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PART I. DIRECTIONS: Soapstone TWO of the posters below. Then, think about creating your own NAZI propaganda poster What should be included in it! "ill out a #$%$#S$ Soapstone of your poster in the third bo&, and then create it

SOAPSTone Graphic Organizer for u e !i"h Pri#ar$ an% Secon%ar$ Source Docu#en"

Docu#en" Ti"&e:
$&. The 'ettysburg Address

(ail (itller Citizens of Germany

)Think Why is it i*portant that the audience know who the speaker+author is!, $&. Abraha* -incoln

)Think (ow does the occasion affect what the speaker+author is writing about!, $&. .e*orial ser/ice to fallen at 'ettysburg 0attlefield

Hitler has risen to power and is leading Germany in the war.

)Think What are the characteristics of this group! Why is the speaker+author+doc addressing the*!, $&. Soldiers and fa*ily *e*bers of fallen, 1nion supporters

The people of Germany

)Think $&plain what the speaker+author+doc hopes to acco*plish

To show that Hitler is the leader of Germany and that everyone is okay with that

by his+her e&pression of opinion. (ow do you think the audience will respond!, $&. (onor those who ha/e fallen in order to ad/ertise the preser/ation of the1nion.

)Think What is the speaker+author+doc talking about!, $&. The fallen on 'ettysburg 0attlefield2 the purpose of fighting for the 1nion cause during the 3i/il War

Hitlers role as the leader of Germany

)Think What attitude4s5 and e*otions do the speaker+author+doc want the audience to feel! (ow does the speaker+author+doc6s attitude4s5 enhance the effecti/eness of the piece! 3hoose a few words or phrases that reflect a particular attitude., $&. 7struggled8, 7nobly,8 7perish,8 7honor,8 7de/otion.8 Tone9 #eflecti/e, serious, persuasi/e or si*ilar to a pep talk.

Happy serious !Hail Hitler"#

)Think What is the :oint of %iew of speaker+author+doc!, $&. -eader+Supporter of the 1nion

$ supporter of Hitler.

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