Motion For Early Resolution

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REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES (name of office e.g.

OFFICE OF THE PROSECUTOR) (address) (name of the person to whom the motion is directed to)

(name of complainant) Complainant, -versus(name of respondent) Respondent. /------------------------------------/

(case designation) FOR: Falsification of Public Documents

MOTION FOR EARLY RESOLUTION WITH MOTION TO DISMISS Comes now, the respondent, by and through the undersigned counsel most respectfully submits this motion for early resolution with manifestation, and avers that: 1.) (pertinent facts) 2.) (pertinent facts) PRAYER (relief sought) Other relief just and equitable are likewise prayed for. Respectfully submitted. City of Muntinlupa. March 4, 2014. (name of counsel) Counsel for respondent (address) (city) IBP.No. _____________ PTR No. _________________ MCLE Comp. No.: _____________ Roll No. ___________
NOTICE OF HEARING (to whom addressed) (name of office) Greetings: Please take notice that the undersigned will submit the foregoing motion for the Honorable Offices consideration immediately upon receipt hereof without further oral arguments and without presence of counsels/parties. Thank you.

(name of counsel)
Explanation Copy furnished through registered mail due to lack of personnel to effect personal service to: (name of adverse party) (address) (city)

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