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To: London Times

Dear Sir/Madam

First of all I want to thank you for your wonderful idea to reward people who have contributed a lot to the community. There are few people who think at those who really do something for the community. I want to propose Mr John White for this reward. Mr White is the owner of a toy store and he has done so much things for the children and for Children's Hospital in who works as a volunteer. He loves very much kids. Im sure that you heard about that 10 years old boy who need urgently of medical surgerry, but no one wanted to help her because shes parents didnt have money. Mr John White save his life by paying all the charges by him self. Mr White actively involved in raising funds for the renovation of the Children's Hospital. Thanks of him, today we have a modern clinic in our town and our children can be save due to modern equipment. When he is not in the hospital he continue to makes filantropic activities. Mr White is the leader of the ONG Save the Children and he had done much things for the orphans. I want to mention that the orphanage and home for needy people of downtown are built by Mr. White. I think he should be rewarded with the title Citizen of Honour of the city . Im sure that he would appreciate the recognation of his work.

Thank you for your attention, Ilie Gabriela

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