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I use as much positive reinforcement as possible. I usually recognize 2 students per class who have exemplified appropriate behavior throughout the class period. When your student comes home with a heart-shaped, smiley face sticker they have been chosen as that exemplary student, and be sure to give them kudos for that. I try to make sure that every student is recognized once during the year before I repeat students. I also have a whole class incentive system. Each day that the whole class in general behaves well, the class earns a frog to put in their pond. When the class earns all 8 frogs, they receive a small prize. We all have bad days. But if your student's bad day becomes disruptive for the rest of the class, there will be consequences. I will be using the same system that most of our 1-3 team will be using to help students monitor their behavior. If a student falls below the appropriate behavior expectation 3 times before their class earns all 8 frogs, they will not earn the wholegroup prize.

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