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Safety in the Science Classroom!!!

During this science course, you will be doing student investigations involving many different areas of science. You will be using lab equipment, variety of chemicals, and heat sources. Your behavior while in the science classroom must always be safe. You must always follow the safety rules and your teachers instructions. Following the rules and instructions will make sure that the science class is a positive and safe experience.

. ". #. %. '. (. ). *. !ead and follow all procedures and instructions before starting the experiment. !emain seated at your table. $eep your conversations very low. &ever push, shove, or run in the lab. Do not eat or chew gum during a lab. Do not use broken or chipped glassware. !eport spills and breakages to the teacher immediately. +oggles should be worn anytime chemicals are being used.

Lab Techniques
. ,hen pouring substances from one container to another make sure the two containers are touching. ". !ead all labels on chemical containers or listen to handling instructions. #. ,hile testing a chemical for odor, always use the wafting method by using you hand to fan the top of the container. &ever stick your nose directly over the open container. %. &ever taste anything unless instructed to do so by your teacher. '. -ut lids back on the container immediately after use. (. &ever look directly into a test tube or beaker when heating or mixing chemicals. ). .old the open end of the test tube being used or heated away from you and others. *. &ever /ust mix chemicals unless instructed to do so by the teacher or the procedures. -lease read the above and return the bottom portion to 0s. 1onner 232-. &o 3tudent will be allowed to participate in lab activities without the permission slip signed and returned.
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4 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 give my permission for my student

6-rint7 -arent8+uardian9

555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 to participate in laboratory activities.

6-rint7 3tudent9

4 have read over the rules and techniques with my student. 4 also understand that the :eacher reserves the right to remove lab privileges if my student willfully or habitually breaks or refuses to follow these !ules and :echniques. 4 also will not hold the teacher responsible for any damage to clothing or possible in/ury unless in the case of negligence. 5555555555555555555555555555555555555555
6-arent8+uardian 3ignature9

63tudent 3ignature9

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