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Evaluator: Melissa Smith

Project Evaluated:

Dreamweaver HTML

Date: 2/21/14

Interface Rating Form

User interface is concerned with how the instructional content is presented to the learner, how the learner moves through the content, and how the learner experiences the instructional activities. In general, the user interface should be designed to make things easier for the learner (i.e., it should be learner-centric). Also, this form onl addresses the interface and its relationship to the learner and content. It does not specificall address the !ualit of the content, relevance of the interactions or assessments, or the meaningfulness of the media. "hile these criteria below are appropriate for most interfaces, a simple interface ma not include all of these criteria or ma include onl simplified versions. As an instructional designer, it is at our discretion to determine the value of each criterion to the learner. Directions: #valuate the user interface based on each criterion, where $ is lowest or unavailable and % is highest or optimal. Add our comments in each box ou select. &or instance, if the pro'ect scores a ( on )user interface*, add a comment inside the )(* box. Use the color green so our comments are easil identified.
CRITERIA User interf ce !it" e#$%icit co&rse str&ct&re 1 +o course structure is shown on user interface. 2 ,asic course structure is shown on user interface (e.g., course outline), but does not help learner understand how course segments fit together and support one another. LEVELS OF QUALITY 3 ,asic course structure is shown on user interface (e.g., course outline). -ummaries or other methods are used to help the learner understand onl how the ma'or course segments fit together and support one another.

4 .etailed course outline (expandable as needed) is shown on the interface. -ummaries or other methods are used to help the learner understand onl how all course segments fit together and support one another.

5 .etailed course outline (expandable as needed) is shown on the interface. -ummaries or other methods are used to help the learner understand onl how all course segments fit together and support one another. "hen instructionall useful, the interface allows learner to easil move to different segments of the course. An introduction details the unit /hree modules divide the learning into manageable parts.

0age 2

.etails of each module give an overview and page range for completing the tasks.

T&tori % to e#$% in n 'i( tion ) o$er tion

+o tutorial is provided.

/utorial explains onl a few of the navigation and operation features.

/utorial explains some of the navigation and operation features.

/utorial explains most of the navigation and operation features.

/utorial explains all of the navigation and operation features. A navigation page is detailed for moving through the unit. An overview is provided All of the navigation and operation controls are clearl and consistentl labeled. 0age numbers are provided 0age ranges are given Arrows navigate to each page with the message of +ext and ,ack 2reen checks show a practice and feedback for understanding /he sidebar is consistent on

* 'i( tion n+ o$er tion % ,e%s-icons

+one of the navigation and operation controls are clearl and consistentl labeled.

&ew of the navigation and operation controls are clearl and consistentl labeled.

-ome of the navigation and operation controls are clearl and consistentl labeled.

1ost of the navigation and operation controls are clearl and consistentl labeled.

0age 3

ever page /he footer remains at the bottom with the creator3s information

* 'i( tion n+ o$er tion contro%s %oc tion

Almost no controls are located in the same place throughout the course.

&ew controls are located in the same place throughout the course.

-ome controls are located in the same place throughout the course.

1ost controls are located in the same place throughout the course.

All controls are located in the same place throughout the course. All controls are located in the same place throughout the course 4eadings are at the top of each page with similar la out Images show when there is an assessment

O$er tion of contro%s

+one of the controls operate consistentl .

&ew of the controls operate consistentl .

Le rner.s %oc tion /s0ste1 fee+, c23

6er difficult to determine location in course.

.ifficult to determine location in course.

-ome of the controls operate consistentl . /he controls on all of the practice and feedback are inconsistent5 some work, and some do not. -omewhat difficult to determine location in course.

1ost of the controls operate consistentl .

All of the controls operate consistentl .

#as to determine location in course. #ach page has a title at the top showing which module is in progress

6er eas to determine location in course.

0age 4

Arri'in( t

%oc tion

6er difficult to determine how one arrived at a location in the course.

.ifficult to determine how one arrived at a location in the course.

-omewhat difficult to determine how one arrived at a location in the course.

and a page range is at the beginning of each. /he page for the practice and feedback is given and immediate feedback is provided as well. #as to determine how one arrived at a location in the course.

6er eas to determine how one arrived at a location in the course. #ach page is labeled clearl according to the module arrows at the bottom of the page provide a transition to the next page. 2reen check marks show when one has arrived at the end of a module.

Esti1 te+ ti1e

/ime estimates are never provided.

/ime estimates seldom provided. .

/ime estimates are sometimes provided. 0age ranges are given but time estimates need to be added per module.

/ime estimates are usuall provided.

/ime estimates are alwa s provided.


Screen Desi(n

+one of the screens are aestheticall pleasing.

&ew of the screens are aestheticall pleasing.

-ome of the screens are aestheticall pleasing.

1ost of the screens are aestheticall pleasing. .

All of the screens are aestheticall pleasing. /he color choices blend /he images are pleasing and match the criteria /he headings seems to be consistent throughout 7ertain words are in bold to place emphasis or signal an importance.

!ther "otes:

Adapted from 4a es, 8./., -tout, 8. 9., : 8 an-9ones, ..;. (<==%, 9une). Quality Evaluation Tool for Computer- and Web-delivered Instruction (/echnical 8eport +umber <==%-==<). >rlando, &;? +aval Air "arfare 7enter /raining - stems .ivision.

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