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7:30-8:00 am - Mornlng reglsLrauon

8:00-9:00 am - Llve demonsLrauon
10 paruclpanLs can be accommodaLed Lo go lnslde Lhe C8-SMC.
(aruclpanLs wlll brlng Lhelr own scrub sulLs)
1he resL of Lhe paruclpanLs wlll be able Lo see Lhe on golng
demonsLrauon vla a llve feed ln Lhe Mahogany 8oom, !lCA 8ldg.

9:00-9:13 am - vldeo presenLauon of upper and lower llmb blocks

9:13-9:30 am - coee/Lea break

9:30-10:00 am - lecLure
(updaLes on n8: AdvanLages and Compllcauons)

10:00-12:00 pm - Llve hands-on workshop

12:30-1:00 pm - Aernoon reglsLrauon

1:00-2:00 pm - llve demonsLrauon ln Lhe aernoon sesslon wlll depend on Lhe
avallablllLy of scheduled cases.

2:00-2:13 pm - coee / Lea break

2:13-2:43pm - LecLure
(updaLes on n8: AdvanLages and Compllcauons)

3:00-3:00 pm 1here wlll be ve sLauons wlLh a slngle sLauon faclllLaLor.
1he followlng blocks wlll be demonsLraLed ln each sLauon.
- lnLerscalene
- supraclavlcular/subclavlan perlvascular
- axlllary
- femoral
10 paruclpanLs wlll be dlsLrlbuLed per sLauon and wlll be glven Lhe
chance Lo scan Lhe nerves uslng ulLrasound
re-Congress Workshop
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Aprll 3, 2014, Mahogany 8oom, !lCA 8ldg,
SouLhern hlllpplnes Medlcal CenLer

Mornlng Sesslon: 8am Lo 12nn, 30 sloLs
Aernoon Sesslon: 1pm Lo 3pm, 30 sloLs

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