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SAMPLE CREATIVE BRIEF EntertainXYZ Web Site Redesign Creative Brief <date> <version> Project Summary: EntertainXYZ is an award-winning

on-air branding agency providing innovative sol tions for t!e fil" and television ind stry# $nown only to a nic!e co"" nity in t!e local ind stry% EntertainXYZ is see&ing a redefined online presence and identity ' to pro"ote t!e co"pany(s ni) e approac! and vision to a global a dience# *dditionally% EntertainXYZ wo ld li&e to pro"ote additional capabilities incl ding print and interactive identity ca"paigns# +!e e,isiting web site is a broc! re site wit! o tdated content and client list# -""ediate goals incl de advancing "ar&eting and pro"otion of t!e co"pany via t!e site at .ro"a,% t!e ind stry(s "a/or s!owcase trades!ow# -n addition% a significant goal is to recreate t!e site so it is scalable and easy to pdate# 0ong-ter"% t!e EntertainXYZ site will be a tool and a reso rce for clients and co"pany ' wit! t!e event al b ild o t of a client co"" nication area and a corporate -ntranet# Target Audience: EntertainXYZ(s target a dience incl des creative% st dio and financial e,ec tives# +!ese individ als are loo&ing at t!e web site in order to decide w!o will provide t!e "ost innovative and ni) e sol tions for t!eir branding efforts# +!ese individ als "ay !ave already !eard of EntertainXYZ% and are loo&ing for additional infor"ation and co"pany bac&gro nd for a"plification and verification# E,perience% ind stry connections% and ) ality of prod ct are i"portant factors in t!e decision-"a&ing process# EntertainXYZ1s typical web site visitor is a 2. of 3ar&eting for a !ig!-profile television st dio# 4e is considered 5old sc!ool( and !as been in t!e ind stry for over 67 years% starting fro" initial television prod ction and set design# 4e !as an interest in tec!nology% b t rarely ses !is co"p ter for anyt!ing b t e"ail%

(c) gotomedia, llc 2001 all rights reserved

calendar and contact infor"ation# 4e is on a s!ared st dio +-8 networ& connection% and w!en online ses t!e 9etscape :#7 browser ' t!e one t!at ca"e wit! t!e co"p ter and !as not been pdated# 4e is rarely online% and s ally only w!en directed to t!e web# 4e loo&s at co"petitive st dio advertising% "ar&eting and pro"otional efforts% and w!en away fro" wor& never goes online# Perception/Tone/ uide!ine":

1. 2. 3.

;yna"ic% e,perienced% conte"porary% e,citing% f n% co"" nicative Elegant% se"i-corporate% !ig! prod ction val e% !ig! visibility <se c rrent EntertainXYZ "ar&eting = branding efforts in a new and different -nfor"ation s!o ld !ave a fres! and conversational tone Easy to navigate and find infor"ation

4. 5.

Communication Strategy: +!e web site redesign will provide direct co"" nication "et!ods incl ding fil" and television s!ow profiles% feat red articles% and co"pany infor"ation# -n t!e first p!ase of develop"ent% t!e site will be "ostly a broc! re-type site wit! li"ited interactivity and database origination# -n t!e ne,t p!ase of develop"ent% a password protected client area will be added for c rrent pro/ects and co"" nication% as well as an internal co"pany -ntranet w!ic! will be sed to facilitate internal co"" nication and co"pany news# Competiti#e Po"itioning: EntertainXYZ !as "any co"petitors in t!e develop"ent co"" nity% "ostly s"aller s!ops wit! "any partners w!o say t!ey 1do it all#1 4ig!lig!ting t!e ) ality of prod ction = develop"ent pro/ects% t!e !ig!-level pro/ect and client list% and overall attention to detail and brea&t!ro g! branding and positioning efforts will separate EntertainXYZ fro" its co"petition# *ttention to overall "ar&eting strategy will also !elp to differentiate t!e web site in t!e ind stry eye# Sing!e$Minded Me""age> innovative co"" nication

(c) gotomedia, llc 2001 all rights reserved

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