Research Rubric 2013-2014 Second Term Students

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Spanish speaking Country Research Rubric and Pictionary.

(6th, 7th and 8th)

$isua% Po%ished &isua%! Colorful and attractive to the eye Extremely neat/organized Student pushed own ability 'e%% 'ritten.

!rade 8#

Product meets expectations Variety of colors eat Pro!ect is done according to student"s ability Space is filled with interesting pictures and (e%% (ritten

Pro!ect reflects lac# of planning Some mista#es Sloppy or messy wor# $ac# of color and/or organization %oes not fill space Some grammar and or spelling errors may interfere with meaning +se !ust few words from his/her own) &any mista#es Sloppy or messy wor# )ack o* co%or and+or organi,ation

'ritten -n*ormation

'riting is organized( detailed( and well thought out) Student use his/her own words to write the information) *ll information is included) Student challenged himself to include extra( rich information *ccurate information ,ne day early -./ pts0 Creative in the Presentation of the Content)

&inimal to no grammar or spelling errors that do not interfere with understanding) Student use his/her own words to write the information 1ncluded all information *ll information accurate ,n time

&any errors Copied and Pasted in*ormation (ithout

Comp%eteness .ccuracy

&issing some information *nd/or some information inaccurate)

Significant information missing

Ms. Barretos Class 2013-2014

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