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Create a relaxed atmosphere before you start, possibly with relaxation music and essential oils The ear candling experience will be more intense if the eyes are kept closed In order for the flame to burn smoothly the room should be free of draughts Lie the patient down on one side in a comfortable position Keep the patient warm Support the head slightly with a pillow so that the auditory canal is in a vertical position Sit on a chair by the patient s head In order to protect hair and clothing, a cover can be placed around the treatment area !ave the person being ear ear candled lie on their side with a pillow under the person"s head for comfort and to bring the head up even with the shoulder, allowing the ear to be as level as possible# Cover the person"s hair and shoulder for protection from the fire, dripping wax with a cloth, towel, or fire retardant covering $like aluminum foil%, leaving the ear exposed# &ever position the ear candle at a perpendicular angle to the ear# I'()*T+&T, The ear candle should be angled so any possible dripping wax should roll down the side of the tube and not drop onto the eardrum itself#


The ear candle should be lit at the unlabeled end The non-burning end should be placed gently into the outer ear passage The ear candle is sealed in place by a light turning movement .hen you hear the pleasant crackling and hissing of the flame you know the ear candle is in proper place The ear candle must be held firmly in place throughout the process The ear candle will continue to flame throughout the treatment


!old the ear candle loosely between the forefinger during the therapy /o not s0uee1e tightly together Keep the ear candle as vertical as possible The patient will experience a pleasant crackling and rustling noise during the burning process In the final phase, the heat flow intensifies comfortingly and pleasantly /o not worry, the linen fabric which has already burned does not fall during the burning process

Burning down and Extinguishing:

The ear candle may be burnt down to 2cm above the red line marking# &) 34*T!5*6 Carefully remove the remainder of the ear candle 5xtinguish it in the glass of water that is ready nearby The red line marking around the candle $maximum burn indicator% and a specially developed safety filter ensure simple and safe application

Treat both ears:

It is generally advisable to treat both ears one after the other, each with a new ear candle +ny condensation material that remains attached to the fine ear hairs should be removed


+ subse0uent rest of about 27 to 89 minutes will support the overall result, as well as listening to relaxing music and smelling the aromatic scent of essential oils in the room The patient should stay lying down comfortably covered with a blanket :ently massage around the ear, face and neck to enhance the effect


Check ear canal for any condensation residues *emove these carefully with an ear cleaner /o not push the residue back into the ear /o not use a cotton bud


Store ear candle in an airtight bag Store in a dry, cool place

Ear candles Description:

The ear candle are approximately ;;cm long 5ach candle has a burning time of 29 to 2; minutes

The ear candles are used by setting them alight, so safety precautions are necessary# .e recommend that the treatment always be done by a second person# This will ensure safety during the treatment and enables deeper relaxation# +lways place a glass of water within reach in order to extinguish the ear candle#

Do NOT use Ear

andles i! "ou ha#e:

+ perforated eardrum Tympanotomy tube implants

+ll kinds of inflammations of the ear Skin diseases in and around the ear

+llergic reactions to the ingredients in the form of spontaneous itchiness have occasionally occurred# The application of 5ar candles is at your own risk and responsibility, but if you follow the instructions carefully, the application will be simple#

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