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16 20 EKM 2009 BURSA, TRKYE Trkiye Mozaikleri ve Antik Dnemden Ortaa Dnyasna Dier Mozaiklerle Paralel Geliimi: Mozaiklerin Balangcndan Ge Bizans ana Kadar konogra, Stil ve Teknik zerine Sorular

OCTOBER 16TH 20TH, 2009, BURSA TURKEY Mosaics of Turkey and Parallel Developments in the Rest of the Ancient and Medieval World: Questions of Iconography, Style and Technique from the Beginnings of Mosaic until the Late Byzantine Era


Uluda niversitesi Yaynlar / Uluda University Press Uluda niversitesi Mozaik Aratrmalar Merkezi Yaynlar Serisi - 1 Uluda University Mosaic Research Center Series - 1 Sempozyum Bildirileri 3 / Symposium Papers 3

XI. ULUSLARARASI ANTK MOZAK SEMPOZYUMU 16 20 EKM 2009 BURSA, TRKYE Trkiye Mozaikleri ve Antik Dnemden Ortaa Dnyasna Dier Mozaiklerle Paralel Geliimi: Mozaiklerin Balangcndan Ge Bizans ana Kadar konogra, Stil ve Teknik zerine Sorular S 11TH INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM ON ANCIENT MOSAICS OCTOBER 16TH 20TH, 2009, BURSA TURKEY Mosaics of Turkey and Parallel Developments in the Rest of the Ancient and Medieval World: Questions of Iconography, Style and Technique from the Beginnings of Mosaic until the Late Byzantine Era
Editr / Edited by

Mustafa ahin

Copyright 2011, Ege Yaynlar ISBN 978-605-5607-81-4 Yaync Sertika No: 14641
Bask / Printed by

BLTUR Basm Yayn ve Hizmet A.. Dudullu Organize Sanayi Blgesi 1. Cadde No. 16 mraniye - stanbul/ Trkiye Tel: +90 (216) 444 44 03 Fax: +90 (216) 327 15 44 Sertifika No: 15690
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Trkiye Mozaikleri ve Antik Dnemden Ortaa Dnyasna Dier Mozaiklerle Paralel Geliimi: Mozaiklerin Balangcndan Ge Bizans ana Kadar konogra, Stil ve Teknik zerine Sorular

Mosaics of Turkey and Parallel Developments in the Rest of the Ancient and Medieval World: Questions of Iconography, Style and Technique from the Beginnings of Mosaic until the Late Byzantine Era
Editr / Edited by

Mustafa AHN

Uluda niversitesi / Uluda University Mozaik Aratrmalar Uygulama ve Aratrma Merkezi / Mosaic Research Center - AIEMA - TRKYE stanbul 2011


Bu kitap TBTAKn maddi destei ile baslmtr. This book was published by the nancial support of TUBITAK.

Bildiriler soyad srasna gre sralanmtr. Bu kitapta yaynlanan bildirilerdeki bilimsel ierik ve dil sorumluluu yazarlarna aittir. Kaynak gsterilerek alnt yaplabilir. The papers are arranged in an ordered of surname. The content and language responsibility are belong to the authors. If you show the source, you can be quoted. The quoted can be showed with source.

Organizasyon Komitesi / Organizing Committee Onursal Bakan / Honorary President Prof. Dr. Mete Cengiz Rector of Uludag University / Uluda niversitesi Rektr Onur Kurulu / Honorary Committee Erturul Gnay Kltr ve Turizm Bakan / Minister of Culture and Tourism ahabettin Harput Bursa Valisi / Governor of Bursa Recep Altepe Bursa Bykehir Belediye Bakan / Mayor of metropolitan municipality of Bursa Sempozyum Bakan / Symposium President Prof. Dr. Mustafa ahin Bakan Yardmcs / Vice President Dr. Derya ahin Sempozyum Sekreterleri / Symposium Secretaries Ali Altn - Baak Emir

Bilimsel Komite / Scientic Committee Prof. Dr. Mustafa ahin Prof. Dr. Henri Lavagne Prof. Dr. Catherine Balmelle Prof. Dr. David Parrish Prof. Dr. Werner Jobst Prof. Dr. Michael Fuchs Prof. Dr. Anne-Marie Guimier-Sorbets Prof. Dr. Demetrios Michaelide Prof. Dr. Giordana Trovabene Prof. Dr. Janine Balty Prof. Dr. Federico Guidobaldi Prof. Dr. Guadalupe Lopez Monteagudo Prof. Dr. Asher Ovadiah Do. Dr. Grcan Polat Do. Dr. . Hakan Mert Dr. Acha Ben-Abed Dr. Jean-Pierre Darmon Dr. Derya ahin Dr. Patricia Witts Miguel Pessoa Lokal Organizasyon Komitesi / Local Organizing Committee Prof. Dr. Zeren Tannd Prof. Dr. Seluk Krl Prof. Dr. smail Naci Cangl Ass. Prof.Hakan Mert Ass. Prof. Grcan Polat


Bilimsel Program / Scientic Programme ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ xiii Ksaltmalar / Abreviations ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... xix Giri ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... xxiii Foreword .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... xxv Komait Abdallah Mosaque dHracls dcouverte Homs (Syrie centrale) ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Maria Andaloro Paola Pogliani The 6th Century Mosaic Floor of the Church of Kk Tavan Adas (Bodrum). A Model for an Integrated Analysis between Knowledge, Conservation and Documentation .......................................................................................................................................... 15 Aye Aydn Das Fussbodenmosaik des Annexbaus in der Kuppelkirche in Kaunos. The Floor Mosaics at the Annex Building of the Domed Church ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 31 Paola Baldassarri Archaeological Excavations at Palazzo Valentini: A Residential Area in the Shade of the Trajans Forum .............. 43 Catherine Balmelle Acha Ben Abed-Ben Khader Fathi Bejaoui La Maison des Deux Lions Carthage .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 69 Claudia Barsanti The Marble Floor of St. John Studius in Constantinople: A Neglected Masterpiece ...................................................................................... 87 Acha Ben Abed & Roger Hanoune Les pavements mosaqus des Thermes loctagone de Pupput (Hammamet, Tunisie) .......................................................................... 99 Jess Bermejo Tirado The Social Construction of Gender Identities through the Ancient Mosaics from Antioch .............................................................. 107 Vronique Blanc-Bijon Fabienne Olmer avec la collaboration de Marie-Laure Courbouls Une nouvelle mosaque sur loppidum de lErmitage Als (Gard, France) ........................................................................................................ 121 Jos Mara Blzquez Mythology in Mosaics of Zeugma and Hispania. Similarities and Dierences ................................................................................................ 137 Roberto Bugini Luisa Folli Brunella Portulano Elisabetta Roa The Analytical Approach to the Roman Mosaics. A Case-Study in Northern Italy ................................................................................... 163

Marija Buzov

indekiler / Table of Contents

The Early Christian Mosaics with Inscription in Croatia ............................................................................................................................................................... 171 Javier Cabrero Piquero A New Hispano-Roman Mosaic with the Story of Meleager ........................................................................................................................................................ 193 Maria Teresa Caetano Ctia Mouro A Portrait of Book XII of the neid Mosaic from the House of the Medusa (Alter do Cho, Portugal) ....... 205 Birol Can Technical, Stylistic, Iconographic Evaluation and Dating of Mosaics of Altntepe Church ............................................................ 225 Margherita Carucci An Example of Visual Humour on a Romano-African Mosaic Putting Images in their Context ........................................... 235 John R. Clarke Lea Cline New Light on Mosaic Metrics: Research at Villa A. Torre Annunziata - Italy - 50 B.C. A.D. 79 ...................................... 247 Neil Cookson Orpheus: Some Metaphors in Mosaic .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 259 Violeta Cvetkovska Ocokoljic Jugoslav Ocokoljic Parallel Research Fresco Painting of Chora and Sopocani ............................................................................................................................................................. 269 Jean-Pierre Darmon Une nigme enn rsolue: la fausse Iphignie dAntioche tait une Alceste ........................................................................................................... 283 Carlos Tavares da Silva Joaquina Soares Licnia Nunes Correia Wrench Les premires mosaques romaines dcouvertes Caetobriga (Setbal, Portugal) .................................................................................... 295 Anne-Sophie Decriaud Les Saisons personnies sur les mosaques romaines tardives (IVe-VIe sicles) de la partie orientale du Bassin mditerranen (Turquie, Syrie Liban, Isral, Jordanie) ...................................................................................................................................... 309 Sophie Delbarre-Brtschi Les mosaques romaines en Suisse .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 333 Lorella Maria de Matteis The Mosaics of the Early Christian Basilicas on the Island of Kos ..................................................................................................................................... 339 Maria de Jesus Duran Kremer Les mosaques gomtriques de la villa romaine de Abicada: Leur rle dans le contexte des mosaques romaines de lAlgarve ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 353 Mercedes Durn Penedo Mosaicos con la iconograf a de Thetis, madre de Aquiles, en Turqua y en otros enclaves del Imperio ...................... 363 Andreas M. Foulias The Basilica of Agioi Saranta /Krklar Tekke in Cyprus and its Mosaics ................................................................................................................. 381 Zaraza Friedman Ships Depicted in the Madaba Map Mosaic ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 391

indekiler / Table of Contents


Michel E. Fuchs Sophie Delbarre-Brtschi Derecik, Bykorhan: Une glise pour deux mosaques .................................................................................................................................................................. 405 Alessandra Guiglia Guidobaldi The Marble Floor Decoration in Constantinople: Prolegomena to a Corpus ...................................................................................................... 413 Anne-Marie Guimier-Sorbets Les thmes dionysiaques sur les mosaques hellnistiques dAsie Mineure (Turquie) ............................................................................. 437 Bertrand Houix Vronique Blanc-Bijon Jean-Yves Breuil Jean-Pierre Darmon Pascale Linant de Bellefonds Mosaques thmes mythologiques rcemment dcouvertes sous lavenue Jean-Jaures Nimes (France) ............... 447 Il Rabia Iklkaya-Laubscher Mosaics in Perge. Preliminary Report on the Mosaics of the Macellum ..................................................................................................................... 467 Werner Jobst Das Mosaikpaviment der frhchristlichen Basilika von Gnen/Germe in Mysien (Hellespont) ............................................ 483 Lyudmila G. Khrushkova Opus Sectile Pavements in the Crimea and on the East Coast of the Black Sea ........................................................................................... 505 Ruth Kolarik Mosaics from Antioch: Chronological Implications for other Regions? ....................................................................................................................... 519 Emine Kker Antik a Mozaiklerinde At konograsi ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 531 Maja Kramer Signs of Progression in the Personications of the Seasons in Roman Mosaics: The Artistic Approach, Procedures and Tools Used by the Craftsmen to Relate the Viewer to the Experience of the Passing of Time ...... 547 Delphine Lauritzen Mosaques dOkanos et de Thalassa Zurich: Une proposition de mise en perspective .................................................................. 555 Filomena Limo The Vases Representation (Cantharus, Crater) on the Roman Mosaic in Portugal: A Signicant Formal and Iconographic Path from Classic Antiquity to Late Antiquity .................................................................... 565 Virglio Lopes Late Antiquity in Portugal. The Mosaics ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 585 Guadalupe Lpez Monteagudo Opora through East and West. Abundance Allegories in Mosaics of Spain and Turkey ..................................................................... 597 Irene Maas Romero New Interpretations of Roman Mosaics of Italica: Firmament Images ....................................................................................................................... 615 Luz Neira The Sea Thiasos of Nereids and Tritons in the Roman Mosaics of Turkey .............................................................................................................. 631 Marek Titien Olszewski The Orpheus Funerary Mosaic from Jerusalem in the Archaeological Museum at Istanbul ........................................................ 655

Marek Titien Olszewski Piotr Zakrzewski

indekiler / Table of Contents

The Decoration of the Dining Rooms at Ptolemais in Cyrenaica (Libya) in the Light of the Last Researches ....... 665 Elda Omari The History and Development of Mosaics in Albania (4th / 3rd Century B.C. 6th Century A.D.) ........................................ 675 Asher Ovadiah Conservative Approaches in the Ancient Synagogue Mosaic Pavements in Israel: The Cases of Ein Gedi and Sepphoris/Zippori ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 693 Ali Kazm z The Mosaics of Metropolis in Ionia .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 701 Muradiye ztakn Building with Mosaics of Olympos: Mosaics of Late Ancient Era Early Byzantine Period ........................................................ 709 David Parrish - Birte Poulsen Late Antique Tombs with Mosaics in Ancient Halikarnassos ................................................................................................................................................... 721 Bernard Parzysz Une grande famille de dcors gomtriques ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 735 Silvia Pedone The Marble Omphalos of Saint Sophia in Constantinople. An Analysis of an Opus Sectile Pavement of Middle Byzantine Age ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 749 Claudia Pelosi Ulderico Santamaria The 6th Century A.D. Floor Mosaic of the Church of Kk Tavan Adas (Bodrum). Characterization of the Constitutive Materials, Finding of the Quarries of Origin .................................................................................. 769 Miguel Pessoa Stibadium with a Mosaic in the Roman Villa of Rabaal, Penela, Portugal ........................................................................................................ 779 Vania Popova Alexander Lirsch Corpus of Late Antique and Early Christian Mosaics in Bulgaria .................................................................................................................................... 793 Manuel Romero Sebastin Vargas Mosaic Workshop Located in the Villa de la Estacin de Antequera, Mlaga (Espaa) ................................................................... 823 Idit Sagiv-Hayik The Hellenistic Mosaic of Dor Figural Image or Theatrical Mask? .............................................................................................................................. 829 Bar Salman Reection of Some Cults and Rituels on Mosaics and Reliefs in Osroene and Other Syrian Cultures ............................ 843 M. Pilar San Nicols Pedraz On a Mosaic from Mlaga with the Depiction of Zeus/Jupiter and Antiope ...................................................................................................... 853 Derya ahin Myndos Mosaics ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 865 Y. Seluk ener Mozaiklerin Korunmasnda Temel Kriterler ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 873

indekiler / Table of Contents


Alessandro Taddei Remarks on the Decorative Wall-mosaics of Saint Eirene at Constantinople .................................................................................................... 883 Giordana Trovabene Knots of Lines, like Weaves of Threads: A Corpus of Early Medieval Mosaics in Veneto .............................................................. 897 Fsun Tlek The Bejewelled Lady of Sinope ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 921 Julia Valeva Une riche domus de Stara Zagora (Augusta Trajana-Beroe): Publication prliminaire ................................................................... 927 Zeev Weiss Mosaic Art in Ancient Sepphoris: Between East and West ........................................................................................................................................................... 941 Patricia Witts Mosaic Studies and Souvenirs ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 953 ehrigl Yeil-Erdek Display of Ancient Mosaics: Tourism as an Inuential Factor Steering the Decision Making Process ........................... 963 Diklah Zohar Application Procedures of Mosaics and the Division of Production Work: Examples from Madaba, Beth Alpha and Antioch ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 969 Hande Kkten A Step Forward in the Mosaic Corpus of Turkey: Condition Survey of Mosaics ............................................................................................ 975 Hande Kkten Preventive Conservation of Mosaics as a Management Activity of Archaeological Sites



16 October 2009 Friday

09:00 - 10:40 Opening Ceremony / RDEKL COMPLEX HALL A Panel 1 Moderator: David Parrish La Fausse Iphignie Dantioche : Une nigme Enfin Rsolue Jean - Pierre Darmon HALL B Panel 2 Moderator: Werner Jobst Les Personnifications Des Saisons Sur Les Mosaques Tardives (ive-vie Sicles) De La Partie Orientale Du Bassin Mditerranen (Turquie, Syrie, Jordanie, Palestine) Anne-Sophie Dcriaud Intrecci di linee, come trame di fili. Per un corpus dei mosaici altomedievali del Veneto. Giordana Trovabene

10:40 - 11:00

11:00 - 11:20 11:20 - 11:45 11:45 - 12:15 12:15 - 12:35

DISCUSSION COFFEE BREAK HALL A Panel 3 Moderator: Jean - Pierre Darmon Reflection of Cults and Rituels on Mosaics and Reliefs in Osroene and Other Syrian Cultures Bar Salman

HALL B Panel 4 Moderator: Anne-Marie Guimier-Sorbets Aspects Of Euergetism And Socio Economic Forces In Byzantine And Early Islamic Mosaics In Jordan Basema Hamarneh

12:35 - 12:55

Mosaic Decoration in Civic Context: Late antique Les Pavements des Thermes ; octogone De Pupput pavements from Perge Acha Ben Abed - Roger Hanoune Il R. Iklkaya Derecik, Bykorhan : Une glise pour deux mosaques Michel E. Fuchs Sophie Delbarre-Brtschi DISCUSSION LUNCH HALL A Panel 5 Moderator: Jean - Pierre Darmon The VI th century floor mosaic of the church of Kk Tavan Adas (Bodrum) Maria Andaloro - Paola Pogliani The Basilica Of Agioi Saranta/kirklar Tekke In Cyprus And Its Mosaics Andreas Foulias HALL B Panel 6 Moderator: Acha Ben Abed Erzincan - Altntepe Kilise Mozaikleri Birol Can Dionysos et la mer : les mosaques lpoque hellnistique et au dbut de lpoque impriale. Anne-Marie Guimier-Sorbets Bursa Mozaikleri Recep Oku

12:55 - 13:15 13:15 - 13:30 13:30 - 15:00 15:00 - 15:20

15:20 - 15:40

15:40 - 16:00

Bilimsel Program / Scientific Programme

Early Byzantine Mosaics With Personifications From Turkey And Syria Christine Kondoleon Corpus Of Late Antique And Early Christian Mosaics In Bulgaria Alexander Lirsch DISCUSSION COFFEE BREAK HALL A Panel 7 Moderator: Maria Andaloro Pompeiopolis ( Takpr ) Luisa Musso La maison des deux lions Carthage Acha Ben-Abed Ben Khader - Catherine Balmelle DISCUSSION DINNER Mevlevi Presentation

El Mosaico Pavimental De La Baslica De Lilla Del Rei Gisela Ripoll, Catalina Mas, Miguel ngel Cau Mosaics In Antioch: A Morphological Observation Diklah Zohar

16:00 - 16:20 16:20 - 16:30 16:30 - 16:40 16:40 - 17:00

HALL B Panel 8 Moderator: Birol Can La Produzione Pavimentale Pugliese Tra Tardoantico E Medioevo: Evoluzione Tecnica E Stilistica Carrino Rachele Putting In Context Two Mosaics Of Okeanos And Thalassa Delphine Renaut

17:00 - 17:20 17:20 - 17:40 17:40 - 18:00 19:00 - 22:00

17 October 2009 Saturday

HALL A Panel 9 Moderator: Luisa Musso New Mosaics at the Colonia Patricia Corduba Francesc Josep de Rueda Roig HALL B Panel 10 Moderator: Asuman Baldran Parallel Research Fresco Painting Of Chora And Sopocani Violeta C. Ocokoljic Jugoslav Ocokoljic Mosaique funraire dOrphe de Jerusalem au Muse Archologique dIstanbul. Complment denqute Marek Titien Olszewski Mosaics from Antioch: Chronological Implications for Other Regions Ruth Kolarik The Marble Floor Decoration in Constantinople: Prolegomen to a Corpus Alessandra Guiglia

09:00 - 09:20

09:20 - 09:40

Sailing in the Dead Sea - Madaba Map Mosaic Zaraza Friedman Literary References on Three Roman Mosaic Panels Sarah E. Cox I Mosaici delle Basiliche Paleocristiane dellisola di Cos Lorella Maria De Matteis DISCUSSION COFFEE BREAK HALL A Panel 11 Moderator: Derya ahin Conservative Approaches In The Synagogue Mosaic Pavements In Israel: The Cases Of ein Gedi And Sepphoris / Zippori Asher Ovadiah

09:40 - 10:00

10:00 - 10:20 10:20 - 10:30 10:30 - 10:40

HALL B Panel 12 Moderator: Zaraza Friedman Theatre and Art: Mosaics as Evidence for Dramatic Performance? Katherine Dunbabin

10:40 - 11:00

Bilimsel Program / Scientific Programme


11:00 - 10:20 11:20 - 11:45 11:45 - 12:15 12:15 - 12:35

Late Antique Tombs With Mosaics In Ancient Halikarnassos David Parrish - Birte Poulsen DISCUSSION COFFEE BREAK HALL A Panel 13 Moderator: Birte Poulsen The Mosaic Pavement of the Early Christian Basilica At Gnen/Germe In Mysia Hellespont Werner Jobst The Vith Century Floor Mosaic Of The Church Of Kk Tavan Adas (Bodrum) Ulderico Santamaria - Claudia Pelosi Torba Manastr Kompleksi Mozaikleri M. Aykut zet Sardisteki Ge Roma-Erken Bizans Dnemi Mozaikleri Emine Tok DISCUSSION DERECK ( BYKORHAN ) TOUR DISENGAGED DINNER

A Propos Des Opus Sectile Dcouverts Dans La Maison Du Cours Pourtoules (orange-vaucluse) Eric Morvillez

HALL B Panel 14 Moderator: Asher Ovadiah Oriental motifs and patterns in the mosaic art of Tarragona Rosario Navarro The Marble Omphalos Of The St Sophia Of Constantinople: Analysis Of An Opus Sectile Pavement Of The Middle Byzantine Period Silvia Pedone The Marble Floor Of St. John Studius In Constantinople: A Forgotten Masterpiece Claudia Barsanti Mylasa Mozaikleri Abuzer Kzl

12:35 - 12:55

12:55 - 13:15

13:15 - 13:30 13:30 - 13:45 14:00 - 22:00

18 October 2009 Sunday

09:00 - 09:20 HALL A Panel 15 Moderator: Hakan Mert Basic Criteria for the Preservation of Mosaics : A Guide for Archaeologists I Seluk ener Preventive Conservation of Mosaics as a Management Activity of Archaeological Sites: A Guide for Archaeologists II Hande Kkten Display of Ancient Mosaics n Situ: Tourism as an Influential Factor Steering the Decision Making Process ehrigl Yeil Erdek A Step Forward in the Mosaic Corpus of Turkey: Condition Survey of Mosaics Hande Kkten DISCUSSION IZNIK (NICEA) TOUR DISENGAGED DINNER HALL B Panel 16 Moderator: Michel E. Fuchs Mosaic Art in Ancient Sepphoris: Between East and West Zeev Weiss Une Grande Famille de Dcors Gomtriques Bernard Parzysz

09:20 - 09:40

09:40 - 10:00

Mosaicos Mitolgicos de Zeugma Y de Hispania Jos Mara Blzquez Remarks on the Decorative Wall-mosaics of Saint Eirene at Constantinople Alessandro Taddei

10:00 - 10:20 10:20 - 10:30 10:30 - 22:00

19 October 2009 Monday

Bilimsel Program / Scientific Programme

HALL B Panel 18 Moderator: Veronika Scheibelreiter Une Nouvelle Mosaque sur loppidum dAls (Gard, France) Vronique Blanc- Bijon Fabienne Olmer The Latest Archaeological Discoveries about the Mediana Mosaics Gordana Jeremic

Panel 17 Moderator: Jos Mara Blzquez Signs of the Progression of Time in Roman Mosaic Art Maja Kramer Antika Mozaiklerinde At Ikonografisi Emine Kker

09:00 - 09:20

09:20 - 09:40

09:40 - 10:00 10:00 - 10:20 10:20 - 10:30 10:30 - 10:40 10:40 - 11:00

New Light on Mosaic Metrics: Research at Villa A, Architekturdarstellungen auf rmischen Mosaiken Torre Annunziata, Italy Kleinasien John R. Clarke - Lea Cline Hakan Mert Late Antiquity Mosaics in Portugal Virgilio Lopez DISCUSSION COFFEE BREAK HALL A Panel 19 Moderator: Seluk ener Opus Sectile Pavements From Western Asia Minor Veronika Scheibelreiter Indagini Archeologiche A Palazzo Valentini:un Quartiere Residenziale Ai Margini Del Foro Traiano Paola Baldassarri DISCUSSION COFFEE BREAK HALL A Panel 21 Moderator: Hande Kkten Mosaic Studies And Souvenirs: Leaving no Stone Unturned Patricia Witts Notice: Mosaic of the House of Medusa (portugal, Alter do Cho) Maria Teresa Caetano Zeugma Danae Evinin Mozaikleri Mehmet nal LUNCH AIEMA MEETING DISENGAGED DINNER HALL B Panel 22 Moderator: Licnia Wrench The Mosaic of Leukippe and Theonoe in the Kointos Villa in Zeugma Paolo Vitellozzi Metropolis Mozaikleri Ali Kazm z Mosaicos Con la Iconografia de Thethis,madre de Aquiles, en Turquia Y en Otros Enclaves del Imperio Romano Mercedes Duran Penedo HALL B Panel 20 Moderator: Patricia Witts The First Roman Mosaics Discovered in Cetobriga Carlos Tavares da Silva - Joaquina Soares Licnia Wrench Olympos Mozaikli Yap Ge Antik a - Erken Bizans Dnemi Mozaiklerinin Teknik ve Stil Deerlendirmesi Muradiye ztakn Orpheus: Some Metaphors in Mosaic Neil Cookson

11:00 - 10:20 11:20 - 11:45 11:45 - 12:15 12:15 - 12:35

12:35 - 12:55

12:55 - 13:15 13:15 - 13:30 13:30 - 15:30

Bilimsel Program / Scientific Programme


20 October 2009 Tuesday

HALL A Panel 23 Moderator: Mehmet Onal De Que Hablamos Cuando Hablamos de Talleres 09:00 - 09:20 Musivos Tardios en Hispania? Mercedes Torres Carro 09:20 - 09:40 09:40 - 10:00 10:00 - 10:20 A new reading of the Dor mosaic Idit Sagiv-Hayik Konya Tatky ve Alibeyky Hy Mozaikleri Asuman Baldran- Osman Doanay HALL B Panel 24 Moderator: Paolo Vitellozzi The Bejewelled Lady of Sinope Fsun Tlek Milli Azerbaycan Tarihi Mzesinde Hristyan Abideleri Fariz Halilli Salamis Kenti Opus Sectile Taban Demeleri Ayta Cokun

Non-Destructive Investigations on Mosaic of the Il Mosaico di Metiochos E Parthenope da Zeugma Church of the Three Hierarchs Lucia Romizzi - Andrea Carini M. Geba - N. Vornicu - C. Bibire

10:20 - 10:30 DISCUSSION 10:30 - 10:40 COFFEE BREAK HALL A Panel 25 Moderator: Il R. Iklkaya Late Antique Private Luxury. The Mosaic Floors Of The Urban Mansion Of Sagalassos (alasun, Burdur) Inge Uytterhoeven - Hande Kkten - Marc Waelkens - Markku Corremans The Early Christian Mosaics with the Inscriptions in Croatia Marija Buzov HALL B Panel 26 Moderator: Luz Neira The Role of Late Antique Art in Early Christian Worship: A Reconsideration of the Iconography of The starry Sky in Mosaics of the Late 5th Early 6th C. A.d Ellen Swift - Anne Alwis La Construccin de las identidades de gnero a travs de los mosaicos antioquenos Jess Bermejo Tirado

10:40 - 11:00

11:00 - 10:20

11:20 - 11:45 DISCUSSION 11:45 - 12:15 COFFEE BREAK 12:15 - 12:35 HALL A Panel 27 Moderator: Marija Buzov Kaunos, Kubbeli Kilise Ek Yapsndaki Taban Mozaii Aye Aydn The Analytical Approach to the Roman Mosaics Bugini Roberto Folli Luisa Portulano Brunella Roffia Elisabetta Les mosaques gomtriques de la villa romaine de Abicada : Leur rle dans le contexte des mosaques romaines de Algarve Maria De Jesus Duran Kremer HALL B Panel 28 Moderator: Maja Kramer El Thiasos Marino en los Mosaicos Romanos de Turqua Luz Neira A stibadium with a mosaic in the Roman Villa of Rabaal, Penela, Portugal Miguel Pessoa Mosaques mythologiques de Zeugma: Originalit et Liens iconographiques avec la peinture pompienne et les mosaques italiques et africains du I-II sicle Lucia Romizzi

12:35 - 12:55

12:55 - 13:15

13:15 - 13:30 DISCUSSION 13:30 - 15:00 LUNCH


Bilimsel Program / Scientific Programme

HALL B Panel 30 Moderator: Miguel Pessoa The Rape of Hylas and the Spectacles of the Amphitheatre on a Floor Mosaic from Volubilis (Morocco) Margherita Carucci Myndos Mosaics Derya ahin A Late Antique Residence in Augusta Traiana, Province of Thrace Julia Valeva New Interpretations of Roman Mosaics of Italica: Firmament Images Irene Maas Romero

Panel 29 Moderator: Maria Kremer The Vases Representation (cantharus, Crater) on the Roman Mosaic in Portugal: A Significant Formal and Iconographic Path from Classic Antiquity to Late Antiquity. Filomena Limo The Herakles mosaic discovered in Homs (Syria) Komait Abdallah Les Mosaques Thme Mythologique Rcemment Dcouvertes Nmes Jean-yves Breuil Floor mosaics from a Roman villa in Nin Jagoda Meder DISCUSSION FREE TIME - BURSA -

15:00 - 15:20

15:20 - 15:40 15:40 - 16:00

16:00 - 16:20 16:20 - 16:30 16:30

AA Abulg Acontia ActaInstRomFin AEspA AISCOM AJA AJug AM AMethTh *AMS AnatoliaA *ANRW AnSt AntAfr AntigCr AntK AntTard APregl AquilNost ArchCl Archeologia ArtB ASSAPH AST Atiqot AttiMemIstria AW BAA BABesch BAcHist Baetica BAR BASOR BCH BCom Archaeologischer Anzeiger Archaeologia Bulgarica Acontia. Revista de arqueologa Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae Archivo espaol de arqueologa LAssociazione Italiana per lo Studio e la Conservazione del Mosaico American Journal of Archaelology Archaeologia Jugoslavica Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archologischen Instituts, Athenische Abteilung Advances in Archaeological Method and Theory Asia Minor Studien Anatolia Antiqua Aufstieg und Niedergang der rmischen Welt Anatolian Studies Antiquits africaines Antigedad y Cristianismo. Monografas histricas sobre la antigedad tarda Antike Kunst Antiquit tardive. Revue internationale dhistoire et darchologie Arheoloki pregled. Arheoloko drutvo Jugoslavije Aquileia nostra. Bollettino dellAssociazione nazionale per Aquileia Archeologia classica Archaeologia or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity Published by the Society of Antiquaries of London The Art Bulletin Assaph. Studies in Art History Aratrma Sonular Toplants Atiqot. Journal of the Israel Department of Antiquities Atti e memorie della Societ istriana di archeologia e storia patria Antike Welt. Zeitschrift fr Archologie und Kulturgeschichte Bulletin darcheologie algerienne. Bulletin antieke beschaving. Annual Papers on Classical Archaeology Boletn de la Real academia de la historia Baetica. Estudios de arte, geografa e historia British Archaeological Reports. British Series Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research Bulletin de correspondance hellnique Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica Comunale di Roma


Ksaltmalar / Abbreviations

Bulletin archologique du Comit des travaux historiques et scientifiques, Paris Bibliothque des Ecoles franaises dAthnes et de Rome Belleten. Trk Tarih Kurumu Bonner Jahrbcher des Rheinischen Landesmuseums in Bonn The British Museum Quarterly Bulletin du Muse de Beyrouth Boreas. Mnstersche Beitrge zur Archologie The British school of Archaeology at Athens Boletin del Seminario de estudios de arte y arqueologia. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies Babylonian Talmud Bulletin de lAssociation internationale pour letude de la mosaique antique. Bulletin du Muse de Beyrouth. Byzantinische Zeitschrift Cahiers archologiques CEDAC. Bulletin. Centre dtudes et de documentation archologique de la conservation de Cartage Collection de lcole franaise de Rome Chiron. Mitteilungen der Kommission fr Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik des Deutschen Archologischen Instituts Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum The Classical Journal Convegni di studi sulla Magna Grecia La Mosaque grco-romiane I, H. STERN - G. Ch. PICARD (eds.), Paris, 1965 (Actes du Ier colloque international pour ltude de la mosaque antique, Paris, 30 aot-3 septembre 1963). La Mosaque grco-romiane II, H. STERN - M. LE GAY (eds.), Paris, 1975 (Actes du IIe colloque international pour ltude de la mosaque antique, Vienne-Isre, 30 aot-4 septembre 1971). III Colloquio internazionale sul mosaico antico, R. FARIOLI CAMPANATI (d.), Ravenna, 1983 (Actes du IIIe colloque international pour ltude de la mosaque antique, Ravenna, 6-10 septembre 1980). La Mosaque grco-romiane IV, J.-P. DARMON - A. REBOURG (eds.), Paris, 1994 (Actes du IVe colloque international pour ltude de la mosaque antique, Trves/Trier, 8-14 aot 1984). Fifth Interneational Colloquium on Ancient Mosaics, 1 - 2, P. Johnson, R. Ling, D. J. Smith (eds.), Ann Arbor, M1, 1994 and 1995 (Actes du Ve colloque international pour ltude de la mosaque, antique, Bath 5-12 septembre 1987) (JRA, supp.9) VI Colloquio internacional sobre mosaico antiquo, Palencia-Mrida. Octubre 1990. D.Fernandez GALIANO (ed.), Guadalajara. 1994 (Actes du VIe colloque international pour ltude de la mosaque, antique, Palencia-Mrida, octobre 1990) La Mosaque grco-romiane VII, M. ENNAIFER - A. REBOURG (eds.), Tunis, 1999 (Actes du VIIe colloque international pour ltude de la mosaque, antique, Tunis 3-7 octobre 1994). La Mosaque grco-romiane VIII, D. PAUNNIER - Chr. SCHMIDT (eds.), Lausanne, 2001 (Actes du VIIIe colloque international pour ltude de la mosaque antique et mdivale, Lausanne, 6-11 octobre 1997) Cahiers dArchologie Romande, 85-86.

Ksaltmalar / Abbreviations



La Mosaque grco-romaine IX, Hlne MORLIER (d.), Rome, 2005 (Actes du IXe colloque international pour ltude de la mosaque antique et mdivale, Rome, cole franaise/ Palazzo Altemps, 5 10 novembre 2001) (Coll.EFR, 352) (2 vol.). La Mosaque grco-romaine X (in Publised) XI. ULUSLARARASI ANTK MOZAK SEMPOZYUMU: Trkiye Mozaikleri ve Antik Dnemden Ortaa Dnyasna Dier Mozaiklerle Paralel Geliimi: Mozaiklerin Balangcndan Ge Bizans ana Kadar konografi, Stil ve Teknik zerine Sorular. 11TH INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM ON ANCIENT MOSAICS: Mosaics of Turkey and Parallel Developments in the Rest of the Ancient and Medieval World: Questions of Iconography, Style and Technique from the Beginnings of Mosaic until the Late Byzantine Era, Mustafa AHN (Ed.), Bursa 2009 (stanbul 2011). Der Neue Pauly. Enzyklopdie der Antike Dumbarton Oaks Papers Empries. Revista de prehistria, arqueologia i etnologia Etudes prliminaires aux religions orientales dans lempire romain Excavations and Surveys in Israel Expedition. The Magazine of Archaeology, Anthropology Forschungen in Ephesos Forschungen in Salona I, sterreichischen Archologischen Institute Gallia. Fouilles et monuments archologiques en France metropolitaine Habis. Universidad de Sevilla. Arqueologa, filologa clsica Historia. Zeitschrift fr Alte Geschichte Histria antiqua. Casopis MeunarodnogIstraivakog Centra za Arheologiju. Journal of the International Research Centre for Archeology Israel Exploration Journal International Journal of Nautical Archaeology Iliria. Revist arkeologjike Paul Gauckler, Inventaire des mosaques de la Gaule et de lAfrique, tome II, Afrique Proconsulaire (Tunisie), Paris, 1910. Supplment: Alfred Merlin, Paris, 1915. Istanbuler Forschungen Istanbuler Mitteilungen Inschriften griechischer Stdte aus Kleinasien Journal of the American Oriental Society Journal of Ancient Topography - Rivista di topografia antica. Jahrbuch fr Antike und Christentum Jahrbuch der sterreichischen Byzantinistik Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archologischen Instituts The Journal of Hellenic Studies Journal of Mosaic Research Jahreshefte des sterreichischen Archologischen Institutes in Wien. Jahrbuch der sterreichischen Byzantinistik Journal of Roman Archaeology The Journal of Roman Studies Journal of Semitic Studies Klio. Beitrge zur alten Geschichte K. Studi pubblicati dallIstituto di storia antica dellUniversit di Palermo Kaz Sonular Toplants

DNP DOP Empries *EPRO ExcIsr Expedition *FiE Forschungen I -III Gallia Habis Historia HistriaAnt IEJ IJNA Iliria IMT *IstForsch IstMitt. IvE JAOS JAT JbAC JbByz JdI JHS JMR JAI JB JRA JRS JSS Klio Kokalos KST

LA Latomus Le Dcor I

Ksaltmalar / Abbreviations

Liber Annuus, Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, Jrusalem. Latomus. Revue dtudes latines C. BALMELLE, M. BLANCHARD-LEMEE, J. CHRISTOPHE, J.-P. DARMON, A.-M. GUIMIER-SORBETS, H. LAVAGNE, R. PRUDHOMME, H. STERN, Le dcor gomtrique de la Mosaque Romaine I. Rpertoire graphique et descriptif des compositions linaires et isotropes, Paris, 1985. C. BALMELLE, M. BLANCHARD-LEMEE, J.-P. DARMON, S. GOZLAN, M.-P. RAYNAUD, Le dcor gomtrique de la Mosaque Romaine II. Rpertoire graphique et descriptif des dcors centrs, Paris, 2002. Lexikon iconographicum mythologiae classicae Lexikon der gyptologie Reallexikon fr Antike und Christentum Reallexikon zur Byzantinischen Kunst Paulys Realencyclopdie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft Mainake. Estudios de arqueologa Malaguea Melanges de lEcole franaise de Rome. Mlanges de lEcole franaise de Rome. Antiquit Mlanges de lcole Franaise de Rome. Moyen Age Mitteilungen zur christlichen Archologie Mze Kurtarma Kazlar Sempozyumu Madrider Mitteilungen Le Muson. Revue dtudes orientales Jahreshefte des sterreichischen Archologischen Institutes in Wien Skrifter utgivna av Svenska institutet i Rom. Opuscula archaeologica Palestine Exploration Quarterly Peristil. Zbornik radova za povijest umjetnosti Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine Revue archologique Rivista di archeologia cristiana Revue biblique Reallexikon zur Byzantinischen Kunst. Begrndet von K. Wessel und M. Restle. Herausgegeben von M. Restle (Stuttgart) Royal Commission on Historical Monuments (England) Revue historique vaudoise Peter Johnson - Roger Ling - David J.Smith (ed.), Fifth International Colloquium on Ancient Mosaics, held at Bath, England, on September 5 12, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1994 et 1995 (Actes du Ve colloque international pour ltude de la mosaque antique) (JRA Supplementary Series, 9) (2vol.). CatherineBalmelle, AchaBenAbed-BenKhader, SadaBenMansour, WassilaBenOsman, Jean-Pierre Darmon, Mongi Ennafer, Suzanne Gozlan, Nabiha Jeddi, Hedi Slim, dessins Richard Prudhomme, Marie-Pat Raynaud, Recherches franco-tunisiennes sur la mosaque de lAfrique antique, II, Trames gomtriques vgtalises, Rome, 2001 (Coll. EFR, 288). Traditio. Studies in Ancient and Medieval History, Thought and Religion Trk Arkeoloji Dergisi Die Welt des Orients Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palstina-Vereins




Mainake MEFR MEFRA MEFRM MitChrA MKKS MM Muson Jh OpArch PEQ Peristil PriloziZagreb QDAP RA RACr RB RBK RCHM RHVaud Stud.Misc


Traditio TrkAD WO ZDPV


Mosaic Art in Ancient Sepphoris: Between East and West

Many mosaics dating from the third to the fth centuries CE were discovered in both public and private buildings in Sepphoris. The most important ones portray rich and varied iconographic depictions while others exhibit geometric designs, some of noticeably high quality. These mosaics contribute signicantly to our understanding of the development of mosaic art in ancient Palestine and suggest that Sepphoris, like many other Mediterranean cities, may have had its own local artisans. The paper presents several mosaics known to date from Roman and early Byzantine Sepphoris, and address the question of whether and to what degree the Antiochene tradition was inuential in shaping mosaic art in the Galilean city of Sepphoris. Through an iconographical and stylistic analysis of these mosaics, it is argued that the mosaics from Sepphoris should not necessarily be associated solely with the Antiochene tradition. Rather, they seem to point to a more complex trend that incorporates traditions from the East and the Westfrom Antioch and North Africa. It is believed that the artists of the Sepphoris mosaic were fed by a number of dierent sources and, in fact, created artistic expressions that may not have been wholly dependent on any single workshop. Keywords: Sepphoris, Antiochene tradition, emblemata, Dionysiac scenes, drinking contest, Nilotic mosaics

The study of ancient mosaics, by its very nature, forces the art historian to grapple with various aspects of this medium, which undoubtedly also caught the eye of many in antiquity. An iconographic and stylistic analysis of each and every mosaic provides important information regarding the date of a composition, the proposedmeaning of each image, as well its cultural impact, but, in addition, at times prompts to a search for the sources of influence and cultural connections that may have helped in shaping a certain mosaic, be it in the private or public sphere. The scholar sometimes compares a mosaic to the finds in its immediate surroundings, but also to those from the city and suburbs of Antioch, where many mosaics were unearthed primarily in private houses of the early 2nd to mid-6th

centuries C.E.1 The Antiochene workshop undoubtedly served as a source of inspiration for the mosaicist in the Roman-Byzantine East, including Palestine, however we do not know if it had an absolute, unequivocal, and direct impact or if there were any other sources, not

* Head, Institute of Archaeology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem 91905, Israel. E-mail: 1 Levi (1947) is still the most vital and comprehensive study conducted on the Antiochene mosaics, although several studies have been published since then, providing additional information, new images, and further developments regarding various aspects connected with these nds; see Campbell 1988; Kondoleon 2000; Becker - Kondoleon 2005; Cimok 1999; Huskinson 2004: 134-152.


Zeev Weiss

necessarily from Antioch, that played a role in shaping ancient Palestinian mosaic art.2 This paper will focus on Sepphoris, where over 70 mosaics dating from the 3rd to 6th centuries C.E. were discovered in recent years in both public and private buildings.3 The most distinctive ones portray rich and varied iconographic depictions while others exhibit geometric designs, some of noticeably high quality. Sepphoris, like many other Mediterranean cities, may have had its own local artisans, yet the question arises whether the number of mosaics, their quality, and diversity were derived from or inuenced by the major mosaic centers in the Roman East, especially Antioch, or if there was any artistic connection between the city and these centers. The limited scope of this paper will focus, perforce, on the mosaic pavements from three buildings in Sepphoristhe House of Dionysos, the 3rd-century C.E. public building north of the decumanus, and the early 5th-century C.E. Nile Festival Building. An illustration of just a few examples from each site will demonstrate the heterogeneity of the data and oer some preliminary observations regarding the relationship between center and periphery. An analysis of the mosaics in the three buildings will shed light on the nature and signicance of these mosaics and allow one to consider the possible sources of inuence on their design. It should be borne in mind that the artistic remains are representative of these three buildings alone, and that only an examination of the broader assemblage of mosaics in the city
2 Dothan (1983: 45, 52) considers the mosaics of Antioch to be a major source of comparison and inspiration for the Hammat Tiberias synagogue, which is dated to the 4th century C.E. Ovadiah (1987: 158) adopts Dothans conclusions and elaborates: A mosaic artist or artists may have been brought from Antioch to Hammath-Tiberias, to be assisted on the spot by local artists. Talgam (1988: 124-125) also compares the Hammat Tiberias pavement with the Antiochene mosaics, though her conclusions regarding the scope of inuence are less radical. 3 For a description of the mosaics from Sepphoris, see Roussin 1996: 123-125; Weiss - Netzer 1997: 2-21; Weiss 2003: 94-101; Talgam - Weiss 2004: 47-123; Weiss 2005. A comparative analysis of several mosaics found in a number of buildings througout the site suggests that a local workshop was active in 5th-century Sepphoris and also may have been responsible for the production of mosaics elsewhere, outside the city; see Weiss 2009a: 88-99.

will permit drawing the preliminary conclusions proposed in this paper with a fair degree of certainty.

The House of Dionysos, constructed around 200 C.E., contained a series of rooms decorated with colorful mosaics, but only the triclinium located north of the peristyle courtyard had a gurative mosaic; all the others featured geometric designs. (Talgam - Weiss 2004: 17-33)4 The colorful mosaic in the triclinium covered almost the entire oor and was designed as a rectangular carpet measuring 9 x 7 m (Fig. 1). The T-shape of the decorated part was a common arrangement in mosaics adorning triclinia at other sites in the Roman world, including Antioch. The central carpet contains fteen panels depicting various scenes from the life of Dionysos and his cult. (Talgam - Weiss 2004: 47-106)5 Its arrangement of quasi-emblemata, wherein each image was conceived as an independent frame to be viewed from the mosaics perimeter, also follows patterns known elsewhere in Roman Palestine, Syria, and Antioch. (Dunbabin 1991: 121-148)6 Among the Sepphorean mosaics, the Dionysiac pavement exhibits the most anity to the Antiochene traditionin compositional conception, style, and iconographic models. The mythological themes, naturalistically rendered gures, and emblematic compositions reect an adherence to the Hellenistic tradition that found expression in Antioch. Two examples will suce to illustrate my argumentone relates to composition and the other to iconography. The decorative layout of the quasi-emblemata facing four dierent directions had already made its appearance in the 2nd-century C.E. mosaic of the House of the Red Pavement in Antioch, (Levi 1947: I, 68-86 g. 28) where eight frames,
4 For a possible identication of the owner, see ibid., 127-131; Weiss 2001: 7-26. 5 Dionysiac themes appear in a wide-range of examples in the imperial period, although, according to Dunbabin, their appeal was still strong among the Christians in the 4th and 5th centuries C.E.; see Dunbabin 2008: 193-224. 6 For further examples, see Levi 1947: I, 15-25, 9199, 119-126, 200-201; Michaelides 1987: 16-17; Kondoleon 1995: 231-269; Lavin 1963: 215, 225-229.

The House of Dionysos

Mosaic Art in Ancient Sepphoris: Between East and West


Fig. 1 Sepphoris, general view of the mosaic carpet decorating the triclinium in the House of Dionysos, with 15 panels facing four different directions. Photo by Z. Radovan.

or quasi-emblemata, surrounded one large central panel. This arrangement obliges the viewer to change his position while moving from one picture to the next. Each quasi-emblema constitutes an independent unit that is complemented by the others. The central panel in the Dionysiac mosaic portrays a drinking contest between Dionysos and Heracles (Fig. 2). (Talgam - Weiss 2004: 48-51) The iconographic details in this scene nd close parallels in the mosaics from the Atrium House and the House of the Drinking Contest in Antioch (Fig. 3). (Levi 1947: I, 21-24, 156-159) In all three, the god, with a naked upper torso, is shown leaning backwards, to the left. The robe covering his loins is wound around his left forearm, on

which he leans, while his raised right hand holds an empty drinking vessel. The mosaics in the Atrium House and the House of Dionysos exhibit yet another common feature: in both, the wine cup held by Dionysos is inverted. Herakles kneels to the left of Dionysos, his robe has slipped down to reveal his genitalia, and his right hand raises a wine cup to his mouth. His club leans diagonally against the couch on which he reclines. To the left of Herakles is a maenad playing a musical instrument, and to the right of Dionysos in the Atrium House mosaic an old satyr, naked from the waist up, stands facing the god. In view of the dierences with regard to the other gures participatinginthe event and the absence in the Sepphoris mosaic of the symposium vessels that


Zeev Weiss

Fig. 2 Sepphoris, the central panel of the mosaic depicting the drinking contest between Dionysos and Herakles. Photo by G. Laron.

The Roman Public Building North of the Decumanus

Fig. 3 Antioch, the drinking contest in the Atrium House in Antioch. After Levi 1947: II, pl. Ia.

appear in front of the gures in the Antioch mosaics, it is dicult to point to a closer relationship. Nevertheless, the similarities between the depictions of the principal gures in the abovementioned three mosaic oors is surprising in light of the limited distribution of the scene and the fact that there does not seem to be any obvious connection between them.

The second mosaic appears in the Roman public building north of the decumanus in Lower Sepphoris. This building, excavated by the University of South Florida, was decorated at about the same time as the House of Dionysos, in the Severan era. It contains colorful mosaics with a luxurious acanthus scroll, a Nilotic landscape, and geometric designs, (Strange 1996: 117-121; 1999: 122128; Roussin 1996: 123-125) but they vary in their appearance, composition, and style; their source of inuence, compared to the Dionysiac building, is a bit more complex. The mosaic unearthed at the southern end of the building, includes an elaborate acanthus scroll. (Roussin 1994: 221-230)7 Roussin suggests that this mosaic was executed by the same workshop that made the Dionysiac mosaic, and the technical and stylistic features of the workmanship support
7 Her observation that the artisans may have originated in North Africa is not convincing.

Mosaic Art in Ancient Sepphoris: Between East and West


her claim. Acanthus medallions featuring owers, animals, or hunting scenes against a black background, like those found in the two Sepphorean buildings, appear mainly in decorative frames and characterize the mosaic art of the Roman East from the 3rd century onward, as in Nablus, Shahba-Philippopolis, and Antioch. (Balty 1979: 24-25; Kriseleit 1985: 28-29; Dauphin 1979: 11-33; Levi 1947: I, 489-508) However, another mosaic in this same building points to an entirely dierent source of inuence. The large hall, measuring 8.5 x 6 m, located on the western side of the building, (Roussin 1999: 171175) is decorated with an overall geometric pattern of interlocking circles forming curvilinear squares. Each circle contains a square lled with a variety of motifs. Birds and shes are the most commonly preserved ones, but a syrinx, a shallow basketful of fruit, a hare nibbling grapes, as well as owers and pomegranates, are also depicted. A partially preserved 1.5 m-square panel was located near the center of the pavement, and according to the excavators it probably contained a gural scene or inscription. Roussin argues convincingly that the mosaics composition and motifs, partially derived from the xenia imagery, point to a Western inuence and have an exact parallel in the Maison aux Communs at Thuburbo Majus in Tunisia. (Ben Abed-Ben Khader 1987: 113.I)8 Her observation that this type of overall composition was rare in the Eastern provinces but common in North African mosaics proves to be correct.

The Nile Festival Building

The third building under discussion, the Nile Festival Building located east of the cardo and opposite the bathhouse in Lower Sepphoris, further illustrates the complexity of our question. (Weiss - Talgam 2002: 55-90) The building constructed in the early 5th century C.E. boasted several rooms, a few of which are decorated entirely with gurative motifs, but most of them, as well as the corridors, feature geometric designs, some exhibiting a particularly
8 A similar phenomenon was noticed by Kondoleon in Room 9 of The House of Dionysos in Nea Paphos, but there the similarity to Western models and the xenia motifs is even more prominent see Kondoleon 1995: 119-133.

rich array of patterns and an exceptional variety of colors.9 I argued elsewhere that the geometric and oral carpets, and even some of the gural ones in the Nile Festival Building, have parallels among the Antiochene mosaics. The discussion below will further demonstrate that a comparative analysis could provide additional insight into the relationship between center and periphery. (Weiss 2009b: 9-23) Geometric and oral patterns, such as the semis or rainbow found in some Sepphoris mosaicseither set in one frame or lling an entire mosaic carpetare well known in Antioch (Fig. 4). (Weiss - Talgam 2002: 87; cf. Levi 1947: I, 405-407, 436-453; Dunbabin 1999: 163-164, 176-177) The selection of patterns and inclusion of gural panels in the center of the carpet are also common features in Antioch and elsewhere. (Levi 1947: pls. XLVIIa, LXXb, LXXIII; Becker Kondoleon 2005: 222-227) The scenes in the mosaics of the Nile Festival Building are based on mythological lore, and although some of the gures in the Nile Festival Building appear in Antioch as well, they and the depictions in which they appear deviate somewhat from the original traditions, often resulting in compositions that were unknown in Antioch.10 For instance, in the Antiochene depiction of the quarrel over the spoils of the Calydonian boar, the corpse of the boar lies between Atalanta and Meleager, and a third gure is represented on the right. (Weiss - Talgam 2002: 76; cf. Levi 1947: I, 68-71) Unlike their counterparts at Sepphoris, where the two hunters stand in frontal view next to a tree, and a wild boar at their feet, the three gures from Antioch are dressed and armed, each having a dierent posture to give the impression that they are quarreling over the dead corpse. The hunting couple riding on horses in Sepphoris (Fig. 5) resembles a panel in the Yakto complex
9 A mosaic oor containing an eight-line inscription was laid on the sidewalk in front of the western entrance. The inscription mentions Procopius and his son-in-law Patricius who, according to Di Segni (2002: 91-97; 2005: 781-784), were the artists who created the buildings mosaic or, as recently suggested by Bowersock (2004: 764-766), the former was governor of Palaestina Secunda and the latter married his daughter and owned the building. 10 For the inclusion of mythological themes in late antique mosaics, see Bowersock 2006: 31-63.


Zeev Weiss

Fig. 4 Sepphoris, mosaic carpet in the westernmost room of the Nile Festival Building, with a continuous pattern of alternating squares and lozenges, and richly decorated with a wide repertoire of geometric motifs. Photo by G. Laron.

in Antioch that depicts a similar theme (Fig. 6), but a thorough examination indicates dierences in this scene as well: (Weiss - Talgam 2002: 7576; cf. Levi 1947: I, 282-283 pl. LXIV:b) the arms and garb of the three female huntresses in the partly preserved panel in the Yakto complex dier from those in Sepphoris, which depict an Amazon and a male warrior. In the Yakto complex, a rock and a tree on the right side of the panel represent the landscape, whereas in Sepphoris the city-gate, or fortied villa, is depicted on the left side of the panel. The two panels also diverge in their style: while the overlapping and foreshortening of the gures in the Yakto complex lend them some depth, the gures in Sepphoris are rendered naturalistically (although not always successfully),with free movement and a sense of depth. The Nilotic landscape, with lotus owers

and birds, appears infrequently in some Antiochene mosaics, and were used mainly as marginal eects. None of them, however, includes the major themes that characterize Nilotic mosaics.11 Their absence in Antioch, inter alia, underscores their great dierence from the mosaics in Sepphoris. Such themes appear in Sepphoris by end of the 3rd or early 4th century C.E., though on a smaller scale. However, the large mosaic carpet (6.2x6.7m) found in the early 5th-century C.E. Nile Festival Building underscores the fundamental different between the two locales (Fig. 7). (Talgam - Weiss 2004: 87-88; Weiss Talgam 2002: 61-73) In the upper central part, a boy standing above a kneeling figure is depicted next to the Nilometer and appears to be carving the number IZ (17 cubits) on it with a hammer and chisel. To the right is a male personification of the Nile River sitting on an animal with the Niles waters issuing from its mouth; a half-naked female figure on the left personifies Egypts fertile soil. The other scenes on the floor are connected with the Nile and the city of Alexandria, and are accompanied by various hunting scenes. The Nilotic depictions, like those in Sepphoris, gained a degree of popularity in Byzantine Palestine and seem to follow patterns that originated somewhere otherthanAntioch.12 Abandonment of the emblema tradition in Sepphoris in favor of mosaic carpets, in which the gures are arranged in one frame, reects similar trends in Antioch. Several scholars pointed this out, however these representative mosaic carpets are not identical in their compositional arrangement. (Lavin 1963: 189-195, 204-244; Dunbabin 1999: 176-185)13 The depictions in the Megalopsychia or Worcester Hunt mosaic, for example, appear inside one frame but are arranged so that they can be viewed from all four sides. (Levi 1947: I, 337-345, 363-365; Becker
11 See, for example, Levi 1947: I, 595-596, pl. CLXXXI. 12 For a complete list of known mosaics in the region with Nilotic themes, see Hachlili 1998: 106-120; Hachlili 2009: 97-109; Hamarneh 1999: 185-189. 13 The new style in 5th-century Antioch, according to Lavin originated in North African mosaic art, whereas Parrish (2005-2006) maintains that it was inuenced by contemporary textile art from Egypt and the Sassanian Empire but was totally removed from any African inuence.

Mosaic Art in Ancient Sepphoris: Between East and West


Fig. 5 Sepphoris, mosaic of a hunting couple riding on horses; a city gate or fortress appears behind them. The panel is located next to the eastern entrance leading into the basilical hall of the Nile Festival Building. Photo by G. Laron.

Fig. 6 Yakto complex in Antioch, partially preserved mosaic of three female huntresses riding horses. After Levi 1947: II, pl. LXIVA:b


Zeev Weiss

Fig. 7 Sepphoris, the Nile mosaic. Photo by G. Laron.

- Kondoleon 2005: 228-237) The depictions in the mosaics of the Nile Festival Building are organized in horizontal registers and are identical to the hunt mosaic from Apamea, where they are also arranged in several bands that can be seen in their entirety from one spot in the hall (Fig. 8).14 The mosaic from Apamea, in contrast, creates a monolithic impression, with no single focal point or narrative succession, (Dunbabin 1999: 183) whereas the mosaic from the Nile Festival Building in Sepphoris has a predetermined focal point and illustrates a complex story running from one band to the next, to some degree recalling the North African tradition of, for example, the hare hunt scene in the mosaic from El Djem (Fig. 9). (Lavin 1963: 231-235; Dunbabin 1978: 46-64; Dorigo 1971: 180-188) The design of the gures and animals in the mosaics of the Nile Festival Building also diers
14 According to the inscription, the mosaic was restored in 539 but was actually made some time in the 4th century C.E.; see Balty 1969: 7-13, 18-26; 1979: 104-109. In contrast, Trilling (1989: 48-49) dates it to the Justinian period.

from other known examples in the region. The artists in Sepphoris paid attention to the proportions of the human gures, which in certain cases were elongated and massive, often rendering the impression of exaggerated modeling.15 Some of these trends are also found among the Antioch mosaics, (Dunbabin 1999: 180-181) but it is doubtful whether this precise tradition served as the sole source of inspiration for the artists in Sepphoris. Furthermore, some of the stylistic features characterizing the Sepphoris mosaics have parallels in the West, particularly in a number of North African mosaics. What role, then, did the Antiochene tradition played in the design of the Sepphorean mosaics? To what extent, if any, may we assume that the Sepphorean artists were inuenced by that tradition and perhaps even based their work upon it? Our survey already alludes to possible answers
15 For the gural style of the mosaic found in the Nile Festival Building, see Weiss and Talgam 2002: 84-85. As mentioned above, a local workshop was most probably active in 5th-century Sepphoris; see Weiss 2009b: 9-23.

Mosaic Art in Ancient Sepphoris: Between East and West


Fig. 8 Apamea, the hunt mosaic. Courtesy of Janine Balty.

Fig. 9 El Djem, North Africa, the hare hunt mosaic. After Dorigo 1971: fig. 143.

to these questions, however outlining the actual process by which the colorful mlange of varied mosaics was created, as well as the impact left by several sources, is complex and enigmatic.

Mosaic art in Roman and early Byzantine Sepphoris should not be associated exclusively with the Antiochene tradition. Rather, the Sepphorean mosaics point to a more complex trend that integrates traditions from the East and Westfrom Antioch and North Africa. The artists of the Sepphoris mosaic were fed, so we believe, by a number of sources and, in fact, created artistic expressions that may not necessarily have been dependent on any one workshop. The appearance of North African indicators in Palestinian art, for example, is not unique to the mosaics unearthed in Sepphoris, as they also nd expression elsewhere in ancient Palestine. Roussin maintains that the early 3rd-century C.E. mosaics at Ein Yael near Jerusalem exhibit a synthesis between East and West (Roussin 1995: 31-42). Claudine Dauphin argues, too, in her iconographical study of the Nablus mosaic and its comparative analysis with a group of pavements from Shahba-Philippopolis, that the mosaics in both locales were produced by Western mosaicists brought especially to the Eastern provinces in the second half of the 3rd century from either Rome or North Africa. (Dauphin 1979: 30-33) The 4th-century C.E. mosaics from Lod demonstrate a further development (Avissar 1996: 169-172; 1999: 41-43; Ovadiah - Mucznik 1998: 1-18), whereby the artists moved from the long-established composition of pictorial panels in 3rd-century mosaics, which exhibited an inclination toward the Antiochene tradition, to motifs and compositions in mosaics from the Roman West, particularly North Africa. Thus, the Roman and early Byzantine mosaics from Sepphoris further underscore developments in the regions mosaic art while, together with other nds from the area, also demonstrate the nature of these changes. Mosaic art in Roman Palestine was shaped largely by the Antiochene tradition, although, as noted, with some local variations. Western inuences, like those from North Africa, penetrated the region gradually, beginning on a small scale in the 3rd century C.E. and expanding in the ensuing centuries. This trend, attested by the nds from Sepphoris, neither remained unchanged nor disappeared; rather, it spread and established an even stronger presence in the region during the Byzantine period.


Zeev Weiss

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Mosaic Art in Ancient Sepphoris: Between East and West


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