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WARNING - These files are for study purposes o ly! I ta"e a#solutely N$ respo si#ility for loss of life or li%#& or da%a'e to property& due to the i%proper use of these files. A yho(...have at it!

TA)*+ $, -$NT+NT. Re#el Allia /e Me'/atli e ..................................... 1 ,ire#o%#s ..................................................... 1 Napal% ........................................................ 1 Mat/h 0ead )o%# ............................................... 2 ,use I' itio ,ire#o%# ........................................ 2 Napal% Made +asy .............................................. 2 Gu po(der ..................................................... 1 A%%o al ....................................................... 1 -he%i/ally I' ited +2plosives 3+2p 1-54 ....................... 5 Ther%ite Rea/tio ............................................. 5 Mer/ury 3II4 ,ul%i ate ........................................ 5 Nitro'e Triiodide ............................................ 5 -ellulose Nitrate 3Gu /otto 4 ................................. 5 A/eto e 0ydro'e +2plosive .................................... 6 .%o"e& .%o"e& .%o"e... ........................................ 6 7lasti/ +2plosives ............................................ 8 -reatio of Ther%ite .......................................... 9 0o( to Ma"e a :Real: 7ipe )o%# ................................ 9 ;u' )a d )o%# ................................................ 11 TNT 3Tri itrotolue e4 ........................................ 11 Nitro'ly/eri e ............................................... 11 <y a%ite ..................................................... 15 <eto ati ' <y a%ite a d TNT .................................. 15 )o%# -o tai ers .............................................. 15 7olish ,lairs ................................................ 15 0ousehold -he%i/als a d Their -o%positio .................... 16 Ge erati ' -hlori e Gas ...................................... 16 -hlori e a d Turpe ti e ...................................... 16 Ge erati ' 0ydro'e Gas ...................................... 16 0ydro'e a d -hlori e ........................................ 18 Iodi e ....................................................... 18 Grai +levator +2plosio ..................................... 18 Where to ,i d -he%i/als ...................................... 18 A/eto e 7ero2ide +2plosive ................................... 19 ,ertili=er>0ydra=i e *i?uid +2plosives ....................... 19 R<@ +2plosive ................................................ 20 Mi i--o%pou d <eto ators ..................................... 21 7otassiu% -hlorate>.u'ar I' itor ............................. 21 .ti " )o%# ................................................... 25 -ordite ...................................................... 25

7a'e 1

R+)+* A**IAN-+ M+G-AT*IN+ MaterialsA 89 -e t )i/ li'hter Needle- ose pliers Ti s ips or (ire /utters 7ro/edureA ,irst& rip the %etal (i d'uard off the li'hter (ith the pliers a d the the t(ist the little fla%e adBuster all the (ay to the ri'ht& a d "eep t(isti ' u til it (o :t %ove up a y%ore 3stop a d t(ist #a/" if it starts hissi '4. There is a 'ap #et(ee the fla%e adBust a d the plasti/ push-thi ' 3it %oves the o==le up4. Cou the flatte the (i d-'uard out a d s ip a ot/h i it #i' e ou'h to fit arou d the o==le. What you (ill do is you (ill fit the %etal pie/e i the slot #et(ee the fla%e adBust a d the plasti/ or the ri ' arou d the o==le& (hi/h ever sho(s. The %etal should #e #e t do( & li"e the hose o a fire e2ti 'uisher. %a"e sure the :ha dle: is s u'. Cou should 'lue /arefully. Cou the hold the li'hter #a/"(ards fro% ho( you (ould or%ally hold it& thu%#-ta# a(ay. Cou (ill stri"e (ith your i de2 fi 'er. 7ra/ti/e. <epress the ha dle (ith your thu%#. .tri"e& a d have i sta t hell-fire! + Boy! DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEF G )o%#s G G G G )yA *e2 *uthor G HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEI ,IR+)$M). Most fire #o%#s are si%ply 'asoli e filled #ottles (ith a fuel soa"ed ra' i the %outh 3the #ottle:s %outh& ot yours4. The ori'i al Molotov /o/"tail& a d still a#out the #est& (as a %i2ture of o e part 'asoli e a d o e part %otor oil. The oil helps it to /li ' to (hat it splatters o . #ee .o%e use o e part roofi ' tar a d o e part 'asoli e. ,ire #o%#s have fou d (hi/h (ere %ade #y pouri ' %elted (a2 i to 'asoli e.

NA7A*M A#out the #est fire #o%# is apal%. It has a thi/" /o siste /y& li"e Ba% a d is #est for use o vehi/les or #uildi 's. Napal% is si%ply o e part 'asoli e a d o e part soap. either soap fla"es or shredded #ar soap. <eter'e ts (o :t do. The soap is 7a'e 2

The 'asoli e %ust #e heated i order for the soap to %elt. The usual (ay is (ith a dou#le #oiler (here the top part has at least a t(o-?uart /apa/ity. The (ater i the #otto% part is #rou'ht to a #oil a d the dou#le #oiler is ta"e fro% the stove a d /arried to (here there is o fla%e. The o e part& #y volu%e& of 'asoli e is put i the top part a d allo(ed to heat as %u/h as it (ill a d the soap is added a d the %ess is stirred u til it thi/"e s. A #etter (ay to heat 'asoli e is to fill a #ath tu# (ith (ater as hot as you /a 'et it. It (ill hold its heat lo 'er a d per%it a %u/h lar'er /o tai er tha (ill the dou#le #oiler. MAT-0 0+A< )$M) .i%ple safety %at/h heads i a pipe& /apped devastati ' #o%#. It is set off (ith a re'ular fuse. at #oth e ds& %a"e a to preve t

A plasti/ #a''ie is put i to the pipe #efore the heads 'o i deto atio #y /o ta/t (ith the %etal. #ut a

-utti ' e ou'h %at/h heads to fill the pipe /a #e tedious (or" for o e eve i ':s fu for the fa%ily if you /a dra' the% a(ay fro% the TJ. ,K.+ IGNITI$N ,IR+ )$M)

A four stra d ho%e %ade fuse is used for this. It #ur s li"e is held do( a d /o /ealed #y a strip of #e t ti /ut fro% a e2posed e d of the fuse is dipped i to the flare i' iter. To use you li'ht the fuse a d hold the fire #o%# u til the fuse has #ur si'ht u der the ti . The thro( it a d (he it #rea"s& the #ur i ' i' ite the /o te ts. DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEF G Napal% Made +asy G G G G )y .ir L i'ht G HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEI

fury. It /a . The this o e& ed out of fuse (ill

Napal% is i itself a very si%ple su#sta /e... It /a #e used for %a y thi 's 3i.e. 'etti ' #a/" at your ei'h#our!!4. 0ere:s (hat you eedA MaterialsA Gasoli e ;oy or 7al%olive 3I prefer ;oy4 A%%o ia pellets <rill -o"e /a )e da#le (ire Nail 7ro/edureA ,irst& %a"e a %i2ture of 1>2 ;oy& a d 1>2 'asoli e. Ta"e the -o"e /a & a d fill it half full (ith this (o derful %i2ture. It should loo" li"e thisA 7a'e 1

MNONONONONONONP G G G G Q- -o"e /a G G G@@@@@@@@@@@@@G G@@@@@@@@@@@@@G G@@@@@@@@@@@@@G Q-Mi2ture G@@@@@@@@@@@@@G HEEEEEEEEEEEEEI No(& ta"e the drill 3or so%e sharp o#Be/t4 a d put a hole throu'h the a%%o ia pellet #i' e ou'h for the ail. 7ut the ail throu'h the pellet 3(hi/h I %i'ht add /a #e pi/"ed up at a y far% supply store4 a d (ire that to the top of the /a so the ail /a #e slipped out easily& allo(i ' the pellet to drop. WARNINGA <o ot let that pellet fall i to the %i2ture& as your (ife (ill soo #e/o%e a (ido(. DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEF G -0+MI.T:. -$RN+R ARTI-*+ R1A +@7*$.IJ+. G HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEI )y Saphod )ee#le#ro2>M7G T0I. ARTI-*+ <+A*. WIT0 T0+ IN.TRK-TI$N. ,$R -R+ATING .$M+ <ANG+R$K. +@7*$.IJ+.. I, C$K INT+N< T$ MAL+ ANC $, T0+.+ +@7*$.IJ+.& <$ .$ IN .MA** AM$KNT. $N*C& A. T0+C AR+ A** <ANG+R$K. AN< -$K*< .+RI$K.*C IN;KR+ $R LI** C$K I, <$N+ IN *ARG+R AM$KNT.. I, C$K <$N:T LN$W ANCT0ING A)$KT -0+MI.TRC& <$N:T <$ T0+.+ +@7+RIM+NT.! I AM N$T ;$LING IN GIJING T0I. WARNING. KN*+.. C$K 0AJ+ A <+AT0 WI.0& C$K .0$K*<N:T TRC ANC $, T0+ ,$**$WING KN*+.. C$K 0AJ+ 0A< 7RI$R +@7+RI+N-+ WIT0 -0+MI-A*.. I. -$MM$N TW+ALT +@7*$.IJ+. A4 Gu po(derA 85U 7otassiu% Nitrate 15U -har/oal 10U .ulfur The /he%i/als should #e 'rou d i to a file po(der 3separately!4 (ith a %orter a d pestle. If 'u po(der is i' ited i the ope & it #ur s fier/ely& #ut if i a /losed spa/e it #uilds up pressure fro% the released 'ases a d /a e2plode the /o tai er. Gu po(der (or"s li"e thisA The potassiu% itrate o2idi=es the /har/oal a d sulfur& (hi/h the #ur s fier/ely. -ar#o dio2ide a d sulfur dio2ide are the 'ases released. )4 A%%o alA A%%o al is a %i2ture of a%%o iu% itrate 3a stro ' o2idi=er4 (ith alu%i u% po(der 3the :fuel: i this /ase4. I a% ot sure of the per/e ta'e of /o%positio for a%%o ial& so you %ay (a t to e2peri%e t a little usi ' s%all a%ou ts. 7a'e 5

-4 -he%i/ally I' ited +2plosivesA +2peri%e t 1A A %i2ture of 1 part potassiu% /hlorate to 1 parts ta#le su'ar 3su/rose4 #ur s fier/ely a d #ri'htly 3si%ilar to the #ur i ' of %a' esiu%4 (he 1 drop of /o /e trated sulfuri/ a/id is pla/ed o it. What o//urs is thisA (he the a/id is added it rea/ts (ith the potassiu% /hlorate to for% /hlori e dio2ide& (hi/h e2plodes o for%atio & #ur i ' the su'ar as (ell. +2peri%e t 2A Ksi ' various /he%i/als& I have developed a %i2ture that (or"s very (ell for i%itati ' vol/a i/ eruptio s. I have 'ive it the a%e :M7G Jol/a ite:. 0ere it isA 7otassiu% /hlorate V potassiu% per/hlorate V a%%o iu% itrate V a%%o iu% di/hro%ate V potassiu% itrate V su'ar V sulfur V iro fili 's V /har/oal V =i / dust V so%e /olori ' a'e t. 3./arlet W stro tiu% itrate& 7urple W Iodi e /rystals& Cello( W .odiu% /hloride& -ri%so W -al/iu% /hloride& et/4. +2peri%e t 1A .o& do you thi " (ater puts out firesX I this o e& it starts it! Mi2tureA A%%o iu% itrate V a%%o iu% /hloride V iodi e V =i / dust. Whe a drop or t(o of (ater is added& the a%%o iu% itrate for%s itri/ a/id (hi/h rea/ts (ith the =i / to produ/e hydro'e a d heat. The heat vapori=es the iodi e 3'ivi ' off purple s%o"e4 a d the a%%o iu% /hloride 3#e/o%es purple (he %i2ed (ith iodi e vapor4. It also %ay i' ite the hydro'e a d #e'i #ur i '. A%%o iu% itrateA A%%o iu% /hlorideA Si / dustA Iodi e /rystalsA +2peri%e t 5A 7otassiu% per%a 'a ate V 'ly/eri e (he fla%e i 10 se/o ds to 1 %i ute. per%a 'a ate is fi ely 'rou d. +2peri%e t 5A -al/iu% /ar#ide V (ater releases a/etyle e 'as 3hi'hly used i #lo( tor/hes4. fla%%a#le 'as %i2ed produ/es a purple-/oloured Wor"s #est if the potassiu% 9' 1' 9' 1'

II. T0+RMIT+ R+A-TI$N The ther%ite rea/tio is used i (eldi '& #e/ause it 'e erates %olte iro a d te%peratures of 1500 - 36000,V4. It uses o e of the previous rea/tio s that I tal"ed a#out to start it! .tarter W 7otassiu% /hlorate V .u'ar Mai 7art W Iro 3III4 o2ide V Alu%i u% po(der 3125 %esh or fi er4 7a'e 5 7ut the potassiu% /hlorate V su'ar arou d a d o top of the %ai part.

To start the rea/tio pla/e o e drop of /o /e trated sulfuri/ a/id o top of the starter %i2ture. .tep #a/"! The ratios areA 1 parts iro 3III4 o2ide to 1 part alu%i u% po(der to 1 part potassiu% /hlorate to 1 part su'ar. Whe you first do it& try 1GA1GA1GA1G! Also& there is a alter ative starter for the ther%ite rea/tio . The alter ative is potassiu% 7er%a 'a ate V Gly/eri e. A%ou tA 55' Iro 3III4 o2ide& 15' alu%i u% po(der& 25' potassiu% per%a 'a ate& 6%l 'ly/eri e. III. NITR$G+N--$NTAINING 0IG0 +@7*$.IJ+. A4 Mer/ury 3II4 ,ul%i ate To produ/e %er/ury 3II4 ,ul%i ate& a very se sitive sho/" e2plosive& o e %i'ht assu%e that it /ould #e for%ed #y addi ' ful%i i/ a/id to %er/ury. This is so%e(hat diffi/ult si /e ful%i i/ a/id is very u sta#le a d /a ot #e pur/hased. I did so%e resear/h a d fi'ured out a (ay to %a"e it (ithout ful%i i/ a/id. Cou add 2 parts itri/ a/id to 2 parts al/ohol to 1 part %er/ury. This is theoreti/al 3I have ot yet tried it4 so please& if you try this& do it i J+RC s%all a%ou ts a d tell %e the results. )4 Nitro'e Triiodide

Nitro'e Triiodide is a very po(erful a d very sho/" se sitive e2plosive. Never store it a d #e /areful (he you:re arou d itY sou d& air %ove%e ts& a d other ti y thi 's /ould set it off. MaterialsA 2-1' Iodi e 15%l -o /e trated a%%o ia 9 .heets of filter paper 50%l #ea"er ,eather %ou ted o a t(o %eter pole +ar 7lu's Tape .patula .tirri ' Rod 7ro/edureA Add 2-1' iodi e to 15%l a%%o ia i the 50%l #ea"er. .tir& let sta d for 5 %i utes. <o the follo(i ' (ithi 5 %i utesA Retai the solid& de/a t the li?uid 3pour off the li?uid #ut "eep the #ro( solid4. ./rape the #ro( residue of itro'e triiodide o to a sta/" of four sheets of filter paper. <ivide solid i to four parts& putti ' ea/h o a separate sheet of dry filter paper. Tape i positio & leave to dry u distur#ed for at least 10 %i utes 3prefera#ly lo 'er4. To deto ate& tou/h (ith feather 3(ear ear plu's (he deto ati ' or /over earsY it is very loud!4. -4 -ellulose Nitrate 3Gu /otto 4 does -o%%o ly " o( as s%o"eless po(der& ot 'ive off s%o"e (he it #ur s. itro/ellulose is e2a/tly thatY it

7a'e 6 MaterialsA 80%l -o /e trated sulfuri/ a/id

10%l -o /e trated itri/ a/id 5' A#sor#e t /otto 250%l 1M .odiu% #i/ar#o ate 250%l #ea"er I/e #ath To 's 7aper to(els 7ro/edureA 7la/e 250%l #ea"er i the i/e #ath& add 80%l sulfuri/ a/id& 10%l itri/ a/id. <ivide /otto i to 0.8' pie/es. With to 's& i%%erse ea/h pie/e i the a/id solutio for 1 %i ute. Ne2t& ri se ea/h pie/e i 1 su//essive #aths of 500%l (ater. Kse fresh (ater for ea/h pie/e. The i%%erse i 250%l 1M .odiu% )i/ar#o ate. If it #u##les& ri se i (ater o /e %ore u til o #u##li ' o//urs. .?uee=e dry a d spread o paper to(els& /o%press it i to /a"es or #lo/"s or 'elata i=e it (ith a/eto e. This is po(erful stuff! <4 A/eto e 0ydro'e MaterialsA 5%l A/eto e 5%l 10U hydro'e pero2ide 5 <rops /o /e trated hydro/hlori/ a/id 150%% test tu#e Add 5%l a/eto e a d 5%l hydro'e pero2ide to the test tu#e. The add 5 drops /o /e trated hydro/hlori/ a/id. I 10-20 %i utes a (hite solid should #e'i to appear. If o /ha 'e is o#served& (ar% the test tu#e i a (ater #ath at 50 -elsius. Allo( the rea/tio to /o ti ue for t(o hours. .(irl the slurry a d filter it. *eave out o filter paper to dry for at least t(o hours. To i' ite& li'ht a /a dle tied to a %eter sti/" a d li'ht it 3(hile sta di ' at least a %eter a(ay4. +4 .%o"e& .%o"e& .%o"e... The follo(i ' rea/tio should produ/e a fair a%ou t of s%o"e. .i /e this rea/tio is ot all the da 'erous& you /a use lar'er a%ou ts if e/essary for lar'er a%ou ts of s%o"e. 6' Si / po(der 1' .ulfur 7o(der I sert a red hot (ire i to the pile& step #a/". #e /reated. A lot of s%o"e should +2plosiveA


Method AA MaterialsA Gasoli e - 1 part $il - 1 half part .tyrofoa% - 1 part 14 Melt styrofoa% 3re%e%#er N+J+R at ANC ti%e let the %i2ture 'et too hot4! N$T+A <o N$T i hale the fu%es - they are deady! 24 *et /ool to a thi/" vis/osity. 14 Mi2 1 i 'redie ts to'ether i the follo(i ' orderA .tyrofoa%& oil& Z fro% a y type of fire! 'as.

54 Mi2 i a deep pot - Leep %i2ture a(ay step (ith e2tre%e /autio !

<o this

54 *et the %i2ture /ool to a little #it (ar%er that roo% te%perature& (hi/h is arou d 99 de'rees ,ahre heit. 64 Mold the %i2ture less lethal4. <r. )oo%s MethodA MaterialsA 20%l 'asoli e 5-10 plasti/ #a's 10%l oil or starter fluid 50%l #ea"er or 'lass #o(l 'u po(der& 'u /otto or a/eto e hydro'e 7ro/edureA 7our 'as i 'lass /o tai er a d add #a's to 'as a d dissolve u til fairly thi/" vi/osity li"e %elted %arsh%allo( 3a/tually& %arsh%allo(s (ould pro#a#ly (or" Bust as (ell or #etter tha plasti/ #a's!4 a d add oil. Add #a's a'ai u til very thi/". Add the 'u /otto a d %i2 (ell. Leep o addi ' strips of plasti/ u til o %ore (ill dissolve a d the pour i a %old. N$T+A It (ould a 'ood idea to heat this stuff (ith a dou#le #oiler. ho( you (a t 3differe t shapes (ill %a"e it %ore or

$ptio alA Cou /a add uts& #olts& a d s/re(s (hile %i2i '& alo ' (ith 'u po(der& 2 M-90:s or a y other type of e2plosive to %a"e it the e?uivale t of a Molotov /o/"tail& #ut #e (ar edA The fra'%e ts 3 uts& #olts& et/.4 are deadly. They (ill pe etrate a #ri/" (all (he the %i2ture is deto ated.

7a'e 9 <eto atio A 14 The %i2ture 24 The %i2ture /a /a #e #e thro( & (ired #ut for a so%eti%es deto atio does ot o//ur.

ele/tri/ /har'e to #e se t throu'h

it. It (ill deto ate (ithout dou#t. A re'ular fuse /a #e se t throu'h it also. If this %ethod is used& so%e sort of ti%er is re/o%%e ded.

DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEF G -R+ATI$N $, T0+RMIT+! G HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEI )y Grey Wolf Ther%ite is a po(erful su#sta /e (hi/h /a #ur throu'h pra/ti/ally a ythi '& save tu 'ste . It is espe/ially of use i tryi ' to /ra/" ope a fortress fo e. 0o( here:s ho( you %a"e it. It is very si%ple. The first step i %a"i ' ther%ite is to %a"e he%atite. I lay%a s:s ter%s& 0e%etite is iro o2ide 3rust4. 0ere is a 'ood %ethod of %a"i ' lar'e ?ua tities of rust. Cou (ill ele/troly=e a %etal rod& su/h as a /o%%o ail. Cou (ill eed a sour/e of <- po(er as (ell. A ele/tri/ trai tra sfor%er is perfe/t. Atta/h the rod to the positive (ire. The pla/e the rod a d the e'ative (ire i opposite sides of a 'lass Bar filled (ith (ater. 7ut a little salt i the (ater& Bust e ou'h to %a"e it /o du/t (ell 3a teaspoo 4. *et the setup sit over i'ht. I the %or i '& there (ill #e a dar" red /rud i the Bar. ,ilter all the /rud out of the (ater of Bust fish it out (ill a spoo . No( you (ill eed to dry it out. 0eat it i a iro pot u til it all tur s a i/e li'ht red. The other i 'redie t you (ill eed is alu%i u% fili 's. Cou /a either file do( a #ar of alu%i u%& or 3as I su''est4& #ut alu%i u% fili 's at your lo/al hard(are shop 3if you #uy the #ar& use o less tha 95U pure alu%i u% - it is /alled duralu%i 4. That:s al%ost it! No(& %i2 to'ether the rust a d alu%i u% fili 's. The ratio should #e 9 'ra%s of rust per 1 'ra%s of alu%i u% fili 's. That:s ther%ite! No(& to li'ht it! .ti/" a le 'th of %a' esiu% ri##o i a pile of the ther%ite 3either steal it fro% a /he% la# or #uy it at your lo/al hard(are store4. If ot& order fro% a /he%i/al supply house. It:s pretty /heap4. The ri##o should sti/" i to the ther%ite li"e a fuse. No( you li'ht the %a' esiu% (ith a #lo(tor/h 3do :t (orry& the tor/h is :t hot e ou'h to li'ht the ther%ite4. Whe the #ur i ' %a' esiu% rea/hes the ther%ite& it (ill li'ht. Whe the ther%ite #ur s& 'et the hell #a/"! That stuff /a vapori=e /ar#o steel& a d it does (o ders o hu%a flesh!


This file (as (ritte for IN,$RMATI$N 7KR7$.+. $N*C& a d N$T for ille'al use. The (riter /a ot #e held respo si#le for a ythi ' you do to yourself!!!! If there are a y spelli ' or 'ra%%ati/al errors& the ,K-L $,, AN< <I+ /ause I do :t really /are... %y poi t is drive a/ross. Well first of all i order to %a"e a pipe #o%# & you %ust first have a pipe. It does :t %atter ho( #i'& or ho( s%all& you /ould use a 1 i /h /opper pipe& or you /ould use a 2 foot lo ' drai a'e pipe. $ /e you have this& you (ill eed a fe( i 'redie ts first. These i 'redie ts %a"e a su#sta /e /alled :flash po(der:. This /a #e a lot of fu if you %a"e a pile of it a#out 1>5 l#s. a d have your frie d li'ht it (ith a %at/h 3so%e frie d4. Well& here:s (hat you eedA 1\ 2\ 1\ 5\ 5\ 6\ 8\ 9\ 9\ 7otassiu% -hlorate 3'et it at a y /he%i/al store4 7o(dered -har/oal 3 ot #ri?uets& ta"e so%e ash fro% the fire pla/e4 7o(dered Ma' esiu% 3'rou d up %a'. fire starters fro% /a%pi ' se/tio s4 .ulfur 3you " o( (here to 'et this!4 .o%e "i d of pipi ' 0ot 'lue 'u & or %elted 'lue .%all drill #it a d drill Tissue paper 3ie. Llee e24 Mist (ater #ottle V sprayer 3Wi de2 #ottle& et/..4

The %a' esiu% has to #e ,IN+!!! The fi er the faster! Cou /a 'et the% i the /a%pi ' se/tio s of -aldor& a d .ears. They loo" li"e a #lo/" of alu%i u% o a "ey /hai 3^5.00 - ^8.00 #utthey 'o a lo ' (ay!4. No( that you have the stuff& start the (or". ,i d a drill #it a#out the si=e of a pe /il poi t& a d drill a s%all hole a#out dead /e ter of the pipe& o ly drill thru o e side of the pipe& do :t drill #oth sides. No( you should have a pie/e of pipe& (ith a s%all hole drilled i to it. After this& ta"e so%e hot 'lue 3hot 'lue 'u or su/h4. Ta"e a pie/e of re'ular paper 3 ot tissue4 a d stuff it i to o e e d of the pipe& so it plu's up the hole& a d is a#out 2/% i to the pipe. No( fill that e d (ith %elted 'lue over the paper& so its a#out eve (ith the pipe& a d sit that do( o a other pie/e of paper. No( you should have a pipe (ith a s%all hole i the /e ter& a d o e e d (ith a#out 2 /% of 'lue o it& a d 2 pie/es of paper o either side of the 'lue. .o far so 'ood... o( for the flash po(der. 7our i the potassiu% /hlorate 3lar'est a%ou t4. The pour i the /har/oal 3a little less tha the /hlorate4. 7our this stuff i to a 'ri di ' plate& ot the pipe. No( for the %a' esiu% you filed off the #lo/" a d 'rou d up fi ally& %a"e this a #it less tha the /har/oal a%ou t. *astly add the sulphur& o ly a little thou'h& a#out half as %u/h as the %a' esiu% you Bust put i . No( 'ri d all the i 'redie ts to'ether u til they loo" li"e 1 'rey dust. Try a little #it 3 o ot the (hole da% thi '! save that for the fu later!4. *i'ht it a d see ho( fast it 'oes off. Cour 'o a have to fiddle (ith it u til it tur s out the 7a'e 10 fastest 3sou ds li"e so%ethi ' else ehX4. No( that you have the flash po(der ready& sti/" a pie/e of tape over the s%all hole you drilled 3so othi ' spills out4. 7ut the pipe over a sheet of re'ular paper so you do :t loose a y of this pre/ious flash po(der a d start to poor it i to the pipe. $ e the pipe see%s

full& pla/e a pie/e of paper over the ope i ' i that e d& that pie/e of paper& a d the po(der do( i to the pipe.

a d pa/"

Ta"e the paper out& a d pour %ore po(der i . Leep doi ' his u til its very (ell pa/"ed& a d its al%ost full! Ma"e sure that the flash po(der fills a#ove the s%all hole you drilled! No( put a pie/e of paper over the po(der& a d 'ive it o e last pa/" 3a s%all rod& a d a ha%%er (ill do Bust fi e& #ut %a"e sure you do :t 'et a y spar"s!!4. After that& pour i your fi al 'lue i the e d you Bust pa/"ed& %a"e sure it fills to a#out 2 /% of 'lue i that e d& over the paper! .ti/" a other pie/e of paper over that e d 3Bust 'lued4 a d let it dry& #ut (he dryi ' put it o a flat surfa/e so it harde s flat! While your (aiti ' for it to dry& ta"e your tissue paper& a d lie it do( flat o the ta#le& over a pie/e of /ard#oard or so%ethi ' if its a 'ood ta#le!! No( %i2 so%e (ater (ith the flash po(der 3a#out 1>2-1>2 %i24. No it (o :t "ill the po(der. No( sha"e up the #ottle& a d spray the tissue paper (ith the %i2ture *et it dry& a d repeat the se?ue /e. After a#out 5 shots o 1 side& repeat o the other side 3flip the tissue paper4. -o ti ue this u til your li"i '. Whe this is do e& a d the tissue paper is dry& tear>/ut off a s%all sheet& roll it& a d li'ht it. If you li"e it& the fi e& if ot& the "eep sprayi ' it. If you li"e to& #efore rolli ' it& pour i so%e flash po(der 3 ot too %u/h!!!4 a d roll it li"e a Boi t. The t(ist it. Cou o( have a fuse 3reallyX!X!4. Ma"e sure its lo '!! No( for the fi al asse%#ly. Ta"e the tape off the s%all hole you drilled& a d po"e thru the po(der (ith a pe /il poi t>i/e pi/" or (hatever 3or the drill #it!4. If you R+A**C (a t to& the put a drop of 'lue to hold the fuse i #etter& #ut you do :t have to!! 3 ot too %u/h!4. No( %a"e sure the 'lue has harde ed for a#out 1 hour or so u til its ro/" hard 3 o ideas!4. Cou are o( the proud parties>spe/ial o//asio s& else you (a t to do. Whe dire/tio you are 'o a #e /ra=y& a d i that /ase& your fa/e!! o( er of a ho%e %ade 7I7+ )$M). Great for (eddi 's& Russia s& %ail #o2es a d a ythi ' you li'ht this #o%#& poi t the e d i the ru i ' i & a d do :t thro( it 3u less your I do :t 'ive a shit!4 so it does :t fra' i al(ays use threaded

If you really (a t to fa /y it up& you /a steel e d /aps!!!!!! Well I hope you e Boyed your fu )e safe 3hehehe4

today& a d happy #o%# %a"i '!


14 Get hold of a 'lass Bu'& put i 14 No( tur the Bu' arou d to /oat

a fe( drops of 'asoli e a d /ap the top. the i er surfa/es 3you /a a d evaporates.

54 Add a fe( drops of potassiu% fro% a s a"e-#ite "it4. 54 The #o%# is solid o#Be/t. Whe this su/"er deto ated 'oes #y

per%a 'a ate thro(i ' it is

'et this real easy

or for/i#ly rolli ' it a'ai st a


the sa%e as half sti/" of dy a%ite.

DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEF G 0$W T$ MAL+ TNT G HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEI 7ro#a#ly the %ost i%porta t e2plosive /o%pou d i use today is TNT 3tri itrotolue e4. This a d other very si%ilar types of hi'h e2plosives are all used #y the %ilitary& #e/ause of their fa tasti/ po(er& a#out 2.25 %illio s pou ds per s?uare i /h& a d their 'reat sta#ility. TNT also has the 'reat adva ta'e of #ei ' a#le to #e %elted at 92 de'rees ,.& so that it /a #e poured i to shells& %ortars& or a y other proBe/tiles. Military TNT /o%es i /o tai ers (hi/h rese%#le dry /ell #atteries& a d are usually i' ited #y a ele/tri/al /har'e& /oupled (ith a ele/tri/al #lasti ' /ap& althou'h there are other %ethods. 7reparatio 1 of TNTA

Ta"e t(o #ea"ers. I the first prepare a solutio of 86 per/e t sulfuri/ a/id& 21 per/e t itri/ a/id a d 1 per/e t (ater. I the other #ea"er& prepare a other solutio of 58 per/e t itri/ a/id a d 51 per/e t sulfuri/ a/id 3per/e ta'es are o a (ei'ht ratio rather tha volu%e4. Te 'ra%s of the first solutio s are poured i to a a d pla/ed i a i/e #ath. Add te 'ra%s of tolue e& a d stir for e%pty #ea"er %i utes.

2 1 5 -


Re%ove this #ea"er fro% the i/e #ath a d 'e tly heat u til it rea/hes 50 de'rees -. The solutio is stirred /o sta tly (hile #ei ' heated. ,ifty additio al 'ra%s of the a/id& fro% the first #ea"er& are added a d the te%perature is held for the e2t te %i utes& a d a oily li?uid (ill #e'i to for% o the top of the a/id. 7a'e 12

5 -

6 -

After 10 or 12 %i utes& the a/id solutio is retur ed to the i/e #ath& a d /ooled to 55 de'rees -. Whe rea/hi ' this te%perature& the oily li?uid (ill si " a d /olle/t at the #otto% of the #ea"er. At this poi t& the re%ai i ' a/id solutio should #e dra( off& #y usi ' a syri 'e. ,ifty %ore 'ra%s of the first a/id solutio are added to the

8 -

oily li?uid (hile the te%perature is .*$W*C #ei ' raised to 91 de'rees -. After this te%perature is rea/hed& it is %ai tai ed for a full half hour. 9 At the e d of this period& the solutio is allo(ed to /ool to 60 de'rees -& a d is held at this te%perature for a other full half hour. After this& the a/id is a'ai dra( off& leavi ' o /e %ore o ly the oily li?uid at the #otto%. Thirty 'ra%s of sulfuri/ a/id are added& (hile the oily li?uid is 'e tly heated to 90 de'rees -. All te%perature i /reases %ust #e a//o%plished slo(ly a d 'e tly. $ /e the desired te%perature is rea/hed& 10 'ra%s of the se/o d a/id solutio are added& a d the te%perature is raised fro% 90 de'rees - to 105 de'rees -& a d is held for three hours. After this three hour period& the %i2ture is lo(ered de'rees - a d held there for a half hour. After this half hour& the oil is re%oved for% the (ashed (ith #oili ' (ater. After the (ashi ' (ith #oili ' (ater& (hile /o sta tly& the TNT (ill #e'i to solidify. #ei ' to a/id 100 a d

9 -

10 -

11 12 11 15 -


Whe the solidifi/atio has started& /old (ater is added to the #ea"er& so that the TNT (ill for% i to pellets. $ /e this is do e& you have a 'ood ?uality TNT.

N$T+A The te%peratures used i the preparatio of TNT are +@A-T& a d %ust #e used as su/h. <$ N$T esti%ate or use appro2i%atio s. )uy a 'ood /e ti'rade ther%o%eter. The author ta"e N$ R+.7$N.I)I*ITC for a y da%a'e to perso s or property for this for%ula. It is supplied for .TK<C 7KR7$.+. $N*C.

7a'e 11 DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEF G NITR$G*C-+RIN G HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEI #y <r. )oo% WARNINGA This stuff is very da 'erous& (ear 'o''les at A** ti%es a d for God:s sa"e do :t .N++S+ (hile %a"i ' it!

MaterialsA Glass #o(l a d 'lass rod Water 3lots of it4 .ulfuri/ a/id Nitri/ A/id Gly/eri Refri'erator Ma"e sure you 'et a G*A.. #o(l a d stirri ' rod. The .ulfuri/ a/id a d Nitri/ a/id are a#out 5 #u/"s ea/h at a /he%i/al (arehouse a d you /a 'et the 'ly/eri fro% a /lear& yello(>#ro( #ar of soap fro% a health food store 3i.e. - -ardish4.

7ro/edureA -arefully %i2 e?ual a%ou ts of the a/ids i a 'lass #o(l of 2 parts (ater to 1 parts of the %i2ture of a/id. 7ut %i2ture a d #ar of 'ly/eri e soap i the frid'e #y the %il" 3do :t free=e the da% thi '!4 a d leave it for 2 hours. .i /e the %i2ture (o :t #lo( up u til 15 -& the frid'e:s te%perature 35 -4 (ill preve t deto atio 3a d (e do :t (a t T0AT to happe & or at least ot N$W4. .hred the soap to a fla"y po(der a d dissolve it i the a/id solutio 3a d L++7 it i the frid'e A*WAC.& or +*.+!4. *eave it i the frid'e for 5 days 3si /e this pro/ess ta"es a lo ' ti%e4& a d after 5 days you should have a oily yello( su#sta /e 3(hi/h is ?uite lethal4& a d so%e li?uid a/id left. ."i% off the e2/ess a/id to leave o ly the thi/" yello( 'u " 3 itro4 a d add lots of (ater to it 3do :t dro( it or you:re fu/"ed4 a d put it #a/" i the frid'e u til you eed it - ever "eep it out of the frid'e too lo ' 3a d %a"e sure it:s ot eate for di er4. It /a #e deto ated #y droppi ' it& thro(i ' it& sha"i ' it& #y s ee=i ' o it& or (ith a ele/tri/al /har'e 3su/h as a ti%er4. Cou %i'ht (a t to soa" it i #lo( up as easily if you happe sa(dust or so%ethi ' si%ilar so it (o :t to a//ide tally #u%p it or so%ethi '.

7a'e 15 DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEF G <CNAMIT+ G HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEI #y <r. )oo% <ANG+RA <y a%ite is hi'hly e2plosive 3althou'h 'reat fu 4& a d (e su''est that if you a/tually atte%pt to %a"e this - %a"e it i very lo( ?ua tities so you do :t #lo( the roof off your house. Also use

e2tre%e /autio MaterialsA

if you live i

earth?ua"e =o e!

ther%o%eter 'lass #o(ls stirri ' rods itro'ly/eri e(spaper or Liesel'uhr sodiu%& potassiu%& or a%%o iu% itrate 'u /otto & 'u po(der or plasti/ e2plosives /otto a d /ard#oard deto ator 3see #elo(4 Ne(spaper is used here& #ut ori'i ally you use Liesel'uhr 3a porous sili/a su#sta /e4 #ut the #oo" says that e(spaper (or"s Bust as (ell. With the sili/a su#sta /e it is %ore li"e plasti/& (ith (ood pulp it is %ore li"e paper %a/he. 7ro/edureA ,irst soa" strips of e(spaper over i'ht so they #e/o%e %ushy a d the %ush it i your ha ds 3is :t this fu X!X4 u til it #e/o%es %ore li"e a paste 3you /a do that (ith the #le der set o li?uify to speed thi 's up4. Leep the itro'ly/eri e i the frid'e at all ti%es! -olle/t the pulp(ith a strai er a d let it dry sli'htly a d the add o add o the /he%i/als listed a#ove 3e2/ept for the itro'ly/eri e4 (ith pulp #ei ' 2 parts a d the /he%i/als #ei ' 1 part 3ratio 2A14. Mi2 (ell. Al%ost do e! No( put it i the frid'e for a hour a d the pour 1 part itro'ly/eri e a d 1.5 parts %i2ture 3ratio 1A1.54 a d use the ther%o%eter to %a"e sure everythi ' is #elo( 15 -. No( %a"e a /ard#oard tu#e 1 i /hes lo ' (ith a radius of 1/%. 7ut /otto i o e e d as a plu' a d pour i the dy a%ite u til it is 2>1 full 32T do( the tu#e4 a d leave it i a safe 3<RC4 pla/e (here it /a dry pea/efully a d pray that there is :t a earth?ua"e! Whe it:s dry& fill the re%ai i ' 1 i /h 31>14 (ith either 'u po(der& 'u /otto or plasti/ e2plosives a d /ap the top a d sti/" i a fuse& (hi/h should #e (ires (ith a ro/"et i' iter at the e d /o e/ted to a /opper (ire a * $ N G dista /e a(ay to a po(er sour/e. Cou /a also use a ti%er& #ut <$N:T *IG0T the da% thi '! )e /areful (ith this stuff u less you (a t to Boi Astro)oy - the pressure 'ive off is a#out 2 %illio pou ds per s?uare i /h. 7a'e 15 <+T$NATING TNT AN< <CNAMIT+ #y <r. )oo% +ve thou'h TNT a d <y a%ite are po(erful e2plosives& to set the% off you eed a s%aller e2plosio or a /har'e. ,or the sho/" eeded to set the% off& plasti/ e2plosives /a #e used. It:s easy to %a"e a d ?uite po(erful. *et:s say you use TNTA There:s the t(o #asi/ (ays to do it. If you (a t to use a pi ' po ' #all& fill it half (ay (ith TNT a d fill the other half (ith plasti/ e2plosives. .i /e your usi ' s%all a%ou ts of

TNT& you /a use a *$NG fuse 3at least 1 foot4 as a fuse& #ut ever put it u der a /ar or it:ll still pretty da% po(erful4.

of %a' esiu% ri##o #lo( it up 3yes& it:s

If you:re a little uts a d de/ide to %a"e a lar'e /har'e& I (ould re/o%%e t usi ' a ele/tro i/ deto ator or ti%er. Well& I hope you e Boy your #o%# %a"i ' 3if you ever 'o to the -N to(er& #ri ' a little #all of <y a%ite or TNT a d rop it a d 10 se/o ds later& e Boy the fire(or"s -the sho/" is stro ' e ou'h to deto ate it. A pe y (ill pe etrate 1 food i to /o /rete!4. )$M) -$NTAIN+R. #y <r. )oo% <rill a hole i a pi ' po ' #all a d fill it up (ith plasti/ e2plosives. If you:re lu/"y e ou'h to live i a hi'h rise apart%e t& do thisA Ta"e your pi ' po ' #all #o%# a d put a %a' esiu% ri##o fuse 31 foot lo '4 i the #all 3you /a add )) pellets4 a d li'ht it at %id i'ht a d thro( it do( ! The foot lo ' fuse should should 'ive it 10 se/o ds to <r. )oo% <oo% Ti%e. I #et you a #u/" you:ll (a"e up the ei'h#ourhood! $r& 'o to a %all a d pour 'u po(der i a ashtray (ith the sa d i it. 7ut lots Bust u der the surfa/e a d put a s%all #all of plasti/ e2plosives. Too #ad you /a :t see the fa/e of the perso (ho tried to put out his /i'arette! I #et he:ll fu/"i ' stop s%o"i ' ri'ht a(ay! Try thi/" rolled up /ard#oard /yli ders a d fill the% up (ith your favourite e2plosive. 7$*I.0 ,*AIR. MaterialsA 7otassiu% itrate 3saltpeter4 .u/rose 3su'ar4 Nap"i 7ro/edureA Mi2 e?ual a%ou ts o a d s%o"e. N$T+A <o a ap"i a d i' ite it. It (ill flare up ot i hale the s%o"e - it is ha=ardous! 7a'e 16 I. *I.T $, 0$K.+0$*< -0+MI-A*. AN< T0+IR -$M7$.ITI$N

0ousehold 7rodu/t -he%i/al -o%pou ds EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Ji e'ar )a"i ' .oda <rai -lea ers .a i-,lush 1-5U A/eti/ A/id .odiu% )i/ar#o ate .odiu% 0ydro2ide 85U .odiu% )isulfate

A%%o ia Water Ta#le .alt .u'ar Mal" of Ma' esia Ti /ture of Iodi e Ru##i ' Al/ohol II.

A%%o iu% 0ydro2ide .odiu% -hloride .u/rose Ma' esiu% 0ydro2ide 58U Al/ohol& 5U Iodi e 80U-99U Isopropyl Al/ohol

WIM7C& )KT 7R+TTC .A,+ +@7+RIM+NT. Qphe(\ Ge erati ' -hlori e Gas

+2peri%e t 1A

+ver (o der (hy a%%o ia #ottles al(ays say T<o ot %i2 (ith /hlori e #lea/hT a d vi/e versaX That:s #e/ause if you %i2 a%%o ia (ater (ith ABa2 or so%ethi ' li"e it& it (ill 'ive off /hlori e 'as. To /apture it& 'et a lar'e #ottle a d put ABa2 i the #otto%. The pour so%e a%%o ia do( i to the #ottle. .i /e the /hlori e is heavier tha air& it (ill stay do( i there u less you use lar'e a%ou ts of either ABa2 or A%%o ia 3<$N:T4. ,or so%ethi ' fu do (ith /hlori e& stay tu ed. +2peri%e t 2A -hlori e a d Turpe ti e i turpe ti e. aui/"ly drop 'ive off alot of #la/" s%o"e

Ta"e a s%all /loth or ra' a d soa" it it i to the #ottle of /hlori e. It should a d pro#a#ly start #ur i '. +2peri%e t 1A Ge erati ' 0ydro'e Gas

To 'e erate hydro'e & all you eed is a a/id a d a %etal that (ill rea/t (ith that a/id. Try vi e'ar 3a/eti/ a/id4 (ith =i /& alu%i u%& %a' esiu%& et/. Cou /a /olle/t hydro'e i so%ethi ' if you ote that it is li'hter tha air. *i'ht a s%all a%ou t a d it #ur s (ith a s%all 7$7. A other (ay of /reati ' hydro'e is #y the ele/trolysis of (ater. This i volves separati ' (ater 302$4 i to hydro'e a d o2y'e #y a ele/tri/ /urre t. To do this& you eed a 6-12 volt #attery& t(o test tu#es& a lar'e #o(l& t(o /ar#o ele/trodes 3ta"e the% out of a u (or"i ' 6-12 volt #attery4& a d ta#le salt. <issolve the salt i a lar'e #o(l full of (ater. .u#%er'e the t(o test tu#es i the (ater a d put the ele/trodes i side the% (ith the %outh of the tu#e ai%i ' do( . -o e/t the #attery to so%e (ire 'oi ' do( to the ele/trodes. This (ill (or" for a (hile& #ut /hlori e (ill #e 'e erated alo ' (ith the o2y'e (hi/h (ill u dou#tedly /orrode your /opper (ires leadi ' to the /ar#o ele/trodes 3the ta#le salt is #ro"e up i to /hlori e a d sodiu% io s& the /hlori e /o%es off as a 'as (ith o2y'e 7a'e 18 (hile sodiu% rea/ts (ith the (ater to for% sodiu% hydro2ide4. Therefore& if you /a 'et your ha ds o so%e sulfuri/ a/id& use it i stead. It (ill ot affe/t the rea/tio other tha %a"i ' the (ater /o du/t ele/tri/ity. +2peri%e t 5A 0ydro'e a d -hlori e thu%#. e that it i to e2plode ' a#out

Ta"e the test tu#e of hydro'e a d /over the %outh (ith your Leep it i verted& a d #ri ' it ear the #ottle of /hlori e 3 ot o has rea/ted (ith turpe ti e4. .ay T'ood#ye test tu#e&T a d drop the #ottle. The hydro'e a d /hlori e should rea/t a d possi#le 3depe di ' o purity a d a%ou t of ea/h 'as4. A i teresti ' thi

this is they (ill ot rea/t if it is dar" a d o heat or other e er'y is arou d. Whe a li'ht is tur ed o & e ou'h e er'y is produ/ed to /ause the% to rea/t. +2peri%e t 5A Iodi e

Ti /ture of iodi e /o tai s %ai ly al/o'ol a d a little iodi e. To separate the%& put the ti/ture of iodi e i a %etal lid to a #ottle a d heat it over a /a dle. 0ave a sta d holdi ' a other %etal lid dire/tly over the /a dle. 0ave a sta d holdi ' a other %etal lid dire/tly over the ti /ture 3a#out 5-6 i /hes a#ove it4 (ith i/e o top of it. The al/ohol should evaporate& a d the iodi e should su#li%e& #ut should refor% iodi e /rystals o the /old %etal lid dire/tly a#ove. Cou /a use the iodi e alo ' (ith household a%%o ia to for% itro'e triiodide 3dis/ussio further up i this do/u%e t4. +2peri%e t 6A Grai -+levator +2plosio

Wa t to try your o( T'rai -elevator e2plosio XT Get a /a dle a d so%e flour. *i'ht the /a dle a d put so%e flour i your ha d. Try various (ays of 'etti ' the flour to leave your ha d a d #e/o%e dust ri'ht over the /a dle fla%e. The e or%ous surfa/e area allo(s all the ti y dust parti/les to #ur & (hi/h they do at a#out the sa%e ti%e& /o%#i i ' to for% a fire#all effe/t. I 'rai elevators& %u/h the sa%e thi ' happe s. If you /a 'et your ha ds o so%e *y/opodiu% po(der& do. This (ill (or" %u/h #etter& /reati ' hu'e fire#alls that are u e2pe/ted. DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEF G Where -a I ,i d .o%e $f Those -he%i/alsX G HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEI Most of the /he%i/als listed /a %ost li"ely #e fou d at the follo(i ' pla/es& your s/hool& or u der T-he%i/alsT i the Cello( 7a'esA -o%pa y Address -ity 7ho e RR EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE -he%'lo#e -orporatio 100 Mar/h Road La ata 592-2551 <iversey Wya dotte I /orporated 125 $:-o or $tta(a 215-5095 0er/ules -a ada I /orporated 1550 Wy%a -res/e t $tta(a 526-1916 $tta(a -he%ists -li i/ 7har%a/y 192 *aurier Ave. West $tta(a 215-1991 Terry -he%i/als )ay 5-19 Gre fell -res/e t Nepea 226-1989 7a'e 19 DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEF G A/eto e 7ero2ide +2plosive G HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEI ;a/" the Ripper This e2plosive /a ot o ly deto ator. I (ill 'o i to this arti/les (ill #e the sa%e. MaterialsA #e used as a e2plosive& #ut also as a o e very detailed a d all %y follo(i '

0ydro'e 7ero2ide 3hair #lea/h& dru' stores a d hair supply stores4 A/eto e 3hard(are .tores a d dru' stores4 .ulfuri/ A/id 3/lear #attery a/id #oiled u til (hite fu%es appear4 +ye <ropper or .yri 'e (>'lass tu#e Graduated -yli der 3// or %l4 Ther%o%eter 30 to 100 de'rees -4 Glass -o tai ers *ar'e 7a I/e a d .alt Water 7aper To(els All the a#ove /a o( purposes. 7ro/edureA 14 24 14 Mi2 10 %l of A/eto e a d 50%l of 0ydro'e a d %i2 thorou'hly. 7ero2ide i to a 'lass /o tai er /o tai i ' i/e& salt& a d easily #e /o%%a deered fro% your s/hool la#oratory for your

-ool it #y pla/i ' it i a lar'er /o tai er (ater. No( /ool it to 5 de'rees -elsius.

Add 2.5 %l of /o /e trated sulfuri/ a/id to the %i2ture slo(ly 3drop #y drop (> the eye dropper4. .tir the %i2ture (>the ther%o%eter "eepi ' the te%perature #et(ee 5-10 de'rees -elsius. If the te%perature rises do :t shit Bust stop addi ' the sulfuri/ a/id u til it /ools do( the start addi ' it a'ai . No( that you have all a other 5 %i utes. the a/id i to the %i2ture /o ti ue stirri ' for the i/e>salt #ath.

54 54 64 84

No( let the %i2ture sta d for 12 to 25 hours i

After 12 hours the /rystals of a/eto e pero2ide (ill pre/ipitate out of the o /e /lear solutio . 7re/ipitatio should #e do e after 25 hours. No( filter out the /rystals throu'h a paper to(el atta/hed to a Bar (>a ru##er #a d. The after that (ash the /rystals #y pouri ' i/e /old (ater over the%& letti ' the (ater ri se the /rystals Z filter do( throu'h the paper to(el i to the Bar. .ele/t a /o tai er a d allo( the% to dry. 7a'e 19


KsesA No( this /a #e used as a e2plosive ho(ever it is the si%plest deto ator that I have ever e /ou tered. Wor"s #est i 2.5 i /h le 'ths of #rass tu#i ' (ith o e e d sealed. The o ly dra(#a/" is that it %ust #e used ?ui/"ly as A/eto e 7ero2ide deteriorates ?ui/"ly. I have fou d that "eepi ' it refri'erated see%s to %a"e it last lo 'er ho(ever for opti%u% effe/t it should #e used 8 days after %a ufa/ture at the latest. It also /a #e used to deto ate al%ost every A%%o iu% Nitrate /o%pou d& a d A%%o iu% Nitrate itself for that %atter. DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEF G ,ertili=er>0ydra=i e *i?uid +2plosive G

HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEI ;a/" The Ripper This o e is a "iller it is %ore po(erful a d %ore #risa t tha --5. 0o(ever you eed a #lasti ' /ap to deto ate or a ho%e%ade /o%pou d deto ator. Na%ely A/eto e 7ero2ide deto ators /a #e used here or Mi i--o%pou d <eto ators. MaterialsA A%%o iu% Nitrate ,ertili=er 3 o less tha 12U Nitro'e 4 or pure A hydrous 0ydra=i e 3)e /areful (ith this o e it is very rea/tive!!!4 *ar'e Mi2i ' -o tai er G*A.. stirri ' rod .tora'e -o tai er (>ti'ht lid )lasti ' -ap or -o%pou d <eto ator 7ro/edureA N$T+A %i2i ' these t(o is the sa%e as #a"i ' soda a d vi e'ar so the rea/tio is very efferves/e t Z /a #u##le over the top so use a Bar 6 ti%es the volu%e of the 0ydra=i e! Also lar'e volu%es of a%%o ia 'as are released (he these t(o are %i2ed so (ear a 'as %as" or #e up(i d of the %i2i '. 14 24 7our i to the /o tai er the a a%ou t of e2plosive re?uired. a%ou t of A hyrdrous 0ydra=i e e?ual to the ,ar% a d ,eed .tores -he%i/al .upply 0ouse

A%%o iu% Nitrate 7rilled or 7o(dered is added a teaspoo at a ti%e to the /o tai er& the (ait for it to dissolve 3stirri ' /o sta tly4& Z the add %ore. -o ti ue the a#ove pro/ess u til the a%%o iu% itrate o lo 'er dissolves i to the hydra=i e& a d do :t (orry a#out the s%all a%ou t of a%%o iu% itrate left over. No( your #asi/ally do e a d %ilitary e2plosive. you have a e2plosive %ore po(erful tha a y



7a'e 20


To %a"e it or fi er4

%ore po(erful add 20U alu%i u% po(der to the %i2ture 3100 %esh

KsesA This %i2ture has u i?ue a#sorptio a d rete tio properties& a d /a #e poured dire/tly o the 'rou d for a li?uid la d %i e. This type of la d %i e is totally dis'uised a d /a ot #e oti/ed& a d all you eed to do is #ury a /o%pou d deto ator i the 'rou d& (hi/h /a #e deto ated #y a step s(it/h et/. This type of la d %i e re%ai s deto ata#le for up to four days re'ardless of rai et/... It /a also #e poured i to a /o tai er a d used as a #o%#.

DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEF G R<@ +2plosive G HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEI ;a/" The Ripper The reaso I (rote this is #e/ause the other file I sa( o ho( to %a"e R<@ (as so sha##y a d la%e it (as pro#a#ly (ritte #y a ei'ht year old %e tal patie t. .o here is %i e easy! .trai'htfor(ard! -o%prehe di#le! MaterialsA 0e2a%ethyle etetra%i e 3dru' stores u der 0e2a%i & Krotropi e& Z Methe a%i e4 .tro ' Nitri/ A/id 3/he%i/al supply house or so%e hard(are stores4 A/eto e 3dru' stores a d hard(are stores4 ./ale (ith 'ra% a//ura/y Graduated -yli der 3// or %l4 or %easuri ' /ups Ther%o%eter 20-100 de'rees -elsius or 69-212 de'rees ,ahre heit .everal lar'e ?uart /a i ' Bars T(o lar'e #asi s or #o(ls %ade of %etal or so%e other heata#le %etal 7aper To(els 7ro/edureA 14 7la/e o e half /up or 120 %l or // of itri/ a/id i a lar'e /a i ' Bar a d #ri ' the te%perature to #et(ee 20 a d 10 de'rees -elsius 369-96 ,4 #y putti ' the Bar i a #asi of /old (ater. Leep the ther%o%eter i the Bar so you /a /losely te%perature #et(ee your #asi s of hot a d /old (ater. Wei'h out 80 'ra%s #y (ei'ht or start addi ' the he2a%i slo(ly ti%e period. All the (hile %ai de'rees /el/ius #y %ovi ' it i %ai tai the

24 14

19 teaspoo s #y volu%e of he2a%i . The at 1>2 teaspoo at a ti%e over a 15 %i ute tai i ' the te%perature #et(ee 20 a d 10 a d out of the /old (ater #asi s.


Whe all the he2a%i is dissolved i the a/id heat the solutio to 55 de'rees -elsius 3111 ,4 #y pla/i ' the Bar i a #asi of hot (ater. The %ai tai this te%perature for a#out te %i utes. 7a'e 21 No( re%ove the Bar fro% the #asi of hot (ater a d pla/e it i the #asi of /old (ater a d /ool the Bar to 20 de'rees -elsius 369 ,4. No( (he the solutio rea/hes 20 de'rees -elsius add 1 /ups 3850%l4 of /old (ater a d (hite salt (ill appear. No( the (hite salt is R<@ a d should #e ha dled (ith /are. No( filter the A/id>Water>R<@ solutio throu'h a paper to(el /overi ' the %outh of a other Bar. Wash the R<@ /rystals off the paper to(el a d add a additio al 1 /ups of fresh /old (ater Z a teaspoo of sodiu% /ar#o ate to eutrali=e the a/id. No( stir rapidly for 1 %i utes a d the filter it out a'ai . It is o( usa#le& #ut I prefer purifyi ' it #y filli ' a ?uart /a i ' Bar 2>1 full of a/eto e Z heati ' the a/eto e the addi ' the R<@ /rystals to





it a half teaspoo 94

at a ti%e u til it /o%pletely dissolves i

the a/eto e.

No( that it is all dissolved let the solutio /ool to roo% te%perature a d let it sta d for o e hour. The R<@ (ill the pre/ipitate a'ai i to it:s salt. The you %ust filter it throu'h a paper to(el arou d a other Bar Z ri se it (ith /old (ater the sa%e (ay you did #efore. No( you have the fi ished produ/t rou'hly 1 a d 1>2 ou /es of R<@.

104 No( store your fi ished produ/t 3after it dries4 i aBar (ith a air ti'ht lid for future use. .eei ' that R<@ does ot lose it:s effe/tive ess for %o ths. KsesA R<@ is a very po(erful e2plosive ho(ever it /a #e /o%pressed i to tu#es to %a"e deto ators. *ater i this e(sletter I (ill pres/ri#e a %ethod for %a"i ' deto ators i (hi/h R<@ (ill #e used alo ' (ith other e2plosives #efore %e tio ed. R<@ ho(ever is se sitive to fri/tio & a d /a #e used as a e2plosive #y itself. It is also /o%%o ly referred to as -ly/lo ite.

DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEF G Mi i--o%pou d <eto ator G HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEI ;a/" The Ripper This is #asi/ally a tutorial i %a"i ' deto ators& a d there are a fe( rules& that I (ould li"e ea/h Z every o e of you to follo(. Ma"i ' deto ators is very da 'erous /o sideri ' that the purpose of deto ators is for the% to #e se sitive a d easily deto ated& so #e /areful. Also the deto ators I a% telli ' you ho( to %a"e are s%all& #ut the sa%e pri /iple /a #e applied o a lar'er s/ale.

7a'e 22 MaterialsA Na%e .our/e -----------------------------------------------------------------------------+%pty .22 Ma' u% shells or /opper>#rass>alu%i u% tu#i ' 1>5 i /h i dia%eter a d 1 i /h lo '. These tu#es %ust also #e /losed at o e e d. A su#sta tial ?ua tity of .e/o dary +2plosive i.e. R<@ 3a%ou t depe ds o ho( %a y deto ators you i te d to %ade4 7+TN /a #e su#stituted here. A su#sta tial ?ua tity of pri%ary e2plosive i.e. Mer/ury ,ul%i ate or A/eto e 7ero2ide. Gu stores or hard(are stores 7+TN is the /e ter filli ' of deto ati ' /ords.

i' itio

/har'e of #la/" po(der.

Gu stores ,,, #la/" po(der. Gu stores

A loadi ' press 3/o%%o ly used for reloadi ' shells also please #e safe /o sideri ' a fe( of these deto ators %ay deto ate (he #ei ' /o%pressed& so ta"e the e//essary pre/autio s su/h as safety 'lasses et/...4 7ro/edureA

N$T+A dirt or oil %ay se sitive the deto ators to a u safe level so (he ha dli ' the pri%ary Z se/o dary Z i ' itio /har'es use to 's. Also #oil a #u/"et of (ater i the roo% as hu%idity helps or if your i a house tur your sho(er o hot a d leave it o ! 14 24 No( li'ht a /a dle& a d /asi ' #efore use. The let t(o drops of (a2 let the (a2 /ool do( . drip i to ea/h shell

No( fill the /asi ' to a depth of 1>5 i /h (ith R<@ or 7+TN& a d the G+NT*C a d .*$W*C i sert the ra% a d /o%press the e2plosive slo(ly a d eve ly. No( re%ove the ra% slo(ly a d /arefully. -o ti ue this pro/ess addi ' s%all a%ou ts of R<@ or 7+TN u til a /olu% of se/o dary e2plosive 5>9 of a i /h hi'h has #ee pressed i to the 1 i /h shell /asi '. No( add a s%all a%ou t of 7ri%ary e2plosive the sa%e (ay you added the se/o dary e2plosive o top of the se/o dary e2plosive. No( add the Mer/ury ,ul%i ate or A/eto e 7ero2ide o top of the 5>9 i /h /olu% of se/o dary e2plosive a d /o%press it (ith the ra% u til it rea/hes a hei'ht of pri%ary e2plosive 1>5 i /h hi'h. No( /o%press the re%ai i ' 1>9 of a i /h (ith #la/" po(der. the top (ith (a2 paper or tape u til ready for use. No( seal




7a'e 21 <ia'ra%A b b b b 1 I /h ------Q b b b b c - )la/" 7o(der 3I' itio VVVVV bccccb bddddb bddddb bRRRRb bRRRRb bRRRRb bRRRRb bRRRRb b----b bWWWWb -har'e4

d R V W b

Mer/ury ,ul%i ate or A/eto e 7ero2ide 37ri%ary -har'e4 R<@ or 7+TN 3.e/o dary -har'e4 T(o drops of (a2 o )otto% Tape /overi ' top The #otto% of shell /asi ' .ides of .22 Ma' u% .hell

KsesA These little #eauties /a #e used for al%ost a y purpose or a lar'er versio /a #e used (here a hard to deto ate su#sta /e is used. Their %ai use is for %i iature ha d 're ades a d other s%all e2plosives. DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEF G 7otassiu% -hlorate>.u'ar I' itor G HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEI ;a/" The Ripper This i' itor is o e of %y %a y favorites& it /a #e i' ited #y either /o /e trated sulfuri/ or itri/ a/ids. It also (or"s e2/elle tly as a ti%e delay& (hi/h I (ill detail later. MaterialsA 7otassiu% -hlorate 3dru' stores a d /he%i/al supply houses4 3Gra ulated4 .u'ar 3'ro/ery store4 Measuri ' -o tai er 3/up& ta#lespoo & et/...4 .tora'e -o tai er (>ti'ht fitti ' lid Mi2i ' -o tai er (>ti'ht fitti ' lid 2 flat #oards 31 lar'e 16216 Z the other s%all so it /a #e held i 7ro/edureA 14 .pread ha dful at a ti%e the potassiu% /hlorate o the lar'e #oard a d ru# (ith the other flat #oard or a rolli ' pi u til the parti/les rese%#le 'ra ulated su'ar. 7a'e 25 No( %easure out 2 parts #y volu%e of su'ar i to the /o tai er& a d the add 1 parts #y volu%e of the 7otassiu% -hlorate to the /o tai er. No( re/ap the /o tai er a d sha"e the %i2ture for 5-5 %i utes u til it has a u ifor% /olor a d /o siste /y. .tore for future use i a air ti'ht /o tai er& #ut re%e%#er to sha"e it up #efore use to re-%i2 a y settled parti/les.

the ha d4



KsesA No( for a delayed rea/tio pla/e the a/id i a 'elati /apsule a d #ury the 'elati /apsule i the 7otassiu% -hlorate %i2ture. <epe di ' o ho( %a y 'elati /apsules you use Z their si=e depe ds o the delay. It /a ra 'e fro% 20 %i utes to a d hour or %ore. This type of i' itor rea/hes a te%perature of 1&200 de'rees ,ahre heit a d /a i' ite %ost i /e diaries. It /a also #e /o%pa/ted i to a pipe to /reate a lo( po(er pipe #o%#.

.TINL )$M) #y <r. )oo% this. If you (a t %ore life i your party 3or #rea" it up4& you have to try

MaterialsA Aerosol /a of (hip/rea% 7lasti/ #a's& styrofoa%... Ma' esiu% ri##o 5%l 'as Mat/hes 7ro/edure3s4A 7art 1 )uy a /a of (hip/rea% 3the "i d i the aerosol /a 4 a d leave it u der your #ed for a (ee" for it to spoil. 7ress the o==le for 5 se/o ds& it /a ava/uate a (hole roo% fro% the ste /h 3thi " (hat 10 se/o ds /a do4! 7art 2 Ta"e 5%l of 'as& a d add to it plasti/ 3li"e #ads& styrofoa%& et/4 u til it (o :t dissolve a y%ore or so thi/" it (o :t ru . Ta"e the /ap off the /a a d (rap the o==le 2 ti%es (ith %a' esiu% ri##o . *eave 1 foot for the fuse a d ta"e the plasti/ 'as a d for% it arou d the o==le a d li'ht the fuse a d ru . Wat/h the fire(or"s a d as"ed (ho s?uee=ed the /heese!4.

7a'e 25 -$R<IT+ #y <r. )oo% MaterialsA Gu /otto Nitro'ly/eri e A/eto e 7etroleu% Belly 7ro/edureA -ordite is a s%o"eless e2plosive - you ta"e your 'u /otto & %i2 it (ith itro'ly/eri e& petroleu% Belly a d a little a/eto e a d let it dry a d the you have /ordite! Cou /a use it #y itself or (ith other /har'es. 0ave fu !

A other file do( loaded fro%A ! -^Z the Te%ple of the ./rea%i ' +le/tro ! d Wal ut -ree"& -A V >Ne b ! b b>e>Ne fNf 2500>1200>100 #aud 35154 915-5955 >Ne > c b e>f-fe ;eff 0u ter& .ysop bc efb c cb- - -b e b b b >Ne b f b - - - - - - - - - d bfff>fefffbfbfbf3f4fb Aaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! > .pe/iali=i ' i /o versatio s& +-Mail& o#s/ure i for%atio & e tertai %e t& the arts& politi/s& futuris%& thou'htful dis/ussio & i sa e spe/ulatio & a d (ild ru%ours. A A**-T+@T )).. TRa( <ata for Ra( Nerves.T

TA)*+ $, -$NT+NT. I trodu/tio War i ' ........................................... 1 -hapter 1 - *o( +2plosives )la/"po(der ....................................... $ther Types of )la/"po(der ........................ Si / +2plosive .................................... Water ,ire .tarter ................................ +2plosive Mis2tures ............................... -hapter 2 - 0i'h +2plosives Astrolite ......................................... Astrolite A>A-1-5 ................................. .odiu% -hlorate +2plosives ........................ .odiu% -hlorate Gu po(der ......................... Ro/"et ,uel ....................................... Ro/"et ,uel 2 3#etter perfor%a /e4 ................ I /e diary Mi2ture ................................ I%pa/t Mi2ture .................................... ,iller +2plosive .................................. Nitro%etha e +2plosives ........................... Nitro%etha e :solid: +2plosives ................... 2 1 5 5 5 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9

7i/ri/ A/id ....................................... Tetryl ............................................ 7lasti/ +2plosives fro% )lea/h .................... R.<.@. ............................................ -o%positio :-: ................................... -o%positio --2 a d --1 ........................... Gelati <y a%ite .................................. 7ero2ya/eto e ..................................... -ellulose Nitrate 3'u /otto 4 ..................... Nitro'e Triiodide ................................ Nitro'ly/eri e .................................... Ma"i ' .ulfuri/ A/id .............................. T.N.T. 3Tri itrotoule e4 .......................... Mer/ury ,ul%i ate .................................

9 9 9 10 12 12 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16

-hapter 1 - I /e diaries Napal% ............................................ 18 Ther%ite .......................................... 18 -he%i/ally I' ited +2plosives ..................... 18 -hapter 5 - .%o"e )o%#s .%o"e 7rodu/er .................................... .%o"e )o%# ........................................ 0T0 -hlori e )o%# ................................. .%o"e Mi2tures .................................... -hlori e a d Turpe ti e ........................... -hapter 5 - )o%#s Ge eri/ )o%# ...................................... ,ire#o%#s ......................................... 7ipe )o%# ......................................... -o ta/t Gre ade ................................... -ar#ide )o%# ...................................... 0i de #er' )o%# ................................... 19 19 19 19 21 22 22 22 21 25 25 7a'e 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------INTR$<K-TI$N --------------------------------------------------------------------------The trou#le (ith /he%i/al #oo"s these days& is that they ever e2plai i detail ho( to %a"e so%ethi ' that you (a t. .ure& they tell you ho( the -hi ese did it i 1500 or te /e turies a'o. )ut o( days& that does ot help. +ve so%e of the ar%y %a uals do :t eve 'ive you e ou'h i for%atio o 0$W-T$-<$ it. It:s a fu 'a%e to sear/h out the %aterials that /a #e put to'ether to %a"e so%ethi ' 'o T)$$MT. A i teresti ' poi t to re%e%#er that it is %u/h easier to %a"e a #i' e2plosio tha a s%all o e. It is very diffi/ult for a ho%e e2per%ie ter to %a"e a fire-/ra/"er& #ut a #o%# /apa#le of #lo(i ' the (alls out of a #uildi ' is easy. Cou /a fi d (hat you eed i 'ro/ery stores& hard(are stores& a d far% supplies. A other& #ut harder pla/e& to 'et /he%i/als is a /he%i/al supply house. These pla/es /a #e da 'erous to your e2plosive /areer #e/ause so%e supply houses (ere told to report people (ho #uy /he%i/als i a /ertai /o%#i atio . ,or e2a%pleY If a perso (ere to #uy tolule e& itri/ a/id& a d sulfuri/ a/id (ould #e reported. The reaso A those /he%i/als are the o es used i %a"i ' Tri- itro-tolule e 3TNT4.

WARNINGA -------The a/tual /o stru/tio of the devi/es a d %aterials des/ri#ed i this te2t are da 'erous& eve for a e2perie /ed /he%ist. Also& the /o stru/tio or possessio of %a y of these devi/es (ould #e i violatio of %a y federal& state& a d lo/al la(s. The author or authors are ot respo si#le for (hat da%a'es or trou#le that the %issuse of the i for%atio that is stated herei . Therefore you are respo si#le for all of your a/tio s that you %a"e. I te ded for i for%atio purposes o ly. .o& As you /a tell this te2t is ot %ea t to #e read #y the total I<I$T! )efore you atte%pt at %a"i ' a y of the devi/es I (ould su''est that you have so%e " o(led'e a#out /he%istry. Re%e%#erA .A,T+C ,IR.T!!!

7a'e 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------0A7T+R $N+ [*$W +@7*$.IJ+.] --------------------------------------------------------------------------*o( e2plosive are 'ood for %a"i ' a loud #a '& or to s/are the livi ' dayli'ht out of so%e poor perso or eve for %a"i ' #oo#y traps. I this /hapter I (ill e2plai the %a"i ' of %a y differe t types of lo( e2plosives. )*A-L7$W<+R ----------Cou (ill eed potassiu% or sodiu% itrate& sulfur& a d hard(ood /har/oal. The /o%%o a%e for potassiu% itrate is saltpeter. .odiu% itrate is sold at far% supplies u der the a%e of itrate of soda. It is also /alled /hile saltpeter. .odiu% itrate %a"e a sli'htly %ore po(erful #la/" po(der #ut has a disadva ta'e #e/ause it (ill a#sor# %oisture fro% the air. .o& if you use it the #e sure to store it i a dry& air ti'ht /o tai er. Cou also /a 'et sulfur at far% supplies as a (eta#le po(der used for sprayi '. It is /heap a d (or"s (ell. .o%e dru' stores sell sulfur u der the a%e of flo(ers of sulfur. If you use itrate of soda& it (ill #e i the for% of little rou d #eads. )a"e it i a over at 200 de'rees for 10-15 %i utes to drive out the %oisture. The du%p a /up or t(o i to a #le der a d s(it/h it o . It (ill do a #eautiful Bo# of

redu/i ' it to po(der. )uy a #a' of /har/oal #ri?uettes at a 'ro/ery store. 7ut a fe( #ri?uettes i a ra' a d pou d (ith a ha%%er. <ip the results i to the #le der& 'ri d& a d strai throu'h a tea strai er. Mi2 #y volu%eA 6 parts potassiu% or sodiu% 2 parts po(dered /har/oal 1 part sulfur This %i2ture (ill #ur /o fi ed. It /a #e follo(sA itrate

if i' ited a d (ill e2plode if i' ited (hile ti'htly 'reatly i%proved& ho(ever& #y pro/essi ' it as pi /hed #et(ee

Moiste (ith (ater u til it (ill sti/" to'ether (he thu%# a d fi 'er. 7ress it i to a disposa#le alu%i u% pie pa . )a"e it i a preheated ove

at 200 de'rees for a#out 10 %i utes.

Get it totally dry. %ortar a d pestle.

Gri d i to a fi e a po(der as possi#le (ith a

If you use a #le der at this poi t& there is a da 'er of e2plosio . It is ot very se sitive to fri/tio or i%pa/t& #ut is very se sitive to spar"s. If you follo(ed these dire/ttio s& you should have a fi e slate-'rey po(der.

7a'e 1 $T0+R TC7+. $, )*A-L7$W<+R -------------------------)elo( are eleve #la/">'u po(der for%ulas. They are %ore po(erful tha the ordi ary potassiu% itrate po(der. The o ly disadva ta'e 3or adva ta'e4 is that it is very se sitive to spar"s a d so%e leave a /orrosive residue. A (ord of /autio A (he you de/ide to %a"e these /o%pou ds #e /areful for so%e of the% %i'ht de/ide to 'o up Bust #e/ause they (a t to. [All /he%i/als are %easured #y volu%e] 1A 7otassiu% per/hlorate .ulfur -har/oal 7otassiu% itrate .ulfur .odiu% sulfate 7otassiu% sulfur sa(dust /har/oal itrate 69.2U 15.5U 15.5U 80.5U 19.5U 10.2U 65.0U 12.0U 18.0U 8.0U




7otassiu% itrate A%%o iu% per/hlorate .ulfur /har/oal )ariu% itrate -har/oal .ulfur .odiu% pero2ide .odiu% thiosulphate 7otassiu% /hlorate .ulfur -har/oal 7otassiu% itrate stra( /har/oal sulfur 7otassiu% itrate .ulfur A ti%o y sulfate

50.0U 25.0U 12.5U 12.5U 85.0U 12.5U 12.5U 68.0U 11.0U 85.0U 12.5U 12.5U 89.0U 12.0U 12.0U 80.6U 21.5U 5.9U 7a'e 5







7otassiu% itrate .tar/h .ulfur A ti%o y po(der Gua idi e 7otassiu% -har/oal itrate itrate

18.5U 18.5U 19.85U 6.25U 59.0U 50.0U 11.0U


The a#ove /he%i/al ratios are per/e ta'es. Whe %a"i ' the stuff& #e sure to 'ri d up all the i 'redie ts as fi e as you possi#ly /a . The fi er you have the /he%i/als the #etter it (ill e2plode.

SIN- +@7*$.IJ+ -------------To %a"e a #i' flash of fla%es al%ost i sta tly try %i2i 'A 1 part Si / dust 1 part .ulfur Whe these t(o %i2 to'ether they (ill #urst i to fla%e al%ost i sta tly! )e /areful for it does 'o off i a sudde flash a d /a si 'e a ythi ' that it is arou d if ot e2pe/ti ' it. This is ot a po(erful e2plosive #ut it

is viole t eve


ot /o fi ed& so #e /areful.

WAT+R ,IR+ .TART+R -----------------.o& do you thi " (ater puts out firesX I this o e& it starts it. Mi2tureA a%%o iu% itrate V a%%o iu% /hloride V iodi e V =i / dust. Whe a drop or t(o of (ater is added& the a%%o iu% itrate for%s itri/ a/id (hi/h rea/ts (ith the =i / to produ/e hydro'e a d heat. The heat vapori=es the iodi e 3'ivi ' off purple s%o"e4 a d the a%%o iu% /hloride 3#e/o%es purple (he %i2ed (ith iodi e vapor4. It (ill i' ite the hydro'e a d #e'i #ur i '. A%%o A%%o Si / Iodi iu% itrateA iu% /horideA dust A e /rystals A 9 1 9 1 'ra%s 'ra% 'ra%s 'ra%

+@7*$.IJ+ MI@TKR+. -----------------,ollo(i ' is a list of /he%i/als& %ost of (hi/h /a #e easily o#tai ed. Cou (ill also fi d the /he%i/al sy%#ol of a other /he%i/al (hi/h e2plodes o /o ta/t (ith said /he%i/al. This is useful i %a"i ' the ever so useful pipe #o%#. ;ust for the people that do :t " o(A 7a'e 5 -0+MI-A* +@7*$<+. WIT0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------A/eti/ a/id 02.$5 0N$1 A/eti/ a hydride 02.$5 0N$1 A/rolei 02.$5 0N$1 Allyl al/ohol 02.$5 0N$1 Allyl /hloride 02.$5 0N$1 A ili e 02.$5 0N$1 A ili e a/etate 02.$5 0N$1 A ili e hydro/hloride 02.$5 0N$1 )e =oyl pero2ide 02.$5 0N$1 -ya i/ a/id 02.$5 0N$1 -hlorosulfo i/ a/id 02.$5 0N$1 <i%ethyl "eyto e 02.$5 0N$1 +pi/hlorohydri 02.$5 0N$1 +thyle e dia%i e 02.$5 0N$1 +thyle e i%i e 02.$5 0N$1 0ydro'e pero2ide 02.$5 0N$1 Isopre e 02.$5 0N$1 Mesityl o2ide 02.$5 0N$1 A/eto e -ya ohydri 02.$5 -ar#o disulfide 02.$5 -resol 02.$5 -u%e e 02.$5 <iiso#utyle e 02.$5 +thyle e /ya ohydri 02.$5 +thyle e 'ly/ol 02.$5 0ydrofluori/ a/id 02.$5

-ya ide of sodiu% -y/lohe2a ol -y/lohe2a o e +thyl al/ohol 0ydra=i e 0ydriodi/ a/id Isopropyl ether Ma 'a ese 02.$5 - .ulfuri/ A/id 0N$1 - Nitri/ A/id

0N$1 0N$1 0N$1 0N$1 0N$1 0N$1 0N$1 0N$1

7a'e 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------0A7T+R TW$ [0IG0 +@7*$.IJ+.] --------------------------------------------------------------------------No(& here I stress the (ord of saftey. These e2plosive /o%pou ds /a re%ove a li%# or "ill you. .o I (ould su''est& #efore you eve thi " a#out tryi ' a y of these& that you have so%e #a/"'rou d " o(led'e o e2plosive or /he%istry. These e2plosives ra 'e fro% sou d se sitive to (ater se sitive or ele/tri/ally i' ited. It ta"es ti%e a d patie /e to %a"e hi'h e2plosive /o%pou ds. .o%e are easier tha the others a d so%e of the /he%i/als see% al%ost i%possi#le to fi d. I this part& to o#tai %ost of the /he%i/als eeded her e you (ill have to 'o thou'h a /he%i/al supply house. Re%e%#er that so%e of the /he%i/al houses have #ee told to otify the poli/e if a /ertai /o%#i atio of /he%i/als are ordered the se d the a%e a d all the i for%atio a#out that perso orderi ' to the poli/e. A d it is possi#le that you %i'ht 'et a little visit fro% the /ity la(. Also& %a"i '& usi '& selli '& or possessio of %a y of the e2plosives are ille'al a d a hard pe alty /a rise. +ve for first offe ders. Ta"e this (ar i '. Its true! A.TR$*IT+ --------The astrolite fa%ily of li?uid e2plosives (ere produ/ts of ro/"et propella t resear/h i the :60:s. Astrolite A-1-5 is supposed to #e the (orld:s %ost po(erful o - u/lear e2plosive -at a#out 1.9 to 2 ti%es %ore po(erful tha TNT. )ei ' %ore po(erful it is also safer to ha dle tha

TNT 3 ot that it is :t safe i

the first pla/e4 a d Nitro'ly/eri .

TAstrolite G is a /lear li?uid e2plosive espe/ially desi' ed to produ/e very hi'h deto atio velo/ity& 9&600M7. 3%eters>se/.4 /o%pared (ith 8&800M7. for itro'ly/eri a d 6&900M7. for TNT. I additio & a very u usual /hara/teristi/ is that it the li?uid e2plosive has the a#ility to #e a#sor#ed easily i to the 'rou d (hile re%ai i ' deto a#le...I field tests& Astrolite G has re%ai ed deto a#le for 5 days i the 'rou d& eve (he the soil (as soa"ed due to rai y (eather " o( (hat that %ea sX... Astrolite <y a%ite! To %a"e 3%i2 i fairly lar'e /o tai er Z outside4 t(o parts #y (ei'ht of a%%o iu% itrate %i2ed (ith o e part #y (ei'ht :a hydrous: hydra=i e& produ/es Astrolite G... ,eel free to use differe t ratios. 0ydra=i e is the /he%i/al you:ll pro#a#ly have the hardest ti%e 'etti ' hold of. Kses for 0ydra=i e areA Ro/"et fuel& a'ri/ultural /he%i/als 3%alei/ hydra=ide4& dru's 3a ti#a/terial a d a tihyperte sio 4& poly%eri=atio /atalyst& plati ' %etals o 'lass a d plasti/s& solder flu2es& photo'raphi/ developers& divi ' e?uip%e t. 0ydra=i e is also the /he%i/al you should #e /areful (ith.

7a'e 8 A.TR$*IT+ A>A-1-5 ----------------$"& here:s the 'ood part... Mi2 20U3(ei'ht4 alu%i u% po(der to the a%%o iu% itrate&a d the %i2 (ith hydra=i e. The alu%i u% po(der should #e 100 %esh or fi er. Astrolite A has a deto atio velo/ity of 8&900M7.. Cou should #e /areful ot to 'et a y of the astrolite o you& if it happe s thou'h& you should flush the area (ith (ater. Astrolite AZG #oth should #e a#le to #e deto ated #y a R9 #lasti ' /ap. .$<IKM -0*$RAT+ +@7*$.IJ+. -------------------------7otassiu% /hlorate is si%ilar to .odiu% /hlorate&a d i %ost /ases /a #e a su#stitute. .odiu% /hlorate is also %ore solu#le i (ater. Cou /a fi d sodiu% /hlorate at -ha el or a y hard(are>ho%e i%prove%e t store. It is used i #lo(tor/hes a d you /a 'et a#out 1l#s for a#out ^6.00. .$<IKM -0*$RAT+ GKN7$W<+R ------------------------65U sodiu% /hlorate 22U /har/oal 11U sulphur

a d spri "le so%e 'raphite o R$-L+T ,K+* -----------


6 parts sodiu% /hlorate %i2ed dT0$R$KG0*Cd (ith 5 parts ru##er /e%e t. R$-L+T ,K+* 2 3#etter perfor%a /e4 ---------------------------------50U 15U 10U 5U sodiu% /hlorate ru##er /e%e t epo2y resi harde er sulphur the purity you are

Cou %ay (ish to add %ore sodiu% /hlorate depe di ' o usi '. IN-+N<IARC MI@TKR+ -----------------55U alu%i u% po(der 3ato%i=ed4 55U sodiu% /hlorate 5U sulphur

7a'e 9 IM7A-T MI@TKR+ -------------50U red phosphorus 50U sodiu% /hlorate K li"e potassiu% /hlorate& sodiu% /hlorate (o :t e2plode spo ta eously (he %i2ed (ith phosphorus. It has to #e hit to #e deto ated. ,I**+R +@7*$.IJ+ ---------------95U sodiu% /hlorate 10U vaseli e 5U alu%i u% po(der NITR$M+T0AN+ +@7*$.IJ+. ----------------------Nitro%etha e 3-01N$24 .pe/ifi/ 'ravityA 1.119 ,lash poi t A 95f Auto-i' ite A 895f <erivatio A Rea/tio of %etha e or propa e (ith itri/ a/id u der pressure.

KsesA Ro/"et fuelY solve t for /ellulosi/ /o%pou ds& poly%ers& (a2es& fats& et/.

To #e deto ated (ith a R9 /ap& addA 14 95U 24 95U itro%etha e V 5U ethyle edia%i e itro%etha e V 6U a ili e TNT. deto atio velo/ity of

7o(er outputA 22-25U %ore po(erful tha 6&200M7.. NITR$M+T0AN+ :.$*I<: +@7*$.IJ+. ------------------------------2 parts itro%etha e 5 parts a%%o iu% itrate 3solid po(der4

.oa" for 1-5 %i . (he do e& store i a air-ti'ht /o tai er. This is supposed to #e 10U %ore po(erful tha dy a%ite /o tai i ' 60U itro'ly/eri & a d has 10U %ore #risa /e. 7I-RI- A-I< ----------7he ol is %elted a d the %i2ed (ith a /o /e trated solutio of sulfuri/ a/id. The %i2ture is /o stat ly stirred a d "ept at a steady te%perature of 95 de'rees -elsius for four to si2 hours depe di ' o the ?ua tities of phe ol used. After this& the a/id-phe ol solutio is diluted 7a'e 9 (ith distilled (ater& a d a e?ual e2/ess a%ou t of itri/ a/id is added. The %i2ture of the itri/ a/id (ill /ause a i%%ediate rea/tio & (hi/h (ill produ/e heat& so the additio of the a/id %ust #e perfor%ed slo(ly #ut %ore i%porta tly the te%perature of the solutio %ust ot 'o a#ove 110 de'rees -elsius. Te or so %i utes after the additio of itri/ a/id the pi/ri/ a/id (ill #e fully for%ed a d you /a drai off the e2/ess a/id. It should #e filtered a d (ashed i the sa%e %a er as a#ove u til little or o a/id is prese t. Whe (ashi '& use o ly /old (ater. After this& the pir/i/ a/id should #e allo(ed to partially dry. 7i/ri/ a/id is a %ore po(erful e2plosive tha TNT& #ut it has its disadva ta'es. It is %ore e2pe sive to %a"e& a d it #est ha dled i a (et 10 per/e t distilled (ater for% as pi/ti/ #e/o%es very u sta#le (he /o%pletely dry. This /o%pou d should ever #e put i to dire/t /o ta/t (ith %etal& si /e i sta tly o /o ta/t there is a for%atio of %etal pi/rate& (hi/h e2plodes spo ta eously upo for%atio . T+TRC* -----A s%all a%ou t of di%ethylla ili e is dissolved i a e2/ess a%ou t of /o /e trated sulfuri/ a/id. This %i2ture is o( added to a e?ual a%ou t of itri/ a/id. The e( %i2ture is "ept i a i/e #ath& a d is (ell stirred. After a#out five %i utes& the tetrylis filtered a d the (ashed i /old (ater. It is o( #oiled i fresh (ater& (hi/h /o tai s a s%all a%ou t of sodiu% #i/ar#o ate. This pro/ess a/ts to eutrali=e a y re%ai i ' a/id. The (ashi 's are repeated as %a y ti%es as e/essary a//ordi ' to the lit%us paper tests. Whe you are satisfied that the tetryl is free of a/ids& filter it fro% the (ater a d allo(ed to dry. Whe tetryl is deto ated& it rea/ts i very %u/h the sa%e (ay as TNT.

7*A.TI- +@7*$.IJ+ ,R$M )*+A-0 ----------------------------This e2plosive is a 7otassiu% /hlorate e2plosive. This e2plosive a d e2plosives of si%ilar /o%positio (ere used i WWI as the %ai e2plosive filler i 're ades& la d %i es& a d %orter rou ds used #y ,re /h& Ger%a & a d so%e other for/es i volved i that /o fli/t. i These e2plosives are relatively safe to %a ufa/ture. The pro/edures the follo(i ' para'raph /a #e da 'erous if you do :t ta"e spe/ial /are.

$ e should strive to %a"e sure these e2plosives are free fro% sulfur& sulfides& a d pi/ri/ a/id. The prese /e of these /o%pou ds result i %i2tures that are or /a #e/o%e hi'hly se sitive a d possi#ly de/o%pose e2plosively (hile i stora'e. $ e should ever store ho%e %ade e2plosives& %a"e e ou'h for (hat you eed at the ti%e. C$K N+J+R LN$W 0$W .TA)*+ IT I. KNTI* IT )*$W.! The %a ufa/ter of this e2plosive fro% #lea/h is 'ive Bust as a e2pedia t %ethod. This %ethod of %a ufa/turi ' potassiu% /hlorate is ot e/o o%i/al due to the a%ou t of e er'y used to #oil the solutio a d /ause the T<isso/iatio T rea/tio to ta"e pla/e. The pro/edure does (or" a d yields a relatively pure a d a sulfur& sulfide free produ/t. These e2plosives are i sti'ati ' deto atio . very /ap se sitive a d re?uire o ly a R1 /ap for 7a'e 10

To %a ufa/ture potassiu% /hlorate fro% #lea/h& 35.25U sodiu% hypo/hlorite solutio 4& o#tai a heat sour/e& hot-plate& stove & et/.& a #attery hydro%eter& a lar'e pyre2 or e a%eled steel /o tai er& a triple #ea% #ala /e 3to (ei'h /he%i/als4& a d so%e potassiu% /hloride& 3sold as salt su#stitute4. Ta"e o e 'allo of #lea/h a d pla/e it i the /o tai er a d #e'i heati ' it. While this solutio heats& (ei'h out 61 'ra%s potassiu% /hloride a d add this to the #lea/h #ei ' heated. )ri ' this solutio to a #oil a d #oil u til (he /he/"ed (ith a hydro%eter the readi ' is 1.1& 3if #attery hydro%eter is used& it should read ,K** /har'e4. Whe the refri'erator u ,ilter out the a'ai a d /ool readi ' is 1.1 ta"e the solutio a d let it /ool i the til it is #et(ee roo% te%perature a d 0 de'rees -elsius. /rystals that have for%ed a d save the%. )oil this solutio as #efore. ,ilter a d save the /rystals.

Ta"e these /rystals that have #ee saved a d %i2 the% (ith distilled (ater i the follo(i ' proportio sA 56 'ra%s per 100 %ililiters distilled (ater. 0eat that solutio u til it #oils a d allo( to /ool. ,ilter the solutio a d save the /rystals the for% upo /ooli '. This p ro/ess of purifi/atio is /alled fra/tio al /rystali=atio . These /rystals should #e relatively pure potassiu% /hlorate. 7o(der these to the /o sista /y of fa/e drive off all %oisture. po(der a d heat 'e tly to

Melt five parts vaseli e a d five parts (a2. <issolve this i (hite 'asoli e& 3/a%p stove 'asoli e4& a d pour this li?uid o 90 parts potassiu% /hlorate& 3the po(dered /rystals fro% a#ove4& i a plasti/ #o(l. L ead this li?uid i to the potassiu% /hlorate u til i ti%ately %i2ed. Allo( all the 'asoli e to evaporate.

7la/e this e2plosive i a /ool dry pla/e. Avoid fri/tio & sulfur& sulfides& a d phophorous /o%pou ds. This e2plosive is #est %olded to the desired shape a d de sity of 1.1 'ra%s i a /u#e a d dipped i (a2 till (ater proof. These #lo/" type /har'es 'uara tee the hi'hest deto atio velo/ity. R<@ --T0+ 7R$<K-TI$N $, R<@ I. J+RC <ANG+R$K. I, C$K <$N:T LN$W W0AT C$K AR+ <$ING. <$ N$T ATT+M7T ANC $, T0I. KN*+.. C$K 0AJ+ TAL+N .A,T+C 7R+-AKTI$N.. .i /e the first part of WWII the ar%ed for/es of the K ited .tates has #ee sear/hi ' for the perfe/t plasti?ue e2plosives to #e used i de%olitio (or". This sear/h lead to the develop%e t of the :-: /o%positio plasti?ue e2plosives. $f this 'roup --5 #ei ' the lastest for%ulatio that has #ee readily adopted #y the ar%ed for/es. This for%ulatio (as pre/eded #y --1& --2& a d -. I this series of arti/les& I (ill /over all these e2plosives i their /hro olo'i/al pro'ressio as they (ere developed a d sta dardi=ed #y the ar%ed for/es. All these e2plosives are /y/lo ite 3R.<.@.4 #ase (ith various plastisi=i ' a'e ts used to a/hieve the desired produ/t. This plastisi=er& usually /o%poses 8U-20U of the total (ei'ht of the plasti?ue. -y/lotri%ethyle etri ittri%e or /y/lo ite is 7a'e 11 %a ufa/tured i #ul" #y the itratio of he2a%ethyle etetra%i e& 3%ethe a%i e& he2a%i e& et/.& et/.4 (ith stro ' red 100U itri/ a/id. The hardest part of this rea/tio is o#tai i ' this red itri/ a/id. It (ill %ost li"ely have to #e %ade. More o this later. 0e2a%i e or %ethe a%i e /a usually #e #ou'ht i #ul" ?ua tities or he2a%i e fuel #ars fo r /a%p stoves /a #e used #ut they e d up #ei ' very e2pe sive. To use the fuel #ars the eed to #e po(ered #efore ha d. The he2a%i e /a also #e %ade (ith /o%%o a%%o ia (ater 310U4 a d the /o%%o ly avalia#le 16U for%aldehyde solutio . To %a"e this /o%po a t pla/e 195 'ra%s of /lear a%%o ia (ater i a shallo( pyre2 dish. To this add 500 %l. of the for%aldehyde solutio to the a%%o ia (ater. Allo( this to evaporate a d (he the /rystals are all that re%ai s i the pa pla/e the pa i the ove o the lo(est heat that the ove has. This should #e do e o ly for a %o%e t or so to drive off a y re%ai i ' (ater. These /rystals are s/raped up a d pla/ed i a airti'ht Bar to store the% u til they are used. To %a"e the red itri/ a/id you (ill eed to #uy a retort (ith a 'rou d 'lass stopper. I the retort pla/e 12 'ra%s sulfuri/ a/id& 399U-100U4& a d to this add 69 'ra%s of potassiu% itrate or 59 'ra%s of sodiu% itrate. Ge tly heati ' this retort (ill 'e erate a red 'as /alled itro'e trio2ide. T0I. GA. I. 0IG0*C 7$I.$N$K. AN< T0I. .T+7& A. WIT0 A** $T0+R .T+7.& .0$K*< )+ <$N+ WIT0 G$$< J+NTI*ATI$N. This itri/ a/id that is for%ed (ill /olle/t i the e/" of the retort a d for% droplets that (ill ru do( the i side of the e/" of the retort a d should #e /au'ht i a #ea"er /ooled #y #ei ' surrou ded #y i/e (ater. This should #e heated till o %ore /olle/ts i the e/" of the retort a d the itri/ a/id ?uits drippi ' out of the e/" i to the #ea"er. This a/id should #e stored u til e ou'h a/id is 'e erated to produ/e the re?uired si=e #at/h (hi/h is deter%i ed #y the perso produ/i ' the e2plosive. $f /ourse the #at/h /a #e lar'er or s%aller #ut the sa%e ratio s should #e %ai tai ed. To %a"e R.<.@. pla/e 550 'ra%s of the itri/ a/id produ/ed #y the a#ove pro/edure i a 1000 %l. #ea"er i a salted #ath. 50 'ra%s of he2a%i e& 3%ethe a%i e4 is added i s%all portio s %a"i ' sure that the te%perature of the a/id <$+. N$T G$ A)$J+ 10 <+GR++. -+*-IK..

This te%perature /a #e %o itored #y pla/i ' a ther%o%eter dire/tly i the a/id %i2ture. <uri ' this pro/edure a vi'orous stirri ' should #e %ai tai ed. If the te%perature approa/hes 10 de'rees& IMM+<IAT*C .T$7 T0+ A<<ITI$N $, T0+ 0+@AMIN+ u til the te%perature drops to a a//epta#le level. After the additio is /o%plete /o ti ue the stirri ' a d allo( the te%perature to drop to 0 de'rees /el/ius a d allo( it to stay there for 20 %i utes /o i ui ' the vi'orous stirri '. After the 20 %i utes are up& pour this a/id-he2a%i e %i2ture i to 1000 %l. of fi ely /rushed i/e a d (ater. -rystals should for% a d are filtered out of the li?uid. The /rystals that are filtered out are R.<.@. a d (ill eed to have all tra/es of the a/id re%oved. To re%ove this tra/e of a/id& first (ash these /rystals #y putti ' the% i i/e (ater a d sha"i ' a d refilteri '. These /rystals are the pla/ed i a little #oili ' (ater a d filtered. 7la/e the% i so%e (ar% (ater a d /he/" the a/idity for the resulta t suspe sio (ith lit%us paper. Cou (a t it to read #et(ee 6 a d 8 o the 7h s/ale. If there is still a/id i these /rystals re#oil the% i fresh (ater u til the a/id is re%oved a d the lit%us paper sho(s the% #et(ee 6 a d 8& 3the /loser to 8 the #etter4. To #e safe these /rystals should #e stored (ater (et u til ready for use. T0+.+ -RC.TA*. AR+ A J+RC 0IG0 +@7*$.IJ+ AN< .0$K*< )+ TR+AT+< WIT0 T0+ R+.7+-T T0+C <+.+RJ+! This e2plosive is %u/h %ore po(erful tha T.N.T. To use& these (ill eed to #e dryed for so%e %a ufaturi ' pro/esses i the e2t fe( arti/les. To dry these /rystals& pla/e the% i a pa a d spread the% out a d allo( the (ater to evaporate off the% u til the are /o%pletely dry. This e2plosive (ill deto ate i this dry for% (he 7a'e 12 pressed i to a %old to a de sity of 1.55 'ra%s /u#ed& at a velo/ity of 9550 M>se/o d! -$M7$.ITI$N :-: --------------All of the type :-: plasti/ e2plosives 3that i /ludes --2& --1& a d --54 are e2/eedi 'ly po(erful a d should #e used (ith ut%ost /are. This e2plosive is Bust a /opy of a )ritish e2plosive that (as adopted early i WWII. This e2plosive is the /hoi/e e2plosive of the type :-: /o%pou ds #e/ause of its relative ease of %a ufa/ture a d the easy a?uisitio of the plasti=er /o%pou d. This e2plosive (as availa#le i sta dard de%olitio #lo/"s. This e2plosive /o%positio A (as sta dardi=ed a d adopted i the follo(i '

R.<.@.......................... 99.1U 0eavy %i eral oil.............. 11.1U *e/ithi ....................... 00.6U 3all per/e ta'es are #y (ei'ht4 I this /o%positio & the le/ithi a/ts to preve t the for%atio of lar'e /rystals of R.<.@. (hi/h (ould i /rease the se sitivity of the e2plosive. This e2plosive has a 'ood deal of po(er a d is relatively o -to2i/ 3e2/ept (he i 'ested4. It is also plasti/ fro% 0-50 de'rees /el/ius. A#ove 50 de'rees the e2plosive u der'oes e2trudatio a d #e/o%es 'u%%y althou'h its e2plosive properties 'o relatively u i%paired. )elo( 0 de'rees /el/ius it #e/o%es #rittle a d its /ap se sitivity is lesse ed /o sidera#ly.

Ma ufa/turi ' this e2plosive /a #e do e t(o (ays. ,irst #ei ' to dissolve the 11.8U plastisi=i ' i u leaded 'asoli e a d %i2i ' (ith the R.<.@. a d allo(i ' the 'asoli e to evaporate u til the %i2ture is free of all 'asoli e. The se/o d %ethod #ei ' the si%ple " eadi ' of the plastisi=i ' /o%pou d i to the R.<.@. u til a u ifor% %i2ture is o#tai ed. This e2plosive should #e stored i a /ool-dry pla/e. If properly %ade the plasti?ue should #e very sta#le i stora'e eve if stored at elevated te%paratures for lo ' periods of ti%e. It should #e very /ap se sitive. A #ooster (ill #e a espe/ially if used #elo( 0 de'rees /el/ius. This deto ates of 8900>M7.. -$M7$.ITI$N --2 AN< --1 ----------------------These are hi'hly u desira#le #e/ause of /ertai trait ea/h has a d they do :t produ/e as %u/h po(er as :-: a d :--5: /o%pou ds. 7a'e 11 It is ot re/o%%e ded you %a"e these t(o types of plasti?ue& this part (as (ritte for i%for%atative purposes o ly. -o%positio :--2: is harder to %a"e tha :--5: a d is T$@I- T$ 0AN<*+. It is also u sta#le i stora'e a d is poor /hoi/e for ho%e e2plosive %a ufa/ture. It also has a lo(er deto atio velo/ity tha either :--5: or :--1:. It is %a ufa/tured i a stea% Ba/"eted 3heated4 %elti ' "ettle usi ' the sa%e pro/edure used i i /orperatio of :--1:. Its /o%positio is as follo(sA R.<.@................... Mo o itrotolule e....... <i itrotolule e......... T.N.T. 'u /otto ........ <i%ethylfor%ide......... 90U 5U 5U 5U 5U 'ood /hoi/e& at a velo/ity

3see #elo( for rest of re/ipe4 :--1: (as developed to eli%i ate the u desira#le aspe/ts of :--2:. It (as sta dardi=ed a d adopted #y the %ilitary as follo(i ' /o%positio A R.<.@................ Mo o itrotolule e.... <i itrotolule e...... Tetryl............... T.N.T. 'u /otto ..... 88U 16U 5U 1U 1U

:--1: is %a ufa/tured #y %i2i ' the plastisi=i ' a'e t i a stea% Ba/"eted %elti ' "ettle e?uipped (ith a %e/ha i/al stirri ' atta/h%e t. The "ettle is heated to 90-100 de'rees /el/ius a d the stirrer is a/tivated. Water (et R.<.@. is added to the plastisi=i ' a'e t a d the stirri ' is /o ti ued u til a u ifor% %i2ture is o#tai ed a d all (ater has #ee drive off. Re%ove the heat sour/e #ut /o ti ue to stir the %i2ture u til it has /ooled to roo% te%perature.

This e2plosive is as se sitive to i%pa/t as is T.N.T. .tora'e at 65 de'rees /el/ius for four %o ths at a relative hu%idity of 95U does ot i%pair it:s e2plosive properties. :--1: is 111U as 'ood as a e2plosive as T.N.T. The %aBor dra(#a/" of :--1: is its volatility (hi/h /auses it to lose 1.2U of its (ei'ht althou'h the e2plosives deto atio properties are ot affe/ted. Water does ot affe/t e2plosives prefor%a /e. Thus it is very 'ood for u der-(ater de%olitio uses a d (ould #e a 'ood /hoi/e for su/h a appli/atio . Whe stored at 88 de'rees /el/ius /o sidera#le e2trudatio ta"es pla/e. It (ill #e/o%e hard at -29 de'rees /el/ius a d is hard to deto ate at this te%perature. While this e2plosive is ot u duely to2i/& it should #e ha dled (ith /are as it /o tai s aryl- itro /o%pou ds (hi/h are a#sor#ed throu'h the s"i . 7a'e 15 It (ill relia#ly ta"e deto atio fro% a R6 #lasti ' /ap #ut the use of a #ooster is al(ays su''ested. This e2plosive has a 'reat #last effe/t a d (as avalia#le i sta dard de%olitio #lo/"s. Its deto atio velo/ity is appro2i%ately 8800 M7.. G+*ATIN <CNAMIT+ ---------------)elo( are five differe t (ays to %a"e a very /o%%o 14 Nitro........................ 12U Gu /otte .................... .5U A%o iu% itrate.............. 98.5U Nitro........................ 99U 7otassiu% itrate............ 5U Tetryl....................... 8U Nitro........................ 25U Gu /otte .................... 1U A%o iu% itrate.............. 85U Nitro........................ Gu /otte .................... 7otassiu% itrate............ Wood %eal.................... 85U 5U 15U 5U e2plosive. <y a%ite.





Nitro........................ 90U +thaly e 'ly/ol di itrate.... 20U

After %a"i ' this stuff& pa/" it i a /ard#oard tu#e a d e2po2y ea/h e d. )ut #e /areful for it %i'ht #e a little u sta#le #e/ause of the itro'ly/eri e 3 itro4. )efore it is totally dry sti/" a 'ood fuse i o e of the e ds. *i'ht& Thro(& a d ru as if your life depe ded o it! Whi/h i a (ay it does.

7+R$@CA-+T$N+ ------------7ero2ya/eto e is J+RC fla%a#le Z has #ee MaterialsA 5%l of A/eto e 5%l of 10U 0ydro'e 7ero2ide 5 of drops /o /. hydro/hlori/ a/id 150%% test tu#e Add 5%l a/eto e a d 5%l hydro'e pero2ide to the test tu#e. The add 5 drops /o /e trated hydro/hlori/ a/id. I 10-20 %i utes a (hite solid should #e'i to appear. If o /ha 'e is o#served& (ar% the test tu#e i a (ater #ath at 50 -elsius. Allo( the rea/tio to /o ti ue for t(o hours. .(irl the slurry a d filter it. *eave out o filter paper to dry for at least t(o hours. To i' ite& li'ht a /a dle tied to a %eter sti/" a d li'ht it 3(hile stayi ' at *+A.T a %eter a(ay4. 7a'e 15 -+**K*$.+ NITRAT+ 3GKN-$TT$N4 ----------------------------does -o%%o ly " o( as .%o"eless po(der& Nitro/ellulose is e2a/tly that it ot 'ive off s%o"e (he it #ur s. reported to #e sho/" se sitive.

MaterialsA 80%l of /o /e trated sulfuri/ a/id 10%l of /o /e trated itri/ a/id 5' of a#sor#e t /otto 250%l of sodiu% #i/ar#o ate 250%l #ea"er i/e #ath to 's paper to(els 7la/e 250%l #ea"er i the i/e #ath& add 80%l sulfuri/ a/id& 10 %l itri/ a/id. <ivide /otto i to .8' pie/es. With to 's& i%%erse ea/h pie/e i the a/id solutio for 1 %i ute. Ne2t& ri se ea/h pie/e i 1 su//essive #aths of 500%l (ater. Kse fresh (ater for ea/h pie/e. The i%%erse i 250%l sodiu% #i/ar#o ate. If it #u##les& ri se i (ater o /e %ore u til o #u##li ' o//urs. .?uee=e dry a d spread o paper to(els to dry over i'ht. NITR$G+N TRII$<I<+ -----------------This is very sho/" se sitive (he it /o%es dropped& tou/hed& #reathed o ... et/. ,or o e a y of those. This has a hi'h e2plosive value to %ass (ith Bust a little /o%pou d. I have heard %a"e this& a d this is the #est o e. I thi ". to #ei ' a'itated& %oved& thi ' I hope you do :t do it. It /a %ove a lot of so %a y differe t (ays to

Ta"e a %ediu% 'lass a d fill it up (ith a%%o iu% hydro2ide 3household a%%o ia4. Ta"e so%e iodi e /rystals a d pour a#out a fourth of the 'lass full. Wait a#out 10 %i utes to a hour the pour off the li?uid re%ai i '. No(& (hat you have i the 'lass it /alled itro'e tri-iodide&

(hi/h is very se sitive to tou/h. )ut& it is perfe/tly save (he it is (et. Thats (hy you do ot let it dry u til you (a t to use it. To deto ate it Bust pour so%e of the (et stuff o a o#Be/t a d (ait till o%ethi ' a'itates it. Re%e%#er too %u/h /a har% a lot of thi 's. It does pa/" a (allop! NITR$G*C-+RIN ------------Nitro'ly/eri is a very hi'h (orld to do %a y differe t types of have to doA e2plosive. It is used all arou d the Bo#s. To %a"e itro here is (hat you

)y (ei'ht& o e part of 'ly/eri is itrated (ith 6 parts of %i2ed a/id. The %i2ed a/id is /o%posed of 50U itri/ a d 60U sulfuri/ a/id. The sulfuri/ a/id is slo(ly added to the itri/ a/id (ith /o sta t stirri '. Never %i2 the% the other (ay rou d for they (ill splatter. +a/h part of 'ly/eri (ill yield 2.1 parts of itro'ly/eri . The te%perature (he addi ' the 'ly/eri to the a/ids should ever 'o a#ove 25 de'rees 7a'e 16 /e ti'rade. If it does or if red fu%es appear& the (hole %ess should #e du%ped i to /old (ater fast. <o ot ta"e this as a e /oura'e%e t to %a"e itro'ly/eri . It is a da 'erous pro/edure to %i2 all these types of a/ids to'ether a d /a easily #e lost /o trol of. MALING .K*,KRI- A-I< -------------------No& your ot really MALING sulfuri/ a/id& you are Bust %a"i ' it %ore /o /e trated. All you eed to do is to ta"e a old /ar #attery a d du%p all of the a/id i to a G*A.. #o(l that /a #e set o a stove. <o ot use %etal for u (a ted o//ura /es /ould /o%e a#out. ;ust ta"e the old a/id a d #oil it u til you see (hite fu%es /o%e out. Whe you do i%%ediately tur off the heat a d let it /ool. $ e thi '& <$ N$T use a 'as stove. Kse a ele/tri/ hot plate Z %a"e it outside #e/ause the fu%es are very poiso ous. T.N.T 3Tri itrotoule e4 -------------------------Mi2 180 parts toule e (ith 100 parts a/id. The a/id #ei ' /o%posed ofA 2 parts 80U itri/ a/id a d 1 parts 100U sulfuri/ a/id. Mi2 #elo( 10 de'rees. .et this for 10 %i utes a d let seperate. Ta"e the %o o itrotolue e a d %i2 (ith 100 parts of it (ith 215 parts of a/id. This a/id #ei ' /o%posed ofA 1 part pure itri/ a/id a d 2 parts pure sulfuri/ a/id. Leep the te%perature at 60 -80 de'rees (hile they are slo(ly %i2ed. Raise te%perature to 90 - 100 de'rees a d stir for 10 %i utes. The di itrotoule e is seperated a d %i2ed (ith 100 parts of this (ith 225 parts of 20U oleu%& (hi/h is 100U sulfuri/ a/id (ith 20U e2tra dissolved sulfur trio2ide& a d 65 parts itri/ a/id. 0eat at 95 de'rees for 60 %i utes a d the at 120 de'rees for 90 %i utes. .eperate the tri itrotolue e a d slosh it arou d i hot(ater. 7urify the po(der #y soa"i ' it i #e =e e. M+R-KRC ,KM*MINAT+ ------------------

Mi2 2 parts of Nitri/ A/id (ith 2 part al/ohol 3a y "i d4 a d 1 part %er/ury. This is very sho/" se sitive e2plosive. )e /areful& Nitri/ A/id is a u sta#le a/id. It (ill rea/t to a'itatio .

7a'e 18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------0A7T+R T0R++ [IN-+N<IARI+.] --------------------------------------------------------------------------What is a i /e diaryX Those are /o%pou ds that do ot 'o T#oo%T& #ut /a #ur fast a d 'e erate a lot of heat. ,or e2a%ple& ther%ite& its a i /e diary& #e/ause it /a produ/e te%peratures (ill up i the hu dreds a d /a eve %elt %etal. NA7A*M -----This is Bust 'asoli e i a thi/"e d for%. What it does is #ur for lo ' periods of ti%e. If it is %ade ri'ht I hear that (ater /a :t eve put it out. What you do is ta"e so%e polystyri e 3styrofoa%4 a d pla/e it i so%e u leaded 'asoli e 3u leaded (or"s #etter4. Leep feedi ' styrofoa% to the 'as u til you /a ot feed a y %ore at all. At poi ts it (ill loo" li"e thats all it /a ta"e& Bust (ait for a %i ute a d let the other 'as rise to the top. It (ill ta"e a lot of stryrofoa% u til you 'et (hat you (a t. Whe it is do e& it (ill #ur for a lo ' ti%e. I (ould su''est that you do ot pla/e a y o you #e/ause o /e it is lit it (ill travel ?uite ?ui/"ly si /e it %elts the thi/"e d 'asoli e a d it rolls do( . This is also fu to play (ith. The o ly pro#le% (ith it is it 'ives off too %u/h s%o"e 3(hi/h& I %ay add - is poiso 4. T0+RMIT+ -------This is the arso ists drea%! Ther%ite is a very hot %i2ture. Althou'h it is sli'htly hard to 'et i' ited& so it is safe to tra sport it. 0ere is (hat you doA Ther%ite is %ade fro% po(dered alu%i u% a d iro o2ide 3rust4. Mi2 t(o parts #y volu%e po(dered alu% iu% (ith three parts iro o2ide. This stuff is hard to li'ht& #ut o /e you 'et it 'oi ' do :t pla o putti ' it out& #e/ause it /a produ/e e ou'h heat to %elt throu'h a steel plate. The fi er the i 'redie ts are the easier it (ill #e to i' ite.

-0+MI-A**C IGNIT+< +@7*$.IJ+. ----------------------------A %i2ture of 1 part potassiu% /hlorate to 1 parts ta#le su'ar 3su/rose4 #ur s fier/ely a d #ri'htly 3si%ilar to the #ur i ' of %a' esiu%4 (he 1 drop of /o /e trated sulfuri/ a/id is pla/ed o it. What o//urs is thisA (he the a/id is added it rea/ts (ith the potassiu% /hlorate to for% /hlori e dio2ide& (hi/h e2plodes o for%atio & #ur i ' the su'ar as (ell.

7a'e 19 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------0A7T+R ,$KR [.M$L+ )$M).] --------------------------------------------------------------------------.o& you (a t a s%o"e s/ree X Well this /hapter (ill e2plai differe t types of s%o"e /a #e %ade. +ve /olored s%o"e. ho( %a y

.M$L+ 7R$<K-+R -------------The follo(i ' rea/tio should produ/e a fair a%ou t of s%o"e. .i /e this rea/tio is ot all that da 'erous you /a use lar'er a%ou ts if e/essary for lar'er a%ou ts of s%o"e. 6' =i / po(der 1' sulfur po(der I sert a red hot (ire i to the pile& step #a/". A lot of s%o"e should #e /reated. .M$L+ )$M) ---------This is the father of all s%o"e #o%#s. 2 part 7otassiu% Nitrate 1 7art Gra ulated su'ar. 7ut this u der a very lo( heat sour/e a d %elt the su'ar a d potassiu% itrate. After it is %elted let it set a d 'et hard. Whe it 'ets hard& Bust ta"e outside a d hold a lit %at/h o a area of the s%o"e #o%# a d (ait till it li'hts. Cou (ill " o( (he it is a#out to i' ite #e/ause the stuff tur s #la/" a d (ill the spit a d sputter a d s%o"e (ill pour out of the /o%pou d. Cou also /a li'ht it (ithout %elti ' it #ut it #ur s too fast a d (ill %a"e a hud'e fla%e (hile the other o e does ot. 0T0 -0*$RIN+ .M$L+ )$M) Mi2A

----------------------Ta"e 0T0 pool /hlori e a d so%e o -sili/o #ra"e fluid a d %i2 the t(o to'ether i a ratio of 5 parts /hlori e to 1 part #ra"e fluid. Whe you %i2 the t(o to'ether they (ill #e'i to si==le a d the it (ill #e'i to s%o"e. It (ill ta"e a#out 10 se/o ds to start s%o"i ' fully. Whe it does #e'i to s%o"e it (ill produ/e a sti "i ' /loud of thi/" (hite s%o"e. If you do ot #e /areful it /ould #urst i to fla%es a d #ur (hat it is i . I su''est to pla/e the %i2ture i a 'lass /o tai er for it 'ets real hot. A d a y#ody i their ri'ht %i d (ill ot 'o pi/" it up a d try to thro( it (he it has do e s%o"i '. The s%o"e is " o( to last for over 2 %i utes a d is also to2i/ #e/ause it produ/es /hlori e 'as& (hi/h is deadly!

7a'e 19 .M$L+ MI@TKR+. -------------[)la/"] 0e2a/hloroetha e......... 60U A thra/e e............... 20U Ma' esiu% 3po(der4....... 20U [)ro( ] 7it/h.................... 29.2U 7otasiu% Nitrate......... 58.5U )ora2.................... 10.6U -al/iu% -ar#o ate......... 5.9U .a d...................... 5.0U .ulfur.................... 1.9U [Grey] 0e2a/hloroetha e......... 50U Si / 7o(der.............. 25U Si / $2ide............... 10U 7otassiu% Nitrate........ 10U -olopho y Resi ........... 5U [Grey] 0e2a/hloroetha e......... 55.5U Si / $2ide............... 55.5U -al/iu% .ili/ide.......... 9.0U [White] 7otassiu% -hlorate....... A%%o iu% -hloride........ Naphthale e.............. -har/oal................. [White] 20U 50U 20U 10U

7otassiu% itrate........ 59.5U .ulfur................... 59.5U Real'ar................... 1.0U [White] 7otassiu% Nitrate........ 50U .u'ar.................... 50U [Cello(] 7otassiu% Nitrate........ 25U .ulfur................... 16U Real'ar.................. 59U 7a'e 20 [White] 7otassiu% itrate......... 6U A ti%o y sulfide.......... 1U 7o(dered sulfur........... 1U [Cello(] 7otassiu% itrate......... 7o(dered sulfur........... -har/oal.................. .odiu% /hloride........... [Cello(] 7o(dered sulfur........... 5U -har/oal.................. 1U 7otassiu% itrate........ 25U .odiu% /ar#o ate.......... 6U [Red] .tro tiu% itrate......... 5U 7o(dered ora 'e shella/... 1U [Red] .tro tiu% itrate........ 11U 7o(dered sulfur........... 5U -har/oal.................. 1U -al/iu% /ar#o ate........ 11U 7otassiu% itrate......... 1U [7urple] -opper sulfate............ .tro tiu% itrate......... 7o(dered sulfur........... -har/oal.................. 7otassiu% itrate......... [Gree ] 1U 1U 1U 1U 1U 5U 1U 2U 1U

)ariu% itrate............ 7o(dered sulfur........... -har/oal.................. 7otassiu% itrate......... [Gree ]

8U 5U 1U 1U

)ariu% /hlorate........... 9U 7o(dered ora 'e shella/... 1U [)lue] A it%o y sulfide.......... 2U 7o(dered sulfur........... 5U 7otassiu% itrate........ 12U 7a'e 21 [)lue] 7otassiu% itrate........ 12U 7o(dered sulfur........... 1U /har/oal.................. 1U -opper sulfate............ 2U 7o(dered rosi ............ 1U -0*$RIN+ Z TKR7+NTIN+ --------------------Ta"e a s%all /loth or ra' a d soa" it i turpe ti e. aui/"ly drop it i to the #ottle of /hlori e. It should 'ive off a lot of #la/" s%o"e a d pro#a#ly start #ur i '...

7a'e 22 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------0A7T+R ,IJ+ [)$M).] --------------------------------------------------------------------------This is the poi t I really stress the (ord saftey! At this poi t it should #e (ell e2/er/ised a d you had #etter " o( (hat you are doi ' #efore you eve atte%pt to /o stru/t so%e of these devi/es. Re%e%#er that the la( prohi#its the %a ufa/ture a d use of su/h devi/es& a d you /ould #e #rea"i ' the la( i so%e pla/es. If you do %a"e o of the devi/es that is listed i here the I (ould su''est you %a"e a prototype a d set that o e off i the /ou try a d if it (or"ed /orre/tly the %a"e your fi al o e a d use it the (ay you had i %i d. G+N+RI- )$M) -----------A?uire a 'lass /o tai er. 7ut i a fe( drops of 'asoli e. -ap the top a d tur the /o tai er arou d to /oat the i er surfa/e. Add a fe( drops of potassiu% per%a 'a ate 3fou d i a s a"e-#ite "it4 . To deto ate Bust thro( a'ai st a hard o#Be/t. I hear this is the sa%e as a half sti/" of dy a%ite! ,IR+)$M). --------Most fire#o%#s are si%ply 'asoli e filled #ottles (ith a oil soa"ed ra' i the %outh. The ori'i al fire#o%# (as o e part 'asoli e a d o e part %otor oil. The oil %a"es it splatter a d sti/" o (hat your tryi ' to #ur . .o%e use o e part roofi ' tar or o e part %elti ' (a2 to 2 parts 'asoli e. 7I7+ )$M) --------A pipe #o%# is very easy to %a"e. )ut is also very da 'erous!

To /o stru/t a pipe #o%# you (ill eed a pie/e of pipe a#out o e foot lo '. .o%e fi e 'u po(der& a solar i' itor& a d a #attery. -ap o e e d of the pipe very 'ood (ith a /ap. 7our so%e 'u po(der i the other e d a#out little over the %iddle. -ap the pipe o the other e d a d %a"e a s%all hole i the %iddle of the pipe. No( (rap the (hole pipe i ele/tri/ tape a d %a"e the hole a'ai . 7la/e i the head of the solar i' itor i the


Tape the i' itor do(

so it (ill

ot fall out.

To i' ite the #o%# I su''est you ta"e a J+RC lo ' (ire a d /o e/t it to the ele/trodes of the solar i' itor a d ru it very far a(ay. The /o e/t the #attery at the other e d of the (ire. <$ N$T tou/h the #attery to the ele/trodes of the #o%# for eve a se/o d& #e/ause it WI** e2plode!!! Re%e%#er ta"e a lo ' t(o /o du/tor (ire a d /o e/t it to the ele/trodes a d ru it far a(ay a d the /o e/t the #attery to it. If you %ade it /orre/tly it (ill e2plode upo /o ta/t (ith the #attery! Re%e%#er& this /a "ill you. This also /a do a lot of property da%a'e. 7a'e 21 -$NTA-T GR+NA<+ --------------MaterialsA 2-1 i . se/tio of pipe 7J- 3for test a d fu 4 .teel 3for shrap el4 12 'ua'e shot'u shell 3fitted to pipe4 %ar#le pi ' po ' #all /ap for pipe 2-1 ft. ri##o 3fli'hts4 e2plosive /har'e 3of perso al prefera /e4 a 1>2 or 1>5 /up petrol %a"es a e2/elle t /har'e (he vapori=ed filli ' the pipe (ith 'u po(der is si%plest or a y .TA)*+ fla%%a#le e2plosive o e %ay have. This desi' is a %odified pipe#o%# (hi/h (ill #e set off upo hard /o ta/t. This %a"es thi 's %u/h easier tha tossi ' %olotove /o/"tails or li'hti ' fuses as all you do is thro( it a d it should deto ate o /o ta/t. 14 24 14 54 54 -ut the plasti/ of the shot'u -arefully fit the shell off of the pri%er a d set aside.

pri%er i to o e e d of the pipe a d epo2y se/urely.

Glue the %ar#le to the :di%ple: of the pri%er. -ut the pi ' po ' #all i half a d the %a"e a si%ple for% of /asi '. 'lue half o to the %ar#le to

7ut e2plosive /har'e i to the hollo( pipe 3if usei ' 'asoli e use o ly 1>5 of the volu%e of pipe. Reaso A 1 'al. of 'as vapor W 16 sti/"s dy a%ite!!!4. -ap the pipe a d epo2y i to pla/e. Tie ri##o Rela2. arou d tail se/tio of pipe. heres ho( it (or"s. Whe thro( the

64 84

No( that its fi ished

're ade (ill /o%e do( upo the poi t #e/ause of the tail fli'hts. Whe it hits& the pri%er (ill #e /rushed #y the %ar#le& setti ' it off. The pri%er the i' ites the e2plosive /har'e. I heartily re/o%%e d that 7J- #e used for testi ' as the steel pipe is rather da 'erous. This desi' is ot a toy a d should ot #e #uilt to #e played (ith. If you (a t a toy Bust e%pty a shot'u shell a d tape a %ar#le to the pri%er a d thro(. It %a"es a ?uasi-safe fire(or".

7a'e 25 -AR)I<+ )$M) -----------$#tai so%e /al/iu% /ar#ide. This is the stuff that is used i /ar#ide la%ps a d /a #e fou d at early a y hard(are store. Ta"e a fe( pie/es a d put it i a 'lass Bar (ith so%e (ater. 7ut a lid o ti'htly. The /ar#ide (ill rea/t (ith the (ater to produ/e a/etyle e /ar#o ate (hi/h is si%ilar to the 'as used i /urri ' tor/hes. +ve tually the 'lass (ill e2plode fro% i ter al pressure. If you leave a #ur i ' ra' ear#y& you (ill 'et a i/e fire#all. 0IN<+N)+RG )$M) --------------Get& a #alloo & #ottle& *i?uid 7lu%%er& foil& a d a le 'th of fuse. ,ill the #ottle 1>5 full (ith the *i?uid plu%%er a d add a little pie/e of alu% i u% foil. 7ut the #alloo over the e2t of the #ottle u til the #alloo is full of the resulti ' 'as. This is hi'hly fla%%a#le hydro'e . No( tie the #alloo . Tape the fuse to the outside of the i flated #alloo a d li'ht. *et the #alloo rise i to the air. Whe the fuse 'ets to the #alloo a d #ursts it& the hydro'e (ill /ause a fire#all.

A other file do( loaded fro%A ! -^Z the Te%ple of the ./rea%i ' +le/tro ! d Wal ut -ree"& -A V >Ne b ! b b>e>Ne fNf 2500>1200>100 #aud 35154 915-5955 >Ne > c b e>f-fe ;eff 0u ter& .ysop bc efb c cb- - -b e b b b >Ne b f b - - - - - - - - - d bfff>fefffbfbfbf3f4fb Aaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! > .pe/iali=i ' i /o versatio s& +-Mail& o#s/ure i for%atio & e tertai %e t& the arts& politi/s& futuris%& thou'htful dis/ussio & i sa e spe/ulatio & a d (ild ru%ours. A A**-T+@T )).. TRa( <ata for Ra( Nerves.T

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