Patterns Lesson

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JMU Elementary Education Program A.

TITLE/TYPE OF LESSON The Ins and Outs of Patterns: A Patterns, Functions & Algebraic Reasoning Lesson B. CONTEXT OF LESSON The students have previously been taught to recall and write multiplication facts through the twelves table where the product is unknown. Used both inside and outside the classroom, each of the students has a set of their own multiplication facts cards that range in multiplying numbers from zero through twelve. It is important that these multiplication facts are revisited in constant intervals throughout the school year; therefore students are assigned daily morning work in order to better reinforce this new knowledge of multiplication. Through various strategies of multiplication practice, such as the use of concrete materials, the hundreds chart, skip counting, and other multiplication tricks, the students are able to understand that multiplication is a one-to-many constant relationship between two sets that can be expressed as a ratio. By understanding this relationship between numbers, students will be able to solve an array of multiplication problem types. Based on the activities prepared for in this lesson, students will have the opportunity to understand that through various representations- symbolic, pictorial, and concrete- numerical patterns can be analyzed to determine the pattern that has been used, and that pattern can then be used to find the next value. In addition, this lesson requires students to use processes such as Reasoning & Proof, in order to apply previously acquired information in order to interpret data and to test the validity of their solutions. Therefore, knowledge of simple multiplication (zero through twelve times table) in this lesson is key for students to recognize the relationship between a set of number patterns. Furthermore, through analyzing numerical patterns, students will be introduced to a new type of multiplication problem where the group size is unknown. This is an appropriate activity for students at this time due to the fact that students are able to use previous knowledge of recalling multiplication facts in order to examine patterns in numerical sets. In second grade, students previously learned about patterns in wide varieties and even solved problems by completing numerical sentences involving the basic facts for addition and subtraction. However, because multiplication is a new computation taught to students in the third grade, it fits in the curriculum sequence to have students solve patterned problems using their rules for multiplication. As students in the third grade continue to develop, they are able to understand that patterns are all around us and exist in many forms; therefore reflecting the transition from concrete to symbolic mathematical representation. Developmentally, Patterns, Functions & Algebraic Reasoning are under the content standards and Virginia SOLs for third grade. In result, this lesson will help students make sense of the relationship between numbers, in respect to both patterns and multiplication, and provide meaning as to why we need to learn the diverse forms of math. After completing this lesson, students should be able to reason the use of multiplication in order to find a rule that assists them in proving the nth term in a numerical pattern. At this point in the year students have not only had ample practice in multiplication facts but are also able to recognize various types of patterns- making them ready candidates for this mathematics lesson! As a pre-assessment I will write the word patterns on the white board and supply each student with a sticky note on their desk. Once the students are settled, I will then instruct them to, take a couple of minutes and write down anything that may come to mind about your knowledge of patterns. Once students complete this part of the pre-assessment, I will then collect the sticky notes (to be reviewed) and have them standup next to their desks. Because math takes place early in the morning, most of the students are usually still tired; therefore I will complete another pre-assessment by having the students follow the dance to the patterned song Pump Up the Pattern. Not only will this activity get the students moving and awake, but it will also provide me with further information of their knowledge of patterns. Briefly after the song/dance is over, I will ask students if they noticed anything about this song in terms of their knowledge of patterns. Students should respond by saying that the different parts of the song were continuously repeated- modeling a repeated pattern, with representations of A, B, C, D. I will use the sticky notes and student responses to the Pump Up the Pattern song to interpret student readiness. I will then ask the students, Do patterns just exist in songs? (I am anticipating students to answer no to this question) Following this question, I will then ask students: What

are examples of patterns that exist inside and outside the classroom? I anticipate at least one student to mention numerical patterns, however if not mentioned, this would be a great transition to my lesson on input and output! C. RELATED VA SOLs and/or CCSS RELATED SOLs: 3.19 The student will recognize and describe a variety of patterns formed using numbers, tables, and pictures, and extend the patterns, using the same or different forms. MATHEMATICAL CONTENT: NCTM Algebra- Patterns, Functions & Algebra PROCESS STANDARDS: NCTM- Problem Solving, Reasoning & Proof, Communication, Representation, Connections CCSS- The student will be able to determine the unknown whole number in a multiplication or division equation relating three whole numbers. The student will be able to Identify arithmetic patterns (including patterns in the addition table or multiplication table), and explain them using properties of operations D. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand U1. The student will be able to know that a table of values can be analyzed to determine the pattern that has been used. Know K1. The student will be able to know that numeric and geometric patterns can be expressed in words or symbols. K2. The student will be able to know the structure of a pattern and how it grows or changes. K3. The student will be able to know that mathematical relationships exist in patterns. Do D1. The student will be able to describe repeating and growing numeric and geometric patterns, using both reasoning and proof, formed using numbers, tables, and/or pictures, using the same forms. D2. The students will be able to extend repeating and growing patterns of numbers or figures using various representations: concrete objects, numbers, tables, and/or pictures.



What documentation will you have for each student?

Data Collected
What will your students do and say, specifically, that indicate every student has achieved your objectives? Provided with counting blocks and scrap paper, the students will correctly identify the geometric rule to solve each problem on the situation cards they are given. Example 1: For each dog that goes through the input slot, four legs comes through the output # of dogs x 4(# of legs/dog)= total number of legs

U1. The student will be able to know that a table of values can be analyzed to determine the pattern that has been used. K1. The student will be able to know that numeric and geometric patterns can be expressed in words or symbols.

The scenario cards/worksheet and the teacher observation checklist.

Scrap paper provided to students: Individually records a rule for each of the first two examples provided in engagement component of lesson.

K2. The student will be able to know the structure of a pattern and how it grows or changes.

Scenario cards/worksheet.

Multiply by four for each time one dog goes through input slot Example 2. For each pack of gum that goes through the input slot, five sticks of gum comes through the output slot # of packs of gum x 5(# of sticks/pack)=total number sticks of gum. Multiply by five for each time one pack of gum goes through the input slot. The student will record the correct Output Numbers in which the pattern displays growth. The student will correctly identify the multiplication rule for each pattern. The students will correctly identify the multiplication rule for each pattern. Provided with counting blocks and scrap paper, the students will correctly identify the geometric rule to solve each problem on the situation cards they are given. I will listen for students to say, Multiply by __ each time Provided with counting blocks and scrap paper, the students will correctly identify the geometric rule to solve each problem on the situation cards they are given.

K3. The student will be able to know that mathematical relationships exist in patterns. D1. The student will be able to describe repeating and growing numeric and geometric patterns, using both reasoning & proof, formed using numbers, tables, and/or pictures.

Scenario cards/worksheet.

Scenario cards/worksheet.

D2. The students will be able extend repeating and growing patterns of numbers or figures using various representations: concrete objects, numbers, tables, and/or pictures.

Scenario cards/worksheet.

F. MATERIALS NEEDED *Items in which I will be providing for this lesson. *Input-Output Machine *Picture cards (dogs and dogs legs, packs of gum and individual sticks) *Input-Output Worksheets *Ins and Outs of Patterns Recording Sheet *Ins and Outs Scenario Cards *Index cards Counting blocks Scrap paper G1 ANTICIPATION OF STUDENTS MATHEMATICAL RESPONSES TO THE TASK(S) POSED IN THE PROCEDURE PORTION OF THE LESSON

I anticipate students to be confused at first as to how the input/output concept is related to patterns. However I believe that once they see a rule exists so that numbers follow a specific pattern, they will quickly make the relevant connection. I also anticipate that when students see that patterns can be recorded in a table format, they may become confused due to the fact that they are probably use to seeing patterns in a linear formation. However I will point out to the students that the patterns are still in a linear formation, just vertically- yet still increasing by the same amount each turn. I also anticipate students having a hard time relating multiplication/addition to the rule for the scenario, therefore I will write the related multiplication equation on the board, where the group size is unknown. However, once the students see the equation written on the board, I believe they will quickly recall the multiplication fact and understand its relationship to the input and output numbers. Some students may also be less advanced with their multiplication and addition facts than others, therefore I will be sure to remind them of some strategies and provide them with manipulatives. G2 PROCEDURE BEFORE: ! Get students mentally prepared for the task. ! Be sure the task is understood. ! Establish clear expectations for products. My goal and purpose for this lesson is for the students to recognize that patterns in numerical sets can be analyzed, using input and output (number of groups and product), in order to determine the arithmetic or geometric rule that proves the pattern to be correct. To mentally prepare my students, I have already completed the sticky note exercise in which students first record what the word patterns means to them. I continue my engagement/excitement for this lesson by having students stand up and participate in a Pump Up the Patterns dance in which repeated patterns are represented through different motions in the song and the A, B, C, D format. After the song, I will ask students: Do patterns just exist in songs? (or repeated instructions). I anticipate students to answer with no based on prior knowledge in previous grades. I will then pose the question, What types of patterns exist inside and outside the classroom? I will record all student responses on the board in a web format. Once all examples are volunteered, I will then tell students that today we will be looking at patterns involving numbers. At this point, I will direct the students attention to my input-output machine box. I will explain to students that through the use of my input-output machine box, they will be able to find patterns and find the relationships between the inputs and outputs provided. I will explain, that when a number is put into the INPUT slot, the machine has a rule it follows to make the number that comes out of the OUTPUT slot. As I talk about the INPUT and OUTPUT slot, I will point to the chart where we will be recording our numbers. I will then explain to students that the expectation for this lesson is to determine the rule (using multiplication and/or addition) based on the numbers provided for input and output. After explaining the function of the input-output machine box and the expectations for todays lesson, I will then ask students if they have any questions about the box and what our goal for the day is. Because this expectation/goal may be confusing for students at first, I will demonstrate how the input-output machine works, using student assistance. Using the picture cards of the dogs, I will ask one student to come to the machine box and insert ONE dog into the INPUT slot and then take the card that comes out of the OUTPUT slot (picture of four legs). I will then ask the students, how many dogs went into the INPUT (1) and how many legs came out of the OUTPUT (4). As students are answering these questions, I will record the numbers in the input/output table. I will then ask students, How many legs will come out of the OUTPUT when 2 dogs go into the INPUT? After listening to students answers, I will then choose a student to put 2 dogs in the INPUT slot and together as a class we will count how many legs came out of the OUTPUT slot. We will continue this process for 3 and 4 dogs. Once our input/output chart is completely filled in. I will then ask students, Is there a relationship between the INPUT numbers and the OUTPUT numbers? When and if they say yes, I will ask students to describe the

relationships they see. Finally, I will ask students if they can provide a rule or function of the machine this time as indicated by the numbers in the input-output table. If students are having a hard time determining the rule, I will go over the strategies for identifying the rule of an inputoutput table. Strategies: 1.Look at the first input and output numbers to determine what is happening. 2.Determine the relationship of the numbers: Is the output increasing or decreasing? 3. Determine the operation used to increase a number (add or multiply) 4. State the rule of the table. 5. Check to see if you rule works for all rows of the input-output table. Once these strategies are gone over, we will then perform one more function as a class, however this time using packs of gum/sticks of gum. Using the previously noted strategies, we will determine the rule for the gum pattern. DURING: ! Let go! ! Listen actively. ! Provide appropriate hints but not solutions. ! Provide worthwhile extensions. (Encourage testing of ideas.) Students will be able to use their own personal Input/Output Machines as support in completing their individual work. The use of personal Input/Output Machines with counting blocks will provide for a better Developmentally Appropriate Practice. After the demonstration of how the input/output machine works, I will then tell students that it is their turn to determine the rules for various scenarios, like our dog and gum pack examples. At this time I will pass out the appropriate worksheets for this activity. Each student will have a copy of the Scenarios worksheet as well as an Input/Output Tables worksheet. I will then direct the students attention to the Scenarios worksheet. I will explain that their job for each of the scenarios is to plot the information given in the scenario into a table. Using the numbers provided for INPUT and OUTPUT their job is to determine the rule in finding the output. I will be sure to remind students of the strategies we just went over (these strategies will be made visible on the SmartBoard). I will then ask students if they have any questions. If they do not I will then instruct them to get started. As students are working on this activity, I will be walking around with my observation checklist, listening to conversation and making observations as to how students are approaching each of the scenarios. If a student raises their hand for help, I will approach them and first ask what step they think they should do in approaching this specific problem. I will listen to the students strategies and then be sure to encourage the student to recall how we as a class did the first two examples using the input/output box. Also, I will be sure to remind all students to test their rules for each of the inputs and outputs of each of the four scenarios. AFTER: ! Promote a mathematical community of learners. ! Listen actively without evaluation. ! Summarize main ideas and identify future problems. After giving the students 15-20 minutes to complete at least three of the strategies, we will come together for a class discussion to promote a mathematical community of learners. I will give the class a two- minute warning. I will then ask them to direct their attention to the front of the class where we will be going over at least two of the scenarios. Some questions that I will address while going over each of the strategies are: How did you determine the output numbers in this specific input-output table?, What strategies did you use to figure out the relationship between the input and output numbers?, How can you prove that your rule for this input-output table is correct?

After hearing a few students volunteer their responses for each scenario, I will demonstrate the scenario and rule on the board. After reviewing at least two of the scenarios I will then ask if anyone has any questions. If student readiness is exceeding, I will have an extension to this lesson in which I will provide students with a rule and starting number to a number set (INPUT). I will tell the students that now they are provided with the first INPUT and rule/function for the pattern and it is now their job to determine the OUTPUT. This variation of the lesson will support students in understanding the relationship between INPUT, OUTPUT and the rule/function. Future problems that may arise as a result of this lesson will be determined through students InputOutput worksheets. This form of assessment as well as the observation chart will allow me to see any problem areas that the students are having when determining the rule for numerical patterns. Possible future problems can include, choosing the wrong operation for a rule, recording the wrong input and output, and determining the wrong rule that does not work for all inputs and outputs based on the scenario. I will conclude this lesson by thanking the students for their great work today and ask them to turn their attention to their teacher, Ms. Zehr.

Content Process Since the handmade Input Output Machine is a fun model for the function process, students may use the machine (upon my approval) when solving their worksheet problems. If the scenario activity proves to be too easy for a student and they finish early, I will then encourage the student to help his/her peers. If the scenario worksheet is too hard for the student I will try to further explain the concept to the child in a way that is appropriate for them. Product


Students can use their own interests as representations in the input/output model for solving a rule.


If students are having a hard time connecting this lesson to being meaningful in the real world, I would then provide students with a scenario where I would need to know the output for a large input number. I would display student as to how easy it is to figure out with a simple pattern rule.


WHAT COULD GO WRONG WITH THIS LESSON AND WHAT WILL YOU DO ABOUT IT? The students may not completely understand the lesson objectives and become frustrated during the activity. Therefore, I will be sure to provide further support to that student individually while students are completing their worksheet. If a student still does not understand the input/output concept of patterns I will see how he/she approaches the problem- making note of any error in strategy. The students may get off task while working at their desks, in which I would redirect their attention back to the task at hand and further monitor the students to make sure they do not get distracted. The students may not be interested in the subject at all in which I would provide more meaning to them in saying that once we have a rule for a specific pattern, we are able to find the related output number using an input number as large as 1 million! If

students have a hard time finding the rule to the scenarios activity, I will stop the class and do one of the scenarios as a class, using both the whiteboard to show work and the input/output machine Lesson Implementation Reflection I. What actually happened in your lesson? Cite examples of dialogue or student work. How did your actual teaching of the lesson differ from your plans? Describe the changes and explain why you made them. Overall, my actual teaching of the lesson did not differ much from what I had planned. For this specific lesson, I was completing my formal observation with my supervisor. However, my supervisor was about five minutes late, in result giving me five minutes less to complete the entirety of my lesson. Based on this delay, I had to quickly decide how much time I wanted to allot for each component of my lesson, given the new time constraints. I came to the conclusion that I would simply cut each component of my lesson by one minute, proving to be a perfect fix for completing this lesson. During the preparation stage of my lesson that occurred a few days prior to enacting it, I decided that it would be visually effective for students if I created a Prezi presentation for the introduction of my lesson. The first component of my Prezi solely had the word patterns. As my pre-assessment, I passed out sheets of scrap paper to each of the students and asked them to write down anything and everything that they think of when the hear the word patterns. I also encouraged students that drawing appropriate visuals relating to patterns was acceptable during this activity. After this brief pre-assessment, I then engaged students in the lesson by having them get out of their seats and follow along with the pattern song, Pump Up the Pattern. I expected students to be excited and participate with no complaints, however my expectations proved to be wrong. There were a few students who were too cool to follow along with the pattern song, therefore I was sure to be as enthusiastic as possible throughout the song, encouraging the cool students to follow along. Once this component of the lesson was complete, I then directed students attention to the Prezi presentation where there were two questions for students to think about and answer. These two questions included: What types of patterns did you hear in the Pump Up the Patterns song? and What other types of patterns can you think of or find around the classroom? By having these two questions projected on the screen, students were able to refer back to what I was asking of them, without interrupting the rest of the class. Continuing through the lesson I then informed students that, Today we will be learning more about patterns, but more specifically numerical patterns. I then directed students attention to the Input-Output Machine and explained its function. I decided to go through the simulation of the first Input/Output scenario pertaining to the number of packs of gum (INPUT) and the number of sticks of gum (OUTPUT). Gauging how students took to this simulation and finding the rule for this specific pattern, I then referred back to the Prezi the list of strategies for solving Input/Output patterns was provided. After going through each step, I then continued with the second simulation of the number of dogs (INPUT) and number of legs (OUTPUT) scenario, making sure to refer to each of the strategy steps throughout the simulation. By making this change and modeling each of the strategies, I believe that students were better able to understand what each of the strategy steps meant, allowing most students to successfully complete the scenario worksheet. During the individual work that students completed following my simulation of the two scenarios, I noticed that the majority of students were having trouble with scenario C on the worksheet. Therefore, due to time constraints and observation of student work, I decided that it would be best to adjust the conclusion that I had planned and instead work as a class to solve scenario C on the board. First as a class we decided what the labeling for both the INPUT and OUTPUT would be based on details provided in the scenario. After agreeing that it would be appropriate to label the INPUT as number of cups of lemonade and the OUTPUT as price (cents), I then gave the students the opportunity to tell me what to do, using the Input-Output Machine. Student responses proved to be well thought out and correct. After completing the table, through simulation, students then observed the list of numbers in the OUTPUT column to decide the rule. In conclusion, it is apparent that my lesson did not differ much from what I had planned. However it is clear that time, organization, and observation of student work were acting agents in changes made to my lesson.

Link to my Prezi presentation: II. Based on the assessment you created, what can you conclude about your impact on student learning? Use the table below to begin your evaluation of the success of the lesson. Be thorough in your description. Cite multiple examples of student behavior and language that document your conclusions. Then, evaluate your overall impact on student learning. Gets it Student A Karen a. Understand/Know/Do
The student knows that a table of values can be analyzed to determine the pattern that has been used The student knows that numeric and geometric patterns can be expressed in words or symbols. The student knows the structure of a pattern and how it grows or changes. The student knows that mathematical relationships exist in patterns. The student describes repeating and growing geometric patterns, using both reasoning & proof, formed using numbers, tables, and/or pictures. The student extends repeating and growing patterns of numbers or

Has some good ideas, but Student C William

The student knows that a table of values can be analyzed to determine the pattern that has been used The student knows that numeric and geometric patterns can be expressed in words or symbols. The student knows the structure of a pattern and how it grows or changes. The student extends repeating and growing patterns of numbers or figures using various representations: concrete objects, numbers, tables, and/or pictures.

Does not get it Student E Hayley

The student knows that a table of values can be analyzed to determine the pattern that has been used The student knows that numeric and geometric patterns can be expressed in words or symbols. The student knows the structure of a pattern and how it grows or changes. The student extends repeating and growing patterns of numbers or figures using various representation s: concrete objects, numbers, tables, and/or pictures.

Student B Julie
The student knows that a table of values can be analyzed to determine the pattern that has been used, The student knows that numeric and geometric patterns can be expressed in words or symbols. The student knows the structure of a pattern and how it grows or changes. The student knows that mathematical relationships exist in patterns. The student describes repeating and growing geometric patterns, using both reasoning & proof, formed using numbers, tables, and/or pictures. The student extends repeating and growing patterns of numbers or

Student D Jessica
The student knows that a table of values can be analyzed to determine the pattern that has been used The student knows that numeric and geometric patterns can be expressed in words or symbols. The student knows the structure of a pattern and how it grows or changes. The student knows that mathematical relationships exist in patterns. The student describes repeating and growing geometric patterns, using both reasoning & proof, formed using numbers, tables, and/or pictures. The student extends

Student F Jenny
The student knows that a table of values can be analyzed to determine the pattern that has been used The student knows that numeric and geometric patterns can be expressed in words or symbols. The student knows the structure of a pattern and how it grows or changes. The student knows that mathematica l relationships exist in patterns. The student extends repeating and growing patterns of numbers or figures using various representatio ns: concrete objects, numbers, tables, and/or

figures using various representations : concrete objects, numbers, tables, and/or pictures.

figures using various representations : concrete objects, numbers, tables, and/or pictures.

repeating and growing patterns of numbers or figures using various representations : concrete objects, numbers, tables, and/or pictures.


b. Confused about

No confusion identified through observation and Worksheet analysis.

No confusion identified through observation and Worksheet analysis.

Based on analysis of the collected data, it appears that this student is confused on how to describe the rule using the mathematical operation of multiplication.

Based on analysis of the collected data, it appears that this student might have misread the information provided in scenario D, however based on the information she did provide in the table, she correctly identified to multiply by 2.

Based on analysis of the collected data, it appears that the student is unable to describe the pattern in mathematical terms. However based on the students ability to complete the table, it is likely that the student has the potential to describe the pattern in mathematical terms.

Based on analysis of the collected data, it appears that this student is identifying arithmetic patterns instead of geometric patterns. Although this works in Scenarios A, B, and C, it does not work for Scenario D. Also in scenario D, the student is confused that the first input number is actually 2 and the first output number is 6. Therefore, making the proceeding inputs and output incorrect as well. I would ask the student to redo Scenario 4. I will then have her set up addition equations for each row of the table to

c. Questions to ask to clarify what I know

I would ask the student to use their rule for a given scenario to find out what the output would be with an input of 12.

I would ask the student to use their rule for a given scenario to find out what the output would be with an input of 12.

I would ask the student if they can write the multiplication equation (this was modeled on the board during the simulation) that relates to each of the individual rows of input and

I would ask the student to redo Scenario D for me so that I can confirm she does in fact know the content and just misread the material.

I would ask the student if she can explain to me how she figured out how to extend the pattern with known inputs but unknown


outputs. This student needs to work on reading and processing information correctly. In doing so, I will teach the student to cut the fat or unnecessary detail and to also cross out information as it is recorded in the table. I will have the student form equations relating to individual rows of input and output. By doing this, the student will be able to better observe the geometric pattern that is occurring throughout the scenario.

check if her rule works. Assuming she identifies the rule as being add six, I will ask the student to form multiplicatio n equations based on individual rows of input and output in order to properly identify the geometric pattern.

d. Ideas to work on next

There is nothing specific that the student needs to work on next in terms of this content, however this lesson would be a good transition in the introduction of division.

There is nothing specific that the student needs to work on next in terms of this content, however this lesson would be a good transition in the introduction of division.

Assuming that the student is unable to form multiplication equations based on the information provided by the input and output, I would work with this student in writing out related equations to further assist in solving the problems.

III. Describe at least one way you could incorporate developmentally appropriate practice in a better or more thorough way if you were to teach this lesson again. (Use this and your experience to revise your lesson. Highlight the revisions.) In my lesson plan I cited that I would encourage students to feel free to use the Input/Output Machine during individual work while solving the rule or function for the set of four pattern scenarios. Although I stuck with my plan and encouraged students to use the prop to further support them in solving the rules for each pattern, for whatever reason, none of the students accepted my invite. Therefore, I think it would be a great idea to incorporate developmentally appropriate practice in a better way, by having students create their own, personal Input/Output Machines. Students could make their own machines using tissue boxes or shoeboxes that they would have to bring in to school from home. By having their own Input/Output Machines, students would be provided the opportunity to utilize the machine at their desk, further supporting them in completing the worksheet. Although I tried to incorporate student interaction during my two simulations, I think that this incorporation of individual machines would foster Benjamin Franklins infamous quote, Show me and I forget, Teach me and I remember, Involve me and I learn. Obviously, time was an issue for me during this lesson. Therefore, it would be very difficult to incorporate the construction of these Input-Output Machines during this specific lesson. In result, I would have students bring in their tissue boxes or shoeboxes several days prior to teaching the lesson. I would then personally cut out slits for the Input and Output (the use of a knife is very dangerous for children this age) on each of the students machines. The day of the lesson during morning work, I would then have students label the Input and Output slits accordingly and allow them to decorate their machines with whatever time is left. Therefore, by the time I am ready to teach my lesson, students will have their own machine to follow along during my simulation and use during individual work. As far as manipulatives are concerned, I will simply provide students with counting blocks. IV. Based on the assessment data you collected, what would you do/teach next if you were the classroom teacher? After reviewing individual student worksheets, collected at the end of the lesson, I would say that the majority of students were successful in fulfilling the objectives related to this lesson. In result, I would suggest that students are ready to move on from this lesson and continue to build new knowledge from old. Therefore, I would next teach students the purpose and meaning of finding the rule or function to numerical patterns. I would

teach students that once the rule for numerical patterns is identified, you could then pick any input number to solve for the output (or product). For example, for Scenario C on the worksheet, I would teach students that once we have solved the rule for the pattern, we would be able to find out how much 1,000 cups of lemonade would cost. By having this lesson follow the one that I had planned, students will be able to find meaning in the lesson that I taught, rather than just solving the rule for numerical patterns! V. As a result of planning and teaching this lesson, what have you learned or had reinforced about young children as learners of mathematics? Prior to teaching this lesson, I had concerns about whether or not students would understand the content and processes that I was teaching them. Although many of students had learned about patterns in previous grade levels, never have they looked so deeply into numerical patterns. Furthermore, students in the third grade are just learning their multiplication facts through the twelves table; therefore, I was worried that student knowledge of multiplication would not be completely fulfilled for this lesson. HOWEVER, these students simply AMAZED me! What I learned about young children as learners of mathematics is that you CANNOT underestimate them! Also during this lesson I learned that students will find strategies of their own in solving math problems. For example, during the individual work aspect of this activity, I observed that a few students found that you could solve for the rule in some cases using repeated addition instead of multiplication. Although I did not model repeated addition in the group simulation, students were able to identify that this strategy worked for a few scenarios. However, I was sure to encourage students to state the rule in terms of multiplication because not all rules work with just using repeated addition. VI. As a result of planning and teaching this lesson, what have you learned or had reinforced about teaching? As a result of planning and teaching this lesson, I learned that as a teacher preparation and organization are key elements of teaching. Had I not prepped for this lesson a few days in advance, I would have not realized that a Prezi presentation would be a great visual support for students to follow throughout the lesson. In addition, I learned that time is a valuable aspect of teaching. Actually, time is everything. Although mathematics is given a total of fifty minutes during the school day, in comparison to science and social studies which is only allotted thirty minutes per day, it is very hard to plan for an effective lesson in such small time constraints. Furthermore, I learned that it takes a lot of time (outside of the classroom) to plan and prepare for lessons. Therefore, it is crucial for teachers to stay on top of their work. Lastly, I learned that as a teacher you can never be 100% prepared for students reactions to lesson content, in result possibly skewing plans for the lesson. For this reason, it is important that teachers are able to think on their toes and be prepared for anything and everything. VII. As a result of planning and teaching this lesson, what have you learned or had reinforced about yourself? As a result of planning and teaching this lesson, I have learned a lot about myself through this experience in planning and conducting this mathematics lesson. First off, this experience reaffirmed to me that I am definitely in the right career path! Although this lesson was a lot of work and preparation, it was completely worth seeing the positive effects my teaching had on student knowledge. I also learned that I have more fun planning lessons when I create activities that are engaging for students. Finally, based on this lesson I learned that I have the ability to think on my toes when plans do not go accordingly, so that objectives still have the potential to be met. Overall, the planning and teaching of this lesson taught me a lot about myself as an individual and teacher! VIII. How did your experience planning, teaching, and reflecting on this lesson impact your progress toward your goal as a mathematics teacher? Semester Goal: To learn various ways and techniques to teach a single, mathematical concept.

My experience in planning, teaching and reflecting on this lesson impacted my progress toward my goal as a mathematics teacher in a positive way. While researching various lesson plans for numerical patterns, I found that many of the lessons were similar in the strategies used to teach each of the lessons. However, when I came across this lesson on numerical patterns, more specifically using the Input-Output method, I thought that this lesson would be a different and effective way for students to analyze patterns. With the use of the Input/Output machine and table organizer, students were able to view patterns in a completely different way. This unique perspective on patterns and the strategies that were used proved to be effective for many students based on data collected. Furthermore, while analyzing individual student work, I observed that a number of students used the process standard of representation, by drawing pictures for the input and/or output in place of numbers. For some learners, visual representations other than numbers might be an effective practice. Therefore, I will keep this in mind when I teach this lesson again. Overall, this experience has provided me with valuable information that can be applied towards my semester goal!

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