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Specific Classes of Compounds

R-5.3.3 Azo, azoxy, diazo, and related compounds

R- Diazenes. T e parent structure is named !diazene!, and t e "roups deri#ed from it, i.e., and , are named systematically as diazenyl and diazenediyl, respecti#ely $see R-3.%.&'. R-5.3.3.% Azo compounds. Compounds (it t e "eneral structure , ( ere R and may )e ali*e or different, are *no(n "enerically as !azo compounds!. +o(e#er, t ese compounds may )e more systematically named su)stituti#ely as deri#ati#es of t e parent ydride diazene.

,xamples to R-5.3.3.%

A monoazo compound (it t e "eneral structure in ( ic R is su)stituted )y a principal c aracteristic "roup is named on t e )asis of t e parent ydride, R+, su)stituted )y an or"anyldiazenyl "roup, . -f )ot R and are su)stituted )y t e same num)er of t e principal c aracteristic "roup, a multiplicati#e name $see R-0...3.3.%0' may )e used. ,xamples to R-5.3.3.%

/isazo compounds and more complex analo"ues are named on t e )asis of t e parent structure !diazene!, in t e a)sence of a more preferred parent compound. ,xamples to R-5.3.3.%

R-5.3.3.. Azoxy compounds. 0-1xides of azo compounds a#in" t e "eneral structure or are *no(n "enerically as !azoxy compounds! and are named )y addin" t e separate (ord !oxide! to t e name of t e correspondin" azo compound $see R-5.3.3.%'. -n an unsymmetrical compound, t e position of t e azoxy oxy"en atom is expressed )y t e locant % or .. ,xamples to R-5.3.3..

An azoxy compound in ( ic t e "eneral structure is or , in ( ic R is su)stituted )y a principal c aracteristic "roup, is named on t e )asis of t e parent ydride, R+, su)stituted )y t e -azoxy "roup in ( ic t e position of t e oxy"en atom is denoted )y t e prefix 001-, 100-, or 010-, as appropriate. ,xample to R-5.3.3..

R- Diazonium compounds. Compounds (it t e "eneral structure are named )y addin" t e suffix !-diazonium! to t e name of t e parent ydride R+ follo(ed )y t e name of t e ion as a separate (ord. ,xamples to R-

R-5.3.3.& Azo compounds (it t e "eneral structure R-020-3 s ould )e named as deri#ati#es of t e parent structure diazene, +020+. ,xamples to R-5.3.3.&

R- Diazo compounds. Compounds containin" a "roup 0. attac ed )y one nitro"en atom to one car)on atom are named )y addin" a prefix !diazo-! to t e name of t e parent ydride.

,xamples to R-

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