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Which of the following describes the function of a moderator in a reactor? a) It controls the number of fast moving neutrons to limit chain reactions in a reactor b) it absorbs the fast moving neutrons to limit extent of chain reactions in reactors c) it slows down the fast moving neutrons to limit extent of chain reactions in reactors d) it slows down the fast moving uranium to limit extent of chain reactions in reactors

The process of fission in a reactor is represented by the equation below: U235 + n1 = La148+ Br85 + 3n1 . If the components have the following atomic mass units (a.m.u ): U235 =235.124, n1 =1.009 La148= 147.96 and Br85 = 84.938 Use the above information to answer Q2 and Q3 2. Calculate the total atomic mass unit which has been converted to energy by the fission process . a) 0.327 b) 0.207 c) 0.397 d)0.197. 3. If 1 a.m.u is equivalent to 931 MeV ,calculate the amount of energy released during the fission process a) 210MeV b)193MeV c)259 MeV d) 167 MeV

4. Which of the following does not fall under a fixed capital? a) Capital cost of generating equipment b) Capital cost of transmission system c) Capital cost of low voltage distribution system d) d) Cost of cooling water 5 In order to have lower cost of electrical energy generation: a) The load factor and diversity factor should be low. b) The load factor should be low but diversity factor should be high. c) The load factor should be high but diversity factor low. d) The load factor and diversity factor should be high.

Figure 1 shows a daily load curve of a generating station. Use the curve to answer Q6 Q12

12000 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 hrs
6am 8am 10am 12pm 2pm 4pm 6pm 8pm 10pm 12am 2am 4am 6am

Figure 1

Calculate the maximum demand of the generating station. a) 6000 kW b) 1000 kW c) 12000 kW

d) 9000 kW

Calculate the daily total energy supplied by the power station. a) 168000 kWh b) 172000 kWh c) 195000 kWh

d) 205000 kWh

Calculate the annual load factor of the generating station. a) 59.7% b) 63% c) 80% Calculate the annual diversity factor of the station. a) 2.35 b) 6.8 c) 3.75

d) 43%

d) 6.5

10 Calculate the energy supplied by the station annually. a) 6.278 107 units b) 8.279 108 units c) 7.35 107 units 11 Estimate the installed capacity of the power station. a) 14000 kW b) 15000 kW c) 10000 kW

d) 6.55 107

d) 12000 kW

12 Calculate the average power supplied by the power station. a) 8027 kW b) 9247 kW c) 7167 kW

d) 6348 Kw

13 The p.u. impedance value of an alternator corresponding to base values 13.2 kV and 30 MVA is 0.2 p.u. the p.u. value for the base values 13.8 kV and 50 MVA will be: a) 0.306 p.u. b) 0.33 p.u. c) 0.318 p.u. d) 0.328

14 Gas turbines can be brought to the bus bar from cold in about: a) 2 minutes b) 30 minutes c) 1 hour

d) 2 hours

15 The Self GMD method is used to evaluate .. of the overhead transmission lines. a) Inductance b) Capacitance c) Both inductance and capacitance d) None of the above

16 Which of the following correctly describe a typical loss coefficients for a two-bus system : a) B11 = 0.02, B22 = 0.05, B12 = 0.01, B21 = 0.015. b) B11 = 0.02, B22 = 0.04, B12 = -0.01, B21 = 0.001. c) B11 = 0.03, B22 = 0.005, B12 = -0.001, B21 = -0.001. d) B11 = 0.03, B22 = 0.05, B12 = 0.001, B21 = -0.001. 17 For economic operation, the generator with highest positive incremental transmission loss will operate at: a) The lowest positive incremental cost of production. b) The lowest negative incremental cost of production. c) The highest positive incremental cost of production. d) None of the above.

18 The connected load of a consumer is 2 kW and his maximum demand is 1.5 kW. The load factor of the consumer is: a)0.75 b) 0.375 c) 1.33 d) None of the above. 19 The maximum demand of a consumer is 2 kW and his daily energy consumption is 20 units. His load factor is: a) 10% b) 41.6% c) 50% d) None of the above.

20 An alternator is delivering a load current; its percent regulation is found to be zero. The type of load it delivers is: a) Capacitive b) Inductive c) Resistive d) None of the above 21 An alternator is delivering a balanced load of unity p.f. The phase angle between line voltage and line current is: a) 90o b) 60o c) 30o d) 0o

22 The sending end voltage of a feeder with reactance 0.2 p.u. is 1.2 p.u. If the reactive power supplied at the receiving end of the feeder is 0.3 p.u., the approximate drop of volts in the feeder is: a) 0.2 p.u. b) 0.06 p.u. c) 0.05 p.u. d) 0.072 p.u.

23 The solution of coordination equations takes into account: a) All the system constraints. b) All the operational constraints. c) All the system and operation constraints. d) None of the above. 24 For a two-bus system if the change in load at bus 2 is 5 MW and the corresponding change in generation at bus 1 is 8 MW, the penalty factor of the bus is: a) 0.6 b) 1.67 c) 0.625 d) None of the above.

25 If the penalty factor for bus 1 in a two-bus system is 1.25 and if the incremental cost of production at bus 1 is GH 200 per MWhr, the cost of received power at bus 2 is: a) GH 250/MWhr b) GH 62.5/MWhr c) GH160/MWhr d) None of the above. 26 The cost of generation is theoretically minimum if: a) The system constraints are considered. b) The operational constraints are considered. c) a) and b). d) The constraints are not considered.

27 The incremental transmission loss of a plant is: a) Positive always. b) Negative always. c) Can be positive or negative. 28 If Pm is the maximum power transferred, the loss on the system is: a) b) c) d) None of the above.

29 If the penalty factor of a plant is unity, its incremental transmission loss is a) 1.0 b) -1.0 c) Zero d) None of the above. 30 In a two plant system, the load is connected at plant no. 2. The loss coefficients a) B11, B12, B22 are nonzero. b) B11 and B22 are nonzero but B12 is zero. c) B11 and B12 are nonzero but B22 is zero. d) B11 is nonzero but B12 and B22 are zero.

31 The charging reactance of 50 km length of line is 1500 . The charging reactance for 100 km length of

line will be a) 1500

b) 3000

c) 750

d) 600

32 Which of the following is not an advantage of transmitting electrical energy by an overhead line as against an underground? a) Transmitting electrical energy by overhead line is cheaper. b) As the transmitting voltage increases the cost of underground cable decreases. c) Due to insulation difficulties cables above 66 kV too bulky to use. d) Maintenance cost on overhead transmission line is cheaper. 33 Which of the following is not an advantage of a D.C transmission system over an A.C? a) The potential stress produced on the insulation by the system is approximately 70% of the A.C of the same effective voltage. b) The Inductance, capacitance, phase displacement and surge problems are eliminated. c) Due to insulation difficulties cables above 66 kV too bulky to use. d) Maintenance cost on overhead transmission line is cheaper An overhead 3- phase transmission line has a conductor of section 90 mm2 and effective diameter of 1cm and is placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle of side 1 metre. The line is 20 km long and delivers a load of 10MW at 33kV and power factor of 0.8 lagging .Neglect capacitance and assume a temperature of 20O C. Take the resistance of copper at 20oC as Use the above information to answer Q34 to Q37. 34 Determine the total resistance per phase of the transmission line . a) 4.59 b) 3.83 c) 7.50 d) 6.00 35 Determine the total inductive reactance per phase of the transmission line a) 7.59 b) 8.83 c) 6.65 d) 9.00 36 Determine the sending end voltage ,Vs of the transmission line . a) 29905V b) 26605V c) 35296V d) 33976V per metre when the section is 1mm2

37 ii) Determine the percentage regulation of the transmission line. a) 0.95 b) 0,89 c) 0.86 d) 0.92 38 Determine the transmission efficiency of the transmission line. a) 10% b) 8.15% c) 9.34% d) 7.45%

A lake of area 500km2 is fed from a drainage area of 6000km2 including the lake .The level of water in the lake is 500m at the beginning of the month (720 h) and 500.5m at the end .Over this period the total rainfall is 10cm with 40% loss due to evaporation. The only out let from the lake is a river which suppplies a hydrostation, the head above the turbine being 50m. The power loss due to friction is 3% of the total in the river .The overall efficiency of turbine generator is 80% Use the above information to answer Q39 to Q44 39. Determine the total quantity of water available in the period of the month. a) 3.6108m3 b) 4.9109m3 c) 5.4108m3 d) 4.5106m3 40. Determine the maximum level to which the water in the lake could rise. a. 0.89 m b) 0.72 m c) 0.95 m 41. Determine the average flow rate of water from the lake through outlet. a. 42.44m3/sec b) 37.16m3/sec c) 63.0m3/sec 42. Determine the overall efficiency of the system. a. 0.825 b) 0.776

d) 0.79 m

d) 56.13m3/sec

c) 0.627

d) 0.852

43. Determine the installed capacity of the station. a. 16.47MW b) 18.86MW c) 17.64MW

d) 15.72 MW

A factory has a maximum demand of 2000KVA when operating at power factor of 0.7 lagging . A power factor improvement equipment is installed to give a power factor of 0.95 .The tariff is GHC 10 per kVA of maximum demand per year plus 2.5 pesewa per unit consumed . Use the above information to answer Q44 to Q47 44. Calculate the maximum demand of number of the factory at 0.95 power factor lagging. a) 1598 kVA b) 1474 kVA c) 1678 kVA d) 1590 kVA. 45. Determine the annual savings in the electricity charge . a)GHC 5891.50 b) GHC 5260.00 c) GHC 6260.70 d) GHC 7260.90

46. Determine the total electricity charge in one year after the power factor has been improved if the load factor of the factory is 50%. GHC 158915.00 b) GHC 177526.50 c) GHC 168040.00 d) GHC 198675.00

Use the above diagram and data to answer questions 15 and 16. Assume 50 MVA and 33kV line-to-line on the transmission line as the common base. Use the above information to answer Q15 and Q16 47. Calculate the per unit value of the reactance of generator 1. a) 0.0826 b) 0.182 c) 0.7438 48. Calculate the per unit value of the reactance of transmission line. a) 1.400 b) 0.714 c) 1.040 30 kV

d) 0.6438

d) 0.814

30kV Use the above diagram and data to answer Q 49 to 51. Assume a base of 50 MVA and 30kV on the L.V. side of transformer 2. 49 Determine the per unit value of the reactance of generator 1. a) 0.0908 b) 0.0825 c) 0.0680 50 Determine the per unit value of the reactance of transformer 2 a) 4.890 b) 0.038 c) 0.0414

d) 0.2479

d) 0.5147

51 Determine the per unit value of the reactance of the transmission line. a) 0.235 b) 0.488 c) 0.0514 d) 0.0414

The fuel input per hour of two plants 1 and 2 are given as: F1 = 0.2P12 + 40P1 + 120 GH per hr F2 = 0.25P22 + 30P2 + 150 GH per hr

If the maximum and minimum loading on each unit is 100MW and 25MW and the total demand is 180MW, transmission neglected. Use the above information to answer Q52 to Q54 52 Determine the economical operating schedule of plant 1. a) 88.89MW b)89.89MW c)78.89MW 53 Determine the total cost of generation for both units. a) 10214.43 GH b) 12435.5 GH GH

d) 91.11MW

c) 11356.5 GH


54 If the load is shared equally by both units determine the savings obtained by loading units per equal incremental production cost. a) 0.87GH b) 0.93GH c) 0.57GH d) 0.43GH 55 Which of the following types of turbines is used at the Akosombo hydropower Plant? a)Francis b) Pelton c) Kaplan d) Propeller

56 Which of these is not a type of reactor commonly used at a nuclear power station? a) Boiled gas reactor b) High pressurized water reactor d) High temperature gas reactor c) Fast breeder reactor

57 Which of these types of power generation stations has the overall least efficiency? a) Hydro power b)Thermal power c) Nuclear power d) Diesel power 58 Which of the following is not an advantage of a per unit system? a) It facilitates computation of large network b)The use of in the 3-phase system calculations is reduced c) There is less chance of confusion between single phase and three phase systems d) Per unit impedance of transformer depends on the type of winding connection 59 Which of the following factors do not account for the need to step-up the voltage levels of the generated power before transmitting them? a) Distances from Load centers b) The voltage drops in the lines b) The high corona loss on the transmission lines c) High cost of the transmission lines A fuel bundle of natural uranium dioxide has a mass of 22.2kg when first inserted into a heavy water reactor releases an average of 580.0kW of thermal energy during its 15 month stay in the reactor. Use the above information to answer Q 60. to Q 62. 60 Calculate the total amount of heat released. a)2.26 1013 b) 3.47 1013 c) 5.25 1013

d) 4.29 1013

61 Calculate the reduction in weight of the bundle due to the energy released. a)2.5056 10-4kg b) 2.04 10-4kg c) 3.04 10-4kg 4 kg 62 Calculate the high life of the oxide under the above condition. a) 60000 years b) 54617 years c) 57300 years

d) 4.56 10-

d) 75482 years

An industrial consumer has a choice between low voltage supply and a high voltage supply available at the following tariff; two systems of tariff are available for a factory working 8 hours a day for 300 working days in a year. I. II. High voltage supply at 5 pesewas per unit plus GH 4.50 per month kVA unit of maximum demand. Low voltage supply of GH 5.00 per month per kVA of maximum demand plus 5.5 pesewas per unit.

The factory has an average load of 200kW at 0.8 p.f. and a maximum demand of 250kW at the same power factor. The high voltage equipment cost GH 50.00 per kVA and loss can be taken as 4%. Interest and depreciation charges are 12%. Use the above information to answer Q63 to Q64 63 Determine kVA input to the high voltage equipment. a. 325.5 kVA b) 375.2 kVA c) 404.5 kVA d) 395 Kva

64 Calculate the annual cost of high voltage equipment. a. GH 2053 b) GH 1953 c) GH 1853

d) GH 1753

65 Determine the total number of units consumed by the factory in a year with respect to H.V. supply systems. a. 600000 units b) 700000 units c) 500000 units d) 400000 units 66 Determine total annual cost of energy consumed with respect to the high voltage supply systems. a. GH 45000 b) GH 35000 c) GH 25000 d) GH 15000 67 Determine the annual cost of maximum demand with respect to the low voltage supply systems. a. GH 18750 b) GH 17750 c) GH 16750 d) GH 15750 68 Determine the annual cost of energy consumed with respect to low voltage supply systems. a. GH 28700 b) GH 26400 c) GH 35450 d) GH 27500 69 Calculate the difference in annual charges of the two systems of supply.

a. GH 619

b) GH 1719

c) GH 719

d) GH 1619

1. A 3 phase line delivers 3600 kW at a p.f. 0.8 lagging to a load. If the sending end voltage is 33 kV determine: i) the receiving end voltage, VR. ii) the line current. iii) transmission efficiency. the resistance and reactance of each conductor is 5.31 and 5.54 respectively. 2 MW delivers 5000 kW at 22 kV at 0.8 p.f. lagging. The resistance and reactance of each conductor is 4 and 5 respectively.. Determine the sending end voltage of the transmission line 3 Using the nominal- method find the sending end voltage, VR, and transmission efficiency of a 250 km, 3 phase, 50 Hz transmission line delivering 25 MVA at 0.8 p.f. lagging to a balanced load at 132 kV. The parameters of the line are as follows: resistance = 0.11 km-1 per phase inductance = 1.24 mH km-1 capacitance = 0.0094 F km-1 4 A 275 kV 3 phase transmission line of length of 482 km is rated at 840 A. the values of resistance, inductance and susceptance per phase per km are 0.077 , 1.05 mH and 3.6 -1 respectively. The receiving end voltage is 275 kV when full load is transmitted at 0.85 p.f. lagging. Calculate the sending end voltage using: i) nominal n/w, ii) approximate long line equations and iii) the exact long line equations


Y 2

Y 2



The fuel input to two plants are given by F1= 0.015P12 +160P1+50 ; F2= 0.015P22 +160P2+30

The loss coefficient of the system are given by B11= 0.005 , B12=-0.0012 and B22 = 0.002. The load to be met is 200MW, determine the economic operating schedule and the corresponding cost of

generation, if i) the transmission line losses are coordinated ii) the losses are located but not coordinated.

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