Fabric Price: Supplier Selection Is Based On

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Fabric Price
Buyer Nominate Suppliers Only one supplier is nominated Can only compete in Consumption Range of supplier list is gi en Garment Manufacturing Company has the freedom to select the supplier !his may ha e some restrictions Source from GSP$ claimable region

Supplier selection is based on

Price Compared to the "idth (a ing the re%uired "idth to complete the garment )uality of the fabric )uality of finish Re%uired Composition &sueded- brushed bac.& *++, cotton etc' "ashed' Whether it is possible to get all the fabrics in the garment from one supplier

Fulfill the re%uired %uality standard & !esting re%uirements' Can identify ne" cheap suppliers #ble to access to local suppliers

Re%uired Weight

Past records of defects

Minimum order %uantity

!he percentage of "aste depend on the belo" !he buyer !ype of garment !ype of fabric

#mount of #llo"ance .ept in mar.er ma.ing #mount of allo"ances .ept in pattern ma.ing #ccuracy of consumption # ailability of the information regarding fabric /g0 Stripe and Plaid repeat

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