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Alyssa Perez Holocaust Scavenger Hunt

1. The holocaust is the persecution and murder of over six million Jews, who were killed by the Nazi's. olocaust means a destruction or killin! of people on a mass scale caused by a nuclear war or fire ". #ist five !roups persecuted by the Nazis durin! $$%%. 1.Jewish people 2.&ypsies 3. omosexuals 4.'oviet prisoners of war 5.(eople with disabilities ). The Nazis determined who was Jewish by lookin! throu!h census records, tax returns, and records from syna!o!ue membership list. The syna!o!ue was the Jewish peoples place of worship. *lso, Nazis would find out information from nei!hbors. *nother way Jewish people were identified was if they were wearin! the 'tar of +avid ,. Country (oland &ermany un!ary Before ),---,--./.,--,,.,--After ,.,--)0,--1..,---

5.The Nurembur! #aws were institutionalized in 11).due to many racial theories created by the Nazis. The laws excluded &erman Jews from 2eich citizenship and prohibited them from marryin! or havin! relations with people of '&erman or related blood'.

6.Joseph &oebbels 7.The term 3ristallnacht means ni!ht of the broken !lass. 3ristallnacht were or!anized anti Jewish riots, in *ustria and &ermany, that took place on November 1 th and 1-th in the year 11)4. The purpose of 3ristallnacht was to reco!nize the assassination of 5rnst 6om 2ath, a &erman embassy official stationed in (aris who was shot by a 10 year old boy a few days earlier. &erman authorities killed thousands of Jews of (olish citizenship livin! in &ermany from the 2eich &rynszpan had received news that his parents residents in &ermany since 1111 were amon! them. %n result, the boy killed 5rnst 6am 2ath. 4. 11,1. races to capture mass killin!. others died idea of itler7s 8inal 'olution for the Jews9 itler be!an his final solution in the summer of is idea of the :final solution; was to !et all control of 5urope and terminate all only have the *ryan race remainin!. 8irst &ermany invaded the 'oviet <nion to as many Jews as possible and placed them in concentration camps to be!in Techni=ues used for these mass killin! were selections, !as chambers, and from starvation. They would then burn the bodies in the crematoriums. itlers the final solution had worked in his favor, killin! many Jews.

1. city 1-.

The purpose of !hettos were to keep all Jews confined to only certain areas in the or town #ife in the !hettos was miserable. >vercrowdin! and unsanitary conditions occurred in the !hettos which lead to many diseases spreadin! and starvation occurred. (eople would trade any valuables they had for food. >thers committed suicide to escape their lives from the !hettos. #ook at the followin! pictures and describe what is takin! place in the photos. 1. Jews moved their belon!in!s into the !hetto into the horse drawn carria!e ". *nother !roup of Jews movin! into the 3rakow !hetto on a horse drawn carria!e ). Jews were bein! relocated to a different !hetto ,. Jews are on a horse drawn carria!e movin! belon!in!s crossin! a river 5. Jews are relocated at the Krakow Ghetto 6.They are moving into the ghetto after eing forced to Two forms of transportation used durin! the holocaust were horse drawn trains. They were both used to transport Jews to the &hettos aus is not a concentration camp. ?elzec *uschwitz and Treblinka are.


1". carria!es and 1). +eutsch

1,. *uschwitz 1.. >swiecim, (oland 1/. 1,1--,-- 10. !ame of Cam" +achau 8lossenbBr! (laszow #ocation +achau, &ermany 8lossenbBr!, &ermany 3rakow, (oland $unctions @oncentration @oncentration @oncentration %sta lished Aarch "", 11)) Aay ), 11)4 >ct. 11," %vacuated *pril "/, 11,. *pril "-, 11,. 'ummer 11,, #i erated *pril "1, 11,. by *mericans *pril "), 11,. by *mericans Jan. 1., 11,. by 'oviets

18. Camps were an essential part of the Nazis' systematic oppression and mass m rder of !ews" political ad#ersaries" and others considered socially and racially ndesira$le 1%. Comm nists" &ocial 'emocrats" and others who had $een condemned in a co rt of law. (rad ally" a more di#erse )ro p was imprisoned" incl din) !ews" !eho#ah's *itnesses" (ypsies" dissentin) cler)y" homose+ als" as well as others who were deno nced for ma,in) critical remar,s a$o t the Nazis. 2-. .here were a total of 6 concentration camps



.he li#in) conditions of the concentration camps were $ad. !ews s ffered from star#ation and spreadin) diseases d e to o#er crowdin) in the camps 22. .here were more !ews there and the Nazis )oal was to terminate all the !ews 23. Nazi officials a)reed to && plans for the transport and destr ction of all 11 million !ews of / rope. 24. 0#er 1 million !ews were ,ept in the concentration camps as well as 1 million non !ews 25. 1risoners were forced to march lon) distances in $itter cold" with little or no food" water" or rest. .hose who co ld not ,eep p were shot 2e was considered a hero $eca se he had sa#ed tho sands of li#es. 0s,ar was a (erman $ t the help he e+tended to almost 1"2-- !ews is worthy praisin).

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