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OBJETIVES OF PAPER REVIEWS To learn how to glean new knowledge from technical papers; harder than learning from

from textbooks but more important in the long run. To learn how to identify the rally important ideas and concepts in technical papers. To learn how to summarize ideas concisely. To learn how engineers with vastly different points of view think and how they approach problems and solutions.

USUAL ORGANIZATION OF REVIEW Heading Reviewer: (you name) Date: Paper: Doe, J.N.:Paper Title , Journal (date), pages. (Use ESP reference style) Main Body Problem: Results: Importance: Limitations: Applicability:

(Problem solved) (Major conclusions and results) (Technical importance of results) (Assumptions, limitations of solutions to real problems) (Where and how results can be used with specific applications)

USUAL LENGTH OF REVIEWS Rarely more than one typewritten, single-spaced page Almost never more than two typewritten pages.

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