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Hello my name is David Isa Arias I am student left of the race of idioms of the technological university, at present I am in my pre's

specialization process in the option of educational technology which I have learned many things about the technology that this has with the field of teaching and education and the advantages in. The purpose of this report is on the basis of the results obtained in the proof of the qualifications of the teacher accomplished in the web page:, proof as such is quite simple what's difficult is to take the more answers guessed in each item since they are very objective as such and does not become of making it out of sped up form.

TheTeachingPerspectivesInventory ( TPI ) is a test plenty of hard work done by many years of study and proofs accomplished with the cooperation of some important countries like Hong Kong and United States and a number very large of professors of everybody to accomplish the proof of qualifications and objectives that each professor desires of personal form.

I think that in my very personal point of view this type of test is so important since you would come being like a test that measures the qualifications and attitudes out of every master future and evidences the reality of that everyone, osseous the reality of what one can get to be in the labor life if it is that we kept on in education's branch.

This proof helps to clarify weaknesses and fortresses that we have like teacher for the better in a future and always to give the best of us in the teaching race like point, of focus of this proof can be considered like a tool of diagnose for future professors and students that meet to leave and he would be good for that we share these free resources toward the other ones.

Let's begin with the results of proof in the beginning if it was a little complicated to interpret the used terminology to describe results since only they presented numbers and very few it is letters very easy to make a mistake, but I began to carry out an investigation myself one non-further accomplish the proof in the web page and I could find more expert advice to interpret results.

I got first point from a total 180 points in proof adding up the 5 categories like first point, for the moment I thought that you were pretty well like anyone but there are the results: Transmission I have 37 points which describe that I have qualifications to express and to give the other ones knowledge I understand this way that I tell someone to get along well in what I am explaining and I have facility of words to be able to communicate the themes for example or the contents that you would be able to be developing at the classroom, besides that I am well decided in that the pupils for his performance and educational development. Apprenticeship I got 36 this in my point of view is very related and tries in the way that one inculcates the teamwork in the pupils that these must have to be able to perform his group works and place mats and good relations on, developing the capabilities out of every student in order that each time you deliver the best of himself and his coefficient at the classroom of classroom and to be able to learn may exploit new manners to work as a team forever having the put sight in to the success of the classroom and mainly that teaching is a process what else that obligation will be an experience of life than student will thank in to the future.

Developmental I obtained 34 points which these signify of than in the part of planning and I develop of the classroom this obvious always setting in improving the master relations pupil to develop better high-class plans based in

the pupils's need in order that they be the more involve on the process with these and may get benefit of these. The teacher is like a bridge of the knowledge between the pupil and knowledge and education at this point, besides I understood that this part is ordered that pupils form more character to think and to give his point of view in the themes and may speak of these and having his own findings of the themes. Nurturing in this post office box I obtained 37 points, good this part consider her join of the most important ones belonging to the test ouch that you are based on the emotional part of the education like us and like master futures very much we put soul and heart in what we do stops than pupils you feel the devotion of us when giving each classroom, avoid that fear to the failure is not necessary to have than if this to get to happen only would be an experience of whom can get out with effort and dedication, also it is to have a emotional connection with the pupils, good at this point I feel than to the master ones belonging to kind Feminine it is given to them a more little is easy but good everyone is different, the some for which are the reason of teaching relate her entity pupils and it has to be pupils between teacher very thin for that everything march in the best way and may feel they overconfident that you have a master they back up themselves and they would even be able to get to rely on them for problems of health or in his marry, good whole this theme is very related to the education's emotional side in the I put salt in of classroom.

Social Reform I obtained 36 points, this part is very focused in the present problems that we lived but at our country that education is too, that mainly is to prove that the education of the correct way can help to construct a new society and new roads to change many things that affect our people in our sad reality. To form reforms of education and change is the point nail in this part of the theme and expressing the points of view that all pupil can have to do the change one by one until they all act in the same way and the society may give

oneself account than changes if they exist and they come from the school, preuniversity studies or universities.

Good right now it is quite complete to finalize this proof since you include in my point of view very fundamental information and key stops than each teaching future, form your own opinion, character or ideology based in the obtained results, also I consider than results if they are very useful to know the level of development that we have and weaknesses and skillful actions that we possess at present, in i proof is quite complicated and even true confused but I am sure that I will go back to repeat future very distant no to have one better idea of the results in kind to keep on getting better personally later on...

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