In A Year Abbrev

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Read Through the Scriptures ar!

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Presented in alphabetical order. Includes Hebrew names (in italics) for those using Scriptures with the names of the books in Hebrew. Abbrev. Book Name in English (Hebrew) 1 Chr 1 Cor 1 Kgs 1 Pet 1 Chronicles (Divrei Hayamim) 1 Corinthians 1 Kings (Melachim) 1 Peter (1Kefa) Abbrev. Book Name in English (Hebrew) Hos Isa Jas Jer Job Joel John Josh Jude Judg Lam Lev Luke Mal Mark Matt Mic Nah Neh Num Obad Phil Phlm Prov Rev Rom Ruth Song Titus Zech Zeph Hosea (Hoshea) Isaiah (Yeshayahu) James (Yaacov) Jeremiah (Yirmiyahu) Job (Iyov) Joel (Yoel) John (Yochanan) Joshua (Yehoshua) Jude (Yhudah) Judges (Shoftim) Lamentations (Eichah) Leviticus (Vayikra) Luke Malachi Mark Matthew (Mattityahu) Micah Nahum Nehemiah Numbers (Bmidbar) Obadiah Philippians Philemon Proverbs (Mishlei) Revelation Romans Ruth (Rut) Song of SongsSong of Solomon/Canticles (Shir HaShirim) Titus Zechariah Zephaniah

1 John 1 John (1Yochanan)

1 Sam 1 Samuel (Shmuel) 1 Thess 1 Thessalonians 1 Tim 2 Chr 2 Cor 2 Kgs 2 Pet 1 Timothy 2 Chronicles (Divrei Hayamim) 2 Corinthians 2 Kings (Melachim) 2 Peter (2Kefa)

Jonah Jonah (Yonah)

2 John 2 John (2Yochanan)

2 Sam 2 Samuel (Shmuel) 2 Thess 2 Thessalonians 2 Tim Acts Amos Col Dan Deut Eccl Eph Esth Exod Ezek Ezra Gal Gen Hab Hag Heb 2 Timothy Acts Amos Colossians Daniel (Doniel) Deuteronomy (Dvarim) Ecclesiastes (Kohelet) Ephesians Esther (Ester) Exodus (Shmot) Ezekiel (Yechezkel) Ezra Galatians Genesis (Breisheet) Habakkuk Haggai (Chagai) Hebrews 3 John 3 John (3Yochanan)

Ps/Pss Psalms (Tehilim)

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