Math12 7

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7'8 9)*#'*# :#"*1"61;(<= &>(# #$' ?)@A0'#' #'B# )C )*08 #$' 6'0'D"*# A"6#( )C '"?$ (#"*1"61E F52= + G H
,EIEJ Paitition ciicles anu iectangles into two, thiee, oi foui equal shaies, uesciibe the shaies using the woius halves, thiius,
half of, a thiiu of, etc. anu uesciibe the whole as two halves, thiee thiius, foui fouiths. Recognize that equal shaies of iuentical
wholes neeu not have the same shape.
&'(()* KLM'?#>D'= /$"# 1) 8)4 N"*# (#41'*#( #) O*)N "*1 L' "L0' #) 1)P F52= +Q R G H
Stuuents will ueteimine whethei a shape has been uiviueu into equal oi unequal paits. If the paits aie equal, the chiluien will
count the numbei of paits.
S(('((@'*#= T)6@"0 "*1 U*C)6@"0 S(('((@'*#E F52= , G J
/$"# 'D>1'*?' N>00 #$' (#41'*#( A6)14?' #) ($)N #$'8 $"D' @'# #$' 0'"6*>*V )LM'?#>D'P
Stuuents will successfully complete inuepenuent piactice woiksheet packet anu be able to explain if a shape is uiviueu into
equal paits anu if so, how many, using vocabulaiy.
/$"# @)1>C>?"#>)*( )C #$' "L)D' "(('((@'*# N)401 8)4 4(' C)6 0"*V4"V' 0'"6*'6( "*1W)6 (#41'*#( N>#$ (A'?>"0
While teaching the lesson, I will explicitly uiscuss acauemic language, incluuing all geometiic vocabulaiy woius with a pictuie
of the coiiesponuing shape next to it, anu check-in foi unueistanuing. Sentence fiames will also be hung in the fiont of the class
to help stuuents aiticulate theii thought piocesses.
56'6'34>(>#' :O>00(Q 7*)N0'1V' "*1 2BA'6>'*#>"0 X"?OV6)4*1(E F52= Y G Z
56'6'34>(>#' (O>00( C6)@ A6>)6 (?$))0 'BA'6>'*?'(
Bieak apait shapes to make shapes, iuentify faces of shapes, estimate uiffeiences.
:#6"#'V8 #) ?)**'?# (?$))0 0'"6*>*V N>#$ A6>)6 'BA'6>'*#>"0 O*)N0'1V' "*1W)6 ?40#46"0 L"?OV6)4*1
Ask the stuuents to cut a sanuwich in half. Aie theie equal paits. Bow many anu what aie the paits calleu."
S?"1'@>? &"*V4"V'E F52= . G H
/$"# ?)*#'*# (A'?>C>? D)?"L40"68Q #'B# (#64?#46'(Q (#80>(#>?Q )6 V6"@@"#>?"0 C'"#46'( N>00 L' 'BA0>?>#08 #"4V$#P
Equal, unequal, halves, thiius, fouiths, whole.
234>#8E F52= YQ [Q RQ . G Z
\)N N>00 S&& 0'"6*'6( '*V"V'P ;D"68>*V "?"1'@>? "L>0>#>'(Q ?40#46"0 L"?OV6)4*1(Q "*1 0"*V4"V' 0'D'0(<
]'(?6>L' 8)46 1>CC'6'*#>"#'1 >*(#64?#>)*"0 (#6"#'V8E
Aftei guiueu instiuction, I will have the class woik on inuepenuent piactice woiksheet while I walk aiounu anu check foi
unueistanuing. Foi stuuents that aie lowei level, I will guiue them continue putting shapes togethei insteau of cutting them
apait oi I will help iuentify names of smallei shapes as we uiaw anu cut each line togethei.

U*(#64?#>)*"0 &'"6*>*V :#6"#'V>'( #) :4AA)6# :#41'*# &'"6*>*VE F52= +Q YQ [Q RQ H G +^
What will the teachei uo to 1) stimulatemotivate stuuents by connecting the lesson to expeiiential backgiounus, inteiests anu
piioi leaining, 2) iuentify leaining outcomes S) piesent mateiial, guiue piactice, anu builu inuepenuent leaining, 4) monitoi
stuuent leaining uuiing instiuction, anu S) builu metacognitive unueistanuing.

&>(# N$"# #$' #'"?$'6 N>00 L' 1)>*V "*1 N$"# #$' (#41'*#( N>00 L' 1)>*VE


Teachei will activate piioi knowleuge by
posing ielevant question by uiawing a
sanuwich on the boaiu anu asking the
stuuents to, "Bave you evei eaten an apple
that is cut into slices oi a sanuwich cut in
half. These aie split into paits. What else
can be split into paits." Teachei allows

Review vocabulaiy. Teachei alieauy has
vocab woius wiitten on whiteboaiu with
coiiesponuing pictuies.

Teachei poses pioblem to class: "Bow can
you folu a sheet of papei into 2 paits of the
same size. Teachei has stuuents folu papei
veitically into two equal paits anu tiace the
folu with a maikei. "Aie these paits the
same size. That means they aie equal. Bow
many paits aie theie. These aie calleu
BALvES. Now ieapply the last folu anu folu

Stuuents will think-paii-shaie anu then iaise hanus
to paiticipate in uiscussion.

Stuuents ieau vocab woius choially with teachei.

Stuuents folu papei anu tiace lines. They iaise
hanus to volunteei anu shaie theii finuings. Rest of
the class completes the pioblem at theii uesks.

Papei, pencil,
papei, maikei.

the papei hoiizontally then tiace the line.
Bow many paits aie theie now.

Teachei begins envision math computei
lesson. Teachei pauses seveial times uuiing
viueo to ask questions anu check foi

Teachei passes out inuepenuent piactice

Teachei begins seveial guiueu piactice
pioblems fiom woiksheet on the boaiu.

Teachei has chiluien woik inuepenuently
oi with someone sitting next to them.
Teachei ciiculates aiounu classioom to
focus, assess anu auvance stuuent thinking
anu will ueciue which pioblems will be

Teachei will ieview selecteu pioblems with
the class to check foi unueistanuing.

Stuuents watch viueo anu paiticipate in questions.

Stuuents think-paii-shaie anu fill out woiksheet
completing same pioblem. 0ne stuuent at a time
explains theii answei to the class.

Stuuents woik inuepenuently oi with a paitnei to
complete woiksheet packet.

Stuuents follow along anu coiiect theii answeis

i, CB-iom foi
envision math

12-7 Piactice

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