clearly $isible,'e licked his lips and i!nored the feel of her soft skin as it !ra>ed the backs of his fin!ers, 'e then !athered the ed!es of the bottom of the shirt- undid another button so only t&o &ere fastened- and tied the ends in a knot- tuckin! it under her ample breasts, With her midriff e.posed- he stepped back and e.amined his creation,A"erfect,BAFor &hatC A t&enty*dollar romp from the streetsCBA slo& smile took o$er the muscles in his face,A4h- no- Neil you don=t e.pect me to act like aDBAWhere=s your sense of ad$enture- "rincessCBA8 left it- alon! &ith my di!nity- in the

bathroom,BA8=m not askin! that you parade around to&n like this, We Eust need to make &alkin! into a hotel as belie$able as possible,BA8 feel naked,BAlmost, AWe can sleep in the car a!ain,BShe dropped one hand to her hip, A#hat &as mean,BAFour choice,BAFineGB She &alked to&ard him- stopped at his side- and pressed her breasts into his arm, ABlack leather pants-B she &hispered in his ear, AMaybe a studded collar,B'is temperature shot up ten de!rees, Fou=re in trouble- Mac, Serious trouble, Chapter Si.teen(li>a met )aren and Michael at the airport, #heir AhoneymoonB had been cut short by t&o days,Michael su!!ested they return to France later bet&een mo$ies to make up for the interruption,)aren ran into (li>a=s embrace, AWe came back as soon as possible,BA#hanks, 8=m sorry &e had to interrupt your $acation-B (li>a said to both of them,A ead nei!hbors and missin! people sounds more like somethin! 8=d find in a mo$ie script than real life-B Michael pointed out,(li>a nodded, A8=m sorry, We ha$en=t met-B she said pushin! her hand in front of his to shake,A4hDmy bad, Michael- this is (li>a Billin!s,B )aren introduced them- &atched them shake hands, A(li>a- Michael WolfeDmy temporary husband-B she &hispered so only the three of them heard,Michael &inked at her, ANo introduction needed for the First +ady of the state,BABack at yamo$ie star,BMichael smiled- already at ease in (li>a=s presence,#hey mo$ed to a &aitin! limousine- &ith a security detail follo&in! them, )aren &aited until they &ere in the back- the &indo& bet&een the passen!er and dri$er sealed before she spoke,AWhat happenedCBA8 don=t think any of us really kno&, #hat=s &hy &e need you to share any information you kno& to help us fi!ure it out,BA8 &as in France, 'o& can 8 kno& anythin!CBAFou=$e been li$in! &ith ?&enDkne& all about the nei!hbors= hot tub habitsDyou kno& plenty,BAAll 8 kno& is ?&en and Neil ha$e disappeared and the nei!hbors are dead, Michael and 8 lau!hed about the hairy naked nei!hbor throu!hout France, ?od- 8 feel bad no&,BA'o& &ere you to kno&CBShe shru!!ed, A8 didn=t, #he first time they &ere out there- 8 &as all come @uick- ?&en, +ook,B She shook the once Eoyful memory from her head, A#hey=re deadCB(li>a=s !a>e mo$ed from Michael to )aren, A(lectrocuted,BAAnd it &asn=t an accidentCBANoDor at least- &e don=t think so,B#here &as a hesitation in (li>a=s $oice, AFou don=t think soCBANeil phoned Blake shortly after it happened, ?&en called me, Neil sounded lethal,BA+ethalCB )aren interrupted, ANeil is ne$er anythin! other than painfully silent,BA8n Carter=s &ords- H8=$e ne$er heard a more deadly $oice in my life,= 'e had Carter call in a fa$or so he could in$esti!ate the nei!hbors= backyard after the police arri$ed, Accordin! to ean- they found a bunch of dead birds in the Jacu>>i and Neil freaked,B)aren=s body chilled, ABirdsCBAFeah- ra$ens, We don=t e$en ha$e ra$ens in this part of Southern California,B)aren ran her hands up her suddenly chilled arms,A)arenCB Michael askedDlookin! at her, AFou 4)CBNoG She &as anythin! but 4), #he memory of the dead bird- a bird she assumed &as a cro& but could ha$e been a ra$en- on the sill and a!ain at the door of the car at the restaurant, No& t&o people &ere dead,A)arenCBAAre you sure it &as a ra$enCBAA couple actuallyD &hyCBA8 think they &ere murdered, Neil needed to !et her out of there,B And there &as no !uarantee she &as safe either,AChe& this,B Neil sho$ed a stick of !um in her mouth,#hey &ere sittin! on a dark road on the outskirts of to&n, From the looks of the li!hts in the distance- it &as a small to&n &ith only a half do>en hotels at best,AWhyCB she asked- acceptin! the !um and makin! @uick &ork of brin!in! the stiff substance into submission,AChe& &ith your mouth openCBShe opened her mouth and tried, #hen started

to lau!h,ASleepin! in the backseat sound !ood to you- ?&endolynCBShe tried harder, But che&in! &ith her mouth open &ent a!ainst e$ery !rain in her body,ABetterCB'e nodded, ANo& slouch,BShe pushed her shoulders for&ard and thou!ht of a hot sho&er,A?ood-B Neil praised,She sat- hunched in the passen!er seat che&in! her !um like a co& in a field,A4)D!ood,B Neil rubbed his hands on his Eeans before !rippin! the &heel, A8=m !oin! to !o in and book the room, 8=ll use the name of Re. Smith,BASounds !eneric,BA8t is, All you need to do is step out of the car and lean o$er the hood, 8f 8 look out at yousmile and think of e$ery porn mo$ie you=$e e$er &atched,BShe !asped, A8=$e ne$erLB'e stopped her denial &ith a look, A o 8 need to remind you &ho=s been listenin! to your con$ersations o$er the last yearCBA#hat is not fairG 8 simply said- once by the &ay- that 8=$e yet to see an attracti$e man in any of those films,B And it &as a con$ersation on the e$e of (li>a=s &eddin! durin! &hich she &as @uite into.icated,Neil &aited for her patient denial to end, A+ike 8 &as sayin!Dthink of the &omen in those films and play for the camera,BA8s there anythin! you don=t kno& about meCB'is !a>e dropped to her breasts and back to her face,'eat rushed throu!h her body,A"lenty,BShe di$erted her !a>e and stared out the &indo&, AWell let=s !o, Clean sheets and a hot sho&er a&ait,BAs the last remainin! miles passed- ?&en felt more comfortable che&in! her !um &ith it nearly fallin! out of her mouth,Neil dro$e throu!h the to&n- t&ice- before settlin! on a small strip hotel &ith a $acancy si!n,A#he sho& starts &hen &e pull in the place, Fou=re my ni!ht=s entertainment and anyone &atchin! needs to see it,B?&en unhooked her seat belt and scooted closer, She rested her hand on his thi!h and curled close, A#his !oodCBNeil stretched his thick neck, AFine,B8f she had to act the part- she mi!ht as &ell enEoy it,A fan ble& hot air around the reception desk of the motel lobby, +obby bein! a loose term for the small space desi!ned to re!ister o$erni!ht !uests, Neil ran! the bell and kept his face as an!led as he could from the camera pointin! at him, ($en di$es like this liked some security, Chances &ere- the tapes &ere recorded o$er in a matter of days to keep from ha$in! to store data, "laces like this didn=t often feel the need to up!rade their systems so $ideo files could be stored on a computer and nothin! &ould ha$e to be erased, #he attitude A8t=s &orked this &ell this lon!- no need to chan!e itB often &on at the end of the day,Neil ran! the bell a second time and !lanced o$er his shoulder at ?&en,She leaned a!ainst the car &ith one le! bent, 'er hand &a$ed in the air as she fanned herself and lifted her chin to the sky- pushin! her breasts a!ainst the fabric of her shirt,'e had to admit she &as se.y as hell,#he sound of the #% in the other room &ent do&n and Neil hit the bell a third time,AComin=-B someone said,A middle*a!ed man lumbered from the back room- his beer !ut precedin! him by about a foot,ASorry =bout that, idn=t hear ya o$er the set,B"robably an old one &ith a turn knob and e$erythin!,ANo problem,BANeed a roomCB No, 'e &as standin! there for his health,A4ne ni!ht-B Neil told him,A?ot a credit cardCB the !uy asked as he pulled his re!ister book in front of him,AFeahDabout that,B Neil mo$ed to the side and !lanced o$er at ?&en,Beer*?ut follo&ed his !a>e,C=mon?&endolyn, Make it !ood,?&en met his eyes and turned to&ard the car, She stuck her ass in the air and leaned o$er the hood so her breasts spilled o$er the material of her clearly $isible bra, After blo&in! him a kiss- she licked her lips in a slo& easy fashion that &ould do a %e!as hooker proud,A8 need to pay cash-B Neil said- noddin! to&ard the sho&,'e turned to see the lust*filled eyes of Beer*?ut focus on ?&en,Neil stepped in front of the $ie&, A on=t need the char!e comin! up on the cardDfor others to see,BBeer*?ut raised his bro&, A8=d lea$e the one lookin! and take her-B he said,AAnd

!i$e up the trailerC 8 don=t think so,B Neil pulled out a pack of ci!arettes and tapped them in his hand,#he hotel o&ner looked o$er Neil=s shoulder a!ain and &rote in his book, AWant #%CBA'o& about AC and a #%CBAFifty bucks,BNeil looked around, For this di$eC 'e pulled the money from his &allet- added to it, A on=t need the missus- or her brother kno&in! 8=m here,BBeer*?ut s&i$eled the book in front of Neil and he &rote his fake name,ARoom=s around back,BNeil added another t&enty- &hich disappeared into the !uy=s pocket,4nce he finished bookin! the room- Beer*?ut &ished him a fun ni!ht and &atched him &alk out the door,Neil &alked strai!ht to&ard ?&en and &rapped an arm around her thin &aist, 'e nestled closer to her ear, A'e still lookin!CB'e felt her lift a le! and slide it alon! his, AFes-B she said- nibblin! his ear,'eat shot to his dick, 'e kissed her neck and pulled her off before openin! her door, And then- Eust because he couldn=t stop himself- he pinched the cheek of her ass before sho$in! her inside,?&en s@uealed and sent him a &icked !rin,4nce they made it to the back of the motel- he backed the car into the parkin! space and Eumped out of the car alon! &ith ?&en, #here &as a ro& of t&el$e rooms- three of &hich &ere lit up, Quiet ni!ht,A8 can=t &ait for that sho&er-B ?&en said as they &alked to the room,A on=t e.pect much,BA'o& bad can it beCB#he air conditioners sho$ed into the &alls of the cheap motel stru!!led and !asped in an effort to &ork, 8t &as still ninety de!rees e$en after the sun set,'e s&iped the key o$er the lock and &aited for the !reen li!ht, Somethin! told Neil that the modern key lock &as !oin! to be the only lu.ury this di$e &ould afford,'e opened the door, A"retty bad,B#he kin!*si>e bed sportin! a dark !reen and red comforter filled the center of the room, #here &as a dresser to the ri!ht of the bed- another holdin! a chunky tele$ision- and a chair that looked like a petri dish, #oppin! it all off &as the smell of stale beer and shame- all of &hich boiled in a temperature ten de!rees hi!her than that of the outdoors,#he shock on ?&en=s face t&isted into a fit of lau!hter,AAre you sure about thisCB he asked,She pushed around him, ANothin! is keepin! me from a sho&er,B As she mo$ed into the room- her lau!hter ele$ated, 'er !a>e mo$ed up the peelin! paper on the &alls to the dark splotch on the ceilin!, A?ood thin! it=s not rainin!,B'er !i!!le &as startin! to infect him, espite the disparity of the room and the an!elic nature of the &oman in it- he found a smile on his face, Neil leaned do&n to the air conditioner and turned it on hi!h, A8=ll !et our thin!s,B?&en !lanced o$er her shoulder as she looked around the corner in the bathroom,'e s&un! her ba! and his o$er his shoulder and !rasped the case holdin! his &eapons, 'e took one last look around the outside and didn=t notice anythin! out of place, A di$e in a t&o*stopli!ht to&n, 'e didn=t think anyone &as on their trail- but he &asn=t !oin! to make it easy on them if they &ere,Neil tossed their belon!in!s on the bed and kicked the door shut,ANeilDcan you come hereCB'e mo$ed into the ti!ht space of the bathroom and found ?&en &ith a lar!e sticklike bu! in her palm,A8s this a prayin! mantisCB she asked- lau!hin!,A8 think so, Where did you find itCBA4n the less than clean to&el,B#he stained to&el may ha$e once been &hite- but no& leaned to&ard a shade of !ray, AFou said a bed and runnin! &ater,B 'e reached o$er and turned the knob in the sink, AWater=s runnin!,BShe lau!hed and handed him the bu!, A8=$e slept amon! the insects for t&o ni!hts, )indly take this one outside,B#he bu! accepted his ride outside and sat on the railin! before lumberin! a&ay, 4nce a!ain- ?&en impressed him, Not only &as she not s@ueamish about the bu! takin! up residency on the filthy to&el- but instead of turnin! around and &alkin! out the door of the di$e- she lau!hed,When he stepped back into the room she=d stripped the comforter from the bed and placed it on the dirty

chair, She chan!ed her mind and spread the co$er on the floor,AWhat are you doin!CBA#he floor is filthy and e$eryone kno&s hotel bedspreads are ne$er cleaned, No need to sho&er and end up &ith dirty feet,B#his &oman didn=t cease to ama>e him, Just &hen he thou!ht she=d lost some of the +adyship- the "rincess in her came out to play,AFou sho&er first-B he told her,She rumma!ed throu!h her ba! and held up t&o bottles of hair dye, ABrunette or redheadCB'e lo$ed her hair as it &as, AFou don=t ha$e to LBANeil, "lease- look at me, 8=m dressed like a common street !irl, Surely a different hair color &ould aid in my dis!uise better than the clothes on my back, 8=m not su!!estin! anythin! permanent, 8n fact- the bo. says this &ashes out &ithin a &eek,B She &a$ed the in the air,'e couldn=t ar!ue, ASurprise me,BShe !athered her ba! and disappeared into the bathroom, A'ot sho&erDhere 8 come,B Chapter Se$enteenBlake &aited patiently for introductions to finish before he encoura!ed e$eryone to sit so they could start to piece to!ether all the information,#hey met in (li>a and Carter=s southern California home, ean and Jim sat on opposite sides of the room, )aren and Michael faced each other across the li$in! room, Carter hadn=t arri$ed from Sacramento and planned on Eoinin! them the ne.t day,Blake !lanced at (li>a- &hom he kne& better than )aren, 'e didn=t like the fact they &ere talkin! in front of Michael- but it couldn=t be helped, ean directed the con$ersation, A(li>a said you felt Neil &as Eustified in hidin! ?&en, Can you tell me &hy you think that &ay- )arenCBA8t started a couple of &eeks a!o, Ri!ht after Michael and 8 met, #he more 8 think about it- the more 8 reali>e ho& off thin!s ha$e been at home,BJim &a$ed a hand in the air, AFou need to start at the be!innin!,BAFirst &ere the cameras, Neil called on se$eral occasions askin! us to check the yard, #he $ideos &ere fu>>y or somethin!, #hen 8 found a dead cro& &ith its beak stuck in the screen, #he &indo& &as openD&hich 8 don=t remember openin!, 8 could ha$e for!otten- 8 !uess, 8t=s been so hot lately- &e=$e had the air*conditionin! on most of the time,B She shi$ered, A8 hate birds-B )aren said &ith a !rimace, A?&en &as !reat, Just knocked the bird free of the screen and tossed it to the !round belo& before thro&in! it in the trash, We didn=t think of it after that,BAMntilCB)aren si!hed, AMntil dinnerDa couple ni!hts before &e !ot married,B )aren played &ith the diamond on her fin!er and smiled at her husband,Michael &inked at her,AWhat happened thenCB ean asked,AWe &ent to dinner, 4n our &ay out &e found another cro&D?&en called it a ra$en- by my side of the car, 8 thou!ht the birds &ere on a suicide mission or somethin!, ?&en &asn=t con$inced, Seemed to think the bird &as there deliberately,BAWhyCB Blake asked,)aren !lanced at Michael a!ain, AMichael and 8=d been seein! each other daily, She thou!ht maybe someone found out 8 had a thin! about birds and &as plantin! them to scare me,BMichael sat up, A8=$e had fans do some cra>y shit to !et my attention in the past,B ean directed his attention to Michael, A o you ha$e a restrainin! order a!ainst anyoneCBMichael shook his head, ANo, 8 !et my share of hate mail, ?oes &ith the territory,BA8=m !oin! to need copies of anythin! you ha$e-B ean told him,A8=ll ha$e my assistant drum them up, We keep e$erythin! in case of an issue like this,BBirds nestin! in a Jacu>>i and causin! some kind of electrical issue Blake could stretchDbut three different incidences, 'is brain didn=t stretch that far,ASo you think the dead birds are directed at youCB)aren shru!!ed, A8 hate birds, Serious phobia, 8 suppose if someone &as determined to press one of my hot buttons- the dead birds could be directed at me,BMichael mo$ed to the ed!e of his seat, A8=$e had missed calls and paper mail &ith

stran!e H!ifts-= but 8=$e ne$er had anyone lea$e dead animals &here 8 can find them,BA8=$e &atched enou!h crime fiction to kno& that dead animals e$entually pro!ress into people, o you think that=s &hat=s !oin! on here- eanCB (li>a asked, ean and Jim looked at each other- their non$erbal communication &ritten on their faces,A#hat=s one theory,BASo it=s not implausible that there is a rabid fan of Michael=s out there &ho isn=t happy &ith his relationship &ith )arenCB (li>a asked,ACould be,BBlake shook his head, A#hen &hy &ould Neil pull ?&en a&ayCB Why lea$e the letter behind about contactin! the damn president if he didn=t callC And if he didn=t callDdid that mean he and ?&en &ere deadC 'e hated this, #he not kno&in!, #he inability to control the chaos of the situation,ANeil must belie$e this has somethin! to do &ith him-B Jim added,AWhyC Why &ould someone use )aren and ?&en to !et to NeilC Neil &orks &ith me,B Blake stood and started to pace, AWhy not !o after Neil=s familyDsomeone he=s in$ol$ed &ith romanticallyCBA oes Neil ha$e a familyCB ean asked,A8=$e heard of a !randmother, 8 think his parents are dead, 8=m not sure,B amn if Blake &asn=t sorry for not kno&in! that no&, When he looked up- he noticed a look bet&een (li>a and )aren,AWhatCB)aren !lanced at (li>a- !a$e her a half smile, AFou !onna tell him or am 8CB(li>a studied her shoes, A8*8- ahDnot sure ho& to tell you this- Blake,B'e felt a headache comin! on, AWhatCBAFour sisterDNeilDB'is skin !re& cold, AWhatCBA#hey ha$e this thin!DBAA thin!C What the hell kind of a thin!CB 'is blood pumped hard in his chest, Neil and his sisterC 'o& had he missed thisCA8t=s not a thin! like you=re thinkin!-B )aren added, A#hey=$e ne$er acted on it,BActed on &hatC No& he &as really confused,(li>a tossed her hands in the air, A8t=s like this, She=s al&ays had it bad for him, 8 noticed in last year, She ne$er really opened up to me about it, But 8=m !uessin! she said somethin! to you- )aren,B)aren shru!!ed, AFeah, 8 kne&, 8t=s not like she=s been subtle, Neil- for &hate$er reason- hasn=t e$er acted on &hat is ob$ious to e$eryone,BBlake erupted, AWell it sure as hell &asn=t ob$ious to me,BAFou=$e been a little busy-B (li>a said, A(ither &ay, 8t=s safe to say 8 think Neil cares for ?&en on a much deeper le$el than as a Eob, 4ther&ise &hy &ould he ha$e reacted the &ay he didCBBlake sucked in a deep breath, AWhere the hell does Carter keep his &hiskeyCB?&en mo$ed around the bathroom &ith a to&el holdin! her ne&ly dyed hair, She hand*&ashed her clothes and draped them o$er the to&el rack and the ed!e of the sink, She &ore her ni!ht!o&n- the only clean item of clothin! in her ba!- and nothin! else, She=d &anted a hot sho&er and ended &ith a tepid one at best, 8t &as a blessin! that the heat in Mtah &as in the triple di!its- !i$in! the &ater an e.tra de!ree or t&o &ithin the pipes,4nce she finished &ashin! her last pair of under&ear- she turned to&ard the mirror, AWell- ?&en, +et=s see &hat you look like &ith bro&n hair,BWith all her bra$e &ords and intentions- she couldn=t !o red, Not yet, Baby steps- she told herself, #he natural state of her platinum blonde hair &ould appear different &ith any darker colorDso she chickened out and used the bro&n, And then didn=t lea$e it in all that lon!,She t&isted the to&el off her head and shook out her &et locks,Not bad, Not fabulous- but not a&ful either, Without a hair dryer- ?&en used her brush to pull some of the &etness from her hair,With nothin! left to do- she opened the door and stepped on the comforter on the floor,Neil sat on the bed &atchin! the tele$ision- &hich &as tuned to a local ne&s station,AWellC What do you thinkCB She spun in a circle,Neil found the remote and turned do&n the set, 'e !lanced at her head and then let his !a>e slide do&n her body,A8 like it,B'e didn=t, She could tell- but he &asn=t !oin! to say anythin! a!ainst it,She ran her fin!ers throu!h it, A8t=s not a&ful, "robably

looks better dry,BA'o& lon! before it &ashes outCBAA fe& days,B Which &as the only reason she did it, ABathroom=s yours, #here is laundryDe$ery&here,BANo helpin! that, #he air conditioner isn=t the best, Seems a little cooler in here to me,BBarely, But bein! clean made up for the heat, A fan o$er the bed spun and mo$ed the air,Neil mo$ed around the bed and disappeared into the bathroom,4n second appraisal- the room &as e$en &orse than she thou!ht, With hardly enou!h room to &alk bet&een the bed and the furniture- the only option &as to sit on the bed, ?&en peeked outside and found only a !lo& of a distant room and a streetli!ht,AAt least it=s @uiet,B#he local ne&s talked about a break in the heat &a$e o$er the ne.t fe& days- &hich &as somethin! ?&en looked for&ard to, #he heat &ore on her after a &hile, "erhaps it &as her upbrin!in! in (urope that made her intolerant to e.cessi$e heat,#he bed &as surprisin!ly comfortable, #he kin!*si>e bed,#here=s only one bed,#he implications of that fact hit her and she smiled,And &hen the sho&er turned off- she felt her skin heat &ith e.pectation,A short &hile later Neil emer!ed from the bathroom, 'e &ore only a to&el around his hips, What she sa& brou!ht a !asp from her lips,A4h my ?od- NeilD8 had no idea,B She shot from the bed and stood at his side,'is !lanced do&n at his o&n massi$e chest- &hich filled the door&ay better than any man e$er could,A8mpossible to escape the military &ithout one,B#he ink spread o$er his left shoulder and &rapped around his back, 8t &asn=t a picture of a face or animalDor e$en a symbol she reco!ni>ed, Rather it s&irled and spiked and flo&ed &ith his skin, 8t &as ra& and ur!ent- Eust like the man, AWhat is itCB She traced it &ith her fin!ertips,AA tribal tattoo, Some of us &ere on lea$e, ?ot drunk,BShe couldn=t picture him out of control enou!h to allo& this, A o you re!ret itCB She hoped not, She thou!ht it suited him perfectly, #he muscles on his back rippled under her touch,A#oo many other thin!s in life to re!ret, #his isn=t one of them,BShe couldn=t stop touchin! him, idn=t &ant to, She ran her fin!ernail alon! the s&irls as if the ink &ere a li$in! thin!, A8 had no idea this &as hidin! behind your clothin!,B Mesmeri>ed she reached the final spike belo& his rib ca!e and &orked her &ay back up, AWhat is it Americans sayD!o bi! or !o homeCB'is chest rumbled &ith a short lau!h,She follo&ed her fin!er &ith her !a>e, AFou don=t do anythin! part&ayDdo youCBA o it ri!ht- or don=t do it at all-B he said under his breath,She !rinned no&- and mo$ed her !a>e to his,'er breath cau!ht &ith the intensity of his stare,She flattened her palm on his chest and licked her lips, 4ne subtle mo$ement of her hand and he cau!ht it in his, For one a&ful moment- she thou!ht he=d peel her off,A8=m not an easy man?&endolyn,BA8 ne$er &anted easy,BShe matched his stare and her breath @uickened,'e released her hand and pushed his fin!ers into her hair, 'e studied her face- like only Neil didDas if searchin! for the ans&ers in life, 8f she could !i$e them to him- she &ould, #here &as a $ulnerability in his !a>e that she &anted to make disappear,And &hen he !ripped the back of her hair- and pulled her into his embrace- he took control,'is kiss &as hard- almost a &arnin!Dshe en$eloped it,#he thick e.panse of his chest rippled under her hand as she matched him for e$ery kiss, She nipped his lip &hen he pulled back to kiss her neck and shoulder, 'e tasted her- usin! his ton!ue and teeth alon! her collarbone, #he scruff of his chin felt delicious on her soft skin, 'e=d lea$e his mark on her- she kne&, She lo$ed the thou!ht,'e released her hair and ran his hand do&n her back, When he reached her bottom- he s@uee>ed her hard- and pulled her close, Mnder the to&el- his erection already strained, As much as she &anted to see and feel that part of him mo$in! inside her- she &anted this more, #he torture of disco$ery and desire that

made e$ery pore in her skin &eep for him, 4nly him,Fin!ers found the bare skin of her backside, AWhere are your knickers- ?&enCBWas that lau!hter in his $oiceCAMseless !arment &hen !oin! to bedDdon=t you thinkCB She scraped her teeth alon! the ink on his shoulder before s&irlin! her ton!ue around his erect nipple,'e !roaned- and brou!ht her lips back to his for a deep kiss that reached to her toes,'is hand reached under her ni!ht!o&n- his thumb !ra>ed her breasts,?&en pushed into his touch,AFou=re into.icatin!-B he told her, AAnd this-B he tu!!ed her ni!htclothes o$er her head- Aisn=t needed anymore,B'is massi$e hands returned to her shoulders once she stood before him completely bare, Neil looked his fill- his lips lifted into a !rin, A8ncredible,B'is stare brou!ht a &a$e of po&er o$er her,Slo&ly- he eased his hands do&n her chest, 'e cupped one breast and leaned in to taste, When his soft mouth found her- the &orld tilted,'e cau!ht her before her le!s !a$e &ay completely- and he lifted her to the bed,Neil=s eyes darkened as she stretched on the bed,A%i.en,B'e dropped one of his knees to the bed,A rop the to&el- Neil,B8t &as on the floor in an instant, And she stared, 'er body shi$ered, She kne& he=d be lar!e- !i$en the si>e of the manDbut bloody hell,AScared?&endolynCBShe forced her eyes a&ay from his intimate parts, A#hat is not fear on my face,B She sucked in her lip- che&ed it,A?ood,B 'e fell onto her- settin! one knee bet&een her thi!hs and tauntin! her as he continued e.plorin! her breasts &ith his ton!ue and mouth, 'er body &as a mass of sensation, #he sta!!erin! &ei!ht of him felt like armor, "rotecti$e,She=d al&ays &anted this man- and no& she kne& &hy, With her heart and body &orkin! in tandem to please him- she finally e.perienced &hat it &as to feel e$erythin!, ($ery touchDlike ho& his fin!ers !ripped her hip as they descended on her thi!h- lit up her skin- her senses,'is thick heat pressed a!ainst her belly- be!!in! to be touched, As he e.plored her body- she played &ith his as she=d al&ays &anted to, #he firm !lobes of his butt filled her palms, As she s@uee>ed him- he tilted his hips into her,She distracted him &ith a kiss- and slid her hand bet&een their bodies and !ripped him,Neil tore his lips a&ay, AFuck- ?&en,B 'e mo$ed into her touch- dropped his forehead to hers, A8 don=t &ant to hurt you,BShe loosened her !rip- but stroked him softly, A#hat=s ne$er !oin! to happen,BAFou=re not readyDnot for &hat 8=m !oin! to do to you,B'er body flooded &ith moisture,She opened for him, AWhy don=t you checkCB#he hand that !ripped her hip mo$ed to her center and easily slid inside her, 'er eyes rolled back, A4h- please,B'e stroked her a!ain- added another fin!er, AFou=re ready,BAMaybe ne.t time you=ll take my &ord for it,B'e played &ith her a little lon!er nearly completin! her &ith his hand before chasin! her or!asm a&ay, She s@uirmed under him- tryin! to force all of him bet&een her le!s, 'e shifted on the bed- lea$in! herDand then returned &ith a condom,AFinally-B she &hispered takin! the packet from his fin!ers and openin! it herself, AAllo& me,B'e knelt bet&een her thi!hs as she sat for&ard and rolled the protection o$er him, She trailed her hands under him and do&n his le!s before collapsin! back to the bed,With effortless hands- Neil pulled her hips up and to&ard him before teasin! her a little lon!er by runnin! his hands do&n her thi!hs and spreadin! the folds of her for his !a>e, 4nly &hen she reached for him did he seem to snap out his trance, #akin! both her hands in one of his he stretched them abo$e her head and held her still,A+ast chance to back out,B #he &ords sounded painful comin! out of his mouth,A on=t you dare,B'e smiled- lo&ered his body to hers, #he thickness stretched her- filled her- and left nothin! but mindless Eoy in its path,AFou 4)CB he asked,She opened her eyes- smiled, A8 &on=t break- Neil,BJust &hen she thou!ht she=d absorbed all

of him- there &as more, She &as filled and completely en$eloped him as he started to mo$e, Slo& at first like a runner &armin! up for a lon! marathon, 'ot &a$es of desire bundled deep inside her started to ti!hten e$en more,'e &o$e his fin!ers &ith hers- kept her arms spread as he kissed her and possessed her all at the same time,?&en matched his pace and s@uee>ed him &ith her thi!hs and the muscles deep inside her &omb, Neil moaned and mo$ed faster, 'e plun!ed &ith such force the bed slammed a!ainst the &all and she &anted more,She &rapped her le!s around his &aist and tilted closer, #he ti!ht spot of passion blossomed and spread until she ripped her lips from his to breathe his name, 'er body e.ploded into a million stars like a desert ni!ht sky,'is fin!ers !ripped hers as Neil follo&ed &ith his release,'e came to rest on the side of her, ?&en kept her thi!h o$er his hip- refusin! to back far a&ay, 'e kissed her knuckles and held her hand bet&een them,A8 should feel !uilty about that-B he told her, A8 don=t,BA?lad to hear that, 4ther&ise 8 mi!ht ha$e to tie you up in the ni!ht and pur!e you of such thou!hts,B'e lau!hed and smiled, She lo$ed his smile- &ished he=d !race her &ith one more often,AFou surprise me- "rincess,BAReallyC 'o&=s thatCBAFou take bu!s outside- flirt like a &icked &oman- dress like a lady- and make lo$e &ith your &hole bein!,B8f he kne& she=d ne$er made lo$e like they Eust hadDnot e$en close- &ould she scare him a&ayCA?o bi! or !o home-B she said,'e lau!hed hard and released her hand to tuck her into his side,For the first time since she=d met him she heard his breaths e$en out and Neil fell asleep, Chapter (i!hteenA8 ha$e Ra$en in my si!hts- Mac,B Billy=s face &as lo&ered o$er the rifle- his fin!er inched to&ard the tri!!er,Mac t&isted on the inside, S@uee>e the tri!!er, amn it- Eust s@uee>e and take back all the pain,A amn,BAWhatCBA?&en, 'is kids Eumped in ?&en=s lap,BNoG #hat can=t be ri!ht, She=s not here, She=s back at the to&er, Safe, 8 locked her in myself,Mac sho$ed Billy back- looked himself, Just like he thou!ht, )ids &ere in Ra$en=s lap, Not ?&en, She=s safe,Billy Eumped up- turned an accusin! fin!er his &ay, AFou should ha$e done your Eob, Fou didn=t make the call and 8=m a &alkin! dead man,B($erythin! mo$ed slo&ly, Boomer- Robb- and +inden follo&ed Billy throu!h the dark heat, #hey penetrated the compound- took out three in their path,A#his time &e=ll all come back ali$e-B Mac &hispered to himself,Boomer and Robb mo$ed in first- +inden close behind, #he kid &as there- Eust like before, #his time Mac &as ready for him, 4nly this time the boy ran to herDhe ran to ?&en, #hen ble& them both to pieces,ANeilG NeilGB'e Eerked a&ake- his arms around somethin!,ANeil- &ake up,B?&en lay in his arms, Ali$e,ACan=t, Breathe-B she !asped,Neil released his $ise !rip, A amn, Sorry, id 8 hurt youCBShe sat up and ran her hands up and do&n her bare arms, A8=m 4), But youDB ?&en pushed his hair back, A#hat must ha$e been an a&ful dream,B'e pulled her back into his arms- !ently this time, A?o back to sleep,B 'e checked his &atch, 'e=d slept lon!er than he had in years- but it &as still only four in the mornin!,?&en &rapped her arm around him and intert&ined one of her le!s &ith his, A o you ha$e ni!htmares like that oftenCBNot like this one, ASometimes-B he told her- hopin! she=d not pry, 'is heart rate needed to slo& do&n, #he ima!e of her blo&in! into a >illion pieces &as fresh on his mind,AFou don=t &ant to talk about it,BA8 don=t,B#hey lay there for a fe& minutes- neither of them talkin!- neither of them sleepin!, ?&en ran her hand o$er his chest as if tryin! to calm him,'e kissed the top of her head and assured himself she &asn=t !one, #hat Ra$en hadn=t remo$ed her from his life, Neil closed his eyes and tried

to think of somethin! pleasant,?&en=s face as she came, No& that &as a much better picture to take to bed,?&en ran her le! up his and bet&een her touch and his memory- his body responded,A'mmm-B she hummed, 'er fin!ers mo$ed lo&er on his stomach, A+et me erase the ni!htmare- Neil,B 'e al&ays thou!ht her hands &ere tiny, Compared to his they &ere- but she found him- !ripped him- and he shot to full attention,#hen he remembered the lack of condoms in his &allet and cursed under his breath, 'e stopped her playful fin!ers, A8=m out of condoms,BShe shook off his hand and ran her fin!ers up his len!th, A?ood thin! 8 bou!ht a &hole bo.,B'is bro& dre& to!ether, AWhen did you do thatCBAAt the store &ith the hair dye and the shampoo,B'e !rinned, AFou planned on this the &hole timeCBAMore like hoped,B She cra&led o$er his body- her firm ass stuck in the air- as she du! into her ba! on the floor, Sure enou!h- a bo. of premium condoms appeared in her hand, ASee,BAWhen you told me you picked up the essentials- 8 should ha$e kno&n,BShe !rinned- and tossed her no& bro&n hair o$er her shoulder, ASo &hat do you say- NeilC Want me to chase a&ay the dreamsCB?&en sat back on her bent knees- her body bare for him to touch- to taste,'e reached for her, A reams are o$errated,B#hey dro$e to the ne.t one*horse to&n and ate at a di$e, ?&en hadn=t stopped smilin! at him since they left the motel, For the first time in a lon! time- he felt like smilin! back, She had a uni@ue &ay of chasin! a&ay the darkness, 8f he turned his mind to his dream- his ni!htmare- he=d fall into the black abyss a!ain, 'e didn=t &ant that,8t didn=t take a shrink to tell him his brain &as &orkin! throu!h the trauma of his past, #hin!s he=d brushed a&ay lon! a!o and forced himself not to think about, 'e=d blamed himself for not callin! the shot &hen he had a choice, Boomer- Robb- and +inden &ere dead because of it, And no& Billy, And ?&en=s nei!hbors,AFou=re callin! the detecti$e this mornin!- ri!htCB ?&en placed a dainty bite of e!!s into her mouth,'e !lanced at his &atch, Still too early in California, A8 am,BAWill that pinpoint our locationCBA8 don=t see the need for ean to trace our location- but you can=t be too careful, #he con$ersation &ill be short,B?&en s&allo&ed her food, ASo lon! as Blake kno&s &e=re safe, 'e=ll &orry other&ise,B#hey &ould all &orry, Neil kne& he asked a lot of them &hen he told them to do nothin! for three days, 8t &ould ha$e killed him to &ait, 8n three days you can disappear into Me.icoCanadaDor fly out of the continent alto!ether, 'e needed a &eek to !et them &here they &ere !oin!Dto keep ?&en safe, #hen Neil could set his trap, ?i$e Rick enou!h time to Eoin him,Ri!ht before he=d left- Neil sent a messa!e to Rick tellin! him he=d ha$e complete radio silence and that there had been a chan!e of plans, 8f Rick mo$ed on to the Smokey Mountains &ithout him- he=d ha$e to double back,All of &hich &ould !i$e Neil a little more time &ith ?&en alone,After they=d made lo$e a second time- he=d fallen into a restful sleep, 'e=d considered t&o safety >ones for ?&en, 4ne more indestructible than the other, ?ettin! her to stay there &ithout himDthat &ould be the trick,A8=ll need you to make a phone call to )aren in the mornin!,B?&en @uestioned him &ith a look,Neil looked behind him, #he mornin! cro&d at the restaurant stayed close to the front door!i$in! them some pri$acy,AFou=ll call, Just to assure her you=re 4), #ell her &here &e=re at,BA8=ll &hatCBAFou=ll tell her &e=re close to the Canadian border,B?&en set her fork do&n, AWe=re no&here close to the border,BA8f our !uy is listenin!D&hich 8 think he &ill be- that &ill buy us time,BShe sipped her tea, A#ime for &hat- NeilC What do you ha$e plannedCB#rap the motherfucker and !et him before he !ets us, But Neil couldn=t e.actly tell ?&en that,ASettin! a trap,BA8sn=t that hard out here like thisC Shouldn=t &e find a place to stayCBNeil sho$eled a pancake in his mouth,?&en tilted her head to the

side, AFou already ha$e a place in mind,B'e nodded,AWould this place ha$e a bed and a hot sho&er free of &ildlifeCBWhat a trooper ?&en turned out to be, A8 think 8 can arran!e thatDe$entually,BABrilliant,B She started to pick at her food a!ain, A#he bed last ni!ht &as surprisin!ly comfortable,BAFood al&ays tastes better &hen you=re star$ed,B +ike the buttermilk pancakes he &as puttin! a&ay,?&en &atched him bite into his food, She sucked in her lo&er lip and hummed, AMuch better,B'er seducti$e stare took hold of his body,AFou=re insatiable,BABeen called &orse,BWas it !ettin! hot in hereC A"ut that thou!ht a&ay- ?&endolyn, We need to put some miles bet&een us and this di$e today,BShe lifted her !lass of ice &ater to her forehead and placed the t&o to!ether, AWe need to stopDe$entually,B'e should probably be puttin! a filter o$er his actions &ith this &oman- but he couldn=t brin! himself to,#&enty minutes later- he turned on the prepaid cell phone and made the one call he &ould from it, ean picked up on the second rin!, ANeilCBAWe=re 4), Safe,BAFou should ha$e stayed here, We could ha$eLBAFou can=t protect us from this one- ean, Four force isn=t bi! enou!h, #his !uy is smart, Militaryif 8 had to !uess, +et Blake kno& ?&en=s safe,B 'e smiled at her o$er the hood of the car,ACan 8 talk to herCBANo time, Fou=ll hear from one of us in t&enty*four hours, #hen &e=re silent for three days,BAJesus- Neil, #ar>ana " is askin! @uestions, 8 can only hold them off for so lon!,BQuestionsC What kind of @uestionsC 'e didn=t ha$e time to ask,A#&enty*four hours- ean, #rust me, 8 kno& &hat 8=m doin!,B 'e hun! up and tucked the phone under the &heel of the car, Cell phone to&ers could pinpoint the call &ithin a fe& miles, 'opefully ean didn=t look for a day or t&o,AReadyCB he turned to ?&en and asked,AReadyGBBet&een the media attention after her marria!e to Michael and the dead nei!hbors at the #ar>ana house- )aren hadn=t had a pri$ate moment alone in &eeks, She didn=t like the fact that ?&en had run off &ith Neil- re!ardless of &hat e$eryone else thou!ht, Neil &as a bit @uiet for her taste, 'ard to read, 8t &ouldn=t take a lot for ?&en to Eump in the Neil truck because of her unre@uited desire for the !uy, But &hat happened &hen the se. !re& stale and ?&en reali>ed that Neil &as runnin! from the shado&s of his past and dra!!in! her alon! &ith himC)aren reminded herself that if Neil &as actually o$erreactin! to the nei!hbors= final dip in the hot tub- then there &as a real possibility of someone &atchin! herDsomeone tryin! to scare her,8t &orked, )aren &as scared,#hen a!ain- no& that she and Michael &ere married perhaps the birds &ould stop,)aren turned onto the street of the Boys and ?irls Club for the first time since she said 8 do, She picked a @uiet day as to not cause too much of a stir &ith the kids, Mntil they !re& used to the fact that she &as married to a mo$ie star- she &ould keep her $isits brief, Sooner or later- they=d reali>e she &as the same person, Just one &ho hun! around &ith the rich and famous,She parked her car in her usual spot and t&isted the key out of the i!nition, 'er !a>e fell on the rin! on her fin!er, Not o$erly hu!e- but not a chip off the diamond block either,So far- the temporary marria!e thin! &as a bree>e, She didn=t e$en feel !uilty about sayin! A8 doB &hen she clearly didn=t, Michael described it as a yearlon! role &here they=d both !et a payout in the end,'is publicist had sho&n up shortly after they arri$ed from France to con!ratulate them on their marria!e, And then Michael=s a!ent made a house call- too, 'is producer sent flo&ers and champa!ne and some of his actor friends insisted they ha$e a reception, )aren a!reed to do &hate$er Michael &anted, As she told himDthis is his mo$ie- 8=m only actin! in it,She only &ished that ?&en &as back and all the dead bird crap &as o$er before their party,And &hat about ArubaCWhat &as &ron! &ith herC "eople &ere dead- a couple &ere runnin!

from ?od only kne& &ho or &hat- and here she &as thinkin! of en!a!ement parties and trips to Aruba,)aren pushed out of the car, #he 'olly&ood lifestyle is already !ettin! into my $eins,8nside the &alls of the club- the kids noticed her one at a time, #he !irls Eumped up first and rushed to her side, A4h my ?od- Miss Jones, 8 can=t belie$e you=re married,BA8t=s Mrs, Wolfe- no&-B said one of the kids,)aren &asn=t !oin! to correct them, #hey decided not to chan!e her name, Actors almost ne$er chan!ed their names for their spouses, 8f the reporters in the tabloids found out that )aren didn=t make the chan!ethey &ouldn=t think anythin! of it,A'i- !irls,BAmy hu!!ed her &ith open arms and Nita piled in- too,A8s it true you &ent to France in a pri$ate planeCBAWe did, 8t &as ama>in!,BAFou=re in all the papers, 8 told my teachers that you &ere youDMr, Jenkins didn=t belie$e me until the ne&s $an sho&ed up here the day after you !uys ran off,B Amy=s eyes bri!htened as she told her story,By no&- the boys started to meander closer, 8n typical teena!e fashion- they listened &ith one ear in and the other on the bu>> of their cell phones,AAre you Eust here for a $isit- or are you stickin! aroundCB Ste$e asked,A#ryin! to !et rid of me- Ste$eCB'e pulled his eyes a&ay from his cell, AJust &onderin!,BA8 ha$e to !et a fe& thin!s settled- but 8=ll be back, #hink you !uys can stay on top of your home&ork &ithout me for a couple of &eeksCBSte$e shru!!ed and se$eral kids said they=d &ork hard,Jeff &alked from one of the back offices- !rinnin! as he approached,A8 can=t belie$e you actually married himGB Jeff hu!!ed her,A#hink 8 should ha$e held out for someone elseCB#he kids started mo$in! a&ay, Still she felt their eyes on her as she and Jeff mo$ed to the back of the room,ANot sure if there is anyone &ho can compare to Michael Wolfe,B Jeff lo&ered his $oice &hen they &ere a&ay from the kids, AFou Eust met him- )aren, Fou sure about thisCBAhh- ho& s&eet, Who kne& Jeff caredC )aren lifted her left hand and &i!!led her fin!ers to flash her &eddin! rin!, A+ittle late no& to ha$e second thou!hts- Jeff, But 8=m sure,BA8 !uess this means you &on=t be around anymore,BAAre you kiddin!C 8=ll be here more, Sure- 8=ll be takin! a fe& more $acationsDor trips, Michael has some shoots in some !reat locations this year, But 8 &on=t ha$e to &ork at my day Eob, 8 told them 8=d help out remotely for a &hile, +et=s face it- Michael can afford me,BJeff=s smile fell, A+i$in! in someone else=s shado& !ets old after a &hile,B'ad she married Michael for lo$e and fore$er- she=d do thin!s differently, #hat &asn=t the caseDand therefore not somethin! she needed to &orry about, A8 &on=t for!et &ho 8 am, 8=ll be 4),BAAs lon! as you=re happy,BA#hanks- Jeff, 8=m happy,BJeff nodded to a back room, A#here=s somethin! else 8 &ant to ask you about, 'a$e a minuteCBASure,B She follo&ed him to a pri$ate room, AWhat=s upCB she asked &hen he closed the door,A8 heard about your nei!hbors, 8 don=t think the kids reco!ni>ed the house on the ne&sDthen a!ain- 8 don=t think any of them &atch the ne&s,B)aren rubbed the chill in her arms, AFeahDit=s scary, #hey aren=t sure if it=s a homicide or a bad accident,BA#hank !oodness you &eren=t home &hen it happened,BAMy roommate &asn=t so lucky, Actually- that=s part of the reason 8=m !oin! to be M8A around here a little lon!er,BJeff sat for&ard, AWhy=s thatCBASome stran!e thin!s happened before the nei!hbors ended upD&ell- you kno&, #he police are lookin! at all an!les, 4ne theory is a fan of Michael=s &anted to scare me,BAFou=re kiddin!CBAWish 8 &as, #he media hasn=t heard that yet, And please don=t be the one to tell them- Jeff,BJeff looked offended, AC=mon- )aren, 8=m not a sellout, o you really think someone=s out to scare youCBA#here &ere dead birds found by the bodies of the nei!hborsDanother dead bird or t&o has made its &ay close to me since 8 met Michael,BAWe kno& ho& much you lo$e

birds,B#hey=d arran!ed for a >ookeeper to $isit the kids si. months a!o, #he >ookeeper thou!ht it &ould be fun to ha$e a maca& in their animal mi., ($ery kid and e$ery $olunteer learned Eust ho& far )aren=s disdain for birds &ent on that day, #here had been screamin!- co&erin!Dfeathers and the need for therapy by the time they >ookeeper left, 8f ?&en had &itnessed that scene- she &ouldn=t ha$e concluded that )aren ne$er cracked, 4h- she=d cracked plenty on that day,A8 hope to hell that=s a mistake,BA#ell me about it,BAShouldn=t you ha$e some kind of police protectionCB#here had been some talk about that, )aren a!reed to stay close to Michael=s home and &hen she &asn=t- she &ouldn=t !o near the #ar>ana house &ithout an escort, 8f any more dead birds turned upean and Jim &ould assi!n someone to her,A8=m 4), But until &e kno& all the details8=ll be keepin! my distance from the kids,BAMuch as &e=ll miss you- 8 ha$e to a!ree,B)aren stood and s&un! her purse o$er her shoulder, A#hat means you need to stay on top of my math !roup,B'e &alked her out of his office, A8 &ill,B)aren talked &ith the kids for a fe& more minutes and then made her &ay to her car, She=d started lookin! around her $ehicle before !ettin! inside, With the pa$ement free of dead cro&s- she unlocked the doors and opened the dri$er=s side,AMiss JonesCB)aren turned to a familiar $oice,A'i- Juan,B She hadn=t seen him inside but thou!ht maybe he=d Eust missed the day, A'o& ya doin!CBAs Juan came closer- the smile on his face started to fade, ASo- you really married that !uyCB#he &ay he said Athat !uyB made her pause, A#he ne&s !ot it ri!ht, Michael and 8 eloped last &eek,BJuan=s eyes mo$ed to her hand, A($eryone kno&s actors are all phony,B'ookay- looks like Juan didn=t appro$e, AFou met him- Juan, 'e=s a nice !uy,BA idn=t mean you had to marry him,B Juan sho$ed his hands in his Eean pockets and stared at the !round, amn- )aren, Fou=re a fool, #he last time she=d seen a crush on a teena!e kid- she=d been one, 'o& had she missed Juan=s feelin!sC#ime to remind Juan that he &as a teena!er and she &as a !ro&n &oman, AMichael and 8 are both adults- Juan, 8 married him for more reasons than he=s Eust a nice !uy,BAFou can scre& &ithout !ettin! married-B he bit out &ith an!er,A#hat=s out of line,BAWhate$er,B Juan t&isted a&ay from her and &alked to the street, A&ay from the club,#hat &ent &ell, Chapter Nineteen#hey stopped in a small to&n Eust inside the Colorado border and picked up campin! supplies,A8 don=t camp-B ?&en &hispered in Neil=s ear, #he closest she=d come to campin! &as sleepin! in the backseat of the car they &ere dra!!in! across the country,Neil blinked in response- put the tent in his cart any&ay- and continued do&n the aisle,What did she e.pect reallyC #hat they &ould hit a hotel e$ery ni!ht no& that they=d enEoyed oneC And ho& many days and ni!hts &ere they !oin! to be doin! this any&ayC So far ?&en hadn=t pressed Neil for any details, She=d hoped that he &ould ha$e opened up to her about his plans- but he hadn=t, Not much any&ay,?&en &alked faster to keep up &ith him as he found the sleepin! ba!s and started lookin! at them, A8=m not kiddin!, +yin! on the cold !round holds no appeal to me,BNeil reached for a t&o*man sleepin! ba!- fi.ed his eyes to hers- and tossed it in the cart,Maybe campin! &ith Neil &ouldn=t be so bad, #here &asn=t room in the backseat for both of them,With one side of her mouth curled up- she found a double mat to place in the bottom of a tent and added it to their supplies,A8 &ant a campfire,B Co>y fireli!ht and NeilC What could be betterCFor a moment- she thou!ht he=d $eto her su!!estion,#hen he added a ba! of marshmallo&s to the cart,8n silence- they mo$ed throu!h the store, She added s&eatshirts for both of them, 'is &as triple e.tra lar!e and hers a mediumDboth &ith a picture of the Colorado

Rockies on them, Neil added a small pan and se$eral cans of pull top food- soda- instant coffee- and &ater,#he clerk at the checkout chatted as he ran! them up, A+ooks like you !uys are !oin! campin!CB?&en smiled- and remembered to stay silent,A+ooks that &ay-B Neil said,AFou ha$e bu! repellantCBAWe=re !ood,BAWe try and !o a fe& times a summer,B #he clerk looked beyond Neil to her, AWhere you headedCB?&en noticed the muscles on the back of Neil=s neck tense, AWe=ll fi!ure it out &hen &e !et up there,BA#hose are the best trips,B #he kid told them the total and ba!!ed up their purchases,A'a$e fun,BNeil !rabbed the ba!s, AWe &ill,B?&en offered a smile and follo&ed him out the door,4nce in the car she finally felt like she could talk, ANe.t time you !o throu!h the checkout &ithout me, Who kne& stayin! @uiet could be so difficultC Not sure ho& you do it all the time,B'e opened the door for her, A"ractice,BAs the road stretched out in front of them- so did the silence, And ?&en &anted a fe& ans&ers,ASo ho& much lon!er are &e !oin! to !o on like thisCBNeil narro&ed his eyes, A+ike &hatCBA4n the roadDcheap hotels- and no& 8 need to add campin!, 'o& many more days like thisCBANot much lon!er,BA#hat=s not an ans&er- Neil,BA#hree- maybe four days,B#hat didn=t seem like that lon! of a time, A#hen &hatCBA8 take you someplace safe,BAWhere &ill you beC Someplace unsafeCB?&en could see him shuttin! himself off from her, 8n an effort to brin! back his smile- she placed her hand on his thi!h, AWhy don=t &e both !o to &here it=s safeC +et the police handle &hoe$er killed my nei!hbors, Fou do think they &ere murdered- don=t youCBA8 kno& they &ere,BA'o&CBNeil mo$ed around a lar!e semi truck ha$in! a hard time !oin! up the steep !rade into the Colorado Rockies,A'o&- NeilCBA8 Eust kno&, Fou=ll ha$e to trust me,BAFou think 8 don=tC 8=d think after last ni!ht- you=d kno& Eust ho& much 8 trust you,B She kept her eyes on him e$en thou!h his &ere on the road, A8=m not a child, 8=$e !one alon! for the ride &ithout too many @uestions at all, We can both a!ree to that- ri!htCB'e nodded, Said nothin!,A'o& is it you kno& they &ere murdered and it &asn=t Eust an accidentCBNeil hesitated before he ans&ered, A#he ra$ens, My l*last mission in the ser$ice &as code named Ra$en, #he dead birds you found &ere meant to taunt me,BA'o& does a dead bird ne.t to my car taunt youCBA4ur !uy=s a co&ard, 'e uses &omen to !et to the men,BASo &hen 8 didn=t tell you about the dead birds- our !uy as you call him- made sure you kne& he &as causin! the problemsCB She didn=t &ant to think of a murderer as our !uy,A(.actly, 'e kne& 8=d take action,BA'o& many people kne& about your Ra$en missionCBNeil stretched his neck as he dro$e, ?&en kne& she &as pullin! this information from himthat it didn=t come freely, No& that she had him talkin! she &asn=t about to let up, 8t mi!ht be the only time she learned anythin!,A%ery fe&, 8t &as a co$ert mission, We &ere an elite !roup,BA'o& many men &ere in your companyCBASe$en,BShe rubbed her forehead and tried to see &hat Neil did, ASi. men &ent on the mission &ith you, 'o& many others kne& you &ere thereCBAA do>enDmaybe less, #he bi!!er the secret- the less people kno& about it,BASo it isn=t likely you can ask your !o$ernment to step in and help,BA#he !eneral rank and file of the !o$ernment kno&s nothin! about Ra$en, #he secretary of defense- the presidentDone or t&o &ho ans&er directly to them- and that=s it,BA o you think one of the other si. men are behind thisCBNeil !lanced at her briefly for the first time in their con$ersation, A flash of pain met his eyes, A#here are only three of us left,B?&en=s heart leapt, A4h- NeilD8=m sorry,BA8t happened a lon! time a!o,BA#hat doesn=t make it easier, #hey &ere your friends,B'e nodded, A#he best, Four of us made it out ali$e, 4ne recentlyDdied,BAFou don=t think that one of your friends did thisDdo

youCBNeil snorted, A#hat=s like askin! if you think Blake is capable of killin! you,BA#hat=s preposterous,BA(.actly,BA8=$e read my share of no$els-B ?&en said, AAnd it seems the hero is al&ays tryin! to !et into the head of the killer, What is moti$atin! this !uyC Why is he after youC Was there somethin! about the mission you kne& and the others didn=tCBA8 led the mission, But &e all kne& our !oal,BAMaybe someone is seekin! re$en!e from the mission itself,B "art of her &anted to ask &hat the mission &as- and then she remembered Neil=s restless ni!ht, "erhaps she &as better off not kno&in! all the details,Neil shook his head, ARa$en &as a person, And he=s dead,B#he con$iction behind his &ords con$inced her that he kne& this fact because he=d seen it &ith his o&n eyes,A id Ra$en ha$e a brotherCBNeil=s Ea& ti!htened, A'e mi!ht ha$e,BFet her lo!ic didn=t make much sense either, A4f course- if Ra$en had a brother- ho& could he kno& about the code nameC 8 assume Ra$en &asn=t the man=s real name,BA8t &asn=t,BA8f someone is seekin! re$en!e for Ra$enDand it=s not directed solely at you- then your remainin! collea!ues mi!ht be at risk- too, "erhaps you should call and &arn them,B'e looked o$er and !a$e a brief smile,AFou=$e already done that,B'e smiled a!ain,?&en rela.ed in her seat and stared at the landscape as it thickened &ith trees &ith the climb up the mountain, No &onder Neil &as so @uiet, #here &as a lot of information to process, +ots of possibilities- but only a fe& probabilities,8f none of the men in his unit &ere the killer and Ra$en &as dead- that left someone loyal to Ra$en- or someone in Neil=s o&n !o$ernment &ho &anted him and possibly the others dead,?&en thou!ht of &hat Neil had said about the recent death of one of the men, AFour friend &ho diedDrecently, What happenedCBA4fficially a suicide,BNot unheard of from retired military &ho li$ed throu!h combat, AFou don=t belie$e that,BNeil shook his head,#hat left all of this up to a !o$ernment conspiracy or Ra$en loyalistsD?o$ernment conspiracy ranked in ?&en=s mind as impossible, 8f Neil mentioned a conspiracy chances &ere others &ould think he=d been in one too many !unfi!hts, "ost*traumatic stress had a &ay of makin! sane men paranoid,#here &as no fakin! dead nei!hbors and birds left for her to find- ho&e$er,Fet in the back of ?&en=s mind- she thou!ht of )aren=s phobiaDand ho& ori!inally they thou!ht the dead birds &ere directed at her,A8 don=t kno& &hat to think- Sam,B Blake looked out o$er the city from the bay &indo& of his West Coast office, A8 trust him, 8 do,BAFou sound doubtful,BAWhat if 8=m &ron!C What if somethin! sprun! loose inside of him and he=s chasin! shado&sC When &e first met- he &as less than stable, ?ranted- he=s done nothin! since that made me @uestion anythin!,B 'e hated that he doubted Neil no&, A#he &ar &as hell for him,BA oes he e$er talk about itCBANo, 4nly that first ni!ht- &hen &e met, A bunch of his !uys &ere blo&n to bits ri!ht in front of him, 'e blamed himself, #hat=s all 8 kno&,BA#hat couldn=t ha$e been easy,BANo,BA#here=s one thin! you can count on-B Sam said, A8f he is chasin! shado&s- e$entually he or ?&en &ill reali>e there=s no one there and they=ll come home,BBlake ran a hand throu!h his hair, ANot sure if that makes me feel better, 8 sure as hell don=t &ant to think there=s someone out there after them, And the thou!ht of my sister fallin! for a !uy chasin! shado&sDBAAre you sure you=re Eust not &orried about your sister fallin! for anyoneC ($en NeilCBBlake mo$ed a&ay from the &indo& to his desk, AMaybe &hen she &as t&enty, No& 8=d lo$e nothin! better than for her to find someone,B A picture of Sam and (ddie sat on his desk and he pulled it closer, 8=m a lucky man,ASomeone stable,BAFeah,B ($en on a normal day Blake &asn=t a thousand percent sure that man &as Neil, 'e hated that he thou!ht that &ay,A'mm, When &ill you hear from him a!ainCBA ean said &e=d hear somethin!

tomorro&, #hen a!ain in three days,BA#hat=s a lon! time,BA8t=s fore$er, ean said they=re keepin! the electrocuted nei!hbors case open as a homicide, #hey ha$e more @uestions for ?&en and Neil and they=re not happy they left,BA#hey don=t suspect them- do theyCBAJim and ean don=t, Can=t say the same for their collea!ues,BA8t keeps !ettin! &orse-B Sam said,A8t &ould help if &e found the trace he talked about, illon hasn=t found anythin!,BA illon doesn=t ha$e Neil=s back!round in intelli!ence, Wasn=t he special ops or somethin! like thatCB4nce a!ain- Blake &as reminded of Eust ho& smart his &ife &as, A'e &as,BA'mm,B Samantha si!hed, AWant my opinionCBBlake found a smile on his lips, A8 can=t belie$e 8=$e escaped it,BShe lau!hed, ARemind me to slap you for that later,BA"romises- promises,BA8 think-B she be!an- Athat you need to !i$e Neil the ne.t four days, 8f you &ent lookin! for him no& and led &hoe$er mi!ht be out there to him you=d ne$er for!i$e yourself, 8f there isn=t anyone out there- then 8 think that &ill be e$ident by day four, Neil &ould ne$er hurt ?&en, And ?&enD&ell- &e all kno& ho& she feels about Neil,BA8 sure as hell didn=t,BA8 tried pointin! it out to you after Carter and (li>a hooked up, Fou- my uke- Eust don=t listen,BA8 listen,B Maybe not as much as he did before he had a &ife,AReallyCBSam took some of the daily burden of life off his shoulders, ($en no&- Eust talkin! to her helped calm him do&n like no one else could,A8=m pre!nant,B4ne minute he &as broken up about ?&en likin! Neil and the ne.tDWhatCAWhat did you sayCBSam started lau!hin!, AWasn=t the stomach flu after all,B?ood thin! he &as sittin!, A"re!nantC Fou sureCBABeen there, one that,B#hey=d been less than careful, #emptin! pre!nancy more than really plannin! one, But (ddie &as toddlin! and they both &anted more kids, A4h- Sam, 8 lo$e you,B 'e couldn=t stop smilin!,A8 lo$e you- too, 8 thou!ht 8=d &ait to tell you &hen 8 sa& you a!ainDbut &e both kno& 8=m not !ood at keepin! the pre!nancy thin! to myself,BAWant me to fly homeCBA on=t be silly, And 8=m not !ettin! on a plane until my stomach settles, 8=ll &ait to say anythin! to (ddie until &e=re to!ether,BBlake leaned back in his hi!h back leather chair, A(ddie=s !oin! to be a &onderful bi! brother,BA8f he=s anythin! like his dad,BA8=m smilin!Ddamn happy to kno& 8=m !oin! to be a dad a!ainDand feelin! !uilty all at the same time,BAStop- Blake, 8f ?&en=s in any real dan!er there is no one better to protect her than Neil, 8f there isn=t anyone out thereDthen at least she and Neil can hammer out the sultry come*hither looks they=$e been sendin! each other for the last year,BA8 ne$er sa& any come*hither anythin!,B #he thou!ht of his sister as a se.ual person made his skin cra&l,AFou &eren=t lookin!,BA#hat=s a blessin!,BA"oor Blake, 8f Neil knocks her up 8=ll ha$e to remind you that he=s the &eapons e.pert,BA oesn=t mean 8 &on=t insist on a shot!un &eddin!,BANeil=s an honorable man, 'e=s not that !uy,BA'e is if he=s knockin! up my little sister,BSamantha lau!hed so hard she could hardly talk, AFour little sister is older than me,BBlake !ro&led, ACan &e talk about somethin! else no&CBSam kept lau!hin!, A4)- ho& about mornin! sickness, Remember ho& much fun that &asC And diapers, 4h- EoyDthe fun &e !et to ha$e,BBlake found his smile and kept it, Chapter #&enty#he air &as a lot cooler in the mountains than it &as on the desert floor of Ne$ada and Mtah, Neil kept an eye on the clouds, #he last thin! they needed &as bad &eather, #he tent &as dime store @uality and meant for perfect &eather conditions and not for a delu!e of rain, 'e=d &atched the &eather report at the hotel- but that &as se$eral hundred miles a&ay- and the mountains &ere kno&n to ha$e their o&n &eather patterns,?&en had fallen silent after he=d re$ealed some of his past, 'e &as surprised at

ho& often she thou!ht lo!ically and came to some of the same conclusions he did,'e=d thou!ht briefly about Ra$en ha$in! a brotherDthat or terrorist scum like he had been &as !unnin! after them, Neil dismissed the idea almost immediately, #errorists &ere !reat at takin! out bi! tar!ets and creatin! mass panic, 4ne*on*one &asn=t their style, Not enou!h airplay on the !lobal platform for their taste,As for Rick or Mickey holdin! a !rud!eD Mickey &as out of reach, "robably deep inside a!ain and half&ay across the !lobe, Rick &as the one &ho came to him, Weren=t they both &orkin! to find the one responsible for Billy=s deathCNeil kne& there &as the sli!ht possibility that Rick or Mickey could harbor an issue &ith him, Billy didn=t take the shot and Neil kne& he didn=t make the call, Both outcomes mi!ht make Billy or himself a tar!et &ith the other !uys,Neil &anted to think lon!er- &ork throu!h e$ery possible an!le before he !a$e his cards to anyone, ($en Rick,Neil told himself he hadn=t called Rick the minute his plans chan!ed because he needed to &ork thin!s out alone, Neil &orked solo no&, No one else &as on his team to depend on, No one else to !et killed,'is eyes tra$eled beyond the spot ?&en had disappeared behind to find some pri$acy in the &oods,AFou=re not solo- Mac-B he told himself, #here &as someone he cared about dependin! on him, 8n harm=s &ay because of him, 8=m not solo at all, 4nly this time &hen the mission &as completed they &ould both &alk a&ay,'e kicked a&ay a fe& rocks that &ould make it difficult to rela. inside the tent before returnin! to the car to !ather their thin!s, A couple of ni!hts campin! in the middle of no&here &ith ?&en, Could be &orse, 'e thou!ht of her the ni!ht before, 'e=d fantasi>ed about her more times than he could count, Ne$er did he picture her as responsi$e as she=d been, 'e=d made lo$e to his share of &omen- some he @uickly for!ot&hich probably made him all kinds of a bastard, #here &ere a fe& he remembered &ith fondness, But none had left him feelin! empty inside &hen they &ere !one,?&en &ould chan!e that, 'e kne& that from the be!innin!, 'is emotions &ere in$ol$ed before he e$er touched her, #hat made his mission e$en more dan!erous, #he one after them kne& it and &ould e.ploit it,#he best thin! for Neil to do &as !rasp the situation &ith both hands- solidify it- and deal, 4nce ?&en sat in the i$ory to&er- he could nail the mother shut and mo$e on,A t&i! behind him snapped, 'is body tensed,ASettin! up the tentCBNeil si!hed, ropped his hand that reached for his &eapon on impulse, 'e=d pulled a !un on ?&en once, amn if he=d let it happen a!ain, #here &as no one out there e.cept them and the deer, AFeah,B'e emptied the contents of the ba! onto the !round and lined up the poles for the tent,A8t=s beautiful up here, 'a$e you been beforeCBABeen a fe& years- but yeah,BA8t=s so @uiet, ($en more than the desert,BNeil pulled the deep scent of the pines into his nose, A#he hi!h&ay noise tra$els for miles in the desert, Mp here- the forest muddles the sound,B 'e closed his eyes and listened, 'e mo$ed his face a&ay from the sun, A+isten,B'e opened his eyes to find ?&en lookin! at him &ith a smile, 'e &alked to her and turned her to&ard the east, AClose your eyes,BAWhat is itCBAShhh,B 'e rested his hands on her shoulders and leaned do&n to her ear, A#ake a fe& slo& deep breaths and Eust listen,B?&en follo&ed his instructions and he Eoined her in silence, When he closed his eyes- the &orld of sound opened like a flood,ANo&D&hat do you hearCBABirds, Maybe a chipmunk chirpin!,B'e heard those too, AWhat elseCB 'e &atched her no&- the smile on her face as she listened to the sounds of the forest,A#he &ind in the top of the treesDand somethin! else,B She opened her eyes and pointed east, A4$er there,BAA stream if it=s close- a ri$er if it=s farther a&ay,BA'o& lo$ely, We should find it,B'e rubbed the coolness from her arms, A#omorro&, We need to set up camp before

dark,BAAll ri!ht,BABut first, Close your eyes a!ain and tell me &hat you don=t hear,B'er eyes drifted close a!ain, Neil !lanced at the !round at his feet and sa& a t&i!,ANo cars, No distant horns or sounds of people other than us, No air traffic, Nothin! mechanical,BNeil lifted his foot o$er the branch and &aited, AAnythin! elseCBShe hesitated and started to shake her head,Neil snapped the t&i! and she Eumped,AWhat &as thatCBShe &atched him no&- hand to her chest,AJust a branch, But you heard it because you remo$ed one of your senses, +isten to ho& 8 &alk- memori>e it, And if anyone else approaches you- you=ll kno& it before you see them,B?&en turned and circled his &aist &ith her arms, ANo one &ould dare !et close to me &ith you around- Neil,BAFou can ne$er be too careful out here,BShe !rinned- lifted on her tiptoes and kissed him brieflyand settled back to her feet, A8=ll practice, No&- &hy don=t you set up the tent &hile 8 find some fire&oodCB'e kept an eye on her as she fora!ed about- !atherin! &ood, 8t didn=t take him lon! to construct the tent and set up their sleepin! !ear,A8=$e ne$er camped-B ?&en said from se$eral yards a&ay, ANot once, #he closest 8 came &as &hen 8 &as t&el$e, 8 had a friend spend the ni!ht and &e ended up sleepin! on the loun!e chairs on the patio outside my room at Albany,B'e smirked, A oesn=t count,BA8 suppose that=s true,B She dumped a fe& lar!er lo!s into her pile and mo$ed a&ay to !ather more branches, A#here are a fe& cabins on the property back home, 8 used to escape to them &hen 8 needed time to myself, My mother al&ays &anted people around, #here &ere !uests at Albany continually &hen my father &as ali$e and 8 often sou!ht refu!e in the cabins,BA id you !et alon! &ith your fatherCB 'e kne& Blake didn=t,A'e discounted me because of my !ender, 8 &as someone my mother needed to deal &ith, Not him, When Blake decided to find his o&n path- 8 mistakenly thou!ht my father &ould notice that 8 &as more than an ornament to be introduced to his friends and then set aside, Nai$e of me, 'e &as an a&ful husband and father, 8f he &ere born a hundred and fifty years a!ohe could ha$e fit in @uite &ell,BASounds like a hard man to li$e &ith,BShe placed more &ood on her pile and sat on a fallen lo!, A'e &as, 8 probably shouldn=t speak ill of the dead,B+ea$e it to ?&en to &orry about a spirit=s feelin!s, A8 &on=t tell,B 'e took a lo! and car$ed into the soft earth to make a small pit for their fire,AWhat about your parentsC 8 don=t think 8=$e e$er heard you talk about them,BNeil hadn=t thou!ht about his parents in a lon! time and it had been e$en lon!er since he spoke of them, AMom ran off &hen 8 &as a kid, My dad raised me, 'e &as a marine, Ser$ed for t&enty plus years before he died,BAWhen did he passCBASe$en years no&, +un! cancer, 'e chain smoked himself to death,BA'o& a&ful,BNeil shru!!ed, A8t could ha$e been &orse, 4nce he &as dia!nosedhe &ent @uick, Count your blessin!s and all that,B?&en smiled and leaned her chin on her folded hands, AWhat &as he likeCBA'e &as one of the !ood !uys, ad didn=t ha$e a lot to say most of the time, 8 kne& he cared for me, 'e had a !ood !roup of friends &hose &i$es helped out &ith me &hen 8 &as youn!er, We mo$ed around a lot in the be!innin!, Settled here in Colorado &hen he &as close to retirin!,B "oor bastard didn=t e$en ha$e a chance to enEoy his retirement, Neil !athered the smaller pieces of &ood- discardin! the branches he kne& &ould cause an e.cessi$e amount of smoke- and piled them to start the fire,A'e must be the reason you Eoined the military,BA8t=s the only life 8 kne&, Worked for him, 8 ne$er thou!ht of bein! somethin! other than a marine,BA8=ll bet he &as proud of you,BNeil remembered the photo of him in full uniform, 8t sat on his dad=s fireplace mantel, AFeah, 'e &as,B 'e sparked a match o$er dry moss and ur!ed the brush to i!nite,?&en si!hed, A'e ne$er remarriedCBA ated a little, But none stuck,B +ittle by

little- the branches cau!ht and Neil piled more on,By the time the sun &as lo& on the hori>on- the fire &as lar!e enou!h to &arm them and the food they planned on eatin!,#hey=d pulled on their s&eatshirts and sat ne.t to the fire roastin! marshmallo&s after they shared a meal, ?&en did the roastin! and leaned a!ainst him, She asked @uestions about life in the military and skimmed o$er his M8A mother, No& there &as a person Neil didn=t bother thinkin! about, 'e ne$er kne& her outside &hat his father had told him !ro&in! up, Accordin! to his dad- they &ere too youn! to marry and she &asn=t ready for kids and a life of mo$in! around, Neil &as sure there &as more to it- but his father didn=t !o on about her- therefore Neil didn=t ask,A8 ne$er &ould ha$e thou!ht 8=d be here- like this- &ith you-B ?&en said as she s&irled the stick o$er the fire,A8t &asn=t planned,BA8 can=t say 8=m happy about ho& &e !ot here- but it=s not possible for me to hate it,BShe leaned her back a!ainst his chest and he traced her arm &ith the tips of his fin!ers,'e hoped she felt that &ay laterD&hen the ne& Ra$en &as !one,?&en peeled off another marshmallo&- t&isted to&ard him- and fed it to him, 'e opened his mouth and accepted the treat, 'er seducti$e smile !re& bi!!er &hen he licked her fin!ers,A8=m be!innin! to belie$e that you=re like these roasted bits of su!ar, A little hard and burned on the outside and all soft and !ooey on the inside,B'e finished che&in! and !rinned, 'e &asn=t sure he had a !ooey inside, But it if made ?&en look at him &ith such trust- he=d let her belie$e it,AFou=re the one made of pure su!ar- ?&en,BShe rela.ed a!ainst him once a!ain- this time droppin! the stick, AWould you like to kno& a secretCB When she dropped her head a!ainst his chest- he indul!ed in a sniff of her hair,AWhat secretCBShe laced her fin!ers &ith his as she spoke, A8 al&ays &anted to be a bad !irl, Fou kno&- the kind &ho &ears leather and drinks &hiskey strai!ht from the bottle,B'e couldn=t picture it, ABack of a motorcycle &ith a tattoo of some !uy=s name on your armCBANot sure about the name- but perhaps somethin!, Maybe a belly button piercin!,BNo& that he could picture- and the ima!e made him hard, AWe can ha$e you pierced in Colorado Sprin!s,BShe !i!!led, 'e lo$ed her lau!h, A8=d chicken out,BA8 can !et you drunk and you=d &ake up &ith it,BShe lau!hed harder, ACount on you to find the idea appealin!,BAFou started it, Belly button piercin!s are hot,B And &hen &as the last time he=d told a &oman anythin! like thisC Ne$er,AWhat of you- NeilC Any secretsCBAFou=$e seen my ink,BAFes- 8 ha$e, And 8=ll say it is $ery hot- indeed,B 'er accent made it all so clean and proper, AAnythin! else you didn=t ha$e the ner$e to doCB'e s@uee>ed her hand in his and &aited for her to look up at him, When she did he leaned do&n and placed his lips on hers, 'e t&isted her across his lap and continued their kiss, 'er taste e.ploded on his ton!ue and heated him thorou!hly, When he pulled a&ay- her hooded !a>e found his,A8=$e al&ays &anted you-B he confessed,AFou had to kno& 8 &anted the same, What stopped youCB'e pushed a&ay a lock of hair from her eyes, A8=m hard inside and out?&en, And you=re a princess &ho deser$es a prince,B Not someone like him, Someone &ho couldn=t sleep at ni!ht because his past &ouldn=t let him,She cupped his face in the palm of her hand and her smile dropped, A#he princess &ants the kni!ht and not the prince, She &ants someone &ho kno&s &hat he &ants and takes risks to !et it,BA#here are no !uarantees &ith me, 8=m a risky !amble,BShe kissed him briefly, A8=$e already rolled the dice- Neil, Fou can=t talk me out of you,BA8s that &hat 8=m doin!CB 'e kne& he &as,She nodded, ABesides- if 8 &anted !uaranteed boredom 8 &ould ha$e dated someone in my father=s polo club,BAMotorcycles $ersus poniesCBAFou do dri$e one- ri!htCBNot in years but he &asn=t about to ruin her fantasy, AAt least no& 8 kno& &here you !ot the

leather fetish,BA4h- no, #hat stems from all the adult films 8=$e &atched,BANot a proper princess after all-B he said lau!hin!,ACertainly not,B 'er hand ran do&n his chest and mo$ed bet&een his le!s, AWould you like to see ho& improper 8 can beCB'is smile fell and desire shot throu!h him, A#ent, No&,BShe scrambled off his lap and he kicked dirt on their fire before Eoinin! her to li!ht hers, Chapter #&enty*4ne($erythin! mo$ed slo&ly, Boomer- Robb- and +inden follo&ed Billy throu!h the dark heat, #hey approached each !uard from behind- took them out &ithout a !unfi!ht- and slid their bodies to the !round, #heir silent deaths robbed the terrorists of the !lory they &anted and for that- Neil &as !rateful,4nce the !uards &ere eliminated- Neil si!naled for Boomer and Robb to mo$e in first- &ith +inden close behind, #heir Eob &as to flush Ra$en out and !i$e Billy a clear shot,Some&here in Neil=s head- he felt the dream take hold, 'e told himself it &as Eust a dream, A distant memory, But &orry cra&led up his spine as he tried to chan!e the outcome of &hat came ne.t,Boomer and Robb hit the door first- +inden and Billy ne.t, From behind- Mac &as sand&iched bet&een Rick and Mickey,Ra$en Eumped from a chair at the same time a child ran to him, #hey spoke rapidly to each other in a lan!ua!e Mac didn=t understand,#here &as a split*second hesitation and Ra$en yelled an order to the kid and another child Eoined the room,#hat=s &hen Mac noticed the bombs, Strapped to the children, And the kids ran to&ard them,A#ake the shot-B Mac ordered, Ra$en &ent do&nhis eyes in a death stare, Billy- Rick- and Mickey ran past Mac, 4ne of the kids !rabbed Boomer, Robb pulled the kid off,Ra$en- &ith his last act in his fucked*up life- reached for somethin! inside his robes, Mac di$ed to the !round as both bombs strapped to the children &ent off,AShhh, 8t=s 4), 8=m here,B ?&en=s soothin! $oice &oke him, 'er lips sou!ht his &ith brief kisses, A8=m here,B'er slender body snu!!led around his in the sleepin! ba! they shared as she coa.ed him a&ake and chased the dream a&ay,At least the dream spared him the ima!e of her blo&in! up, Still- he felt physical pain in his chest from the memory of his lost friends,?&en kissed him a!ain- tracked her hand do&n his hip and thi!h, A+et me make it better- Neil,B 'er fin!ers &rapped around him,She already &as, #he dream faded faster than the ni!ht before, As if sensin! his needs- ?&en slid a condom o$er him and rolled on top, She &asn=t lookin! for foreplay, And if he had to !uess- she &asn=t e$en lookin! for her o&n fulfillment, And that tore at his heart, 'e=d ne$er kno&n anyone like her,Neil took her hips in both his hands and !uided her onto him, 'er ti!ht sheath dro$e a&ay his dream, All that &as left &as ?&en as her body opened to him, Acceptin! all that he &as,#heir pace &as slo&, ?&en coa.ed him &ith sultry unladylike moans as her body mo$ed &ith his, #he hours before they slept had been hot and fast passion that left them sated and e.hausted, #his &as steam and smoke &ith the promise of prolon!ed pleasure in the end,?&en sat up on him- makin! him find an e$en deeper place inside her, #he ni!ht air cooled their bodies- but ?&en didn=t seem to notice, Neil took her breasts in his hands and pinched her nipples, A4h- Neil, Fes,B'e smiled and replaced his fin!ers &ith his lips, ?&en mo$ed faster- until she couldn=t sit up any lon!er,'e took ad$anta!e and kissed her- all ton!ue and heat, 'is balls dre& ti!ht and he thou!ht of ice*cold streams in an effort to hold off for her release, #he &ait &asn=t lon!, 'er nails cla&ed into his shoulders and her breath held, 'er body shuddered around his and the cold stream shot into hot la$a,'e met her moan &ith his o&n and floated slo&ly back to earth,Michael &as on location for the ne.t &eek- &hich !a$e )aren more

time alone than she preferred, #ony- Michael=s mana!er- offered to accompany her to the #ar>ana house so she could !ather more of her personal belon!in!s and some of the Alliance files,#ony &as a friend as &ell as a mana!er to Michael=s career, #he 8talian man stood at fi$e ei!ht and talked &ith his hands, (n route to the #ar>ana home- he talked obsessi$ely about Michael=s latest mo$ie, AFou=$e met the leadin! ladyri!htCBASandraC Se.y little brunetteCB#ony eyed her, ANot EealousCB)aren snorted a lau!h, ANot in my NA,BAFou kno& he=ll be kissin! her for the camera,BANothin! says intimacy @uite like a cre& of &hat- t&enty or more spectatorsCB#ony lau!hed- pulled onto her street, AFou=re a rare &oman- )aren,BASo Michael keeps tellin! me,B8t &as early- and the street &as free of the many cars the nei!hbors parked in front of their houses,Still- her ner$es &ere a little Eumpy as they pulled into the dri$e&ay and pushed out of the car,#he house &as @uiet as she stepped inside, #he alarm bu>>ed- and she mo$ed to the panel to disen!a!e it, )aren !lanced at the camera pointin! at the front door and &a$ed, A'iNeilDor illonDor &hoe$er,B#ony stepped in behind her, AWho ya talkin! toCBShe !lanced at the ceilin!, A#he camera,B8t &as the first time #ony had been in the house, 'e turned in a circle- checked out the monitorin! e@uipment outside and inside the front door, AFou=re serious about your security,BA8=m startin! to think e$eryone &ho li$es in this house finds themsel$es in need of it,B#ony closed the door behind him,ABecause of the nei!hborsCB)aren mo$ed to the back of the house and looked out the back &indo&, #he police had lon! since left but there &as black po&der residue on the door handle- as if they &ere dustin! for prints, ANot Eust the nei!hbors, When Samantha li$ed heresomeone bu!!ed the place- di!!in! for dirt on her husband, (li>a=s story &as all o$er the ne&s last year,BAWitness protection pro!ram- ri!htCB)aren nodded and opened the refri!erator, She took the milk and a packa!e of steaks and tossed them in the trash, No need for the house to stink up &hile it=s empty, ARi!ht, No& ?&en=s run off &ith Neil because of the nei!hbors, 8=m startin! to think the house is cursed,B#ony smiled, A8f the house &as cursed then you=d fall prey,BShe thou!ht of Juan- and his comments the day before, #hou!ht of her phobia &ith birds and ho& many of the kids at the center kne& about it, 8nstead of $oicin! her concerns to #ony- a man she hardly kne&- she said- A8 !uess,BASo &hat are &e here to !etCB #ony asked,)aren mo$ed into their office and turned on the computer, While it booted up she asked #ony to follo& her upstairs, #hereshe remo$ed her clothes from the closet by the armload, #ony made se$eral trips to the car &hile she uploaded files to >ip dri$es, 'er laptop &ould ser$e her &ell- but many of the client files &ere only on the main system at the house,As she s&itched off the computer- the Earrin! rin! of the phone made her Eump, She didn=t reco!ni>e the number but decided to ans&er it any&ay,A'elloCBA)arenCBA?&enC 'oly co&- ?&en &here are youC Are you 4)CB #he last thin! )aren e.pected &as a call from the missin! &oman,A8=m not 4)- 8=m fabulous, Neil and 8Doh- 8 can=t &ait to tell you e$erythin!, 8 don=t ha$e a lot of time ri!ht no&,B#here &asn=t an ounce of concern in ?&en=s $oice, #hat didn=t settle &ith )aren,A8s Neil ri!ht thereCBA'e stepped into the !as station restroom, 'o& is e$erythin! thereCBAConfusin!, ean=s runnin! around tryin! to make sense of &hat Neil is doin!, o you ha$e a clueCBA#he cro&s &eren=t an accident- )aren, #hey &ere planted,BA"robably, But some thin!s ha$e happened here since you left that makes me think the birds ha$e more to do &ith me than Neil,B?&en hesitated, A8 trust him- )aren,BAFou sure that=s not the se. talkin!CBA8t=s more than se.,BWell that ans&ers that @uestion, ANeil=s time in the military made him more than a little paranoid- ?&en,

Fou kno& that,BA($en if that &ere true- that doesn=t chan!e the fact that our nei!hbors are dead and someone bu!!ed the houses,BAWe ha$en=t found the bu!s,B )aren talked @uickly,A#hey=ll be found,B Fet ?&en=s $oice &a$ered, A+isten- 8=$e !ot to !o, idn=t &ant you to &orry,BAWhere are youCBANorth, Close to the Canadian border, 8=ll be in touch in a fe& days, #ell e$eryone not to &orry,BABe safe,BA8 ha$e my o&n body!uard,B And then ?&en hun! up,)aren stared at the phone- stunned,AWho &as thatCB #ony asked from the door&ay,A?&en, She said she &as on her &ay to Canada,BAWas she 4)CBAlmost too much so,'e remo$ed the ear fobs and tossed them into the passen!er seat of his car, A+ea$e it to a &oman to blo& your co$er- Mac,B'e i!nored the fact that he hadn=t slept in daysDnot peacefully any&ay- and turned o$er the en!ine in his car, ($entually someone &ould say somethin!, Waitin! had paid off, Not only did he kno& &here Neil=s !eneral direction had turned- but he kne& he &as fuckin! his &oman,And that &as useful indeed,Before he left to&n he needed to plant one more birdD'e=d do his best to assure that Neil=s friends doubted his sanity, Not only &ould their ton!ues loosen in the bu!!ed locations- Neil=s death &ould appear a tra!ic accident- and not that of a hero tryin! to rescue his &oman,AWe=re !oodCB Neil asked &hen he returned from the bathroom,?&en handed him the prepaid phone and smiled, A)aren &as home, 8 told her &hat you said,BA id she @uestion itCBANot at all, Sounds like they are all concerned back home, 8 hate to &orry e$eryone,BNeil leaned a!ainst the car, AA little &orry no&=s better than tra!edy later,BShe nodded- a!reein! &ith him- but &asn=t completely con$inced,AWhere are &e !oin! ne.tCB she asked,AAnother ni!ht of campin! and then &e should be able to find that bed and sho&er you lo$e so much,BAFou like =em- too,B'e opened the car door for her, A#he chilly stream &as better than caffeine,B#he stream had been ice*cold, #urned her fin!ers blue &ithin seconds, A8=m fond of &armer &ater,BNeil tucked behind the &heel and slid his sun!lasses o$er his eyes, ANot much lon!er?&en,BAWhere are &e headed tomorro&CB#hey &ere at a !as station in a small to&n tucked in the mountains, From the map- ?&en had seen they &ere close to se$eral lar!er cities,AColorado Sprin!s-B Neil said as he pulled out of the station,A8sn=t that Eust do&n the hillCBA8t is,BA#hen &hy not !o do&n there no&C Much as 8 enEoyed the tent- it isn=t my fa$orite place to sleep &ith you,BA#omorro&, #oni!ht &e=ll be more $isible up here, 8 need our !uy to think &e=re both up hereDhidin! out,BAFou=re settin! a trapCBABaitin! a trap, But don=t &orry, Fou=ll be lon! !one before he sho&s up,B'er skin chilled, AWhat about youC Where &ill you beCBAWaitin!,BAAloneC 8s that &iseCBA8=ll ha$e reinforcements, Fou don=t ha$e to &orry about me- ?&endolyn,BA4f course 8 do, Who better to &orry than 8CBNeil took his eyes from the road and patted her knee,A8 noticed a diner on the &ay here, Can 8 talk you into a real mealCB'e &as chan!in! the subEect- but the thou!ht of food o$errode tomorro&=s &orry,#hat e$enin!D&hen his ni!htmares &oke her- she curled around him and soothed him &ith her &ords, Mnlike the pre$ious e$enin!s- this time he didn=t &ake,Fet she lay a&ake- listenin! to the sounds of the forest and &onderin! if )aren &as ri!ht, What if they &ere runnin! from shado&s and no one follo&ed them at allC Chapter #&enty*#&oA8 e.pected a call before today- Mac, Where the hell are youCBNeil &ished to hell that he kne& he &as makin! the ri!ht call, AMne.pected chan!e of plans,BAWhat kind of chan!eCB Rick=s cell phone sounded muffled,A#he kind that makes me hide the &oman in my life and stand up and fi!ht,BA'oly hell, 'e=s after youC amn

it- Neil, Fou should ha$e called me, Where are youCBA4utside Fort Carson, Where are youCBA'alf&ay to orothy=s house, 8 stuck around an e.tra couple days- but &hen 8 didn=t hear from you 8 thou!ht somethin! chan!ed, #hou!ht 8=d mo$e on ahead to see &hat 8 could about Billy, 8=m turnin! around, Where=s your !irlC 'ell- 8 didn=t e$en kno& you had one,BNeil didn=t either, AShe=s safe, 'a$e you heard anythin! else about MickeyC 8=m cut off from my contacts,BANothin! ne& on Mickey, 'is dad said he=s deep behind enemy lines, Not e$en an (#A &hen he=ll be back,BNeil tried to Eud!e Rick=s $oice, Nothin! alarmin! stuck out, 'e &as bein! paranoid about his friend, Somethin! about this &hole thin! stank and Neil had yet to put his fin!er on &hat,ABastard bu!!ed my sur$eillance- Rick, 'i!h*@uality shit 8=$e ne$er seen before, +ooked military to me,BAWho=s behind this- NeilC Ra$en=s compound &as obliterated, No chance anyone 8 =d us,BNeil smoothed do&n the !oatee he=d been !ro&in! since he left California, A'as to be someone &ho kne& about the mission, 4r found out about it and &ants us out,BA8 don=t kno&- Mac, Sounds too easy, #his !uy takes thin!s personally,BAFeah&ell- he=s !otten too personal for me, #ime to re$erse the stakes,BRick lau!hed, A'a$e a plan- do youCBA on=t 8 al&aysCBA8=ll dri$e all ni!ht- but it=s still !onna take me a day and a half to !et to you,BWith any luck- the ne& Ra$en &as headed in the &ron! direction ri!ht no&, "lenty of time to bait the trap, AJust !et here, Call this number &hen you=re in to&n,BAStay alert- Mac, +ookin! for&ard to meetin! your &oman, Anyone &illin! to put up &ith you is ri!ht by me,BAAsshole,BABack at ya,BNeil hun! up and stared at the phone, 'is &omanG Feah- the term &as primal and ca$emanDbut it felt ri!ht,For the first time in years- he slept the ni!ht throu!h, #here &as a dream in there some&here but it hadn=t &oke him, #here &as no doubt in his mind his &oman &as the reason &hy he slept,No& it &as time to find the i$ory to&er and place her into it for safekeepin!, #hen maybe&hen e$erythin! &as &ashed clean of ra$ens and death- he could fi!ure out &here the t&o of them fit in the real &orld,Neil dialed another number, 4ne he ne$er thou!ht he=d e$er use a!ain, AMaEor Blayney, 8t=s MacBain, 8 need your help,BAn hour and a half later Neil dro$e throu!h security at the base &ith only a flash of his 8 and a smile, ri$in! throu!h the !ates secured by armed !uards &as the only thin! close to the i$ory to&er Neil needed for ?&en,A8=$e ne$er been on a military base before-B ?&en said as she peered out the &indo&, 8n typical military style- there &asn=t a lot of detail or soft lines and landscape, Shades of !reen and !ray painted the surfaces of lar!e buildin!s, ?o$ernment*issued Eeeps and 'um$ees dro$e around the base or &ere parked in massi$e lots, A id you li$e hereCBAWith my dad, And a!ain prior to my last si. months as a marine,B#he buildin!s on base spread thin and the housin! for the enlisted men sprouted in small nei!hborhoods, A fe& kids milled about this part of the base, Basketball hoops and bicycles &ere unattended in the yards,A#he houses all look the same,BA#hey are, #&o or three bedrooms, 8f you=re lucky you mi!ht !et a second bathroom,B?&en &as perched on the ed!e of her seat- fascinated, A8 don=t think 8=d care for a carbon copy life of my nei!hbors,BA8ndi$iduality is &orked out of you in boot camp, Comes back &hen you find your direction, But you learn to take orders,B?&en fro&ned at him, A8 can=t see you takin! orders,BA8 took my share,B 'e !a$e orders better than he took them, A($erythin! you need is on base, #here=s a !rocery store- dru!storeDhospital- and a church, #hey e$en ha$e a pi>>a parlor that deli$ers- bur!er Eoints, Couple of bars,BA($erythin! one needs,BA($erythin!,B Neil dro$e past the smaller houses and up a hill surrounded by trees, 8t hadn=t chan!ed, Not e$en a do&ned tree,#hey approached a three*story

&hite&ashed house at the top of the hill that o$erlooked the base, A#his is Charlie and Ruth=s home-B Neil said to ?&en, AChuck offered to help us out,BAFriends of yours- 8 assumeCBMore like a trusted collea!ue, AChuck is one of only a handful of people &ho kne& about Ra$en, 8t &ould be best if you didn=t tell him &hat 8=$e told you, #he less he or anyone thinks you kno& the better,BAFou don=t trust himCB ?&en asked,A8 &ouldn=t brin! you here if 8 didn=t trust him, #op*secret missions aren=t talked about outside of the fe& in$ol$ed &ith them, 8 doubt Ruth kno&s anythin! about Ra$en, Chuck &ould e.pect that you=re Eust as nai$e,BA8f someone &ere stalkin! Ruth- Chuck &ouldn=t tell her &hyCBARuth=s a military &ife, She understands there are thin!s in her husband=s life that she &ill kno& little about,BNeil parked the car in the dri$e&ay and remo$ed the key from the i!nition, A8f e$erythin! !oes as planned 8=m !oin! to need you to stay here for a fe& days-B he said,?&en pinched her lips to!ether, AAre you askin! me or tellin! meCB'er stayin! &asn=t an option, Securin! her in the i$ory to&er that doubled as an officer=s home on a military base &as the only $iable &ay to do that, 8f he asked and she said nohe=d ha$e to chan!e his plans, 8f he told her and she became pissed- she mi!ht run off,Bet&een clenched teeth- he said- AAskin!,B 'e attempted a smile- somethin! ?&en normally responded to,A8n that caseDall ri!ht,B#hey stepped out of the car to!ether and approached the steps to the porch, ?&en smoothed do&n her shirt and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, AFou look fine-B he told her,A8 look like 8=$e been on the run for a &eek and 8 ha$e a stron! desire to burn the clothes on my back,BNeil took her hand in his and kissed it, A8t=s almost o$er- ?&endolyn,B'er smile bri!htened and she leaned into him, AA hot sho&er &ill do &onders for my mood,B'is too,Neil knocked on the door and stepped back,Ruth Blayney hadn=t chan!ed since Neil had first met her, She &elcomed him &ith a &arm smile and a tilt of her head, She kne& better than to hu!- since he &asn=t that kind of man, 8n fact- most of the marines Neil kne& &eren=t much for physical &elcomes, A !ood shake of the hand and maybe a man*hu! &as the closest he came to affection, AWhy if it isn=t Neil MacBain, My !oodness- ho& lon! has it beenCBAA fe& years,B More like si.,ACome in,B Ruth stepped out of the &ay and opened the door &ider, AChuck told me you &ere comin!, 8 already ha$e a !uest room ready,B8nside- Neil let !o of ?&en=s hand and introduced her, ARuth Blayney- this is ?&en 'arrisonDa friend of mine,BRuth shook ?&en=s hand, A#his is a first, 8 don=t recall you e$er brin!in! a lo$ely &oman to our home,BAA pleasure-B ?&en said,A4h- are you BritishCBA8 am,BAWell &elcome,B Ruth closed the door behind them and led them out of the foyer, AChuck is out back pretendin! to practice his !olf s&in!,BA?olfCB Neil couldn=t picture it,A"reparin! for retirement- he says,BA8 didn=t kno& he played !olf,BRuth !rinned, A'e doesn=t, But the plan is to mo$e to a &armer climate &hen the maEor han!s his hat, And a round of !olfDe$en poorly played !olf- is better than him sittin! around the house all day,B8t sounded like Chuck &asn=t lookin! for&ard to his life off base, Not surprisin! since the man didn=t kno& another life, MaEor Blayney could ha$e retired years before no&- but he lo$ed &hat he did, "icturin! him on a !olf course tellin! the caddies to stand tall and carry his ba! &ith pride simply didn=t fit his personality, Runnin! others= li$esDthat=s &hat Chuck &as !ood at,Ruth led them out the back door of the home and onto a deck that &rapped around the back of the house, 4n the !rass in the yard belo&- Chuck attempted to put the small ball into a hole in the !round, #he ball o$ershot by t&o feet and Chuck !runted &ith frustration,ACharles-B Ruth called her husband, ANeil and his friend are here,BChuck turned their &ay and tossed his putter

to the !round, AStupid sport,BBeside Neil- ?&en chuckled,AFootballDno& that=s a sport, Remember that- Neil,BAFes- sir,B Neil !reeted Chuck &ith a stron! handshake and a pat on the back, A?ood to see you a!ain,B And it &as- despite the circumstances, Chuck hadn=t chan!ed, 'e still &ore his tan slacks- button*up shirt- and !o$ernment*issued belt, 4nly a couple of inches shorter than Neil- and a !ood fifty pounds less- Chuck still demanded respect by the &ay he carried himself, With broad shoulders and only a sli!ht pepperin! of his dark hair- the maEor didn=t look o$er fifty, Neil kne& he &as much olderDe.actly ho& much &as ne$er confirmed or denied by the man,Chuck=s eyes darted from Neil to ?&en- his smile stayed firmly in place, AFou must be Miss 'arrison,BA"lease call me ?&en,BChuck offered a nod- but didn=t shake her hand, AWelcome to our home- ?&en,BA#hank you for ha$in! us,BA4ur pleasure,B 'e dismissed her by turnin! his attention to his &ife, ARuth- ho& about you sho& ?&en their @uarters,B +ea$e it to the maEor to cut the pleasantries and !et do&n to business,Ruth released a hea$y si!h, A#he maEor thinks all bedrooms are @uarters, 8 promise there=s a proper bed and not a cot, C=mon- ?&en, 8=m told you &ere on the road for a fe& days, 8 &ould ima!ine you=d like to clean up,BA#hat &ould be lo$ely,B ?&en=s blue eyes met Neil=s, AShall &e !et our thin!sCBA8=ll meet you in my office in ten- Neil-B Chuck said, A8f you need anythin!- ?&en- Eust ask,B?&en thanked him and Neil &alked &ith her back outside to the car,AChuck has ne$er been a &arm man, #ry not to take offense-B Neil said as he remo$ed their ba!s from the trunk,ARuth seems nice enou!h,B #ranslationDChuck &asn=t, What MaEor Blayney lacked in decorum he made up for in his ability to protect and ser$e,A4nce you=$e cleaned up- Ruth can take you to the commissaryD!et you some ne& clothes,BA8sn=t a commissary a supermarketCBA#hey ha$e basic clothin! there- too, 4r maybe Ruth has another su!!estion here on base,BAWhich means you don=t &ant me lea$in! the base,BANot &ithout me,BNeil could see the situation &ei!hin! on her, 'er tired eyes held acceptance and her nod said she=d comply,With his hands full of their belon!in!s- minus some of his arsenal he=d brou!ht &ith them and their campin! supplies- &hich he=d left set up in the mountains- Neil leaned do&n and kissed her briefly,'er smile broadened as he pulled back,AWhat &as that forCB she asked,AFor trustin! me,BAAl&ays,BNeil let himself into Chuck=s home office and closed them off from the house, Chuck had already poured them drinks and su!!ested they sit on the couch &hile they talked, A#hou!ht you could use one of these,BAMore than you kno&,B Neil let the li@uid slide do&n his throat &ith a soft burn, ANice,BA#ell me a!ain &hy you think someone is tryin! to kill you,BNeil started from the be!innin! and didn=t stop until he and ?&en fled California, Chuck listened &ith a blank e.pression and refilled their !lasses once durin! the e.planation,A'o& did you !et Blondie to come &ith youCBA#old her that someone from my past &as usin! her to !et to me,B Not the complete truth- but as close to it as Neil &as !oin! to tell Chuck,ASo she kno&s nothin! about Ra$enCBAShe=s the one &ho found the dead birds,BABirds die all the time,BAWhich is &hy she refrained from tellin! me about them, Ra$ens are found in the hi!her altitudes of CaliforniaDnot in the basin, #hey &eren=t an accident- Chuck,BA8=m not su!!estin! they &ere, Just &onderin! &hat kind of sick mind &ould do this,BNeil took a drink, ABeen tryin! to fi!ure that out for a &eek, 8 thou!ht if anyone had information on Ra$en=s allies it &ould be you,BChuck shru!!ed, A#here are plenty of parties seekin! re$en!e for his death, None of &hich are creditable let alone ha$e the ability to do &hat you=re su!!estin!,BA#his attack is personal,B ?&en=s ima!e s&am in his head, %ery

personal,A#hese !uys don=t attack people- they attack nations, Who do you think is behind thisCBA'ad to be someone &ith a !rud!eDsomeone &ho kne& about Ra$en, 8=ll find out soon enou!h, Rick=s on his &ay and &e=ll flush this bastard out,BChuck tossed his hands in the air, A on=t incriminate yourself- soldier,BA#he ri!ht to defend myself and my family is still le!al in this country,BChuck !rinned, ASo &hat you=re tellin! me is you plan on trappin! this man so you can brin! him in for prosecutionDri!htCBNeil read throu!h the cracks, A#hat=s &hat 8 said,BA#hat=s &hat 8 thou!ht you said, What do you need from meCBNeil set his empty !lass aside and crossed his ankle o$er his knee, A8 need to keep ?&en here, Safe, While 8 do &hat needs to be done,BAShe=s &illin! to stayCBAFes, For a &hile,B For ho& lon! Neil couldn=t be sure,Chuck &idened his eyes, AFor a &hileCBAShe doesn=t ha$e all the facts and 8=$e yet to meet a &oman &ho takes orders like a marine, She=ll stay &ithout @uestion for a &hileDa day or t&o- maybe three, But 8 need to kno& she=s here and safe so 8 can &ait this bastard out,BA)eep her a!ainst her &illCB?&en &ouldn=t appro$e- &hich &as &hy Neil hadn=t told her this part of his plan, A8f need be, For the sake of the country and all that,BChuck stood and rubbed the back of his neck, A o you kno& &hat you=re askin! me to doCBNeil=s Ea& clenched, ANothin! 8 &ouldn=t do for you and Ruth,BARuth is my &ife- Neil, 8 belie$e you introduced me to ?&en as your friend, She=s not e$en an American, And didn=t you say her brother is a duke or some such sissy*ass thin!C 8 can see the headlines no&DHMaEor Blayney holds British +ady hosta!e on an American military base because her boyfriend said so,= Fou=re askin! the impossible- Neil, "erhaps if she &ere your &ife 8 could, #hen at least she=d be an American by default and 8=d be protectin! her because her husband &ould be in dan!er if she &as &alkin! the streets of Colorado Sprin!s,B($erythin! inside Neil ti!htened- and se$eral life*chan!in! blood $essels threatened to pop at the same time, Chuck &as ri!ht, And e$en if ?&en didn=t try to lea$e- it &as only a matter of days before Blake searched for them or !ot a call from her, #hen all their cloaked runnin! across the country &ould be for nothin!, Ra$en &ould e$entually find ?&en and they=d be back to &here they &ere ri!ht no&,Chuck stared at him, 'is face as stern as a drill ser!eant,Neil made his decision,A#here still a priest on baseCBChuck=s Ea& dropped, AFou=re shittin! meCBACall him, 8=ll be back in an hour,B Chapter #&enty*#hreeAs much as ?&en adored all the alone time &ith Neil- it &as nice !ettin! a&ay for an hour &ith another &oman- e$en a &oman ?&en hardly kne&, 4utside the commissary &as a small bouti@ue caterin! to the &omen on base, Ruth told her that most of the &omen simply left base to !ather &hate$er they needed in Colorado Sprin!s, #he small clothin! store had a surprisin! amount of fashionable selections from &hich to choose, And ?&en &as more than happy to spend the money Neil had !i$en her for shoppin!,A'o& lon! ha$e you kno&n NeilCB Ruth asked as they made their &ay back to the &hite house on the hill,ASe$eral years no&,B Most of &hich &as &hile he &as &orkin! for her brotherDbut ?&en didn=t think that fact &as necessary to pass on,A8=$e al&ays liked him, #he kind of man 8 &ish our dau!hter had been attracted to,BAFou ha$e a dau!hterCBRuth nodded &ith a smile, AShe li$es in Florida &ith her husband, 8=m hopin! to con$ince Charles to mo$e there &hen he finally retires, 8=d like to be closer to her,BA'o& lon! has she been marriedCBACouple of years no&, )eep hopin! for a phone call about a !randbaby, But not yet,BAWhere does Charles &ant to retireCBRuth lau!hed, A'e doesn=t &ant to retire at all, 'e=s fou!ht me for years on the subEect, 8 keep hopin!

that Annie &ill ha$e a baby and Charles &ill reali>e there is more to life than the military,B?&en couldn=t ima!ine dedicatin! her life to somethin! so passionately other than a family, A8=m sure he &ill come around,B ?&en &asn=t sure of anythin!Dbut it seemed the ri!ht thin! to say,A'e despises Annie=s husband,BA4hDthat=s not !ood,BA#ell me about it, Andre& is a teacher, 'i!h school (n!lish, #he t&o of them couldn=t be more opposite,BAFour dau!hter and Andre&CBANo, Andre& and Charles, Charles is a leader and Andre& is a follo&er, 4r so my husband keeps tellin! me, "ersonally- 8 like him, 'e adores our dau!hter, But my husband thinks she should ha$e married a military man, Bet&een her life here and a relationship that ended abruptly &ith an enlisted manDAnnie &as ready for stability, A hi!h school (n!lish teacher fit in her life, 8 think if Charles !a$e him a chanceDmo$ed closer so &e could !et to kno& him better- his $ie& &ould chan!e,BA id you kno& Andre& before they marriedCBANot $ery &ell, We met him &hen they &ere datin! but didn=t think much of it, 4ne day she said they &ere !ettin! married and then the fi!htin! started,B"arents !ettin! in$ol$ed passionately ne$er ended &ell, AShe rebelled-B ?&en said,AFes, She did,B Ruth si!hed, A#hey eloped and mo$ed south, We=$e $isited a couple of times, Stressful ordeals those &ere,BA#hat=s too bad, +ife is too short to @uarrel,B As much as ?&en despised her father- she didn=t !o out of her &ay to fi!ht &ith the man &hen he &as ali$e,A8 think once 8 !et Charles off base his attitude &ill chan!e,BRuth &as old enou!h to kno& that people seldom chan!ed- but ?&en &asn=t about to remind her of that, 8t &as ob$ious Ruth &as ready to mo$e on &ith their life- e$en if her husband &asn=t,A8=m sure it &ill &ork out,B ?&en &as sure of no such thin!Dbut if there &as one thin! she had learned after li$in! in the States for nearly a year it &as that Americans &ere &onderful at sayin! thin!s they didn=t mean, #o be fair- the British &ere- too, 'o&e$er- her friends in +ondon &ouldn=t think of sharin! such pri$ate information &ith a mere stran!er, Ruth &as in ob$ious need of a con$ersation &ith a &oman &ho didn=t kno& her husband, "erhaps Ruth kne& if she spoke &ith people &ho kne& him they=d offer a different opinion,?&en !lanced at Ruth and noticed a small smile on her face,A8t &ill,BWhen they arri$ed back at the house ?&en noticed the car she and Neil had dri$en there &as !one,'er heart Eumped, 'e leftC Maybe he mo$ed the carCNo, #he car &asn=t any&here in the dri$e and &hen they &alked into the house Charles said he=d left, She panicked for a moment before he told her that Neil &ould be back &ithin the hour,?&en decided to spend the time alone in her room, When had she become so dependent on a manC 4n anyoneC Maybe before mo$in! to America she=d mo$ed throu!h life &ith an escort, Since the mo$e- ho&e$er- she=d found her independence and lo$ed it, So &hy did the thou!ht of mo$in! around no& &ithout Neil feel so &ron!C 8t &as one thin! to be infatuated &ith the man- @uite another to not see herself &ithout him, 'e &as a dan!erous !amble that came &ith a &arnin!,Workin! throu!h the drama surroundin! Neil re@uired another set of ears, )aren=s or maybe (li>a=s, ($en Samantha &ould offer sound ad$ice,#he @uestion &as ho& could ?&en contact one of her friends and not risk e.posin! any of them before Neil &as prepared to deal &ith the bird*killin! manCBlake met ean and Jim at )aren and Michael=s home in Be$erly 'ills, )aren had called in a panic- sayin! somethin! about dead birds and the need for "ro>ac, None of &hich made any sense,8nside Michael=s home- )aren sat on a sofa &ith her knees curled up into her chest, Beside her Michael sat and stroked her back as the both of them talked to ean and Jim,A8 !ot here as soon as 8 could,B Blake !lanced at )aren and asked- AAre you 4)CBABetter no&,B She &as pale and ob$iously shaken

up,ASeems our bird*!uy is interested in )aren after all-B Jim said,ASomeone Eumped the fence here and broke into her car, She found another dead cro&- this time man!led and in the front seat of her car,B ean &atched )aren as he spoke, A8 ha$e a cre& comin! o$er to in$esti!ate,BA8s there anythin! on your sur$eillance camerasCB Blake asked Michael,A8 don=t ha$e sur$eillance cameras, 4nly an alarm system,BBlake couldn=t ima!ine a man of Michael=s &orth and fame not ha$in! a better system, A#ime to put one in,BMichael nodded,A?uess this means &e need to keep an eye on )aren and let Neil kno& he and ?&en can come back,B ean stood and placed an empty coffee cup on the table in front of the couch,A4nly problem &ith that is no one kno&s &here Neil is-B said Blake,A8=ll start a track on himDcredit card use- bank account, 'e=ll sho& up e$entually, 4r maybe ?&en &ill call a!ain,BBlake &ould ha$e his o&n people start searchin!, #he thou!ht of his sister runnin! off &ith a paranoid retired marine made him ed!y,A o you think &e=re dealin! &ith a fanCB Michael asked ean,ACould be, 4r maybe someone ticked at you)aren, Any ideas &ho &e=re dealin! &ithCBA8 don=t ha$e any real contact &ith the clients at Alliance and you kno& my co*&orkers,BAWhat about at the Boys and ?irls ClubCBAJeff is the head !uy there, 'appily married, Most of the $olunteers are house&i$es, #here=s no one 8 han! out &ith or really kno& outside of the or!ani>ation,B ean paced the room, AWhat about the kidsC A lot of kids in those places are hi!h risk, 4r maybe e$en mandated to !o there after school,B)aren looked stunned at the @uestion, A#he kids are !reat,B She paused, AMost seemed happy &hen they found out Michael and 8 !ot married,BAMostCB ean asked,#he hair on her arms tin!led, AWell yeah, #here=s this one boy, 8 think he has a crush on me, ?ot a little upset the last time 8 sa& him,B ean remo$ed a pen from the inside of his suit pocket, AWhat=s his nameCBA4h- c=mon- ean, 'e=s Eust a kid, Not capable of &hat=s been !oin! on here,BA o 8 ha$e to remind you ho& many kids are sittin! in Eu$enile hall con$icted of murderCBAJuan isn=t that kid, 8 kno& him,BAReallyC Where does Juan li$eC Who are his parentsC Any priorsCB)aren !lanced at Michael and back to ean,A8=m Eust !oin! to ask him a fe& @uestions- )aren, 8f he=s a !ood kid- he has nothin! to &orry about,BA'e=ll ne$er trust me a!ain,BA8t=s a risk you=re !oin! to ha$e to take-B Michael told her, A#he sooner they rule him out as a suspect- the sooner they can search for &hoe$er else is behind all this,B)aren si!hed and ran a hand o$er her face, AJuan Martine>, 'e=s a !ood kid- ean, +ast 8 looked it &asn=t a!ainst the la& to ha$e a crush- so please don=t come do&n hard on him,BA8f he=s been plantin! dead birds to scare you- 8=m !oin! to make him piss himself, 8f he isn=t behind it he=ll be fine,BJim stood and Eoined ean as they turned to lea$e the room, Blake follo&ed them out, AFou really think a kid did all thisCB ean placed his sun!lasses o$er his eyes as they stepped outside, AAnyone capable of killin! animals can e$entually kill people, And yeah- teena!e kids do that shit, Most don=t !raduate to murder until they=re old enou!h to !et a drink in a bar- but that doesn=t mean it=s not unheard of,BA couple of black and &hite s@uad cars rolled do&n the dri$e and Jim &alked o$er to !reet them,AWhat about the bu!!in! of the house- tamperin! &ith the sur$eillance e@uipmentCB Blake asked, ean shru!!ed, AWe didn=t find a bu!, Feahthere=s interference in the line- but that could be anythin!, No !uarantee the system in #ar>ana &as messed &ith either, 4utside of the stolen electricity muckin! up the system,BAFou think this is all a bunch of shit piled up to be meanin!lessCB Blake asked, ean sho$ed his hands into his pants pockets and rolled back on his heels, A8 think you need to open your mind to that possibility, No& mi!ht be a !ood time for you to

consider that Neil isn=t in$incible and that he mi!ht Eust ha$e a case of "#S , 'e &ouldn=t be the first $et to come do&n &ith it,BBlake felt sick to his stomach, amn ithe trusted Neil,ASomethin! else you mi!ht &ant to do,BAFeahCBASearch throu!h Neil=s belon!in!sDhis files, Maybe you=ll find a clue as to &here he is, 8 kno& 8=d feel a &hole lot better &ith him and ?&en back here, 8=m sure Neil left &ith an armload of &eapons and ammunition, 8f there=s a &ar !oin! on inside his headDthat needs to be addressed before someone !ets hurt,BBlake did not &ant to hear that,#here &eren=t many thin!s that made Neil=s palms s&eat, #his &as one of them, A rin! sat in his pocket and a lie soiled his ton!ue, ?&en &as up in her room and a priest &as on his &ay, All Neil needed to do &as con$ince the &oman he=d been obsessed &ith for lon!er than he cared to admit- and &ho he couldn=t sleep &ithout- to marry him, #hen- and only then- could he mo$e in the bi!- mean &orld to catch the bad !uy and kno& she &as safe,StillDhis palms &ere freakin! Nia!ara Falls,'e=d lau!h if his stomach &eren=t tossin! like a teena!er after his first beer bin!e,Neil took the stairs a couple at a time and stood outside their room, 'e dre& in a deep breath and rapped on the door,ACome in,B'e &iped his hands on his Eeans and stepped inside, She sat on the ed!e of the bed as if she=d been restin!, 'er smile radiated &hen she reali>ed it &as him,Mi!ht not be that bad,AFou came back,B'e paused, AFou thou!ht 8=d leftCB 'e closed the door behind him and mo$ed into the room,ACharles said you=d returnDbut 8*8Doh ne$er mind, Where &ere youCBA8 had to !et somethin!,BShe si!hed, ANot !oin! to tell meCBA8 mi!ht,B'er !rin made him smile, With his smile- her &orried e.pression softened, A8 see you and Ruth &ent shoppin!,B 'e chan!ed the subEect,?&en !lanced at her ne& outfit and lifted an eyebro&, A8 can=t tell you ho& !ood it feels to !et out of those clothes, 8 kno& 8=m hi!her maintenance than others in the clothes department- but 8 dare any &oman to &ear three outfits for a &eek and not &ant to burn them,BShe=d been a !ood sport throu!hout, AFou=re talkin! to a !uy &ho li$ed in desert camo for &eeks on end,BARemind me ne$er to Eoin the military,BA8=ll do that,B#heir con$ersation paused and his palms dampened,?&en reached o$er and ran her fin!ertips o$er his bro&, AWhat=s !oin! on- NeilCB'er blue eyes met his, AW*&hat do you meanCBShe shook her head, AFou=re smilin!- but your eyes aren=t sho&in! it, And you look like you=re ready to pounce, What happenedCB'e s&allo&ed, ANothin!D nothin! happened,BABut you need to say somethin!,BWas he so ob$iousC A8*8 need to lea$e you here tomorro&,B'er smile fell, A8 kno&,BABut 8 can=t,B #he lie soured his spirit- but he tried not to let it sho&,AWhat do you meanCBAWe=re on a military base, #he only place 8 kno& &here you=ll be safe, Chuck can protect youDhell- the entire base can protect youDB?&en tilted her head, 'e noticed for the first time that the bro&n dye in her hair &as startin! to fade, 'e pushed a curl a&ay from her eyes and attempted that smile a!ain,She fro&ned, AButCBAFou=re British,BShe lau!hed, A+ast 8 looked my country and yours are allies,BA#rue, But protectin! you &ithout your country=s in$ol$ement is tricky, No& if you &ere an AmericanDBAMy brother has dual citi>enship,B"erfectG AAnd he=s married to an American, Blake could stay here- no @uestions asked,B'er bro& creased,A8 need to protect you,BShe shook her head, ABecause of my brotherCBAW*&hatC No, Because 8 need to,BANeed toCB4h- damnDshe &as fro&nin!, AWant to,BShe smiled,'e smoothed do&n the stubble of the !oatee &ith his fin!ers and tried a!ain, A8 &ant you safe- ?&endolyn, 8f 8=m !oin! to find the !uy behind the dead birds and nei!hbors- 8 ha$e to kno& you=re safe, 8 only kno& one &ay to do that,B Neil reached into his pocket and remo$ed the small bo. &ith her rin!, All she had

to do &as take it,'er Ea& dropped, 'er eyes &idened,'e opened the bo. and &aited until her !a>e mo$ed to the s@uare pink diamond that sat inside the black $el$et bo.,She sucked in a @uick breath, ANeil,BA8 need you to marry me- ?&en, As my &ife you=ll ha$e the entire MS Army- Air Force- and Marines at your side,B'er !a>e mo$ed from the rin! to his, Moisture sat behind her lids, AFou don=t ha$e to do this-B she said,4h- yes he did, For more reasons than her safety, AWe do, 8f you &ant outDafterDB 'e shuddered, A8=ll &alk a&ay,BA sin!le tear fell from her eye and she looked a&ay, A#his isn=t fair,BAWhat isn=tCBAWeD&e Eust found each other, 8 can be honest and say 8=$e &anted us to be to!ether for some time, But thisDmarria!eC And for reasons of safetyCBRemindin! her &hat she did for a li$in! &ouldn=t bode &ell- so he kept his mouth @uiet about Alliance,A8f somethin! happened to me &ith Ra$en- the people here can protect you,B'er !a>e snapped back to his, ANothin! &ill happen to you,BA#here are no !uarantees,B 'e didn=t e$en kno& &ho he &as dealin! &ith,She stood and &alked to the &indo& in the room,A#here=s al&ays the possibility of you bein! pre!nant,B 'e set the rin! aside and &aited for her to respond,She huffed out a breath, AWe=$e been careful,BAAsk your brother about the success rate of condoms,B 'e &asn=t playin! fair, Blake and Samantha concei$ed (ddie &hile usin! condoms, Neil kne& damn &ell those condoms had been tampered &ith practically !uaranteein! (ddie=s conception, Neil mo$ed behind her and laid a hand on her shoulder,She mo$ed out of his reach and turned to him, ANot the same thin!- Neil- and you kno& it,B'is hand fell, All his e.cuses- all his reasons fled and the truth made itself kno&n, A8 can=t function if 8=m &orried about you, 4ur enemy kno&s that- &hich is &hy he tar!eted you to be!in &ith, 8f you=re safe 8 can do my Eob?&en,BBlue eyes follo&ed his &ith e$ery blink, AWhat are you sayin!- NeilCBWhat &as he sayin!C AWe Eust found each other,B 'e used her &ords, AAnd 8 &ant to see &here that &ill !o,B 'e stepped closer and placed his hands on her shoulders, A"lease- ?&en, Marry me,BAnother tear fell from her soft blue eyes and she !a$e one slo& nod,Relief flooded him- and he dropped to his knees and held her, When her arms &rapped around him and stroked his head- he kne& he=d found home, Chapter #&enty*Four#hey stood before the priest and Neil=s friends &ith their heads hun! in prayer, ?&en reflected on &hat she &as doin!, Skepticism ran deep in her $eins about &hy Neil decided marria!e &as the best &ay to mo$e for&ard, She felt there &as somethin! he &asn=t tellin! her- yet his &orry for her o$ershado&ed e$erythin! and made her say yes, When he=d dropped to his knees- her heart had broken, She kne& he had difficulty e.pressin! his feelin!s, What man didn=tC With Neil- that male trait &as amplified tenfold, ressed in slacks and a simple button*up cotton shirt not befittin! a bride she held Neil=s hand and pled!ed herself to him, When he returned the sentimenthe placed a rin! on her fin!er, #he stunnin! s@uare pink diamond sat amon! se$eral smaller &hite diamonds in platinum, 8t &as e.actly the kind of rin! she &ould ha$e chosenDand Neil had mana!ed it &ithout one con$ersation, She couldn=t stop the smile from spreadin! o$er her, When she looked in Neil=s eyes- they sparkled,When the priest pronounced them husband and &ife- Neil took her into his arms and kissed the &orry a&ay,After- Ruth and Chuck si!ned the certificate alon! &ith Neil and ?&en- finali>in! their marria!e,#hey toasted alon! &ith the priest and accepted the con!ratulations of those in the room, Ruth snapped a couple of pictures &ith Neil=s cell phone so ?&en had somethin! to remember the day,A8f &e kne& you &ere !oin! to !et married today- &e

could ha$e bou!ht you a dress-B Ruth said &hen she mo$ed into the kitchen to help &ith the small meal they had planned,ANeil didn=t &ant to &ait, Besides- it=s a tradition in my family to marry the same person multiple times,B She=d con$ince Neil to do this the ri!ht &ayDmaybe &ith Sam and Blake in Aruba,AReallyCBAMy brother and his &ife remarry e$ery year in a different location,BRuth si!hed, A#hat=s so romantic,BA8t is,BACharles and 8 are !oin! to stay at a friend=s home toni!ht, ?i$e you t&o some pri$acy,BA#hat=s not necessary,BA on=t be silly, 4f course it is, We=ll ha$e a nice dinner and lea$e until mornin!,BRuth &as a $ery nice &oman, Not the &oman ?&en truly &anted to stand as a &itness to her marria!e, But ?&en couldn=t e.actly in$ite (li>a- Sam- or )aren to the ceremony,A#hank you- Ruth, Fou=$e been a !em,BAMy pleasure,B#hey sat do&n for dinner a short time later and ?&en reali>ed that at this time the ne.t day- Neil- her husband- &ould be off in the &oods to catch a killer, And she &ould be left to &orry about his safety,Suddenly she &asn=t $ery hun!ry,AWhere are youCB'e dropped his speed on the free&ay and kept the phone close to his ear, A4n the tail of our !uysir,BAAre you headed hereCBAWhy &ould 8 beC 'e=s north,BAFou=d like to belie$e that&ouldn=t you- !runt, 8 told you he &as the smart one, Fou=re !oin! in the &ron! direction, 'e=s here and settin! up to catch you, Stop fuckin! around &ith the birds and !et your ass here before you=re on my list of prey, ?ot that- soldierCBAFes- sirG 4n my &ay- sir, What about the !irlC o 8 need her to !et to himCBA+ea$e her to me,BAnd then the call &as disconnected,4nce their hosts left- Neil and ?&en sat outside on the back patio and &atched the sun set, #he mi. of emotions rolled in and out of ?&en=s mind and &as makin! her cra>y, What happened &hen Neil &alked a&ay tomorro&C 'o& &ould she mana!e to stay in this home &ith stran!ersC 'o& lon! could she last &ithout contactin! her brother- her friendsC What if Neil &anted this marria!e to be temporaryCAWhat is my princess thinkin! aboutCB Neil interrupted her thou!hts &ith his @uestion,A#his isn=t ho& 8 pictured my &eddin! day,BNeil mo$ed closer to her and sat back do&n, 'e picked up her hand that held his rin!, A8 can top that-B he said, A8=$e ne$er pictured a &eddin! day for me,BAWellD&omen think of these thin!s from the time they are old enou!h to understand fairy tales, 8 e$en ha$e a &eddin! dress picked out,BAWhat does it look likeCBAMy &eddin! !o&nCB'e nodded,A8t=s &hite- of course- &ith a Ee&eled &aistDslim fittin!, Strapless, #he train fans out belo& the &aist,B She=d not only picked out the dress months a!o- she kne& &ho sold the dress in +os An!eles &ho could help her at a moment=s notice to pick it up, A8t=s beautiful,BAAnd &hat &ould 8 &earCBShe liked this !ame suddenly, AAt first 8 thou!ht black, #raditional, But 8 think !ray is better, But this is silly, We=re already married,BA oesn=t mean &e can=t do it a!ain,BFunny- she didn=t think she=d e$er !et him to marry her the first time, A8n ArubaD&ith my brother and SamanthaCB'e stroked her cheek &ith the backs of his knuckles, AFour hair &ill be back to its normal color by then,BAA trip to the salon can fi. that,BA8=ll look for&ard to it, #hat is if you still &ant me after this is o$er,BA4h- Neil, 'o& can you &orry about thatCB #he @uestion &as ne$er if she &anted him but if he &anted her,A8=m not a prince,BA8 already told you that isn=t &hat 8 &ant,BAFou mi!htDlater,B?&en leaned for&ard and touched her lips to his, 'e softened and dre& her close,She &as scared- do&n to the core of her bein!, When he &as close all her &orries &ere &ashed a&ay,AFou kno& &hat &e needCB she asked &hen she dre& a&ay,AWhatCBA8 noticed a lar!e bathtub upstairs, 8 kno& my back could use a !ood scrub,B'e smiled and lifted her to her feet,#&enty minutes later- she pulled him into the bathroom and remo$ed the borro&ed bathrobe from

her shoulders, When he reached for her before they made it into the &arm &ater- she batted his hand a&ay and lau!hed, A8t=s your &eddin! ni!ht- soldier, o you really think 8=d deny youCB'e !rinned- and let her pull him into the &ater, 'e si!hed as he sat back, 'is hu!e frame filled the space and left little room for her- but she didn=t mind, She=d added bubble bath to the &ater and re!retted it once half of his ama>in! body disappeared in the &hite foam,AWhen &as the last time you took a bath in a tubCB she asked,A8 couldn=t tell you,BA+ife=s little pleasures, 'ere-B she said as she mo$ed in the &ater until his back &as in front of her- Alet me do you- first,B+ike the first time they=d made lo$eshe traced the ink o$er his shoulder and back- but this time she did it &ith soap and hot &ater, #he small space of the tub and the hot &ater surroundin! their bodies added to their intimacy,Somethin! else filled the mi. of desire, When ?&en ran her soapy hands o$er his broad back and shoulders- she reali>ed &hat it &as, 8t &as the comfortable hum of kno&in! she could be herself &ith this man and not fear him runnin! a&ay,A'a$e 8 told you ho& much 8 lo$e this tattooCBAFou mentioned it,BShe smoothed her hands o$er his shoulders and eased some of the tension from his neck, A'o& often do you ha$e to &ork out to make these as lar!e as they areCB She s@uee>ed his shoulders as she spoke and mo$ed to his back and &aist,AFour- fi$e ni!hts a &eek,BAFou must be !oin! throu!h &ithdra&al runnin! across the country the &ay you are,BA4ur personal e.ercise routine has its re&ards,BShe lau!hed- once a!ain surprised by the humor behind his stoic e.terior, #he front of his chest held a sli!ht amount of hair and tickled her fin!ers as she scrubbed him, AWe ha$en=t e.actly slept,BShe let her hand drift lo&er and he clasped it in hisstoppin! her from touchin! him intimately, A8=$e slept more &ith you than 8 ha$e in years,B4n some le$el- ?&en kne& that, 'er hand stalled and she allo&ed him to shift them inside the tub until she rested bet&een his le!s and his hands tra$eled her shoulders and back, At first- his touch &as innocent enou!h, When he cupped her breasts in his soapy hands- she &ent la. in his arms and let her head fall into his shoulder,As he touched her- she felt him harden, A#his is !oin! to be a short bath- 8=m afraid,BA epends on ho& you look at it,B'is hands mo$ed belo& her breasts and to her stomach, She t&itched under his fin!ers- &antin! themDA'a$e 8 told you ho& beautiful you areCBShe s&allo&ed, A8=d ha$e remembered if you had,B'e kissed the side of her neck and dropped his hands lo&er- slidin! bet&een her hip and thi!h,AFou=re beautiful- ?&en, Much more than a man like me deser$es,B'is confession broke her heart, She opened her eyes and looked up at him, AFou deser$e e$erythin!,BA8 don=t deser$e you,BShe t&isted in his lap, AWell it=s too late to back out no&,B'is lips found hers in a slo& si>>lin! kiss, She mo$ed closer and the &ater sloshed out of the tub to the floor belo&, 8t didn=t matter, #he only thin! that did &as !ettin! closer to the man &ho held her, #o let him kno& ho& much he deser$ed her, 'o& &orthy he &as of her and so much more,She opened for himacceptin! his ton!ue- his touch, Slo& &et hands mo$ed o$er her body- do&n her hip and bum, With little effort- he picked her up and had her straddlin! him, 'is lips left her and mo$ed o$er her neck and shoulder, #he &ater lapped at her &aist and the bubbles dripped off her breasts,Slo& teasin! hands mo$ed bet&een her le!s and played, 'e kne& e.actly &here to touch to render her mind to nothin!, #he thou!ht of lea$in! the tub to find protection filtered in, She scooted closer- !rasped his cock in her hand, A8=$e not been &ith another man in years-B she mana!ed, A#he doctor=s !i$en me a cleanLB Neil slipped a fin!er deep inside, A4h- do that a!ain,B'e did and she s@uirmed,A8 don=t &ant to think of another man touchin! you-B he said in her ear,ANo one hasDnot like this,B 'e

pressed a!ainst her nub &ith the perfect amount of pressure, A8t=s &ise to ask about our se.ual health before marria!e,B She rolled her thumb o$er the tip of his penis and took pleasure in his moan,A8 &ould ha$e told you if there &ere any issues before &e made lo$e the first time-B he said,4f course he &ould ha$e, She stroked him hard and he lost his pressure on her, When his hand fell a&ay- she slid up his body and positioned herself o$er him,'e !rasped her hips and held her motionless as his !a>e found hers, ?&en smiled and leaned for&ard to take his lips, 'er knees bumped the side of the tub as he lo&ered her onto him, Bet&een the &armth of the &ater and the thickness of her husband?&en couldn=t remember e$er feelin! so full, Neil mo$ed &ithin her- !uidin! her hips &ith his stron! hands in a &ay she couldn=t inside the tub,Water splashed from the tub but neither of them bothered &ith the mess, 8t &as the only time ?&en had made lo$e to anyone &ithout protection and she &as !oin! to sa$or e$ery moment, 8t &as the first time she made lo$e to her husband and not Eust a man she=d !ro&n to care forDand she=d do e$erythin! she could to fulfill his needs,'is stron! fin!ers !ripped her hips to mo$e her faster, She s@uee>ed him ti!ht inside of her, A8=ll lose control if you do that-B he told her,She did it a!ain,'e !ro&led and slid a hand bet&een them- found the center of her pleasure and forced a moan from her, #he an!le of the tub made it hard to !et closer but Neil &orked her into an e.plosi$e or!asm &ithin seconds, 'e follo&ed her into blissspillin! himself deep inside her &omb,A cramp in her le! had her &i!!lin! off him much sooner than she=d ha$e liked, ABathtubs aren=t ideal for makin! lo$e-B he said as he rubbed her hip to ease the pain,A#hey=re !reat for cleanup,B'e lau!hed and looked at the floor, AAnd moppin!,BShe si!hed, A8 suppose &e should clean this up before retirin!, Wouldn=t &ant our hosts to think the &orst of us,BNeil helped her from the tub and co$ered her &ith a to&el, When he left the room to find somethin! to mop up the mess?&en !lanced at her appearance in the mirror,8=$e fallen in lo$e, Chapter #&enty*Fi$e'o& &as he !oin! to lea$e herC Fou=re in deep- MacG Real deep,#hey=d made lo$e so many times the ni!ht before- and in so many positions- he didn=t think she=d be &alkin! come mornin!Dbut she &as, #hey=d thro&n all caution out the &indo& &ith the lack of condom use and he couldn=t brin! himself to care, #he thou!ht of her carryin! his child made him feel like a !od, And that &as ne&,'e=d all but bullied her into marria!e- lied to !et his &ay, At some point he=d come cleanDafter,(arly in the mornin!- he=d called Rick to see ho& close he &as, 'e=d made !reat time and &as on his &ay up the mountain to scout out camp, Rick also made a phone call to Neil=s landline in California to !et the attention of the dirtba! &ho stalked them, 'e and Rick had to think of e$ery scenario, Ra$en could ha$e access to a plane- or e$en a commercial fli!ht- &hich &ould brin! him there &ithin hours, 4r Ra$en mi!ht ha$e to dri$e, 8t &as hard to Eud!e, Neil didn=t kno& if they=d &ait out the !uy for a fe& hours or a fe& days, 8n that time- he couldn=t risk contactin! ?&en, 8f anythin!- Neil &anted Ra$en to think he and ?&en &ere hidin! out to!ether, #he lure of a $ulnerable &oman &as &hat this man &ent after- and Neil &ould e.ploit it to his fullest,#hat beautiful &oman had fluffed the pillo&s on the bed for the third time in ten minutes and &as doin! a poor Eob of hidin! her an.iety,AFou=ll be safe here,BA8t=s not my safety 8=m concerned about,BAFou don=t ha$e to &orry about me,BA#oo late,B She attempted a smile, A8=d feel better if 8 kne& &hat you &ere plannin! on doin!,B ?&en picked up one of the pillo&s and pulled it into her lap as she sat on the ed!e of the bed,AWe=re !oin! to bait him- brin! him to

Eustice,B #he ans&er &as simple- the e.ecutionDnot so much,ASounds easy, 'o& do you kno& he=ll find you up thereCBA8 &on=t be hard to find,BAWon=t he catch on to thatC 'e mi!ht think it=s a trap and not sho& up at all,B#hat &as al&ays a possibility, A8 doubt that &ill happen, #he lon!er this !uy is hidden- the more people &ill be &atchin! for him, No& &ith you out of harm=s &ay he has no choice but to come after me,BAMnless he !i$es up,BA8 could !au!e that better if 8 kne& e.actly &hy he &as comin! after me, But 8 don=t, 8 doubt he=ll &alk a&ay- ?&en,BNeil mo$ed to her side and remo$ed his &allet from his back pocket, From it- he took a still photo of him and his re!iment before their last mission,She took the photo!raph from his fin!ers and pointed him out, A#hat=s you,BSe$eral years youn!er &ith less of the &orld=s &ei!ht on his shoulders, A#hat=s Rick-B he said as he pointed to the man standin! beside him, AWe call him Smiley, 'e=s the one comin! up &ith me to find this !uy,B?&en pointed to the ne.t man, AWho=s thisCBA#hat &as Billy, #he one they say committed suicide,BA'e looks so youn!,BA'e &as,B No& he &as dead, A#hat=s MickeyDthe only other one ali$e,BA o you kno& &here he isCBA#op secret- and 8 don=t ha$e a clue, #his &as Boomer and Robb,B #here hadn=t been enou!h of them left to brin! back to bury- but he didn=t tell ?&en that, A+inden almost made it out ali$e, #hey &ere !reat !uys, 8 failed them once and can=t do it a!ain,B?&en placed a hand on his arm, A8=m sure they don=t blame you,BSomeone from the mission blamed himDall of them, A8 led the operation- ?&en, 8 &as responsible for their deaths,BShe strai!htened her shoulders and !a$e him a stern look, A8s that ri!htC id you s@uee>e the tri!!erC id you toss them out of a plane &ithout a parachuteCBANo,BA#hen 8=ll hear no more of your fault for their unfortunate deaths, 8f your military found blame- they &ould ha$e held you prisoner- and that ob$iously hasn=t happened, 8t=s time for you to for!i$e yourself for &hat happened- Neil, 4nce you=$e done that you can mo$e on &ith your life, 8f not- then you=ll ha$e one sleepless ni!ht after the ne.t until you=re Eumpin! at e$ery noise,BShe described his e.istence up until thenDup until her, A'o& come you=re so smartCB he asked, 'e captured her hand and kissed the back of it,ASchool of "rincess, 8t=s in the curriculum,B She lau!hed,'e kissed her softly the &ay one &ould &hen they said !ood*bye, AFou=ll be all ri!ht here, Stay on base-B he told her, AAnd don=t lea$e the house &ithout an escort,BAWhen do you think you=ll returnCBAA fe& days at most,B And because he had to !i$e her somethin! should he not return- he added, A8f 8=m not back in a &eekDChuck &ill contact Blake,B#he smile she &ore fell, AFou=ll be back,B4r die tryin!,Blake stood beside his best friend Carter and &atched throu!h the mirrored !lass &hile ean and Jim interro!ated the poor teen &ith a crush on )aren, Not ten minutes into the @uestionin!- Blake kne& they &ere lookin! in the &ron! place,A'e=s not our man,BCarter shook his head, A8 a!ree,BJuan finally cau!ht on to the problem in the ne.t room and started to !et upset, A8s someone tryin! to hurt Miss JonesC 8s that &hat you think 8=d doCBAWe don=t kno&- Juan, Why don=t you tell usCB Jim asked,AShe=s like our mom,BAA momCB ean asked,A4)- maybe not a mom, More like a hot aunt- but she=s like family, 8f someone=s tryin! to hurt her you should be out there protectin! her instead of talkin! to me,BBlake turned a&ay from the mirror, AWe=re one step ahead of you- kid,BCarter shook his head, AWaste of time, Maybe &e=ll !et lucky and catch this !uy on a monitor once they=re up and runnin!,BAWhat a cluster, Wish to hell Neil &as here,B #hen he &ould ha$e one less thin! to &orry about, ean &alked out of the interro!ation room and into theirs, A8t=s not him,BAWe fi!ured,BAAre you ready to !o throu!h Neil=s thin!sCBBlake hated in$adin! his

pri$acy like that- but &hat choice did he lea$eC 'e ran a hand throu!h his hair,A?otta be clues some&here as to &here he is-B Carter said,Blake pushed out of the room, A+et=s !et this o$er &ith,B ean &alked them out of the station, A8=ll be alon! in an hour, 8 ha$e a couple of leads 8 &ant to follo& up on first,B4n the &ay back to Malibu- Blake !a$e Carter some !ood ne&s, ASamantha=s pre!nant,BCarter s&i$eled in his seat and remo$ed his sun!lasses, ANo shit,BAWe=$e been talkin! about it for a &hile,B Blake pulled onto the free&ay and mer!ed into the cro&ded California interstate,ASounds like you=$e done more than talk about it,BBlake smiled- rememberin! the not talkin! ni!hts &ith his &ife, AMornin! sickness is kickin! her ass, 8 &anna !et all this shit &rapped up and !et back to her- Carter, 8t=s the only reason 8=m !oin! ahead &ith searchin! Neil=s personal space,BA8 !et it, Neil=s a pri$ate !uy, But &hen you run off and think a murderer=s on your tail there=s no tellin! &hat=s !oin! on, Neil &ouldn=t e.pect you to sit back and do nothin!,BA'e=d e.pect me to trust him,BCarter placed his sun!lasses back o$er his eyes, A8f anythin! &as pannin! out to suspect foul play to&ard ?&en or Neil then it &ould be a hell of a lot easier to trust the man,BBack at his estate- Blake and Carter let themsel$es into Neil=s home, #he house &as a !uest @uarters that mimicked the main house in style and structure, #he sparsely furnished inside space suited the needs of a bachelor, 4ne room &as dedicated to monitorin! the main house and ?&en and )aren=s place in #ar>ana, #he other &as a bedroom &ith the bare minimum of furniture, Althou!h the small kitchen had e$erythin! it needed to feed a family- the only thin!s that looked used &ere the refri!erator and the micro&a$e,#here &as a leather couch and a recliner alon! &ith a flat screen tele$ision hun! on the &all of the li$in! room,AWhere do &e be!inCBA8=ll start in his office-B Blake told Carter, AFou look in his bedroom,BCarter headed around the corner and into Neil=s room, AWhat are &e lookin! for e.actlyCBAAnythin! personal, "ictures, Addresses to a friend- family,BAAren=t his parents deadCBBlake sat in Neil=s chair and opened the top dra&er of his desk, AFeahDbut 8 remember him talkin! about a !randmother,B #he dra&er held the usual suspects, "ensnotepads- old bills- and receipts for miscellaneous items,A8f Neil thou!ht someone &as after him- 8 don=t think he=d lead &hoe$er that is to his family,BA#rue- but the !randmother mi!ht kno& &here Neil &ould !o to keep ?&en safe and capture the bad !uy,BAFou think that=s &hat he=s doneCBA'e sure as hell &ouldn=t run fore$er,B #he ne.t dra&er held files of e@uipment purchase dates and soft&are updates, #here &ere employee files in print- &hich Blake &ondered about, Why print out any of these thin!sC Why not keep them on a computer hard dri$eCAs his mind mo$ed in that direction- he turned on the computer monitors and &aited for them to po&er up, #he &all of monitors lit the room &ith ima!es throu!hout the Malibu house and #ar>ana, Blake clicked on the main screen and shifted bet&een ima!es, (ach one that he hi!hli!hted opened the audio of the room it &as in, 8nside the Malibu house- Mary &as in the kitchen hummin!,#he phone on Neil=s desk ran!- and Blake reached to pick it up, A'elloCBA8t=s illon- Mr, 'arrison, 8 noticed someone on Neil=s channel &atchin!, 8s he backCBANo, 8t=s Eust me,BA4h, Any &ord yetCBANone, Nothin! from your endCBANothin!, Sorry to disturb you- Mr, 'arrison,BBefore illon hun! up- Blake stopped him, AWait- illon, Before Neil leftD&as there anythin! !oin! on that struck you as oddC Somethin! unlike himCBA'eDhe &as a little more ed!y, Not sure that isn=t his normal- thou!h, 'e al&ays &orked lon! days and didn=t ask me to take o$er much &hile you and Mrs, 'arrison &ere a&ay,BNone of that sounded out of character for Neil, AAny luck on findin! the bu!s he

talked aboutCBA8 &ish 8 did, #here &as definite interference at the #ar>ana house, 8t didn=t feel ri!ht to me,BA+ike it &as planted,BA8 &ish 8 could say that for certain, 8t Eust &asn=t ri!ht,B($erythin! felt odd, A#hank you- illon,BANo problem,BBlake hun! up the phone and continued to search the desk, #here &asn=t anythin! personal there, Just piles of &ork*related in$oices and bills,Carter &alked into the room &ith a picture in his hand, AFound this,B8t &as an 6O by 21 photo!raph of &hat looked like Neil and some of his marine friends,ANeil looks thicker, 8 didn=t think that &as possible,BCarter lau!hed, AFou e$er see this beforeCBANo, 'e doesn=t share that part of his past, (.cept that one time in the bar,BAFou think these are the !uys that diedCBBlake took the photo!raph and looked at each face, 'is !a>e popped o$er to Neil=s and another one that looked familiar but he couldn=t place, ACould be, Not all of them died, Just a fe&,B But &hich onesC A'a$e you thou!ht of callin! in a fa$or and findin! out &hat the Ra$en thin! is all aboutCBCarter leaned a!ainst the desk, A#here are plenty of secret missions done e$ery year o$erseas, #he military doesn=t take it kindly to ha$e their top*secret missions blabbed about to Eust anyone, Althou!h 8=m the !o$ernor- 8=m one of those HEust anyones= at this point, 8f &e=$e e.hausted all our resources- and ha$en=t heard from Neil or ?&en- then 8=ll make the call, 8 don=t &ant to stir up more trouble and ha$e Neil on the tail end of a court martial because he=s o$erly paranoid, We o&e him that much,BBlake a!reed,A)nock- knockCB ean let himself into Neil=s house,AWe=re in here,B ean fanned himself, A amn tired of the heat-B he said, AFou !uys find anythin! yetCBBlake handed the picture to ean and shru!!ed, AA picture and a bunch of bills,BA8 keep for!ettin! ho& bi! Neil is-B ean said,ANot a lot riles him,B ean dropped the picture on the desk, AWell- &e !ot a break,BBlake sat taller, AWhatCBA+ooks like Neil broke do&n and used a credit card,BAWhereCBAColorado Sprin!s,BA8 thou!ht )aren said somethin! about Canada-B Carter said in ob$ious confusion,AWell unless they fle& to Colorado- in &hich case &e &ould ha$e kno&n about before no&- they &eren=t any&here near the border,B ean=s smu! smile didn=t sit &ell &ith Blake,AWhat are you not sayin!CBAWanna !uess &hat Neil used his credit card onCBA'otelCB Carter asked,ACar rentalCB Blake su!!ested, ean shook his head,AAmmunitionCB ean smiled and stared at Blake, AA $ery lar!e- $ery e.pensi$e- diamond rin!,B#he blood in Blake=s head dropped once a!ain, AWhatCB Chapter #&enty*Si.Before Neil left the base he confiscated- stocked- purchased- or other&ise pilfered anythin! he and Rick &ould need to catch Ra$en and hold out &hile &aitin! for him, #he marines tau!ht him e$erythin! he needed to kno& about sur$i$in! on his o&n and capturin! a criminal, #he only difference &as not kno&in! &ith &hom he &as dealin!,Maybe Rick could shed li!ht on that, Bet&een the t&o of them- they=d &ork it out,Still- as Neil made his &ay up the mountain- he kept an eye on his rear$ie& mirror and &orried about &hat he=d left behind, Chuck &ould take care of her, ?&en &as safe, 'is &ife &as safe,#he smile on his face spread, 'is &ife,'e made it to his camp lon! before the sky darkened, 'e parked his car far from the campsite to set up his second base- and to map out his fallback location, A knoll o$erlooked his planned spot of e.ecution- the perfect &atch point for either him or Rick,Neil sat there no& &ith a pair of binoculars and scouted, Within an hour- he noticed a fi!ure &orkin! his &ay slo&ly to&ard camp, 8n less than a minute- Neil kne& it &as Rick, 'e &aited until Rick &alked the perimeter of the camp and doubled back to his car, As Rick returned to the site- Neil &orked his &ay do&n the hill- keepin! himself hidden,Neil mo$ed behind his friend and

didn=t make a sound,A8 &as &onderin! &hen you=d Eoin me, #hou!ht you=d stay up there all ni!ht-B Rick said &ithout turnin! around,Rick had al&ays been !ood at detectin! the enemy- or in this case a friend sneakin! up from behind,A'o& did you see meCB Neil mo$ed in front of his collea!ue and e.tended his hand,A8 sho&ed up an hour before you did, Mo$ed from the knoll to the fallback by the creek and &aited,BNeil lau!hed, Rick had e.ecuted the same mo$es he had,A?ood to see you,BNeil a!reed, #hey spoke for a fe& minutes about the dri$e- the &eatherDany damn thin! but &hy they &ere there,AWe ha$e &ork to do if &e=re !oin! to !et this !uy-B Neil finally said,AAny idea &ho &e=re dealin! &ith yetCBNeil shook his head- frustrated, AWish 8 did, #hink he=s military,BAAnd kno&s about Ra$en,BA4r maybe he &as told about Ra$en,BNeil didn=t like that scenario, AWhich su!!ests a second party is on to this,BA#hey=re either a party to it by callin! the shots from some&here else- or &e ha$e t&o !uys on our tail-B Rick said and nodded to&ard the tent, AWe settin! up here for the ni!htCBA"art of it any&ay, No use !ettin! comfortable,BA on=t think comfortable is possible until &e catch this !uy,BNeil set his pack aside and shru!!ed off his coat,AFou really think there are t&o people in$ol$ed hereCBA8 think &e need to consider the possibility, 8t &ould ha$e taken some &ork to make the drop on Billy, ($en if a &oman &as in$ol$ed, Not a lot shook him,BAWe need to !et inside this !uy=s head if &e=re !oin! to &in this-B Rick concluded,A8 sur$i$ed the Middle (ast, 8=m not dyin! in my backyard,B Not &hen he suddenly had so much to li$e for,AWhat about your !irlCBAShe=s safe,B And for reasons he couldn=t- or didn=t &ant to identify- he didn=t elaborate as to &here she &as to Rick,A8 still can=t !et o$er the fact you ha$e one,B Rick=s si!nature smile spread on his lips,AMe either,BRick snorted and s&atted Neil on the back, A8 don=t kno& about you- but 8 can=t sleep &ithout a &oman at my side,BNeil hesitated, A8 kno& the feelin!,BA8t=s !otten better, But the memories ne$er really lea$e me, 8 think it hit us all like that- &hich is &hy &e all left,BAMickey stayed in-B Neil reminded him,AMickey &as Eust a kid, Wasn=t it his first time outCBASecond, With special ops any&ay, 'e=d done a tour in Af!hanistan before meetin! up &ith us,BRick rolled out his pack and laid it on the fabric co$erin! the dirt, 'e bundled the bulk of the material under his head and he stretched out, AMickey &as moldable, Just &hat the maEor &anted on his team, 'e took his purple heart- sho$ed it in a bo.- and mo$ed to the ne.t mission,B'e=d for!otten about Mickey=s inEury, amn unfortunate that &as,Neil took a space by the burned*out campfire he=d shared &ith ?&en only a couple of ni!hts before, AWe &ere moldable- too,BAMntil &e sa& our !uys !et blo&n to bits, #ends to shake the mold,BAAnd for &hatC idn=t stop the &arDdidn=t e$en calm the fi!htin! for a day,B For that- Neil left, 'e and his team &ere !i$en base assi!nments for a short time and then &ere allo&ed to disappear,Mnheard of, A($er &onder &hy MaEor Blayney let us all !oCBA8 didn=t @uestion it, Fi!ured he kne& &e &eren=t functionin! the &ay &e needed to, 'e &as like family to most of us,B #o Neil any&ay,A8 &onder if he kno&s &ho could be behind thisC 'e kno&s those abo$e him that called the order,BNeil already kne& Chuck didn=t ha$e a clue, AFou think the hi!her brass is behind offin! us no&CBANe$er kno&,BAWhy &ould they bother lea$in! a tokenC Why !o after &omen to !et to us thenCBRick shook his head, AFou=re ri!ht, 8t=s personal, Someone=s need to !et back at us for sur$i$in!,BA8f 8 belie$ed in !hosts- 8=d think Boomer- Robb- or +inden &as behind this,BNeil ran his fin!ers o$er the hair on his face, A#hat=s the problem &ith us, We ha$e a hard time belie$in! in anythin! &e can=t see, Rules out !hosts,B Fet the !hosts of his past &ere catchin! up to themDto all of them,ASo &hat=s the planCB Rick

asked,AFirst &e see if Ra$en takes the bait and comes after us here,BRick !lanced around, AA sharpshooter &ould make @uick &ork of us ri!ht here,BNeil a!reed, ABut our !uy needs to make it look like an accident, A bullet to the head isn=t ho& this &ill play out, 8f &e end up dead- or disappear- @uestions &ill be asked, 8f there=s someone callin! this e.ecution- they aren=t !oin! to &ant that, 8t=s not like &e=re on enemy soil- or that &e=re e$en on the inside any lon!er, We can=t be classified as collateral dama!e,BASo if Ra$en doesn=t sho& up hereC 4r if he does and he=s not aloneCBAWe=ll spot him first, 8=$e already set up sensors on the road leadin! up here, We=ll kno& anytime somethin! bi!!er than a do! rolls by, 8f he doesn=t sho& up here then &e=ll fall back and search him out,BRick=s bro& rose, ASna!!ed some of our old toys- did youCBA4ld and ne&,BA8 brou!ht some toys- too,B And he did, Rick remo$ed a set of ni!ht $ision !o!!lesmultiple &eapons- e.plosi$es &ith fuses- and e$en di$ersionary toolsDsmoke bombsflash bombs,Neil remo$ed t&o &ireless headsets and s&itched the channels to line them up, A'ere-B he said- handin! one to Rick, ASo 8 can &hisper in your ear,BRick ble& him a kiss, A8 ne$er kne& you cared,B#his felt !ood, More like the hunter than the hunted, No& all they needed &as their prey,AWe need to find you a pastime-B Ruth told ?&en after her first dinner &ithout Neil in the house, AWaitin! for your husband to return to base is difficult in the best of situations,BAWhat 8 need is an occupation,B 8f she &ere homeshe=d plan a proper &eddin! for her and Neil, Maybe &ork &ith (li>a and Samantha on a double $o& ceremony, Anythin! to keep her mind off the fact that Neil &as chasin! a murderer,A8 can al&ays use help in my flo&er !arden, "erhaps tomorro&LBA4h- yesD please, Anythin!,BRuth patted her hand, A8=$e some bulbs &e can plant- and there are al&ays &eeds to pull,BA"hysical &ork is better than mental at this point,BAWe ha$e a collection of mo$ies to choose from- most are &ar*related documentaries the maEor &atches repeatedly,BA8 doubt those &ould ease my mind,BA8 ha$e a small library,B?&en=s eyes lit up,8n the den- hidden behind a closed bookshelf- Ruth encoura!ed ?&en to pick &hate$er she &anted to read durin! her stay,A8 read e$erythin! from mysteries to romance, #here has to be somethin! of interest in here for you,B#here had to be o$er three hundred books, AFou=$e @uite a collection,BA8=$e packed a&ay, 8=m hopin! to ha$e a small library in our ne.t home, Charles likes thin!s tidy and he doesn=t see books on a shelf as neat, 8f &e had a library desi!ned for books- he couldn=t complain,B#he more ?&en heard Ruth talk- the more controllin! her husband seemed,AA proper library is a fine addition to any home, Not e$eryone &atches tele$ision- after all,BA8 completely a!ree,B?&en pulled a couple of books from the shelf and !lanced at the co$ers before turnin! them o$er to read the descriptions on the back, 4ne &as definitely a romance- &hich she did enEoy- but readin! of someone else=s lo$e &hile hers &asn=t near &asn=t somethin! she &anted to do, She placed the purple co$ered book back on the shelf and decided on &hat looked like a medical mystery, She remo$ed a couple more titles from the shelf and noticed somethin! hidin! behind the books,8t &as a framed photo!raph of a youn! couple, #hey &ere smilin! and looked to be standin! on the porch of the Blayneys= home,A4h- &here did you find thatCB Ruth asked as she came up behind her,ABehind the books,BRuth took the picture from her fin!ers and si!hed, A#his is our dau!hterDand an old boyfriend, 8 thou!ht 8=d thro&n this a&ay,B?&en !lanced at the photo a!ain, She could see the resemblance bet&een Ruth and her dau!hter, #he man had a military haircut but instead of &earin! a uniform- he had on a pair of Eeans and a #* shirt,A#hey look happy-B ?&en said,A#hey &ere, Charles and 8 thou!ht they &ould marry

e$entually,BAWhat happenedCBRuth blinked a couple of times, A'e=d chan!ed after returnin! from o$erseas, Annie broke it off &ith him, Charles &as unbearably upset for months, 'e tried to chan!e Annie=s mind- but she &ouldn=t ha$e it,BAWhat did you think of the breakupCBA8 &anted my baby happy, 8 understood &hy she &anted somethin! else for her life other than a moody military man, #hey aren=t al&ays the easiest men to li$e &ith,B Ruth !lanced o$er and co$ered her mouth, A4hD8=m sorry, 8=m sure Neil is nothin! like that,B?&en !rinned, A4f course he is, 8t=s somethin! 8 find endearin! and $ulnerable about him, 8=m not offended,BAWell- Annie &anted somethin! different,B Ruth replaced the picture on the shelf and tucked books in front of it, A"erhaps Charles is keepin! this, 8=ll Eust pretend 8 didn=t see it,BWhat else did Ruth pretend not to seeC ead birds &eren=t !oin! to keep her a&ay from the kids any lon!er, Besides- if she didn=t e.plain &hy the police &ere pokin! into their pri$ate li$es- she &ould lose all the !round she=d !ained &ith them,)aren i!nored her $irtual shado& that Michael and ean insisted on, 'e dro$e her around like a child durin! the day and left only if Michael &as home in the e$enin!s, 4ther&ise- he or one of his collea!ues slept in the !uest room,#he man &asn=t as bi! as Neil- but he had the same sunny disposition, Complete &ith a sco&l and a hooded !a>e that follo&ed her e$ery&here, What ?&en found appealin! about ha$in! a man follo& her around all the time- )aren &ould ne$er understand,Althou!h )aren kne& it &asn=t the man=s occupation that attracted ?&en- but the man himself, She sure as hell hoped the se. &as spectacular for her friend, Maybe &hen they forced their heads out of the sheets they=d reali>e no one &as follo&in! them and come home, )aren couldn=t &ait for a heart*to*heart &ith her prim and proper friend,A#ry not to freak the kids out-B )aren told her body!uard,'e looked around them and follo&ed her into the club,'er !a>e roamed the room- searchin! for Juan, When her search came up empty- she tried to hide her disappointment,AMiss JonesGB Amy ran up and thre& her arms around her,)aren hu!!ed her back and smiled, She lo$ed these kids, Missed them,A'o& are you- honCBA8 aced my al!ebra test,B)aren slapped Amy=s palm in the air, A?ood ne&s,BA couple of the other kids Eoined them- hu!!in! and tellin! her ho& much they missed her, She dropped her purse at her math table and looked at the &ork spread out for the kids, (ach one &as at a different le$el but it appeared that they had all mo$ed ahead in their studies &hile she=d been a&ay,AAre you back for !oodCBA8 am,B Mnless birdman arri$ed a!ain, But she=d keep that to herself,A#here &as a cop in here the other day askin! us about you,B)aren shru!!ed, AFeah- he=s a friend of mine, Sorry about that,BA8s e$erythin! 4)CB Ste$e- &ho=d been @uiet the &hole time asked,ASeems like someone out there is tryin! to scare me,B#he !irls lost their smiles and the boys listened closer,A8s that &hy they took Juan in to talk to himCB Ste$e asked, 'is $oice an!ry,#eena!e !ossip tra$eled fast, A#he police talked to a lot of people, 8=m sorry they had to come here,BAFou=re here all the time, Maybe they thou!ht one of us sa& somethin!,B Amy &as like a middle childal&ays tryin! to see reason and come bet&een the e.tremes in a family,ASo &ho=s the !oon at the doorCB)aren s&i$eled a&ay from Ste$e=s scornful face, 'e and Juan &ere friends- and it &as ob$ious he &asn=t happy about the police @uestionin! him,A'e=s my body!uard,BASeriouslyCBA8 don=t think 8=ll ha$e him for lon!, Just till they catch the !uy follo&in! me,BAWo&- Miss Jones, Aren=t you scaredCBA8 &as at first- Amy, No& 8=m Eust pissed, Fou kno&C +ike ho& dare someone try and !et under my skin,BSte$e kept lookin! at the body!uard and then back at her, AFou don=t need a body!uard here-B Ste$e

said, AWe can take care of you,B)aren smiled, AMaybe you can con$ince Juan to come back,BSte$e shru!!ed, AMaybe,B8t &as all )aren could ask for, Chapter #&enty*Se$en?&en stretched her back and i!nored the ache the !ardenin! &as creatin!, At least if she &ere tired that ni!ht- she=d mana!e some sleep, #ossin! around and dreamin! of her husband- of &here he &as and &hat he &as doin!- &asn=t lea$in! her time to rest,#o make matters &orse- shortly after she and Ruth stepped on the path of restorin! her flo&er !arden- a call came in on behalf of Annie- askin! for Ruth to fly to Florida, Somethin! about her bein! sick- or so Charles had said,No& it &as only she and Charles in the house,?&en didn=t like the arran!ement in the least, #he man &atched herbut ne$er made eye contact, She shifted her !a>e to the house and noticed him in the &indo& &atchin!, 'e dropped the curtains but didn=t mo$e a&ay,'e=s only helpin! out Neil,NeilD&ho=d been !one for nearly t&enty*four hours, #&enty*four lon! and lonely hours,Fou can do this,4$er her shoulder- he still &atched,Fou can do thisG 8t=s only a fe& days,She sho$ed her hands back in the dirt and yanked on a stubborn &eed,AWell at least it isn=t rainin!-B Rick said in his ear from three hundred yards a&ay,Neil &atched the trees s&ayin! in the &ind that had kicked up from no&here, ACareful &hat you say,B 8t &asn=t uncommon for the late summer storms to knock out a couple of inches of rain before blo&in! to the east, #hey &ere prepared for anythin!, #hat=s ho& the marines rolled,8nside the tent- &here neither of them planned on sleepin!- &as a decoy that only someone &ith heat*sensiti$e !o!!les &ould be able to see, 'ot rocks from the campfire &ere placed inside a thermal ba! that radiated heat and made anyone &ith the ri!ht e@uipment belie$e that someone slept inside, #he knoll Neil &as perched on backed up to a cliff a !ood three hundred feet abo$e, #here &as no &ay anyone &ould scale it to !et to him, (ssentially- he &as bo.ed in the canyon &ith only t&o &ays in, Rick scouted on the northeast side &hile Neil &atched for any acti$ity on the southeast,A($er !et the feelin! &e=re &aitin! around for nothin!CBAFou think Billy &asted himselfCBA'ell no-B Rick=s harsh &hisper ran! in Neil=s ear,ARa$en &ill come,BA'e=s !oin! to kno& &e=re &aitin! for him,BNeil mo$ed his !o!!les to &here Rick sat- and scouted all around him, Nothin!, A'e=ll kno& 8=m &aitin! for him, For all &e kno& you=re ne.t on his list,BAStill con$inced he=s not comin! in !uns bla>in!CBANot unless his moti$ation has chan!ed, 4nly &ay his moti$ation &ill ha$e chan!ed is if he thinks &e=$e 8 =d him,B#he &ind ble& around the !iant pine abo$e him and made it creak, amn &ind,#he dark sky didn=t e$en sport a sli$er of a moon, 8t &asn=t too lon! a!o he &as lookin! up into the stars and sharin! his childhood dreams &ith ?&en, 'e hated lea$in! her behind, 'e=d hate ha$in! her here more,A#hink you could nod off for an hourCB Rick asked,A8 mi!ht,BA8=ll pull back- and &atch your back,BNeil tucked back into the rock &hile Rick mo$ed into position, An hour of sleep here and hour there &as all any of them e$er mana!ed &hile in the field, #he ni!ht before- Neil didn=t e$en !et that, Bet&een his &orry and need o$er ?&en and internal debate that Rick mi!ht kno& more than he &as tellin!- Neil didn=t chance sleep, Fet it became increasin!ly apparent that Rick &as as much a tar!et as he &as, 8f Rick &as behind any of this- he=d ha$e made a mo$e on him lon! before no&, 'e needed to trust and ?od kne& he needed to sleep,#hey ducked under the &ind created by the blades of the helicopter, Billy and Rick hoisted +inden=s dead &ei!ht to the men on board the chopper, 4n board they pulled Mickey- &ho &as limpin! but carryin! himselfin &ith them,Mac t&isted to&ard the fireball they=d Eust left, 'is ears ran! from the blast

that took out his men, 'is back and head took a blo& &ith his fall but he &as other&ise 4), Ali$e,Rick pulled him into the chopper and they &ere instantly airborne,Mouths &ere mo$in! but Neil couldn=t hear &hat they said, 4nly rin!in! and the hum of the chopper, 'is chest ached and he cou!hed for &hat felt like an hour,Billy knelt on the floor beside +inden &hile the t&o men Neil didn=t kno& cut a&ay +inden=s clothes and e.posed the blast &ound in his !ut and thi!h, Blood &as e$ery&here,Neil !rabbed the army blanket someone had draped o$er him and sho$ed it in +inden=s side,A on=t you fuckin! die,BBut the color in +inden=s face had !one stone &hite and before they could apply a field dressin! his eyes lost focus and he took his last breath,#he chopper listedand Neil had to hold on or risk fallin!,#he silence in his ears made his eyes focus,Billy hun! his head beside +inden, Rick=s e.pression &as e@ual parts ra!e and remorse, Mickey &as doubled o$er,Neil mana!ed to !et to Mickey=s side and met the man=s eyes, Neil lifted his hands in @uestion and Mickey shook his head,#hat=s &hen Neil sa& the shard of &ood stickin! from Mickey=s !roin, #he bleedin! &as minimal- and they kne& to keep the obEect in place until medical could see &here it landed, 'e shook his head to&ard Mickey as if to remind him not to tu! out the &ood, Mickey &as kno&n to act a!ainst reason on occasion, idn=t seem he had the desire to do so no&,Neil slumped on the side of the chopper and hacked up a lun!,Blake had his secretary arran!e his ride to the airport in the mornin!, 'e &as headed to Colorado himself to trace Neil=s steps, ($erythin! had been too @uiet for his taste and not hearin! from his body!uard or his sister &ei!hed on him,'e no lon!er &orried that someone &as listenin! in on his con$ersations, #here &eren=t any bu!s detected and no one had left any dead birds lyin! around in days, Carter had flo&n back to Sacramento &ith the promise to make the phone calls to C if need be,Blake Eust hoped that Neil and ?&en had come to their senses and &eren=t runnin! around &ith !uns cocked and loaded,'e pulled off his tie and reached for the phone- intendin! to !i$e Sam her ni!htly call,#he phone ran! under his fin!ersand made him Eump,?et a !rip- Blake,A'elloCB he ans&ered &hen he didn=t reco!ni>e the number on the caller 8 ,AMr, 'arrisonCBBlake tossed his tie to the side of the bed and sat, A#his is,BA8=m sorry to call you so late- Mr, 'arrison, ($en more sorry for &hy 8=m callin!,BBlake stopped mid&ay throu!h toein! off his shoes,AWho is thisCBA4h- 8=m sorry, #his is Bernard- the mana!er o$er here at First Class Ser$ices,BA#he car ser$iceCBARi!ht, Ri!ht, #hat=s us,BBlake=s an.iety dropped and his shoes fell to the floor one at a time, AWhat can 8 do for you- BernardCB And &hy &as he callin! him no&CAWe recei$ed the order for your car re@uest in the mornin!,BA8s there a problem &ith tomorro&CBANo- not at all- sir, We=ll ha$e a car ready for you,BBlake pinched one button after the other on his shirt and then mo$ed to the cuff links, A#hen &hy are you callin!CBBernard &as breathin! a little fast- ob$iously &orked up o$er somethin!, Blake &anted to tell him that &hate$er his &orries &ere- they had nothin! on his, 8nstead- he Eust &aited &hile the man started to apolo!i>e,A8=m sorry, We here at First Class Ser$ices are so $ery sorry,BASorry for &hatCBA8 checked to see &ho your dri$er &as earlier in the &eek, We try to keep them consistent &hene$er possible, As you kno&- &e take !reat pride in the pri$acy of our customers, And you are a $ery $alued customerLBBlake rolled his eyes, ABernard- can you please cut the crap and tell me &hy you=$e calledC 8 ha$e a busy day tomorro&,B And at this rate- he=d still be on the phone &ith the poor sap,ASorry, Ri!ht, Fou see- the dri$er &ho picked you up, We don=t kno& &ho he is,BAWhat do you mean you don=t kno& &ho he isCBAWe recei$ed the re@uest and a car

&ent out earlier in the &eekDbut none of our men &ere behind the &heel,BBlake stopped undressin!, AWell someone sure as hell picked me up,BARi!ht, But it &asn=t our man,BA'e said he &as from your ser$ice,BA8 !uarantee you- Mr, 'arrison, 'e &asn=t, We ha$e security tape of the yard &here &e keep our cars, A man in our uniform is seen lea$in! the yard &ith a car and then returns a couple hours later,BA8f he &asn=t one of your men- then &ho &as heCBAWe don=t kno&, Four pri$acy is paramount to us, We ha$e the police comin! here no& to $ie& the tapes, 8=m sure they=ll &ant to talk to you, For that 8=m $ery sorry,BA'o& the hell did this happenCB More deals &ere made in the backs of limousines than boardrooms,A8=d su!!est you consider &ho you &ere talkin! &ith and &hat about on the &ay home, "erhaps there &as someone in need of the information you relayed on that short tripCB'e and ean had to talk in the car because Neil su!!ested the house &as bu!!ed,A4h- damn,BAWe=re !ra$ely sorry,BAFeah- yeahD8=ll be there &ith etecti$e Bro&n in an hour, 8 &ant to see those tapes,BA4f course- sir, Anythin! &e can do,BBlake sho$ed his feet back in his shoes and made a call to ean,Forty*fi$e minutes later- they &ere sittin! in the offices of First Class Ser$ices &ith a ner$ous Bernard and a half do>en uniformed officers,Blake listened to the story of ho& a complete stran!er made his &ay onto the property- mana!ed to !et the keys to a company car- and then proceeded to lea$e said parkin! lot to pick him up at the airport &ithout bein! detected,A8t had been an e.ceptionally busy &eekend, Se$eral of our dri$ers &ere still out from the ni!ht before, 8t=s not unheard of for us to mo$e dri$ers around from one lot to another,B Bernard rambled on about the company and ho& it &as run, Accordin! to the sister ser$ice in 4ran!e County and the one in San ie!o- none of their dri$ers had been !i$en the !reen li!ht to take assi!nments in the +A area on the date in @uestion- therefore rulin! out a dri$er on their staff,An officer took Bernard=s statement &hile another mana!er cued up the $ideo of the man in @uestion, #he distance from the camera to the cars &as any&here from a hundred feet to three hundred feet, #he man=s face ne$er turned directly to&ard the camera- makin! Blake think the man kne& the camera &as there, 'e &ore the dri$er suit and e$en opted for a hat, Not all dri$ers &ore them- but some did- &hich &as &hy Blake didn=t think much of it &hen he=d seen the man,ACan you !et in closerCBAs the ima!e mo$ed up- the @uality of the picture dissipated, As Blake remembered- the man had a short haircut and nothin! !ro&in! on his face or chin, Caucasian about si. feet tall- medium build,'e looked familiar, But then he should, Blake had spoken briefly &ith the man and had !i$en him a !enerous tip,AWe can enhance the ima!e at the station- try and match him &ith those in the database,B ean stepped a&ay from the monitor and !lanced around the room, ASomeone here must ha$e spoken &ith the man,BBernard shifted from foot to foot, A8=$e @uestioned my dri$ers, None of them ha$e said they noticed him,BAWhat about dispatchCBAWe=re not like a ta.i ser$ice, We ha$e a computeri>ed system that lets our dri$ers kno& &hen one of their clients needs a ride, +ike 8 e.plained to Mr, 'arrison- &e try to keep the same dri$ers &ith the same clients to better meet their needs, Mr, 'arrison only uses us on occasion so &e didn=t ha$e a re@uest in for any one person,BA#hen ho& do you pick &hich dri$er !oes on the runCBBernard mo$ed his stiff collar a&ay from his neck, Blake almost felt sorry for the man,AWe rotate bet&een &ho needs a run- and &ho best kno&s the area and protocols, #akin! a car on the tarmac to pick up clients ri!ht from the airport re@uires a different le$el of security than someone takin! a celebrity to a red carpet e$ent, +ots of thin!s are factored in,BASho& me ho& your dri$ers check a car in and out-B ean

said,Bernard mo$ed to the monitor as the uniformed officer &ho=d been searchin! the $ideo feed !ot up and mo$ed, 'e opened up &hat looked like a home pa!e for the ser$ice and clicked on an icon &ith a car !raphic, A list of last names and locations sat neatly in a ro&, Beside them &as a column for the dri$er to place their name,A#his first set of names are our re!ulars, Notice the color coordination of the dri$ers and the re!ulars, #his ne.t set of names are one timers, Special occasions- promsDbeside the names are symbols, A martini !lass for a kno&n party &here the dri$er is !oin! to keep our passen!ers from dri$in! &hile into.icated, 8 try and use my male dri$ers- unless it=s a bachelorette partyDB Bernard !ot a little carried a&ay in his e.planation of his system- ob$iously proud of &hat he did, A'ere is the airport symbol, 8f a dri$er is free to take the ride and sees this- he kno&s the ride is only open to him if he has the clearance,BA+et=s see the date Mr, 'arrison arri$ed,BBernard clicked around on the calendar and brou!ht up the date, Blake leaned for&ard and sa& his name- location- time- and airport symbol, 'e &as happy to see an absence of a martini !lass, 'is mirth about that died &hen he sa& the name of the dri$er, AMac,BBlake=s hand &ent do&n hard on the side of the computer desk, ASonofabitch,BA on=t Eump to conclusions-B ean told him,AWho needs to EumpCB ean !rabbed his arm and pulled him from the room, AWe don=t kno& anythin! for certain,BAWhat theD&e kno& Mac &asn=t behind the &heel, We kno& a stran!er listened in on our con$ersation &e had in a car to a$oid bein! heard in my home, We kno& &hoe$er this !uy &as he had the ability to hack into this system and take off &ith a car- then return the damn thin! &ithout @uestion, We kno& Neil belie$es someone of intelli!ence and ability is !unnin! for him and my sister, 8 don=t ha$e to Eump in the &ater to kno& 8=m !oin! to !et &et- ean,B And if Neil had mana!ed to keep this ass from kno&in! &here he &as- Blake and ean had blo&n that by openly talkin! about their findin!s in his house o$er the last couple of days, Which e.plains the e.tra dead bird in )aren=s car, #he ti!ht ton!ues made this ass plant another dead bird and thro& them off track, Make them think Neil &asn=t sane,AWe=$e been conned and Neil isn=t cra>y,B Neil &as in dan!er and Blake had probably led his enemy ri!ht to him, Chapter #&enty*(i!ht inner the ni!ht before had been a strained affair, 8t didn=t help that the &ind had kicked up and the threat of rain had ?&en &onderin! &here Neil &as, ?&en took the pathetic path of pleadin! a headache and retired to her room early to a$oid con$ersation &ith her host,She couldn=t place &hat about Charles bothered her most, #he @uiet plottin! that seemed to happen behind his !a>e- or the smile that reminded her of a clo&n at a circus, Neither &ere redeemin! @ualities in a person, 8=m sure he makes a !reat drill ser!eant,?&en mo$ed @uietly throu!h the house- purposely lea$in! her room once the breakfast hour had passed, #he house &as @uiet to the point she &ondered if she &ere alone, 8n the kitchen- she placed a cup of &ater into the micro&a$e to heat for tea, With the e.ception of a fe& clouds- the sky &as clear,ABe safe- Neil-B she &hispered to herself,When the micro&a$e chimed- ?&en turned to !rab her cup,Charles stood directly behind her- his lip turned up sli!htly, She screamed and stepped back into the counterbruisin! her hip,ABloody hell-B she !asped,A8 didn=t mean to startle you,B 'is coy smile fell and an e.pression of concern replaced it,#he hell you didn=t, A8 didn=t hear you come in,B She rubbed her hip and &illed her pulse to calm,AWanted to make sure you had e$erythin! you needed,B Charles mo$ed a fe& paces a&ay, #he ne.t county &ould ha$e been better, #he man &ore the e.act same clothes he=d &orn since Neil had left, #hey

&ere pressed and clean- but the e.act style of military issue, Charles didn=t lea$e the house- or e$en ha$e a $isitor, For a man of his rank- ?&en e.pected a little more of a re$ol$in! door,AFour &ife directed me to &here thin!s &ere in the kitchen,BCharles mo$ed behind the counter and pulled out a tall stool,4h- !reatDcompany, ?&en found the tea and slo&ly remo$ed the ba! from the paper packa!in!, 8t became apparent that Charles &asn=t !oin! to open the con$ersation,A'a$e you heard from RuthCBAShe arri$ed in Florida,B?&en dipped the tea ba!- and &aited for a more elaborate ans&er, A'o& is your dau!hterCBA'appy her mother is &ith her,B ?&en reminded herself that Neil used to !i$e her such short and precise ans&ers, #heir time alone chan!ed that,ANo one @uite replaces our mum &hen &e=re ill,B#he corner of Charles=s lip turned up a!ain, A4ne of the thin!s &omen are !ood for,BSmilin! &hen your back teeth are !rindin! is impossible, AAre there many &omen in the ser$ice under your commandCB'is smile fell, AA fe&,BAFou don=t appro$e,B She could see it in his face,AWomen belon! in a home! tea and not in the &ild remo$in! tar!ets,B?&en crossed the room- made sure she had a &ay out &ithout &alkin! by him,AAllo&in! &omen in must ha$e been difficult for you to accept,B'e shru!!ed, A8=m a soldier, 8 do &hat 8=m told,BAAs a maEor- don=t you do most of the tellin!CB She ble& o$er her tea,Charles=s hand rested on the counter and the inde. fin!er on his ri!ht hand started a slo&- intermittent tap, A#here are al&ays people abo$e you,BShe thou!ht of the picture Neil had sho&n her of his troop- or &hate$er it &as they called themsel$es, Friends, A#rue, And those under you don=t al&ays sur$i$e their missions, #hat must be difficult,B She couldn=t ima!ine sendin! troops into battle and learnin! that some &eren=t comin! home, #he entire concept of &ar bo!!led her mind, idn=t e$ery human &ant the same thin!sC A happy and healthy family- food- a homeC A &orld in &hich their children could !ro& to the best of their abilities and ha$e families of their o&nC #ruly- &hat more &as there to needC Why fi!htC 8t made no sense to her,A#here=s al&ays collateral dama!e,B 'is fin!er tapped a little harder, AA leader can=t d&ell on death, Not here,B8f ?&en &ere to !uess- she=d say that Charles didn=t d&ell, 8n fact- he probably erased the name of the lost and penciled in the ne.t, Cold,She=d rather ha$e her Neil- &ho did think about the men &ho=d follo&ed him into battle,8t came to her then- that if a man returned from &ar unaffected she &ouldn=t &ant to kno& him,?&en stared at a tree out the kitchen &indo&- and noticed it bendin! in the &ind, #he desire to lea$e the maEor=s presence turned her thou!hts to the outside !arden, 8f not for the muscles in her back that had screamed since she &oke- she=d make her e.cuses and find a flo&er bed,A8 &ould ne$er make a proper soldier- 8=m afraid, 8 ha$e difficulty s@uishin! a bu!,BA+et Neil stomp the life out of the insects,BShe allo&ed a passin! !rin, No- Neil set the bu!s outside the door to fend for themsel$es,AWould you mind if 8 searched your library a!ainC Seems the book 8 chose isn=t helpin! me pass the time,B Actually- she=d noticed a fe& photo albums Ruth had pointed out and thou!ht it &ould be helpful to look throu!h them, "erhaps Charles &asn=t al&ays so Eaded,A'elp yourself,BA#hank you,B She made as !raceful an as she could, She &as hun!ry- but not enou!h to stay in the man=s presence,8nstead of ha$in! his pilot fly him to Colorado- and potentially hand deli$er Neil=s enemy to his side- Blake placed a call to Carter from his office in hopes of keepin! some of &hat he had to say pri$ate, 4nce Blake brou!ht his best friend up to date- he started pullin! the hard fa$ors,A o you ha$e any contacts at the "enta!onC Anyone &ho can search out &here Neil trained and &ho &ithC #he men on his teamC Anythin!CB esperation seeped into his bones, More than the lack of control o$er

e$erythin! unfoldin!- Blake hated the unkno&n, Where &as Neil and &here had he stashed his sister to keep her safeC 'e didn=t e$en &ant to consider the diamond rin! that &as purchased and the meanin! behind it,AMy contacts there are shallo& at best-B Carter informed him, ABut &e both kno& someone &ho mi!ht be able to !et the information &e &ant,BBlake s@uee>ed his eyes shut, AFour uncleCBARi!ht,BSenator Ma.&ell 'ammond had been in the political !ame from the time he &as in hi!h school, Blake didn=t trust the man, Not that he &as a kno&n dirty politician- but Blake belie$ed Ma. had no problem !ettin! his feet in the mud to !et his &ay, 4h- they &ashed up before he donned his shoes- but there &as al&ays a little dirt left behind, Bein! indebted to the man &as not somethin! Blake &ould choose,What choice did he really ha$eCAFou sure you=re ready to pull that cardCBAWe need to kno& &ho birdman is, Need to find Neil and ?&en, #he &hole thin! is smellin! up our life, We=$e !i$en Neil the @uiet time he re@uested and &e=$e not heard anythin! for &hatDthree- four daysC Anythin! could ha$e happened,BAWhat are &e askin! Ma. to search forCBANeil directed us to contact the president and use code name Ra$en, #his has somethin! to do &ith his time in the ser$ice, 8 kno& Neil spent time on a Colorado base- but there=s a bunch of them- se$eral in Colorado Sprin!s, We need to start there, id he stash ?&en &ith one of his buddiesC id he solicit one of his old friends to helpC id he need somethin! to catch this !uy that he can only !et from a military &arehouseCBAFou=$e !i$en this a lot of thou!ht,BA8t=s all 8=$e thou!ht about, #hat and ho& much 8 miss my &ife and son,BA o you ha$e the picture from Neil=s roomCBBlake opened his desk dra&er and remo$ed Neil=s file, AFeah,BAScan it in and send it to me, Maybe someone &ill reco!ni>e himDor someone else in the picture,BWhile they talked- Blake placed the picture in his scanner and made the copy, AMakes me &ish 8=d had deeper con$ersations &ith the man,BA eeper &ith Neil is &hat e.actlyC #&o sentences in a ro&CBBlake !rinned, ABest damn security a!ent 8=$e e$er had,BAWell be prepared- Four ?raceDNeil Eust mi!ht ele$ate to Hbest damn brother* in*la&= you=$e e$er had,BA#hanks for remindin! me- ?o$ernor, ?&en could do &orse,B No& that he kne& Neil &asn=t nuts- it helped ease the concerns about her shackin! up &ith the man,A4)- 8 !ot the e*mail, 8=ll !et on the phone and see &hat Ma. can do, +et me kno& if you hear anythin!,BAFou=ll be the second to kno& behind ean,B#hey said their !ood*byes and hun! up,Blake stared at the photo!raph- memori>in! the faces, #hey &ere all bi! men- as he &ould e.pect of marines, 4ne !uy had a hu!e smile on his lips and another held a rifle in each hand &ith ammunition belts strapped o$er his shoulders, #&o of them had a freshness behind their eyes that reminded Blake of )ansas farm boys, 4ne had his hair so short his ears stood out, 4r maybe his ears &ere Eust lar!e,'is cell phone in his pocket ran!, 'e checked the 8 before he ans&ered, 8t &as ean,A'ear anythin!CBAFrom NeilC No, 8=m at your place &ith Neil=s security team, )en Sands called in a specialist &ho deals &ith some of the hi!her*tech bu!s seen in political circles,BBlake=s skin started to cra&l,A?uess &hat &e foundCBANeil=s bu!,BASeriously hi!h*tech shit- too, We=re talkin! classified- spy on the president stuff, Sands sent a team o$er to #ar>ana to check the system there, 'omicide &as Eust about to &rap up the naked hot tubbers as an accident, 8=m !oin! to ha$e them call in the military police and look a!ain,BBlake looked at the photo in his hands, AAny 8 on the dri$erCBANot yet, Wish 8 had a set of prints, All military personnel are fin!erprinted- blood typed- and photo!raphed &hen they !o in, #he picture &e ha$e cleaned up a little- but it=s not !reat,BASend me a copy, 8=ll turn Neil=s place upside do&n and compare it to any he

mi!ht ha$e,BAFou=re thinkin! this !uy kno&s NeilCBA4r someone !a$e him a detailed description,B ean cussed under his breath, A#his reeks,BA#ell me about it,BRa$en tucked his car off the road and slept for four hours strai!ht, idn=t e$en bother callin! in to let his boss kno& he &as in to&n, #here &as no &ay he &as !oin! to take Mac on a couple hours of sleep, 8f anythin!- he=d &ait until Mac &as e.hausted and he &as rested,'e stepped out of the car and into the cool- moist air of the Colorado Rockies, A fe& feet a&ay &as a tall pine, 'e pissed on it before &ipin! his hands on his pants, ?otta lo$e the !reat outdoors, A nice cabin in the &oods a&ay from e$eryone and e$erythin! &ould be perfect for him and his !irl, 'e could hunt- and she could take care of their home, 4nce he took care of his little lefto$er problems- e$erythin! &ould fall back into place,'is left le! stiffened in the cold- remindin! him of the pain he=d suffered, All because Mac didn=t call the shot in time, amn Billy for not steppin! o$er Mac to do the ri!ht thin!, Billy sa& it comin!- and &easeled out because of a kid, A stupid fuckin! kid that &ould ha$e !ro&n up hatin! all of them any&ay,#hat=s all ri!ht, Billy !ot his, And he !ot Billy=s !irl ri!ht before he filled her &ith C*5 and ble& the fuck out of her, #hat &as s&eet,Ra$en couldn=t tell his boss that part, Wouldn=t be &ise to make the boss think he liked blo&in! people up, When he came home- he had talked to so many shrinks that he kne& e.actly &hat @uestions they=d ask, More importantly- &hat ans&ers they &anted to hear,Ra$en made his &ay back to the car and tossed a handful of sour candy into his mouth,After turnin! on his phone- he called in to see &here his assi!nment had landed, Chapter #&enty*NineAWhat if he doesn=t comeCBRick posed the @uestion Neil didn=t &ant to think about, #hey &ere !oin! on their third day, 'e=d taken one of the bu!!ed hand recei$ers from Blake=s home and &as usin! it as a homin! beacon for Ra$en, All the man had to do &as check out the fre@uency,But e$ery hour that passed &ithout the man makin! an appearance made him cra>y, Worse- he didn=t ha$e any contact &ith ?&en to kno& ho& she &as holdin! up in his absence, 8f Ra$en &ere &atchin!- he could be &aitin! for them to !i$e up and !o home, #hus leadin! him to ?&en, And that couldn=t happen,Both he and Rick circled their camp- chan!in! positions often, 8f Ra$en &as out there- they &eren=t !oin! to !i$e him time to settle into any one spot,A8=$e been thinkin!-B Rick said in his ear, ARa$en &ants to kill us- ri!htCBAMltimately,BABut he &ants it to look like an accidentDlike &ith Billy,BNeil peered throu!h his binocularsnoticed a flock of birds takin! fli!ht from a fara&ay pine, 'e kept his !a>e on the acti$ity at the base of the tree- &onderin! &hat disturbed them,ANo one &ill think 8 offed myself,BA ouble for me, So that lea$es &hatC A huntin! accidentC #raffic accidentCBAWe=re not dri$in!,B A deer stood under the tree- his nose lifted in the air, Neil mo$ed his !a>e in the opposite direction of the animal,AWhere did you park your carCB Neil asked,A4h- damnDyou don=t think he=ll blo& it upCBAWouldn=t youCBRick cussed, A)ne& 8 should ha$e Eust parked it here,BABut then he=ll kno& for sure there are t&o of us, #his &ay there mi!ht be some doubt,BANot !oin! to help my car, 8 Eust !ot a Cat Back system in her, S&eet ride, Fuck, Maybe 8 should !o check on her,BNeil chuckled, ASureD&alk into his trap, ?ood thinkin!,BRick mumbled another series of curses, A8t=s not like 8 ha$e a bank load of money to replace her &hen this is done, 8nsurance doesn=t co$er e$erythin!,BA'a$en=t you been &orkin!CBA'ere and there, Nothin! steady, Bein! in the marines is a hard life to follo& &ith a paper*pushin! Eob, Fa kno&CB'e did, A+et=s !et throu!h this first, 8 can al&ays use another set of eyes,BA"ri$ate securityCBAMi!ht

sound borin!- but it seems the people 8 &ork &ith al&ays ha$e someone after them,BAMaybe,BANo pressure, Job=s yours if you &ant it,B 'a$in! Rick on his team &ould be like ha$in! a brother on his side,AMi!ht not ha$e a choice if this fucktard blo&s up my ride, amn it- 8 should ha$e thou!ht of that,BNeil took a fe& steps out of his hidin! spot and looked around,Nothin!,A8=m !oin! to&ard camp, Start a fire and see &hat the smoke attracts,BACopy that,BNeil >i!>a!!ed throu!h the trees until he reached camp,'e=d already oiled up lea$es to make more smoke than fire, 'e lit them- and piled !reen &ood on top, 4nce assured that the smoke &ouldn=t die out the minute he stepped a&ay- Neil backtracked,ARemind me ne$er to camp &ith you,BABite me,BA(rrrco&boyDdidn=t think you cared-B Rick teased,Neil couldn=t help but lau!h, Before his lau!h faded a lar!e crash sounded north of their perimeter,AWhat the fuckCBNeil=s skin prickled, AStay do&n,B($erythin! calmed, A8t=s a di$ersion,B(.actly &hat Neil thou!ht, AWhere=s your carCBAAh- fuckGBFeah- that=s &hat Neil thou!ht- too,4n the bri!ht side- it &as !ame on,#he photo albums could ha$e been any home in America, Backyard picnics and holiday affairs and se$eral pictures of Ruth- Charles- and their dau!hter Annie $acationin! in national parks, Some of the early pictures indicated that Charles used to smile, At some point- the pictures became snapshots of their life $oid of any emotion,What ?&en didn=t find &as any pictures of Annie and the man Ruth described as her husband, ($en thou!h Charles didn=t appro$e of the union- there had to be some kind of relationship, ($en a strained relationship &ould ha$e found its &ay around a Christmas dinner table,Finally- ?&en !a$e up on the photo albums sittin! out for her to search throu!h and she decided to see if there &ere any other pictures tucked into the shel$es of Ruth=s books, She started &ith the photo she kne& &as there, #he couple looked happy enou!h, #he man kept a possessi$e arm around Annie and she smiled for the camera, Reco!nition tickled the back of ?&en=s mind- &hich made her itch in a stran!e &ay,She remo$ed books from the shel$es- looked behind them- and then replaced them, She did this one shelf at a time until she came upon another photo!raph, Annie &as youn!er- but she sat in a pub &ith a man in uniform, Not the same man- ?&en noted, She replaced the photo!raphs and kept lookin!,She &as about to !i$e up her search &hen she noticed se$eral books pushed out a&ay from the rest on the shelf, Sure enou!h- behind them &as another picture, #his one &asn=t in a frame- or cared for &ith any honor, ?&en unfolded the picture and instantly reco!ni>ed it,#he same picture sat in Neil=s &allet only this one &as a lar!er copy, 8t &as easier to see the faces of the men &ho &ere deployed on that ill*fated mission,She scanned the faces kno&in! somethin! si!nificant &as in there, 4ther&ise &hy &ould it be hidden amon! the books and not framed and on a mantelCNeil attempted a smile and Eust seein! a picture of him &armed her a little, 'er eyes tra$eled back to one particular face se$eral times before she reali>ed &hat it &as she sa&,She found the hidden picture Ruth had told her about a fe& days before and remo$ed it, Sure enou!h- the man in that picture &as one of Neil=s men, id Neil kno& that Annie dated one of his menC?&en took the pictures to the desk in the room- and eyed the door, She considered closin! it- but thou!ht that mi!ht look suspicious, 8nstead- she closed her eyes and listened to the sounds of the house, #he central air*conditionin! unit kicked on &ith a hum, 8n the kitchen &as the faint sound of the refri!erator, Beyond that &as the sound of a tele$ision, "robably somethin! Charles &as &atchin!,She opened her eyes a!ain and peered at the photo!raphs,Ruth had said Annie had !i$en up on the man because he=d chan!ed after returnin! from o$erseas, 8t=s possible the mission Ruth spoke

of &as the one that affected Neil so profoundly,8f ?&en remembered correctly Charles &as e.tremely unhappy &ith the breakupD&anted his dau!hter to !i$e up her husband Andre& and find a military man,?&en=s head started to ache, A'o& upset &ere youCB she &hispered to herself, She hated damnin! the man &ho=d only been kind to her, Creepy- but kind,4n the desk ne.t to her &as a phone, So close it practically called out her name, A call to (li>a- Eust to say she &as ali$eDand maybe she could find out a thin! or t&o about MaEor Blayney, And &asn=t she safe here if indeed Charles &as her protectorC And if he &asn=tDthen she &asn=t safe at all,?&en tapped her fin!er on the desk- inched her hand to&ard the recei$er- and then pulled it back, She Eumped up from the desk and returned the pictures, 'er feet nearly made it to the door of the room &hen she abruptly turned and !rasped the phone,#here &asn=t a dial tone,She clicked the on button se$eral times,Nothin!,'er palms started to s&eat,A8 ha$e a meetin! in thirty minutes but 8 think you need to hear this no&,BBlake held his breath as Carter spoke, AWell don=t keep me &aitin!- counselor,BA#he picture of Neil=s troop came up &ith a fe& unusual hits, Not one of the men in the picture is still in the ser$ice, +ook at the thin!BlakeDall those !uys &ere youn!, Most men !o in for life,BA8 kno& Neil said he lost some of his men in battle,BARi!ht, #hree died in a classified Htrainin! accident,= Could be anythin!,BBlake e.pected that, While Carter talked to him- he brou!ht up the photo!raph on his cell phone and scanned the ima!es &ith his eyes, A4), What elseCBA4ne of the men in the picture recently committed suicide,BASuicideCBAFeah, Apparently his &ife left him and he Eumped off a cliff,BAA cliff EumperC Why &ould a man &ith military e.perience pick anythin! other than a !un to kill himselfCBCarter si!hed, AMy thou!htstoo, #he last thin! to kno& is that e$ery man recei$ed dischar!e papers &ithin the same month,BA ishonorableCBANo, Just let !o,BA oes that happenCBANot often, 8f at all,BAWho !a$e the order for dischar!eC Maybe the brass kno&s somethin!,BAMa. is lookin! into it,BBlake picked up the picture of the dri$er, 'e looked at the picture on his phone a!ain, A4h- shit,BAWhatCBA#his !uyDthe one &ho stole the carDhe=s in the picture &ith Neil,BAWhatC Fou sureCB Carter asked,AFeahDsecond !uy on the ri!ht, Bi! ears, 'o& did 8 not see this before no&C 8 need a name, #his is our !uy, And Neil &on=t reali>e his old friend is behind this,BA?et ean on the horn, See if he can track the !uy, We ha$e to !et to Neil,BAColorado is a bi! state, #hey could be any&here by no&,BAFou said yourself Neil &on=t run fore$er, 'e=d find a safe place and fi!ht,BA8=m !oin! to Colorado Sprin!s, #here are nearly a do>en bases there, 4ne of them is !oin! to kno& somethin! about Neil,BA8 &ish 8 had a better idea,BA#his is !i$in! me more !ray hair than my sonCarter, We need to catch a break-B Blake said,AWe kno& more today than yesterday, We=re !ettin! some&here,BA#oo damn slo& for my taste,BA'an! in there, Call me if you find out anythin!,B#hey hun! up and Blake called his pilot, #hen he called ean,?&en calmed her ner$es the best she could before she returned to the room &here Charles &as &atchin! #%, #he ne&s pro!ram spotli!hted t&o beautiful people &ho told the fate of the &orld, #heir plastic smiles looked as fake as hers felt, Fou can do thisGA id you find a bookCB Charles asked,AAhDyes-B she lied, AA couple,B'e !lanced to&ard her- but didn=t catch her eyes,A8 noticed a pi>>a parlor on base and thou!ht it &ould be nice to ha$e for an early supper, 8 &as !oin! to call and ha$e it deli$ered but it seems the phone isn=t &orkin!,BCharles t&isted his head in a slo& and methodical matter, A"i>>aCBShe !a$e a coy smile, AFes,BA8 think Ruth has the fro>en kind in the free>er,BAMhm- 8 suppose that &ill &ork, 8s there a problem &ith the phone lineCB'e turned his attention back to the

#%, A#he phone is fine,BA#here=s no dial tone,BA8 belie$e Neil asked you to a$oid callin! anyone &hile he=s a&ay,B'er skin itched, A8 can=t ima!ine anyone could !et to me here,BCharles focused on the ne&s and for a moment- she didn=t think he &as !oin! to say any more on the subEect,AWomen don=t kno& ho& to take orders-B he said,A8 belie$e Neil &as re@uestin! me to stay @uiet for a time, 8t=s been nearly three days, 8=m startin! to &orry,BAA &oman=s Eob is to &orry, ?lad to kno& you ha$e that do&n,B 'is fin!ers started to tap the ed!e of the chair,A proper British cut sat on her ton!ue but she bit it back, #his man &asn=t ri!ht in the head, 'is $ie& on &omen pro$ed he &as the &ron! man to protect her, 'e=d find her useless at some point- or maybe not &orthy of Neil and let &hoe$er mi!ht &ant to harm her ha$e free rein,She backed off, A8 am terribly &orried, 8 suppose 8=ll help your &ife &ith her !arden,B'e nodded to&ard the #%, A+ooks like rain,BAA little rain doesn=t stop the British from much,B She tried to smile,A8 thou!ht you &anted pi>>a,B+ost my appetite, A8t=s early,B She turned from the room and felt his eyes on her as she &alked a&ay, Chapter #hirty8t &ould be suicide to check on the noise, #hey=d set traps throu!hout their camp and circled around to them to see if any &ere tripped, None &ere, 'e kne& Ra$en &as usin! psycholo!ical bullshit to make them sloppy, #he cat and mouse !ame could !o on for a &hile,AAnythin!CB Neil asked,A#oo fuckin! @uiet,BA?oin! up,B Neil let Rick kno& he &as mo$in! to his perch, (ach time he mo$ed throu!h the forest- he used a different path, Fi$e yards from his destination- he noticed a patch of black feathers, 'e stopped and turned, 'e donned his heat*sensiti$e !o!!les and scanned the area, At !round le$el- he didn=t see anythin! &ith a body temperature, With the air temperature droppin!- it &as easy to see a heat print of &here$er he=d been, And if he could see the imprint- there &as a stron! possibility that his enemy could- too,Which meant he had to keep mo$in!,A)eep mo$in!,BA8 am,BNeil scoped out his lookout- didn=t see anythin! out of place- and mo$ed in, 'e scanned the forest floor for more feathers and found only lea$es and t&i!s, 4nce he secured his back a!ainst the cliff- he scanned the area belo&, A heat si!nature &as due east, A8s that youCB#he arm of the heat mo$ed a&ay from the bri!ht middle color and &a$ed, #he area &as too fuckin! lar!e, #rees &ere e$ery&here, #he kind he could hide behindDthe kind Ra$en could hide behind,A hi!h*pitched alarm &ent off in his earpiece, A#rip sensor-B he said aloud for Rick=s sake, 'e turned on his cell and mapped &hich sensor he=d placed &as tripped, ASouth,B Where the road passed throu!h, #hey had to be careful, idn=t &ant a ci$ilian to stumble upon this little &ar and !et hurt,AFou hold, 8=ll look-B Rick said,#he clouds o$erhead started to darkendestroyin! the li!ht they had, From the smell in the air- Neil !uessed they=d all be &et in a matter of minutes, #he thou!ht no sooner left his mind &hen a clap of thunder reached his ears,A?reat-B he heard Rick mumble,Neil &atched Rick=s mo$ements- and then he sa& additional mo$ement, A4n your ri!ht- t&o hundred yards,B #he heat si!nature &as &eak- but &hoe$er &as responsible for it &asn=t strollin! throu!h the &oods on a &alknor &ere they &alkin! &ith purpose,Rick stopped and ducked, 'is silhouette nearly disappearin! from Neil=s ran!e,Ra$en mo$ed northDslo&ly,Neil &alked alon! the face of the cliff until he had to mo$e to !round le$el to intercept,A8 see him-B Rick said,A#akin! position in front of him,B #hey spoke Eust abo$e a &hisper,Neil mana!ed a fe& more yards before he heard Rick say- A'e stopped,B'e peered throu!h his !o!!les and noticed a blurrin! of heat behind se$eral trees, 4nly he couldn=t tell if it &as Rick or

Ra$en,AAre you on the mo$eCBAFes,BSo the blurrin! ima!e &as Rick, Neil looked north, 'is tar!et came into ran!e, #hen he $anished,ASonofabitch,BAWhatCBA'e disappeared,BA8 still ha$e $isual-B Rick said,Neil remo$ed the heat !o!!les and replaced them &ith binoculars, #here- in the trees &as his tar!et duckin! behind a tree, 'e &as camoufla!ed so &ell- Neil hardly noticed him, Camoufla!e didn=t reduce the heat of the human body&hich meant their man had some sort of cloak,Mo$in! slo&ly- Neil positioned himself so Ra$en &as bet&een them, A'e=s &atchin! you-B Neil told Rick,A8 feel him,BNeil remo$ed the A) from his back and cocked it,Another clap of thunder filled the airI behind it- lar!e droplets of rain follo&ed, Neil used the noise of nature to hide his mo$ements, 'e mana!ed to !et closer,#hey all paused,Ra$en mo$ed east &ith the ne.t flash of li!htnin!, Not the direction Neil &anted,Neil crouched on the !round and remo$ed a detonator from his field Eacket, AStay alert, 8=m brin!in! him back,BWith a press of a button- a smoke bomb &ent off in Ra$en=s path,#heir tar!et shifted his body and broke throu!h the northeast flank, Neil rushed to !et ahead of him, Behind him- he heard Rick mo$in!,When Ra$en neared another di$ersion- Neil let the bomb !o off,#he area started to fill &ith smoke despite the hea$y rain that started to fall,Neil lost si!ht of Ra$en,AWhere is heCB Rick asked,A on=t kno&,BNeil scanned the area- but on !round le$el- he couldn=t see Eack, 8t &as times like this he &ished he &ere built like a s@uirrel so he could scurry up a tree and look,'e s&i$eled around- in case Ra$en mana!ed to dart by &ithout him seein!, 'e &as about to !i$e up &hen he noticed a blur fifty yards &est,Ri!ht in the face of the cliff, "erfectGAWe=$e bo.ed him in,B?&en bundled into the s&eatshirt she o&ned and used the e.tra material to hide the fact that she had on a couple of layers of clothin!, #here &as no possible &ay Neil kne& ho& off his friend &as, She=d find a &ay off his property and mana!e a phone call at one of the stores on base, Bet&een her brother and CarterDshe=d be safe,Safer than she &as here,She mana!ed to maneu$er throu!h the house- placin! a couple of snack bars in her pockets in case it pro$ed difficult to &ait for her brother, ($ery s@ueak in the house made her pause, #he tele$ision had been turned off and the silence made her shi$er,8n the backyard- she found the spot she=d abandoned the day before and pretended to pull &eeds and turn the soil, Within fifteen minutes- her back ached from the pre$ious day=s labor- not that it &ould stop her from actin! as if she &ere settlin! into the Eob,She didn=t need to look to kno& Charles &atched, 'e &asn=t ob$ious this time by standin! in a &indo&- but she felt his eyes on her nonetheless, 4nce she=d accumulated a pile of &eeds- she !athered them in her !lo$ed hands and acted as thou!h she &ere searchin! for a trash can, #he side of the house &as bare of cans- &hich she kne& from the day before, #here &as ho&e$er- a !ateleadin! to the front yard, She dropped the contents of her hands and eased the !ate open, With her path clear- she &alked s&iftly- a$oidin! a run, #he rock crushed beneath her feet and the sound of soft rain &as all that accompanied her,She smiled- despite the cold,At the end of the dri$e- she turned to&ard the main road and rounded the corner, She peered o$er her shoulder and didn=t see if he follo&ed her,?&en released a ner$ous lau!h and turned to&ard the road,Charles stood a fe& feet a&ay, 'is clothes &et, A?oin! some&hereCB8t took e$ery effort not to scream, Not that there &as anyone near enou!h to hear her, And &hat &ould she say any&ayC AA short &alk,B She i!nored the fact her hands &ere still co$ered &ith dirty !lo$es,'is humorless face strode to her, AAloneCBA#his &eather reminds me of home-B she told him, A#here=s no need for you to come alon!,B'is eyes narro&ed,AFou aren=t dressed for a &alk, 8 &on=t be lon!,B She

mo$ed to step around him,'e blocked her path, ANo, Fou &on=t,B 'e reached out and !rasped her arm- turnin! her back to the house,A(.cuse meCB She tu!!ed a&ay from him but his $ise !rip &ouldn=t allo& her to mo$e, 'is fin!ers du! into her flesh beneath the layers of fabric she &ore- and pain shot do&n her arm,Charles said nothin! as he marched her up his dri$e and back into the house,ARelease me-B she insisted once they &ere inside and he=d closed the door behind him,'e t&isted the lock and chained the dead bolt- all the &hile holdin! her to the point of bruisin! her skin,AMr, Blayney- 8 don=t take kindly to $iolence, Release me at once,B Bet&een the cold and &et of outside and the !ro&in! concern of &hat the man holdin! her &as !oin! to do- ?&en be!an to tremble,8nstead of actin! on her demand- Charles sho$ed her ahead of him do&n the hall and to a door in the back of the kitchen, #hrou!h the pantry &as another passa!e- one she=d hardly noticed before, Behind that &as a set of stairs descendin! to a basement,?&en du! her heels into the floor and braced her hands on a doorframe,AWhat are you doin!CBAWhat 8 &as told to do should you attempt to escape,BAWhatCB #old to doC What &as he talkin! aboutC Charles peeled her fin!ers off the doorframe, A)eepin! you a!ainst your &ill for the sake of our !reat country,BA#hat=s preposterous, 8=m not a threat to your country,B Althou!h she mi!ht consider bodily harm to the man holdin! her,A8 don=t kno& about that, Snoopin! around my home- findin! classified informationDBWhat informationC She=d only found pictures,AAnd since you=re practically a MS citi>en 8=m &ithin my ri!hts to hold you a!ainst your &ill,B'er thou!hts turned to Neil, id he kno& MaEor Blayney &ould hold her like thisC #he e.pression on her face must ha$e sho&n her @uestion,Charles released a sadistic lau!h, AFou don=t think he married you because he &anted to- do youCB'er heart dropped, A4f course he did,BAFou !o on belie$in! that,BWithout further &ords- he sho$ed her do&n the stairs and into the lo&er @uarters of the house, +ike any basement- it &as dark- damp- and smelled of mold, #he &alls &ere finished but the dark pe!board &as less than comfortin!, An old sofa sat center room and &ere stacked alon! the back &all, #here &ere only a couple of li!hts abo$e her head and not one &indo& to be seen,AFou can=t lea$e me do&n here,BAFou=$e pro$en you can=t be left to your o&n reco!ni>ance,BCharles sho$ed her do&n and t&isted her arms behind her, irt from the couch drifted to her nose and made her cou!h,AStop,B She stru!!led under his !rasp but didn=t mana!e any le$era!e, She felt the steel on her &rist before she reali>ed &hat Charles &as doin!, A#his isn=t necessary, Clearly you can o$erpo&er me,BANeil &ill not appro$e of &hat you=re doin!,B She pleaded- usin! e$erythin! she could, AFour &ife mi!ht come home and find me here,BAMy &ife is in Florida searchin! for retirement houses she=ll ne$er li$e in, 4nce she reali>ed no one &as dyin! 8 needed to !i$e her a reason to stay, Fou don=t think her lea$in! &as an accidentdo youCB#he metal around her &rists clicked into place- but Charles kept his knee in her back- renderin! her immobile,AWhy are you doin! thisCBA8 ha$e my reasons,BReasons that had nothin! to do &ith keepin! her safe, She kept her head and lay still, She needed to think and plan her escape,'e left her facedo&n and handcuffed on the smelly sofa,As she remembered the other precaution she=d done for her o&n safety- Charles deli$ered all the e$idence she needed to understand his ultimate intent, A on=t &orry- +ady 'arrison, As soon as 8 ha$e &ord that Neil has been taken care of- 8=ll take care of you @uickly, 4nly need to keep you around if your husband outsmarts my man, +e$era!e, A man al&ays needs le$era!e,BShe !asped- and Charles sho$ed somethin! bet&een her teeth to keep her from screamin!,A'e &orked under the command of MaEor Charles Blayney, #he

maEor still li$es on base at Fort Carson &ith his &ife, Word is he keeps puttin! off his retirement,BBlake listened to Carter on a phone at t&enty*three thousand feet, #hey &ere flyin! o$er Mtah- tryin! to a$oid a storm that &as co$erin! the Rockies and delayin! air traffic due to li!htnin! strikes, #&ice his pilot told him they mi!ht ha$e to di$ert south to Santa Fe or north to Cheyenne,AFou think Neil is thereCBACould be, 8=m tryin! to !et you clearance so you can talk to the man, +ooks like he &as the one &ho called the dischar!e of Neil=s troop,BASo he=ll kno& &ho our killer isCBA)illerCBA ean called before 8 left, 'omicide ruled on the nei!hbors after he called in a military e.pert,BA)no& somethin!BlakeC All this is startin! to sound like a damn conspiracy, Military*!rade bu!s- &ired Jacu>>is that fry those insideDdead birds left as a di$ersion, 8 keep comin! back to &hyC Ma. can=t find a damn thin! about an 4peration Ra$en, Brin!s me to the @uestion of &ho kne& about Ra$enC Who &ants the soldiers that &ere in$ol$ed &ith Ra$en deadCBAFou think someone is !oin! after all of themCBA#he suicide reported about Neil=s friend had a tidbit in the police report about a dead ra$en under the body, 8 ha$e a call in to the local sheriff in #ennessee- su!!estin! he reopen the case,BAAnyone e$er find the man=s &ifeCBANo, #he mom filed a missin! persons report but nothin! has come of it,B#he turbulence in the air dropped the plane a fe& feet- and kept Blake in his leather seat, AMaEor Blayney should kno& about Ra$enDri!htCBAShould, But 8 doubt he=d say anythin! to you,BA8t=s a start, 'ell- it=s the only lead &e ha$e,BACall me &hen you land,BBlake hun! up- more &orried than e$er, Chapter #hirty*4neRick mo$ed in from the south- Neil took the north,#he rain fell in steady sheets- addin! to the misery of the situation, #heir ad$ance on their enemy mo$ed too @uickly, So much so- Neil @uestioned it,A'old back-B he instructed Rick,AFeels too easy,BARi!ht,B 'e lo$ed the fact that he and Rick had al&ays read the other=s thou!hts,A#here=s no &ay out for him, Not &ithout !oin! throu!h one of us,BNeil looked behind him for the thousandth time, A#hink he=s &orkin! &ith someone elseCBA'a$en=t seen anyone else,BNeither had Neil, "i$otin!- he checked behind him,Nothin!,#he rain around him hit the forest floor &ith a force that made a constant sound a!ainst e$erythin! around him, 'a$in! spent a lar!e portion of his life in California- he enEoyed the rain &hen it cameDEust not today,AAssume someone else is out here,BA?ood plan-B Rick murmured,4r Ra$en had a trick up his ass, #hey encroached on the cliff &ith caution,Neil=s fin!ers cooled &ith the droppin! temperatures, 'e lo&ered his &eapon to the !round and stopped lon! enou!h to look behind him, 'is eyes landed on somethin! purple on the !round, 'e shifted to&ard the obEect- noticed somethin! like it in a yello& color, "eerin! closer he noticed candy, 'e turned a&ay- thinkin! at first that someone had left it on the path lon! before no&,'e hesitated,CandyC Who did he kno& that ate the stuffDthe small bits easily tucked into a pocketC#he chopper &as ten miles from their destination,Someone had co$ered +inden=s body &ith an army !reen blanket- co$erin! his face, Rick held on to one of the straps in the &all and stared blankly out the open door, Billy hun! his head in his hands,Mickey reached into his pocket- remo$ed his e$er* ready candy- and popped a fe& pieces into his mouth, ($en throu!h the pain of his inEury he mana!ed to li$e up to his name, Mickey MouseDland of bi! ears and kid candy,Neil dropped back, 'is insides curled onto him,Mickey,WhyCARickDstop,BA fe& moments passed, AWhatCBA rop back,BA'e=s ri!ht there,BNeil s&allo&ed, A8 kno& &ho it is,B8 kno& &ho it fuckin! is,?&en rolled onto her back- her hands behind her,#he door at the

top of the stairs closed &ith a resoundin! click, She kne& if she made it up the stairs &ithout fallin!- she=d find the door locked,#he cloth in her mouth cut into her cheeks and dried her mouth out instantly, A dry mouth &as the least of her &orries,'er heart beat so fast and hard in her chest it threatened to e.plode, Charles &as directin! their enemy, All her reser$ations about the man &ere spot*on, Not that bein! ri!ht &as doin! her any !ood no&,?&en t&isted her hands in the cuffs a fe& times e$en thou!h intellectually she kne& !ettin! them off &ithout a key &as futile, idn=t stop her from tryin!, As the adrenaline started to &ane- fear took its place, #he din!y basement didn=t bother her as much as it could- but the reali>ation that there &as only one &ay out did, When she felt her eyes start to fill &ith moisture- she stru!!led a!ainst the handcuffs a!ain- and felt the metal bite into her skin, With the pain- her tears dried up, She &ould not pity herself and fall further $ictim to her captor, 'e=d lo$e nothin! more than to return to the basement and find her helpless and cryin!,She &ouldn=t !i$e him the satisfaction, All his talk about &hat &omen &ere !ood for- and &hat they &eren=t- told her ho& much he underestimated her !ender,'e=d left the li!ht on- !i$in! her the ability to see &hat mi!ht be hidin! in the corners of the room that mi!ht aid her, She stood and mo$ed around the room, Abo$e her head &ere pipes and &irin! runnin! the len!th of the room, #here &as a &ater heater in one corner and &hat looked to be a fuse bo. close by, Sadly- she=d ne$er had a need to open an electrical bo. in her life and could only identify it because of some of the tele$ision sho&s she=d &atched in the past, With her hands behind her back- she couldn=t reach the thin! any&ay,#here &ere piled on one &all about three deep, Se$eral &ere labeled Christmas- and a fe& more had the name Annie scribbled on top, ?&en kicked at a bo. that &asn=t labeled, When the bo. hardly mo$ed- she pushed her knee into it,'ea$y,With a little effort- she t&isted her hands to the bo. and used her fin!ertips to pry open the cardboard,Books, +ooks like 8 found Ruth=s library,She couldn=t ima!ine books doin! her a lot of !ood, "erhaps if her hands &ere free she could thro& them at Charles- but that &asn=t an option in her current state,?&en turned to&ard the &ith Annie=s name on them, 8nside one bo. &as &hat looked like a !allery of children=s art&ork, #he kind a child &ould brin! home from primary school and litter the refri!erator &ith, ?&en easily pushed one bo. off of the other and opened another one, #his one held items from an earlier time, "lush toys- a baby blanket, Nothin! useful,#he Christmas held the typical suspects, +i!hts- ornaments- knickknacks that needed to be dusted throu!hout the month of ecember and then put a&ay a!ain, #he thou!ht of the holiday brou!ht a chill do&n her spine, 8f she didn=t find a &ay out of this basementshe mi!ht ne$er see another Christmas,What about NeilC 'e &as out there thinkin! she &as safeDand the man he chose to protect her &anted him dead, #he back of her throat ti!htened,'e can take care of himself,She had to belie$e that,?&en backed a&ay from the and leaned a!ainst the arm of the dirty couch,#hink- ?&en, What can 8 use hereC#he represented the &omen in Charles=s life, 'is &ife=s books- &hich he apparently didn=t care for, And his dau!hter=s childhood, A dau!hter &hom he &asn=t happy &ith at the current time, 8t seemed he=d packed up his dau!hter and tucked her a&ay, 4ut of si!ht- out of mind, Much like ?&en=s o&n father had done, Fet ?&en kne& her father lo$ed her in his o&n &ay,But did Charles al&ays think about Annie in such a sour &ayC 8f he sa& the items in the &ould they e$oke a compassionate memoryC A memorable and pleasant holidayC #he man had already made it clear he planned on killin! her, "ro$okin! him to hasten his desire &asn=t smartDbut maybe remindin! him

of &hat he=d lose if cau!ht &ould make him think t&ice,8f she made him hesitateD?&en leaned on the ed!e of the couch and lifted her ri!ht le! to her hands behind her back, She assured herself that she could reach &hat she secured to her ankle before she=d left the house,Remo$in! the re$ol$er no&- ho&e$er- &asn=t necessary, She could reach it- &hich !a$e her some comfort, Not that she kne& ho& she &ould fire the thin! at him from behind her back- but she damn &ell &ould if she had to,Neil met up &ith Rick- seein! him face*to*face for the first time in three days,'is friend=s @uestionin! eyes met his, 8t killed Neil to put his thou!hts to &ords, A8t=s Mickey,BRick=s face &ent stark &hite, AWhat theLBNeil opened his palm and displayed the bits of candy he=d found on the path, A)no& anyone else &ho eats this stuff like it=s crackCBRick !rabbed at the candystared at it- and then thre& it to the !round in dis!ust, AFuck, WhyC Why &ould he do thisCBA8 don=t kno&, But if &e find out &e stand a chance of !ettin! him out of here ali$eDso he can !et help,BA#he fucker killed Billy, 8 don=t !i$e a crap if he has a lunch date &ith the de$il,BNeil !rabbed Rick=s arm as he turned a&ay, A8t=s Mickey- Rick, C=mon, 4f all of us- he=s the one &ho lost the most, #he man doesn=t e$en ha$e his balls anymore,B #he !roin inEury left the man impotent, A fact Neil for!ot until the moment he kne& Mickey &as the one !unnin! for them,AFou think he blames us for thatCBNeil let Rick !o &hen his friend stopped pullin! a&ay, A8 don=t kno&, Maybe, 8 kno& he &as datin! someone before 4peration Ra$en and &hen he returned she let him !o,BAWe &ere all on the same mission, None of us is to blame,BA+o!ic doesn=t play into a sick mind, (.plains all the class A military bu!s and toys he=s usin!, Stuff that=s come about since &e &ere in,BRick turned in a circle- and then !lared at the face of the cliff, A8 checked on him, 'eard he &as deep underco$er,BAWho told you thatCBA#he maEor,BNeil=s skin chilled, A#he maEorCBA8 called himDyou kno&- hey- ho& ya doin!Dby the &ay do you ha$e any idea &here Mickey ended upC 8 didn=t &ant to alarm the !uy, 'e said he=d !et back to me, Called a couple days later and said Mickey=s file indicated an assi!nment,BNeil took a breath, AWhat made you think he &as deep underco$erCBRick shook his head, A8 found Mickey=s dad=s number, #he old man said his son &as on a secret mission, ads do that, Bra! about their kids, 8 added the information to!ether,BA4nly &e=re his secret mission,BAWouldn=t his superiors reali>e he &as AW4+CBABlayney doesn=t kno&-B Neil said,A'o& can you be sureCBNeil clenched his teeth, A8 left ?&en &ith him,BRick stilled and stared, AFor her protectionCBARi!ht, Who better than the MS Marines to protect my &ifeCBAFour &ifeCBAMarried her ri!ht before 8 met up &ith you,BA amn- Neil, Why didn=t you tell meC #hat=s hu!e,BFeah- &ell- no& &asn=t the time for pats on the back and the sharin! of beer, AChuck implied that he=d ha$e a better chance of keepin! her safe if she &ere my &ife, 8n case she started to !et an.ious and &anted to lea$e, 8 didn=t &ant Ra$enDMickey findin! her and usin! her a!ainst me like Billy and his &ife,BRick narro&ed his eyes, ASo you married her only to keep her safeCBNeil shook his head, 'e lo$ed her, 4h- ho& he lo$ed her, AWould ha$e married her any&ay,BAChuck su!!ested marria!eCBANo, 8 su!!ested marria!e- Chuck e.pedited the priest and stood as &itness,BNeil peered to&ard the cliff- &onderin! if Mickey &atched them as he kept hidden behind the croppin! of trees,ASomethin! doesn=t feel ri!ht-B Rick said, A8f that=s Mickey up there then someone kno&s he=s AW4+, Mnless there is a price on our heads,B8t didn=t feel ri!ht to Neil either, AWe need to find out &ho Mickey is &orkin! &ith, #he !uy &as !ood- but 8 ne$er thou!ht he=d &in a pri>e for intelli!ence,B Mickey &as the youn!est one on their team, What he lacked in

leadership ability- he made up for &ith ra& po&er and enthusiasm, Al&ays poppin! his su!ar fi. and pushin! the team to mo$e faster, Neil remembered &hen he=d heard about the e.tent of Mickey=s inEury- that the man &ould sur$i$e mentally so lon! as he had an outlet for his ener!y, #he marines al&ays needed men like him,'e=d be 4),4nly he &asn=t,AWe need to dra& him out, ?et him talkin!,BASu!!estionsCB Rick asked,AWe !et close and start talkin!, Make him put our faces in his head instead of a tar!et, 8f he=s &orkin! for someone- somethin! &ill come out, 8f he=s aloneD&ell- &e=ll deal &ith that later,BRick nodded, A8=ll take the south,BABe safe,BRick &inked- and disappeared into the brush, Chapter #hirty*#&oMo$in! around the room kept her &arm, She mana!ed to remo$e a fe& strands of colored li!hts and plu!!ed them into the sole outlet in the room, 4ne set started to blink- addin! a t&inkle to the dismal room, #he irony of the ima!e &ould ha$e &orked up a manic lau!h if her mouth &eren=t as dry as cotton,($ery once in a &hile she heard Charles roamin! the floor abo$e her and she=d stop, No need for him to come into the room until she had e$erythin! &here she &anted it,She reali>ed that the only &eapon she had to take Charles off !uard &as a psycholo!ical one, Stre&in! as much of the room as she could &ith Annie=s childhood memories alon! &ith their household Christmas items &as bound to pro$oke some memories &ith the man, Somethin! other than the hate that li$ed inside his soul, 8f the kid paintin!s and baby blanket did nothin! for him- at least there &ould be some e$idence that she=d been do&n there a!ainst her &ill, She=d dropped one of the bulbs and nicked her fin!ers- causin! them to bleed, She purposely touched as many of Annie=s thin!s as she could &ith her bloody hand- and &ent on to touch the &alls- the rail on the stairs- and the underside of the stairs, #he idea came from the book she=d attempted to read to pass the time earlier in the &eek, Cra>y ho& life sometimes imitated art,8f he focused on the mess in the room- maybe she could mana!e to shoot her &ay out of there, 8t &as all the hope she had, 8t &asn=t as if she could talk him out of &hat he &as doin! &ith her mouth !a!!ed,Msin! her fin!ers- and her feet- she tipped o$er and spread first !rade art around the roomDall the &hile Christmas li!hts t&inkled in a heap on the floor,Neil shook the droplets of rain from his head, #he thunder and li!htnin! had stopped- lea$in! li@uid sunshine, 'e &asn=t sure &hat &as more &ron!Dthe fact that he and Rick &ere no& huntin! someone they once called friend- a man Neil &ould ha$e defended to the death- a man he once felt sorry for- or that like the clouds o$erhead- somethin! lar!er surrounded him, Somethin! close enou!h to smell- but not taste,'is heat !o!!les picked Mickey up close to &here Neil had his fallback position, #he stron! desire to finish this @uickly so he could retrie$e ?&en and assure himself that she &as &ell ate at him,A8=m in position-B Rick told him in his ear,Neil scurried from one tree to another- keepin! his co$er, AWe still don=t kno& &hat his plan is,BA)eep hidden,B 'e didn=t ha$e to be told t&ice,With his back to a tree- and se$eral bushes at his feet- Neil scouted their enemy, AReady, 8=ll do the talkin!, )eep him !uessin! &here you are, See if you can !et in ti!hter,BACopy that,BNeil dre& in a deep breath and ble& it out bet&een cold lips, 'e positioned his binoculars to see if his &ords had any impact, AWhy are you doin! thisCB he yelled abo$e the sound of the rain,#here &asn=t any mo$ementDnothin!,AWe &ere friends,B#he brush in his $ie& mo$ed,A amn it- MickeyDtalk to me, We &ere all brothers,B#hat &orked, A8 don=t ha$e brothers,B'earin! his $oice a!ain hit his solar, For a moment there he could ha$e

been &ron!, But not anymore, A4nce a marine- al&ays a marine,BA8=m the only marine left, Fou left, Fou all fuckin! left,BNeil tracked the mo$in! brush, A'e=s comin! to&ard you-B Neil told Rick,A8 see him-B Rick said,A4ur tour &as finished- Mickey,B #he maEor !ranted them lea$e until their time &as ser$ed, 8t &as as if the man kne& any more &ould ha$e t&isted their minds, #&isted them like Mickey=s,A8t=s all 8 had,BAWhy blo& it no&C Fou !otta kno& this isn=t !oin! to &ork, Someone is !oin! to find you AW4+,BMickey=s lau!h met Neil=s ears, 8t sounded like nails on a chalkboard,AAW4+C Fou think 8 deserted my countryC And he says you=re the smart one, Fou=re fuckin! stupid- Mac,BNeil pulled back and shifted to a tree fi$e yards to the north, AWho=s heCBA8 think it=s much more entertainin! for you to fi!ure that out on your o&n, Fou &on=t li$e lon! after, #hose last moments &ill make all your hope fade, Just like mine did,BAWhat=s he talkin! aboutCB Rick &hispered in his ear,A on=t kno&,B But it made him itch like he=d rolled in a hill of army ants,AFour life still has hope- Mickey,BAWhat do you kno&C ($er &atch the li!ht in a &oman=s eye dieC ($er feel the li!ht in your o&n fade &hen she &alks a&ayCBNeil pushed the ima!e of ?&en a&ay, 'e didn=t need Mickey playin! him no&, No& he kne& that Mickey had planned on usin! ?&en to !et to him, Best not fall into Mickey=s trap no&, A#here=s other &omen out there-B Neil said,ANot &hen your cock isn=t !ood for anythin! other than takin! a piss,B Mickey=s an!er &as palpable,Neil crin!ed, A#here=s more to life than se.,B +ord kne& he didn=t kno& &hat he=d do if he couldn=t perform anymore, But killin! his friends &ouldn=t be the ans&er,ASays the man &ho=s been fuckin! the little blonde number,B Mickey lau!hed a!ain, A'o&=s +ady ?&en any&ayCBNeil bit his ton!ue until he tasted blood, 'e pulled his A) off his back and pushed in closer,A#his has nothin! to do &ith her,BMickey lau!hed- and shifted his position strai!ht to&ard him, 'e mo$ed &ith methodical ease- keepin! himself hidden,AFou=d like to think that- &ouldn=t youCBA'e=s playin! you- Neil, on=t fall for it,B Rick=s &ords re!istered- but they didn=t mana!e to calm him,Beyond Mickey- Rick mo$ed closer to the cliff- and closed in,A?&en=s safe, Fou can=t !et to her,BMickey lau!hed a!ain, A8 don=t ha$e to !et to her- Mac, #hat=s the beauty of this, #he man at my back is better than Rick,BNeil fro>e- his nose flared as his $ision &ent red,ABastard-B Rick murmured as he dre& in ti!hter,AStay the fuck back- Smiley,BA4r &hatCB Rick finally spoke,A4r 8 press this button and put in the order for +ady ?&en=s unfortunate accident,BNeil=s hands started to shake,A'e=s bluffin!-B Rick &hispered,Neil shook the rain from his head and forced his head to clear, MaEor BlayneyCNo,AFou ne$er &ere a !ood liar- Mickey-B Rick said,A8s that soCBNeil closed his eyes- the pain in his head intense, BlondeC BlondieC Who=d said that recentlyCA)no& &ho 8 &as ban!in! before 4peration Ra$enC #he operation that Mac and Billy fucked upCB'earin! that aloud hurte$en thou!h Neil kne& it &as bullshit,AWhy do 8 care &ho you &ere &ithCBNeil re!rouped and opened his eyes a!ain, Mickey stood t&o hundred yards a&ay- Rick less than a hundred from him,A#he name Annie mean anythin! to youCBAnnieCBlondieD Chuck=s @uestion came back to Neil, A'o& did you !et Blondie to come &ith youCBA#old her that someone from my past &as usin! her to !et to me,B8t came back to him no&, #he lack of surprise on Chuck=s face- the ease &ith &hich he accepted e$erythin!, 'is ea!erness to e.pedite his departure, And damn it- ?&en=s hair &as bro&n &hen they arri$ed at Fort Carson, Fuckin! bro&n- not blonde,A'e=s not bluffin!-B Neil told Rick,A'o& do you kno&CBAChuck=s dau!hter is Annie, #he maEor is callin! the orders for our death, And he has my &ife,BA4h- no-B Rick said,#hey needed to finish

thisDAFi!ured it out- didn=t you- MacCBA'urt her- and you=re a dead man,BA8=m half dead already,B+et=s see if 8 can help you &ith the other half, Neil dropped to the !round and mo$ed closer,ABack up- Mac, My fin!er is inchin! on this s&itch, +et=s let Blayney kno& he=s clear to take your &oman out,B Mickey &a$ed somethin! in the air, Neil couldn=t tell &hat it &as from his an!le,AWhat=s he !ot in his handCB he asked Rick,A'ard to say, +ooks radio controlled, Could be a si!nalin! de$ice, Could be a detonator,BAWhat do you &ant- MickeyCB #ime to chan!e tactics, +et Mickey think he had their attention,ANo& that=s &hat 8=m talkin! about, 'o& about you and your sidekick here mo$e on up to your perch, Fou kno&- the one you=$e been sittin! on for three days lookin! for me from,BAAnd thenCBAAnd then 8 call the boss and ask him &hat he &ants me to do,BNeil backed up a fe& yards and mo$ed slo&ly in the direction Mickey &anted him to !o,AFeels like a trap,B Rick stated the ob$ious,A"robably booby*trapped our fallback, Stay &ide,BAWhy does Blayney &ant us deadCB Neil yelled,A)eep mo$in!Mac, 8 don=t see your ass on that led!e yet,BNeil stopped- looked o$er his head, 8f Mickey had been scoutin! them for three days- he probably could ha$e come in closer sooner, Fet no shots had yet been fired, AStill think he needs to make this look like an accidentCB Neil asked Rick,AMore than e$er,BAMo$e soldier,B Mickey=s $oice rose abo$e the rain hittin! the lea$es on the trees,A#ell me &hy- Mickey,BA'o& should 8 kno&C Wants you !oneD&ants Annie=s husband !one, Makes room for me,BNeil crin!ed, Blayney &as playin! Mickey- too, "robably plannin! on killin! him as soon as he and Rick &ere out of the picture,AFou stupid fuck-B Rick yelled, A#hink Blayney=s !onna hand o$er his dau!hter to a !ullible prick like youCBRick=s &ords struck a chord, Mickey pi$oted and fired off a couple of rounds in Rick=s direction, #he air around them e.ploded- the noise raisin! e$ery testosterone char!ed cell in Neil=s body,Neil took co$er- cocked his &eapon,A8 ne$er liked you- Smiley,BA+ousy shot- too,B Rick lau!hed,ACall your do! offMac, ?ettin! rid of you isn=t an option, Four &oman- ho&e$erDBlayney mi!ht let her !o, 8f she thinks you died by accident,BNeil=s mind racedDWould the maEor kill herC Neil didn=t think Chuck &as capable of bein! behind this, #here had to be somethin! !oin! on that Mickey had no idea about,4ne thin! &as certain to Neil, )eepin! ?&en ali$e &ould be Chuck=s only insurance should Mickey fail, And Mickey &as !oin! do&n,A ra& him out-B Neil told Rick, A8=m mo$in! in,B Chapter #hirty*#hree#he li!htnin! let up lon! enou!h for Blake to touch do&n in Colorado Sprin!s, 'is pilot dealt &ith airport security and arran!ed for the Eet to refuel, Blake informed his pilot that they mi!ht need to lea$e at a moment=s notice,A8=m on the !round-B he told Carter as he searched the arri$al lobby for the dri$er he re@uested to meet him,A8=$e arran!ed clearance for you at Fort Carson, 8t=s up to you no&,BBlake &a$ed at a dri$er &ith his last name on a lar!e &hite card,AAny idea if MaEor Blayney=s on baseCBA8 didn=t !et that information, #he !uards at the base &ill ask you &hat your business is, #ell them you need to speak &ith Blayney,BAAnd if he=s not homeCBAChances are they &on=t let you in,BBlake co$ered the recei$er on his phone to speak to his dri$er, A8=m on my &ay to Fort Carson, Fou kno& &here that isCBAFessir,BBlake nodded and returned his attention to Carter &hile he follo&ed the dri$er out of the airport,A#hen &hatCBA8 don=t kno&Dhit a local bar- ask around, Neil &as stationed there for a &hile, Someone &as bound to ha$e seen him, Maybe kno& &here he=d be holdin! out,BANeedle in a haystack,B#he dri$er opened the back door to the to&n car and

Blake slid into the seat,A#hanks- Carter, We=ll find them,B #hey had to,A?ood luck,B'e=d need it,#he base &asn=t t&enty minutes from the airport, #&o !uards in slickers stood at a closed !ate- military rifles in their hands, Another man sat in a booth and &atched as they approached,#he dri$er rolled do&n both his &indo& and Blake=s, #he !uard mo$ed to&ard them &ithout a smile, A'o& can 8 help youCBA8=m here to see MaEor Blayney,B Best to act as if the maEor &as e.pectin! him- he mused, Blake remo$ed a business card and handed it to the soldier, A?o$ernor Carter Billin!s arran!ed security clearance,BAWait here- sir,BBlake sat back and &atched the men, #he soldier inside the booth picked up the phone and started talkin!, 'is eyes narro&ed durin! his con$ersation and one of the other !uards &alked around the car &hile he &rote do&n the license number,Blake drummed his fin!ers on the seat beside him,#he man from the booth stepped out and approached the car, #he e.pression on his face unreadable,A8=m sorryMr, 'arrison, MaEor Blayney isn=t seein! anyone today,BBlake=s Ea& clenched, A8t=s a matter of life and death, Can you call him back and tell him this is re!ardin! Neil MacBainCB #his &as not happenin!, #o be so close and not be let in the door &as unacceptable,#he !uards !lanced at each other but their resol$e didn=t chan!e,A8=m sorry, #here=s nothin! 8 can do for you today, Fou mi!ht try settin! an appointment &ith MaEor Blayney=s secretary,BBlake considered pushin! out of the car and decided that &ould appear as a!!ressi$e as he felt, 'e didn=t need to spend a ni!ht in Eail and delay his @uest e$en more,#hrou!h clenched teeth he asked- A8s there a number 8 can callCB#he !uard returned to the booth- came back &ith a number,A4ne more thin!D&ho is MaEor Blayney=s superiorCBA4n baseC No one,B?reatGAFou really think Annie &ill take you backCB Rick taunted Mickey as he &ea$ed throu!h the trees- closer to the ed!e of the cliff,AAnnie lo$ed me,BANot !onna !o o$er &ell if you kill her husband,BNeil inched closer,AShe &on=t kno& it=s me,B Mickey t&isted around, Neil ducked out of si!ht,ABlayney must be seriously t&isted to sic you after him, What makes you think Blayney &ill keep you around after &e=re !oneCBMickey &as turnin! around no&- ha$in! lost $isual on Neil,AWhere=d ya !o- MacC 8=m tellin! youDone press of the button and Blayney takes her out ri!ht no&,BAs much as it killed him- Neil said nothin! and kept mo$in! closer,ABlayney doesn=t take orders from you- Mickey, Fou should kno& that by no&,B Rick kept talkin!,A8=$e been pro$in! myself to Blayney for years, Worked plenty of Hloose end missions,=BAnd &e=re the loose ends, #he rain aided in Neil=s ad$ance, Mickey &as facin! north and Neil had mana!ed to !et behind him on the south, #&enty yards a&ay- Neil set off another smoke bomb- causin! Mickey to fire his &eapon to the north,Rick spoke in his ear, A'e=s ner$ous,BNeil set off his last bomb in an attempt to fill the area &ith smoke,'e heard Mickey s&ear under his breath as he darted to the eastdirectly into Neil=s path,Neil &aited until the last possible moment and aimed his &eapon, A rop it,BMickey s&un! to&ard him- &eapon raised,Neil aimed for his shoulder- fired off a round, #&o more sounded in the rain soaked forest,Mickey Eerked back- lost his !rip on his !un, Adrenaline took o$er and Neil leapt onto the man and took him to the !round, 'is arm &ent back- connected &ith Mickey=s face once- t&ice, Blood !ushed from Mickey=s arm- too much for a flesh &ound,Neil disarmed him and rolled him onto his back, Neil fle.ed his neck tastin! his ra!e and &antin! the man dead, AFou took out Billy,BMickey=s mouth t&isted into a sick smile, ABle& up his &oman- too,BNeil let his fist fly a!ain,A8 should kill you ri!ht here,BMickey cou!hed, A !ur!lin! sound filled his chest, Neil looked do&n- noticed Mickey=s field Eacket poolin! &ith blood,What

the fuckC Neil=s aim &asn=t that bad,AFou ne$er had the balls-B Mickey mana!ed bet&een his cou!h, Blood escaped his lips,Reali>in! his enemy &as incapacitated- Neil tossed his !un aside and ripped open Mickey=s shirt, Blood &as e$ery&here,A8s he do&nCB Neil heard Rick in his ear,AFeah,B From the looks of the hole in his chest- Rick had taken aim from behind, Mickey &as dyin!,Mickey stared beyond Neil- his eyes !lossed o$er, AShe &ould ha$e taken me back, My Annie,BNeil didn=t ha$e the heart to destroy Mickey=s last thou!hts,AWhere=s ?&enCBMickey met his eyes- huffed out a breath- and stopped breathin!,Neil s@uee>ed his eyes shut, AFou stupid fuck,B 'e pushed a&ay from Mickey=s body and peered throu!h the rain to see &here Rick &as,ARickCBA8=m here,B 'is friend=s $oice didn=t sound normal,AWhereCBABase of the cliff, 4ur tar!et do&nCBNeil !lanced at a man he once called his friend, 'e thou!ht of the picture of all of themDin happier times, AFeah, 'e=s do&n,BA?ood,BAWhere are youCB Neil didn=t see him any&here,ACau!ht a bullet, 8=m 4),BNeil ran throu!h the brushi!norin! the branches as they slapped a!ainst his le!s- his &aist, 'e found Rick a!ainst a tree- his ri!ht thi!h in his hand, A'o& bad is itCBANot my !ut,BA'o& bad- RickCB Neil kne& there &ere maEor arteries in the thi!h that could end a man=s life Eust as easily as a shot to the chest,Rick attempted his si!nature smile, 'is second set of dimples didn=t kick in, ACould be better,BAAh- hell,BA8=m 4), Fou !otta !o !et your !irl, Before Chuck reali>es &hat happened here,BNeil looked o$er at his car and then back to Rick, A8 can=t lea$e you,BAFou better fuckin! lea$e me, 8=m fine- Neil, ?o, 8 ha$e a phone- 8=ll call for help &hen you lea$e, Besides- 8 think this hillside is set up to !o off, Mickey &as tryin! too hard to !et us up there,BNeil !lanced at the cliff abo$e him, +ar!e boulders protruded from the sides of the rock, +ar!e enou!h to crush those belo&, ?ettin! Rick to safetydisarmin! bombsDpolice @uestions- all of this &ould take time, "recious time,A?o-B Rick told him a!ain, A8=ll a$oid your name until 8 hear from you, on=t &ant to tip Blayney off,BNeil attempted to look at Rick=s &ound to see for himself if his friend &as all ri!ht,Rick sho$ed him a&ay, A?o, ?et the hell out of here,B'e stood- and sho$ed his hand into his pocket, A8f somethin! happens- call Blake, #ell him e$erythin!,BA?o !et ?&en and tell Blake yourself,BNeil sho$ed the card into Rick=s hands any&ay, A?o+ieutenant,B'e nodded once- dropped his hand on his friend=s shoulder, A on=t fuckin! die,B #ears s&am behind his lids,A?et the hell out of here,BNeil didn=t ha$e to be told a!ain,Blake sat in the back of the to&n car a fe& miles from base, #he rain slo&ed to a dri>>le reflectin! on his sour mood, 'e couldn=t remember the last time someone ble& off a call from him,'e made a call to the maEor=s secretary and ended up talkin! to an ans&erin! machine, 'e left an ur!ent messa!e- &ith shameless name*droppin! litterin! the recordin!, Not that it mattered, Blake &ould call out the @ueen and the president if it &ould do him any !ood in locatin! his sister and Neil,Minutes ticked by as impatience cra&led up Blake=s spine, Carter &as due to call anytime- hopefully to tell him that Ma. arran!ed his audience &ith the maEor,When the phone ran!- he didn=t bother to look at &ho the call &as from before ans&erin! it,ACarterCBABlakeCBNot Carter, ANeilCB 'is arms prickled and his mind &ent numb, ANeilCBA+isten- Blake, 8 don=t ha$e much time,BAWhere are youC Where=s ?&enCBNeil didn=t ans&er his @uestion, A8 need you to &rite this do&n, Are you listenin!CB#he intensity of Neil=s $oice &as unlike anythin! Blake could remember hearin! in the past, A8=m listenin!,BA8 need you to call a MaEor Blayney at Fort Carson in Colorado Sprin!s, )eep him on the phone,BANeilCBA8 need him distractedDyou !ettin! thisCB Neil &as rushed- not listenin!,A8=m three miles off base-

Neil,BAFou=re &hatCBA4ff base, Carter located your last commandin! officer, 'e &on=t take my call, 8 came here lookin! for you,BNeil si!hed, AWrite do&n this number,B Neil rambled off nine di!its, A'is personal number, Call him, )eep him on the phone, 8 don=t care &hat you doDkeep him on the phone,BBlake=s stomach turned on itself, AWhere=s ?&enCBNeil hesitated, ACall him,BBlake=s body !re& cold,Charles paced the floor abo$e her head- his footsteps hea$y and fast at times- slo&er at others, So slo& in fact that she &ondered if someone else &as in the house, When the phone ran!- she heard only one $oice upstairs and it &asn=t someone ne&,?&en leaned a!ainst the &all of the basement surrounded by Annie=s art and the Blayney household Christmas li!hts,She had no idea of the time- or &hat &as happenin! abo$e, #o aid in her discomfort Charles cut the basement li!hts, 'e &ould ha$e plun!ed her into darkness if not for the li!hts she=d mana!ed to plu! in herself, #he lau!h- as they say- &as on him, ($en the occasional s@ueak of a house mouse didn=t do much other than comfort her, She &as ali$ealert,Surely Neil &ould reali>e somethin! &asn=t ri!ht e$entually, Behind her back- she t&isted the beautiful rin! he=d placed on her fin!er, #he &ay he=d opened his soul to her &as fresh in her memory, 'e had to be ali$e,'e had to be,She banished the thou!ht of anythin! bad befallin! him and &aited for Charles to make his ne.t mo$e,#he hours &aned on- forcin! her eyelids to close for short periods of time, (@ual parts of her &anted somethin! to happen- and for nothin! to occur, #he lon!er she sat in the basement the bi!!er the chance of somethin! a&ful happenin! to Neil,And that threat &as a lar!er psycholo!ical torture than bein! locked in a basement &ith a madman as her Eailer,'er eyes &ere closed &hen she heard a lock click at the top of the stairs, #he li!hts abo$e her head blinked on- makin! her &ince a&ay from the sudden !lo&,AWhat theCB Charles fle& do&n the stairs faster than she could reach for the !un hidden on her le!, She mana!ed to scramble to her feet- her eyes &ide as he made a @uick assessment of her basement decorations,AWhat ha$e you doneCBAMaaa miii elfff aa hoom-B she attempted to say under the !a! in her mouth,Charles &as on her in seconds- the back of his hand slammed a!ainst her face and knocked her to the floor, "ain a&akened her brain,Charles stood o$er her- ran a hand calmly do&n his neck- stretchin! it, #he only e$idence of his an!er of a moment a!o &as in the &ay he flared his nose as he dre& in a breath,'e lifted her from the floor &ith one hand- and slammed her a!ainst the &all,Stars fle& in her head,A(nEoy yourselfCB?&en attempted to mo$e her head a&ay from his stare, 'e didn=t allo& it, She !a$e in and stared him do&n, ($ery ounce of hatred filled her !a>e, She=d spit at him if she could find an ounce of moisture in her mouth,'e !rasped her chin in his fin!ers and s@uee>ed, AFour brother came,B'er heart kicked in her chest,AWhat does he kno&CBShe mumbled behind the !a!, Charles placed a fin!er bet&een the material and her cheek and forced it from her lips,AWhatCB#he ability to mo$e her Ea& to!ether felt like hea$enre!ardless of the fact that the de$il held her a!ainst the &all, 'er dry ton!ue touched the roof of her mouth as she attempted to find moisture,AWhat does he kno&CBA8 don=t kno&,B'e slapped her a!ain, Moisture in her mouth came by &ay of a split lip,#ears spran! to her eyes &ith the pain- but she refused to let them fall,AWhat does he kno&CBA8 ha$en=t spoken &ith him,BCharles mo$ed closer, She &asn=t sure but she thou!ht she smelled tobacco on his breath, A'e kno&s you=re here,BWhat could she sayDshe had no idea ho& Blake had found her, AWhere is heCBCharles let his hand slip to her throatremindin! her ho& easily he could snap it if he chose,A4n his &ay here,B'ope spran! in her chest,AFou make one noise- one s@ueak do&n here and 8=ll kill him, Fou !ot

thatCBShe nodded, 'e=d be so close, Maybe he=d sense somethin!CA4ne noise,BCharles &rapped her mouth a!ain- takin! less care in securin! the ra!, 'e sho$ed her to the floor and left the room,'e left the li!hts on, Chapter #hirty*FourNeil kne& his &ay around base better than any marine there, As day turned to ni!ht- tra$ersin! kno&n passa!es into the base became easier, Not much had chan!ed since he &as a kid there &ith his father, #eena!ers al&ays &anted to kno& a &ay off base, Who kne& he=d be sneakin! back in so many years later,4ne sin!ular thou!ht kept his feet mo$in!,?&en,?ettin! to her- keepin! her safe, #he sick thou!ht that maybe somethin! had already happened tried to inch into his brain- but he refused to hear it,She=s fine- he told himself,"erfectly fine,8t took t&enty minutes to cross the base and meet the bottom of the hill &here Blayney=s house perched, 'e paused for a moment and looked up at the dark &indo&s,Was he e$en thereC Was ?&enCNeil banked on the chance that &ithout &ord from Mickey- Chuck &ould think the &orst of his !runt, +o!ic told Neil that Chuck &ould use ?&en as a hosta!e at that point, Mnless he !a$e up,Neil had yet to meet a marine &ho !a$e up,Chuck &ouldn=t be the first,A li!ht flickered inside the house- e$idence that someone &as inside,Neil circled around the back- hopped the fence- and ducked under the dark kitchen &indo&, 'e took a small mirror from his field Eacket and an!led it on the floor to see inside the house from the back door,#he kitchen &as empty, A li!ht from the hall &as on,Neil held his breath and &aited for the phone to rin!, 'e told Blake to !i$e him forty minutes to !et into position, 'e had fi$e minutes to &ait,Fi$e minutes of absolute terror that he &as &aitin! fi$e minutes too lon! to help his &ife,#he ima!e of Chuck harmin! her made his fist clutch and his back teeth !rind to!ether, Sittin! immobile for fi$e lousy minutes left him shakin!, When the phone finally ran!- Neil nearly missed the sound,#he second rin! !rabbed his attention and spran! him into action,#he back lock to the slidin! !lass door &as easily breached, #he maEor &asn=t hyper$i!ilant about his safety,Stupid man,Neil eased the door open enou!h to hear the one*sided con$ersation,AMr, 'arrisonC FesD8 &as told you &ere here,B Chuck=s $oice &as on ed!e, Somethin! Neil reco!ni>ed but Blake &ouldn=t, Neil closed the back door @uietly behind him and locked it, 'e ducked behind the island before he made it to the back hall,ANo-B Neil heard Chuck say,Neil mo$ed up the stairs e$ery time Chuck spoke,A'o& did you !et my numberCBNeil hesitated,A4h- 8 see, FesDthey &ere here,BNeil mo$ed up the stairs and to the room he and ?&en shared, 8nside the room &as dark, A part of him e.pected to see her there,She &asn=t,'e mo$ed @uietly about the space- lookin! for e$idence that she had been there,Nothin!Dthe room &as bare of anythin! personal,?&en &as !one,#he house had !one @uiet, 'e didn=t hear the maEorD didn=t hear any other person in the home, Neil tiptoed from the !uest room and !lanced into the master bedroom, 8t too &as dark, From &hat Neil could tell Ruth &as !onetoo, o&nstairs a door shut- and then @uiet resumed, Neil lent his ear to the hall desperate to hear anythin!,A loud thump brou!ht him to a stand and soon after he heard a door slam,'alf&ay do&n the stairs- he heard Chuck=s $oice, AFes, 8=m e.pectin! a !uest,BNeil &aited- dropped do&n three more stairs, AMr, 'arrison, Ri!ht, 8n t&enty minutes, No, 'e &on=t be here lon!,BNeil fro>e, Blake &as on his &ayCNeil retreated do&n the back stair&ell to re!roup, Blake needed to stay a&ay, #he last thin! Neil needed &as a ci$ilian fuckin! thin!s up, Not &hen Neil had no idea &here ?&en &as,Neil remo$ed his M7 and positioned it in front of his chest before he inched his &ay into the room &ith

Chuck,Chuck stood in front of his desk in his office, A ci!arette smoked in a nearby ashtray, Neil didn=t remember the maEor smokin! before,Could this manDthe one &ho=d been there early in his military career- be responsible for so much painC For Mickey=s deathC For Billy=sCWith his back to him- Chuck stared out the &indo&, AFou !oin! to use that &eapon- soldierCBNeil kept his !un steady, 'is Ea& stiffened- his mind remembered better times,'e shook his head,AWhere=s ?&enCBChuck picked up his ci!arette- sucked it do&n- ble& it throu!h his teeth, ANot sure &hy 8 @uit, #here=s nothin! @uite like balancin! life and death throu!h such a simple de$ice,B 'e stared at the tip of his ci!arette and sucked in another lun!ful of nicotine,Neil=s tri!!er t&itched, AWhere is sheCBChuck !lanced to the floor o$er his shoulder, A rop the !un- Mac,BAWhere=s my &ifeCBChuck lau!hed, #he sound !rated on Neil=s ra& ner$es,#he maEor turned- remo$ed the ci!arette from his lips- and ble& the smoke o$er his head as if he had nothin! to care for in the &orld,8t pissed Neil off,AWhere is sheCBA rop the &eapon,BNeil !lared, AWhy should 8C=AFou &ant to see her a!ainC rop the !un,B #he arro!ant bastard sucked on his ci!arette a!ain, 'e kne& damn &ell Neil &ouldn=t s@uee>e the tri!!er &ithout kno&in! &here ?&en &as, 'is enemy kne& his &eakness and &as usin! it a!ainst him,Neil purposely took t&o strides closer before uncockin! his &eapon and tossin! it to the floor &ell out of Chuck=s reach,Chuck &itnessed the &eapon skitter across the floor &ith a smile,AAnd the othersCBNeil s&allo&ed, No use pretendin! not to kno& &hat the man in front of him tau!ht him, Neil lifted his ri!ht le!- remo$ed the smaller re$ol$er- and tossed it to the floor,Chuck &itnessed the disarmin! as if bored, 'e made a small rollin! motion &ith his fin!ers and Neil remo$ed a third !un from the small of his back, 4ther than his cell phone and a knife- he didn=t ha$e anythin! left,MaEor Blayney mo$ed slo&ly to his desk,Neil &as too far a&ay to rush the man- so he &aited until his ne.t mo$e,From behind the maEor=s back the man produced a ser$ice &eapon,No surprise,8nstincti$elyNeil mo$ed to the side, No need to !i$e the man a broad tar!et,AStep back- Mac,B#&o steps later Neil held his !round, AWhere is sheCBChuck=s eyes lin!ered beyond Neil for a moment- in the direction of the kitchen,'e &a$ed his !un, A8n the back,BA8=$e been in the kitchen, She=s not there,BChuck smiled, AFou didn=t look $ery hard- soldier,B Chuck &a$ed the !un a!ain,Neil follo&ed the barrel of the !un and took se$eral steps back, #he island in the kitchen met his back and Chuck mo$ed around him to the pantry and opened the door, 'e nodded inside,A?o,BNeil thou!ht of the small space and considered himself trapped if he mo$ed inside,AFuck you,BA?&en=s in there,BNeil hesitated, 'e didn=t hear herDdidn=t see her, AFou=re full of shit,BA?&en=s inside- Mac, Why &ould 8 lie to you no&CBNeil crin!ed, 'is mind brou!ht to the surface ni!htmares of ?&en=s torn body, Could Chuck ha$e killed her and left her lifeless in the pantryC #here &as only one &ay to find out, And if she &ere !oneD&hat &as left for himC Could he sur$i$e her deathC Was life &orth li$in! &ithout her li!htC'e mo$ed into the pantry and noticed a door,A4pen it,BNeil=s stomach &as in his throat as he reached for the knob on the door, #he slo& t&ist &as met &ith little resistance, #he lack of a lock made him think the &orst, Chuck &ould ha$e locked a li$e person insideDri!htCMnable to stop himself- Neil s&un! open the door and encountered a rickety set of &ooden stairs descendin! into a basement, +i!hts flashed from belo&,A?o,BNeil placed a foot on the step- a second oneD then he heard it, #he muffled $oice, A hi!h*pitched $oice,'e leapt do&n the stairs and sa& her,Ali$e,Ne$er in his life did he feel like cryin! &ith Eoy, 'e did no&, 'e rushed to her side- placin! himself bet&een her and Chuck, 'e reached for the !a! in her mouth-

noticed the red marks on her face and the bruise formin! on her cheek,'er eyes met his and tears spran! in them,A8=m sorry-B he said softly, #his &as all his fault, She &ouldn=t be here had he not put his faith in Chuck,AFou=re here-B she choked bet&een cracked lips,A8sn=t that niceC #he ne&ly&eds reunited,BNeil t&isted to the man he once called his friend, AWhy- ChuckC Why sacrifice usCBChuck narro&ed his !a>e, AFou &ere supposed to take Ra$en out @uietly, Not blo& up his &hole fuckin! family, #hat &as imperati$e to the mission,BAWe &eren=t responsible for the bombs,BAFou kne& &hat he &as capable of, #ake out the sin!le tar!et and come home, #hen Washin!ton &ould ha$e been happy, #hey didn=t need to kno& &ho called the order, idn=t need to kno&,BNeil s@uinted his !a>e, AWashin!ton didn=t kno& about 4peration Ra$enC Fou called it on your o&nCBASuits don=t kno& ho& to run a &ar, #ake out the leaders and the fucks &illin! to kill their o&n kids for their causeDthat=s &hat had to happen,BNeil &as startin! to see the picture no&, AFou=re about to retire, No one &ould ha$e kno&nDBA#here=s an inter$ie& process, #hey=d already called Billy in to ask about me, Any of you could ha$e uttered somethin! and destroyed forty years of dedicated ser$ice, 8 couldn=t risk it,B#he irony &as- Neil &ouldn=t ha$e said a thin!, Neither &ould RickDor Billy,AMickey=s dead-B Neil told him, 'opin! to see some sort of reco!ni>able emotion cross Chuck=s face,Chuck shru!!ed, ACollateral dama!e-B he said, ANo& back up,BNeil bumped into ?&en- keepin! her behind them, For the first time since &alkin! into the basement- Neil noticed the t&inklin! li!hts and adolescent art and keepsakes all o$er the floor, +ooked as if ?&en had been busy, Smart mo$e- too, Chuck=s eyes shifted around the room and his !un arm started to &a$er,AWe=$e kno&n each other a lon! time- Chuck, Fou kne& my dad,B ?&en pressed up a!ainst his back, 'er body trembled,'e reached one arm behind him and held the side of her body,Chuck narro&ed his eyes, A8=$e kno&n lots of dead soldiers, What=s one moreCB?&en t&isted around behind him, 'e !ripped her arm to keep her from mo$in! in front of him, 'is fin!ers landed on somethin! hard in her hand, 8t took a second to reali>e &hat she held,Relief s&ept up his back, 'e &anted to praise her foresi!ht ri!ht then but didn=t, Neil took the &eapon and kept his hand behind his back, ASo you kill me- kill ?&en, #hen &hatC Fou don=t think 8=d come here &ithout tellin! someone- do youCBA'e said Blake &as on his &ay here-B ?&en said, ASaid he=d kill him if 8 made any noise,BChuck blinked- his eyes tra$elin! bet&een the li!hts and Neil=s face, ABlake kno&s 8=m here, And he &on=t arri$e &ithout backup,B Neil inched for&ard, A8t=s o$er- Chuck, #here=s no &ay out of this for you,B'is eyes focused on the barrel of the !un pointed at them- Neil held his breath and flinched &ith e$ery mo$ement Chuck made,#he tip of the barrel tilted to the floor, Neil Eumped on Chuck=s sho& of retreat and s&un! ?&en=s !un in front of his chest, A rop it,B Neil=s $oice &as deadly, 'e didn=t &ant to kill the maEor, 'e &ould, But he didn=t &ant to, A o the ri!ht thin!Chuck, rop it,BChuck=s eyes landed on the &eapon ?&en had brou!ht into the basement and he huffed out a lau!h, 'is displaced humor &as a testament to his mental state, Chuck=s !un hun! to his side,AFou al&ays &ere the smart one, Should ha$e had Mickey take you out first,B #hen- &ith no preamble and no &arnin!- MaEor Chuck Blayney lifted the barrel of his &eapon to his o&n head and s@uee>ed the tri!!er, Chapter #hirty*Fi$e?&en felt the maEor=s intent as he lifted the &eapon and she closed her eyes, 'er scream echoed alon! &ith the blast from the !un, 'er entire body shook as the room !re& silent,Neil=s arms !athered around her, She stumbled into him- buried her

face in his shoulder,A8t=s o$er-B he cooed in her ear, A8=$e !ot you,B'er knees &ent out from under her, Neil lifted and cradled her into his arms, 'e kept her as stable as a mother &ith a child- e$en &ith her hands handcuffed behind her back, She s@uee>ed her eyes shut- refusin! to open them until Neil had taken her up the stairs and set her !ently do&n on a sofa,'e started to mo$e a&ay and she huddled closer, A on=t !o, on=t !o,BA8 &on=t-B he &hispered, A8=m ri!ht here,BShe blinked her eyes open, A8s heCBAFes,B'er stomach rolled,Neil reached around the sofa and pulled a blanket o$er her shoulders, 'is eyes met hers &ith such concern she &anted to &eep, A'e started actin! stran!e after you left, #hen Ruth &ent to Florida and he !ot &orse, 8 tried to lea$e,B She shook- unable to control her body,Neil rubbed his hands alon! her arms, A8 didn=t kno&, 8 thou!ht you=d be safe,B?&en attempted a smile, A8 kno&, 8t=s not your fault,BA'e could ha$e killed you,BShe tried to mo$e her hands to comfort him- remembered the cuffs, ACan you !et these offCB'e nodded- and looked behind her back, AFou=re bleedin!-B he said,AJust a scrape, 8=ll li$e,B'is fin!ers tu!!ed at the cuffs and then he patted his pockets, A o you kno& &here he put the keyCBShe shook her head,Neil mo$ed in front of her and laid a hand to her cheek, A#he M"s &ill ha$e a key, 8 need to call this in,BWhen he did- the house &ould be s&armin! &ith military personnel, 'er brother, AMake the call,B'e stood to &alk a&ay,ANeil-B she said- stoppin! him, A#hank you for comin! back to me,B'e reached do&n to her a!ain- and brou!ht his soft lips to her dry ones, 'e &iped a tear she didn=t reali>e fell from her cheek and picked up the house phone,8n less than t&o minutes- the house &as filled &ith military police, Someone unlocked her hands- &hich she &as sure &ould ne$er feel normal a!ain- and offered her a !lass of &ater, #he li@uid trickled like fire do&n her throat,A female ser!eant sat at her side as ?&en ans&ered @uestions, #he M"s kept Neil a&ay- probably askin! him the same thin! and makin! sure their stories didn=t $ary, All the &hile ?&en kept sayin! to herself that it &as o$er, All of it &as o$er and they &ere both ali$e and &hole,A uniformed soldier approached her, AMiss 'arrisonCBA8t=s Mrs, MacBain-B she corrected the man,ASeems your brother is outside and raisin! all kinds of hell, We ha$e more @uestions and can=t release you yet, 'e &ants to see you for a fe& minutes,BA4f course,BSomeone helped her to her feet, When she made it to the door- she shook off the set of hands helpin! her, A8=ll be fine, 'e &on=t lea$e if he thinks 8=m hurt,BBlake stood beside a military Eeep- a cell phone in his hand and a !uard by his other, 'e noticed her and pushed around the !uard,A8=m 4),B'e s@uee>ed the air from her lun!s, AFou scared me to death- ?&endolyn,BA8 &as scared to death,BBlake pulled a&ay and peered in the dark at her face, ?ood thin! the li!ht &as bad, She kne& ho& bad she felt and could only ima!ine ho& she looked, A8s Neil in thereCBAFes, #alkin! &ith the authorities,BBlake shook his head, A'e should ha$e kept you safe,BA'e did, 8=m ali$e,B'er brother didn=t seem con$inced, A8 need to !et you home, ($eryone is &orried about you,BA#ell them 8=m fine, We=re both fine,B Rain started to fall and ?&en pushed a strand of hair from her eyes,Blake cau!ht site of her rin! and !rasped her hand,AWhat=s thisCBA8t=s called a &eddin! rin!- Blake, Neil and 8 are married,B'er brother narro&ed his eyes and stared beyond her at the house,A+isten-B she said as she placed her hand on her brother=s shoulder, A+et one of these men kno& &here you=re stayin! and &e=ll be alon! as soon as &e can,B She ran her hands alon! her shoulders- &ardin! off the chill, A8 &ould rather not stand in the rain, 8=$e been cold enou!h for one lifetime,BBlake shru!!ed out of his coat and laid it o$er her shoulders,AMrs, MacBain, We ha$e more @uestions for you,B?&en turned to&ard the

ser!eant and offered a &an smile, A8=ll be ri!ht there,BShe kissed her brother=s cheek, A?o tell Samantha that &e=re 4), She doesn=t need to &orry,B8t &as nearly da&n &hen Ser!eant "iper told her she could lea$e, A#hat=s all &e need from you for no&- Mrs, MacBain,B?&en rubbed her tired eyes and &atched da&n break throu!h the bay &indo& of the Blayney home,AWhere=s NeilCB She=d not seen him in hours, #he coroner had arri$ed only a fe& minutes a!o and she &anted nothin! to do &ith &itnessin! Charles=s body come up those stairs,A'e=s in a debriefin!,BA'e=s not hereCB#he ser!eant shook her head, A+eft a &hile a!o &ith an M" escort,BA8s he under arrestCB She couldn=t ima!ine he left on his o&n &ithout sayin! !ood*bye, Not after all they=d been throu!h,#he &oman in front of her &ouldn=t meet her eyes, ?&en stood up and sho$ed her hands on her hips, AWhat is he char!ed &ithCBA8 didn=t say he &as under arrest,BAFou didn=t say he &asn=t, Who is your commandin! officerCB ?&en belie$ed that &as &hat they called the boss around here,#he ser!eant nodded to the kitchen, A4ne of them is currently layin! in a pool of his o&n blood- and the second*in*command is MaEor ?ilmor &ho isn=t a$ailable to you ri!ht no&, Mntil &e can determine e.actly &hat transpired- Mr, MacBain &ill need to stay &ith us,BA#his is preposterous, Neil did nothin! &ron!, 8 told you &hat Charles Blayney did to me, What he said to me, Fou can=t belie$e that Neil and 8 are lyin!,BANo one is accusin! you of lyin!- Mrs, MacBain, We Eust need to keep +ieutenant MacBain a &hile lon!er,BA'e=s retired-B ?&en corrected her,A'e=ll contact you &hen he=s released,BA#hat=s not !ood enou!h, 8 demand to see my husband before 8 lea$e here,B She crossed her arms o$er her chest to emphasi>e her point, id the &oman in front of her not understand ho& little control she=d had in her life o$er the past se$eral &eeksC ?&en &as tired of bein! told &hat she could and could not do, "erhaps it &as time to remind these people &ho they &ere dealin! &ith,A#hat isn=t !oin! to happen,BA8s that soCB#he ser!eant smiled, 'er hair &as tied back so se$erely in her bun it had to create pain deep in her scalp, Funny- under the army colors and minimal amount of makeupSer!eant "iper &as probably a beautiful &oman, She se$erely underestimated ?&enD and that &ould be a mistake,ACan 8 use the phone to call my brotherCBSer!eant "iper !a$e a tired smile as if sayin! finally,?&en dialed her brother=s cell phone number and &aited for him to pick up,ABlakeCBA?&enC Are you here at the hotelCBANot yet,B She turned so Ser!eant "iper heard e$ery &ord, A+isten 8 need you to call a press conference, 8=ll be talkin! about 4peration Ra$en and the series of murders that &ereLBSer!eant "iper !rabbed for the phone in ?&en=s hand and !a$e her a deadly stare,A#hat=s confidential information, Fou can=tLB?&en held the phone in front of her so Blake could hear &hat she said, A8=m a British national- Ser!eant "iper, My husband may think 8=m an automatic citi>en of the Mnited States because of our marria!e- but 8=m @uite a&are 8 need to !o throu!h the process and apply like anyone else,B Actually- the facts hadn=t come to her until after se$eral hours alone in the Blayney basement, She remembered a con$ersation &ith Blake years before about becomin! a MS citi>en, Marria!e to an American mi!ht speed the process up- but it didn=t !i$e instant appro$al from the !o$ernment, AAll 8=m askin! for is a fe& minutes &ith my husband and 8=ll keep my ton!ue in my mouth, 8f notDmy brother- the uke of Albany- and our many friendsD!o$ernors- senators,B She thou!ht of her list of clients, A'i!h po&ered attorneys- diplomats- la& enforcement of all kinds- e$en actors &ho kno& ho& to play the media like a piano &ill spin this story so far and &ide your precious marines &ill ha$e to declare a state of emer!ency Eust to a$oid the scandal, 8f you=d like to circum$ent an

international incident- 8 su!!est you let me talk to Neil, 8n pri$ate,BSer!eant "iper sco&led and stared at the phone in ?&en=s hand,A8=ll see &hat 8 can do,B?&en smiled and lifted the phone to her ear, A8f 8 don=t call back in thirty minutes- you kno& &hat to do,BA8=$e !ot your back- ?&en,B8t &asn=t like he had a choice &hen the military police ordered him into the back of a $an and dro$e him to an interro!ation room,A#here &as no such thin! as 4peration Ra$en,B Colonel Mont!omery fle& in from the "enta!on as soon as the call &ent out about MaEor Blayney=s suicide, #he man mo$ed to intimidate, 'is bulk alone ri$aled Neil=s- and that said somethin! for top brass, Most left the bodybuildin! to the !runts, #his man ob$iously didn=t &ant to be outrun by his men, 4n any other day- Neil &ould ha$e admired that,Not one salt or pepper hair &as out of place as he stared Neil do&n,Neil sat for&ard a!ainst the table and prepared to re$eal all the details he=d kept to himself until that point, AFou mi!ht &ant to make sure the person recordin! this is secure- Colonel, 8=d hate for a leak this late in the !ame,BMont!omery left the room, 'e heard shouted orders and &hen Mont!omery returned he arri$ed &ith another man and a recordin! de$ice, 4nce the assistant &as ready- Neil be!an,A8t had been o$er a year since the &ar be!anDafter the to&ers &ent do&n, Blayney rounded me up and had me handpick my team, (ach of us had &orked to!ether on one mission or another, 'e &as readyin! us for the mission of our career, Sent us on three trials to!ether, 4peration Wreckin! Ball- 4peration #idal Wa$e- and 4peration Storm, +ike all special ops- &e &ent in- did our Eobs- and !ot out,B Neil hoped to hell no& that the other operations &ere le!it, #here=s no &ay to kno& ho& lon! Blayney had played them, AWhen it came to 4peration Ra$en &e &ere ready, We understood it &as bi!, Somethin! Washin!ton &ould order at any time, We had one obEecti$e- remo$e Ra$en,B Neil !a$e Colonel Mont!omery the name of their tar!et and &ent on, ACause as little collateral dama!e as possible and !et out,BMont!omery listened,A4nly thin!s didn=t !o smoothly, #he choppers dropped us on tar!et- and &e mo$ed in position, Ra$en &as on his compound but so &as his family, When &e penetrated- Ra$en did the unthinkable, 'e demanded his children run to&ard us, We didn=t kno& the kids &ere &earin! bombs, Boomer and Robb died on scene, +inden made it onto the chopper and died shortly after, #heir deaths &ere labeled as Htrainin! accidents,= Within si. months- &e &ere all remo$ed or left our positions, Si!ned off by MaEor Blayney, (.cept for MickeyDor so &e &ere told, Mickey stayed in,B Neil &ent on to e.plain about Billy- about Rick- about ho& Mickey &as played by Blayney to kill them all off to hide the truth about the mission,Neil talked for hours, (ndin! &ith the last ni!ht of his life,Mont!omery listenedhis face unreadable,4nce he &as finished Mont!omery asked @uestions, AWho &ere the pilotsCBA8=d ne$er seen them before, We fle& o$erseas in a car!o belly- Eumped immediately into a chopper- and rappelled to our tar!et, #he pilots &ho picked us up ne$er remo$ed their head!ear, 8 don=t kno& &ho they &ere,BMont!omery s&i$eled a&ay from him and dismissed his assistant, Neil &itnessed the man pace the room, As much as Neil hated the position he &as in at that moment- he pitied the colonel,AFou do reali>e the position this puts me in- +ieutenantCBARetired- sir,BMont!omery tilted his head, ANot from &here 8=m standin!, Mntil &e ha$e the details you=re officially reinstated,BNeil sat taller, AAnd if 8 refuseCBMont!omery stared him do&n, A#hat &ouldn=t be &ise,BNoise from outside the room brou!ht Neil to his feet,AFou &ere told to take her to a hotel, Not hereGBNeil heard the $oice of an an!el, A8 didn=t !i$e her a choice- soldier, Not &hy don=t you be a dear and tell me &here my husband is,BBefore Neil could prepare the colonel for

&hat &alked throu!h the door- ?&en &as there, 'e couldn=t help but smile as she stormed the room, A#here you are,B She thre& herself into his arms and life fell into balance, A#hey tried to make me lea$e &ithout you,BA?&en 'arrison- 8 presumeCB the colonel asked,?&en turned around and offered her hand, A?&endolyn MacBain-B she corrected, amn if Neil didn=t lo$e the sound of his name attached to hers,AMrs, MacBain- you ha$e fi$e minutes before you need to call your brother back,B A ner$ous lookin! ser!eant &ho=d &alked into the room &ith her &as &a$in! a cell phone in her hand, She noticed the colonel and immediately saluted her superior,?&en shooed the &oman off, A8=ll not call anyone until 8 kno& 8=m lea$in! &ith my husband,BNeil pushed ?&en a&ay so he could see her eyes, 'e i!nored the bruise on her cheek that brou!ht a &a$e of ra!e o$er him, She &as tou!her than she looked, A'e=s callin! a press conference in &hatDfour minutes- "iperCB#he other &oman nodded- still standin! &ith her ri!ht hand to her forehead, A8 tried to stop her, 8 &as told she could lea$e,BA"ress conferenceCB Mont!omery asked- returnin! the ser!eant=s salute and puttin! her at ease,A#hat=s ri!ht-B ?&en be!an, AFou kno&Dthe one &here 8 tell the &orld that a maEor in the MS military took me hosta!e after usin! a military man to search me out to kill my husband, And ho& no& the same military &as holdin! my husband prisoner,BNeil lifted a hand to ?&en=s mouth and kept her from sayin! more, A8s Blake a&aitin! your callCB?&en !a$e an innocent smile, AFour minutesD!i$e or take a couple, Ri!ht "iperCBAColonel- sir, What she said is true, 8 don=t kno& her family- but if half of &hat she says is true- sirD&e mi!ht &ant toD8t doesn=t look !ood- sir,BMont!omery t&isted around to !lare at Neil and ?&en, A+ieutenantCBNeil couldn=t help the self*satisfied smile that fell on his lips, A+ady ?&en and 8 kno& @uite an influential list of people, o you kno& of a ?o$ernor Carter Billin!sC 'is uncle Senator Ma.&ell 'ammondCB?&en sat her tiny ass on his lap and linked her arm around his shoulders,AColonelC #hat=s a hi!h rankDri!htCB ?&en asked all innocent, Neil kne& she &asn=t that dense,A8t is,B 'e kissed her cheek,AFou=ll for!i$e me for bein! less than impressed- Colonel, But your MaEor Blayney had held me a!ainst my &ill for the better part of t&o days, 'e handcuffed me- !a!!ed me- and didn=t pro$ide me &ith food or &ater- not to mention his threat to kill me,B She touched her cheek, A8 simply &ant the ri!ht person prosecuted here and not the one &ho rescued me,BMont!omery stared at both of them, A'o& can 8 be assured you &on=t !o to the mediaCB?&en !lanced to her lap, A8 rather liked Charles=s &ife- Ruth, She doesn=t need to kno& ho& a&ful her husband really &as, 8 &ant my husband and me to !o home,BNeil met Mont!omery=s eyes, AWe &on=t !o to the media, ?&en=s family- on the other hand- &ill think nothin! of it,BA8 don=t like bein! blackmailed-B Mont!omery said,Neil felt the muscles in his neck ti!hten, A8 don=t like bein! held hosta!e,B($eryone &as silent for a moment,Ser!eant "iper spoke up, A4ne minute,B?&en kicked her le! in Neil=s lap as if she &ere a school!irl on a bench a&aitin! a city bus, Reminded him of her &earin! cheap hi!h heels and skinti!ht shorts outside of a No*#ell Motel,?ood #imes,Neil kne& they had the colonel o$er the fence, 'e also kne& the MS military didn=t take kindly to threats,ACall your brother, Fou can both !o,B?&en smiled and took the phone from "iper=s outreached hand, She dialed a number and &aited, A8t=s busy,B($eryone tensed,AJust kiddin!,BNeil &anted to lau!h, #he pain in his stomach from holdin! it back felt dire,A'i- Blake, No- &e=ll be there in fifteen, Both of us, FesDplease and a hot bath, 8=d kill for a &arm tub and food, +o$e you,B?&en Eumped off Neil=s lap and handed "iper=s phone back, AA pleasure to meet you- Colonel-B

she said as she &alked by him, A4h- and by the &ay, Buried in the Blayney library you=ll find pictures of Charles=s dau!hter and the man 8 belie$e Neil told you &as Mickey, #here &as another picture of Neil=s teamDand another man, 8=m not sure ho& it &ill help &ith your in$esti!ation but 8 thou!ht you should kno&,BNeil &alked by the colonel and e.tended his hand,AShe=s @uite a handful-B Mont!omery said,Neil !lanced at his &ife, AFesDyes- she is,BAWe=ll be in touch- +ieutenant,BASir,BNeil took ?&en=s hand and &alked out of the room,A dri$er took them to Blake=s hotel, 4utside the &orld started to &ake, #he rain from the day before &as !one- the blue skies &ere littered &ith fluffy &hite clouds,?&en clasped Neil=s hand and refused to let !o,A o you reali>e &ho you Eust told offCBShe !i!!led, ANo,BAFou ha$e balls- &oman,BA4h- 8 assure you 8 don=t, 8=m simply tired and hun!ry and 8 don=t feel particularly safe &ithout you by my side, 8=m sure in ten or t&enty years that &ill fade,B She &aited for his response to her statement, 'e could al&ays come back to her and su!!est they dissol$e their marria!e no& that the threat &as !one, #hat &asn=t &hat she &anted,Not by any measure,A4r it mi!ht last thirty or forty,BShe bit her bottom lip and scooted closer, ASo &e=re !oin! to do thisC #his married thin!CB'e lifted her hand that carried the rin! he=d placed on it, A4n one condition,BShe scooted closerDher heart filled &ith lo$e, AWhat=s that- +ieutenantCBAWe !et married the ri!ht &ay, 8n Aruba &ith that dress you=re dreamin! of, With &itnesses &e &ant to remember,B#ears spran! to her eyes, She &as desperately tired and so $ery happy, A8 lo$e you- Neil MacBain,B'e dropped his lips to hers in a crushin! kiss, 'er head s&am as all her emotion rose up into one meetin! of lips, She couldn=t ima!ine ho& a&ful she appeared- ho& she tasted, But Neil kissed her as if she &ere the finest nectar and she didn=t ha$e the heart to pull a&ay,A8 lo$e you-B he said as he mo$ed a&ay,($erythin! inside her shifted into position and clicked into harmony, (pilo!ueNeil left her an hour after droppin! her off at Blake=s hotel to search out his friend Rick, She hated to say !ood*bye after such a short time- but understood Neil=s need to find his collea!ue, #o assure himself that he &as 4),'e=d called from the hospital the ne.t mornin! sayin! Rick &as under!oin! sur!ery, When ?&en su!!ested she come there to be by his side- he encoura!ed her to return &ith Blake to California, 'e &asn=t !oin! to lea$e his last remainin! team member until he kne& he &as &ell and that &ouldn=t be for se$eral days,A#his is somethin! he needs to do on his o&n-B Blake had told her, A'e lost e$eryone else,BA'e has me,BBlake patted her on the back, A'e=s a lucky man, ?i$e him this- ?&en, +et him do it alone and be there &hen he comes home,B#hey spoke daily for a &eek and a half, All the &hile- she planned a &eddin! on a beach in Aruba, Apparently Samantha &as in the throes of mornin! sickness and &anted nothin! to do &ith sayin! A8 do a!ainB &ith the threat of her breakfast comin! up, )aren(li>a- and Sam &ere more than happy to help ?&en plan a proper ceremony for her and Neil, #hat &as if he e$er left the hospital,#he day before their planned ceremony- she &oke in a hotel room alone, She=d not seen her husband since that mornin! in Colorado Sprin!s, #he &arm bree>e of the tropical climate caressed her skin as she opened her blinds to take in the day, Blake had assured her that Neil &ould be there &hen she &alked do&n the aisle- but a tiny part of her &orried that e$erythin! she felt &as only a dream, A dream destined to end,)aren &as the first to !reet her, A4h- my ?od, Fou=re still in a bathrobe, 'oly co&- &oman, Fou only ha$e three hours to !et ready,B?&en lau!hed, A8s Neil hereCBA'e=ll be here,BWhich meant he &asn=t, AAre you sureCBAC=mon- ?&en,

'a$e faith, And !et in the sho&er, #he stylist &ill be here in an hour,B#he ne.t three hours fle& by, 'er hair &as s&ept up around her face and her !olden locks &ere left to drape on her shoulders, Carefree, Just the &ay she pictured her &eddin! attire, When (li>a >ipped up the back of her dress ?&en felt like a proper bride, Samantha stepped behind her and pressed the colorful bou@uet into her hands, AFou=re stunnin!,B?&en smiled,AAnd &e=re not &earin! !od*a&ful yello& concoctions in the sun-B (li>a said,A4h &ill 8 e$er li$e that do&nCBSam and (li>a both said no at the same time,#he bridesmaids &ore !ray silk, (ach of them lo$ely,A#hank you all for bein! here,BA4hhon, We=re so happy this is &orkin! out for you,B (li>a hu!!ed her first, And as much as Samantha tried to smile- her stomach simply &asn=t cooperatin!,ANo& &ill one of you kindly !o out and make certain 8=m a bride &ho isn=t &alkin! to an empty altar,B)aren lau!hed and left the room, A8=ll !o check,BA'e said he &as comin!, 'e=ll be here,BABut none of you ha$e seen him,BABlake &ould kill him-B Sam said,ANeil &ould be hard to take do&n-B (li>a murmured, AJust sayin=,B)aren popped back into the room less than fi$e minutes later, Behind her &as a man ?&en had ne$er seen in person before- but she kne& &ho he &as,Neil=s friend Rick &alked into the room- doin! his best to dis!uise his limp,A'olyD?o- Neil, 'e said you &ere beautiful- butD&ell- men say those thin!s all the time,B?&en !i!!led, AFou must be Rick,BAFou sure you &ant that old !uy do&n thereC 8=m a couple years youn!er-B he teased,Rick &as cuteDtall, #hose dimples &ould play a number on the ri!ht &oman,A8=m taken,BACan=t blame a man for tryin!,B Rick stepped for&ard, ARick, A pleasure,BA8=m so happy you=re &ell,BAMe too, #hose nurses &eren=t e$en cute, 8sn=t there a cute test for nursesCB Rick smiled at the &omen in the room,(li>a &as lau!hin!, A=Fraid not,BAShould be, Any&ay, Neil &anted me to come up and !i$e you this,B Rick handed her a note, AAnd- ah- he needed me to !et your rin!,B?&en smiled and remo$ed the pink diamond from her hand, A8 !et it back,BA#hat=s the plan, See you do&n there,B?&en sucked in her lips and tore open the en$elope,#he cardstock bore the semblance of a ballerina, #ears instantly spran! to her eyes, 'e remembered,#o my "rincess in the i$ory to&er,8=m not $ery !ood &ith &ords, 8n factmost people think 8 ha$e a third !rade $ocabulary, But 8 promise to al&ays find the ri!ht &ords to make you feel safe and lo$ed,Before you- 8 &as lost, With you- 8=m &hole,No& please come do&n and marry me in front of our family and friends so they kno& you=re mine,8 lo$e you-NeilA4h damnDshe=s cryin!, Quick someone !et a tissue,BA8s it badCB )aren rushed to her side- !lanced at the note in her tremblin! hand, A4hD4hGB#he note &as passed around the &omen, AWho kne&CB Sam &hispered,A?o- Neil-B (li>a chuckled,?&en dried up her tears and smiled, AAll this and the man=s hun! like a bear,BAAhhGB )aren screamed &ith lau!hter,(li>a=s Ea& dropped and Samantha held her stomach, A4h +ord, We skipped your bachelorette party,B)aren &a$ed them off, A8t=s 4), We can make up for it at my di$orce party, Michael and 8 are already plannin! it,BASo soonCBANoDstill o$er a year off, But he=s a planner, +o$es a !ood party,B?&en rolled her eyes, AC=mon, +et=s not talk of separation &hen 8 ha$e a man &ho=s &aitin! for me,B#he &arm &aters of the Caribbean lapped up on the shore, #he &eddin! party preceded her do&n the aisle and the !entle music of a local ensemble chan!ed as she rounded the corner and &alked to&ard her future,'e stood there- &earin! a !ray suit- Eust as she pictured, 'is broad shoulders stood tall- his !a>e ne$er left hers, Rick stood beside him- and then Blake and Carter, "erfect,'e looked ner$ous, +ike he had anythin! to &orry about, She &as his already, ($en &ithout the $o&s- &ithout the rin!s, She=d been

his for months e$en if he didn=t kno& it,She made it to the minister and smiled,AFou=re beautiful-B Neil &hispered,She che&ed her lo&er lip,#hen- as if he couldn=t stop himselfhe kissed her,Someone beside Neil cleared their throat, AAh- MacD&e=re not at that part yet,B?&en !i!!led- turned to&ard the minister- and pled!ed her life to her husbandD a!ain, Ackno&led!mentsA bi! shout out to (laine Mc onald from (laine Mc onald "hoto!raphy, What started out as a online fanPfriendship turned professional, Beautiful co$ers start &ith spectacular pictures- and this one &as no e.ception, #hank you,Chad and Caitlin )ut> for allo&in! me to use their &eddin! photo for Neil and ?&en=s story, #hank youG#o my o&n cheerleadin! s@uad at R# and RWA conference &ho stand beside me &ith the same shocked look on our faces, #J Mc)ay for makin! sure 8 stay !rounded,Caridad "inero for your ne$er*endin! support, Jennifer "robst- '" Mallory)atharine Ashe- and Me!an Mulry for lau!hin! at the same Eokes and comparin! notes,For the random fans &ho Eust make !oin! to conference such a Eoy,Robin- drink &ine and be happy, Felicia- &ho has a Chica!o accentGSheryl- &ho takes more pictures of her food than she eats, And Bernie- the happy readerG +o$e you !uys,For e$eryone at ystel Q ?oderich +iterary Mana!ement and the entire Montlake team,For Sandra Sti.rude- al&aysGAnd finally- Crystal "osey- to &hom 8 dedicated this book, Fou=re proof that not e$eryone you meet online is a flake or out to mess &ith you in a bad &ay, 8 can=t enou!h ho& much 8 appreciate e$erythin! you do, #o your family &ho supports your &ork and shares you &ith me,+o$e youGCatherine About the Author"hoto by +indsey Meyer- 0120Ne& Fork #imes bestsellin! author Catherine Bybee &as raised in Washin!ton State- but after !raduatin! hi!h school- she mo$ed to Southern California in hopes of becomin! a mo$ie star, After !ro&in! bored &ith &aitin! tables- she returned to school and became a re!istered nurse- spendin! most of her career in urban emer!ency rooms, She no& &rites full*time and has penned the no$els Not Quite atin!- Married by Monday- and Wife by Wednesday, Bybee li$es &ith her husband and t&o teena!e sons in Southern California,

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