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Sun Peaks Elementary School Parent Advisory Council Regular Meeting Wednesday, June 12, 2013 6 pm 7:30 pm 1.

. 6:15pm: Call to order & welcome 2. Approval of agenda: Cheryl approved the agenda; Sue second it 3. Approval of previous minutes Katja approved the previous minutes; Sue second it. 4. Reports a. Principal: Deanna: Welcomed new staff members for the next year: Kindergarten/Grade 1: Lynn Maartman Grades 2/3 TBD Grades 4-6: Cindi Hryhirchuck Prep: Mike Caputo Certified Education Assistant: TBD Deannas goal for the next year is to increase the arts component: Have our Grade 4-6 students potentially participate in the strings and bands program. She needs to know if parents are interested in having their kids join this program. There are a few ideas as to how they can join in: Add Sun Peaks Students to the Rayleigh program During regular school hours or after (i.e. Fridays? have to schedule around the ski program) Coordinate strings and bands program with something else in the gym, i.e. basketball, etc. would preferably be run through the regular day but this means huge commitment from parents Deanna will look at all the options, but needs to know if parents are interested at all. She will send out a letter for the Grade 4-6 students. Further goal: Incorporate sports with Rayleigh a bit more for next year Deanna will go over the school improvement plan (SIP) with new staff and is looking forward to their ideas as to how to implement the SIP at Sun Peaks Elementary as well. Lynn Maartman is visiting the school sometime before the year ends to meet the children already and visit the facility.

Lunchtime monitoring: Volunteers must ensure to fill out the sheets correctly. Debbie needs your SIN; once Debbie has it, it doesnt need to be filled out again. Sheet must be signed. Only 2 volunteers per day can claim the $10 for the supervision. School Fees have been approved and will be all lumped together (includes YPC, school tshirt, supplies). b. Treasurer Banks has let us know that all cheques being deposited must be made payable to Sun Peaks PAC, starting in July. Volunteers who are willing to donate their lunch monitoring funds to the PAC must submit a personal cheque to the PAC. Pac will still keep track of the donated funds and SD73 can issue donation receipt if the funds come to $500 or more. Concern is that parents wont donate their funds any longer, as it is another step added to the process, but we will have to wait and see. Currently $ 1,649.37 (as of June 11, 2013) in the bank c. SPC Deanna: The SPC has been approved. . d. DPAC annual report is avail. Online at 2013/2014: School fees have been approved resource for parents See DPAC website for more details e. Committees i. Fundraising 1. Orders have been filled with the exception of the order from Sothebys. Sue to purchase more supplies. Gross profit $975 ii. Spring Fling BBQ Melissa 1. June 19th from 3-7pm 2. Silvia has offered to donate juices boxes from SPES Breakfast for learning program. Sue to follow up. 5. Old Business a. Constitution and Bylaws Executives need to meet to finalize Sue to organize a meeting with executives. b. Gaming Funds (Direct Access Grant) Application is complete and has been sent in. c. School color choices: yellow, blue, green, red. The kids will be asked to decide on the final colour. d. Lunch time funds for Sept, Oct, and Nov Deanna is looking into recouping these funds, but it has proven to be more difficult than expected as it is an accounting & tax issue.

6. New Business a. Thank you to teachers: Sues idea of giving each teacher the framed 8x10 art print with the kids signatures on the matting was happily accepted. Sue to organize. b. Breakfast for Learning Grant Catharine was able to submit the application on very short notice. SPES had this grant this past year Silvia passed on the info to the PAC Grant is given out by Canadian Living Magazine We are now waiting to hear if we are successful applicants. It would among other benefits, provide the children with a healthy afternoon snack to stay alert and engaged throughout the school day. Melissa asked about other, similar grants available: Heffley Elementary has a fruit and veggie program Deanna will ask the Rayleigh PAC president about the program. c. Year-end assembly possibly June 26, 2013. Deanna will check with the teachers if they had made any plans already 7. Next meeting date Monday Sept 23, 2013 9:00am Subject to change 8. Adjourn 7:15pm

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