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!"#$%&" ()") *&)+,-.


/0&"%1" 02 /+)--3
This pie-assessment was auministeieu to a seconu giaue classioom, consisting of
twenty-one eight anu nine yeai olus. The majoiity of the stuuents in this class 'loopeu' with
the teachei fiom fiist to seconu giaue. Theiefoie, the classioom itself is a veiy comfoitable
anu safe leaining enviionment.. Bowevei foi those stuuents who uiu not loop with the
othei stuuents, it may be tough to have become acclimateu to such a comfoitable leaining
enviionment. Theiefoie, seating assignment ieflect the teacheis attempt to assimilate new
stuuents to the comfoitable leaining enviionment. In auuition, stuuents within this
classioom aie veiy awaie of each othei's unique leaining levels anu abilities. Again, making
foi a veiy comfoitable anu excepting leaining enviionment.
0f these twenty-one seconu giaueis, theie aie eleven boys anu ten giils. In auuition,
theie aie thiee English Language Leaineis, foui stuuents with leaining uisabilities, thiee
stuuents that neeu one-on-one instiuction anu thiee stuuents that iequiie content that
goes beyonu the fouith giaue. To put it simply, theie aie a vaiiety of leaining abilities anu
neeus to be met anu uiffeientiateu within the classioom. These vaiious neeus anu abilities
aie taken into factoi when auministeiing anu ieviewing the pie-assessment anu when
foiming math gioups foi each unit.
The following is a biief uesciiption of each stuuent in teims of them as inuiviuuals
anu leaineis. (Stuuents aie gioupeu baseu on the seating aiiangements in the classioom):

!"#$%&" 4#56%7 87.%2 (%-97.:".0& 02 !"#$%&"
S Female. Auuitoiy piocessing uisoiuei anu speech uisoiuei. Requiies
one-on-one instiuction. Low-level math gioup. (loopeu)
17 Nale. Belayeu leaining. ABBB. Requiies one-on- one instiuction. Low-
level math gioup.
2u Nale. Belayeu leaining. Requiies one-on-one instiuction. Low- level
math gioup.
11 Female. Inuepenuent woikei. Aveiage-level math gioup. (loopeu)
16 Nale. Above giaue level stuuent. Inuepenuent woikei. 0ppei-level
math gioup. (loopeu)
9 Female. veiy social. Aveiage-level math gioup. (loopeu)
; <%5)+%= >%7, -09.)+= ?&$%:%&$%&" @07A%7= (.22.9#+", 7%)$.&B
$.7%9".0&-= *C%7)B%D+%C%+ 5)"E B70#:= F+00:%$G
H I)+%= *60C% )C%7)B%J #::%7 +%C%+ 5)"E B70#:= F+00:%$G
K I)+%= L&B+.-E M)&B#)B% M%)7&%7= *(N(= !%90&$ ".5% .& O
P#-" 6%+0@ )C%7)B%D+%C%+ 5)"E B70#:=
QH <%5)+%= *60C% )C%7)B%J #::%7 +%C%+ 5)"E B70#:= F+00:%$G
Q I)+%= ?&$%:%&$%&" @07A%7= *60C% B7)$% +%C%+ -"#$%&"= R::%7D
+%C%+ 5)"E B70#:= F+00:%$G
S I)+%= L&B+.-E M)&B#)B% M%)7&%7= T%U#.7%- )--.-")&9% .& 7%)$.&B
.&-"7#9".0&- )&$ U#%-".0&-= 8%+0@ )C%7)B% 5)"E B70#:=
1S Nale. Inuepenuent woikei. 0ppei level leainei. Bigh-level math gioup.
1u Female. Inuepenuent woikei. Above aveiage math gioup. (loopeu)
21 Nale. Aveiage level math gioup.
2 Nale. English Language Leainei. Neeus assistance in ieauing uiiection
anu questions. 0ne-on-one instiuction neeueu occasionally. Low-level
math gioup.
12 Female. Aveiage level math gioup. (loopeu)
QV <%5)+%= 8%+0@ )C%7)B% +%C%+ 5)"E B70#:= L)-.+, $.-"7)9"%$=
W <%5)+%= 8%+0@ )C%7)B% +%C%+ 5)"E B70#:= I0".C)"%$ +%)7&%7=
Q; <%5)+%= *60C% )C%7)B% 5)"E B70#:= F+00:%$G
QW I)+%= *C%7)B% 5)"E B70#:= (%:%&$%&" 0& )--.-")&9% 2705 "%)9E%7=

!")&$)7$- 02 M%)7&.&B ?$%&".2.%$3
(In multi-faceteu stanuaius, bolueu components aie specifically auuiesseu within the pie-assessment.)

1.2 The stuuent will count foiwaiu by ones, twos, fives, anu tens to 1uu anu backwaiu
by ones fiom Su.

1.14 The stuuent will investigate, iuentify, anu uesciibe vaiious foims of uata collection
(e.g., iecoiuing uaily tempeiatuie, lunch count, attenuance, favoiite ice cieam),
using tables, pictuie giaphs, anu object giaphs.

1.1S The stuuent will inteipiet infoimation uisplayeu in a pictuie oi object giaph, using
the vocabulaiy !"#$% '$((% )$*$#% +#$,-$# -.,/% '$(( -.,/% anu $01,' -"2

2.4 The stuuent will
)G 90#&" 207@)7$ 6, "@0-J 2.C%-J )&$ "%&- "0 QXXJ -")7".&B )" C)7.0#- 5#+".:+%-
02 OJ ;J 07 QX
b) count backwaius by tens fiom 1uu; anu
c)iecognize even anu ouu numbeis

2.S The stuuent will iecall auuition facts with sums to 2u oi less anu the coiiesponuing
subtiaction facts.

2.17 The stuuent will use uata fiom expeiiments to constiuct pictuie giaphs,
pictogiaphs, anu bai giaphs.

2.19 The stuuent will analyze uata uisplayeu in pictuie giaphs, pictogiaphs, anu bai

2.21 The stuuent will solve pioblems by completing numeiical sentences involving the
basic facts foi auuition anu subtiaction. The stuuent will cieate stoiy pioblems,
using the numeiical sentences.

S.17 The stuuent will
a) collect anu oiganize uata, using obseivations, measuiements, suiveys, oi
6G 90&-"7#9" ) +.&% :+0"J ) :.9"#7% B7):EJ 07 ) 6)7 B7):E "0 7%:7%-%&" $)")Y )&$
9G 7%)$ )&$ .&"%7:7%" "E% $)") 7%:7%-%&"%$ .& +.&% :+0"-J )&$ :.9"#7% B7):E-
)&$ @7."% ) -%&"%&9% )&)+,Z.&B "E% $)")=

S.19 The stuuent will iecognize anu uesciibe a vaiiety of patteins foimeu using numbeis,
tables, anu pictuies, anu extenu the patteins, using the same oi uiffeient foims.

4.4 The stuuent will
a) estimate sums, uiffeiences, piouucts, anu quotients of whole numbeis,;
6G )$$J -#6"7)9"J )&$ 5#+".:+, @E0+% &#56%7-Y
c) uiviue whole numbeis, finuing quotients with anu without iemainueis; anu
$G -0+C% -.&B+%D-"%: )&$ 5#+".-"%: )$$.".0&J -#6"7)9".0&J )&$ 5#+".:+.9)".0&
:706+%5- @."E @E0+% &#56%7-=

!"#$%&" !"7%&B"E- )&$ *7%)- 207 ?5:70C%5%&"
(Bolueu segments set up gioups to be useu latei on.)

F!"#$%&" !907%[VG /055%&"-3
1 9 This stuuent fully giasps the concept of uata analysis
(giaues 1-4). This stuuent conceptualizes how to answei
questions about the uata using seveial types of giaphs. In
uoing so, the stuuent has uisplayeu the ability to auu,
subtiact, anu count by ones anu fives. ?&"%7%-".&B+,
%&0#BEJ "E% -"#$%&" #-%$ 9.79+%- .&-"%)$ 02 "E% &0"%$
"7.)&B+%- "0 905:+%"% "E% :.9"0B7):E= This confusion
can be quickly auuiesseu to the stuuent by uiscussing the
use of keys in giaphs, when conveying infoimation.
2 4 This stuuent unueistanus that we must use uata uisplayeu
in giaphs to answei ceitain questions. The stuuent is able
to count how many votes theie weie foi a specific
categoiy. \E% -"#$%&" -"7#BB+%- @."E )&-@%7.&B %1)9"+,
@E)" "E% U#%-".0& .- )-A.&B 207= <07 %1)5:+%J @E%&
"%75- -#9E )- !"#$% '$((% 07 $)*+' ," )7% #-%$ .& )
U#%-".0&, the stuuent uoes not use the coiiect equation to
answei these types of questions. Fuitheimoie, the stuuent
maue 9)7%+%-- %7707- 6, -0+C.&B -.5:+% )$$.".0& 2)9"-
.&9077%9"+,J "E% -#5 #-#)++, 6%.&B 0&% 07 "@0 &#56%7-
022= The stuuent also stiuggleu in -0+C.&B 5#+".-"%:
:706+%5-, eithei leaving the questions unsolveu oi
choosing the incoiiect answei.
S S This stuuent unueistanus that uata can be tianslateu
between vaiious types of giaphs. Stuuent successfully
tianslateu the tally maiks into a pictogiaph, using the
coiiect symbol of a tiiangle. Stuuent also has a fiim giasp
on how to finu the total amount of votes foi each categoiy
uisplayeu in the giaphs. 0ne thing the stuuent stiuggles
with is )&-@%7.&B @E)" "E% U#%-".0& .- -:%9.2.9)++,
)-A.&BJ %-:%9.)++, @E%& "E% "%75- !"#$% '$((% 07 $)*+'
," )7% #-%$ in the question. In auuition, the stuuent
stiuggles with -0+C.&B -.5:+% 5)"E 2)9"- .& 60"E
)$$.".0& )&$ -#6"7)9".0&=
4 7 This stuuent shows a fiim giasp of unueistanuing how the
of use vaiious giaphs can answei questions about the
uata. The stuuent conceptualizes the pioceuuies useu
when the teims !"#$% '$((% anu $01,' -" aie piesent in a
question. Theiefoie, being able to answei these types of
questions coiiectly. The stuuent is also able to count anu
then tianslate uata into othei types of giaphs. !"#$%&"
5)$% 9)7%+%-- 5.-")A%- .& -.5:+% )$$.".0& :706+%5-,
theiefoie piompting two answeis to be incoiiect.
S 7 This stuuent unueistanus how to use giaphs in oiuei to
answei questions about the uata. The stuuent has
stiengths in answeiing multistep auuition pioblems,
tiansfeiiing uata into othei giaphs anu using the
appiopiiate symbols, anu counting the total numbei foi
each categoiy anu set of uata. The stuuent uisplays -05%
-"7#BB+% .& )&-@%7.&B U#%-".0&- "E)" #-% "E% "%75-
!"#$% '$(( 07 $)*+' ,"J )&$ $%9.$.&B "E% 9077%9"
:709%$#7% 207 )&-@%7.&B "E%-% ",:%- 02 U#%-".0&-.
Stuuent also maue a 9)7%+%-- 5.-")A% .& -.5:+%

6 6 This stuuent conceptualizes the iuea that we can use
giaphs to answei questions about the uata. The stuuent is
able to solve stoiy pioblems that call foi simple auuition
facts. The stuuent is also able to successfully count the
total numbei of votes foi each categoiy of uata. \E%
-"#$%&" -%%5- "0 -"7#BB+% .& )&-@%7.&B @E)" "E%
U#%-".0& .- )-A.&B @E%& "E% "%75- !"#$% '$((% 07J $)*+'
," )7% #-%$= The stuuent also seemeu to be confuseu in
"7)&-2%77.&B "E% $)") 2705 "E% 27%U#%&9, 9E)7" "0 "E%
:.9"0B7):E, using the uesignateu symbol of an upsiue
uown tiiangle. Lastly, the stuuent stiuggleu with -0+C.&B )
5#+".D-"%: )$$.".0& :706+%5 whose sum was beyonu 2u.
7 S The stuuent unueistanus that giaphs iepiesent a set of
uata that we can use to answei questions. The stuuent is
able to complete simple auuition facts between two,
single-uigit numbeis. Fuitheimoie, the stuuent
unueistanus that uata can be tianslateu fiom a fiequency
chait to a pictogiaph. The stuuent stiuggles with
)&-@%7.&B U#%-".0&- "E)" .&9+#$% "E% "%75-3 !"#$% '$((
07 $)*+' ,". In auuition, the stuuent stiuggles with
-0+C.&B :706+%5- "E)" .&C0+C% 5#+".D-"%: )$$.".0&=
8 6 This stuuent conceptualizes the iuea that we can use uata
uisplayeu in giaphs to answei ceitain questions. The
stuuent is able to solve simple anu multi-step auuition
pioblems. Stuuent maue a 9)7%+%-- 5.-")A% .& 90#&".&B
"E% "0")+ &#56%7 .& 0&% 9)"%B07, (answei was off by 1),
theiefoie piompting foi the answei to be incoiiect.
Fuitheimoie, the stuuent seemeu to have some confusion
when the U#%-".0& @)- )-A.&B 207 ]E0@ 5)&, 507%^=
The stuuent selecteu the coiiect answei, but then ueciueu
to auu the total numbei of each categoiy, changing the
answei incoiiectly. The stuuent also seemeu to be
confuseu when cieating the pictogiaph. Insteau of using
the $%-.B&)"%$ #:-.$% $0@& "7.)&B+% "0 7%:7%-%&" 0&%
C0"%J "E% -"#$%&" 9E0-% "0 #-% $.22%7%&" -,560+- 207
%)9E 9)"%B07,. Although uiffeient symbols weie useu, the
total numbei of symbols was coiiect foi each categoiy.
9 6 This stuuent has a fiim giasp on the concept of using
giaphs to answei questions about the uata. The stuuent
unueistanus that uata can be tianslateu to vaiious types of
giaphs. The stuuent uisplays an inconsistent ability to
-0+C% -.5:+% )$$.".0& 2)9"- whose sums aie less than 2u.
In some questions, the stuuent coiiectly answeis these
math equations anu in othei questions these answeis aie
incoiiect. I take these .&9077%9" )$$.".0& :706+%5- "0 6%
9)7%+%-- 5.-")A%-= \E% -"#$%&" )+-0 -"7#BB+%- @."E
-0+C.&B U#%-".0&- "E)" #-% "E% :E7)-%J ]N0@ 5)&,
1u 6 The stuuent unueistanus how to tianslate uata fiom one
giaph to anothei, using the symbol uesignateu in the key.
The stuuent is also able to solve simple auuition equations
in oiuei to fuithei inteipiet uata. Bowevei, the stuuent
stiuggles with -0+C.&B -"07, :706+%5- "E)" .&C0+C%
5#+".:+% -"%:- 02 )$$.".0& )&$ 905:)7.&B &#56%7-=
11 7 Stuuent conceptualizes how giaphs can be useu to
inteipiet uata anu answei questions. Stuuent is able to
solve simple auuition facts anu count the total numbei of
votes foi each categoiy. Stuuent unueistanus that you can
tianslate uata fiom one giaph to anothei. Theie is some
inconsistency in 6%.&B )6+% "0 )&-@%7 5#+".D-"%: -"07,
:706+%5-; theiefoie moie instiuction may be neeueu. In
auuition, theie is also inconsistency in answeiing
U#%-".0&- "E)" .&9+#$% "E% :E7)-%J ]N0@ 5)&,
507%_^Y again moie instiuction is neeueu in these types
of questions.
12 7 This stuuent unueistanus how to use the uata uisplayeu in
each of the giaphs to answei the questions. The stuuent
was able to answei questions by successfully auuing,
subtiacting anu counting. The stuuent was also able to
tianslate uata fiom a fiequency chait to a pictogiaph. The
stuuent maue 9)7%+%-- 5.-")A%- .& -.5:+% )$$.".0&
(answei was 1 off fiom the actual sum anu 7%)$.&B @E)"
"E% U#%-".0& @)- +-,*+''. )-A.&B= *+-0 "E% -"#$%&" E)$
"70#6+% -0+C.&B 5#+".D-"%: 5)"E%5)".9)+ :706+%5-=
1S 7 0veiall, this stuuent has a fiim giasp on uata analysis
using vaiious types of giaphs. The stuuent uisplays
unueistanuing of using the giaphs by answeiing questions
that involve auuing, subtiacting, counting anu compaiing
uata. The stuuent shows unueistanuing of tianslating uata
into othei giaphs. In auuition, the stuuent maue a caieless
mistake in simple auuition. 0ne stiuggle that was
highlighteu in this pie-assessment was a question
.&C0+C.&B 5#+".-"%: ")-A 2705 "E% -"#$%&"D 2.7-" )$$.&B
)&$ "E%& 905:)7.&B "@0 &#56%7-. Bowevei, a similai
question was answeieu coiiectly by the stuuent.
14 8 This stuuent has a fiim giasp on the concept of uata
analysis anu the pioceuuies that go along with it. The
stuuent answeieu all questions coiiectly, asiue fiom one
9)7%+%-- -.5:+% )$$.".0& :706+%5= Theiefoie, it is cleai
that the stuuent has a giasp on auuition, subtiaction,
counting, tianslating uata anu solving multi-step
1S 8 0veiall, this stuuent has a fiim giasp on the concept of
uata analysis. The stuuent coiiectly answeieu questions
that involveu the teim !"#$% the pioceuuie of auuing,
subtiacting anu compaiing, anu tiansfeiiing uata.
Bowevei the stuuent uiu stiuggle in one aiea. ?& ) 5#+".D
-"%: :706+%5J @E.9E .&C0+C%$ )$$.&B )&$ "E%&
905:)7.&BJ the stuuent uiu not pioviue an answei.
Bowevei, the stuuent answeieu a similai question
16 8 0veiall, this stuuent has a fiim giasp on the concept of
uata analysis. The stuuent coiiectly answeieu questions
that involveu the teim !"#$% the pioceuuie of auuing,
subtiacting anu compaiing, anu tiansfeiiing uata.
Bowevei the stuuent uiu stiuggle in one aiea. ?& ) 5#+".D
-"%: :706+%5J which involveu auuing anu then
compaiing, the stuuent uiu not pioviue an answei.
Bowevei, the stuuent answeieu a similai question
17 2 This stuuent uoes not have a fiim giasp on uata analysis
anu the use of giaphs to answei questions. Although the
stuuent uisplays the skill of counting anu also tianslating
uata between two giaphs, theie aie many aieas of concein
in this content. The stuuent is #&)6+% "0 -0+C% 5#+".D-"%:
:706+%5- )&$ :706+%5- "E)" .&C0+C% )$$.".0&J
-#6"7)9".0& )&$ 905:)7.&B ) -%" 02 &#56%7-, theiefoie
hinueiing the stuuents ability to piopeily analyze uata
conveyeu in giaphs. Thiee out of the nine questions weie
unansweieu in this stuuent's pie-assessment.
18 S This stuuent unueistanus how to iefei to giaphs to
answeis specific questions. The stuuent is able to solve
simple math facts (auuition anu subtiaction), tianslate
uata fiom one giaph to anothei anu count the total
numbei foi each categoiy. The stuuent stiuggles with
-0+C.&B 5#+".D-"%: :706+%5-. Noie specifically ones that
involve auuing anu then compaiing totals. In auuition, the
stuuent stiuggles with )$$.&B ) +)7B% -%" 02 &#56%7-
"0B%"E%7 "0 2.&$ "E% "0")+ )50#&".
19 S This stuuent uoes not have a cleai giasp on uata analysis.
The stuuent is able to auu two categoiies togethei to finu
the sum, howevei this pioceuuie is inconsistent
thioughout the pie-assessment. The stuuent can also
tianslate uata fiom a fiequency chait to a pictogiaph,
using the appiopiiate symbols. Bowevei, "E% -"#$%&"
-"7#BB+%- .& 905:)7.&B $)") )&$ -0+C.&B 207 "E%
$.22%7%&9%J 905:+%".&B 5#+".D-"%: :706+%5-J 90#&".&B
"E% "0")+ &#56%7 02 C0"%- 9077%9"+,J )&$ 2.&$.&B "E%
-#5 207 )& )$$.".0& :706+%5 @."E ) +)7B% -%" 02
2u 4 This stuuent uoes not have a cleai giasp on the
pioceuuies that go along with uata analysis. In auuition,
the stuuent's pie-assessment is inconsistent. In aieas
wheie the stuuent seems to stiuggle, the stuuent has also
answeieu similai questions coiiectly. These aieas incluue:
/05:)7.&B "@0 9)"%B07.%- )&$ 2.&$.&B "E% $.22%7%&9%J
)$$.&B "@0 9)"%B07.%- #-.&B -.5:+% )$$.".0&J )&$
-0+C.&B 5#+".D-"%: :706+%5- "E)" .&C0+C% 60"E -.5:+%
)$$.".0& )&$ 905:)7.&B. In auuition, the stuuent
suggests an unueistanuing foi tianslating uata, howevei,
7%:7%-%&"- 0&% +%-- C0"%- .& ` 02 "E% 9)"%B07.%-. The
stuuent stiuggles with using the giaphs to 90#&" "E% "0")+
&#56%7 02 C0"%- 207 %)9E 9)"%B07, )&$ )$$.&B ) +)7B%
-%" 02 &#56%7-=
21 4 This stuuent uoes not have a cleai giasp on the
pioceuuies that go along with uata analysis. In auuition,
the stuuent's pie-assessment is inconsistent. In ceitain
aieas wheie the stuuent seems to stiuggle, the stuuent
inteiestingly answeis similai questions coiiectly.
Theiefoie, I believe the phiasing of questions impacts the
stuuent's ability to answei questions coiiectly. Bowevei,
the stuuent is cleaily able to tianslate uata fiom one giaph
to anothei. The stuuent stiuggles in -0+C.&B 5#+".D-"%:
:706+%5- that iequiies the stuuent to fiist auu anu then
compaie numbeis, )$$.&B ) +)7B% -%" 02 &#56%7-J )&$
90#&".&B "E% &#56%7 02 C0"%- $.-:+),%$ 0& "E% B7):E=

/7."%7.0& T%2%7%&9% ()")3

/7."%7.0& T%2%7%&9% ()") *&)+,-.-3

The above giaphical iepiesentation is one way to show the Stanuaius of Leaining
auuiesseu within this pie-assessment. It is fiist impoitant to know that theie aie vaiious
ielationships between this pie-assessment anu the stanuaius of leaining auuiesseu;
unueistanuing these ielationships will assist in accuiately ieauing this giaph anu being
able to uiaw meaningful conclusions fiom it.
Some of the stanuaius appeaieu moie than once on the pie-assessment, in each of
the questions; howevei, the stanuaiu was checkeu off if the stuuent iepiesenteu cleai
18 18
1.2 1.14 1.1S 2.4a 2.S 2.17 2.19 2.21 S.17b S.17c S.19 4.4b 4.4u
/7."%7.0& T%2%7%&9% ()")
Stuuent Bata








Stanuaius of Leaining Auuiesseu
thoughts on the stanuaiu at least once in the pie-assessment. Theiefoie, a stuuent may not
have met a specific stanuaiu of leaining auuiesseu in one question, howevei met the
objective of the stanuaiu in a uiffeient question within the pie-assessment. By just
ieviewing the pie-assessments, I obseiveu that theie weie many stuuents who woulu
answei one question coiiectly, howevei woulu answei a question with similai objectives,
incoiiectly. This is uue to the fact that since each question hau seveial stanuaius that coulu
be met within it, stuuent may have no exactly met each of the stanuaius in all of the
questions. In iesult, theie seemeu to be a stieam of inconsistency thioughout the uata- in
teims of pie-assessing stuuent unueistanuing of the topic.
It is impoitant to unueistanu that some of these stanuaius aie inteichangeable of
one anothei; meaning they aie veiy similai in teims of theii ielateu objectives, yet they
builu off each othei fiom a pievious giaue. Relating back to the giaph, this means that if
stuuents appeai to meet the objectives of S0L S.17c, it is veiy likely that they have also met
the objectives of S0L 2.19. This is uue to the fact that S0L S.17c builus off of S0L 2.19.
Theiefoie, it is no suipiise that the fiequencies of S0Ls S.17c anu 2.19 aie both twenty-
Auuitionally, it is ciucial to point out that a majoiity of the stanuaius fall in giaue 2.
0ne can concluue that this is a seconu giaue class, wheie the majoiity is on taiget in teims
of the Stanuaius of Leaining. This pie-assessment pioviueu a uecent balance of questions
that auuiesseu vaiious levels of unueistanuing, baseu aiounu the stanuaius foi seconu
Baseu on the Ciiteiion Refeience uata shown above, anu unueistanuing the
ielationships between the stanuaius, it is easy to infei that all stuuents have a giasp on
ieauing anu investigating vaiious foims of giaphs (bai giaphs, fiequency chaits, anu
pictogiaphs) anu counting. This is uisplayeu on the giaphs thiough S0Ls 1.14, 2.4, 2.17,
2.19, anu S.17c. It is cleai that this pie-assessment was not the fiist time stuuents have
woikeu with answeiing questions using giaphs.
Although it appeais that the majoiity of stuuents unueistanu how giaphs can
pioviue us uata to answei questions, what hinueieu most stuuents on this pie-assessment
was being able to unueistanu what the questions weie asking anu being able to pick the
coiiect pioceuuie to use to answei these questions (analyzing anu inteipieting).
Theiefoie, I think this pie-assessment anu giaph happens to focus moie on the math skills
anu piocesses useu in analyzing anu inteipieting uata. Foi example, this giaph suggests
that stuuents neeu fuithei leaining oppoitunities in meeting the objective of S0L 1.1S. It
was appaient thiough the piocess of giauing the pie-assessments, that a numbei of
stuuents weie confuseu in answeiing questions that incluueu the phiase, "Bow many
moie." This was suipiising to me consiueiing it was a fiist giaue S0L. Although it appeais
in the giaph that seventeen out of the twenty-one stuuents met this stanuaiu, it is
impoitant to iemembei that theie weie vaiious questions in the pie-assessment that
auuiesseu this S0L. Theiefoie, I think it woulu be ciitical to go back to the pie-assessments
anu make note of the stuuents that uiu not coiiectly answei 3"-. of the questions
auuiessing this S0L. Continuing to look at stanuaius 2.S, 2.21, anu 4.4bu, it is appaient that
stuuents neeu fuithei piactice in theii auuition anu subtiaction facts. Again, this is anothei
stiuggle that is hinueiing stuuents fiom analyzing the giaphs anu uata anu making
meaningful inteipietations.
This uata allows the teachei to see wheie the class is a as a whole anu the content
anu objectives that will iequiie the most focus fiom stuuents. I was also able to obseive
what concepts aie familiai oi foieign to stuuents anu is stuuents aie still making sense of
pievious knowleuge. 0sing this uata, it is cleai that stuuents neeu fuithei piactice in
solving single anu multi-step numeiical pioblems involving auuition anu subtiaction facts,
iecognizing the pioceuuies foi the teims !"#$% '$((% )$*$#% +#$,-$# -.,/% '$(( -.,/ anu $01,'
-", anu constiucting, inteipieting anu analyzing giaphs. Because stuuents aie at vaiious
stages within this content level anu iequiie specific neeus, it will be beneficial foi me to
continue this unit thiough the use of math gioups; giouping stuuents by similai stiengths
anu weakness, in iespect to the content aiea anu ielateu stanuaius.

4075DT%2%7%&9% ()")3

4075 T%2%7%&9% ()") *&)+,-.-3

The uata uisplayeu in the Noim Refeience Bata giaph is simply iepiesenting the
iaw scoies each stuuent ieceiveu on the pie-assessment. In othei woius, these aie the pie-
assessment giaues foi all stuuents in the class. Baseu on this uata, it is impoitant to
unueistanu that a stuuent's iaw scoie may not ieflect his oi hei knowleuge of the unit
content. In contiast, although a stuuent may have iecoiueu the wiong answei, he oi she
may still giasp the objective, this can be ueteimineu thiough analyzing the piocess the
stuuent useu to answei the question. Aftei ieviewing the completeu pie-assessments, theie
weie many cases in which stuuents maue simple eiiois in auuition oi tianslating
infoimation, piompting giaues on the pie-assessment to go uown. Theiefoie, it is
impoitant to unueistanu that stuuents aie not going to be analyzeu thiough the uata
pioviueu in this giaph. Bowevei, it is not wiong in saying that many times the iaw scoie
anu unueistanuing of objectives aie connecteu.
Looking at the giaph specifically, it is appaient that theie is a high-scoiing gioup of
8 oi 9 stuuents, an aveiage scoiing gioup of 7 oi 8 stuuents, anu a low-scoiing gioup of
about S stuuents. Theie aie some teacheis that woulu simply gioup stuuents baseu on
theii iaw scoies, howevei this giaph uoes not suggest anything about what content aiea
u S 1u 1S 2u 2S
4075D T%2%7%&9% ()")




Stuuent Numbei
Stuuent Scoie




Stuuent Numbei
stuuents neeu auuitional focus on. Theiefoie this woulu not be a logical way to gioup
stuuents if we want to meet theii inuiviuual neeus.
The aveiage, oi mean, scoie foi this uata is S.9~6, the meuian scoie is also 6 anu the
moue is 7. The iange of this uata is 9, the numbei of questions on the test. With this uata, a
teachei can see wheie the class is as a whole anu focus on getting the aveiage scoie,
meuian anu moue to be close to oi at 9.
Bowevei, again, it is impoitant to unueistanu that low scoies uo not necessaiily
inuicate that a stuuent has no unueistanuing of the concepts auuiesseu in the unit. In
contiast, high scoies uo not always inuicate that a stuuent knows all of the concepts insiue
anu out. Theiefoie, it is ciitical that math gioups aie foimeu so that stuuents have the
ability to fiequent in anu out of uiffeient gioups, uepenuing on theii specific neeus.

!"#$%&" a70#:-3

Aftei scoiing the pie-assessments, oiganizing uata, anu analyzing the uata in
numeious ways, I have ueciueu to gioup my stuuents baseu on theii ieauiness with the
content anu the questions they misseu on the pie-assessment. Baseu on this paiticulai uata
set, the gioups happen to ieflect the iaw scoies of each stuuent's pie-assessment. The
highest scoiing stuuents aie gioupeu togethei uue to the fact that similai content aiea
neeus to be auuiesseu within this gioup. Similaily, the lowest scoiing stuuents aie
gioupeu togethei because they each stiuggle with the majoiity of concepts being piesenteu
in the pie-assessment. The two gioups in between the highest anu lowest aie a
combination of uiffeient stiuggles with vaiious concepts. Theiefoie, I uiu my best to uiviue
this miuule gioup into two sepaiate gioups; in hopes of specifically auuiessing the neeus of
the stuuents. Theie aie no bounuaiies within these gioups; as stuuents uevelop a fiimei
giasp of concepts piesenteu in the pie-assessment, they can move on to othei gioups
which is baseu on theii auuitional neeus in the content aiea.

uioup 1: Stuuents 1, 14, 1S, 1S, 16, 4, 12,
The stuuents in this gioup typically scoieu in the uppei iange on this pie-assessment anu
show an unueistanuing of all oi the majoiity of concepts ieflecteu in the pie-assessment.
The aiea in which some of these stuuents neeu to impiove on is solving multi-step
pioblems with auuition. Foi the stuuents who obtaineu a neai peifect scoie, I will continue
to challenge them thiough vaiious foims of uata analysis.

4#"15 6 738$9-:;$< =-1>$/-( *:'' *#:-$ !1'-:?(-$5 !,-. (-"#@ 5#"3'$!(% 1(:/+ ,>>:-:"/ ),9-(%
,/> #$9"#> -.$ #$',-$> $A5#$((:"/( >$(9#:3$> :/ -.$ 5#"3'$!2

uioup 2: Stuuents 6, 8, 9, S, 11
The stuuents in this gioup typically scoieu in the aveiage iange on this pie-assessment anu
show an unueistanuing of all concepts except foi solving multi-step auuition pioblems anu
questions that incluue the teim !"#$ oi '$((2 These stuuents will woik on using techniques
to help bieak uown multi-step pioblems anu unueistanuing what the teims !"#$ oi '$((
suggest in mathematical questions.

4#"15 B 738$9-:;$< =-1>$/-( *:'' *#:-$ !1'-:?(-$5 !,-. (-"#@ 5#"3'$!( -.,- :/9'1>$ -.$ -$#!(
!"#$ ,/> '$((2 =-1>$/- *:'' #$9"#> -.$ #$',-$> !,-.$!,-:9,' $A5#$((:"/( -" -.$ >:))$#$/-
5#"9$>1#$( >$(9#:3$> :/ -.$:# (-"#@ 5#"3'$!2

uioup S: 1u, 21, 18, 7
The stuuents in this gioup also fell in the aveiage iange foi pie-assessment scoies. These
stuuents have a geneial giasp on answeiing questions using uata uisplayeu in giaphs.
Bowevei these stuuents neeu moie assistance in unueistanuing what the teims !"#$ oi
'$(( suggest in mathematical questions in teims of giaph uata. In auuition, these stuuents
neeu fuithei piactice in tiansfeiiing uata fiom one giaph to anothei.

4#"15 C 738$9-:;$< =-1>$/-( *:'' 9"/(-#19- , 3,# +#,5. ,/> 5:9-"+#,5. 1(:/+ >,-, >:(5',@$> :/
, )#$01$/9@ 9.,#-2 =-1>$/-( *:'' *#:-$ 01$(-:"/( ,3"1- -.$ >,-, 1(:/+ -.$ -$#!( !"#$ ,/> '$((2

uioup 4: 19, 17, 2, 2u
These stuuents typically fell in the below aveiage anu low scoiing iange. This gioup of
stuuents shows a lack of unueistanuing on most concepts piesenteu in the pie-assessment.
These stuuents weie gioupeu togethei to impiove theii basic knowleuge of giaphs anu
mathematics. Although these stuuents piesent a vaiiety of neeus, baseu on the content, I
feel that it woulu be beneficial foi this gioup of stuuents to get a complete ieview of these
concepts. 0nce these stuuents uevelop an unueistanuing of how we analyze giaphs, they
can then piogiess to the othei gioups, uepenuing on theii specific neeus.

4#"15 D 738$9-:;$< =-1>$/-( *:'' 9#$,-$ , 3,# +#,5. 1(:/+ >,-, ,3"1- -.$ +#"15 ,( , *."'$2
=-1>$/-( *:'' -.$/ ,/(*$# 3,(:9 01$(-:"/( ,3"1- -.$ +#,5.2

0veiall, this assignment pioveu to be a veiy valuable leaining oppoitunity. As a
futuie elementaiy euucatoi, I have always been instiucteu to use a pie-assessment to
establish ieauiness of all stuuents in the classioom. Bowevei, I have nevei hau the
oppoitunity to analyze the pie-assessments anu make connections between stuuent
unueistanuing anu the uesignateu S0Ls. This piocess helpeu me oiganize my thoughts
about each of the stuuents as leaineis (in teims of mathematics); allowing me to bettei
unueistanu how I can fuithei assist in each anu eveiy stuuents neeus anu abilities.
0ne thing in paiticulai that I leaineu about pie-assessments is that they can be veiy
misleauing in teims of the stuuent's ,9-1,' abilities. As uiscusseu eailiei, uue to the fact
that questions coulu meet numeious objectives, whethei a stuuent got a question iight oi
wiong uoesn't necessaiily mean the stuuent unueistanus oi uoesn't unueistanu all of the
ielateu objects. In auuition, a stuuent coulu guess an answei foi a question anu get it iight,
complete the coiiect piocess but iecoiu the wiong answei, oi make a caieless mistake. In
iesult, it is the ciucial foi the teachei to iefiain fiom giouping baseu on a iaw scoie noim
giaph anu insteau look fuithei into stuuent thinking. By uoing this teacheis can oiganize
gioups accuiately by similai neeus.
I founu it to be veiy valuable to use the two giaphs (Ciiteiion Refeience anu Noim
Refeience) to compaie uata. Completing the two analyses, I was able to oiganize math
gioups foi this unit baseu on the in uepth evaluation of all the pie-assessments. It was
beneficial to expeiience how I woulu gioup each of the stuuents baseu on ieauiness of the
ielateu concepts. It was also inteiesting to see how the Noim Refeience uata happeneu to
coiielate with the oiganization of the math gioups. In cieating the math gioups I wanteu to
be suie that I cieateu gioups wheie I coulu meet the majoiity of the neeus of all the
stuuents. Theiefoie, I also neeueu to consiuei the vaiious levels of uiffeientiation within
the classioom: English Language Leaineis, stuuents with leaining uisabilities, etc..
In conclusion, I leaineu how to take uata collecteu in pie-assessments anu use it to
foim appiopiiate math gioups foi a unit oi lesson, baseu on ieauiness. I also leaineu how
impoitant it is to look beyonu the iaw scoies anu look ueepei into stuuent thinking anu
ability. Although time consuming, this expeiience has pioven to be beneficial in my futuie
enueavois as a teachei.

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