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6a'o+t 4nstit+te of 6anagement 7 4nformation 3echno'og( (64643"8 6a'o+t (Established & promoted by o!t. of "un#ab$ C'ass : #. 3ech.

S+15ect :DS; D+ration: 1 =r. 1- 6ins. 2nd 6id Semester 3est 1.9.!92.1$" #ranch : %C% Code : %C-!.! 66: 2! Sem : 0th <ro+&: A 3ime : 11.1--12.$.

Note: Section A & B are compulsory. Attempt any one question from Section C. 3 Section A 1. Define ROC and what are the significance of ROC? 2. What is Z-domain? (2x2 !" Section # $. !. %x&'ain an( &ro&ert( of Z-transform. )ind the 'inear con*o'+tion of x (n" and x(n" +sing , transform. (2x- 1." Section C -. 0. )ind in*erse Z-transform of /(Z" O1tain in*erse Z transform +sing &artia' fraction

(1x1. 1." 2ame of 3eacher 4n-charge %r. 2a*5ot singh 6a'o+t 4nstit+te of 6anagement 7 4nformation 3echno'og( (64643"8 6a'o+t (Established & promoted by o!t. of "un#ab$ C'ass : #. 3ech. S+15ect :DS; D+ration: 1 =r. 1- 6ins. 2nd 6id Semester 3est 1.9.!92.1$" #ranch : %C% Code : %C-!.! 66: 2! Sem : 0th <ro+&: A 3ime : 11.1--12.$.

Note: Section A & B are compulsory. Attempt any one question from Section C. 3 Section A 1. Define ROC and what are the significance of ROC? 2. What is Z-domain? (2x2 !" Section # $. !. %x&'ain an( &ro&ert( of Z-transform. )ind the 'inear con*o'+tion of x (n" and x(n" +sing , transform. (2x- 1." Section C -. 0. )ind in*erse Z-transform of /(Z" O1tain in*erse Z transform +sing &artia' fraction (1x1. 1." 2ame of 3eacher 4n-charge %r. 2a*5ot singh

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