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Septic Tank and Soak Away pit for Sewage Treatment at JGE 1.

Description : The septic tank will be a buried, water tight receptacles designed and constructed to receive the wastewater generated from the LABO ! "A#$ and offices of the contractor at the %&' enabling pro(ect. The tanks is designed to a. )eparate solids from li*uid b. $rovide digestion of organic matter , to temporaril+ store solids c. Allow the clarified li*uid discharge to the soak awa+ pit. The settleable solids and partiall+ decomposed sludge settle at the bottom of the tank and accumulate. The comple, matter is digested and converted to ore stable products. A scum of lightweight material including fats greases rises to the top. The clarified li*uid is allowed to flow through the outlet pipe which is below the floating scum la+er. This clarified water is then led to a soak awa+ pit where it will percolate down. The soak awa+ pit is to be designed in a manner to permit the percolation of clarified water over a -. hour period in order to be read+ to receive the clarified water ne,t da+. -. Basic Design Considerations : a. Septic Tank : i. #aterial of "onstructions: &!$. ii. "onstruction: The tank will be water tight . The tank is divided into two compartments .The first compartment /inlet0 occupies -12 length and the second 112 length. The two chambers will be connected b+ a series of 3T4 connections /spaced evenl+ across the width of the chamber0, in order to prevent scum and solids carr+ over to the -nd compartment. iii. 5imensions : The dimensions are indicative. The effective volume to be .6 m2. 1. 'ffective 7olume : .6 m2 -. 5iameter : -.8 m 2. Length : to suit volume of .6 m2 .. 9ree Board : 6:: mm iv. ;nlet and Outlet arrangement: To ensure that incoming flow does not cause splashing, the inlet pipe / 1:: mm 0 will be in the form of 3 T4 connection and with openings protruding 1:: mm on the free board side and 6: mm into the water. )imilarl+ the outlet /1:: mm0 will also be a 3T 3connection. $ipe and fittings will be of &!$. v. ;nspection port: There will be at least two inspection ports / 1 in each compartment 0 each of <:: mm si=e dia or <::,<:: mm s*uare opening. vi. 9oundation: The &!$ tank will be suitabl+ founded on a concrete foundation .The foundation details will be per vendor recommendation and site conditions.

vii. Odor "ontrol : Odor release to be minimi=ed b+ 1. &!$ odor control canister with minimum of 1-: kgs of Activated carbon and with &!$ pipe, fittings, vent, and appurtenance s+stem components, which shall be designed and proven effective for raw sewage applications. viii. Testing: The tank will be tested for water tightness and structural integrit+ b+ completel+ filling the tank with water before and after installation and letting it stand for -. hours. >o loss should be observed for -. hours. i,. O?# : 9ollowing maintenance checks will be carried once the pit is in operation 1. 'ver+ < months the tank will be inspected for build up of scum la+er. This preferabl+ done on weekends. -. $umping : As solids accumulate over a period of time ,tank shall be emptied b+ pumping out the contents ever+ < months. 2. Once the tank is emptied it shall be inspected for leakage , if an+ . b. The )oak awa+ $it1Trench : $ercolation of wastewater to surrounding subsoil. i. Area : )oak awa+ pit should be sufficientl+ large to avoid flooding and overflow. The minimum capacit+ of the pit should accommodate all the wastewater produced during a da+. The area is decided based on the permeabilit+ test ii. $ermeabilit+ of )oil. ;f the percolation rate is too high, the wastewater might drain into the nearb+ watercourses before an+ effective treatment. ;f it is too low, the pit1trenches might soon clog up and wastewater would overflow. A site percolation test should be conducted to determine the soil permeabilit+. As and The attached drg /9ig@10 illustrates the permeabilit+ and the area re*uired based on the same. The common simplified procedures of percolation test for determining the absorption capacit+ of soil are given below/This is indicative .The contractor ma+ choose his own method of establishing the permeabilit+0 1. ',cavate a hole 2::mm s*uare to the proposed depth of the pit and trench. -. 9ill the hole with appro,imatel+ 16:mm of water and allow it to seep awa+ completel+A no need to measure the time. 2. !efill the hole with water to a depth of 16:mm and observe the time, in minutes, for water to seep completel+ awa+. iii. "onstruction : !efer to the 9ig@1 attached . iv. Location : 1. 5istance from nearest 9oundation : 2 m -. 5istance from water course : 2: m. v. #aintenance !e*uirement: $eriodic removal of an+ sludge accumulated.

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