Independent Task - Aleksandar

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It is widely believed that studying in university is one of the most important periods in our lives.

It is synonymous with creativity, exploration, and knowledge, just to name a few. In order to spend this period to the best of our abilities, I believe that it is more productive for students to receive a general education. First of all, by attending classes from of different fields subjects, students can discover the joy of experimenting with different sciences. For example, if a student has mainly been interested in social sciences so far, he will have an opportunity to test the waters and see if he has a knack for natural sciences as well. This would be virtually impossible for students who take classes exclusively in their field. Likewise, by registering for different classes, students will have more weapons at their disposal for a successful research. For instance, a student whose major interest is conflict studies will be able to gain invaluable insight into research methods by taking some classes in math or statistics. In addition, by being exposed to different subjects, students can combine different methods in order to comprehend current phenomena. This proves to be particularly crucial nowadays, since many researchers tend to harness different sciences for their arguments. oreover, by attending different classes students can meet peers who have different interests. For example, if only someone those who speciali!es in the same field surrounds students, they may find their life monotonous. "tudents attending only social sciences may end up talking only about history, politics or some other related studies. #onversely, students who study an array of different subjects have an opportunity to meet other students who have different interests. $y spending time with such students, they will be able to have conversations on different topics, which will in return, enrich their life lives immeasurably. In conclusion, although some believe that taking classes in one field is more beneficial, I am of the opinion that attending classes in different fields gives students more opportunities for personal development in the long run.

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