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MARKING SCHEME 1.0 General Instruction to Examiners for Marking uestion 1!

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a) Read the answers given. Check to see if the task is relevant to the assessment objectives specified. b) All the answers should be considered at sentence level. c) All types of errors should be noted. d) Candidates abilities to express ideas and usage of interesting expressions should be given due consideration. e) Candidates may or ma% not use all the words given. f) Candidates need not comply to the word order given. g) he !uality of the answer should be given greater consideration over the !uantity or length of the answer. C&ecklist for Marking

".0 a) b) c)

Read the answer script as a whole. "lace in bands. Reread and identify the errors. d) #se the given symbols to highlights the errors or additional details like new words and interesting expressions. e) f) Reconfirm band. Award marks accordingly.


Assessment o'(ecti)e for uestion 1 o assess candidates ability to construct sentences.

,ask o write grammatically correct sentences using the given words and stimulus.


Assessment o'(ecti)e for uestion " o assess candidates ability to transfer information accurately and appropriately into a given framework.
,ask o transfer information from one text type into a given framework. a short paragraph or paragraphs on ones decisions or choices. o write


Assessment o'(ecti)e for uestion $ o assess candidates ability to express ideas in sentences with correct structures. ,ask o write sentences about the picture&s) in a paragraph using the given words and express their ideas creatively.


Marking Sc&eme for

uestions 1! " an# $ 3ES,I2N 1 MARKS




;o8 ac&ie)ement

0ESCRI5,I2N ask fulfilled. All sentences constructed correctly. 'ords used correctly. (ardly any spelling or punctuation error. )ariety of sentence structures *ood presentation of ideas relevant to the stimulus. ask mostly fulfilled. +ost sentences constructed correctly. 'ords used correctly. A fe8 single 8or# errors found in sentences constructed. A few errors in spelling or punctuation. ,atisfactory presentation of ideas relevant to the stimulus. ask partially fulfilled. Some single 8or# errors founds in sentences constructed. ,ome spelling or punctuation errors found in sentences constructed. +eaning is clear. +ost words used correctly. ask almost fulfilled. 0isorgani<e# sentence structure but meaning is still clear. -ifting intelligently. ,ome correct use of words. Chunking of words. "oor use of the language.

6 7 10




0 mark = No ans8er gi)en.

MARKING SCHEME 12R SEC,I2N 4 7 4AN0 Excellent Cre#it ;o8 ac&ie)ement



0ESCRI5,I2N Confident use of the language. Reasons conveyed clearly through a variety of sentence structures. Confident use of new words to express reasons. Reasons are well/planned0 relevant and are linked so as to sustain the interest of the reader. 1verall accurate use of spelling and punctuation. "roficient use of the language throughout. Attempts made to construct a variety of sentence structure but occasional errors occur. +ost reasons are well/organi2ed0 relevant and conveyed clearly. "unctuations and spelling errors may occur occasionally but overall meaning is still clear. Correct use of the language. ,imple sentences with minor errors but meaning is still clear. ,atisfactory presentation of reasons. )ocabulary is ade!uate to convey meaning. A few punctuation and spelling errors may be found in the script. "oor use of the language. +ultiple words errors found in sentences. Reasons are incomprehensible even after a few reading. -imited and incorrect use of language. +any spelling and punctuation errors. 3irect lifting.


0 mark = No ans8er gi)en.

MARKING SCHEME 12R SEC,I2N C / 4AN0 Excellent Cre#it Ac&ie)ement


;o8 ac&ie)ement

0ESCRI5,I2N 5xcellent and confident use of the language. 6deas conveyed clearly through a variety of sentence structures. Confident use of new words to express ideas. 6deas are well/planned0 relevant and are linked so as to sustain the interest of the reader. 1verall accurate use of spelling and punctuation. "roficient use of the language throughout. Attempts made to construct a variety of sentence structure but occasional errors occur. +ost ideas are well/organi2ed0 relevant and conveyed clearly. "unctuation and spelling errors may occur occasionally but overall meaning is still clear. Correct use of the language. ,imple sentences with minor errors but meaning is still clear. ,atisfactory presentation of ideas. )ocabulary is ade!uate to convey meaning. A few punctuation and spelling errors may be found in the script. "oor use of the language. +ultiple errors found in sentences. 6deas are incomprehensible even after a few reading. -imited and incorrect use of language. +any spelling and punctuation errors. 3irect lifting.

1$ 71+

6 7 1"



0 mark = No ans8er gi)en.

Marking S%m'ols S%m'ols 0efinitions *ood 8 correct sentence 9ew words used correctly

: R 1
/ >>>>>>>>>>>>

1mission of words

Repetition "unctuation 6nappropriate word 8 )ocabulary

,ingle word error 8 *rammar >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +ultiple word error 8 ,tructural ? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> S@ #nclear meaning ,pelling error otal distortions Redundancy 'ord order


C ?

9ot related to content

Reference <<<<<<<< &%==7). >ahasa 6nggeris #",R &,?)@ Aormat "entaksiran +ulai %==7. ?uala -umpur@ +alindo "rinters ,dn. >hd.

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