Student Risk Assessment

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Date: 06.01.2014 Location: Media Studies Task being assessed: Students filming/taking p otos in college !ene"al #isk assessment DEGREE OF RISK "orst Pro'a'i(it) Risk o#t$o%e Ratin+ & * A,E * # & CONTROL MEASURES E-istin+ $ontro( %eas#res taken a+ainst t.e risk (edest"ian signs/ pat +a)s Student $ame: %et &o' ACTION PLAN ".at / $ontro( %eas#res are re0#ired 1.en and ') 1.o% Signs could be put up to +a"n people t at students a"e in t e a"ea. , en people see a somet ing on t e floo" t e) could pick it up and place it back to a0oid people t"ipping. 3 andle to old on to Signs fo" slippe") su"faces %e cautious of + e"e )ou" +alking Signs fo" ca"s to slo+ do+n so t e) don5t cause an) additional dange". %e ca"eful and cautious

HAZARDS Hazard #ega"dless of cont"ol measu"es (e"son being it b) a ca"

Persons at risk ! St

D"opping a p"op




*alling do+n t e stai"s ,eat e" -"aining.

St St/ sf/ c"/ 0/ d/ '/ l/ + Sf/ st/ 0

Ma1 Min

(s (s






4ts co"ne"ed off f"om t e "est of t e people and t e"e is scaffolding to made su"e not ing falls

61 Sf 7 staff St 7 students &" 7 cont"acto"s &l 7 cleane"s 8 7 0isito"s

D 7 people +it disabilities 9 7 )oung/ine'pe"ienced L 7 lone +o"ke"s , 7 +omen of c ild:bea"ing age

62 T is is +it out cont"ol measu"es * 7 fatal Ma1 7 ma1o" in1u") o" pe"manent disabilit) Min 7 mino" in1u") $# 7 non:"epo"table

*ences could be put a"ound t e a"ea to keep it e't"a safe and 0isible to people/ s o+ing t em t at +o"k is taking place 6; T is is +it cont"ol measu"es in place *" 7 f"e<uent/likel)/could occu" "epeatedl)/e'pected (" 7 p"obable/not su"p"ised/mig t occu" often (s 7 possible/could occu" sometime # 7 "emote/unlikel) but concei0able = 7 unlikel)/imp"obable suc t at likeli ood is almost >e"o

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