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Name: __________________________ Crew:____________________ Date: _______________

What do you know about sculpture?

1. What is the difference between two-dimensional and three-dimensional art?
2. What is the sculpture technique called when you subtract material?
a. molding
b. carving
C. casting
3. Line in sculpture can be ______________or _______________ and is often created with
wire. If a sculptor uses geometric forms (pyramids) the edges would also create line.
a. bent, split
b. fat, skinny
c. straight, curved
4. The feel and appearance of the surface of a sculpture is known as the
a. texture
b. body
c. plane
5. __________________ in sculpture can reflect whether a sculpture is symmetrical or
a. Color
b. Composition
c. Balance
6. Which artist created the famous sculpture of David?
a. Michelangelo
b. Picasso
c. Leonardo Da Vinci

7. A sculpture that moves is called a/an

a. Monumental sculpture
b. Kinetic sculpture
c. Architectural sculpture
8. Casting uses __________ materials such as plaster poured in a mold which then hardens to
create a new solid form.
a. powder
b. liquid
c. fluffy
9. ___________ is a type of additive sculpture in which material is add/or shaped t create a
a. Carving
b. Molding
c. Casting
10. What medium (clay, plaster, wire, ect...) are you most excited to experiment with in this
class and why?
11. On a scale of 0- 10 how knowledgeable are you at sculpting?
0= NO EXPERIENCE and 10= a PRO


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