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Questionnaire Results

I gave my questionnaire to a group of men of different ages. The majority of men that answered my questionnaire were aged between 21 and 30. There were 6 men aged between 15 and 20, 3 men aged between 31 and 40 and 3 men over 40 who also provided answers. I found that men aged between 15 and 20 were more likely to spend less when buying aftershave and were also more attracted to Ed Hardy more than other brands. They also preferred citrus scents. I found that 70% of men over 40 preferred spicy scents and 85% of men aged between 21 and 30 would chose to wear a fresh scent. The men aged between 21 and 30 were also more likely to wear aftershave everyday whilst the younger and older men that answered my questionnaire wear aftershave most days or on special occasions. My questionnaire also showed me that men aged between 15 and 20 are most likely to buy aftershave from the supermarket/chemist. This may be because it is cheaper as my questionnaire showed that they also spend less. Whereas 60% of men aged 21 to 30 said that they would buy aftershave in a fragrance shop and 40% would buy it online. Most of the men in this age group also said on the questionnaire that they would spend more on aftershave. This tells me that aftershave must be more expensive online or in a fragrance shop. When the men were asked where they see advertisements for aftershave, I found that the younger groups tend to see them more online. The men aged between 15 and 20 said that they saw most advertisements on television and the men aged between 21 and 30 saw most advertisements on billboards/posters. I think that this may be because men aged 21 to 30 tend to have a busier lifestyle and may see them on the way to work. The group aged 40+ also saw most advertisements on billboards/posters and only 10% of this group said that they see them online. Men aged between 15 and 20 chose that they were unlikely to experiment with new fragrances once they had seen an advertisement. I think that this is because they choose to use what is popular with their friends. However, 80% of men aged 40+ said that they would never try a new fragrance once they had seen an advertisement. I think that could be because they like to use familiar fragrances. Men aged between 15 and 20 are most likely to be attracted to an aftershave because of the price this could be because this age group have less money. Also, 60% of this age group said that they would be attracted to the packaging. Men aged 40+ would be more likely to be interested in a recognised brand. I also found that men aged 21-30 would buy an aftershave because of the image and 55% would also be attracted by the price.

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