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SAP FI NOTES INDEX PARTICULARS Introduction Enterprise Structure 1. Chart of Accounts 2. Accounts groups customization 3.

Open and Close Posting Periods Sales "a# Procedures 1. "olerance $roups $eneral &edger Accounts '$& Accounts( 1.)egati*e Postings 2. Creation of $& +asters 3. Par,ed document .oreign Currenc/ "ransaction '.C"( 1. 0e*ersal of 0e*ersed document 2. +ass 0e*ersal 3. 1alance Interest calculation -. Accounts Principles Accounts Pa/a3le 'AP( 4ouse 1an, 1. &in, 3et5een sundr/ creditors and Ad*ance to *endors 2. Purchase In*oice Posting 3. "erm of Pa/ments6+a#imum Cash discount -. Automatic pa/ment Program'APP( 5. Chec, printing %. Credit +emo Accounts 0ecei*a3le 'A0( 1. Sales In*oice Posting 2. Incoming pa/ment 3. &in, 3et5een sundr/ de3tors and ad*ance from customers -. Ad*ance 0eceipt posting 1ill of 8iscounting '1ill of E#change( 1. 8efine dunning areas Sales "a# Asset Accounting 'AA( 1.Chart of 8epreciation 2. Asset Classes 3. Asset Sale 9"ransfer9Scrapping 0eports 1.Chart of Accounts &ist 2."rail 3alance 9 &edger 9:endors &ist 3. 8ata "a,eo*er -.;p loading of master in SAP '&S+<( 5.1alances uploading 1an, 0econciliation Statement '10S( 1.4ouse 1an, 2.Chec, &ots 3.Sales and Purchase In*oices posting Cash =ournal 'C=( <ithholding "a#'"8S9"CS( 1.+aintain Calendar 2.<ithholding ta# codes 3.Create 0emittance Challan -.Print "8S Certificate 5.>uaterl/ 0eturn Page No. 3 11 15 1 2! 3% 3% -1 -1 -3 5!2 !! !2 2! 2 17% 115 11% 11 122 137 132 13135 1-2 1-1-1-2 15% 1%2 1!7 1!2 1!% 92719272 2727275927% 27 212 21! 222 231 232 2-1 2-5 2-2 2252%2%5 2%%

INTRODUCTION SAP stands for S/stem Application and Products in data Processing FI stands for Financials CO stands for Controlling :ersion ? ECC6 ECC stands for E0P Central Component SAP 5as released in 1 !2 @ It head Auarters in $erman/ <hat is E0PB E0P stands for Enterprise 0esource planningC it is integrated all functions in one s/stem. Organization D 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 D D D D Purchase 8ept. Store 8ept. Production 8ept. Accounts 8ept. <ill ha*e no of departments in organization. E0P integrate all the functions into one s/stem. It 5ill facilitate free flo5 of data among the departments. Advantages: Once stores person updates in the s/stem @ It can 3e shared 3/ account person. )o mismatch in reporting @ 8ata Source is onl/ one once updation. Store 8epartment at .actor/? <here the material is recei*ed are updates his records send the 3ill to account person. Accounts department at Cit/ office ? Pass an entr/ in the 3oo,s Disadvantages: 8uplicate Eo3 "ime gap. E0P Pac,ages? SAPC OracleC .inancialsC Peoples softC 1AA) C =.8.Ed5ards 1 !26 SAP 091 @ 0eal time data processing 1 276SAP @ 092 Included no. of countries and no. of currencies 1 7 @ SAP 0936 093 stands for 8ata Structure 1.Application Ser*er 2.8ata 3ased ser*er 3.Presentation 1 @ +/ @ <e3 3aed 277- @ )et 5ea*er @ Integrates informationC people and process. Areas to 3e co*ered under .I 9CO .I? 1. $eneral &edger accounting 2. Accounts pa/a3le 3. Accounts recei*a3le -. Asset accounting CO? 1. Cost element accounting 2. Cost center accounting 3. Internal orders 4. Profit center accounting 5. Product costing


Profita3ilit/ anal/sis

Integration of? 1. +aterial +anagement +odule to .inancials '++ to .I( 2. Sale F 8istri3ution module to .inancial module integrate 'S8 to .I( 3. 8ata ta,e o*er'.rom )on6SAP to SAP( -. Closing procedure 0eports? In all the module s/stems gi*es around 2777 reports Gou can attachH the reports to fa*orites Some important reports /ou can attach the reports on des, top. Cross compan/ code transactions? India *ersion? "8S C E#cise and sales ta# Companies Act?1 5%? as per Schedule :I 1alance sheet and Profit F &oss A9c <hat are difference 3et5een SAP EE -.! and ECC %.7B SAP EE 4.7 Stands for Enterprise Edition )o )et5are concept 'Offline( Segment 5ise report is not possi3le Onl/ one currenc/ SAP ECC 6. Stands for Enterprise Central Compound )et5are concept 'Online( Is it possi3le +ultiple ledgers in currencies 8ocument splitting .oreign currenc/ re*aluation 3ased on accounting principles

Ro!e o" FI #CO Cons$!tant 1. 2. 3. -. 5. %. ProEect +anger Senior Consultant =unior consultant 'Each proEect 3 to % mem3ers( Support Consultant 'Eg.I1+C Accenture( Core "eam +em3ers End ;ser

4o5 to Open SAP Open? 8ou3le lic, on SAP &ogon Icon 8ou3le Clic, ECC % Ser*er .irst Screen? .irst .ield ? Client ?2 Clients 1. 8e*elopment client 2. Production client In the implementation SAP 1. Consultants 2. Compan/ staff 'Core "eam +em3ers( "he consultant the/ do the customization in de*elopment client "he compan/ staff 5ill do the testing. "he customization 5ill 3e transferred to client through transport reAuests. In the production client /ou enter da/ to da/ transaction. Some companies the/ 5ill gi*e 3 clients?

1. 8e*elopment client 2. "esting client 3. Production client Client? ;ser? 27797779217 @ Gou can cop/ and gi*e an/ num3er Cost of pac,age 5ill depend on the no.of users licenses. 177 users license @used 3/ 1777 emplo/ees It fi#es the responsi3ilit/ on emplo/ee.

;ser I8? SAP user? Gou can use small or capital letters 'ItIs not case sensiti*e( Pass5ord? "he length of pass5ord @ +in3 @ +a# 2 'it can 3e numericC Alpha )umeric C Alpha3etsC and Special characters.( Pass5ord is not case sensiti*e )ot possi3le to change pass5ord more than once in a da/ &atest 5 pass5ords can not 3e used Pass5ord can not 3e restored <hat is clientB Ara*ind $roup 'Ara*ind Industries &td( 'Ara*ind Steel &td( <ipro 'Consulting .irm( +one/ is the pass5ord.

"o Purchase Sap Pac,age .rom Sap India 1angalore <ipro <ill Customize'+ap( Ara*ind 0eAuirement In SAP ARA%IND ProEect +anager Core team accounts manager Cost accountant Purchase +anager Sales +anager It staff &IPRO ProEect manager .I Consultant CO Consultant ++ Consultant S8 Consultant A1AP programmer 1ASIS Administrator

Ara*ind ?Core "eam As is Process J<hat Is 0eAuested .rom SAP <ipro ?"o 1e Process <hat Should 1e 8one In SAP 8e*elopment Client <ipro Customization Ara*ind Core "eam Production Client 6 "ransport 0eAuest 6 "esting

After testing 3/ Ara*ind core team customization 5ill 3e transported to production client through transport reAuest. Production client is li*e client 5here 5e enter da/ to da/ transactions. If the consultant do customization once again in production clientC if the/ commit an/ mista,e all the postings 5ill go 5rong 5here as de*elopment client customization is tested customization 3/ the Ara*ind core team and corrected 3/ <ipro team. <e 5ill not get an/ mista,es in the de*elopment client customization. In li*e en*ironment 5e should ha*e minimum 2 clients some companies the/ ,eep 3 clients 8e*elopment Client "esting Aualit/ Client Production Client

<ipro Customization Ara*ind Core "eam


"ransport 0eAuest "esting


L<hen SAP is purchased from SAP India 5e get clients li,e 777C771C7%! and 277L 1asis consultant copies 777 client and gi*e the num3er reAuired 3/ Ara*ind care team Client ?277 '8e*elopment Client( ;ser ? Cost of pac,age 5ill 3e 3ased on num3er of user licenses

;ser Id Creation Is "he =o3 of 1ASIS Administrator A( Cost .actor 1( ;ser Id .i#es 0esponsi3ilit/ on Emplo/ee SAP ;ser? Pass5ord? It Is )ot Case sensiti*e 'Capital &etters Or Small &etters( Pass5ord Is Case Sensiti*e '.rom Ecc 5 On5ards(

&ength of Pass5ord? +inimum % +a#imum -7 L<e can use alpha3etsC )umericalC alphanumericC special characters6li,eL )ot possi3le to change pass5ord more than once in a da/. S/stem 5ill not permit to use latest pre*ious 5 pass5ords E$? 1.7 .2772 5.7 .2772 12.7 .2772 A1C123 MGNA1C A1C123

s/stem 5ill not permit

Pass5ord can not 3e restored 1ASIS Administrator deletes old pass5ord and gi*es a ne5 pass5ord ? oracle &anguage ? -1 &anguages

If 5e do not specif/ an/ language it ta,es English 3/ default or 5e can use E) for English If 5e user id ? "he menu 5ill 3e in $erman Client? 277 ;ser? SAP;SE0 Pass5ord? oracle Press enter )o5 open SAP Select and choose the radio 3utton depend on necessit/. 1st 0adio 3utton 2nd 0adio 3utton 3rd 0adio 3utton Emplo/ee1 Can not 5or, <or, Can 5or, Emplo/ee2 Can 5or, Can 5or, Can not 5or,

In training institutes 5e ha*e to select 2nd radio 3utton Enter 1st ra5 is called menu 3ar

+enu Edit C.a*orites CE#tras 2nd ra5 is called standard tool 3ar 3rd ro5 is called in title 3ar -th is called application tool 3ar 5th F last is called status 3ar "he second ro5 the tic, is called enterC 3eside tic, 3o# is called is command field.L One emplo/ee can 5or, in num3er of sessions '5indo5s( at a time 6the ma#imum is % sessions 'o( to )*eate a ne( session+ Path: From the menu bar - Select system- Create session To move from one session to another session (alt+tab) 'o( to end session+ Path :From the menu bar - select system- End session To vie( (,i), ve*sion (e a*e $sing+ Path : From menu bar - Select system- Status-Sap system data 'o( to $se t*ansa)tion )odes -T#C.+ <e 5ant posting of transaction. option61 $o through the path and post the transaction Pat,? Accounting 66K .inancial accounting 6K $eneral ledger66KPosting 6K$eneral posting "o go 3ac, to SAP eas/ access screen? ;se? 9n in command field and press enter. .or Posting "ransaction? 8ocument ':oucher( entr/ '.672( Account displa/ '.S17)( option62 ;se transaction code in command field and press enter 5e can create our o5n transaction codes the/ should start 5ith G or N

After posting 5e 5ant to *ie5 the ledger. a( ;se?9n 'changing( in command field and enter 6 to 3ac, to sap eas/ access screen 3( ;se .S17) in command field and press enter6 to go to account displa/ Instead use?9).S17) in command field and press enter change session 5ith ne5 transaction code. use 9O.S17) in command field and press enter6 create session 5ith ne5 transaction code. .9) for change .9O for create 'o( to a)tivate t*ansa)tion )odes in sa/ 0en$+ Path :From the menu bar - select extras - Settings - Display technical names- Enter 4O< "O SE" A S"A0" "0A)SC"IO)B "o ma,e one screen as 3eginning screen

Path: From menu bar select extras - set start transactions (transaction code is Enter $i*e a message transaction .672 set as start transaction 4O< "O C&OSE SAPB


Path: From the menu bar select system - log o!! - select "yes# button !or the message to logo!! Select /es 3utton to log off 4O< "O ;)&OCO "4E "0A)SAC"IO) CO8EB At the time of customization 6screen 5ill come 5ith displa/ mode not enter mode Path:$ools-%dministrator- &onitor-'oc( entries (tr)code is S&*2 Select list 3utton6 +essage 6 )o loc, entries found Path: From the menu bar select loc( entry- Delete all-select# yes# button !or the message 8elete all loc, entries 6 Enter. Organization structure? SAP 6666666666 D D $roup Compan/ D D Compan/ Compan/ code D D ;nits 1usinesses Area Creation o! Pro+ect: Group --> Companies Units ,n S%P - .roup is called as company Company is called as company code /nit is called as 0usiness area A0A:I)8 $0O;P'A:$( D 6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 D D D Ara*ind +ills &td'A+&( Ara*ind Steels &td'AS&( Ara*ind Industries ltd'AI&( D D D D D D 4G8 1$& 4G8 1$& 4G8 1$& .I consultant 5ill do customization at compan/ code le*el 6compan/ or group is onl/ for information. <e do customization for Ara*ind +ills &td after 5ords 5e cop/ customization including accounts to other compan/ codes in one step and ma,e modifications 5here e*er reAuired. ENTERPRISE STRUCTURE

DEFINE CO1PAN2: Path: $ools - Customi1ing -,&. (implementation guide - Execute pro+ect (trns)code SP23 SP0O stands for SAP ProEect Reference O3Eect Select SAP reference I+$ 3utton ? "his is called customization area or configuration area or implementation area Path:SP23Enterprise structure - De!inition - Financial accounting - De!ine company ( $r code is 34*5

It 5e select I+$ acti*it/ documentation 3utton? It gi*es description part a3out compan/ "o select I+$ acti*it/ 3utton? "o do customization Select I+$ acti*it/ 3utton Select ne5 entries 3utton Compan/ name of compan/2 street postal code countr/ Currenc/ ? A:$ ?3lan, ?Ameerpet ?57773?.or countr/ select dropdo5n'pull do5n( 3uttonC select in for indiaL ?.or currenc/ select drop do5n 3utton here 212. Select I)0 for Indian rupees Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPs 8e*elopment client D consultant 6 production client Customization "ransport reAuestQ Compan/ name ?Ara*ind group

&anguage ,e/ ?select drop do5n 3utton select E) for English

1/ default it gi*es the latest reAuest 5e ha*e to create our o5n reAuest and after5ards to transport to production client .or each step 5e need not create separate reAuest. .or 1asic settings ?1st reAuest .or $eneral ledger ?2nd reAuest rd .or Account pa/a3le ?3 reAuest .or Accounts recei*a3le?-th reAuest .or Asset accounting ?5th reAuest .or Controlling ?%th reAuest Select create reAuest 3utton '.2( $i*e the short description ?.I 3asic settings for Ara*ind +ills &td Press enter Press enter once again to sa*e in the reAuest. <e get a message data 5as sa*ed? 8ata 5as sa*ed in t5o places?1.8e*elopment client 277 2. In "ransport reAuest


- T* )ode is OX 3.

$ools - Customi1ing - ,&.- executi6e pro+ect (SP23

Select sap reference 3utton I+$ SP0O 6 path upto select sap reference I+$ 3utton is same.

SP0O )o SP0O Consultant Eo3 End user Eo3 )ote the path SP0O Path: Enterprise structure - De!inition- !inancial accounting - edit7 copy7 delete7 chec( company code Edit compan/ code data Select ne5 entries 3utton $i*e compan/ code ?A+& Cit/ ?4/dera3ad Countr/ ?I) Currenc/ ?I)0 &anguage ?E) Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS "itle )ame Street Post code Cit/ Countr/ Press enter "o select our reAuest num3er select dropdo5n 3utton 3eside reAuest num3er. <e can see here num3er of reAuests. Select reAuest num3er 3/ seeing the description. Press enter to sa*e in the reAuest. 8escription can 3e same should 3e different 4.ASSI5N CO1PAN2 CODE TO CO1PNA2 Path: SP23 - Enterprise structure - %ssignment - Financial accounting - %ssign company code to company ( $r code is 34*8 Select position 3utton gi*e the compan/ code A+& enter .or compan/ A+& assign compan/ A:$ Select sa*e 3utton or CrtlPS Select dropdo5n 3eside reAuest num3er Select /our reAuest num3er Press enter to sa*e in the reAuest 4.De"ine 6$siness A*eas path: SP23- Enterprise structure- De!inition -!inancial accounting- de!ine business area ( $r code is 3409 ?Select compan/ ?Ara*ind mills ltd ?Ameerpet ?57773?4/dera3ad ?I)

Select ne5 entries 3utton 1usiness area? A+&4 8escription ?4/dera3ad A+& 1angalore 3usiness area lin, this num3er Select sa*e 3utton or C trlPs

Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest RAssignment of 3usiness areas to compan/ code is not reAuired Ara*ind $roup D Ara*ind +ills &td Ara*ind Steels &td D D 4G8 1$& 4G8 1$& A+& accounts person At the time of posting Compan/ code ? 1usiness area ? A+& 4G8 AS& 4G8

Ara*ind Industries ltd D 4G8 1$&

AS& accounts person

R <ithout gi*ing compan/ code 5e can not pass to 3usiness area At the time of reAuest generation? Compan/ code A+& 1usiness area 4G8 <e get 4G8 data of compan/ Code A+& onl/ AS& 4G8 4G8 data of compan/ code AS& onl/

Some 3usiness area can 3e used 3/ num3er of compan/ codes in the client assignment of 3usiness area to compan/ code is not reAuired. 4G8 incharge for A+&C AS& and AI& in the report Compan/ code A+& PAS&PAI& 1usiness area 4G8 4/dera3ad data for all compan/ codes 5e ha*e 4/dera3ad 3usiness area separatel/ for each compan/ code. 4G8 4/dera3ad 3usiness area 4G81 4/dera3ad 3usiness area 4G82 4/dera3ad 3usiness area A+& accounts person Compan/ code 1usiness area "here 5ill 3e a mi# up. C'ART OF ACCOUNTS: Compan/ Codes? Option61 5hen 5e 5ant to compare or consolidate 5e can ha*e same set of accounts 'chart of accounts( 6i.e.C Accounts coding 5ill 3e same. Con*e/ance account no. Option62 Each compan/ code has their on set of accounts con*e/ance account no. -77777 -77777 -77777 A+& AS& AI& ?A+& ?4G894G81 AS& 4G8194G82

-77777 -77777 -77777


Compare or consolidate 3/ using group Chart of Accounts 5hen 5e create con*e/ance account no 5e use 2 num3ers Compan/ code no. $roup no.

-77777 377777 277777

-77777 377777 177777 177777 177777 177777

<e are comparing or consolidating 3/ using group account num3er. Companies follo5ing option1 Chart of Accounts name 8escription of chart of accounts +aintenance language English &ength of account num3er most 17 digits '5e are using % digits( CREATION OF C'ART OF ACCOUNTS. path: SP23 - Financial accounting- .eneral ledger accounting - .' accounts - &aster Data-Preparation - Edit chart o! accounts list ($2)C3DE)30*9 "he other 5a/ to gi*e transaction code is from the menu 3ar 6K Select s/stem 6 Status Select ne5 entries 3utton. Chat of accounts 8escription +aintenance language &ength of $& account no. Controlling integration $roup chart of accounts ?A+& ?Chart of Accounts for Ara*ind group ?English ?% 'min % ma# 17( ?select manual creation of cost elements ?1lan,

;nder status deselect 3loc,ed chec, 3o# 'do not select 3loc,ed chec, 3o#( Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS Select /our reAuest and press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest

Controlling integration? select manual creation of cost elements. .I '.inancials( CO 'Controlling( e#penditure <hen 5e past to e#penditure accounts in .I it updatesC CO automaticall/ pro*ided. <e create e#penditure accounts as cost elements. All e#penditure accounts need not 3e cost elements e#penditure accounts li,e interestC 8epreciationC )on6operating e#penses 65ill not 3e consolidated for costing 6the/ are de3ata3le. Cost elements creation Automatic


<hen 5e select manualC 5hen e#penditure account is created and posted in .IC 5e 5ant that e#penditure to update co6 create that e#penditure account as CO element. If 5e do not 5ant to update co6records that e#penditure create e#penditure account onl/ and not to create as cost element 6here 5e ha*e fle#i3ilit/. If 5e choose automaticC 5hen 5e create an e#penditure account automaticall/ cost element 5ill 3e created. <hen 5e post to that e#penditure account in .IC automaticall/ CO records 5ill 3e updated6no fle#i3ilit/. ;)8E0 S"A";S 8ES&EC" 1&OCOE8 C4ECO 1OM?


Accounts creation is at end user areaC users at the time of postingC the/ 5ill not chec, 5hether account is there as not the/ create ne5 account and post accounts. <e 5ill ha*e num3er of duplicate accounts in SAP once 5e create an account and past transaction6I" can not 3e deleted In li*e en*ironment after up leading accounts 6 select 3loc,ed chec, 3o#. )o 3od/ can create an/ account5hether original account or duplicate account. <hen there is a necessit/ to create a ne5 account an authorized person sa/ accounts manager deselects the 3loc,ed chec, 3o#C create the account and after5ards select 3loc,ed chec, 3o#. <e ha*e to create the accounts no5. <e are deselecting the 3loc,ed chec, 3o#. ASSI5N CO1PAN2 CODE TO C'ART OF ACCOUNTS path: SP23- Financial accounting - .eneral ledger accounting- .' %ccounting- &aster data-Preparation%ssign company code to chart o! accounts) ($r)code 3082 Select position 3utton $i*e the compan/ code ? Enter A+&

.or compan/ code A+& assign chart of accounts A+& Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest. Accounts groups 177777 EAuit/ share capital 177771 Cash account 177772 Preference share capital 177773 S1I current Account <e ha*e created 1777 accounts <e 5ant to *ie5 current assets 3alance or transaction. <e can not get directl/65e ha*e to *erif/ each and e*er/ account and add the respecti*e accounts6 in this e#ample account no.177771 and 177773 <e are preparing 3alance sheet on lia3ilities 5e ha*e items li,e share capitalC 0eser*es F surplus6<e ha*e to *erif/ each and e*er/ account and assign to the respecti*e items6it ta,es so much time to assign accounts. "o get account 3alances directl/ or to assign accounts easil/ SAP has gi*en account groups. Chart of accounts D Accounts groups D Accounts A+& Share capital '177777 6 1777 D Current assets '27777762777 ( (

<hen 5e create the accountsC 5e create 5ithin the range. Cash account 5ill 3e created 5ithin the range of 2777776 2777 .L EAuit/ share capital 5ill 3e created 5ithin the range of 17777761777 . <hen 5e 5ant to see current assets 3alances65e gi*e current assets or at the time of crating 3alance sheet for Share capital65e gi*e the range 17777761777 . <hile crating account groups 5e ta,e clientSs 3alance sheet and crate the groups6after implementation also 5e 5ants to see the 5a/ he used to get. <4I&E C0EA"I)$ "4E ACCO;)"S $0O;PS? 1 Series for lia3ilities


2.Series for assets 3.Series for income -.Series for e#penditure <e ha*e 1777 accounts the user at the time of posting to e#penditure account he need not see all accounts he gi*es onl/ e#penditure accounts 5ill appear. CUSTO1I7ATION -TR.CODE.O6D4. path: SP23-Financial accounting-.eneral ledger accounting- .' accounts-master data-preparations-De!ine account group select ne5 entries 3utton C,a*t o" a))o$nts A+& A+& A+& A+& A+& A+& A+& A+& A+& A+& A+& A+& A+& A+& A+& A+& A+& A))o$nt g*o$/ SCP& 0SP& AC8) SC&) ;)S& C&P& .AS" CAS" SA&E O"4E0 I)C0 0+C& P0S) +.0$ A8+) I)"0 8EP0 Na0e Share Capital 0eser*es F Surplus Accumulated depreciation Secured &oans ;nsecured loan Current &ia3ilities and Pro*isions .i#ed Assets Current Assets loans F Ad*ances Sales Other Income Increase 9 8ecrease in stoc,s 0a5 material consumption Personnel cost +anufacturing E#penses Administration E#penses Interest 8epreciation F*o0 a))o$nt 177777 177177 177277 177377 177-77 177577 277777 277177 377777 377177 377277 -77777 -77177 -77277 -77377 -77-77 -77577 To a))o$nt 1777 1771 1772 1773 1771775 2777 2771 3777 3771 3772 -777 -771 -772 -773 -77-775

Select sa*e 3utton on CrtlPS Select /our reAuest and press enter and sa*e in /our reAuest % digits 1777777 1777 share capital 1777617 177777777617777777 0eser*es F Surplus Accumulated 8epreciation ;nsecured loans Current &ia3ilities F Pro*ision .i#ed Assets

After5ards 5e reAuire lia3ilities account groups 5ith 1 series @17 account groups. 4o5 man/ groups 5e can crate 5ith 1sries . a*aila3le accounts '1 1series 5e can create -779177T- groups . )o5 5e ha*e to go for @5 series . "he user at the time of posting first the 5ill gi*e 1R If the account is not there then he 5ill chec, 5ith 5R 615 (T-77 accounts. )e5 account groups 5ith

&,en (e $se 6 digits: After5ards 5e reAuire lia3ilities account groups 5ith 1 series to 17 account groups. 4o5 man/ groups 5e can create 5ith 1 series a*aila3le accounts '1 61775 T -77( accounts.


.or each account group 5e are assigning 177 accounts ne5 account groups 5ith 1 series. <e can create -779177T -- accounts groups. 59%9!929 digits. 0etained earnings accounts? In the /ear end? P F & account 3alances transfer to surplus in P F & A9c 0eser*es F Surplus '17717761771 Sheet A9c 3alances @carr/ for5ard to ne#t /ear as opening 3alance. ( 1alance

"his is reAuired in the /ear end and not during the implementation. SAP has made mandator/ this step during the implementation. If the consultant does not do this stepC 5e 5ill ha*e pro3lems in the /ear end. "hough accounts are not /et created assign on account for retained earnings account purpose. <e can specif/ retained earnings account an/ account num3er 5hich is 5ith in range 17717761771 . $enerall/ 5e specif/ the first account i.e.177177 as 0etained earnings account and 5hen 5e start creating the accounts the first account to 3e created is 177177 surplus in P F & Account. Path: SP23 - Financial accounting - .eneral ledger accounting - .' %ccounts - &aster Data - Preparations - De!ine retained earnings account) $i*e /ou chart of accounts A+& enter. "he transaction code is O684 . Account assignment P F & Statement t/pe UMI Account 177177 Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS <e get a 5arning message account 177177 not created in chart of accounts A+&. Ignore the 5arning the message press enter. Press enter once again to sa*e in the reAuest. Accounts creation is at end user area and the transaction code is FS P F & t/pe -77377 0ent Account P F & A9c 1alance Sheet A9c. In the /ear end the 3alance 5ill go to account no.177177 177777 EAuit/ share capital P F & A9c 1alance Sheet A9c. Select In the /ear end the 3alance 5ill go to the same account as opening 3alance 1 and 2 series for 1alance Sheet Accounts 3 and - series for P F & Accounts. a( )et operating profit 'operating income @ operating e#penses. 3( )et non6operating profit 'non6operating income non operating e#penses( -77377 P F & Statement A9c t/pe 1alance Sheet A9c. 0ent account Select M PF& M G Account )o. "/pe 177177 )et operating profit 177171 )et non operating profit Profit M 177177 Account )o.

In the /ear end the 3alance 5ill go to account no.177177 377177 profit or sale of shares. P F & A9c. PF & Statement A9c. t/pe G


In the /ear end the 3alance 5ill go to account no.177171. .iscal /ear Indian companies periods ;S Companies .iscal /ear *ariant April to +arch P- special periods :3 =an to 8ec.P- Special Periods O=ul/ to =uneP- Special periods :% Oct. to SepP- special periods :

April 277! @ +arch 2772 Accounting /ear 277!672. In SAP 5e 5ill call it as fiscal /ear 277!. =ul/ 277!6=une 2772 Oct.277! @Sep.2772 .iscal /ear 277! .iscal /ear 2772 277! April 277!6+arch 2772 =ul/ 277!6=une 2772 % Octo3er 277!6Septem3er 2772 3 3 % 2772 277! 277! 2772 .iscal /ear

It is a3o*e % months in ne#t /ear ta,e ne#t /ear other5ise same /ear. April 277! +arch 2772 1 12 ')ormal periods( .iscal /ear 277! 13 115 'Special periods( 1%

.or /ear end adEustment purpose SAP has gi*en special periods . Special periods are part of +arch +arch 5ill ha*e total 5 periods 1noraml period - special periods. "o get the profita3ilit/ and different stages SAP has gi*en special periods. &,9 s/e)ia! /e*iods a*e *e:$i*ed: 27th +arch 2772 5e ha*e declared profita3ilit/ upto .e3ruar/ 2772 to the management profita3ilit/ figures should not 3e changed. ;sers should 3e allo5ed to post transactions onl/ for +arch 2772. April 277!6+arch 2772 .iscal /ear 277!. Open periods .or posting +arch 27726+arch 2772 12C277! 6 12C277!

)o user can post transaction 3efore +arch 2772 and after +arch 2772.

37.73.2772 Open periods

April 277!6 +arch 2772 .iscal /ear 277! April 27726 +arch 277 .iscal /ear 2772. +arch 27726+arch 277 12C277! 612C2772

1597-92772 accounts dept. finalized profita3ilit/ for the /ear ended 3197392772 +anagement adEustment entries


Entr/ 8ate 7597592772 Periods date 3197392772 to update last /ear ledger. <e get profita3ilit/ finalized 3/ management audits 3/ Auditors. 2797592772 )o.of ratification entries Entr/ 8ate Posting date 2297592772 3197392772

to update last /ear ledger.

<e get profita3ilit/ finalized 3/ auditors. "o da/ 5e 5ant to see profita3ilit/ finalized 3/ accounts department . 5e can not got +arch 2772 includes normal entries . +anagement adEustments and auditors rectification entries. Auditor is as,ing to sho5 rectification entries list 5e can not get the list separatel/. "o get profita3ilit/ separatel/ or to get the rectification entries list separatel/ SAP has gi*en special periods. ;sage of special periods is optional. Special periods can come in the same month or different months. 4ere stage means department profita3ilit/C +anagement profita3ilit/ and Auditors profita3ilit/ @ the state can come in the same month or different months. Accounts 8ept. profita3ilit/ +anagement adEustments and Auditors rectification entries 4o5 special periods 5ill 3e used? April 277!6+arch 2772 27th +arch 2772 open periods for posting 3efore +arch 2772 and after +arch 2772. April 277!6+arch 2772 ..G 277! April 27726+arch 277 ..G.2772 1597-92772 accounts dep. finalized profita3ilit/ for the /ear end 3197392772 +anagement adEustment entries. 7597592772 Open periods +arch 2772VV..+arch 277 13C277!VVV12C2772 April 2772 +a/ 2772 .iscal /ear 277! +arch 27726+arch 2772 12C277!V.12C277! )o user can post transactions

Entr/ date ?7597592772 Posting date ?3197392772 to update last /ear ledger period 13 <e get profita3ilit/ finalized 3/ +anagement audit 3/ a auditors. 2297592772 no.of rectification entries. Open periods Entr/ date Posting date Periods +arch 2772 V. +arch 277 1-C277! VV 12C2772 ?2297592772 ?3197392772 to update last /ear ledger 1-

<e get profita3ilit/ finalized 3/ auditors. Accounts dep. Profita3ilit/ ? 1612 +anagement Profita3ilit/ 1613


Auditors finalized profita3ilit/ &ist of auditors rectification entries


SAP ,no5n onl/ calendar /ear periods @5e ha*e to con*ert calendar /ear periods to our accounting /ear periods. =anuar/ .e3ruar/ +arch April +a/ =une =ul/ August Septem3er Octo3er )o*em3er 8ecem3er +onth 1 2 3 5 % ! 2 17 11 12 8a/s 31 2 31 37 31 37 31 31 37 31 37 31 Periods 17 11 12 1 2 3 5 % ! 2 Gear shift 61 61 61 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 April 2772 April 2772 @ +arch 277 ..G.2772 In 5hich /ear it is coming 2772 As 5hich /ear 5e are calling in SAP 2772 Gear shift

7 =anuar/ 277 277 2772 61

In 5hich /ear it is coming As 5hich /ear 5e are calling in SAP Gear shift Posting 759719277 update 2772 &edger not 277 ledger +onth 1 2 3 5 % ! 2 17 11 12 8a/s 31 2 31 37 31 37 31 31 37 31 37 31 Periods Gear shift 7 5 7 % 7 ! 7 2 7 7 17 7 11 7 12 7 1 7 2 7 3 7

Oct.27726Sep 277 ..G.277 Octo3er 2772 In 5hich /ear it is coming as 5hich 2772 /ear 5e are calling in SAP 277 /ear shift P1 =anuar/ 277 in 5hich /ear it is coming as 5hich /ear 5e are calling in SAP /ear shift 277 2772 P1

posting 7591792772 update 277 ledger not 2772 ledger

Path : SP23 - Financial accounting - Financial accounting .lobal settings - Fiscal year - &aintain !iscal year 6ariant (&aintain shortened !iscal year ($rs)code is 302: Select position 3utton fiscal *ariant :3 Enter Select fiscal *ariant :3 8ou3le clic, on periods folder Select 3ac, arro5 Select ne5 entries 3utton .: ? 11



April to +arch - Special periods

8o not select /ear depend chec, 3o# If 5e select /ear depend chec, 3o# @ 5hen 5e sa*e it 5ill as, for /ear @ 5hen 5e gi*e /ear 2772 @ "he con*ersion is applica3le onl/ for the /ear each /ear 5e ha*e to create the con*ersion. If 5e deselect /ear dependent chec, 3o# @ "he con*ersion is common for all /ears. 8eselect calendar /ear chec, 3o# If 5e select calendar /ear chec, 3o# @ It ta,es +onth 1 '=an(5ill 3e as period 1 +onth -'April ( 5il 3e as period <here as 5e reAuire month -'April( should 3e as period 1 so deselect calendar /ear chec, 3o#. )o. of posting periods ?12 )o.of special periods ?Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS Select /our reAuest press enter and press enter sa*e in /our reAuest. Select .iscal /ear *ariant 8ou3le clic, on periods folder. Select ne5 entries 3utton .irst column Second column 8a/ "hird column &ast column +onth 1 2 3 5 % ! 2 17 11 12 8a/ 31 2 31 37 31 37 31 31 37 31 37 31 +onth Period Gear shift Period 17 11 12 1 2 3 5 % ! 2 Gear Shift 61 61 61 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ?11

sa*e Assign compan/ code to a .iscal /ear *ariant Path: SP23 - Financial accounting - .lobal settings - Fiscal year - %ssign company code to a Fiscal year 6ariant ($r)code is 309; Select position 3utton $i*e /our compan/ code?A+& Enter .or compan/ code?A+& Assign fiscal *ariant ?:3 Select sa*e 3utton Ignore the 5arning message press enter and press enter to sa*e in the reAuest.


OPEN AND CLOSE POSTIN5 PERIODS .iscal /ear ? April 2772 @ +arch 277 @ ..G 2772 August 2772 @ +arch 277 5C2772 @ 12C2772 Open means? from Close means? to Compan/ codes ? A+& August 2772 +arch 277 AS& AI&

All compan/ codes .allo5 the same Open and close periods Option 1 A( 8efine posting periods :ariant VVVVV M 1( Assign posting period :ariant to compan/ codes MVVV.A+& MVVV.AS& MVVV.AI& C( 8efine open and close periods for *ariant M .or MC5 2772 @ 12C2772 Option62 Each compan/ code ha*ing separate open And close posting period *ariant Assign posting period *ariant to compan/ codes M to A+& Period for *ariant =ul/ 27726+arch 277 .or M 7-C2772 April 2772 to +arch 277 .or G 12C2772 Sep. 2772 to Sep. 2772 .or N 7%C2772 G to AS& N to AI&

In this step 5e are defining 5hich periods are open for posting. De"ine va*iants "o* o/en /osting /e*iods: Path : SP23 - Financial accounting global setting - Document - posting periods-De!ine 6ariants !or open posting periods Select ne5 entries 3utton :ariant A+& )ame posting period *ariant for A+&

CtrlPSC press enter in sa*e Assign /osting /e*iod va*iant to )o0/an9 )ode: Path : SP23-Financial %ccounting- Financial accounting global settings- Document - posting periods - assign posting period 6ariant company code) Select position 3utton $i*e the compan/ code A+&


.or compan/ code A+& assign *ariant A+& select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest. De"ine o/en and )!osed /osting /e*iods "o* va*iant:: Path: SP23 - Financial accounting .lobal settings - Document - Posting periods- open and close posting periods) Select ne5 entries 3utton. :are ? Select A+& Account t/pe 'A(? Select P '*alid for all accounts t/pe( .rom Account 1lan, "o account 1lan, .rom period one '1( 1 Gear 2772 "o period 12 Gear '.iscal /ear( 2772 .rom period2 13 Gear 2772 "o period 1% Gear 2772 Second column is option 'from period 2( Authorization group 'Au.$r(? 1lan, Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS Select /our reAuest and press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest. A$t,o*i;ation 5*o$/: "his screen is reAuired e*er/ month in production client no3od/ 5ill ha*e access for customization areas. "he same screen is gi*en at user le*el 5hen it is a*aila3le at user le*elC the users 5ill misuse. SAP has gi*en authorization group. 1ASIS Administrator gi*es authorization group sa/ M and M 5ill 3e assigned to user I8s manager accounts and deput/ manager accounts. <hen 5e open the s/stem 5ith the a3o*e user I8s then onl/ 5e can change the periods at the user le*el. Posting /e*iods ent*9 at end $se* a*ea: Path: %ccounting -Financial accounting -.eneral 'edger - En6ironment -Current settings-open and close posting periods ( $ransaction code :S<%'2<=;0098>2 Select position 3utton Posting period *ariant? A+& Enter Do)$0ent t9/e and no. *anges In normal accountingC account person onl/ 5ill pass all the entries. 4e 5ill get *oucher noIs continuousl/. In SAP *oucher 5e call it as document. .I Accounts Person +aterial 0eceipt Pa/ment Sales 2 3 ++ Stores Person 1 S8 Sales Person



"o get document num3er seriall/ SAP has gi*en document t/pe 8oc.t/pe )o.0ange SA 71 0E 72 1777716277777 2777716377777 0: 73

)o.0ange inter*al 16177777

<e are getting the document noIs continuousl/ 3/ seeing the document num3er 5e can tell 5here it is generated. In a /ear 177777 *ouchers are consumed s/stem gi*es a message 5e gi*e a*aila3le num3ers 3777716-77777 Path:SP23-Financial accounting-Financial accounting .lobal settings -Document -Document ?eader-De!ine Document $ypes ($r)code:30%; Select position 3utton 8ocument t/pe select $& Account document Enter Select t/pe Select details 3utton 'CtrlPShiftP.2( )um3er range $i*e the compan/ code Select inter*al 3utton )o.range Gear .rom num3er "o )um3er Current num3er 8eselect e#ternal'E#t( chec, 3o# If 5e select e#ternal chec, 3o#C 5e ha*e to gi*e at the time of posting 5hat should 3e the document num3er. Select press enter. Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS Ignore 5arning message press enter )um3er range inter*al canIt 3e transported to production client @ 5hat e*er num3er for de*elopment client for testing. 1. 2. Consultant is an outsider @ he does not ,no5 ho5 man/ document num3ers are reAuired for each area. All the departments 5ant to ha*e 1X177777 5hich is not possi3le. In li*e en*ironmentC 3efore going li*e all the department heads sit together and decide for production client. ?1 ?177777 ?7 ?71 ?2772 ?71 ? A+& Select num3er range information 3utton Select change inter*als 3utton 'W( ?SA ? SA

<hat should 3e .I document num3er <hat should 3e ++ document num3er <hat should 3e S8 document num3er. SAP ha*e gi*en t5o options. Opetion1? Gear specific 716277!616177777 577777 577771 Option 2? Common to all /ears 716 616177777






1st Entr/ 8ate?2-.7 .2772 Posting date?2-.7 .2772 2nd Entr/ Entr/ date?2 .7 .2772 Posting date?31.73.2772 )ote? companies follo5 1st option.

means an/ /ear in 2nd option 5e donIt ,no5 ho5 man/ 8ocuments 5e ha*e posted for each /ear

Fie!d stat$s va*iant and "ie!d stat$s g*o$/s At the time of posting on screen 5e get around !7 fields. .ields are Aualit/C te#t ')arration(C 3usiness areaC *alue date 8e3it Credit !7 .iled !7 .iled 666666 1-7 .iled TTTT If 5e start filling up all the fields it ta,es so much time to post one document.

SAP has gi*en a facilit/ to ma,e an/ filed as 1. 1. 2. 3. Suppress 2. 0eAuired 3. Optional

Suppress? "he filed 5ill not 3e *isi3le on screen a the time of posting. 0eAuired? <e ha*e to enter *alues to the field compulsor/. "he field *alue 5ill appear 5ith Auestion mar, or tic, mar,65ithout entering the *alues 5e can not go to ne#t screen. Optional? "he field 5ill 3e *isi3le on screen our choice to enter *alues or not the fields selection is not common to all accounts. It depends on the account 5hat 5e are using. In case of sales account Auantit/ filed is reAuired. In case of repairs account Auantit/ filed is not reAuiredC 5e ha*e 1777 accounts @ 5e ha*e to create 1777 scenarios. In stead of creation of 1777 scenarios SAP ha*e gi*en field status groups. .iled status $roup Suppress reAuired optional

0epairs A9c EAuit/ share capital Sales A9c Purchase A9c Cash A9c 1an, A9c

$eneral materials Auantit/ select 1an, Accounts cost Accouts

1. <hen 5e create accounts 5e ha*e to assign field status group. 2. .or filed status group 5e is field is suspected and 5hich filed is optional. 3. At the time of posting 3/ the user6he gi*es the account num3er the screen 5ill appear 3ased on the fields selection to the field status group 5hich is assigned in account num3er. -. .iled status groups are created under field status *ariant and field status *ariant is assigned to compan/ code 9 codes. After5ards? Cash account 8r "o EAuit/ share capital


1an, accounts D :alue date te#t 1usiness area D 0eAuired Entr/ $eneral Y "e#t 1usiness area D 0eAuired entr/ Screen la/out at the time of posting Path:SP23- Financial accounting - Financial global settings - Document -'ine item-Controls- De!ine !iled status 6ariants Select field status *ariant 1777 that is I8ES group Select cop/ as 3utton '.%( Change filed status *ariant '.S":( to A+& Change field status name to field status :A0 for A+& Press enter Select cop/ all 3utton <e get a message num3er of dependent entries copies -! Enter Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS Select /our reAuest and press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest. Select field status *ariant ? A+& 8ou3le clic, on field status groups folder 8ou3le clic, field status on $771 that general '5ithCte#tC allocation( 8ou3le clic, on $eneral data "e#t ma,e it reAuired entr/ filed Select ne#t group 3utton Select ne#t page or page do5n 3utton t5o times. 1usiness areas ma,e it as reAuired entr/ field Sa*e 8ou3le clic, on field status group $775 "hat is 1an, A9c o3ligator/ *alue date 8ou3le clic, on $eneral data "e#t ma,e it as reAuired entr/ field Select ne#t group 3utton Select ne#t page or page do5n 3utton t5o times. 1usiness area ma,e it as reAuired entr/ field. Select ne#t group 3utton t5o timesC :alue date ma,e it as reAuired entr/ filed. Sa*e.


:alue date' Effecti*e date(? "erm loan from I81I ?27.7 .2772 8eposit 3/ us in our 3an, ?22.7 .2772 8ocument date ?22.7 .2772 Posting date ?22.7 .2772 In SAP 5e ha*e interest calculationsC Interest calculations in our 3oo, from 22.7 .2772 5here as I81I calculates from 27.7 .2772. "here 5ill 3e mismatch. Interest calculations? :alue date ?0eAuired entr/ filed 8ocument date ?22.7 .2772 Posting date ?22.7 .2772 :alue date? 27.7 .2772 field is modifia3le after posting . In our 3oo,s also interest 5ill 3e calculated from 27.7 .2772 :alue date 8OC F POS ?31.72.2772

Assign )o0/an9 )ode to "ie!d stat$s va*iant : Path: SP23-Financial accounting-Financial accounting .lobal settings-Document - 'ine time-Controls-%ssign company code to !ield status 6ariants) Select position 3utton $i*e the compan/ code ?A+& Enter .or compan/ code Assign field status *ariant Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest ?A+& ?A+&

SALES TAX PROCEDURE $eneral ledgerC Accounts pa/a3leC Accounts recei*a3le and Assets accounting 1asic E#cise :A" 9CS" "o do normal posting alsoC sales ta# procedure is reAuired. A( Create procedure 1( Create ta# codes C( Create accounts


8( 8esign accounts Assign for countr/ in6ta# ;S ' Sales ta# ;SA( "a# I) 'sales ta# India( "emporar/ assignment .or our compan/ an/ code? Countr/ I) )ote the path this one SP23-Financial accounting -Financial accounting global settings-$ax on sales @ Purchases - 0asic settings %ssign country calculation procedure Select position 3utton $i*e the countr/ I) for India Enter .or countr/ I) assign procedure "a#;S Sales "a# @ ;SA Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest. TOLERANCE 5ROUPS: "his is t5o t/pes 1.$& Accounts a( 0eceipts 9 Pa/ment transactions 3( +andator/ area 0etained area called open item management. "his is used for *endorsC customers and 3alance sheet accounts 5here clearing is reAuired. Outstanding e#penses A9c Salaries 1an, 15777 0ent <ages 177777 577777 15777 2.Emplo/ee

If 5e see the account in the month end or /ear end65e 5ill ha*e no of credits and no. of de3its. <e donIt ,no5 5hich item is pending and ho5 much is pending. As per SAP open item management @At the time of ma,ing pa/ment @S/stem 5ill as against 5hich pro*ision 5e are ma,ing the pa/ment. <hen 5e specif/ the pa/ment is 3eing made against rent pro*ision. It clears the transaction. "he ad*antage is 5e can see the account in 3 5a/s. 1( If 5e select open items pa/a3le Eg.Salaries and <ages. 2( If 5e select cleared items ?paid Eg.0ent and 3an, 3( If 5e select all items? Pa/a3le P paid "he same 5a/ 5e use for *endors and customers and also. 1an, @ .or 1 1an, @.or 2 1an,6.or3 1an, for 1an, for 5 :endors M A9c 177 277 377 -77 577 1 2 3 5 1777 2777 3777 -777 5777

1ill 5ise out standings 5e can see for *endor. <e can ha*e tolerances 'pa/ment differences(. It can 3e amount tolerance or percentage tolerance or 3oth it can 3e de3it amount or credit amount. Outstanding e#penses A9c


Salaries 0ent 1an, 15777 <ages 1an, 177777 Commission 177777 177775

577777 15777

"here is difference of 0s.5 in the account for commission 5hich need not 3e paid. <e can difference tolerances. "olerance $roup A 1 Amount percentage 177 5Z

A( <e ha*e to assign tolerance group in account @in outstanding e#penses A9c 5e ha*e assigned tolerance group A 1( At the time of ma,ing pa/ment s/stem chec,s Pro*ision 177775 Pa/ment 177777 8ifference 5 If the difference of 0s.5 is 5ithin tolerance group amount. i.e.177 s/stem 5ill clear the pro*ision and transfer to sundr/ 3alances 5ritten off account at time of ma,ing pa/ment. 8isad*antages? 1. "olerance group is gi*en at account le*el and not at the transaction le*el. Outstanding e#penses A9c. Salaries 1an, 15777 0ent 15777 <ages 177777 1an, 177777 Commission 177775 577 177 577777 8iff to gi*e 277 15

2. "here is not fle#i3ilit/ amount percentage tolerance group. A 177 1 5Z C 7 Outstanding E#penses A9c. 1an, 15777 1an, 177777 Salaries 577777 0ent 15777 <ages 177777 Commission 177775

If 5e gi*e tolerance group A in outstanding e#penses account if the difference is less than tolerance group amount and transferring sundr/ 3alances 5ritten of account automaticall/. <hen 5e gi*e tolerance group C instead of A in outstanding e#penses account. Outstanding e#penses A9c. 1an, 1an, 1an, 177777 15777 177777 Salaries 0ent Commission 577777 15777 177775


Pro*ision Pa/ment 8ifference )ot pa/a3le "ransfer 5

177775 177777 66666666666 5 TTTTTTT pa/a3le )o5 0s.177777 as part pa/ment

"o sundr/ 3alances off a9c and clear the transaction. "his is mandator/ area. "olerance $roup A 1 C Amount 177 7 Percentage 5Z


Instead of crating group C 6 ,eep the filed 3lan, and gi*e amount zero. <hile creating 1777 $& accountsC :endor accounts and customer accounts. Oeep tolerance group field 3lan,C s/stem e#pects 5e ha*e created 3lan, "olerance group and alread/ assigned. .or our compan/ code? 5e are creating 3an, tolerance group 5it amount zero so that no need to assign. "olerance group 5hile creating the accounts. Path :SP23 - Financial accounting - .eneral 'eger %ccounting -0usiness transactions-open item clearing clearing di!!erence- De!ine tolerance groups !or .@' %ccounts Compan/ code "olerance group 8escription 8e3it posting Credit posting 8e3it percentage Credit percentage Sa*e ? A+& ?1lan, ?"olerance group for A+& ?7 ?7 ?7 ?7

Select /our reAuest and press enter and sa*e in /our reAuest. "olerance group for emplo/ees. ;ser 5ise upper limits for posting "olerance $roup A 177777 177777 1 C 17777777 Amount per document 17777777 Amount per open item account item 7 5 17 Cash 8iscount 7 7 7 Pa/ment 8ifferenced <e ha*e 1777 users distance @ 5e ha*e to create 1777 scenarios 'short cut method( 177777 177777 Accounts 8ept? 1. Cit/ office cashier 2. .actor/ cashier 3. 1ranch cashier -. Account 1 A 5. Account 2 %. 8eput/ +anager Accounts !. +anager Accounts 2. 8$+ Accounts In li*e en*ironment 9 training institutes

1 C


SAP ;ser SAP ;ser SP userA1C


A ;se onl/ ;se onl/ A

1lan, A

Path: SP23-Financial %ccounting -.eneral 'edger %ccounting -0usiness transactions - 3pen ,tem clearing Clearing di!!erences - De!ine tolerance groups !or employees) Select ne5 entries 3utton $roup ? 1lan, Compan/ code ? A+& ;pper limits for posting Amount per document '+a#imum Amount ( Amount per open item account item cash discount per line item 17 Permitted pa/ment difference ? 1lan, Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest. ENTER 5LO6AL PARA1ETERS: Path :SP23-Financial accounting -Financial accounting global settings-Company code-Enter global parameters Select position 3utton $i*e the compan/ code Enter Select compan/ code Select details 3utton '.2( ?A+& ?A+&

Select 3usiness area financial statements chec, 3o# Select propose fiscal chec, 3o# Select define default *alue date chec, 3o# Select negati*e posting permitted chec, 3o# Select addition data 3utton Compan/ code ? A+& 1usiness Area ? 4G8 1$& 1usiness place ?Cit/ factor/ Cit/ office .actor/ Permanent Account )o. 'PA)( @ At compan/ Code le*el'.orm - A( 17 8igits Alpha numeric code "a# 8eduction at Source )o 'In SAP "8S )o. 9 "A)( .orm - 1 617 8igits alpha numeric code At compan/ code le*el 9 3usiness area le*el 9 at 3usiness place le*el '$I0 )o.? $eneral Identification )um3er( "8S )o.A1C8E 35-%!) PA) )O.111115%!2) Select 3ac, arro5C then Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest

Negative /ostings: In case of re*ersals if 5e select negati*e postings chec, 3o# it reduces from the same side. In SAPC 5hen 5e post a 5rong entr/C 5e canIt change the document. <e ha*e to go for re*ersal or pass rectification entr/. 1. EAuit/ share capital receipt? Cash account 8r "o EAuit/ share capital -77777 -77777 8oc.)o.1


2. Preference share capital receipt? Cash account 8r "o EAuit/ share capital 0e*ersal 3. EAuit/ Share capital "o Cash account -.Cash Account "o Preference share Capital 0ectification 3. EAuit/ share capital "o Preference Share capital Account )o.177777 Compan/ code .iscal /ear Period 1 2 3 5 % ! 8e3it Amount

177777 177777 8oc )o.2

8r 8r

177777 177777 8oc.)o.3 177777 177777 8oc )o.-


177777 177777 8oc.)o.3

&edger summar/ A+& 2772 Credit Amount 1alance Cumulati*e 1alance



-77777 Cr 6177777

-77777 Cr 3 0ectifications 7

Cash flo5 statement Opening cash and 3an, 3alances Add? Inflo5s EAuit/ share capital Preference share capital &ess?Out flo5s EAuit/ share capital Closing Cash and 3an, 3alances

1 0e*ersal 5ithout selecting negati*e postings 7 577777 177777 177777 57777 5rong

2 0e*ersal 3/ selecting negati*e postings 7 577777 177777


577777 correct

577777 <rong

To ),e)< t*ans/o*t *e:$est:: Path: Enter $ools - %0%P Aor( bench-36er6ieA-$ransport 3rgani1ation ($r)Code :SE0:

Select find reAuest 'CtrlP.( E#ecute .ind compan/ code 'CtrlP.( 8ou3le clic, on define compan/ code


5ENERAL LED5ER 1ASTERS CREATIONS 1 C,a*t o" A))o$nts !eve! $& Account )um3er Compan/ code Account group <hether it s P F & Account <hether it is a 1alance Sheet A9c 8escription a( Short te#t @ +a# 27 3( &ong te#t @+a#27 2 Co0/an9 )ode !eve! Account currenc/ Onl/ 3alances in local currenc/ "olerance group &ine item displa/ Open item +anagement Sort ,e/ 3 Cent*a!!9 Chart of accounts fields P Compan/ code fields

1 2 3 -. 5 %.

.ield status group

Accounts to 3e created? 1. Surplus in P F & Account @ 0eser*es F Surplus 2. EAuit/ share capital @ Share capital 3. Cash account @current assetsC loans F ad*ances "o chec, accounts groups for gi*ing account num3ers. Path: SP23 - Financial %ccounting - .eneral ledger accounting - .' %ccounts -&aster Data- PreparationsDe!ine %ccount group ($r)Code:30D> Select position 3utton $i*e /our chart of accounts A+& Enter 0eser*es F Surplus Share capital Cash account6current assets 17717761771 17777761777 27717762771

1. "o chec, account6$roup for gi*ing account num3ers. 2. Creation of $eneral CREATION OF 5ENRAL Path : %ccounting-Financial accounting -.eneral 'edger-&aster records -.' %ccounts-,ndi6idual Processing Centrally ($r) Code is FS00 $i*e the $& account 177177 Compan/ code A+& .rom the menu select 6K $& Account create %ccount group: select reser6es B surplus Select 3alance sheet account radio 3utton Short te#t? surplus in P F & Account $& Account &arge te#t? Surplus in profit F &oss Account Select control data ta3 Select onl/ 3alances in local currenc/ in chec, 3o# <e ha*e "olerance group? 1lan,


Select line item displa/ chec, 3o# Short ,e/ select 771 posting data Select create 9 3an, 9 interest .ield status group $771 $eneral '5ith te#tC allocation( Sa*e $& Account Compan/ code $& Account Compan/ code Enter 1/ mista,e sa*e 3utton Gour can not sa*e Change account group to Share capital Select 3alance sheet a9c radio 3utton Change short te#t to eAuit/ Share capital Change $& account long te#t to EAuit/ share capital Other filed common select sa*e 3utton $& Account 277177 Compan/ code ?A+& Select 5ith template 3utton $i*e the $& Account 177177 surplus in P F & account Compan/ code Enter Change account group to current assetsC loans F ad*ances Change short te#t to Cash account Select 3alance sheet a9c radio 3utton Change $& account long te#t to Cash account Select create 9 3an, 9 interest ta3 Change filed status group to $775 3an, accounts 'O3ligator/ *alue date( Select rele*ant cash flo5 chec, 3o#C Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS "o *ie5 the accounts created Select drop do5n 3utton 3eside $& account +atch Code? $i*e the compan/ code Enter Short te#t $& account long te#t ? A+& ? A+& ? A+& ?177177 'Surplus in P F & Account( Select 5ith template 3utton ?177777

? A+& ? At the time of entr/ ? At the time of $eneral ledger displa/

Posting o" t*ansa)tions


Path: %ccounting - Financial %ccounting -.eneral ledger -posting -.eneral posting ($r)Code is F-02 Posting transaction 8ocument date Posting date on Posting date 0eference 8oc )o )ormal cases 8ocument date '.-( "/pe Compan/ code Currenc/ 4as gi*en posting ,e/s Posting ,e/ Positing ,e/ Posting ,e/? Select -7 Account select the drop do5n 3utton $& long te#t Compan/ code $& Account Enter Select account )o.277177 Enter 277177 Cash account @ .iled status $0P6$775 "e#t 1usiness Area :alue date 0eAuired In enter glo3al parameters select define default *alue date chec, 3o# Amount ?-77777 1usiness area ?A+&4 "e#t ? EAuit/ share capital receipt Posting ,e/ ? Select 57 Account select drop do5n 3utton $i*e the compan/ code A+& and press enter Select account ?177777 EAuit/ share capital Press enter Amount enter ?R'star( )ote? R 'star( +eans de3its and credits eAual 577777 377777 R ? A+& ? NR ?RCashR -7 57 $& account 8e3it $& Account Credit ?A+& ? I)0 ?37.7 .2772 ?SA Posting date? 5ill come automaticall/ this is ser*er date. ?1 ? 37.7 .2772 ?Part/ 3ill )o. ?1797!92772 ? In case of purchases document date 5ill 3e part/ 3ill date6 5e can enter manuall/ 37.7 .2772 ? &edger updation 5ill 3e 3ased on posting date period 5ill appeal automaticall/ 3ased

or select .-6 It gi*es calendar and select .62 @ It selects toda/Is date .

S/stem does not ,no5 de3its and credits to differentiate 3et5een de3it and credit SAP

Cash A9c 8r "o EAuit/ "o Preference


1usiness area ?A+&4 "e#t Enter ?P U P U'plus( mean copies the last line item narration in the same document. Salaries A9c 'Salaries pro*ision for Sep.( <ages A9c 8r '<ages pro*ision for Sep.( "o outstanding E#p <e can not use R Press enter .rom the menu select document simulate 'Shift P. ( In one document 5e can ha*e line items. 8e3it 5ill 3e posted 5ithout an/ assign and credit amount 5ill 3e posted 5ith minus sign. Select sa*e 3utton or CtrPS <e get a message document 1 5as posted in compan/ code?A+& 4o5 to *ie5 the last posted document 1. .rom the menu select document displa/. Select displa/ document header 3utton or '.5( Dis/!a9 do)$0ent Path: %ccounting - Financial accounting - .eneral ledger-Document -Display ($r)Code:F009 Select document list 3utton $i*e the compan/ code 8ocument t/pe Select e#ecuti*e 3utton '.2( "o *ie5 last one 5ee, posted document 2-97 92772 to 191792772 Select e#ecute 3utton "o *ie5 self 'documents posted 3/ us( Select o5n documents onl/ chec, 3o# "o *ie5 documents posted 3/ a specific user .rom the menu select @K Edit @K 8/namic @K Selections 'Shift P.-( ;ser name ?SAP;SE0 Select e#ecute '.2( 3utton 8ou3le clic, on document no.1 C,ange do)$0ent : Path: %ccounting - Financial %ccounting -.eneral ledger-Document -Change ($r)code is F002 ?1 ?A+& ?A+& ?SA 8r 177777

8ocument )o. Compan/ code


.iscal /ear Enter


8ou3le clic, on first line item cash account <e can change onl/ *alue date filed assignment filed and te#t filed. A))o$nt dis/!a9: Path: %ccounting - Financial %ccounting -.eneral ledger - %ccount - Display balances ( $r)code is FS*0C "o *ie5 more than one account transactions select multiple selection 3utton 3eside $& Account no. <e 5ant to *ie5 random account num3ers transactions. Press select single *alue ta3. $i*e the account no.177177 277177 Select cop/ 3utton "o *ie5 continuous account num3ers transactions Press select inter*als ta3 &o5 limit ?177777 ;pper limit ?1777 Select cop/ 3utton Account no.177757 "o e#clude an account from the range Select e#clude single *alue ta3 Singe *alue ? 177757 Select cop/ 3utton "o e#clude a range of accounts ?select e#clude inter*als ta3 &o5 limit ;pper limit Select cop/ 3utton "o *ie5 onl/ one account Select drop do5n 3utton 3eside $& Account $i*e the compan/ code Enter Select account no.177777 EAuit/ share capital Compan/ code .iscal /ear 1usiness area Select e#ecute '.2( 3utton 8ou3le lic, on cumulate 3alance amount 8ou3le clic, on document )o.1 Select call up document o*er*ie5 3utton '. ( Select 3ac, arro5 '.3( 8ocument )um3er Posting date "e#t Amount ?A+&4 ?A+& ?2772 ?A+& ?177757 ?17775


1 2 3 "otal Amount <e can create our o5n line la/out 'o( to )*eate o$* o(n !ine !a9o$t: Select change la/out 3utton 'CtrlP.2( Select the filed 5hich are not reAuired Select right arro5 or hide selected fields 3utton .rom hidden fields column Select posting date Select left arro5 sho5 select fields 3utton change column positions Column Pos 8ocument )o. 1 Amount in local currenc/ "e#t Posting date &ength 17 3 2 27 35 17

177777 277777 377777 66666666666 %77777 TTTTTT

Change te#t length 35 characters for amount in local currenc/ select total chec, 3o# Select cop/ 3utton 'o( save t,e !a9o$t: Select sa*e la/out 3utton 'CtrlPS( Option 1 Common to All A( 8eselect user specific Chec, 3o# 1( <e ha*e to sa*e 5ith an/ num3er or name

Option 2 ;ser specific A( Select user specific chec, 3o# 1( 5e can sa*e 5ill an/ num3er or )ame

&a/out ? 9 A+& 8eselect user @ specific chec, 3o# 8escription ? Standard la/out for A+& Select sa*e 3utton Select 3ac, arro5 t5o times E#ecute 8ou3le clic, cumulate 3alance amount 'o( to ),oose o$* !a9o$t: Press select la/out 3utton 'CtrlPS( Select ? A+& 'o( to 0a<e de"a$!t !ine !a9o$t: .rom the menu select settings @ la/out 6 Administration Oeep the cursor on 9A+& Select define default setting 3utton Sa*e Select 3ac, arro5 three times $i*e the account no.277177 cash account E#ecute '.2( 8ou3le clic, on cumulati*e 3alance amount 'o!d Do)$0ent: It is a temporar/ document


"his is user for adEustment purpose or at the time of posting 5e do not ,no5 either de3it or credit. "his document can 3e deleted there is no trac,ing for this document. A( &oans to 8irectors Create as hold document an once he gi*es mone/ 3ac, delete the document. 1( Pa/ment to a part/ @purpose of pa/ment 5e donIt ,no5 Cash 3alance T Account 3alance P9 4old documents 4old documents 5ill not update records Steps? 1. 0un a program called [0."+1&;\ for con*ersion of hold documents 2. Creation of hold documents 3. 8elete 9 complete hold documents 1. R$n a /*og*a0 )a!!ed =RFT16LU> "o* )onve*sion o" ,o!d do)$0ents

Path : $ools - %0%P Dor(bench- De6elopment -%0%P Editor (SE9= Program ? gi*e the program name ?0."+1&;\ Select e#ecute 3utton Select no. termination for read error chec, 3o# E#ecute 2. C*eation o" ,o!d do)$0ents ;se the transaction code '.672( 8ocument date "/pe Compan/ code? A+& Posting ,e/ Account no. Enter $i*e the amount 1usiness area "e#t "em parr/ document )o. Select hold document 3utton <e get a message document A+& 5as held Second .672 $i*e the document date? "oda/ date "/pe Compan/ code Posting ,e/ Account 277177 'Cash account( Enter $i*e the amount 27777 ?A+& ? -7 ?SA ?A+&4 ?Amount paid to +r.M ?A+& ? 5777 ?57 ?277177 'cash account( ? "oda/ date ?SA

.rom the menu select document hold


1usiness area "e#t Posting ,e/? Account no.? Enter Amount enter 1usiness area "e#t

?A+&4 ? 4old document testing ? 57 177777 'EAuit/ share capital( ?R 'Star( ? A+&4 ?P

.rom the menu select 8ocument @K 4old $i*e the temporar/ document no. 123-5% 'gi*e an/ num3er( Select hold document 3utton 4. De!ete # Co0/!ete ,o!d do)$0ent -F? 3. ;se the transaction code f672 .rom the menu select Path :Document - .et held document -Select document list button Oeep the cursor on document num3er 123-5% Select delete 3utton select /es 3utton select 3ac, arro5 '.3( select document list 3utton Oeep the cursor on document no. select choose 3utton $i*e posting ,e/ Account no. Enter Amount Enter 1usiness Area "e#t ?R'Star( ? A+&4 ?P ?-7 ?177777 EAuit/ share ?A+&

.rom the menu select document @Simulate and sa*e

Pa*< Do)$0ents : "his is used for appro*als Cashier Enter the document he 5ill par, in the s/stem Accounts 5ill not 3e updated Account 5ill not 3e updated Informs to S0 person appro*al S0 person he can ma,e changes to the document form amount 9 8ate 9 head of account 3efore release And release document Once he release the document 5ill 3e posted and updates records

Ste/s: 1. Posting of pac,ed document 3/ cashier 2. Informed to Sr. person for release @1e cashier


3. 8ispla/ pac,ed document and change date and amount -. After changeC inform to Cashier a3out appro*al 5. 8ispla/ changes to pac,ed document @. Posting o" Pa)<ed Do)$0ent Path : %ccounting - Financial accounting - .eneral 'edger- Posting-.eneral document par(ing (F-85 $i*e the document date 8ocument t/pe Compan/ code Posting ,e/ Account Enter Amount 1usiness area "e#t Posting ,e/? Account Enter Amount enter 1usiness area "e#t ? R'Star( ?A+&4 ?P ? A+&4 ? par, document testing ?57 ?177777 'EAuit/ share capital( ? ? "oda/ date ? SA ? A+& ?-7 ?277177 'Cash account(

From the menu select - Document - Par( document 3. In"o*0ed to Senio* Pe*son "o* *e!ease From the menu select system -Eshort message $i*e the title 0ecipient t/pe ? Please release 8oc.)o.3 ? Select SAP logon name 0eceipt user id of Senior person 'sap user( Select e#press mail chec, 3o# 'Screen do5n right side( Select send 3utton 'ShiftP.2( From the menu select system > Create session 4. Dis/!a9 /a)<ed do)$0ent and ),ange date and a0o$nt Path :%ccounting -Financial accounting - .eneral ledger-Document - par(ed documents- post @ delete (F0F0 Select document list 3utton $i*e the compan/ code Enter 3/ user I8 E#ecute '.2( 8ou3le clic, on document no.3 "o change the date Select document header 3utton Change document date and posting date to 5.17.2772 ?A+& ?Cashier


Select 3ac, arro5 Select fast data enter 3utton Change amount %777 8e3it %777 Credit Select 3ac, arro5 .rom the menu select document post Inform to cashier a3out appro*al .rom the menu select @S/stem @KShort message. "itle document no.3 released 0ecipient ;ser Id of Cashier 0ecipient t/pe Select SAP logon name Select e#press mail chec, 3o# Select send 3utton 'left side upper( From the menu select system > Create session 4 .Dis/!a9 ),anges to /a)<ed do)$0ent Path: %ccounting -Financial accounting - .eneral ledger-Document - Par(ed Documents-Display changes (F0F5 Compan/ code ? A+& 8ocument )o ?3 .iscal /ear ?2772 Enter Select all changes 3utton Sa0/!e do)$0ent: "his is used for month end pro*isions Salaries A9c 8r. 177777 0ent 8r 57777 <ages 8r 577777 "o outstanding %57777 Create a sample document and store in the s/stem e*er/ month 3/ coping sample document num3er and 3/ changing date and amount 5e an post the pro*isions 5e 5ill not forget an/ pro*isions. Ste/s: 1. Create 3$& masters A( Salaries A9c Personnel cost 1( 0ent A9c Administration C( Outstanding e#penses @ Current lia3ilities F Pro*ision 2. 8ifference no.range inter*al for no.range M2 3. Creation of sample document -. posting of transaction 3/ cop/ing sample document "o chec, account groups for gi*ing account num3ers. "he transaction code is O18Select position 3utton $i*e the chart of accounts ? A+& Enter "he personnel cost is -771776-771 Administration range -773776-773 Current lia3ilities F Pro*ision range is 17757761775


C*eation o" 5L 0aste*s -FS $i*e the $& Account -77177 Compan/ code ?A+& Select 5ith template 3utton

$i*e the $& Account 177777 'EAuit/ share capital ( Compan/ code Enter Change account group to personnel cost 'Staff cost( Select P F & statement radio 3utton Change short te#t to Salaries A9c Change long te#t to Salaries A9c Other fields are common Select sa*e 3utton or CtrPS $& A9c )o? Compan/ code $i*e the $& account Compan/ code Enter Change account group to Administration Change short te#t to 0ent account Change long te#t to 0ent account Other fields are common Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS $& Account Compan/ code $i*e the $& account Compan/ code Enter Change account group to Current lia3ilit/ F Pro*isions. Change short te#t to Outstanding e#press Change $& Account Outstanding e#press Select control data ta3 Select open item management chec( box Sa*e De"ine no. *ange inte*va! "o* no. *ange X3: Path: SP23 - Financial accounting -Financial accounting global settings - Document - Document number ranges- ($r)Code is F0C* $i*e the compan/ code ?A+& ?A+& ?177777 'EAuit/ share capital( ? A+& Select 5ith template 3utton ?177577 ?A+& ?-77177 salaries ?A+& Select 5ith template 3utton .-77377 ?A+&


Select change inter*als 3utton Select inter*al 3utton )o. range Gear .rom num3er "o num3er Enter F Sa*e Ignore the message press enter C*eation o" sa0/!e do)$0ent Path: %ccounting - Financial accounting - .eneral ledger - Posting - 2e!erence documents - Sample document (F-0* 8ocument date ?37.7 .2772 Posting date "/pe Compan/ code ?A+& Posting ,e/ Accounting Enter Ignore the 5arning message Cpress enter Amount 1usiness area ? A+&4 "e#t Posting ,e/? Account Enter Account 1usiness area ? A+&4 "e#t Posting ,e/? Account no. Enter Amount enter "e#t ?R ? Pro*ision for the month 1usiness area ?A+&4 Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS <e get a message document 577771 5as stored in compan/ code ? A+& 8. Posting o" t*ansa)tion A9 )o/ing sa0/!e do)$0ent : F? 3. .rom the menu select document post 5ith reference. $i*e the document no. ?577771 ? 0ent pro*ision for the month ?57 ?177577 'out standing e#p( ?!5777 ? Salaries pro*ision for the month ?-7 ?-77377 '0ent account( ?577777 ?-7 ?-77177 'salaries a9c( ?37.7 .2772 ?SA ?M2 ?2772 ?577771 ?577177


Compan/ code .iscal /ear Select displa/ line items chec, 3o# Enter Change the document date Posting date Enter Ignore the 5arning message press enter Change the amount to %77777 "e#t Amount Enter &ine item ha*ing zero 5ill not update records Ignore the 5arning message Amount enter .or te#t Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS 1ont, end /*ovisions: Option 1? Accrual 9 8eferral document Option 1? Accrual 8eferral document 31.17.2772 Salar/ pro*ision Salaries 8r "o out standing ?R'star ( ?2772


?31.17.2772 ?31.17.2772

?Add Octo3er 'Salaries for the month of Octo3er( ?7

? Add Octo3er

.rom the menu select document simulate

Option 2 Open item management

177777 177777

71.11.2772 re*ersal ne#t month 1st Outstanding 8r "o Salaries 75.11.2772 Pa/ment of salaries Salaries 8r "o 1an,

177777 177777 175777 175777

31.17.2772 75.11.2772

Salaries A9c 177777 175777 71.11.2772



Outstanding E#penses A9c 31.17.2772 177777



Profita3ilit/ effect?? .or Octo3er .or )o*em3er 3ecause Octo3er Option 2? open item management 31.17.2772 Salaries pro*ision Salaries 8r "o out standing 75.11.2772 Salaries pa/ment Out standing 8r Salaries 8r "o 1an, Salaries A9c 31.17.2772 5.11.2772 177777 5777

177777 5777

177777 177777 177777 5777 175777

Outstanding E#penses A9c 31.17.2772 7191192772 177777 177777 5777 Profita3ilit/ effect .or Octo3er .or )o*. 3ecause of Octo3er salaries 177777

Companies follo5 1st option 'other than /ear end( In case of option 2 @ the person 5ho ma,es the pro*ision is accountant and the person 5ho is ma,ing the pa/ment and clearing is Cashier 6 Cashier has to trac, the pro*ision and clear against the pro*ision. Option 1? Accrual 9 8eferral document ? Steps 1.Creation of re*ersal reason and re*ersal reason should allo5 us to re*erse on an/ da/. 2. Enter accrual 9 8eferral documents A( 0ent Pro*ision 72.17.2772 1( Salar/ pro*ision 31.17.2772 3.0e*ersal of accrual 9 deferral documents in one step 1.C*eation o" *eve*sa! *eason and *eve*sa! *eason s,o$!d an9 da9. Path : SP23- Financial accounting -.eneral ledger accounting-0usiness transactions -%d+ustment posting @ 2e6ersal - De!ine reason !or re6ersal Select ne5 entries 3utton 0eason ?11 "e#t ? 0eal 9 8eferral 0e*ersal reason for A+& Select neg. posting chec, 3o# Select alternati*e position date chec, 3o# Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS Sa*e in /our reAuest If 5e do not select alternati*e posting date chec, 3o# 31.17.2772 Salaries 8r "o out standing S/stem 5ill allo5 /ou to re*erses onl/ 31.17.2772 <e 5ant to re*erse ne#t month 1st select alternati*e posting date chec, 3o#


Rent /*ovision: Path : %ccounting - Financial %ccounting - .eneral ledger -Periodic processing - Closing - Faluate- Enter %ccrual @ De!erral Document ($r)Code is F0S* 8ocument date "/pe Compan/ code 0e*ersal reason 0e*ersal date Posting ,e/ Amount Enter Amount 1usiness area "e#t Posting ,e/ Account no. Enter Amount 1usiness area "e#t ? A+&4 ?P ? R'star( ?A+&4 ? 0ent pro*ision for Octo3er ?57 ?177577 'out standing e#p( ?57777 ? A+& ? Select 11 ?1.11.2772 'ne#t months( ?-7 ?-77377 '0ent A9c( ? "oda/ date ?SA

.rom the menu select document @KSimulate and sa*e Sa!a*ies /*ovision: "r.Code is .1S1 8ocument date Posting date "/pe Compan/ code 0e*ersal reason 0e*ersal date Posting ,e/ Account Enter Ignore the 5arning message press enter $i*e the amount 1usiness area "e#t Posting ,e/ Account Enter Amount ?R A+&4 ?Salaries pro*ision for the month of Octo3er 57 ?177577 'outstanding e#p.( 177777 ?A+& ?11 ?71.11.2772 ?-7 ?-77177 'Salaries A9c( ?3117.2772 ?31.17.2772 ?SA


1usiness area "e#t

?A+&4 ?P

.rom the menu select document @K Simulate and sa*e

Reve*sa! a))*$a! # De"e**a! do)$0ent : Path : %ccounting - Financial %ccounting - .eneral 'edger - Periodic processing - Closing -Faluate 2e6erse accrual @ De!erral Document ($r)Code is F)=* $i*e the compan/ code 0e*erse posting date Select te#t run chec, 3o# E#ecute '.2( Select re*ersal documents 3utton Select 3ac, arro5 OPTION 3 : O/en Ite0 1anage0ent "his is used *endors customers 9 1alance Sheet items 5here clearing is reAuired. <e ha*e to select open item management chec, 3o# <hile crating the $& accounts Out standing E#penses Salaries A9c <agers A9c 1an, 25777 0ent a9c 577777 377777 25777 ? A+& ?71.11.2772

<e can see the account in 3 5a/s 1. Open items? Pa/a3le @ Salaries and 5ages 2. cleared items ? Paid rent and 3an, 3. All items ? Pa/a3le P paid 3. Scenarios 1st Scenario .ull Clearing Pro*isional and pa/ment @ Same amounts A( Rent P*ovision B-T*ansa)tion )ode F? 3. 8ocument 8ate F posting date ?13.17.2772 "/pe Compan/ code Posting ,e/ Account no. Enter $i*e the amount 1usiness area "e#t ?A+&4 ? 0ent pro*ision ?15777 ? A+& ?-7 ?-77377 '0ent A9c.( ? SA

2nd Scenario Partial clearing

3rd Scenario 0esidual items method


Posting ,e/ Account no. Enter Amount 1usiness area "e#t ?A+&4

?57 ?177577 'outstanding e#p( ?R 'enter star( ?P

.rom the menu select 8ocument @K Simulate and sa*e 6. 'o( to vie( o/en ite0 0anaged a))o$nt t*ansa)tions: Path : %ccounting - Financial %ccounting - .eneral 'edger- %ccount - Display @ Change line items (Tr. Co e is F0'9C $i*e the $& Account Compan/ code Select open items radio 3utton Select normal items chec, 3o# E#ecute '.2( OUT 5ON5 PA21ENT &IT' CLEARIN5: Path : %ccounting - Financial %ccounting - .eneral 'edger - Posting - 3ut going payments (F-0; $i*e the document date "/pe Compan/ code Clearing te#t Account ;nder 3an, data 1usiness Area Amount "e#t Amount t/pe Select process open items 3utton Reve*sed do)$0ents (i!! not a//ea* "o* )!ea*ing: 8ou3le clic, on pa/a3le amount 15777 8ocument @ K Simulate and sa*e $o and see open item account transactions "r.Code is .1&3) $i*e the $& Account no ?.177577 'outstand e#penses( Compan/ code Clearing data E#ecute '.2( ?A+& ? "oda/Is date Select cleared items radio 3utton Select normal items chec, 3o# ?A+&4 ? 15777 ? Outgoing pa/ment ? S'S is default( 'S? Stands for $& Accounts( ? A+& ? outgoing pa/ment ?277177 'Cash A9c.( ? "oda/Is date ? SA ?177577 'outstanding e#p( ? A+&

Account under open item selection ?177577 'out standing e#penses(


Select 3ac, arro5 Select open item radio 3utton E#ecute '6R6 "his s/m3ol is open item'document no. 3elo5(( 2nd Scenario Partial Clearing 3rd Scenario 0esidual items method

<hen 5e ma,e part pa/ment 5e can use either partial clearing or residual items method. Out standing e#p. OI 0ent -7777 Cr Cash 5777 8r 6666666 35777 Cr TTTTT Outstanding E#p. OI 0ent 37777 22777 Cr 6666666 22777 Cr TTTTTTT CI ? 0ent 37777 Cr 0ent 37777 Cr 66666666666666 7 TTTTT A( 0ent Pro*ision 0ent "o Outstanding 1( Part pa/ment Out standing 8r 5777 "o Cash 5777 0esidual? 1alance pa/a3le )ote ? OI means Open Items CI +eans Cleared Items Companies follo5 1st method &e test ,o( to vie( Ai!! (ise o$tstanding: Rent P*ovision F? 3 8ocument date "/pe Compan/ code 0eference Posting ,e/ Account )o. Enter Amount ? -7777 ? A+& ?3-5% ?-7 ?-77377 '0ent a9c( ? "oda/ date ? SA A( 0ent Pro*ision 0ent A9c Outstanding 1( Pa/ment

8r -7777 -7777

8r 37777 37777 0s.2777

Outstanding 8r 37777 cleared "o Cash 2777 "o Outstanding 22777


1usiness Area "e#t Posting ,e/ Account )o. Enter Amount "e#t ?P

? A+&4 ? 0ent pro*ision ? 57 ?177577 'Outstanding e#p.( ? R 'enter star(

.rom the menu select 8ocument @Simulate and sa*e O$t going /a90ent $sing /a*tia! )!ea*ing 0et,od: - T*. Code F? 7. 8ocument 8ate "/pe Compan/ code 0eference Clearing te#t 1usiness area Account "e#t ? 3-5% ?Outgoing pa/ment ? A+&4 ? 5777 ? Outgoing pa/ment ? "oda/Is 8ate ? SA ? A+&

Account under 3an, data? 277177 'Cash a9c(

Account under open item selections 177577 'outstanding e#p( Select process open items 3utton Oeep the cursor on the amount filed of line item against 5hich 5e 5ant to adEust. Select partial pa/ment ta3 Creates pa/ment amount column 8ou3le clic, amount -7777 8ou3le clic, on pa/ment amount -7777 .rom the menu select 8ocument @ KSimulate $i*es a message correct the mar,ed &ine items 8ou3le clic, on 3lue font line items "e#t enter ?P Select sa*e 3utton or Ctrl PS

5o and see o/en ite0 a))o$nt t*ansa)tions $he $ransaction is code is F0'9C $i*e the $& account Compan/ code Select open items radio 3utton. Select normal items chec, 3o# Select e#ecute 3utton "o *ie5 3ill 5ise outstanding ?177577 'outstanding E#p.( ? A+&


Select change la/out 3utton 'CtrlP.2( .rom the hidden fields column Select reference field Select amount in local currenc/ under column contain. Select left arro5 or sho5 selected fields 3utton Select cop/ 3utton Oeep the cursor on reference Select su3 total 3utton "o ma,e 3alance pa/ment of 35777 and cleared pro*ision and part pa/ment -F? 7. $i*e the document date "/pe Compan/ code 0eference Clearing "e#t Amount under 3an, date 1usiness Area Amount "e#t Account Account t/pe Select process open item 3utton 8ou3le clic, on pro*ision -7777 8ou3le clic, on part pa/ment 5777 .rom the menu select document @K Simulate and sa*e $o and see open item managed account transactions -F6L4N( $i*e the $& Account o. Compan/ code Select cleared items radio 3utton Select normal items chec, 3o# E#ecute Resid$a! ite0s 0et,od: 0ent pro*ision .672 $i*e the document date "/pe Compan/ code Posting ,e/ Account no. Enter ? A+& ? -7 ?-77377 '0ent account( ? "oda/s date ? SA ?177577'out standing e#p( ? A+& ?3-5% ? Out going pa/ment ?277177 'Cash A9c( ?A+&4 ?35777 ? Outgoing pa/ment ? ;nder open item selection 177577'out standing e#p( ?S ? "oda/s date ? SA ? A+&


Amount 1usiness area "e#t Posting ,e/ Account no. Enter Amount 1usiness area "e#t ? A+&4 ?A+&4

?37777 ? 0ent pro*ision ?57 ?177577 ' outstanding e#p( ?R ?P

.rom the menu select 8ocument 6KSimulate and sa*e

O$t 5oing Pa90ent Using Resid$a! Ite0s 1et,od: -F? 7. $i*e the document date "/pe Compan/ code Clearing "e#t Account under 3an, date 1usiness area Amount "e#t Account t/pe Select process open item 3utton Account ? ;nder open item selection 177577 'out standing e#p( Oeep the cursor on the amount filed of the line item against 5hich 5e 5ant adEust. Select residual items ta3 It creates residual items column 8ou3le clic, on ne#t amount 37777 8ou3le clic, on residual items amount .rom the menu select 8ocument @K Simulate It gi*es the message correct the mar,ed line items. 8ou3le clic, on 3lue font line item. "e#t enter Sa*e 5o and see t,e o/en ite0 0anaged a))o$nt t*ansa)tions -F6L4N.: $i*e the $& Account no. Compan/ code Select open items radio 3utton Select normal items chec, 3o# E#ecute ? A+& ?177577 'out standing e#p.( ?P ? A+&4 ?2777 ? out going pa/ment ?S 'default comes( ? A+& ? out going pa/ment ? 277177 'Cash a9c( ? "o da/s date ? SA


FOREI5N CURRENC2 TRANSACTIONS 1. Chec, e#change rate t/pe 1an, 3u/ing 1an, selling E#ports Imports 9 E#penditure $ t/pe 1 t/pe

A*erage rate ++ 9S8 users t/pe Path : SP23-S%P Cet Aea6er- .eneral Settings - Currencies - Chec( exchange rate types Select position 3utton E#change rate t/pe? 1 'enter 1( Enter De"ine t*ans!ation *ates "o* )$**en)9 t*ans!ation: $i*ing con*ersion factors for t5o currencies? ;S8 1 =PG 177 E0O 1 ? $1P1 I"&1 =PG 177 Or 1 ? 7.71 7.3! Once 5e follo5 one con*ersion factor follo5 continuousl/ for all the /ears. 8onIt change in 3et5een if 5e change in 3et5een it gi*es 5rong results. "his is gi*en at client le*el and not at compan/ code le*el 'Client 277( Path: SP23 - S%P Cet Aea6er- .eneral settings - Currencies - De!ine translation ratios !or currency translation Ignore the message select /es 3utton. Select ne5 entries 3utton !"chan#e rate type $ '1an, 3u/ing( 1 '1an, selling( + 'A*erage rate( From ;S8 ;S8 ;S8 I)0 To vali (from) I)0 71.17.2772 71.17.2772 1 I)0 71.17.2772 $atio (from) 1 1 1 $atio (to) 1 1 ? ? I)01 ? ? ? I)0 1 I)0 1 I)01 I)01 I)01 3!0s =PGT=apanese 6 Gen $1PT$reat 1ritain 6Pound I"&TItalian 6&ira

Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest. Ente* eC),ange *ates: Path: SP23- S%P Cet Aea6er- .eneral settings- currencies - Enter exchange rates Fo*eC TaA!e <e can enter 8ail/ Auotations 9 <ee, end Auotations 9 +onth end Auotations. .or each da/ end for each t/pe 5e can enter onl/ one rate. Select ne5 entries 3utton !"chan#e type %ali from $ $ 17.17.2772 From currency &irector 'uotation 1 ;S8 -!.77 To I)0


1 +

17.17.2772 17.17.2772

1 1

;S8 ;S8

-!.57 -!.17

I)0 I)0

Press enter and sa*e in /our reAuest. EC),ange *ates ent*9 at t,e End Use* A*ea: Path: %ccounting - Financial accounting - .eneral ledger-En6ironment - Current settings - Enter translation rates (S<0SE<8=000*;> Fo*eign )$**en)9 /ostings "o* end $se* a*ea: SCE)A0IO ?1 <hen e#change rate is not entered at the time of posting. SCE)A0IO 2 <hen e#change rate is entered at the "ime of posting

a. I. 5e donIt enter the rate at the time of postingC it ta,es rate from .ore# ta3le 3. If ta,e the latest date rate 1.17.2772 17.17.2772 Enter date Posting date c. ?15.17.2772 ?7 .17.2772 -5 -!

"o enter default e#change rate t/pe 3ased on document t/pe. $eneral ledger posting ? SA 1an, selling rate Purchase I): posting '.I purchases( ?O0 1an, selling rate ++ Purchases ?0E 1an, selling rate Sales in*oice posting '.I Sales( S8 sales 80 1an, 3u/ing rate 0: 1an, 3u/ing rate

I" (e do not s/e)i"9 s9ste0 ta<es ave*age *ate. 1. "o enter default e#change rate t/pe 1 '1an, selling rate( for document t/pe USAI Use t,e T*. Code is O6A7 Select t/pe ? SA Select details 3utton ;nder default *alues e#change rate t/pe for foreign currenc/ documents. Select 1 '1an, selling rate( Sa*e 3. Posting o" eC/endit$*e in USD F? 3 $i*e the document date "/pe Compan/ code Currenc/ 0ate Posting ,e/ Account Enter $i*e the amount 1usiness area ? A+&4 ?1777 ?A+& ? ;S8 ? 1lan, ?-7 ? -77177 'salar/( ? "o da/s date ? SA


"e#t Enter Posting ,e/ Account Enter Amount 1usiness area "e#t ?R ? A+&4

? Salar/ pa/ment ? 57 ?277177 'cash account(


.rom the menu select 8ocument 6KSimulate "o *ie5 in I)0 Select displa/ currenc/ 3utton Sa*e

&,en eC),ange *ate is eCtend at t,e ti0e o" /osting EC/endit$*e /osting T*.Code is F? 3 8ocument date "/pe Compan/ code Currenc/ 0ate Posting ,e/ Account no. Enter It gi*es the 5arning message e#change rate 57 de*iates from ta3le rte -!.57 3/ 5.2%Z Ignore the 5arning message press enter Amount 1usiness area "e#t Enter Posting ,e/ Account no. Enter Amount 1usiness area "e#t ?A+&4 ?P ?R ?57 ?277177 'Cash account( ? A+&4 ? Salar/ pa/ment ?17777 ;S8 ? A+& ? ;S8 ?57 ?-7 ?-77177 'salar/ account( ? "o da/s date ? SA

.rom the menu select 8ocument 6KSimulate and sa*e RE%ERSELS: 1. Indi*idual 8ocument 0e*ersal 2. 0e*ersal of 0e*ersed document 3. +ass 0e*ersal


-. Clearance Items 0e*ersal 5. Account 8eferral document re*ersal @. Individ$a! Do)$0ent Reve*sa! A( "o re*erse one document at the time 1( "o gi*e re*ersal reason C( At the time of re*ersalC it 5e do not gi*e re*ersal date it ta,es original document posting. 8ate incaseC that period should 3e open 1. 8ocument posted on 17th April 2772 8oc.)o.1 $enerated 2. )o5C 5e ha*e open the periods from Septem3er 2772 to Octo3er 2772 %C2772 @ !C2772 3. &edger scrutin/ 6 8oc.)o.1 is 5rong

8ocument )o. 0e*ersal reason 0e*ersal date Sa*e


It ta,es original document posting date 1797-92772 It can not re*erseC since the April period is not open Path : %ccounting - Financial %ccounting - .eneral ledger - Document - 2e6erse - ,ndi6idual 2e6ersal (F00= $i*e the document no. Compan/ code .iscal /ear Select 71 re*ersal reason Posting date Select displa/ 3efore re*ersal 3utton Select 3ac, arro5 Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS .rom the menu select 8ocument @K8ispla/ Select $o to 8ispla/ document 4ead 3utton '.5( 8ou3le clic, on document no.1 Select displa/ document header 3utton 1. Posted 8ocuments 1 2 3 5 % 0e*ersal for 1 ! 0e*ersal for 2 2. 8ocument t/pe and no.9ranges ? O6A7 Select t/pe ? SA Select details 3utton )um3er range ?71 0e*ersal 8oc.t/pe ? A1 3. 8ocument displa/ Compan/ code 8oc. "/pe ? F6 4 ? A+& ? SA original documents A1 0e*ersed documents ? 1lan, ?1 ?A+& ?2772

3. Reve*sa! o" Reve*sed Do)$0ent


Indirect method '5or, around( "o re*erse 8oc )o.2 1/ mista,e 5e ha*e re*ersed 8oc.)o.1 and it has generated 8oc.)o.12 ;se transaction code .672 .rom the menu select post 5ith reference $i*e the document no. Compan/ code .iscal /ear ?2772 ?12 ?A+&

Select generate re*erse posting chec, 3o# Select displa/ line items chec, 3o# Enter Enter once again Change the te#t to re*ersal for 8oc )o.12 Enter "e#t Enter Sa*e Enter .rom the menu select 8ocument 6K8ispla/ Select displa/ document header 3utton 3. 1ass Reve*sa! A("o re*erse more than one document at time 5e use mass re*ersal. 1( "he documents to 3e re*ersed can 3e continuous num3ers or random num3ers. Path: %ccounting - Financial accounting - .eneral ledger - Document - 2e6erse - &ass re6ersal (F)=0 $i*e the compan/ code ? A+& "o re*erse random num3ers Select multiple selection 3utton 3eside document no.'66K( ;nder single *alues $i*e document no .2 Select cop/ 3utton 0eason for re*ersal 71 Select test run chec, 3o# E#ecute Select re*erse documents 3utton C!ea*ed Ite0s Reve*sa! ?P

1. $o and see open item managed account transactions 'F6L4N.

$i*e the $& Account )um3er 177577 'out standing e#p( Compan/ code ? A+& Select clear items radio 3utton E#ecute

Out standing e#p A9c 71 17 1an, 15777 0ent 15777


CI 0ent 17 1an, Stop pa/ment instructions to the 3an,er 15777 Cr 15777 8r

A( 0eset cleared items @ 8elin, 3et5een the pro*ision and pa/ment. Out standing e#penses A9c 71 17 1an, 15777 0ent 15777

1( 0e*erse cheAue transaction Out standing e#penses A9c 71 0ent


Path: %ccounting - Financial accounting - .eneral ledger-Document -2eset clear items ($r)Code is F02% Clearing document Compan/ code .iscal /ear Select sa*e 3utton or Ctrl PS Select resetting and re*erse 3utton 0e*ersal reason Enter <e get a message clearing 17 reset Enter 5o and see o/en ite0 0anaged a))o$nt t*ansa)tions T* )ode is F6L4N $i*e the $& Account no.177577 outstanding e#penses Compan/ code ? A+& Select open item radio 3utton E#ecute Inte*est Ca!)$!ations 1alance Interest calculation S "/pe $& Account Item interest calculation P "/pe :endor 9 Customers ?71 ? A+& ? 2772 ? 17

De"ine inte*est )a!)$!ation t9/e: Path : SP23- Financial accounting - .eneral ledger accounting- 0usiness transactions - 0an( account interest calculation - ,nterest calculation .lobal settings - De!ine interest calculation types Interest indication )ame Interest calculation t/pe 1alance interest calculation Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest ? $1 ? 17Z +onthl/ ? Select S


P*e/a*e a))o$nt Aa!an)e inte*est )a!)$!ation: Path : SP23- Financial accounting - .eneral ledger accounting- 0usiness transactions - 0an( account interest calculation - ,nterest calculation .lobal settings- prepare account balance interest calculation ($r)Code 30%% Select ne5 entries 3utton Interest calculation indicator Interest calculation freAuenc/ Calendar t/pe Select 3alance plus interest chec, 3o# Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest Ca!enda* T9/e In case of rupee loans 5e use $ Calendar ? $1 ? Select 71 ? Select $ '22 3193%5(

In case of foreign currenc/ loans 5e use . calendar. .C &oan from S1I &I1O0 P2Z '&I1O0 +ean &ondon Inter 1an, Offer 0ate( .or interest calculations the denomination 5ill 3e al5a/s 3%7 da/s .I1O0 @ .ran,furt Inter 1an, Offer 0ate +I1 6 +um3ai Inter 1an, Offer 0ate

De"ine Re"e*en)e Inte*est Rates? S1I rupees term loan 1797-92772 1797 92772 Interest calculation for the /ear 1st method On 177777 from 1797-92772 to 319739277 at 17Z On 177777 from 1797 92772 to 319739277 at 17Z 15777 63777 66666666 12777 2nd +ethod On 17777 from 1797-92772 to 7 97 92772 at 17Z On 7777 from 1797 92772 to 319739277 at 17Z 5777 !777 666666 12777 TTTTT If the account is ha*ing credit 3alance 17Z If the account is ha*ing de3it 3alance 2Z &oan account @ Interest indicator Account Credit 3alance reference interest rate ? $2617Z Account de3it 3alance reference interest rate $362Z A( Interest rates are gi*en to reference interest rate '$2 and $3( 1( 0eference interest rates are specified separatel/ if there is a credit 3alance and if there is a de3it 3alance and it 5ill 3e assigned to interest indicator C( Interest indicator 5ill 3e specified in loan account. 177777 17777


De"ine *e"e*en)e inte*est *ates: Path : SP23 - Financial accounting - .eneral ledger accounting - 0usiness transaction -0an( account interest calculation - ,nterest calculation -De!ine re!erence interest rates ($r code is 30%C Select ne5 entries 3utton 0ef int.rate &ong te#t 8ate from Currenc/ Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest Select ne#t enter 3utton &ong te#t 8escription 8ate from Currenc/ Sa*e ? $3 ? 8e3it 3alance 2Z interest ? 8r. 1al 2Z int ? 71.7-.2772 ? I)0 ? $2 ? Credit 3alance 17Z interest ?71.7-.2772 ? I)0

8escription also credit 3alance 17Z interest

De"ine Ti0e B De/endent Te*0s Path : SP23 - Financial accounting - .eneral ledger accounting - 0usiness transaction - 0an( account interest calculation - ,nterest calculation- De!ine time - Dependent $erms Select ne5 entries 3utton Interest calculation indicator Currenc/ ,e/ Effecti*e from SeAuential num3er "erms 0ef.interst rate Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest Select ne#t entr/ 3utton '.2( Interest calculation indication Currenc/ ,e/ Effecti*e from SeAuential num3er "erm ? Select de3it interest 3alance interest calculation 0eference rate Sa*e ? $3 ? $1 ? I)0 ?71.7-.2772 ?2 ? $2 ? $1 ? I)0 ? 17.7-.2772 ?1 ? Select credit interest 3alance interest calculation


Ente* Inte*est %a!$es Same path as a3o*e 'Tr co e is 30=9 Select ne5 entries 3utton 0eference interest rate :alid from Interest rate 0eference interest rate :alid from Interest rate Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest ? $3 ? 71.7-.2772 ?2 ? $2 ? 71.7-.2772 ? 17 'one month(

C*eation O" 3 5! 1aste*s A .S1I rupees term loan 1. Interest account Secured loans Intrest

"o chec, account groups for gi*ing account num3ers O6D4 Select position 3utton $i*e the chart of accounts ? A+& Enter Secured loan range ?177377 61773 Interest range ? -77-776-77C*eation O" 5! 1aste*s -Fs $i*e the $& account no. Compan/ code Select 5ith template 3utton $i*e the $& Account no. Compan/ code Enter Change the account group to secured loans Change short te#t to S1I rupee term loan Change $& account long te#t to S1I rupee term loan Change $& Account te#t to S1I rupees term loan Select Create 9 1an, 9 Interest ta3 .ield status group change to $775 Interest indicator select $1 Sa*e "r.Code?FS $& Account no. Compan/ code ?-77-77 ? A+& ? A+& ?177777 EAuit/ share capital . ?177377 ? A+&

Select 5ith template 3utton $i*e the $& account no.?-77177 salaries account


Compan/ code Enter

? A+&

Select t/pe 9 8escription ta3 Change account group to interest Change short te#t to interest a9c $& account long te#t? Interest account Sa*e Assign0ent a))o$nts "o* a$to0ati) /ostings: Path : SP23- Financial accounting - .eneral %ccounting - 0usiness $ransactions - ban( account interest calculation- ,nterest Posting - prepare .' %ccount balance interest calculation ($r)Code 30F2 Select s/m3ols 3utton 7772 Interest paid 2777 $& Account 'paid( Interest account 8r 7772 "o S1I rupees term loan 2777 If more than term loan 2777

-77-77 177377 PPPPPPPPPP ' 17 "imes plus(

'17 times P'plus( mean an/ account num3er( &ength of account no. ma#imum 17 digits <e are using % digits @ 5h/ can not 5e use PPPPPP '% times plus( <hen 5e post a transaction @ Cash account 8r Credit to eAuit/ share capital and 5hen 5e gi*e the account num3er 277177 for cash account and 177777 for EAuit/ Share Capital @ It ta,es in the 3eginning 7777277177 8e3it and 7777177777 Credit and 5hen 5e sa*e it sa*es 5ith 277177 and 177777. If 5e gi*es % times plus @ 5hen 5e simulate for loan it ta,es 777717 and it can not sa*e. S1I rupees term loan 177377 I81I rupees term loan 177371 ICICI rupees term loan 177372 At the time of interest calculationC 5e gi*e for 5hich loan account interest is to 3e calculated. )o5 5e are as,ing the s/stem to calculate interest for 177371 @ I81I rupees term loan account 177371 5ill 3e replaced in PPPPPPPPPP Select accounts 3utton $i*e the Chat of Accounts Enter Accounts s/m3ol 7772 2777 Select sa*e 3utton or Ctrl PS Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest O/en Posting /e*iod -T*.Code is O683. "o open posting periods for April 2772 Select position 3utton $i*e the posting period *ariant ? A+& Enter ? A+& Currenc/ I)0 I)0 $& A9c -77-77 PPPPPPPPPP


.or :ariant .rom the period 1 is Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest

? A+& ?1

S1I rupee term loan receipt : F? 3 17.7-.2772 S1I cheAue date 177777 12.7-.2772 cheAue deposit in 3an, 8ocument date ?12.71.2772 Posting date ?12.7-.2772 Interest calculation in SAP from 12.7-.2772 <here as 3an, calculates from 17.7-.2772 <e are gi*ing *alue date 17.7-.2772 )o5 SAP also calculates interest from 17.7-.2772 8ocument date F posting date "/pe Compan/ code Posting ,e/ Account Enter Ignore the 5arning message press enter Amount 1usiness area :alue date "e#t Posting ,e/ Account ,e/ Enter Amount 1usiness area :alue date "e#t ?R ? A+&4 ?17.7-.2772 ?P ? A+&4 ?17.7-.2772 ? S1I "erm loan receipt ?57 ?177377 S1I 0upee term loan ?177777 ? A+& ?-7 ?277177 'Cash a9c( ?17.7-.2772 ? SA

.rom the ne5 select document simulate and sa*e. Te*0 !oan *e/a90ent -F? 3. 8ue date ?17.7 .2772 CheAue date ?17.7 .2772 "o 3an, credit in S1I 3oo,s onl/ on 12.7 .2772 interest credit 5ill 3e in our 3oo,s 17.7 .2772 S1I gi*es credit from 12.7 .2772 CheAue date ?7!.7 .2772 :alue date ?17.7 .2772 F? 3 $i*e the document date F posting date 7!.7 .2772 "/pe Compan/ code ? A+& ? SA


Currenc/ Posting ,e/ Account no. Enter Ignore the 5arning message press enter Amount 1usiness area :alue date "e#t Posting ,e/ Account Enter Amount enter 1usiness area :alue date "e#t ?R ? A+&4 ?17777 ? A+&4

? I)0 ?-7 ?177377 S1I rupee term loan

?17.7 .2772 ? S1I "erm &oan 0epa/ment ?57 ?277177 'Cash account(

?17.7 .2772 ?P

.rom the menu select document @KSimulate and sa*e 6a!an)e Inte*est )a!)$!ations: Path: %ccounting - Financial accounting - .eneral ledger- periodic processing- ,nterest calculation-0alance interest calculation (F)52 Compan/ code $i*e the $& account Calculation period E#ecute Select 3ac, arro5 "o *ie5 line item 5ise interest Select additional 3alance line chec, 3o# E#ecute Select 3an, arro5 'o( to give e""e)t "o* "!oating *ate o" Inte*est Interest rate change from 17Z to 12Z from 71.7%.2772 On 177777 from 1797-92772 to 3197592772 ]17Z On 177777 from 71.7%.2772 to 7 .7 .2772 ]12Z On 7777 from 1797 .2772 to 319739277 ]12Z Open one more session 5ith SP0O Pat, ?SPRO? Financial accounting - .eneral ledger accounting - 0usiness transactions- 0an( account interest calculation - ,nterest calculation- Enter ,nterest Falues (30=9 Select ne5 entries 3utton 0eference interest rate ? $2 :alid from Interest rate ?71.7%.2772 ?12 ?A+& ?177377 ' S1I 0upee "erm &oan( ?71.7-.2772 to 31.73.277


Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest come to the first session E#ecute Select 3ac, arro5 ,nterest postings to accounts: Change the calculation period ? 71.7-.2772 to 37.7-.2772

Select post interest settlements chec, 3o# Select update master records chec, 3o# Session name Posting to 3usiness area Posting date of session Posting segment te#t Select e#ecute 3utton "o *ie5 the 3atch input session .rom the menu select s/stem @ KSer*ices @K 1atch input Session Select session name ? A+& Select process 3utton Select displa/ errors onl/ radio 3utton Select process 3utton <e get a message processing of 3atch input session completed Select e#it 3atch input 3utton To vie( t,e do)$0ent /osted $se t,e -T*. Code F6 4. $o and see the $& maser 'FS . ? A+& ? A+&4 ?37.7-.2772 ? Interest for April 2772

$i*e the $& Account no. ?177377 'S1I rupee ".&( Compan/ code ? A+& .rom the menu select $& account @6K8ispla/ @6K Select create 9 1an, 9 Interest ta3 Oe/ date of last interest calculation ?37.7-.2772 8ate of last interest run ?27.17.2772 On 5hich date 5e ha*e to run 1. Simple interest S1I rupee term loan 17.7-.2772 177777 77726-77-77 Interest A9c 27776177517 Interest pa/a3le a9c .or ma/ it calculates on 177777 Interest also to post to separate accounts -77-77 Interest on S1I 0upee "erm &oan -77-71 Interest on I81I 0upee "erm &oan -77-72 Interest on ICICI 0upee "erm &oan 77726-77-77 interest on S1I rupee term loanC 5e are calculating interest for I81I rupee term loan In 3atch input session @ select process for5ard radio 3utton 8eselect displa/ errors onl/ radio 3utton -7 -77-77 Interest on S1I "erm &oan 1777 Change account no to -77-71 2. Compound interest S1I rupee term loan 17.7-.2772 177777 37.-.2772 .or ma/ it calculates on 1775!5



'o( to 0a<e o/en ite0s initia!!9 ina)tive: Clearing 1 1777 Cr 2 2777 Cr 3 3777 Cr Pa/ment 1777 8r "he difference is too large for clearing all items are initiall/ inacti*e 1 1777 Cr 2 2777 Cr 3 3777 Cr Pa/ment 1777 8r Path : %ccounting - Financial %ccounting - .eneral ledger - En6ironment - /ser parameter- Editing options ($r)code is F000 Select open items ta3 Select selected items initiall/ inacti*e chec, 3o# Sa*e Fo*eign C$**en)9 6a!an)e Reva!$ation .C term loan '.oreign currenc/ "&( D &ong term 5or,ing capital

.i#ed assets purchase D &ocal assets Imported assets -!77777 5777777 66666666666 377777 TTTTTTTT

21.17.2772 13.17.2772

177777 ;S8 177777 ;S8

-! 57

As per accounting standard 11 'ASII( 1alance to 3e re*aluated and change to profit F loss account. Creation of 3 $& +asters A( S1I .C "erm loan 1( E#change again C(E#change loss Secured loans other income Administration

To ),e)< a))o$nt g*o$/s "o* giving a))o$nt no.O6D4 Select position 3utton $i*e the chat of accounts ? A+& Enter )ote the other income range 377177 to 3771 C*eate o" 5L 0aste*s FS $i*e the $& account no.177371 Compan/ code ? A+& Select 5ith template 3utton $i*e the $& account no Compan/ code Enter Change short te#t and long test to S1I .C term loan Select control data ta3 Account currenc/ change to ;S8 ?177377 'S1I 0upee "erm &oan( ? A+&


8eselect onl/ 3alance and loan currenc/ chec, 3o# Select create 9 3an, 9 Interest ta3 Interest indicator 8elete the dates Sa*e $& Account Compan/ code Select 5ith template 3utton $i*e the $& account no. Compan/ code Enter Select t/pe9 8escription ta3 Change account group to other income change short te#t and $& account long te#t to e#change gain Sa*e $& Account Compan/ code Select 5ith template 3utton $i*e the $& account no.-77377 rent account Compan/ code Enter Change short te#t and $& account long te#t to e#change loss Sa*e DEFINE ACCOUNT PRINCIPLES Path : SP23- Financial accounting(neA -Financial accounting global setting (neA -'edgers-Parallel accountingDe!ine accounting principles Select ne5 entries 3utton Accounting principle ?1 )ame 9 8escription of accounting principle.? I)8IA) ACCO;)"I)$ S"A)8A08S Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest Assign0ent a))o$nting /*in)i/!e to !edge* g*o$/s Same path as a3o*e Select ne5 entries 3utton Accounting principle "arget ledger group Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest De"ine va!$ation 0et,ods Path: SP23- Financial accounting (neA - .eneral ledger accounting (neA -Periodic processing - Faluate- De!ine 6aluation methods Select ne5 entries 3utton ? 11 ?7& ? A+& ? A+& ? -77371 ?-77377 0ent account ? A+& ? A+& ?377177 ? 1lan,


:aluation method 8escription Select al5a/s e*aluate radio 3utton 8ocument t/pe E#change rate t/pe for de3it 3alance E#change rate t/pe for credit 3alance Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest De"ine %a!$ation A*eas Same path Select ne5 entries 3utton :aluation area :aluation method Currenc/ t/pe Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest ? 1A ? A+&1 ? SA

? A+&1 ? .C *aluation 3an, selling method for A+&

? 1 '3an, selling rate( ?1

Select determine e#change rate of ratio 3utton

? Select compan/ code currenc/

Assign va!$ation a*eas and a))o$nting /*in)i/!es Same path Select ne5 entries 3utton :aluation area Accounting principle Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest P*e/a*e a$to0ati) /ostings "o* "o*eign )$**en)9 va!$ation: Path :/pto 6aluate the path is same-Foreign currency 6aluation-Prepare automatic posting !or !oreign currency 6aluation ($r code is 30%* 8ou3le clic, on e#change rate difference using e#change rate ,e/ $i*e /ou chart of accounts Select change *aluation area or right arro5 3utton $i*e the *aluation area Enter E#change rate difference ,e/ e#penses account E#change rate gains account Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest 8elete ledgers 'other than O&( for &edger $roup @ O& ? ;S8 ?-77371 ?377177 ? 1A ? A+& ? 1A ? 11


April @+arch O& =an6 8ec $1 =ul/ @ =une $&

&eading ledger 'India( )on leading ledger 1';S( )on leading ledger 2'Australia(

At the time of posting @ .I 5e donIt gi*e ledger group it updates all the ledgers automaticall/ Indian accounting standards 9 Australian accounting standards .C re*aluation Creation of ledger groups O& Assign ledgers O& and $I 8elete ledgers assigned to ledger group O& other than O& Path :SP23-Financial accounting (neA - Financial accounting .lobal settings (neA - 'edger-De!ine ledger groupSelect ledger group ?7& 8ou3le clic, ledger assignment folder Select ledgers other than O& .rom the menu select delete Ignore the message press enter and sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest Assign eC),ange *ate di""e*en)e <e9 in 5L 1aste* -FS $i*e the $& 177371 S1I .C "erm loan Compan/ code Select control data ta3 E#change rate difference ,e/? Select ;S8 Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS ? A+& .rom the menu select $& Account change . ;S Accounting standards ';S $AAP( Add to asset $1 $1

Foreign currency term loan receipt (F-02 $i*e the document date "/pe Compan/ code Currenc/ 0ate Posting ,e/ Account Enter Ignore the 5arning message press enter Amount 1usiness area "e#t ?A+&4 ?S1I .C "erm &oan 0eceipt ?177777 ? A+& ? ;S8 ?-! ?-7 ?277177 ' Cash account( ? "oda/Is date ? SA


Enter Posting ,e/ Account Enter Amount enter 1usiness area "e#t ?R ?A+&4 ?P ?57 ?177371 S1I .C "erm loan

.rom the menu select 8ocument Simulate and Sa*e

Enter year end exchange rate in Forex table - 300= Select ne5 entries 3utton E#change rate $ 1 Sa*e Fo*eign C$**en)9 Revo!$tion Path: %ccounting - Financial accounting-.eneral ledger-Periodic processing-closing-6aluate-!oreign currency 6aluation (neA ($r)code is F%.'<FC<F%' $i*e the compan/ code :aluation ,e/ date :aluation area Select $& 3alance ta3 Select *aluate $& Account 3alance chec, 3o# $& account 177371 S1I .C term loan Select postings 3utton $i*e the 3atch input session name Select e#ecute 3utton Select 1postings 3utton Select 3ac, arro5 t5o times 1ont, end *eva!$ation 8iff 23.17.2772 31.17.2772 37.11.2772 E#change &oss 31.17.2772 37.11.2772 S1I .C "erm loan 23.17.2772 31.17.2772 71.11.2772 &oss for Octo3er 177777 -! -!.57 57777 277777 177777 577777 57777 37.11.2772 7.57 2.77 Option 2 71.11.2772 57777 -!77777 57777 277777 5777 277777 ?A+& ? 1A ? A+& ?31.73.277 :alid from 31.73.277 31.73.277 .rom ;S8 ;S8 8irect Auotation - .57 57.77 "o I)0 I)0


&oss for )o*em3er 157777 666666666 &oss up to )o*. 277777 TTTTTT /*o)ed$*e "o* 0ont, end *eva!$ation: -T* )ode is FA5LDFCD%AL. Enter month end e#change rates in .ore# ta3le Compan/ code :aluation ,e/ date :aluation area Select crate posting chec, 3o# Select re*erse posting chec, 3o# Select e#ecute 3utton Procedure for /ear end re*aluation Enter /ear e#change rate in .ore# ta3le Compan/ code :aluation ,e/ date /ear end date :aluation area Select create posting chec, 3o# 0e*ersal posting date 8eselect re*erse posting chec, 3o# Select e#ecute 3utton .rom the menu select S/stem @6K Ser*ices61atch input @ Sessions Select session .A$&J.CJ:A&; Select process 3utton $i*e the 3usiness area Enter Second 1usiness area Enter <e get a message processing of 3atch in put session completed Select e#it 3atch input 3utton "o *ie5 the document posted *ie5 the "r.Code .173 Enter Select displa/ currenc/ 3utton End user area SAP eas/ access screen( 4o5 to *ie5 path 5hen transaction code is gi*en In command filed enter search @ SAP6 menu Search @SAP6+enu customization area SP0O ? A+&4 ? A+&4 ?1lan, ? 1A ? A+& ? A+& ? +onth end date ? 1A


Press enter Search te#t entr/ ? .672 Enter CUSTO1I7ATION AREA: ;se the "r.code is SP23 Select find 3utton 'CtrlP.( Search term ? .iscal /ear Enter Select fiscal /ear in area financial accounting glo3al settings Enter


ACCOUNT PA2A6LE "his is su3ledger 'su3sidiar/ ledger(. "his is used 5hen material management '++( module is not implemented for all t/pe purchases material purchase ser*ices. <hen +aterial +anagement'++( module is implemented. "his is used for ser*ices 5here "8S is to 3e deducted. Eg.=o3 5or, charges 9legal and professional charges In normal accounting for ra5 material purchases. Purchase A9c "o part/ 8r

In SAP ?for 0a5 material purchases In*entor/ 0+ 8r $eneral ledger "o part/ Su3 ledger @Sundr/ creditors @$eneral ledger D 0econciliation account on control account "rail 3alance 5ill not match @5hen 5e post to part/ automaticall/ it updates sundr/ creditors @0+ 1asic settings for account pa/a3le? 1. Creation of *endor account groups a( 5e create .I *endors ser*ices parties 3( ++ *endors 60econciliation account +aterial parties 60eAuired entr/ field 2. Create num3er range for *endor accounts? 3. Assign num3er range group to *endor account group. -. 8efine tolerance group for *endors. 5. Creation of 2$& masters. a( In*entor/ ra5 material 6 Current assetsC loans F ad*ances 3( Sundr/ creditors @ 0+ 6Current lia3ilities F Pro*isions %. Creation of *endor master !. 8ocument t/pe and no.ranges O0? :endor in*oices ON? :endor pa/ment OA? :endor document for transfers 9 0e*ersals 2. Posting ,e/s ?31 :endor credit ?25 :endor de3it

C*eation o" vendo* a))o$nts g*o$/s? Path :SP23 -Financial accounting -%ccounts recei6able and accounts payable-Fendor accounts-&aster datapreparation !or creating 6endor master data- De!ine account groups Aith screen layout (6endors Select ne5 entries 3utton Account group )ame ?A+&1 ?.I *endors for A+&

8ou3le clic, on compan/ code data 8ou3le clic, on account management 0econciliation account ma,e it reAuired entr/ field Cash management group ma,e it suppress select sa*e 3utton


select create reAuest 3utton short description ?AP customization for A+& enter press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest select ne#t entr/ 3utton account group A+&2 )ame ?++ *endor for A+& 8ou3le clic, on compan/ code data 8ou3le clic, on account management 0econciliation account ? Sa*e C*eate n$0Ae* *ange "o* vendo*s a))o$nt : ;p to preparation for creating *endor master data path is same Create num3er ranges for *endors account.'"ransaction code is MO)1( Select change inter*als 3utton Select inter*al 3utton )um3er range .rom no. "o no. Enter Select inter*al 3utton once again )o.range .rom )o. "o no Enter Sa*e Ignore the 5arning message press enter ?1?-377771 ?--77777 ?13 ?-277771 ?-377777 +a,e it reAuired entr/ filed. Cash management group select suppress

Assign n$0Ae* *ange to vendo* a))o$nt g*o$/s: Same path Select position 3utton Account group Enter .or account group )um3er range Account group A+&2 )um3er range ?1Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest ?13 ?A+&1 ?A+&1


De"ine to!e*an)e g*o$/ "o* vendo* Path :SP23-Financial accounting-%ccount recei6able and account payable-0usiness truncations-3utgoing payments-manual outgoing payments-De!ine tolerances(Fendors Select ne5 entries 3utton Compan/ code ?A+& "olerance group ? 1lan, 8escription ?"olerance group for A+& Sa*e Press enter sa*e in /our reAuest C*eation 35L 0aste*s -FS .

$i*e the $& account no.277127 Compan/ code ?A+& Select 5ith template 3utton $i*e the $& account no.277177 Cash A9c Compan/ code Enter Change short te#t and $& A9c long te#t to In*entor/ 0+ '0a5 material( Select create 93an, 9interest ta3 .ield status group change to $771 8eselect rele*ant to cash flo5 chec, 3o# Sa*e One more A9c $& Account )o.177571 Compan/ code ?A+& Select 5ith template 3utton $i*e the $& A9c )o.177577 'Outstanding e#p( Compan/ code Enter Select t/pe9 8escription ta3 Change short test and $& account long test to Sundr/ Creditor to 0+ Select control data ta3 8eselect onl/ 3alances in local currenc/ chec, 3o# 0econciliation account for account t/pe select *endor 8eselect open item management chec, 3o# Sort ,e/ Select create 93an, 9interest ta3 .ield status group change to $7%! 'reconciliation accounts( Sa*e C*eation o" vendo* 0aste*: Path : %ccounting-Financial accounting -%ccount payable-&aster records-&aintain centrally-Create ($ransaction code is 4G0* ?Select 712 *endor num3er ?A+& ? A+&


$i*e the compan/ code ?A+& Account group Enter "itle )ame Street Post Cit/ Countr/ "elephone no. ?Select compan/ ?1irla Chemicals &imited ? Ameerpet ?577722 ?4/dera3ad ?In'India( ?7-7123-5% ?A+&1

Select ne#t screen 3utton three times 0econciliation account ?Select 177571 'sundr/ creditors ra5 materials( Sort ,e/ Select ne#t screen 3utton Pa/ment terms "olerance group Sa*e ++ +odule Purchase order D $oods receipt D In*oice *erification ?Select 7771 'pa/a3le immediatel/( ?1lan, ?712 :endor no

Select chec, dou3le in*oice chec, 3o#

.I +odule 8ocument date ?Part/ 3ill date Posting date 31.17.2772 0eference *endor no. part/ 3ill no. 123D Sa*e 8oc no.177771

71.17.2772 7!.11.2772 123D sa*e

S/stem gi*es a 5rong message no.177771 is posted to the part/ 5ith the same amount. 8o /ou 5ant to post once again. Pro*ided 5e select chec, dou3le in*oice chec, 3o# 'If ++ module is not implemented and same 3ill t5o times entr/( Do)$0ent t9/es and no. *anges -O6A7. Select t/pe O0 :endor in*oice Select details 3utton )um3er range 1 ')ote do5n the no.range(


Select num3er range information 3utton $i*e the compan/ code ? A+& Select change inter*als 3utton Select inter*al 3utton )o.range Gear .rom no. "o no. Enter and sa*e Ignore the 5arning message press enter Select 3ac, arro5 3 times Select t/pe )o. range 6ON *endor pa/ment 15 'note do5n the no.range( Select details 3utton Select no.range information 3utton $i*e the compan/ code ?A+& Select change inter*als 3utton Select inter*al 3utton )o.range 15 Enter and sa*e Ignore the 5arning message press enter Select 3ac, arro5 3 times Select t/pe @ OA *endor document Select details 3utton )o.range Compan/ code ? A+& Select change inter*al 3utton Select inter*al 3utton )o.range Gear .orm no. "o no. Enter and sa*e Ignore the message press enter ?1! ?2772 ?377771 ?-77777 1! Select no.range information 3utton /ear 2772 .rom no. 277771 377777 "o no. ?1 ?2772 ?177771 ?277777


'OUSE 6ANE 1an, 3ranch name 1an, Address Contact person "elephone no. Senario1 1. 4ouse 3an, )o.of account I8Is 'Identification( Scenario 2 2 4ouse 3an,s Account I8 Steps? S1I +ain 3ranch D Current A9c )o. 1I 1egumpet 1ranch D Current A9c )o. S1I +ain 3ranch Current A9c )o.1

Current A9c )o.2

Current C9A )o.3

1) Creation of $& +aster S1I current account ;nder Current assets C &oans F Ad*ances
2( 8efine 4ouse 3an, 3) Creation of chec, lots chec, from no.C chec, to no. R In SAP chec, mean cheAue @. C*eation o" 5L 1aste* -FS .

$i*e the $& account no.277175 Compan/ code ?A+& Select 5ith template 3utton $i*e the $& account no.? 277177 Compan/ ? A+& Enter Change short te#t and $& account long te#t sa*e 3. De"ine ,o$se Aan<s

Cash A9c S1I current A9c

Path : SP23-Financial accounting -0an( accounting-0an( accounts -De!ine house ban(s (F,*2 $i*e the compan/ code Enter Select ne5 entries 3utton 4ouse 3an, 1an, countr/ 1an, ,e/ Sa*e 1an, name Street ?State 1an, of India ?1an, Street ?S1I ?I) ?A+&1 'te#t field( ? A+&


Cit/ 1an, 3ranch Enter Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest 8ou3le clic, on 3an, account folder Select ne5 entries 3utton Account I8 8escription 1an, account no. Currenc/ $9& Account no. Select sa*e 3utton 4. C*eation o" ),e)< !ots:

?4/dera3ad ?+ain 3ranch

?S1I1 ?S1I current A9c no.1 ?A+&123?I)0 ?277175 S1I current a9c

Path :%ccounting -Financial accounting-%ccounts Payable -Periodic Processing -payments (F**0 .rom the menu select En*ironmentchec, Information )um3er ranges -FC'I. Pa/ing compan/ code ?A+& 4ouse 3an, Account I8 Select change 3utton 'Shift P.5( Select create 3utton &ot no. Chec, no "o no. Short information Purchase date Enter and sa*e ?1 ?577771 ?577177 ?S1I ?"oda/Is date i.e Chec, 3o# issue date ?S1I ?S1I1

Select @)on seAuential chec, 3o#

+anual pa/ment Automatic pa/ment 1. <e can issue an/ chec, an/ time S/stem 5ill issue chec, one after another 2. SeAuential or )on6seAuential SeAuential P$*),ase invoi)e /osting Path : %ccounting-Financial accounting-%ccount payable -Document entry- ,n6oice general ($ransaction code F->9 $i*e the document date "/pe Compan/ code Posting ,e/ Account Enter ?A+& ?31 ':endor credit( ?-277771 ':endor no.( ?"oda/s date ?O0':endor(


$i*e the amount 1usiness area "e#t Posting ,e/ Account no. Enter Amount 1usiness area "e#t ?A+&4 ?A+&4

?577777 ?Purchase in*oice posting ?-7 ?277127 'In*entor/ ra5 material( ?R ?P

.rom the menu select document Simulate and sa*e 'o( to vie( vendo* a))o$nt t*ansa)tions Path: %ccounting -Financial accounting-%ccount payable-%ccount -Display change line items ($ransaction code is F0'*C $i*e the *endor account Compan/ code ?A+& Select open items radio 3utton Select normal items chec, 3o# Select e#ecute 3utton 4. To vie( gene*a! !edge* s$nd*9 )*edito* *a( 0ate*ia! BT*ansa)tion )ode is FS@ N $i*e the $& account no.?177571 Sundr/ creditor ra5 material Compan/ code .iscal /ear 1usiness area Select e#ecute 3utton 8ou3le clic, on cumulate 3alance amount To vie( vendo* (ise Select change la/out 3utton Select assignment field from the hidden fields column Select amount in local currenc/ 'under column content( Select left arro5 Select cop/ 3utton 177571 Sundr/ creditors 0+ Sort ,e/ ?712 :endor num3er Sort ,e/ updates assignment field automaticall/ O$tgoing /a90ent (it, )!ea*ing Path :%ccounting - Financial accounting-%ccounts payable -Document entry-3utgoing payment -Post (F-59 $i*e the document date "/pe Compan/ code ?A+& ? "oda/s date ?ON ?A+&4 ? A+& ?2772 ?-277771


Clearing te#t Account under 3an, date Amount 1usiness area "e#t Account t/pe 8ou3le clic, on pa/a3le amount 8ocument Simulate Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS ?A+&4

?Outgoing pa/ment ?277175 'S1I current account( ?5777 ?Outgoing pa/ment ?O comes 3/ default 'O stands for :endors( ?5777

Account under open item select ?-277771 Select process open items 3utton

$o and see the *endor account truncation 'T*.)ode is F6L@N. $i*e the *endor account no. Compan/ code ?A+& Select cleared item radio 3utton Select normal items chec, 3o# E#ecute Creation of manual chec, Path :%ccounting -Financial accounting -%ccounts payable -En6ironment -Chec( in!ormation -Create &anual chec(s ($r code FC?5 4ouse 3an, Account I8 $i*e the chec, no. Sa*e ?S1I ?S1I1 ?577725 ?-277771

Dis/!a9 ),e)< *esiste* /pto chec( in!ormation the path is same $i*e the pa/ing compan/ code ?A+& E#ecute 8ou3le clic, on chec, no. Select accompan/ documents 3utton 1ill no. 1 2 3 5 Amount 5777 5777 15777 5777 5777 Pa/ment 5777 5777 5777 Display -Chec( register ($r code is FC?C


Path A9c Pa/ment Chec, 277775 577771 277771 277717 577725 pa/ment histor/ 577775

Assignment of chec, pa/ment doc cleared 5ill 3e num3er Chec, encashment date updating? 1ased on 3an, statement 5e update chec, encashment date.


Ad*antage 1 1. <e ,no5 on 5hich date the chec, is encased 3/ the part/ 2. 1an, reconciliation is easier 3. upto chec, information the path is same change @Additional info9Cash '"r code is .C4%( pa/ing compan/ code ?A+& 4ouse 3an, ?S1I Account I8 ?S1I1 Chec, no. ?577725 Enter $i*e the chec, encashment ?27.11.2772 Sa*e 5o and see ),e)< *egiste* FC'N gi*e the pa/ing compan/ code ?A+& E#ecute Sort date 5ise @.I the encashment date is 3an, or offer 37.11.2772 Chec,s issued 3ut not presented. Uniss$ed ),e)<s )an)e!!ation Some time 5hile 5riting chec, 5e commit mista,e 3efore issuing to part/ @ 5e cancel chec, ;p to chec, information the path is same *oid @unused chec,s -T* )ode is FC'4. $i*e the pa/ing compan/ code 4ouse 3an, Account id Chec, no.from :oid reason code ?A+& ?S1I ?S1I1 ?577771 ?Select 7% destro/ed select *oid 3utton 'ShiftP.5(

5o and see t,e ),e)< *egiste* -FC'N. $i*e the pa/ing compan/ code Select e#ecute 3utton Once the chec, lot is o*er all chec, ,eep the cursor and cheAue no.from to select sort in ascending order 3utton 'Ctrl P.5( If an/ num3er is missing 3et5een the chec, is misused. 'o( to )*eate void *eason )ode Path :SP23-Financial accounting -%ccounts recei6able and accounts payable-0usiness truncations3utgoing payments -%utomatic outgoing payments-Payment media -chec( management -De!ine 6oid reason codes ($r code is FC?F Select ne5 entries 3utton 0eason :oid reason code Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest ?15 ?Stop pa/ment for A+& ?A+&

4o5 to delete encashment date data? 57771 5e ha*e to gi*e encashment date 27.11.2772 for 57771 .3/ mista,e 5e ha*e gi*en for 577727 577725 27.11.2772 to delete encashment date 577721 577722 Path :up to chec( in!ormation the path is same - Delete -2eset data ($r)code is FC?.


$i*e the pa/ing compan/ code ?A+& 4ouse 3an, ?S1I Account id ?S1I1 Chec, num3er ?577725 Select reset cashing data radio 3utton E#ecute Select /es 3utton for the message to reset data 5o and see t,e ),e)< *egiste* -FC'N. $i*e the pa/ing compan/ code E#ecute ?A+&

Iss$ed ),e)< )an)e!!ation S/stem 5ill not permit to cancel encashed chec,s. :endor account a( In*oice posting '.6-3( a( 71 'open items( 3( Outgoing pa/ment 5ith clearing '.653( 3( 1an, 5777 8r a(5777 Cr c( +anual chec, creation '.C45( CI 'Clearing items( A( 5777 Cr 1( 5777 8r d(8ispla/ chec, register '.C4)( e( Issued chec, cancellation 1( 0eset cleared items @8elin,ing 3ill amount and pa/ment amount :endor Account 71 1( 1an, 5777 8rA( 5777 Cr 2( 0e*erse pa/ment :endor account 71 A( 5777 Cr Can)e! ),e)< Path :upto chec( in!ormation the path is same -Foid-Cancel payment ($r)Code is FC?= Pa/ing compan/ code 4ouse 3an, Account I8 Chec, num3er :oid reason code 0e*ersal reason ?S1I1 ?select 577725 ?15 'stop pa/ment for A+&( ?select 71're*ersal in current period( ?A+& ?S1I

Select cancel pa/ment 3utton 5o and seet,e vendo* a))o$nt F6L@N $i*e the *endor account no.?-277771 Compan/ code ?A+& Select open items radio 3utton Select normal items chec, 3o# Select e#ecute 3utton 5o and see t,e ),e)< *egiste* FC'N $i*e the pa/ing compan/ code Select e#ecute 3utton ?A+&

Advan)e /a90ents to vendo*s -do(n /a90ents to vendo*s.


Sundr/ creditors 'current lia3ilities(



Ad*ance to *endors 'current assets(

Pa/ment purchase 1. Creation of $& master @Ad*ance to *endors @Current assetsC &oans F Ad*ances 2. &in, 3et5een sundr/ creditors ands ad*ances to *endors A 'Ad*ance special $& indicator( Y Sundr/ creditors Ad*ance to *endors 0econciliation account Alternati*e reconciliation account or special $& Account 177571 277157 :endor A9c -277771 @ 1irlaChemals &imited 6177571 At the time of ma,ing pa/ment @5e ,no5 the purpose of pa/ment. If it is pa/ment against a 3ill 6-277771 1775716Sundr/ creditors If it is pa/ment as an ad*ance -277771 A -277771 @ 1irla Chemicals &imited 6177571 A'Ad*ance 'Special $& indicator(( Y 177571 277157 Advan)e /a90ent /osting Purchase in*oice posting "ransfer of ad*ance from special $& to normal 3/ clearing special $& items. Clearing of normal items. :endor account ha*e t5o parts 1( )ormal items 2( Special $& items C*eation o" 5L 0aste* advan)e to vendo*s -FS $& A9c )o. Compan/ code ?A+& Select 5ith template 3utton $i*e the $& account no.177571 'Sundr/ creditors ra5 material( Compan/ code Enter Change account group to current assets loans F ad*ances Change short te#t and $& account long te#t to Ad*ance to *endors Other fields are common Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS Lin< Aet(een s$nd*9 )*edito*s and advan)e to vendo*s: Path :SP23-Financial accounting-%ccounts recei6ables and accounts payables - 0usiness transactions-DoAn payment made-De!ine alternati6e reconciliation account !or doAn payments ($r code is 30H2 8ou3le clic, on A or do5n pa/ment on current assets $i*e the chart of accounts Enter 0econciliation account Special $& account Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS ?177571 ?277157 ?A+& ?A+& ?277157 .


Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest Advan)e /a90ent /osting: Path :%ccounting -Financial accounting -%ccount payable -Document entry-doAn payment -DoAn payment (F>= 8ocument date "/pe Compan/ code :endor account Special $& indicator 1an, account 1usiness area Amount "e#t Enter Amount 1usiness area "e#t ?A+&4 ?P ?R ?A ?277175 S1I current account ?A+&4 ?25777 ?Ad*ance pa/ment posting ?A+& ?-277771 ?"oda/s date ?ON

.rom the menu select 8ocument @Simulate and sa*e 5o and see t,e vendo* a))o$nt t*ansa)tion -T*.)ode is F6L@N. $i*e the *endor account no. ?-277771 Compan/ code ?A+& Select open items radio 3utton Select special $& transaction chec, 3o# E#ecute P$*),ase invoi)e /osting -F?44. $i*e the document date "/pe Compan/ code Posting ,e/ Account no Enter Amount 1usiness area "e#t Posting ,e/ Account no. Enter Amount 1usiness area "e#t ?A+&4 ?P ?R ?A+&4 ?purchase in*oice posting ?-7 ?277127 in*entor/ ra5 material ?25777 ?A+& ?31 ?-277771 ?"oda/Is date ?O0


.rom the menu select document @simulate and sa*e 5o and see t,e vendo* a))o$nt -T*$n)ation )ode F6L@N. $i*e the *endor account no. Compan/ code Select open item radio 3utton Select normal items chec, 3o# E#ecute Select 3ac, arro5 Select special $& truncation chec, 3o# along 5ith normal items E#ecute T*ans"e* o" advan)e "*o0 s/e)ia! 5L to no*0a! A9 )!ea*ing s/e)ia! 5L ite0s Path :%ccounting -Financial accounting-%ccounts payable-Document entry-DoAn payment -Clearing (F-5> $i*e the document date 8ocument t/pe Compan/ code :endor account "e#t Select process do5n pa/ments 3utton "ransfer posting Sa*e 5o and see t,e vendo* a))o$nt t*ansa)tions F6L@N $i*e the *endor account no. Compan/ code Select clearing items radio 3utton Select special $& transaction chec, 3o# E#ecute Select 3ac, arro5 Select open items radio 3utton Select normal items chec, 3o# E#ecute ?-277771 ?A+& ?25777 ?"oda/Is date ?OA ?A+& ?-277771 ?Ad*ance transfer to normal ?-277771 ?A+&

C!ea*ing o" no*0a! ite0s: Path : %ccounting -Financial accounting -%ccounts payable -%ccount -Clear $i*e the account no. ?-277771 Compan/ code ?A+& Select process open items 3utton 8ou3le clic, on credit 25777 8ou3le clic, on de3it 25777 (F->>


Sa*e 5o and see t,e vendo* a))o$nts -T*ansa)tion )ode .F6L@N. $i*e the *endor account no. ?-277771 Compan/ code ?A+& Select cleared items radio 3utton Select normal items chec, 3o# E#ecute :endor account D )ormal 9 Items -25777 Sundr/ creditors C9& Special $& items 25777 5 25777

25777 3

Ad*ance to *endor

2nd Scenario Ad*ance more 3ill less Ad*ance 277777 1ill amount 57777 A( Ad*ance pa/ment posting '.6-2( 1( Purchase in *oice posting '.6-3( C( "ransfer of ad*ance of 0s.577777 from special $& to normal '.65-( :endor A9c normal items 8 C Special $& items A 277777 57777 C 1 57777 57777

8( Clearing of normal items '.6--( .inal result :endor special $& sho5s a 3alance of 0s.1577777 @ Ad*ance to *endors "o 3e cleared against future 3ills. 3rd Scenario Ad*ance 3ill more Ad*ance 1ill amount 7777

777 :endor A9c normal items

A( Ad*ance pa/ment posting '.6-2( 1( Purchase in*oice posting '.6-3( C C( "ransfer of ad*ance from special $& to normal 3/ clearing Special $& '.65-( 8( <hile ma,ing 3alance pa/ment Of 0s.21777 dou3le clic, on 3ill Amount 77777 and pa/ment amount 0s. 777. All the 3 line items 5ill go to Clearing items '.653( TER1S OF PA21ENT 1 Pa/a3le immediatel/ 6 8ue net


7777 Special $& Items C 777


Path : SP23-Financial accounting -%ccounts recei6able and accounts payable -0usiness transactions,ncoming in6oices @ Credit memos - &aintain terms o! payment


Select ne5 entries 3utton Pa/ment terms ?A+&1 Select customer chec, 3o# Select *endor chec, 3o# 8efault for 3ase line date )o default ?)o.of purchases during the month 3ase line date at the time of In*oice posting @1lan, .or all purchases during the month gi*e month end date. 8ocument date ?Part/ 3ill date Posting date ?$oods receipt date Entr/ date ?>ualit/ appro*al date Pa/ment terms ?If the pa/ment is made 5ithin 17 da/s 63Z cash discount If the pa/ment is made 5ithin 27 da/s 62Z ash discount pa/a3le 5ithin 37 da/s

;nder default for 3aseline date? Select posting date radio 3utton Percentage )o.of da/s "erm 1 3 17 "erm2 2 27 "erm3 6 37 Press enter Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest Cas, Dis)o$nt Re)eived "rade discounts are to 3e adEusted to purchases 5here as cash discounts are to 3e sho5n under other income. C*eation o" 5L 0aste* BCas, dis)o$nt *e)eived ot,e* in)o0e -FS $i*e the $& A9c no. Compan/ code ?A+& Select 5ith template 3utton $i*e the $& account 377177 e#change gain Compan/ code Enter Change short te#t and $& account long te#t to cash discount recei*ed. Sa*e Assign0ent o" a))o$nt "o* a$to0ati) /ostings: Path :SP23-Financial accounting-%ccounts recei6able and %ccounts payable-0usiness transactions3ut going payments-3ut going payments global settings -De!ine accounts !or cash discount ta(en) ($r Code is 304/ $i*e the Chart of Accounts ?A+& Enter Sa*e $i*e the account no.377171 cash discount recei*ed Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest P$*),ase invoi)e /osting -F?44. 8ocument date Posting date ?25.17.2772 ?71.11.2772 ?A+& ?377171 .


Entr/ date "/pe Compan/ code Currenc/ Posting ,e/ Account Enter Amount Pa/ment terms "e#t Enter Ignore the 5arning message press enter Posting ,e/ Account no. Enter Amount 1usiness area "e#t

?"oda/Is date ?O0 ?A+& ?I)0 ?31 ?-277771 ?177777 ?Select A+&1 ?Purchase in*oice posting

?-7 ?277127 In*entor/ ra5 material ?R ?A+&4 ?P

.rom the menu select document @Simulate and Sa*e

5o and see t,e vendo* a))o$nt -T*ansa)tion )ode is F6L@N.: :endor account Compan/ code Select open item radio 3utton Select normal items chec, 3o# E#ecute .orm the menu select change la/out 3utton .orm the hidden fields column Select current cash discount amount Select amount in document currenc/ under column6contain Select left arro5 or sho5 selected fields 3utton Select cop/ 3utton O$tgoing /a90ent (it, )!ea*ing -F?84. 8ocument date "/pe Compan/ code Clearing te#t Account under 3an, data 1usiness area ?"oda/Is date ?ON ?A+& ?Out going pa/ment ?277175 S1I current account ?A+&4 ?-277771 ?A+&


Amount "e#t Account Select process open items 3utton 8ou3le clic, on pa/a3le amount

? !777 ?out going pa/ment ?;nder open item selection -277771 ?177777

.rom the menu select document Simulate <e get a message correct the mar,ed line items. 8ou3le clic, on 3lue font "e#t enter Sa*e ?P

A$to0ati) /a90ent /*og*a0 -APP. 6Chec, due dates 6Issue chec, 6Pass the enter and cleared part/ account 6$enerate pa/ment ad*ance 6 update chec, register "he chec, lot should 3e seAuential @5e are not programmer @s/stem gi*en pa/ment program. Chec, format and pa/ment ad*ice format APP 5ill 3e used 3/ cash rich companies "he/ run 5ee,l/ 9 for e*er/ 17 da/s 9.or e*er/ 15 da/s At the time of APP runC 5e ha*e to gi*e 3an,5ise ran,ing 5ith a*aila3le amounts. S1I 1 1777777 I81I 2 577777 ICICI 3 377777 It 5ill issue chec,s from S1I upto 17 la,hs. "hen after5ards it issued form I81I upto 577777 @ "hen it goes to ICICI and issued up to 3777777 After runC it gi*es a proposal @ In the proposal it sho5s for 5hich parties for 5hich 3ills from 5hich 3an, it is going to issue to chec,s. <e can edit proposal 1/ 3loc,ing some in*oices for pa/ment Or 1/ charging 3an, Part/ G 1 2 3 5 S/stem 5ill


Part/ M 1 2 3 5

1lac, in*oices -C5 and ma,e the pa/ment for 1C2 and 3 use the fund for part/ 3ill pa/ments. S/stem is issuing form S1I for part/ M 3 3ills @part/ is ha*ing account in ICICI6Change 3an, from S1I to ICICI.


Set$/ /a90ent 0et,ods "o* )o$nt*9 "o* /a90ent t*ansa)tions Path :SP23 -Financial accounting-%ccount recei6able and account payable -0usiness transactions-3utgoing payments -%utomatic outgoing payments -Payment method @0an( selection !or payment program-Setup payment method per country !or payment transactions Select ne5 entries 3utton Countr/ Pa/ment method 8escription Select outgoing pa/ments radio 3utton Select chec, radio 3utton 8ocument t/pe for pa/ment Clearing document t/pe Pa/ment medium program )ame of print date set Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest ?ON ?ON ?0..O;SJC ?&IS"1S ?I) ?1 ?Chec,

Set$/ /a90ent 0et,ods /e* )o0/an9 )ode "o* /a90ent t*ansa)tions: Same path Select ne5 entries 3utton Pa/ing compan/ code ?A+& Pa/ment method +inimum amount +a#imum amount Select from data 3utton .rom for the pa/ment medium? .117JP0E);+JC4ECO 8ra5er on the form Authorized signator/ Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest Set$/ a!! )o0/an9 )odes "o* /a90ent t*ansa)tions: Same path Select ne5 entries 3utton Compan/ code ?A+& Pa/ing compan/ code ?A+& Separate pa/ment per 3usiness area chec, 3o# Out going pa/ment 5ith cash discount from ? 1an, interest rate 1.5Z per month 12Z per annum Pa/ment term? If 5e ma,e the pa/ment 5ithin 37 da/s 5e get 61Z cash discount 8ue 5ithin %7 da/s ? for Ara*ind +ills &imited ?1 ?17 ?

Select pa/ment per due da/ chec, 3o#


S/stem 5ill pa/ment %7 da/s since discount is less than 3an, interest rate. <ithin 37 da/s ?Interest for month 1.5 <ithin %7 da/s ?Interest for month 1.5P1.5 Pa/ment terms? If 5e ma,e the pa/ment 5ithin 37 da/s 5e get 2Z cash discount. 8ue 5ith in %7 da/s S/stem 5ill 5ithin 37 da/s since discount more than 3an, interest rate. +a#imum cash discount? Pa/ment term? If 5e ma,e the pa/ment 5ithin 37 da/s 5e get 1Z cash discount. 8ue 5ithin %7 da/s. "hough 5e are not entitledC s/stem claims 1Z cash discount and ma,e the 3alance pa/ment onl/ e*en if it is paid 5ith %7 da/s. Special $& transaction to 3e paid under *endors ? Select A 'Ad*ances( Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest Set$/ /a9ing )o0/an9 )odes "o* /a90ent t*ansa)tions: Same path Select ne5 entries 3utton Pa/ing compan/ code Select forms 3utton .rom for the pa/ment ad*ise .117J8JA:IS Select sender details 3utton "e#t I8 ?Select S" 'S" stands for "e#t( &etter header .ooter Sender Sa*e and Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest C*eation o" se:$entia! ),e)< !ots -FC'I. Pa/ing compan/ code 4ouse 3an, Account I8 Select change 3utton Select create 3utton &ot num3er Chec, num3er "o 8eselect non6seAuential chec, 3o# Short information Purchase date Enter and sa*e Assign /a90ent 0et,ods in vendo* 0aste*: ?S1I ?"oda/Is ?2 ?277771 ?271777 ?A+& ?S1I ?S1I1 ?.J7771J4EA8E0 ?.J7771J.OO"E0 ?.J7771JSE)8E0 ?A+&


Path :%ccounting-Financial accounting -%ccounts payable-&aster records -&aintain centrally-Change (4G02 $i*e the *endor no. ?-277771 Compan/ code ?A+& Select pa/ment transaction chec, 3o# under compan/ code data Enter Pa/ment methods ?Select U1I Pa/ment 3loc, ?If 5e donIt 5ant to ma,e the pa/ment to this part/ in this runC select 6S,ip account Alternati*e pa/ee ?<e ha*e purchased from 1irla Chemicals &imtied @1C& has to ma,e the pa/ment to part/ MGN @1C& instructs us to ma,e the pa/ment to MGN6in alternati*e pa/ee gi*e MGN no. 5hen 5e run APP Cchec, 5ill 3e in the name of MGN and part/ clearing 5ill 3e 1C&

4ouse 3an,

?1C& in ha*ing account in ICICI @It instructs us to issue chec, from ICICI onl/ @ <e gi*e house 3an, ICICI6 chec, 5e issued onl/ form ICICI. Indi*idual pa/ment ?<hen 5e run APPC it 5ill issue one chec, onl/ for all the 3ills due @some parties as, us to issue separate chec, for each 3ill. Select indi*idual pa/ment chec, 3o#. Separate chec, 5ill 3e issued for each 3ill. Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS END USER AREA P$*),ase invoi)e /osting -F?44. 8ocument date "/pe Compan/ code Posting ,e/ Account no. Enter $i*e the amount 1usiness area "e#t Posting ,e/ Account no. Enter Amount 1usiness area "e#t 8ocument @Simulate and sa*e Set$/ Aan< dete*0ination: Path :%ccounting -Financial accounting -%ccounts payable-Periodic processing-Payments ($r code is F0IP .rom the menu select En*ironment maintain 6Configuration Automatic pa/ment program @Customization one @Screen .1NP Select 3an, determination 3utton Select position 3utton Pa/ing compan/ code ?A+& ?A+&4 ?P ?R ?A+&4 ?Purchase in*oice posting ?-7 ?277127 In*entor/ ra5 material ? ?A+& ?31 ?-277771 ?"oda/Is date ?O0


Enter Select A+& 8ou3le clic, on ran,ing order folder Select ne5 entries 3utton Pa/ment method Currenc/ 1an, order 4ouse 3an, Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest 8ou3le clic, on 3an, accounts folder Select ne5 entries 3utton 4ouse 3an, Pa/ment method Currenc/ Account I8 1an, su3 account 1usiness area sa*e 8ou3le clic, a*aila3le amounts folder Select ne5 entries 3utton 4ouse 3an, Account I8 8a/s Currenc/ Sa*e A$to0ati) /a90ent /*og*a0 *$n -T* )ode is F@@ . Path :/p to periodic processing the path is same- Payments ($r code is F**0 0un date Identification Select parameter ta3 Compan/ codes Pa/ment methods ?"oda/Is date ?A+&1 ?A+& ?1 ?S1I ?S1I1 ? ?I)0 ?A+&4 ?S1I ?1 ?I)0 ?S1I1 ?277175 'S1I current account( ?1 ?I)0 ?1 ?S1I

a*aila3le for outgoing pa/ment ?1777777

"hough 5e ha*e gi*en the dateC 5e can run tomorro5 it self Pa/ment term Purchase toda/ ?If 5e ma,e the pa/ment 5ithin 17 da/s 5e get 2Z cash discount '8ues 5ithin 37 da/s( ?7!.11.2772

If 5e ma,e the pa/ment to da/ 62Z If 5e ma,e the pa/ment on 1-.11.2772 2Z S/stem 5ill not issue chec, toda/Is @ It 5ill issue in the ne#t run since the discount amount is same.


It control the cash flo5s Part/ 3ill date Pa/ment term APP run toda/ ?7!.11.2772 ?A+&2 37 da/s credit 7!61262772 ? It as,s ne#t Posting date ?1-.11.2772

APP run2 )e#t pa/a3le date )e#t posting date :endor from :endor to Sa*e Select 3an, arro5

?1-.11.2772 ?1-.11.2772 ?1-.11.2772 ?-277771 ?-377777


Select proposal 3utton 'Shift P.1( Select start immediatel/ chec, 3o# Enter $o on press enter '1asic "r code 3o# green tic, mar, 3o#( "ill 5e get the message pa/ment Proposal has 3een created "o edit the proposal 6Select an/ proposal 3utton enter 'Shift P.-( 8ou3le clic, on *endor no. "o 3loc, on in*oice for pa/ment 8ou3le clic, on document no. Pa/ment 3loc, Enter "o change 3an, for second 3ill 8ou3le clic, on document no. Select reallocation 3utton Pa/ment method 4ouse 3an, Account I8 Enter Sa*e Select 3an, arro5 t5o times <e get a message pa/ment proposal has 3een edited Select pa/ment run 3utton Enter $o on press enter . It 5e get the message pa/ment run has 3een carried out. To ta<e ),e)< /*inting: Select printout 9 data medium ta3 for the program RFFOUSDC $i*e the *ariant ?A1 ?1 ?S1I ?S1I1 ?17777?177771 ?Select A '1loc, for pa/ment (


Select maintain *ariants 3utton Select for all selection screen radio 3utton Select continue 3utton Program run date Identification feature Pa/ing compan/ code Pa/ment method 1usiness area 4ouse 3an, Account id Chec, lot no. Select print chec,s chec, 3o# Printer ?&P71 Select print immediatel/ chec, 3o# Select print pa/ment ad*ice notes chec, 3o# printer ?&P71 Select print immediatel/ chec, 3o# Select print pa/ment summar/ chec, 3o# Printer Select print immediatel/ chec, 3o# )o.of sample print outs Select donIt *oid an/ chec,s chec, 3o# Select attri3utes 3utton '.5( +eaning Sa*e Select 3ac, arro5 Sa*e once again Select 3an, arro5 Select print out 3utton Select start immediatel/ chec, 3o# .or Eo3 name @in place of Auestion of mar, @$i*e *ariant A1 A1 Compan/ code ?A+& 1usiness area ?A+&4 1an, ?S1I Account I8 ?S1I1 Chec, lot no. ?2 Parameters are sa*ed in the *ariant in place of Auestion mar, A1 Press enter Enter once again To vie( ),e)< /*inting .rom the menu select s/stem @Ser*ices output control Select e#ecute 3utton Select spool no.chec, 3o# for chec, Select displa/ contents '.%( ?S1I chec, printing date 72.11.2772 ?7 ?&P71 ?A+&4 ?S1I ?S1I1 ?2 ?A+&1 ?A+& ?1 ?7!.11.2772


5o and see t,e vendo* A))o$nt F6@@N $i*e the *endor account Compan/ code Select normal items chec, 3o# E#ecute 8ou3le clic, on document t/pe ?ON .or the amount ? Select call up document o*er*ie5 3utton '. ( Select displa/ document header 3utton Enter .rom the menu select En*ironment chec, information ?A+& Select cleared items radio 3utton ?-277771

5o and see t,e ),e)< *egiste* -FC'N. $i*e the pa/ing compan/ code ?A+& E#ecute C*edit 0e0o /ostings Purchase from 1irla Chemicals &imited If the material is not good 0eturn the material or reduce the amount 'Price( 1C& 5ill issue credit note to mail or A+& raises 8e3it note on 1C& 1oth are same 8oc t/pe ?O$ 'Credit memo( OA )o.range 1! 1! )o need to gi*e no.range inter*al alread/ 5e ha*e gi*en earlier Path :%ccounting- Financial accounting -%ccounts payable -Document entry -Credit memo general (F->* 8ocument date "/pe Compan/ code Posting ,e/ Account Enter $i*e the amount 1usiness area "e#t Posting ,e/ Account no. Enter Amount 1usiness area ?A+&4 ?R ?A+&4 ? Credit memo posting ?577 ?277127 In*entor/ ra5 material ?1777 ?A+& ?21 Credit memo ?-277771 ?"oda/Is date ?O$ ':endor credit memo(




.rom the menu select 8ocument @Simulate and sa*e )ote? Cash Eournal postings @ not accept negati*e 3alances )ormal postings Accept negati*e postings

ACCOUNTS RECEI%A6LE -A#R. "his is also a Su3 &edger 'Su3sidiar/ &edger( "his is used 5hen Sales F 8istri3ution 'S8( +odule Is not implemented6All t/pes of sales. Eg? Product Sale90a5 +aterial Sale9Scrap Sale <hen Sales F 8istri3ution'S8( +odule is implemented6"his is used for 0a5 +aterial Sale 9Scrap Sale9Asset Sale6'Other than Product Sale( At the time of sale? Customer Account 8r D $eneral &edger D D D 0econciliation Account Or Control Account 6ASIC SETTIN5S FOR ACCOUNTS RECEI%A6LE: 1.Creation Of Customer Account $roups A(.I Customers Asset Sale9Scrap Sale90+ Sale Parties 1(S8 C;S"O+E0S P0O8;C" SA&E PA0"IES 2.Create num3er ranges for customer accounts 3.Assign num3er ranges to customer account groups -.Creation of 2 $& masters A(Sundr/ 8e3tors6 1(Sales Account 5.Creation Of Customer +aster %. 8ocument "/pes And )o.0anges LCurrent AssetsC&oansFAd*ancesL Sales O1A! Su3 ledger Sundr/ 8e3tors'$eneral &edger( D "O SA&ES

0econciliation account field 0eAuired Entr/ field


80 8N 8A !.Posting Oe/s

Customer In*oice Customer Pa/ment Customer 8ocument .or "ransfers90e*ersals 71 Customer 8e3it 15 Customer Credit

<e test a scenario 5here *endor is a customer Part/ 1C& Part/ 1C& Purchase 177777 Sales 177777 Sales 27777 Purchase 27777 66666666 6666666 )et Pa/a3le 27777 )et 0ecei*a3le 27777 <hen 5e Pa/90ecei*e net amount 5e ha*e to clear *endor transactions and customer transactions at a time )ote ? Create receipt terms 'if an/ cash discount de3it 6 8e3it e#penses ( @.SALES IN%OICE POSTIN5: C*eation o" )$sto0e* a))o$nt g*o$/s Path: SP23- Financial %ccounting- %ccount 2ecei6ables and accounts payables customer accounts - &aster data- Preparation !or creating customer master data- De!ine account groups Aith screen layout (customers Select ne5 entries 3utton Account group ? A+&1 )ame ? .I Customers for A+& 8ou3le lic, compan/ code data 8ou3le clic, account management 0econciliation account ma,e it reAuired entr/ filed Sa*e Select create reAuest 3utton Short description for A0 customization for A+& Press enter Enter once again to Sa*e in /our reAuest Select ne#t entr/ 3utton Account group )ame ? A+&2 ? S8 customers for A+&

8ou3le clic, on compan/ code data 8ou3le clic, on account management 0econciliation account ma,e it reAuired entr/ filed. Sa*e. C*eate No. *ange "o* )$sto0e* a))o$nts: Path :/pto preparation !or creating customer master data the path is same)-Create no) range !or customer accounts ($r)code is 4DC* Select change inter*als 3utton Select inter*al 3utton


)o. range .rom no. "o no. Enter

?23 ?%%77771 ?%!77777.

Select inter*al 3utton once again )o.range .rom no. "o no. Enter and Sa*e Ignore the 5arning message press enter Assign N$0Ae* *anges to )$sto0e* a))o$nt g*o$/s: Same path Select position 3utton Account group Enter .or A+&1 .or A+&2 Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest De"ine to!e*an)e g*o$/ "o* C$sto0e* Path :SP23-Financial accounting-%ccount recei6able and account payable-0usiness truncations-incoming payments-manual incoming payments-De!ine tolerances(Customers Select ne5 entries 3utton Compan/ code ?A+& "olerance group 8escription Sa*e Press enter sa*e in /our reAuest ? 1lan, ?"olerance group for A+& Assign no.range ?23 Assign no.range ?2? A+&1 ?2?%!77771 ?%277777

C*eation o" 5L 1aste*s -FS $i*e the $& account no. Compan/ code Select 5ith template 3utton

.: ?277117 ?A+&

$i*e the $& account no.277157 ad*ance to *endors Compan/ code Enter Change short te#t and $& account long te#t to Sundr/ 8e3tors Select control data ta3 Change reconciliation account for account t/pe to customers ? A+&


Change sort ,e/ to 731 customer num3er Select Create 9 1an, 9 Interest ta3 .ield status group Sa*e $& account no Compan/ code Select 5ith template 3utton Change $& account 377177 E#change gain Compan/ code Enter Select t/pe9description ta3 Change the account group to sales9. Change short te#t and $& account loge te#t to sales account Other fields are common Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS C*eation o" )$sto0e* 0aste* Path: %ccounting- Financial accounting -%ccounts recei6ables-&aster records-&aintain Centrally-Create ($r)Code is 4D0* Account group Compan/ code Enter "itle ? )ame Countr/ Select control data ta3 :endor 0econciliation account Sort ,e/ Select pa/ment transaction ta3 "erms of pa/ment Sa*e ?7771 pa/a3le immediatel/ due net ?-277771 ?277117 Sundr/ de3tors ?731 'Customer no.( Select compan/ code data 3utton ? select Compan/ ? 1I0&A Chemicals &imited ? I) for India ?select .I customer for A+& ?A+& ?A+& ?377777 ?A+& ?$7%!

Do)$0ent t9/e n$0Ae* *anges -O6A7. Select t/pe 8r customer in*oice Select details 3utton )o.range Select no.range information 3utton Compan/ code Select change inter*als 3utton ?A+& ?12


Select inter*als 3utton )o.range Gear .orm no. "o no. Enter and sa*e Ignore the 5arning message press enter Select 3ac, arro5 3 times Select t/pe Select details 3utton )o. range Select no.range information 3utton Compan/ code Select change inter*als 3utton Select inter*al 3utton )o.range Gear .rom no. "o no. Enter and sa*e Ignore the message press enter Select 3ac, arro5 three times Select t/pe Select details 3utton )o.range Select no.range information 3utton Compan/ code Select change inter*al 3utton Select inter*al 3utton )o.range Gear .orm no. "o no. Enter and sa*e Ignore the 5arning message press enter ?1% ?2772 ?%77771 ?!77777 ?A+& ?1% ?8A 'customer document( ?1?2772 ?577771 ?%77777 ??A+& ?1?8N 'Customer pa/ment ( ?12 ?2772 ?-77771 ?577777

ENTER USER AREA Sa!es invoi)e /osting: Path accounting - Financial accounting -%ccount recei6able- Document entry-,n6oice -.eneral (F-22 $i*e the document date ?"oda/Is date


"/pe Compan/ code Posting ,e/ Account Enter $i*e the amount 1usiness area "e#t Posting ,e/ Account Enter Account 1usiness area "e#t ?A+&4 ? A+&4 ?A+&

?80 ?71 In*oice 'Customer de3it( C?Customer 8? 8e3it ? select %%77771 ?577777 ? Sales In*oice posting ?57 ?377777 'sales account( ?R ?P

.rom the menu select document Simulate and sa*e

2.'o( To %ie( C$sto0e* A))o$nt T*ansa)tions? Path : %ccunting - Financial accounting - %ccounts recei6able- %ccount-Display @ Change line items ($r)code is F0'5C $i*e the customer account no. ?%%77771 Compan/ code Select open items radio 3utton Select normal items chec, 3o# Select e#ecute 3utton Select 3ac, arro5 To vie( vendo* and )$sto0e* t*ansa)tions toget,e* Select *endor items chec, 3o# along 5ith normal items E#ecute 4.In)o0ing /a90ent and )!ea* vendo* and )$sto0e* t*ansa)tions toget,e* Step A(8ocument t/pe 8N should allo5 *endor transactions 8ocument t/pes and no. 0anges6O1A! Select doc t/pe? 8N Select details 3utton 1elo5 no. 0ange6 Account t/pe? A Assets 8 Customers selected O :endors to select + +aterials S $& accounts selected )ormal receipt entr/? 1an, A9c 80 $& Select doc t/pe? ,z Select details 3utton 1elo5 no. 0ange6 Account t/pe? A assets 8 customers to select O *endors selected + materials S $& accounts selected )ormal pa/ment entr/? *endor a9c 80 :endor ?A+&


"o customer


"o 1an,


$se t,e T*.)ode O6A7 Select document t/pe select details 3utton select *endor chec, 3o# sa*e

? 8N 'customer pa/ment (

In)o0ing Pa90ent : Path :%ccounting - Financial accounting - %ccounts recei6able- Document entry- ,ncoming payments ($r)Codes is F-2= $i*e the document date "/pe Compan/ code Clearing te#t Account under 3an, data 1usiness area Amount "e#t Account under open item selection Account t/pe Select other accounts chec, 3o# Select process open item 3utton Select standard open items chec, 3o# Account t/pe Compan/ code Account Select continue 3utton 8ou3le clic, on all open items 8ocument Simulate and sa*e 5o And See T,e C$sto0e* A))o$nt T*ansa)tions -T*.)ode is F6L8N. $i*e the customer account no. Compan/ code Select cleared items radio 3utton Select normal items chec, 3o# Select *endor items chec, 3o# E#ecute Ad*ance 0eceipts .rom Customers '8o5n Pa/ment 0eceipts .rom Customers( Sundr/ Sale Ad*ance ?%%77771 ?A+& ?A+& ?-277771 ? Select O ':endors( ? A+& ? Incoming pa/ment ? 277175 'S1I current account( ?A+&4 ?- %777 ? Incoming pa/ment ? Select %%77771 ?8 comes 3/ default '8 stands for customers( ? "oda/Is date ? 8N Customer pa/ment

Ad*ance from


8e3tors 'Current Asset( 0eceipt Sale

Customers 'Current &ia3ilities(

1. Creation Of $& +aster6Ad*ance .rom Customers6

under Current &ia3ilities F Pro*isions '.S77(

2. &in, 3et5een Sundr/ 8e3tors and ad*ance from Customers

A 'Ad*ance( 9^ Sundr/ de3tors Ad*ance from customers '0econciliation Account('Alternati*e reconciliation account or special $& account(

Special $& Indicator

3.Ad*ance 0eceipt Posting -. Sales in*oice posting 5. "ransfer of ad*ance from special $& to normal 3/ clearing special $& items %. Clearing of normal items a(Customer account t5o parts 3( Special $& items @. C*eation o" 5L 0aste* Badvan)e "*o0 )$sto0e* )$**ent !iaAi!ities F /*ovisions -FS $i*e the $& account no.?177572 Compan/ code ?A+& Select 5ith template 3utton $i*e the $& account no.?277117 Sundr/ de3tors Compan/ code ?A+& Change account group to current lia3ilit/ F pro*isions Change short F $& account long te#t ad*ance from customers Sa*e 4. Lin< Aet(een S$nd*9 DeAto*s and advan)e "*o0 C$sto0e*s Path :SP23-Financial accounting-%ccounts recei6able and accounts payable-0usiness transactionsDoAn payment recei6ed -De!ine reconciliation accounts !or customer doAn payments(3042 8ou3le clic, on special $& indicator A $i*e a /our chart of accounts Enter 0econciliation account Special $& account Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest END USER AREA Advan)e *e)ei/t /osting: ?277117 ?177572 ?A+& .


Path :%ccounting- Financial accounting -%ccounts recei6able-Document entry-DoAn payment -DoAn payment ($r)code is F-2: $i*e the document date "/pe Compan/ code Customer account Special $9& indicator 1an, account 1usiness area Amount "e#t Enter Amount 1usiness area "e#t ?A+&4 ?P ?R ?A ?277175 S1I current account ?A+&4 ?12777 ?Ad*ance receipt posting ?A+& ?%%77771 ?"oda/Is date ?8N

.rom the menu select @8ocument @Simulate and sa*e 5o and see t,e )$sto0e* a))o$nt t*ansa)tion -F6L8N. $i*e the customer account no. ?%%77771 Compan/ code Select open items radio 3utton Select special $& transactions chec, 3o# E#ecute Sa!es invoi)e /osting - T* )ode is F?33. $i*e the document date ?"oda/Is date "/pe Compan/ code Posting ,e/ Account Enter Amount 1usiness area "e#t Posting ,e/ Account no. Enter Amount enter 1usiness area "e#t ?R ?A+&4 ?P ?A+&4 ?Sales in*oice posting ?57 ?377777 Sales A9c ?12777 ?A+& ?71 ?%%77771 ?80 customer in*oice ?A+&

.orm the menu select document @Simulate and sa*e


5o and see t,e )$sto0e* a))o$nt t*ansa)tion -F6L8N. $i*e the customer account no. ?%%77771 Compan/ code Select open items radio 3utton Select normal items chec, 3o# E#ecute Select 3ac, arro5 Select special $9& transactions chec, 3o# along 5ith normal items E#ecute T*ans"e* o" advan)e "*o0 s/e)ia! 5L to no*0a! A9 )!ea*ing s/e)ia! 5L ite0s: Path :%ccounting-Financial accounting -%ccounts recei6able-Document entry-DoAn payment clearing (F-9: $i*e the document date "/pe Compan/ code Customer account "e#t Select process do5n pa/ment 3utton "ransfer posting Sa*e 5o and see t,e )$sto0e* a))o$nt t*ansa)tions -F6L8N. $i*e the customer account no. ?%%77771 Compan/ code ?A+& Select cleared items radio 3utton Select special $& transactions chec, 3o# E#ecute Select 3an, arro5 Select open items radio 3utton Select normal items chec, 3o# E#ecute C!ea*ing o" no*0a! ite0s: Path :%ccounting- Financial accounting -%ccounts recei6able -%ccount -Clear (F-92 $i*e the account no. Compan/ code Select process open item 3utton 8ou3le clic, on de3it 8ou3le clic, on credit ?12777 ?12777 ?%%77771 ?A+& ?12777 ?A+& ?%%77771 ?Ad*ance receipt clearing ?"oda/Is date ?8A ?A+&


Sa*e 5o and see t,e )$sto0e* a))o$nt t*ansa)tions F6L8N $i*e the customer account no. ?%%77771 Compan/ code ?A+& Select cleared items radio 3utton Select normal items chec, 3o# E#ecute

6ILL DISCOUNTIN5 .und 3ased limits '+one/ 5ill 3e gi*en ph/sicall/ 3/ the 3an,( 1. Cash credit 2. Pac,ing credit 3.1an, o*erdraft -.1ill discounting 1ill discounting mechanism &ocal Sales order E#port sales orders )on fund 3ased limits '+one/ 5ill no 3e gi*en ph/sicall/ 3/ the 3an, to the compan/( 1. 1an, $uarantees '1$( 2. &etter of credit '&C( A+&

Sale 577777 on 12.11.2772 "erm of pa/ment @37 8a/s Credit

A+& 8iscounts the 3ill <ith the 3an, D 1an, 5ill charge 37 da/s D On due dateC 3an, 5ill collect .rom customer D 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 D D Customer ma,es the customer does not ma,e the pa/ment to the 3an, Pa/ment to 3an, lia3ilit/ to A+& )o lia3ilit/ to A+& Contingent lia3ilities &ia3ilit/ is uncertain Gear end? "his is sho5n in notes to accounts @;nder contingent lia3ilities &ia3ilit/ to A+&

6i!!s dis)o$nted (it, Aan<


No*0a! A))o$nting A( Incase of sales Customer A9c 8r "o Sales 1( 1ill of e#change pa/ment 6 )o entr/ 6 C( 1ill discounting 1an, current A9c 8r "o 1an, 3ill discounting 8( 0eport *ie5 customer 5ise 91Ill5ise due date 5ise91an,5ise out standings a*aila3le in SAP E( 0e*erse contingent lia3ilit/ 1an, 3ill discounting 8r "o Customer

SAP A))o$nting Customer A9c 8r 'Sundr/ de3tors( "o Sales Customer special $& '<( 8r 'Sundr/ de3tors 3ill of e#change( "o customer a9c 5ith clearing 'Sundr/ de3tors( 1an, current A9c 8r "o Interest A9c "o 1an, 1ill discounting

1an, 3ill discounting '5ith clearing( 8r "o Customer special $&'<( 5ith clearing 'sundr/ de3tors 5ill of e#change(

Presentation in 1alance sheet? Sundr/ de3torsTSundr/ de3tors Sundr/ de3tors '1ill of e#change( 1an, 3ill discounting 8e3it _ )et Nero Credit

Or 8onIt plot sundr/ de3tors 3ill of e#change and 3an, discounting in 3alance sheet6It is reAuired onl/ for notes to accounts. Customer A9c )ormal items A( 177777 Special $& 1(177777 E(177777 377777 1(177777 S1I 3ill discounting OP 1A& E(177777 377777 C(177777 6666666666 -77777

&imits 5ith 3an,s? 1ill discounting limit Alread/ discounted &imit a*aila3le 1ill discounted as per C &imit a*aila3le Pa/ment 3/ customer as per E )o5 limit a*aila3le

S1I 5777777 3777777 6666666666666 2777777 TTTTTTT 1777777 66666666666 1777777 1777777 66666666666 2777777 TTTTTT

I81I 2777777 2777777 666666666666 7

Creation of 2 $& masters Sundr/ de3tors '1ill e#change under current assetsC loans F ad*ances. S1I 3ill discounting Secured loans


.und 3ased limits and non6fund 3ase limits .irst change on current asset and second change on fi#ed assets. C*eation o" 5L a))o$nt -FS .

$i*e the $& account no.?277111 Compan/ code Select 5ith template $i*e the $& account no.277117 Sundr/ de3tors Compan/ code Enter Change short te#t to sundr/ de3tors 1ill of E#change Change $& account long te#t to sundr/ de3tors '1ill of e#change( Other fields are common Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS $& account no. Compan/ code ?177372 ?A+& ?A+& ?A+&

Select 5ith template 5ith 3utton $i*e the $& account no.177377 S1I 0upee "erm loan Compan/ code Select control data ta3 Select open item management chec, 3o# Select create 93an, 9interest ta3 Select post automaticall/ onl/ chec, 3o# Sa*e Lin< Aet(een s$nd*9 deAto*s and s$nd*9 deAto*s Ai!! o" eC),ange Path:SP23-Financial account-0an( account -0usiness transactions-0ill o! exchange transactions-0ill o! Exchange recei6able-Post bill o! change recei6able-De!ine alternati6e reconcile -%ctual !or 0ills@Exchange recei6able ($r code is 30HC 8ou3le clic, on special $& indicator $i*e the chart of accounts Enter 0econciliation account Special $& account Sa*e Sa*e in /our reAuest Lin< "o* 6an< )$**ent a))o$ntG S$nd*9 deAto*s A))o$nt and Aan< Ai!! dis)o$nting a))o$nt Path: up to the bill o! exchange recei6able at ban(-De!ine ban( sub accounts($r code is 30HG Select ne5 entries 3utton Chart of accounts ?A+& ?277117 ?277111 Sundr/ de3tors '1ill of e#change( ?< '1ill of E#change recei*a3le( ?A+& ?A+& Change short te#t and $& account long te#t to S1I 3ill discounting


1an, account

?277175 S1I current account ?<

;sage select discounting special $& indicator

Customer reconciliation account ?277117'sundr/ de3tors( 1an, su3 account for lia3ilit/ ?177372 'S1I 3ill discount( Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest END USER AREA Sa!es invoi)e /osting -F?33. $i*e the document date "/pe Compan/ code Select posting ,e/ Account no. Enter Amount 1usiness area Pa/ment terms "e#t Posting ,e/ Account Enter Ignore the 5arning message press enter Amount 1usiness area "e#t ?R ?A+&4 ?P ?A+&4 ?Select )" 37 )et 37 '37 da/s credit( ?sales in*oice posting ?57 ?377777 Sales account ?177777 ?A+& ?71 ?%%77771 ?"oda/Is date ?80

.rom the menu select document @Simulate and sa*e 6i!! o" eC),ange /a90ent: Path :%ccounting -Financial accounting- %ccounts recei6able -Document entry-0ill o! exchange -Payment (F98 $i*e the document date "/pe Compan/ code Posting ,e/ Account no. Special $& indictor Enter Amount 1usiness area "e#t ?A+&4 ?1ill of e#change pa/ment ?177777 ?A+& ?7 Customer special de3it ?%%77771 ?< ?"oda/Is date ?8N


8ue on Placement usage 8omicile Control 3an, location

?1-.12.2772 '37 da/s due date( ?select discounting ?S1I ?+ain 1ranchC 4G8

select choose open item 3utton Select process open item 3utton 8ou3le clic, on recei*a3le )ote the document no.577773 6i!! dis)o$nting: Path :%ccounting -Financial accounting- %ccounts recei6able- Document entry -0ill o! exchange -Discounting (F-99 $i*e the document date "/pe Compan/ code 1an, account 1usiness area Amount "e#t Posting ,e/ Account no. Enter Amount 1usiness area "e#t Press select 3ill of e#change 3utton 8oc no. 8ocument @Simulate and sa*e Re/o*t to vie( )$sto0e* (ise Ai!! (iseG do)$0ent (ise and Aan< (ise o$tstanding: Path :%ccounting -Financial accounting-%ccounts recei6able-Periodic processing -0ill o! exclude processing Gorea-0ill o! exchange management ($r codes S<%'2<=;0*22*9 $i*e the chart of accounts $& account Compan/ code Special $& indicator ;sage Select discounted 9Collected radio 3utton E#ecute Select current la/out 3utton Oeep the fields due dateC document noC customer recei*ed formC document data68omicile. ?A+& ?< ?select 8 '8iscounting( ?A+& ?277111 1ill of e#change ?577773 ?A+&4 ?P ?577777 ?A+& ?277175 'S1I current account( ?A+&4 ? 5777 ?S1I 3ill discounting ?-7 ?-77-77 Interest account ?"oda/Is date ?8A ?177777 .rom the menu select document @Simulate and sa*e


Amount in local currenc/ Select cop/ 3utton Reve*se )ontingent !iaAi!it9 : Path :%ccounting-Financial accounting -%ccounts recei6able-Document entry- 0ill o! exchange -2e6erse contingent liability (F-20 $i*e the document date F Posting date "/pe Compan/ code ?A+& $& account ;sage 8ue 3/ Customer Select edit line items 3utton Ignore the all 5arning message and press enter Select drop do5n 3utton for command column P PP 6 6 Set items to acti*e Set items is 3loc,s to acti*e Set items to inacti*e Set items in 3loc,s to inacti*e ?13.12.2772 ?8A ?277111 'Sundr/ de3tors 3ill of e#change( ?Select discounting ?31.12.2772 ?%%77771

Customer made pa/ment for 2C3 and - 3ills. 1ill )o 2 3 5 P P P or PP PP 6 or @

Customer made pa/ment for 1 and 5 3ills 1ill no. or or 1 P 2 6 6 3 6 6 6 5 P

Command filed select P Sa*e .rom the menu select document @8ispla/ If 3ill is dishonored? Contingent lia3ilit/ 3ecomes actual lia3ilit/ 3ase step E re*erse contingent lia3ilit/ additional entr/ to 3e passed. Customer account 8r "o S1I current account 'Sundr/ de3tors( 8unning '0eminder( If the customer does not ma,e the pa/ment as per terms of pa/ment s/stem 5ill issue dunning letters.


<e are not programmers 5e use s/stem gi*en dunning letter formats. D$nning a*ea: Compan/ code as a 5hole 90egional 5ise 9 location 5ise Eg.1ig companies Separate mar,eting heads .or East .or <est .or )orth .or South

Onl/ to his area customers. 4ere 5e create each session as one dunning area . Small companies @one mar,eting head for all the regions. Compan/ code 5ill 3e the dunning area. 'Cash credit ? &oan from 3an, and after sales 5e discharge the lia3ilit/ e#port sales order C pac,ing credit loan from 3an, C 3ill discounting after sale( 8unning le*els t/pe of letters +a#imum <e are using 8unning inter*als '.reAuenc/( $race period ? le*els ?- le*els ?17 da/s ?3 da/s

Eg? 1st &etter 2nd &etter 3rd &etter -th &etter Sale on 1!.11.2772 after after after after Pa/ment terms 7771 27.11.2772 37.11.2772 17.12.2772 27.12.2772 Pa/a3le immediatel/ 8unning charges? .or sending the letter 5e can collect dunning charges form the customer. It can 3e le*el 3ased 9 amount 1ased It can 3e fi#ed percentage amount It 5ill 3e sho5n onl/ in the letter It 5ill not 3e posted the accounts De"ine d$nning a*eas: Path :SP23-Financial accounting-%ccounts recei6able and account payable-0usiness transactions Dunning -0asic settings !or dunning -De!ine dunning areas) Select ne5 entries 3utton Compan/ code Area "e#t sa*e Ignore the 5arning message press enter Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest De"ine d$nning /*o)ed$*es: Path :/p to dunning the path is same -Dunning procedures-De!ine procedures ($r code is F0&P Select ne5 procedure 3utton 8unning procedure ?A+& )ame 8unning inter*al in da/s?17 ?8unning procedure for A+& ?A+& ?1lan, ?8unning area to A+&


)o.of dunning le*els &ine item grace periods Interest indicator

??3 da/s ?Select 71 standard item interest calculation

Select standard transactions dunning chec, 3o# Ignore the 5arning message press enter 8unning te#ts 3utton Compan/ code Enter Select ne5 compan/ code 3utton $i*e the compan/ code ?A+& Enter .or compan/ code ?A+& select separate notice per dunning le*el chec, 3o# Select 3ac, arro5 t5o times Select Ges 3utton for the message to sa*e date Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest Select dunning le*els 3utton Select al5a/s dun chec, 3o# for all the four le*els Select charges 3utton '.%( $i*e the currenc/ Enter Compan/ code Enter O/en one 0o*e session (it, t*ansa)tion )ode :F61P 8ou3le clic, on procedure Select dunning te#t 3utton $i*e the compan/ code Enter Come to the first session 8unning le*el 1 .rom .15768unn 671 8unning le*el 2 Select pagedo5n 3utton 'right side( 8unning le*el 3 .orm .157JdunnJ72 8unning le*el -th .orm .157JdunnJ72 )o5 select charges 3utton ?7771 Select customer radio 3utton 7771 ?A+& ?I)0 ?A+& Select customer radio 3utton

Select customer radio 3utton


$i*e the currenc/ ?I)0 Enter Select 3ac, arro5 Sa*e Ignore the 5arning message press enter Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest Assign d$nning /*o)ed$*e in )$sto0e* 0aste*: Path :%ccounting-Financial accounting-%ccounts recei6able -&aster records-&aintain centrally-Change ($r code is 4D02 $i*e the customer account no. Compan/ code Enter Select compan/ code date 3utton Select correspondence ta3 8unning procedure Sa*e END USER AREA Sa!e invoi)e /osting -F?33. $i*e the document date F posting date ?17.11.2772 "/pe Compan/ code Posting ,e/ Account Enter Amount 1usiness area "e#t Posting ,e/ Account no. Enter Amount 1usiness area "e#t ?A+&4 ?P ?R ?A+&4 ?Sales in*oice posting ?57 ?377777 Sales account ?1111 ?A+& ?71 ?%%77771 ?80 ?select A+& ?%%7771 ?A+&

.rom the menu Select 8ocument @Simulate and sa*e

D$nning *$n Path: %ccounting -Financial accounting-%ccounts recei6able Periodic processing-Dunning-($r code F*50


0un on Identification Select parameter ta3 8unning date

?"oda/Is date ?A+&1 ?"oda/s date ?"oda/ date ?%!77777 ?A+&

8ocuments posted up to Compan/ code Customer Sa*e Select 3ac, arro5 Select schedule 3utton

Select start immediatel/ chec, 3o# Output de*ise Select schedule 3utton $o on press enter till 5e get the message U 8un selection is compltedI Select dunning print out 3utton Select print 3utton $o on press enter till 5e get the message dunning print out is completed Select dunning histor/ 3utton $i*e /our compan/ code E#ecute '.2( Oeep the cursor on 1111 Select displa/ dunning notice 3utton Oeep the cursor on the document no. Select print pre*ie5 3utton 5o and see t,e )$sto0e* 0aste* -XD 3. Customer Compan/ code ?A+& Enter Its updates automaticall/ &ast dunned date ?%%77771 ?A+& ?&P71

?1!.11.2772 and dunning le*el.


SALES TAX :A" means *alued added ta# or &S" &ocal Sales "a# CS" mans Central Sales "a# Purchase Input ta# 1 &ocal purchases :A"9CS" Purchase 1asic 177 E#cise 2Z 2 :A" -Z -.32'1PE( 666666666 1ill amount 112.32 117.1% TTTTTT TTTTT Sales 'Output ta#( 2 outside state CS" purchase 177 2 2.1%'CS"2Z( 66666666 :A" 9& 3 &ocal Sales CS" sales Outside State sales

277 277 27 27 2!.57':A"12.5Z( -.-'CS"2Z( 666666666 666666666 2-!.57 22-.-7 TTTTT TTTTTT

Pa/ment to sales 8epartment 1. &ocal sales @&ocal purchases 2!.576-.32T23.12 2. &ocal sales @CS" purchases 2!.57T2!.57 3. CS" sales @&ocal purchases -.-6-.32T7.72 -. CS" sales @CS" purchasesT-.-T-.At the time of local purchasesC ta# paid on purchasesC can 3e adEusted @to ta# pa/a3le at the time of sales. '&ocal sales 9CS" sales( At the time of CS" purchaseC ta# paid on purchases can not 3e adEusted @to add to in*entor/. E#cises rates are 3ased on products E#cise rates are gi*en central e#cise tariffC in central e#cise tariff 5e ha*e 2 digits chapter I8. 52777777 "e#tiles 2Z Central e#cise 5ill 3e co*ered in the end. <e are testing no5 5ithout e#cise dut/. Customization of sales ta#

@. De"ine taC /*o)ed$*e Path :SP23-Financial accounting -Financial accounting global settings-$ax on sales @purchases-0asic settings-Chec( calculation procedure) 8ou3le clic, on define procedures Select ne5 entries 3utton


Procedure ?4 "a# 8escription ?Sales ta# India Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest Select 4 "a# 8ou3le clic, control data folder Select ne5 entries data folder Select ne5 entries 3utton Step 17 27 37 Sa*e Assign )o$nt*9 to )a!)$!ation /*o)ed$*e /p to basic settings the path is same %ssign country to calculation procedure Select position 3utton $i*e the countr/ Enter .or countr/ I) assign procedure 4 ta# Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest ?I) for India Co 7 7 7 C "/pe Select 1AS1 +<:S +<AS 8escription 1ase amount 17 17 17 17 Select :S" 6Input ta# +<S output ta# Input ta# Output ta# .rom "o Account ,e/

De"ine taC )odes "o* sa!es and /$*),ases /p to tax on sales o! purchases the path is same-Calculation -De!ine-$ax codes !or sales and purchases) ($r)code is F$4P $i*e the countr/ Enter $i*e the ta# code Enter 8escription "a# t/pe Enter Input ta#C ta# percent rate 7 Oeep the cursor on ouput ta#C ta# percent rate Select deacti*ate line '.5( 3utton Sa*e "a# code Enter ?:1 ?7Z input ta# ?Select : input ta# ?:o ?I) for India


8escription "a# t/pe Enter

?-Z input ta# ?select : input ta#

Input ta#C ta# Z rate Oeep the cursor out put ta#C ta# percent rate Select deacti*ate line 3utton Sa*e "a# code Enter 8escription "a# t/pe Enter Output ta#C ta# percent rate 7 Oeep the cursor our input ta#C ta# percent rate Select deacti*ate line 3utton Sa*e "a# code Enter 8escription "a# t/pe Enter Output ta#C ta# percent rate 12.5Z Oeep the cursor on input ta#C ta# percent rate Select deacti*ate line 3utton Sa*e Assign taC )odes "o* non?taCaA!e t*ansa)tions Path :/p to tax on sales@purchases the path is same Posting-%ssign tax codes !or non-taxable transactions ($r code is 30C' Select position 3utton $i*e /our compan/ code ?A+& Enter .or A+& select input ta# :7 Out put ta# :o Sa*e Press enter sa*e in /our reAuest C*eation o" 5L 0aste* FS 1. :A" recei*a3le 2. :A" pa/a3le Current lia3ilit/ T* )ode is FS $i*e the $& account no. Compan/ code ?277155 ?A+& Current assetsC &oans F Ad*ances ?12.5Z output ta# ?Select A out put ta# ?A1 ?7Z output ta# ?select A output ta# ?A7


Select 5ith template 3utton $i*e the $& account no. Compan/ code Enter Change short and $& long te#t to :A" recei*a3le Select create 9 1an, 9Interest ta3 .ield status group change to $7-1 '"a# office clearing accounts( Sa*e One more account $i*e the $& account no.177575 Compan/ code Select 5ith template 3utton $i*e the $& account no. Compan/ code Enter Select t/pe98escription ta3 Change account group to current lia3ilit/ and pro*isions Change short te#t and $& account long te#t to :A" pa/a3le Sa*e $i*e the $& account no.?277127 Compan/ code Select control data ta3 "a# categor/ Sa*e Ignore the 5arning message press enter $& Account Compan/ code "a# categor/ Sa*e Ignore the message press enter Assign0ent o" a))o$nts "o* a$to0ati) /ostings: Path :SP23-Financial accounting -Financial accounting global settings-$ax on sales@purchases-postingDe!ine tax accounts (30>0 8ou3le clic, on transactions :S" 'input ta#( $i*e the Chart of Accounts ?A+& Enter Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS 377777 A+& ?select R Sales A9c ?Select R 'All ta# t/pes allo5ed( Select posting 5ithout ta# allo5ed chec, 3o# ?A+& .rom the menu select $& account change ?277155 ?A+& ?A+& ?277127 'In*entor/ 0+( ?A+&

.rom the menu select $& account change Select posting 5ithout ta# allo5ed chec, 3o#


$i*e the account ?277155 :A" recei*a3le Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest Select 3ac, arro5 8ou3le clic, on transactions +<S'output ta#( Sa*e $i*e the account no.177575 :A" ta3le Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest In line en*ironment .I consultantIs Eo3? Customization Creation of "a# procedure Creation of ta# codes Creation of $& accounts Assignment of $& accounts ++ module? Purchase order material no.0+1 Purchase order *endor 123Purchase order >t/ 1 Og Purchase order 0ate 177 Purchase order ta# code :1 '-Z input ta#( $oods receipt "a# procedure? 1ase amount Input ta# on 3ase amount ':16-Z ( :endor credit 177 66666 17'1R 177( in*entor/ Account :S" 6277155 :A" recei*a3le

TTT S8 module? Sales order Customer no. 2!% +aterial >t/ 0ate "a# code

.$1 1Og 277 A1 '12.5Z( output ta#

"a# procedure 1ase amount 277 sales account Output ta# on 3ase amount 25 +<S 6177575 :A" pa/a3le At 12.5Z 66666 Customer de3it 225 TTT In .I for sales? Customer account 8r 225 "o sales 277 "o :A" pa/a3le 25 Sa*e Sa!es invoi)e /osting T* )ode is F?33 $i*e the document date ?"oda/Is date Compan/ code Posting ,e/ Account ?A+& ?71 customer de3it ?%%77771


Enter $i*e the amount "e#t Posting ,e/ Account no. Enter Amount "a# code 1usiness area "e#t ?R ?Select A1 ?A+&4 ?P ?57 ?377777 'Sales a9c( ?225 ?"a# sales in*oice posting Select calculate ta# chec, 3o#

.rom the menu select 8ocument6 Simulate 8ou3le clic, on :A" pa/a3le line item 1usiness area "e#t Sa*e ?A+&4 ?P

ASSET ACCOUNTIN5 6ad deAits: 1. Creation of $& +aster ?Pro*ision for 3ad de3ts reconciliation A9c )o.277112 2. &in, 3et5een sundr/ de3tors and pro*ision for 3ad de3ts ?O1MG E 9^ 277117 3. Sales in*oice posting 0eser*e for 3ad de3t 277112 .622


-. "ransfer from customer normal to customer special $& E Customer special $& E E0 8r "o customer 5ith clearing .637 Pro*ision for 3ad de3t Sundr/ de3tors .637 Pro*ision for 3ad de3t

5. After 3 /ears 3ad de3tors 8r "o Customer special $&

Asset accounting? "his is su3 ledger 'su3sidiar/ ledger( C,a*t o" De/*e)iation Asset accounting customization 5ill 3e done for Chart of 8epreciation 5ill 3e assigned to compan/ code9codes. <e ha*e to cop/ either $erman/ chart of depreciation or Indian Chart of 8epreciation. De/*e)iation a*eas: 1oo, depreciation 'Postings to accounts( Income ta# depreciation $roup depreciation Costing depreciation D D Onl/ for information D

De/*e)iation 0et,odsH Straight &ine +ethod depreciation method 'S&+( <ritten do5n *alue depreciation method '<8:( De/*e)iation <e9s 5Z S&+ 0ate 5Z <8: 0ate 0ate P+ethod

T*ansa)tion t9/es 177 E#ternal acAuisition 117 In6house production ^ 217 0etirement 5ith re*enue Asset deAit "he de3it can 3e use of E#ternal acAuisition 'Outside purchase( 9In house production9Inter unit transfer9Inter compan/ purchase. <ith transaction t/pe 5e 5ill come to ,no5 3ecause of 5hat it is de3ited. Posting <e9s: !7 Asset 8e3it !5 Asset Credit Asset a))o$nting is Aased on 4 *$!es: 1. Su3 asset master is to 3e created 5ith reference to main asset master. 2. +ain asset master is to 3e created 5ith reference to asset class 3. Account determination is specified in asset class -. .or account determination 5e assign $& accounts 3ased on the nature of transaction. A))o$nt dete*0ination Purchase 277777 P F + 277777 PF + Profit on asset sale 1.&and 2.1uilding 8ept A Asset )!ass .ree hold &ease hold .actor/ )on factor/ +achine no.1 15.75.2773 1ain asset 0aste* S$A asset 0aste*



3. Plant F +achiner/ &oss on asset Sale &oss due to scrapping 8epreciation Accumulation depreciation 8ept 1 8ept C -. .urniture F .i#tures 5. :ehicles %. Capital 5or, in progress

+achine no.2


.urniture F .i#tures 4ea*/ C Others $eneral E#pansion 1 E#pansion 2

Additions to specific mechanical 5ill 3e created as su3 asset masters. +ain asset 5ill 3e ha*e al5a/s su3 num3er zero. Crate machine no.1 +aster +otor to machine no.1 Addition to machine no.1 167 161 162

If 5e gi*e 167 it gi*es main asset *alue If 5e gi*e 161 it gi*es motor *alue If 5e gi*e 1 it gi*es machines 1 5ith additions <h/ 5e call &and 91uildings etc. as account determinations. "hese items 5ill determine the $& accounts to 3e posted automaticall/. 1oto* /$*),ase: . +otor A9c 8r "o 1an, $& Sa*e CUSTO1I7ATION Co/9 *e"e*en)e C,at o" De/*e)iation #De/*e)iation A*ea: Path :SP23-Financial accounting-%sset %ccounting -3rgani1ational structures -Copy re!erence Chart o! Depreciation @Depreciation area ($r code is EC0= 8ou3le clic, on cop/ reference Chart of 8epreciation .rom the menu select organizational o3Eect Cop/ org. o3Eect '.%( .rom Chart of 8epreciation ?Select O8E '+a#imum *aluation? $erman/( "o chart of 8epreciation Enter Ignore the message press enter Select create reAuest 3utton Short depreciation ?Asset customization for A+& Enter Press enter once again to sa*e in /our reAuest <e get a message chart of depreciation O8E cop/ to A+& Enter ?A+& S& 577777 "ransaction t/pe ?177 2777777 P F + 57777 $& 577777


Select 3ac, arro5 8ou3le clic, on specif/ depreciation of Chart of 8epreciation Select position 3utton Chart of 8epreciation Enter Change the description to Chart of 8epreciation for A+& Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest Select 3ac, arro5 8ou3le clic, cop/ 9delete depreciation areas $i*e the Chart of 8epreciation ?A+& Enter Select areas 3C17C15C27C31C32C-1 F51 .rom the menu select Edit 8elete Sa*e Ignore the 5arning message press enter Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest Assign C,a*t o" De/*e)iation to Co0/an9 )ode Path :/p to organi1ation structure the path is same -%ssign Chart o! Depreciation to company code ($r code is 3%30 Select position 3utton $i*e the compan/ code ?A+& Enter .or compan/ code A+& Chart of 8epreciation A+& Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest ?A+&

S/e)i"9 a))o$nt dete*0ination Path :/p to the organi1ational structure the path is same -%sset Class-Speci!y account determination Select ne5 entries 3utton A))o$nt dete*0ination A+&17777 A+&11777 A+&27777 A+&37777 A+&31777 A+&-7777 Des)*i/tion &and 1uilding Plant F +achiner/ .urniture F .i#tures :ehicles Capital 5or, in progress

Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest C*eate s)*een !a9o$t *$!e Same path


Select screen la/out Select screen la/out Select screen la/out Select screen la/out Select screen la/out Select screen la/out Select cop/ as 3utton

1777 1177 2777 2177 2577 3777

Change screen la/out 1777 to A+&1 )ame )ame )ame )ame )ame )ame Enter F Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest De"ine n$0Ae* *ange inte*va!s Path :Same path ($r code is %S0= Compan/ code ?A+& Select change inter*als 3utton Select inter*al 3utton )um3er range ?71 .rom num3er Enter Select inter*al 3utton once again )o.range .rom no. "o no. Enter Select inter*al 3utton )o.range .rom no. "o no. Enter Select inter*al 3utton ?73 ?277771 ?377777 ?72 ?177771 ?277777 ?177777 ?&and ?1uildings ?Plant F +achiner/ ?.urniture F .i#tures ?:ehicle ?Capital 5or, in progress Change screen la/out 1177 to A+&2 Change screen la/out 2777 to A+&3 Change screen la/out 2177 to A+&Change screen la/out 2577 to A+&5 Change the screen la/out 2%77 to A+&%


)o.range .rom no. "o no. Enter Select inter*al 3utton )o.range .rom no. "o no. Enter Select inter*al 3utton )o.rage .rom no. "o no. Enter F Sa*e De"ine asset )!asses: ?7%

?7?377771 ?-77777

?75 ?-77771 ?577777

?577771 ?%77777

Path :Same path ($r code is 3%3% Select ne5 entries 3utton Asset class 8escription ?A+&1777 ?.ree hold land

Short te#t also ?.ree hold land Account determination ?select A+&17777 &and Screen la/out rule )o.rage ?71 ?select A+&1 &and

Select included asset under in*entor/ data Select no.A;C or Summar/ +anagement of A;C Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest )ote? A;C stands for Asset ;nder Construction Select ne#t entr/ 3utton '.2( Asset class 8escription Short te#t Screen la/out rule )um3er rage ?72 ?A+&1177 ?.actor/ 1uildings ? .actor/ 1uildings ?A+&2

Account determination ?select A+&11777 1uildings

Select include asset under in*entor/ data chec, 3o# Select no.A;C or Summar/ +anagement of A;C Sa*e Select ne#t entr/ 3utton '.2(


Asset class 8escription Short te#t Screen la/out rule )um3er rage ?73

?A+&2777 ? 8ept A ? 8ept A ?A+&3

Account determination ?select A+&27777 P F +

Select include asset under in*entor/ data chec, 3o# Select no.A;C or Summar/ +anagement of A;C Sa*e Select ne#t entr/ 3utton '.2( Asset class 8escription Short te#t Screen la/out rule )um3er rage ?7?A+&3777 ? .urniture F .i#tures ? .urniture F .i#tures ?A+&-

Account determination ?select A+&37777 .urniture F .i#tures

Select include asset under in*entor/ data chec, 3o# Select no.A;C or Summar/ +anagement of A;C Sa*e Select ne#t entr/ 3utton '.2( Asset class 8escription Short te#t Screen la/out rule )um3er rage ?A+&3177 ? :ehicles and others ? :ehicles and others ?A+&5 ?75

Account determination ?select A+&31777 :ehicles and others

Select include asset under in*entor/ data chec, 3o# Select no.A;C or Summar/ +anagement of A;C Sa*e Select ne#t entr/ 3utton '.2( Asset class 8escription Short te#t Screen la/out rule )um3er rage ?A+&-777 ? Capital <or, in Progress 6$eneral ? Capital <or, in Progress 6$eneral ?A+&% ?7%

Account determination ?select A+&-7777 C<IP6$eneral

Select include asset under in*entor/ data chec, 3o# Se!e)t !ine ite0 sett!e0ent *adio A$tton Sa*e Se!e)t in)!$de asset $nde* invento*9 data ),e)< AoC:


In*entor/ means fi#ed in*entor/C 5hate*er assets 5e create the/ 5ill 3e included in fi#ed assets in*entor/. As per companies auditors report order 'CA0O( @ the auditor 5ill state 5hether fi#ed assets ha*e 3een ph/sicall/ *erified 3/ management or not. Incase of 3ig companies ph/sical *erification in a phased manner <hen 5e create an asset master @ "here is a field called last *erification date Asset nos &ast *erification date 1 31.73.2772 2 31.73.277! 3 31.73.2772 31.73.2772 5 31.73.277! In the report 5e gi*e the report date @ .rom 71.7-.277! to 31.73.2772 5e get the list of asset *erified during the /ear 1 2 3 31.73.2772 31.73.2772 31.73.2772 31.73.2772

&e ,ave not se!e)ted "o* )a/ita! (o*< in /*og*ess <e can not *erif/ e*er/ that assets @once the/ are commissioned the/ 5ill 3e sho5n under respecti*e head and not under capital 5or, in progress .or capital 5or, progress general @Select line item settlement radio 3utton +achiner/ 7191192772 .right A+" 1591192772 Settle from Capital <or, In Progress to machine no.17 line item 5ise Commissioning charges 2291192772 Dete*0ine a*eas in t,e asset )!ass Path :SP23-Financial accounting -%sset accounting-Faluation -Determine depreciation areas in the asset class ($r)Code is 3%HI $i*e the chat of depreciation Enter Select position 3utton Asset class ?A+&1777 '.ree hold land( Enter Select A+&1777 '.ree hold land( 8ou3le clic, depreciation areas folder 8eselect deacti*ation chec, 3o# for area 71 1oo, depreciation &a/out ?Select 2777 depreciation on asset su36no le*el .or area 71 la/out 2777 .or area 72 la/out 2777 .or area 37 la/out 2777 Sa*e ?A+& 8e3it to C<IP Asset commissioned on 22.11.2772 as machine no.17


Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest Select 3ac, arro5 "he same procedure the follo5ed for asset class A+&1177 A+&2777 A+&3777 A+&3177 A+&-777 .actor/ 3uilding 8ept A .urniture F .i#tures :ehicles F other Capital 5or, in progress

8eselect deacti*ation chec, 3o# for area 71 for land there is no depreciation In asset master creation6Capitalization date @reAuired &and purchase details registration date 8epreciation ,e/'0ate( 7Z

.or area 716 Select 2777 @ 8epreciation on asset su3 num3er le*el +achine 17 +otor Asset no. 1 6 1 6 7 1 1797292775 2291192772

C*eation o" @8 5ene*a! !edge* 0aste* FS S.N o. 1 5L A))o$nt No. 277777 &and A))o$nt )o/9 277117 Sundr/ de3tors Pa*a0ete*s to 1aintain 6Account group @ .i#ed assets 627777762777 6Change the account group .i#ed Assets 6Sort ,e/ 6712 Asset num3er 0econciliation A9c for account t/pe @Asset 6.ield status group 7%! 0econciliation accounts. 68o 6 68o 6 68o 6 68o 6 68o 6 68o6 Account group6Accumulate depreciation 617727761772 6Sort ,e/ 6712 Asset num3er 60econciliation A9c for account t/pe @Assets 6.ield Status group6 7%! 0econciliation accounts 68o 6 68o6 68o6

2 3. -. 5. %.

277775 1uildings 277717 Plant F +achiner/ 277715 .urniture F .i#tures 277727 :ehicles 277725 Capital 5or, in progress 177277 Accumulate depreciation6 1uilding

277777 &and 68o6 68o6 68o6 68o6

2 . 17

177275 Accumulated depreciation @ Plant F +achiner/ 177217 Accumulated depreciation @ .urniture F .i#tures 177215 Accumulated depreciation @:ehicles

177277 8epreciation 61uildings 68o6 68o6



377172 Assets sales

377177 E#change gain 68o6


377173 Profit on asset sale

13 115

-77372 &oss on asset sale -77373 &oss due to scrapping -77577 8epreciation

68o6 68o6

Account group @other income 37717763771 Sort ,e/ 6712 Asset num3er .ield status group $752 6Account group other Income 637717763771 6Sort ,e/ 712 Asset num3er 6.ield status group 6$771 68o6 68o6 Change the Account group 8epreciation -775776-775 Sort ,e/ 6712 Asset num3er .iled status group6$771

Assign0ent o" a))o$nts "o* a$to0ati) /ostings: Path :SP23-Financial accounting -%sset accounting-,ntegration Aith the general ledger-%ssign .' accounts) $i*e the /our Chat of 8epreciation Enter $he $ransaction code is %3:0 Select chant of accounts 8ou3le clic, on account determination folder Select account determination 8ou3le clic, on 1alance sheet accounts folder AcAuisition column ?AcAuisition and production costs $i*e the A9c )o.?277777 &and &oss made on asset retirement 59o re*enue.'59o re*enue mean scrap( $i*e the account no.-77373 loss to scraping Clearing account re*enue from asset sale $ain from asset sale &oss from asset sales Press enter Select sa*e 3utton Ignore the 5arning message press enter Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest 8ou3le clic, on account determination folder Select account determination 8ou3le clic, on 1alance Sheet accounts folder AcAuisition column acAuisition and production cost a9c no.277775 &oss made on asset retirement 59o re*enue Clearing account re*enue from asset sale $ain from asset sale &oss from asset sale Sa*e ?-77373 ?377172 ?377173 ?-77372 ?A+&11777 1uildings ?377172 ?377173 ?-77372 ?A+&17777 &and ?A+&



Ignore the message press enter 8ou3le clic, on depreciation folder Accumulated depreciation for ordinar/ depreciation 177277 accumulated depreciation 3uildings E#pense account for ordinar/ depreciation -77577 8epreciation account Sa*e Ignore the message press enter 8ou3le clic, on account determination folder Select account determination 8ou3le clic, on 1alance Sheet accounts folder AcAuisition column acAuisition and production cost $i*e the $& account no.?277717 &oss made on asset retirement '5ithout( 59o re*enue -77373 Clearing account re*enue from asset sales $ain from asset sale &oss from asset sale Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS 8ou3le clic, on depreciation folder Accumulated depreciation account for ordinar/ depreciation a9c no.177275 E#pense account for ordinar/ deprecation Sa*e Ignore the message press enter 8ou3le clic, on account determination folder Select account determination 8ou3le clic, on 3alance sheet account folder AcAuisition ?AcAuisition and production costs 277715 '.urniture F .i#tures a9c( &oss made on asset retirement 59o re*enue Clearing account re*enue from asset sale $ain from asset sale &oss from asset sale sa*e Ignore the message press enter 8ou3le clic, on depreciation folder Accumulated depreciation account for ordinar/ depreciation 177217 E#pense for ordinar/ deprecation Sa*e Ignore the message press enter 8ou3le clic, on account determination folder Select account determination 8ou3le clic, on 1alance Sheet accounts folder AcAuisition? AcAuisition production costs &oss made on asset retirement 59o re*enue Clearing account re*enue from asset sale $ain from asset sale ?277727 ?-77373 ?377172 ?377173 ?A+& 31777 *ehicles ?-77577 ?-77373 ?377172 ? 377173 ?-77372 ?A+&37777 .urniture F .i#tures ?-77577 ?377172 ?377173 ?-77372 ?A+& 27777 P F +


&oss from asset sale Sa*e Ignore the message press enter 8ou3le clic, on depreciation folder Accumulate depreciation for ordinar/ depreciation E#penses account for ordinar/ depreciation Sa*e Ignore the message press enter 8ou3le clic, on account determination folder Select account determination 8ou3le clic, on 1alance Sheet accounts folder AcAuisition ?AcAuisition and production cost &oss made on asset retirement 59o re*enue Clearing accounts re*enue from asset sale $ain from asset sale &oss from asset sale Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS Ignore the message press enter S/e)i"9 do)$0ent t9/e "o* /osting o" de/*e)ation:


?177215 ?-77577

?A+&-7777 Capital <or, In progress ?277725 ?-77373 ?377172 ?377173 ?-77372

/p to integration Aith general ledger the path is same -Post-Deprecation to the .' -Speci!y Document type !or posting deprecation-Double clic( on de!ine document type ($r code is 30%; Select t/pe A. 8eprecation postings Select details 3utton )ote the num3er range 7Select num3er range information 3utton $i*e the compan/ code ?A+& Select change inter*als 3utton Select inter*als 3utton )um3er range Gear .rom no. "o no. Select e#ternal chec, 3o# Enter and sa*e Ignore the 5arning message press enter As per SAP documentation ? .rom ECC5 on5ards ;p to -.! EE ?7?2772 ?!77771 ?277777

)ot to select e#ternal chec, 3o# Select e#ternal chec, 3o#

<hen 5e select e#ternal chec, 3o#C 5e ha*e to gi*e 5hat should 3e the document num3er at the time of posting. "here is an e#ception @for deprecation postings also 5e ha*e to select e#ternal chec, 3o# In normal postings 5e are posting are document at a time.


Incase of deprecation 9 5hen 5e run depreciation num3er of documents 5ill 3e generated at a time 3ased on account determination 7-62772 6!77771 6277777 Select e#ternal chec, 3o# A+& 17777 &and A+&11777 1uildings 8epreciation account A+&27777 Plant F +achiner/ Assessment for A+&37777 .urniture F .i#tures Account determination A+&31777 :ehicles A+&-7777 Capital 5or, in Progress <hen 5e run depreciation - documents 5ill 3e generated automaticall/ e*er/ month. !77771 8epreciation 80 "o Acc 8ep 1uildings !77772 8epreciation 80 "o Acc. 8ep6Plant F +achiner/ !77773 8epreciation 80 "o Acc 8ep .urniture F .i#tures !7777- 8epreciation 80 "o Acc 8ep 6:ehicles S/e)i"9 inte*va!s and /osting *$!es: Same path 'ne#t step( '"r code is OA2R( Select compan/ code A+&

8ou3le clic, on posting rules folder Select monthl/ posting radio 3utton Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest S/e)i"9 *o$nding "o* net Aoo< va!$e and #o* de/*e)ation: Path :SP23-Financial accounting-%sset accounting-Faluation -%mount speci!ications (company code@Deprecation area -Speci!y rounding o! net boo( 6alue and @or deprecation Ignore the message press enter Select compan/ code Select area 71 3oo, deprecation Select details 3utton Select automaticall/ calculated depreciation chec, 3o# Select arithmetic rounding radio 3utton Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest De"ine s)*een !a9o$t "o* asset 0aste* data: ?A+& 8ou3le clic, on rounding specifications folder


Path :SP23-Financial accounting-%sset accounting-&aster data-Screen layout-De!ine screen layout !or asset master data 8ou3le clic, on define screen la/out for asset master data Select la/out ?A+&1 &and 8ou3le clic, on logical fields groups folder Select 2 posting information 8ou3le clic, on field group rules folder Capitalization data ma,e it reAuired entr/ field Select main num3er chec, 3o# Select su36no chec, 3o# Select cop/ chec, 3o# <e ha*e created A+&1 3/ cop/ing la/out 1777 After5ards 5e create MGN la/out 3/ cop/ing A+&1 5hat e*er fields 5e ha*e chosen for A+&1 should 3e copied MGN Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest Select 3ac, arro5 Select 3 time dependent date 8ou3le clic, on filed group rules folder 1usiness area ma,e it reAuired entr/ field Select main no.chec, 3o#C su3 no.chec, 3o# Sa*e Select 3ac, arro5 t5o times "he same procedure is to the follo5ed for la/out A+& 2 1uildings A+& 3 Plant F +achiner/ A+&17 .urniture F .i#tures A+&5 :ehicles A+&% Capital <or, in Progress De"ine s)*een !a9o$t "o* asset de/*e)ation a*eas: Same path '"r code is AO21( Select screen la/out 2777 deprecation on asset su3 no.le*el 8ou3le clic, on field groups folder 8epreciation ,e/s ma,e it reAuired entr/ filed Select main no.chec, 3o# Select su36no.chec, 3o# Select cop/ chec, 3o# Sa*e De/*e)ation <e9s )*eation -RateI 1et,ods. 1. 2. 3. -. 5. 8efine 3ase methods 8efine declining 3alance method 8efine period control methods 8efine period control methods +aintain deprecation ,e/


.irst steps 5ill 3e assigned in 5th step and 5th step 5ill 3e assigned in Asset master. @. De"ine Aase 0et,ods: Path :SP23 -Financial accounting-%sset accounting-Depreciation -Faluation methods -Depreciation (eyCalculation methods -De!ine base methods 1ase method ?771- Ordinar/ ?E#plicit percentage 'after end of life( A( Ordinar/ deprecation 1( E#plicit percentage @creation percentages rate gi*en in Companies Act Schedule MI: C( After end of line @If the ne#t 3o# *alue 3ecomes zero no depreciation should 3e calculated. De"ine de)!ining Aa!an)e 0et,ods Same path $i*e the Char of 8epreciation A+& Enter )ote do5n decimal 3alance 771 772 8ecimal factor 2 +a# percentage 27 1eginning /ears ?<ear and tear 5ill 3e less AcAuisition *alue 177777 0ate of depreciation 5Z .irst /ear 5 Second /ear 5 "hird /ear 5 .ourth /ear 5 666 27 .irst - /ears ?177777R5Z R 2Z '2Z discount as per companies act( 5th /ear on5ards ?177777R5Z De"ine 0$!ti !eve! 0et,ods: -T* )ode is AFA1S. same path select ne5 entries 3utton multile*el method 8escription :alidit/ star Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest 8ou3le clic, on le*els folder Select ne5 entries 3utton AcAuisition /ear Gear Periods 1ase *alue Percentage Sa*e ?12 ?Select 71 AcAuisition *alue ?5 ? ? ?A ?5Z S&+ ?Select from ordinar/ deprecation on star date

AcAuisition /ear


<e ha*e gi*en sa/ an/ /ear 27726 "his rate is applica3le for the assets purchased in the /ear 2772 @)e#t /ear also 5e are purchasing an asset ha*ing 5Z rate65e ha*e to create acAuisition /ear once again in the ne#t /ear. <hen 5e gi*e purchase can 3e in the /ear 2. Gears A( 5Z S&+ rate 27 /ears '17795( 1( 5Z <8: rate B C( 1Z S&+ rate 177 /ears '17791( 8( 1Z <8: rate B ma# no. of /ear In 3ase method @once the net 3oo, *alue 3ecomes zero @8oIt calculate depreciation . In some countries. .irst 5 /ears )e#t 5 /ears )e#t 5 /ears 5Z 17Z 15Z

3. Periods 12 months -. 1ase *alue 71 AcAuisition *alue in case of S&+ 2- )et 3oo, *alue incase of <8: 5. Percent 5 rate of depreciation %. 0eduction 1 AcAuisition *ale 177777 1Z Scrap *alue 1777 666666 777 8ep 5Z onl/ on 777 !. 0emine life Percentage method India ;seful life method +achine no.16In /ear 2773 ;seful life ?27 Gears $oing for SAP in 2772 Select rem life Asset master 615 Gears

Select acAuisition /ear 8ou3le clic, on +ulti le*el method folder Select ne#t entr/ 3utton +ultile*el method A2 8escription ?5Z <8: :alidit/ star ?.rom ordinar/ depreciation star date Sa*e Select acAuisition /ear 8ou3le clic, on le*els folder Select ne5 entries 3utton AcAuisition /ear ? Gear ? Periods ?12 1ase *alue ?Select 2- net 3oo, *alue Percent ?5 Sa*e 1aintain /e*iod )ont*o! 0et,ods: Same path $i*e the Chart of deprecation ?A+& Enter


Select ne5 entries 3utton Period method 8escription AcAuisition /ear Add /ear 0etirement /ear "ransfer /ear ?71 ?77% ?A+& period control method ?Select 71 pro rate at period start date ?Select 71 ?71 '0etirement mean sale(

Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest 1aintain de/*e)ation <e9: Same path $r code is %F%&% Select ne5 entries 3utton 8epreciation ,e/ 8escription ?A+&1 ?5Z Straight line dep.method

Select period control according to fiscal /ear chec, 3o# Select dep. to the da/ chec, 3o# Sa*e Ignore the 5arning message press enter Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest 8ou3le clic, on assignment of calculation methods folder Select ne5 entries 3utton 8epreciation t/pe Phase 1ase method Period control method +ultile*el method Class Sa*e Select 3ac, arro5 - times Select depreciation ,e/ ?A+&1 Select acti*ate 3utton Sa*e Select ne5 entries 3utton 8epreciation ,e/ 8epreciation ?A+&2 ?5Z 5ritten 8o5n :alue 8eprecation method ?Select ordinar/ deprecation ?Select from the start of depreciation ?771?771 ?A1 ?Select straight line depreciation ?77%

8eclare 3alance method

Period control according to .iscal /ear chec, 3o# Select depreciation to the da/ chec, 3o# Sa*e Ignore the 5arning message press enter 8ou3le clic, assignment of calculation methods folder


Select ne5 entries 3utton 8epreciation t/pe Phase 1ase method ?Select ordinar/ depreciation ?Select from the start of depreciation ?771-

8eclare 3alance method?771 Period control method ?77% +ultile*el method Class Sa*e Select 3ac, arro5 four times Select depreciation ,e/ A+&2 Select acti*ate 3utton Sa*e Select first page control page up 3utton Select depreciation ,e/ ?7777'no depreciation no interest ( Select acti*ate 3utton Sa*e FI END USER AREA: C*eate o" 0ain asset 0aste*: Path :%ccounting-Financial accounting-Fixed assets-%sset -Crete -%sset ($he $ransaction code is %S0* Asset class Compan/ code Enter $i*e the description Capitalized on 1usiness area 8epreciation ,e/ ;seful life Period ?+achine no.1 ?12.7-.2772 ?A+&4 ?Select A+&1 ?15 /ears ?% months Eg. 7197592772( ?A+& ?Select A+&2777 8epartment A ?A2 ?Select declining @3alance depreciation

Select time dependent ta3 Select depreciation area ta3

Ordinar/ depreciation start date ?12.7-.2772 )ote? Commissioning date @Indian s/stemC sum countries is ne#t month first da/ sa*e C*eation o" s$A asset 0aste* Path :/p to !ixed assets the path is same-%sset-Create-Sub number -%sset($he transaction code is %S** Asset Compan/ code ?A+& Enter ?277771




Capitalized on ?2 .11.2772 Select time dependent ta3 Select deprecation area ta3 Change the depreciation ,e/ A+&2 ;seful life Period Sa*e 1ain asset /$*),ase /osting: Path :%ccounting-Financial accounting-Fixed asset -Posting-%cJuisition-External acJuisition -Dith 6endor ($ransaction code is F-:0 $i*e the document date and posting date "/pe Compan/ code Posting ,e/ Account Enter Ignore the 5arning message press enter Amount 1usiness area "e#t Posing ,e/ Account "ransaction t/pe Enter 1st 0ule? Su3 asset master 5ith reference to main asset master 27777161 5ith reference to 277771 2nd 0ule +ain asset 5ith reference to asset also 277771 5ith reference to A+&2777 8ept A 3rd 0ule Account determination is specified in asset class A+&277777 Plant F +achiner/ specified in A+&2777 8ept A -th 0ule .or account determination 5e assign accounts 3ased on the nature of transaction .or A+&27776Incase of acAuisition62777717 Plant F +achiner/ Amount enter ?R "e#t ?P .rom the menu select document Simulate and sa*e S$A asset /$*),ase /osting -F?J . $i*e the document date ?"oda/Is date ?A+&4 ?+achiner/ purchase posting ?!7 8e3it asset ?Select 277771 67 +achine no. ?Select 177 E#ternal asset acAuisition ?577777 ?A+& ?31 :endor credit ?-277771 ?12.7-.2772 ?O0 ':endor in*oice( ?71 ?15 /ears

Ordinar/ depreciation?2 .11.2772


"/pe Compan/ code Posting ,e/ Account no. Enter Amount 1usiness area "e#t Posting ,e/ Account "ransaction t/pe Enter 'Applica3le 1st rule( Amount "e#t ?A+&4 ?A+&

?O0 ?31 ?-277771 ?177777 ?+otor purchase posting ?!7 ?27777161 that motor ?177

?R ?P

.rom the menu select document @Simulate and sa*e REPORT TO %IE& SU6 ASSET &ISEG 2EAR &ISE %ALUES Path :%ccounting -Financial accounting -Fixed assets -%sset -%sset explorer ($r code is %D3*C $i*e the compan/ code Asset no. Su3 )o. .iscal /ear Enter Select 8ispla/ depreciation calculation 3utton Select period information 3utton Select 3ac, arro5 Select compression ta3 Change the asset to 277771 Su3 no. Enter Select planned *alues ta3 Change the fiscal /ear to 277 Enter Select displa/ depreciation calculation 3utton 3nd Re/o*t 0eport to *ie5 for all assets for particular period Path :%ccounting-Financial accounting -Fixed assets -,n!ormation system -2eports on asset accounting %sset balances -0alance lists -3nce again asset balances -0y business area ($r code is S<%'2<=;0**:85 Press all selections 3utton 'Shift P.!( ?1 ?A+& ?277771 ?7 ?2772


$i*e the compan/ code ?A+& 0eport date E#ecute 8ou3le clic, on 8ept A 8ou3le clic, on +achine no.1 Select 3ac, arro5 3 times Change the report date to 37.7-.2772 E#ecute 8ou3le clic, on 8ept A ?31.12.2772

De/*e)iation *$n: Path :%ccounting -Financial accounting -Fixed assets -period processing -depreciation run -Execute ($r code is %F%0 $i*e the compan/ code .iscal /ear Posting period Select test run chec, 3o# ')ote ?If /ou run in middle of /ear select unplanned posting run radio 3utton( E#ecute Ignore the 5arning message press enter Select error list 3utton '.!( '0ight side corner( Select 3ac, arro5 8eselect te#t run chec, 3o# .rom the menu select program E#ecute in 3ac, ground Enter Select continue 3utton "o schedule in the rights select date 9time 3utton $i*e the schedule start date ?71.12.2772 "ime ?$i*e 40 23.77 Sa*e "o post immediatel/ select immediate 3utton Sa*e )ote do5n get a message 3ac,ground Eo3 5as scheduled for program 0A POS" 2777 "o chec, 5hether the Eo3 or not from the menu select S/stem @=o3s6=o3 o*er*ie56Ser*ices @select e#ecute 3utton To vie( t,e do)$0ent /osted: -T* )ode is F6 4. Select document list 3utton $i*e the compan/ code ?A+& 8ocument t/pe ?A. E#ecute 8ou3le clic, on document no. Use t,e T* )ode is AFA6 ?1 Select planned posting run radio 3utton ?A+& ?2772


Compan/ code ?A+& .iscal /ear ?2772 1efore 8ep run for +a/ 2772 and after 8ep run for April 2772 5e ha*e commissioned an asset 5ith 3ac, date 27777267 +achine no.2 25.7-.2772 Posted period 2 1. select planned posting run radio 3utton posting as per plan 'earlier 5e ha*e selected monthl/ posting( .or 27777167 from 1st +a/ 2772 to 31st +a/ 2772 .or 27777267 for 25th April 2772 to 31st +a/ 2772 Re/o*t *$n: 1efore run for +a/ Posting period Select report run S/stem chec,s 5hich assets are commissioned in April and not posted depreciation. 27777267 from 25th April 2772 to 37th April 2772 Once it is completed Posting period 2 Select planned posting run 27777167 .rom 1st +a/ 2772 to 31st +a/ 2772 27777267 from 1st +a/ 2772 to 31st +a/ 2772 0epeat run is possi3le onl/ after planned posting run <e ha*e run depreciation up to Octo3er 2772 6no5 5e ha*e commissioned an asset 5ith April date repeat run is possi3le onl/ for last planned posting run6In this e#ample onl/ for Octo3er. Resta*t 0are cases @ser*er is do5n during processing time s/stem gi*es message restart. Un/!anned /osting *$n: Posting run not as per planC <e ha*e run for April <e 5ant to run +a/ to )o*em3er 8ep. At a time. Posting period 2 Select unplanned posting run 8epreciation 5ill 3e posted from +a/ to at time. Asset sa!es ? 27777167 +achine no.1 AcAuisition *alue AcAuisition depreciation )et 3oo, *alue 37.7-.2772 Asset sales on 71.75.2772 Profit on asset sale 577777 2 7 666666666 - 117 571777 6666666666 12 7

1to chec, fields status for field status group $752 use the "r code is O1CSelect field status *ariant ?A+& 8ou3le clic, on filed status groups folder 8ou3le clic, on field status group $752 Accounts for fi#ed assets retirement 8ou3le clic, on Asset accounting Asset retirement ma,e it reAuired entr/ field Sa*e


Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest ASSET SALE Path :%ccounting -!inancial %ccounting -Fixed assets -Posting -2etirement -2etirement Aith re6enue -Aith customer (F-:2 $i*e the document date F Posting date ?71.75.2772 "/pe Compan/ code Posting ,e/ Account no. Enter Ignore the message press enter $i*e the amount 1usiness area "e#t Posting ,e/ Account no. Enter Amount 1usiness area "e#t Select asset retirement chec, 3o# .rom the menu select document @Simulate Enter Asset no. Su3 num3er "ransaction t/pe ?277771 ?7 ?217 comes 3/ default '217 stand for retirement 5ith re*enue( ?A+&4 ?P ?R ?A+&4 ?Asses sale ?57 ?377172 Asset sale ?571777 ?A+& ?71 ?%%77771 ?80

$i*e the asset *alue 'Capitalization date(?71.75.2772 Select complete retirement chec, 3o# Enter Cont*a 71 !7 -7 !5 57 71 57 Customer Account 8ep P F + 27777167 Asset Sale Plant F +achiner/ 277777167 Profit on asset sale Customer PF+ 571777 2 7 571777 577777 12 7 571777 571777

<e get a message correct the mar,ed line item. 8ou3le clic, on 3lue font line item Select displa/ document o*er*ie5 3utton Asset sale on 71 Customer !7 Acc 8ept P F + 27.75.2772 571777 1577 Sale 277777167 +achine AcAuisition *alue 577777 Acc 8ep up to 1 .75.2772 1577


277777167 )et 3oo, *alue 1 .75.2772 -7 Asset sale 571777 57 Asset sale 571777 !5 Plant F +achiner/ 577777 277777167 57 Profit on asset sale 2577 8epreciation A9c 371- 2 7 80 2715 3115 %17 80 '8ep up to 1 97592772( ASSET TRANSFER Asset sale on 27.75.2772 CONTRA profit on asset sale 571777

6666666666 - 25777

6666666666 25777

Accumulated 8epreciation account 1577 371- 2 7 3115 %17

<hen 5e transfer an asset from one unit to another unit 5ith the compan/ code @5e ha*e to transfer at cost 4G8 1$& 27777167 Capitalization date 2797-92772 "o transfer asset on 71.75.2772 to 1$& "o transfer acAuisition *alue "o transfer accumulated depreciation from the date of receipt '.rom 71972( depreciation 5ill 3e calculated in 1angalore unit 1st +ethod "5o step procedure A( Creation of asset master in 1$& 'AS71( 1( "ransfer *alues 2d +ethod one step procedure Creation of asset master and transfer *alues

Path: %ccounting -Financial accounting -Fixed assets -Posting -$rans!er -$rans!er Aith in company code (%0/&C $i*e /our compan/ code Ente $i*e the asset no. Posting date Asset *alue date "e#t $i*e the description Asset class Select master data 3utton $i*e the 3usiness area ?A+&1 Select additional data 3utton $i*e the capitalized on 71.75.2772 Select depreciation area ta3 $i*e the depreciation ,e/ ;seful life Period Select 3ac, arro5 Enter ?A+&1 ?27 /ears ?5 months 277771 Su3 )o.7 D D "oda/Is date D ?71.75.2772 ?71.75.2772 ?Asset "ransfer ?+achine no.1 ?A+&2777 8ept A 8ocument date ?71.75.2772 ?A+&

Select ne5 asset radio 3utton

Ordinar/ depreciation date ?71.75.2772


Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS $o and see the document .173 $i*e the document no.37 Compan/ code ?A+&1 .iscal /ear Enter 1( <hen 5e 5ant to transfer no. of assets at a time go for t5o step procedure 2( <hen the asset has to 3e created in the recei*ing unit as a su3 asset goes for t5o step procedure. Asset s)*a//ing 27777761 +otor in 4/dera3ad unit 2 .11.2772 "his canIt 3e sold transferred 9used 5e can scrap the asset Scrap asset on 71.71.277 It calculates depreciation up to 31.12.2772 "he net 3oo, *alue 5ill 3e charged to P F & Account I0/ai*0ent o" assets -AS3K. If the e#pected relation of the asset is less than net 3oo, *alue and future cash flo5s are negati*eC 5e ha*e to impair the asset for the difference. "o chec, motor *alue as on 31.12.2772 ($r code is S<%'2<=;0**:85 Press all selections 3utton $i*e the compan/ code ?A+& 1usiness area 0eport date Select e#ecute 3utton 8ou3le clic, on 8ept A Asset S)*a//ing: Path :%ccounting -Financial accounting -Fixed %ssets -Posting -2etirement- %sset retirement by scrapping ($r code %0%FC $i*e the asset no.277771 Su3 )o.1 8ocument date ?71.71.277 Posting date ?71.71.277 Asset *alue date ?71.71.277 "e#t ?Asset scrapping Sa*e 5o and see t,e do)$0ent -F6 4. 8ocument no. ?31 Compan/ code ?A+& .iscal /ear ?2772 Enter Capital 5or, in progress line item settlement +achiner/ 71.11.2772 8e3it to C<IP +achine )o.5 .reight charges 75.11.2772 Asset commissioned as machine no.5 on 31.12.2772 <e settle from C<IP to respecti*e asset Commissioning charges end "his is lin,ed 5ith CO this 5ill 3e co*ered in the 37.11.2772 ?A+&4 ?31.12.2772 ?2772


REPORTS: Step 1.4o5 to create a folderB Oeep the cursor and fa*orites from the menu select .a*orites @Insert folder $i*e the folder name .I reports Enter Step 2. 4o5 to attach the report to folder B Oeep the cursor on .I reports folder from the menu select .a*orites @Insert truncation tr code is 'SJA&0J2!711 %5( 8ou3le clic, on asset 3alances report Step 3. 4o5 to attach the report on des,topB $o to report @Asset 3alances on right top select generates a short cut 3utton S/stem description ?ECC% Enter Select OO 3utton Close SAP Icon des,top 8ou3le clic, on asset 3alances Icon $i*e the pass5ord ?oracle 'SAP pass5ord( Step -? 4o5 to create *ariantB $o to asset 3alances report $i*e the compan/ code ?A+& 0eport date $i*e the *ariant name ?A+& 8ate Sa*e )o5 close SAP 8ou3le clic, on asset 3alances Icon on des,top $i*e the pass5ord Enter Select get *ariant 3utton 'Select asset 3alances SJA&0J2!711 %5( E#ecute Select C,a*t o" A))o$nts List ?A+& ?oracle ?37.11.2772. ?37.11.2772 .rom the menu select go to *ariant 66Sa*e as *ariant


Path :%ccounting -Financial accounting -.eneral ledger -,n!ormation system -.eneral ledger reports &aster data -Chart o! account- Chart o! account (S<%'2<=;0*2928 $i*e /our chart of accounts E#ecute TRAIL 6ALANCE Path: /p to general ledger report the path is same -%ccount balances -Gorea-$rail 0alance ($r code is (S<%'2<=;0*29*0 Countr/ "rail 3alance E#ecute Ignore the 5arning message press enter Select current la/out 3utton Oeep the fields $& account $& account long te#t Closing 3alances Enter "o do5n lead to e#cel from the menu select list e#port @spread sheet Enter &ist @KE#port local file Select spread sheet radio 3utton Enter See director/ file name ?A+&.#ls Select generate 3utton LED5ER: Path :%ccounting -Financial accounting -.eneral ledger -Periodic processing closing -Document 0alances audit trail -%ll accounts -.eneral ledger !rom the document !ile ($r code is S<%'2<=;*00205 $i*e the compan/ code E#ecute ?A+& ?Oorea ?South Oorea ?A+&

$i*e the compan/ code ?A+&

'Select menu 3ar @Settings6&a/out @Current 3utton ( or Select current la/out 3utton'CtrlP.2( Oeep the fields document no. Posting date .rom the hidden fields column Select te#t fields Select left arro5 Select de3it amount in local currenc/ Select left arro5


Select credit amount in local currenc/ Select cumulati*e 3alances Select left arro5 Select total chec, 3o# for de3it amount in local currenc/C Credit amount in local currenc/ Select cop/ 3utton "o go the document le*el 8ou3le clic, an amount no. Select call up document o*er *ie5 3utton %ENDORS LIST Path :%ccounting -Financial accounting -%ccounts payable -,n!ormation system -2eports !or accounts payable accounting -&ater data -Fendor list ($r code is S<%'2<=;0*20=8 $i*e the compan/ code ?A+& Select address and telecom chec, 3o# E#ecute %endo* (ise /at),es Path :/p to report !or account payable accounting the path is same -Fendor balances 6endor business (S<%'2<=;0*20:9 $i*e the compan/ code E#ecute Each *endor 5ise O$t standing !it o" vendo*s: Path :up to reports !or accounts payable accounting the path is same Fendor ,tems- 'ist o! Fendors 3pen item !or printing (S<%'2<=;0*20=9 $i*e the compan/ code E#ecute Age (ise ana!9sis o" vendo*s: Path :/p to 6endors column item the path is same -Fendor payment history Aith open item sorted list (S<%'2<=;0*20=5 $i*e the compan/ code Summarization le*el E#ecute %endo* advan)es *e/o*t Path :/p to 6endors column items the path is same -'ist o! DoAn payments open on (ey date 6endors (S<%'2<=;0*2*05 $i*e the compan/ code E#ecute %endo* !edge*: ?A+& ?A+& ?7 ?A+& ?A+&

Select da/s o*erdue sAuirted list chec, 3o#


Path :3pen and cleared up to 6endors: ,tem the path is same -'ist o! 6endor line item (S<%'2<=;0*2*09 $i*e the compan/ code ?A+& E#ecute De/*e)iation "o*e )ost Path :%ccounting -Financial accounting -Fixed %ssets -,n!ormation system -2eports are asset accounting -Depreciation !ore cost-Depreciation on Capitali1ed %ssets (Depreciation simulation (S<%'2<=;0*2:98 $i*e the compan/ code ?A+& 0eport date E#ecute ?31.73.2711 '$i*e the an/ month end date(

FiCed assets s),ed$!e as /e* s),ed$!e %I o" Co0/anies A)t Path :,n!ormation system -%ccounting -Financial accounting -Fixed assets -%sset history sheet ($r code is %202 $i*e the compan/ code ?A+& 0eport date Select group totals onl/ radio 3utton E#ecute Select assets 3utton 8ou3le clic, on asset retirements ?31.73.277

DATA TAEEO%ER +aster uploading 1alance uploading 1aste* $/!oading: $S +aster :endor masters Customer masters Asset masters +aterial master ?++71 ?.S77 ?MO71 ?M871 ?AS71

Create an e#cel file con*ersion to te#t file ;p loading to SAP &egac/ S/stem +igration <or, 3ench '&S+<( 1atch data Communication '18C( Computer aided testing tool 'CA""(

A1AP ?"he/ teach all 3 methods &S+<?=o3 of functional consultant Open an e#cel file and note do5n for 5hich fields *alues are to 3e uploaded


5L A))o$n t no. 177771

Co0/ an9 )ode A+&

A))o$ nt 5*o$/ SCP&

PF L State 0ent A#)

6a!an) e S,eet A#) M

S,o*t TeCt

Long TeCt

A))o $nt )$**e n)9 I)0

P0E. @ Share cap. In*entor/ @Stores Sales trading <ages account

P0E. Share Cap. In*entor/ @ Stores Sales "rading <ages account

On!9 6a!an)e in !o)a! )$**en) 9 M

Line ite0 dis/!a 9 M

So* t <e9 771

Fie!d stat$s g*o$/ $771

277125 377775 -77171

A+& A+& A+&


I)0 I)0 I)0



771 771 771

$771 $771 $771

8elete a3o*e column headings 8elete other sheets 'li,e sheet 2 C sheet 3( Select complete sheet Press right mouse 3utton Select format cells Select num3er Categor/ "e#t Select o, 3utton .rom the menu select file sa*e as Sa*e t/pe .ile name Select sa*e 3utton Select no 3utton Select cancel 3utton .rom the menu select file close Select no 3utton 2. Open an e#cel file and not do5n technical name of each filed technical name shall 3e noted do5n as per step one order Open an e#cel file Co0/onent Open SAP .S77 $i*e the $& )o.177777 EAuit/ share capital Compan/ code ?A+& Enter Oeep the cursor on $& A9c press .1 Select technical information 3utton 8ou3le clic, field name SAO)0 Cop/ component SAO)0 in e#cel 1 component column 8ata t/pe ?C Data t9/e !engt, ?select "e#t 'ta3 delimited( ?A+& "e#t




Cop/ component 1;O0S that is compan/ code in e#cel component column 8ata t/pe &ength ??C

Select 3ac, arro5 in SAP Oeep the cursor on account group Press .1 Select technical information 3utton 8ou3le clic, on filed name O"OOS Cop/ component O"OOS that is account group in e#cel component column 8ata t/pe &ength 8ata t/pe &ength 8ata t/pe &ength 8ata t/pe &ength 8ata t/pe &ength ?57 Select 3ac, arro5 Select control data ta3 Oeep the cursor on account currenc/ press .1 Select technical information 3utton 8ou3le clic, on filed name <AE0S Cop/ component <AE0S that is account currenc/ in e#cel component column 8ata t/pe &ength 8ata t/pe &ength 8ata t/pe &ength ?1 ?1 ?cop/ component MO0ES that is line item displa/ in e#cel component column ?C &ine item displa/ ?5 ?C ?C ?27 ?C ?1 ?C ?1 ?C ?C ??C

Cop/ component MP&ACC" "hat is P F & statement account in e#cel component column

Cop/ component M1I&O that is I 1alance Sheet A9c in e#cel component column

Cop/ "M"276+& "hat is $& A9c short te#t in e#cel component column

Cop/ component "M"57J+& "hat is $& long te#t in e#cel component column

Cop/ MSA&4 that is onl/ 3alance in local currenc/ in e#cel component column

So*t <e9: cop/ component N;A<A that is sort ,e/ in e#cel component column 8ata t/pe ?C &ength ?3 Cop/ component .S"A$ that is field status group in e#cel component


8ata t/pe ?C &ength ?Sa*e the file an e# fileC file A+& U/ !oading o" 0aste* in SAP -T* )ode is LS1&. )ote? &S+< used for create )o. of $& accounts at a time. Ignore the message press enter ProEect Su3proEect O3Eect 8escription Enter Su3 proEect description .I Area Enter O3Eect name Enter Select continue 3utton '.2( Select dou3le clic, 8ispla/ clic, change 3utton 'Shift P.!( Select e#ecute 3utton Select 3atch in put recording radio 3utton .rom the menu select $oto recording O*er*ie5 Select create recording 3utton 'Ctrl P.1( $i*e the recording name 8escription Enter FS $i*e the $& Account Compan/ code ?A+& ?177375 ?A+&$& ?$& +aster uploading ?$& master up loading ?A+& ?.I ?$&+aster ?A+& ProEect

Select create entr/ 3utton

.rom the menu select $& Account create Account group select secured loans Select 3alance sheet account radio 3utton Short te#t and $& account long te#t ?I81I rupee term loan Select control data ta3 Select onl/ 3alances in local currenc/ chec, 3o# Select line displa/ chec, 3o# Sort ,e/ Select create 1 3an, 9Interest ta3 .ield status group Sa*e Oeep the cursor on .S77 ?$775 1an, Accounts ?771 Posting date


Select default all 3utton Sa*e Select 3ac, arro5 t5o times $i*e the recording name Enter and sa*e Select 3ac, arro5 E#ecute Select create a structure 3utton Source structure 8escription Enter and sa*e Select 3ac, arro5 E#ecute Oeep the cursor on A+&S"0 Select ta3le maintain 3utton Cop/ from A+& e#cel component column in SAP field name column Cop/ from e#cel A+& e#cel data t/pe column in SAP t/pe column Cop/ A+& e#cel length column in SAP length column :erif/ the copies data some data not copied cop/ to ne#t page Sa*e Select 3ac, arro5 Select 3ac, arro5 once again Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS E#ecute Select 3ac, arro5 E#ecute Oept the cursor on A+&$& Sa*e 1ac, arro5 E#ecute .rom the menu select @E#tras6Auto field mapping Press enter $o on select accept proposal 3utton 'Press Accept proposal 3utton man/ times( "ill 5e get the message Auto field mapping completed Enter and sa*e Select 3ac, arro5 ?A+&S"0 ?A+& $& Structure ?A+&$&


S,ip maintain fi#ed *aluesC transactions user defined routines Select specif/ files radio 3utton E#ecute Oeep the cursor on the PC '.ronted( Select add entr/ 3utton Select file )ame Enter F Sa*e Select 3ac, arro5 E#ecute Sa*e Select 3ac, arro5 E#ecute E#ecute once again Select 3ac, arro5 t5o times S,ip displa/ read data Select con*ert data radio 3utton E#ecute E#ecute once again Select 3ac, arro5 t5o times SOIP 8ispla/ con*erted data Select create 3atch input folder session E#ecute E#ecute once again <e get a message 93atch input folder <ith - transactions created Ignore the message press enter E#ecute Select session name $& master Select process 3utton Select displa/ errors onl/ 3utton Select process 3utton <e get a message processing of 3atch input session completed Select e#it 3atch input 3utton To vie( a))o$nts )*eated -T* )ode is FS Selected drop do5n 3utton for $& A9c )o. Compan/ code ?A+& Enter ')ote? chec, it uploaded $& Accounts 177771C 277125C377775C-77171( . ?A+& te#t ?$& +aster uploading

Select ta3ulator radio 3utton


6ALANCES UP LOADIN5 Compan/ going li*e in SAP from 1st 8ecem3er 2772 unloads @ ta,e 3alances as on 37th )o*em3er 2772 and enter in SAP @ P F & Account 3alances as 5ell as 1alance Sheet Account 3alances. Compan/ going li*e in SAP from 1st April 2772 on 5ardsC 6 "a,e 1alance Sheet account 3alances as on 31.73.2772 in SAP donIt enter all the transactions @ Reasons: 1. In normal accounting all *endorsC CustomersC Assets are part of $eneral &edger 5here as in SAP 5e ha*e su3 ledger concept. 2. In normal accounting @for *endors9 customers @Purchases 9Sales transactions and ad*ances 5ill 3e entered in one account 5here as in SAP 5e ha*e normal items and special $& Item. 3. In normal accounting for .i#ed Assets6 <e ha*e account 5ise acAuisition *alue and accumulated depreciation 5here as in SAP for .i#ed AssetsC 5e ha*e each su3 asset 5ise acAuisition *alue and accumulated depreciation. -. In normal accounting depreciation in a pro*isional figure 5here as in SAP it is actuall/ calculated figure. 5. In normal accounting ra5 material consumption is a deri*ed figure. Opening stoc, PPurchases @Closing stoc, 5hereas in SAP 5e maintain each material 5ise Auantit/C rate and amount and ra5 material consumption is actuall/ calculated figure. %. In normal accounting 5e 5ill not pass production entries and deli*er/ entries 5here as in SAPC s/stem pass production entries and deli*er/ entries 5ith production cost. P*o)ed$*e 1( <e should enter da/ to da/ date in SAP production client till 3alances are up loaded and tallied. 2( Incase of :endors 9Customers 5e ha*e to prepare a statement sho5ing onl/ open items 5hich should match 5ith trail 3alance figure. 3( Incase of AssetsC prepare a statement sho5ing each asset 5ise acAuisition *alue and accumulated depreciation 5hich should match 5ith trail 3alance figure.


-( Incase of materialsC prepare as a statement sho5ing +aterial 5iseC >uantit/ C 0ate and Amount 5hich should match 5ith "rail 1alance figure. 5( <e ha*e to create 5 dumm/ accounts under an/ account group. A( $& Clearing 1( :endor clearing C( Customer clearing 8( Asset clearing E( Stoc, ta,ing .( %( After uploading 3alancesC if the a3o*e 5 clearing accounts 3ecome zeroC "hen our date ta,eo*er is correct T*ai! 6a!an)e '.or opening 3alances( 8e3it EAuit/ share capital Part/ A9c Accumulated 8ep. P F + +achine no.-7 Sales P F + @+achine no.-7 Part/ M In*entor/ 0+ Cash account 0+ Consumption 377777 -77777 577777 277777 177777 157777 357777 666666666 1377777 TTTTTTT 1. 2. 3. -. 5. $& clearing A9c :endor clearing A9c Customer clearing A9c Asset clearing A9c Stoc, ta,ing A9c 6666666666 1377777. TTTTTTT Credit 577777 177777

1. "o ta,e $& Credit side items?"r code .672( $& clearing A9c 8r "o EAuit/ share capital a9c "o :endor clearing a9c "o Asset clearing a9c "o Sales a9c 1377777 577777 177777 377777 -77777

2. "o ta,e $& de3it side items '.672( Asset clearing 8r 577777 Customer 8r 277777 Stoc, ta,ing 8r 177777 Cash account 8r 157777 0a5 material consumption 8r 357777 "o $& Clearing 1377777 3. A( Prepare a statement sho5ing each *endor 5ise 3ill 5ise open item and ad*ances 5hich sho5ed match 5ith trail 3alance . Part/ A 1ill no.1-77777 Cr 1ill no.257777 Cr 1ill no.337777 Cr Ad*ance 277778r 177777 Cr

1( Entr/ for :endors 'f6-3(


:endor clearing 8r 115777 Part/ A 'SP&$&A( 8r 277777 ad*ances to *endor "o part/ A61I&1 )o.1 -77777 _ Sundr/ creditors "o part/ A61I&1)o.2 577777 _ "o part/ A61ill )o.3 -5777 37777 Sundr/ creditors - 'A( Prepare a statement sho5ing each customer 5ise 3ill 5ise open items and ad*ances 5hich should match 5ith trail 3alances 1ill no.1 1ill )o.2 Ad*ance - '1( Part/ M 57777 8r 1277777 8r 37777 Cr 277777 Cr

Customer 3alances .622 Part/ M6 1ill no.1 8r 57777 Sundr/ de3tors Part/ M61ill no.28r 127777 Sundr/ de3tors "o part/ M 'SP& $&A( 377777 Ad*ances from customer "o Customer clearing 277777 Ad*ance from customer "o ma,e fi#ed assets P F + $& account and accumulated depreciation plant F +achiner/ $& Account as non6reconciliation accounts and pass. .672 377777 277777


-7 Plant F +achiner/ 577777 57 Accumulated 8epreciation P F + 57 Asset clearing

)on6reconciliation means in .S77 .or Plant F +achiner/ $& A9c and accumulated depreciation P F + $& A9c 0econciliation a9c t/pe @Assets remo*e 5 '1( Creation of asset masters? D D AS71 &S+<

/se the $r code is %S0* Asset class ?A+&2777 8ept A Compan/ code ?A+& 8escription ?+achine no.-7 $i*e the capitalized date ?27.7%.277% Select time dependent ta3 1usiness area ?A+&4 Select depreciation areas ta3 8epreciation ,e/ ?A+&1 ;se life ?15 /ears Period - months Ordinar/ deprecation date ?71.7-.2772 Sa*e 5 'C ( "o ta,e o*er acAuisition *alue and accumulated depreciation for asset 277777-67 It 5ill not updated our $& Accounts since account for account t/pe @Assets.

Path :SP23-Financial accounting -%sset %ccounting -%sset data trans!er -manual online trans!er Create@Change @Display legacy asset ($he $r code is %S:2 8ou3le clic, on change legac/ asset $i*e the asset no. ?27777Su3 num3er ?7 Compan/ code ?A+& Select ta,eo*er *alues 3utton Ignore the 5arning message press enter


Cumulated acAuisition *alue ?577777 Accumulate ordinar/ deprecation ?37777 )o 3oo, *alues ?277777 Sa*e 5. 8( "o ma,e fi#ed assets P F + A9c and accumulated depreciation P F + account as reconciliation accounts.

Path :SP23-Financial accounting -%sset accounting -Preparing !or production start up-Production start up-Set or reset reconciliation accounts ($r code is 3%&G Select compan/ code ?A+& 8ou3le clic, on change control of reconciliation account folder .rom the menu select Edit @selections @select all Select set reconciliation indicators for all accounts 3utton Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest % 'A( "o propose a statement sho5ing each material @match 5ith trail 3alance. 1ate*ia! 0+1 0+2 0+3 Lt9 2777 !777 2577 Rate 27 5 17 A0o$nt -7777 35777 25777 666666666 177777 TTTTTT

% '1( Creation of material masters '"ransaction code ++71( @and in accounting *ie5 @.or mo*ing a*erage price 0+1 0+2 0+3 27 5 17

;se the transaction code +11C +o*ement t/pe ?5%1 0+1 0+2 0+3 Sa*e >t/ 2777 Ogs !777 Ogs 25777 Ogs

Accounting entr/ 5ill 3e generated automaticall/ In*entor/ 0+ 8r 1777777 1SM "o stoc, ta,ing 1777777 $11 1SA C!osing /*o)ed$*e In the /ear end 5hat steps 5e ha*e to do April 2772 @+arch 2772 fiscal /ear 2772 In last 5ee, of +arch 277 1. "o carr/ for5ard :endor and Customer 3alances to ne#t /ear. Path %ccounting -Financial accounting-%ccounts payable -Periodic processing -Closing -0alance carry !orAarded ( $r code is F)0; $i*e the compan/ code ?A+& Carr/ for5arded fiscal /ear Select C select customer chec, 3o# Select C select *endors chec, 3o# 8eselect detail log chec, 3o# ?277


E#ecute Ignore the 5arning message press enter One time e#ercise for each /ear

2. "o carr/ for5arded asset 3alances <e can open 2 /ears at a time 277! 2772 "o open 277 5e ha*e to close 277! A( "o chec, 5hich /ear is closed for asset accounting

Path :%ccounting -Financial accounting -Fixed assets -Periodic processing -year end closing -/ndo-Entire company code ($r code is 0%%K Select position 3utton $i*e the compan/ code Enter "o close fiscal /ear 2772 'not mandator/ step( /p to periodic processing the path is same -Hear end closing -Execute ($r code is %L%0 Compan/ code .iscal /ear to 3e closed 2772 8eselect te#t run chec, 3o# .orm the menu select Program6 E#ecute in 3ac, ground Enter Select immediatel/ 3utton Select sa*e 3utton 'do5n side( <e get a message 1ac, ground Eo3 5as scheduled for program 0A=A1S77 "o chec, 5hether the Eo3 is processed or not From the menu select System -Ser6ices-Lobs -Lob o6er6ieA Select e#ecute 3utton "o *ie5 result of the Eo3 Select Eo3 0A=A1S77 chec, 3o# Select spool 3utton Select spool no .chec, 3o# Select displa/ content 3utton "o close onl/ /ear for asset a accounting 5e ha*e to post depreciation for all assets and for all months C( "o open fiscal /ear 277 for asset accounting Path :/p to period processing the path is same -Fiscal year change ($r code is %L2D $i*e the compan/ code )e5 fiscal /ear 8eselect test run chec, 3o# .rom the menu select program e#ecute in 3ac, ground Enter ?A+& ?277 ?A+& ?A+&


Select immediate 3utton Select sa*e 3utton <e get a message 3ac, ground Eo3 5as scheduled for program 0A=A<EJ77 To ),e)< (,et,e* t,e MoA is /*o)essed o* not .rom the menu select S/stem Ser*ices =o3s Eo3 o*er*ie5 Select e#ecute 3utton "o *ie5 the result of Eo3 Select Eo3 0A=A<E77 chec, 3o# Select SPOO& 3utton Select SPOO& no.chec, 3o# Select displa/ contents 3utton 4. To )a**9"o*(a*d 5L 6a!an)es Path :%ccounting -Financial accounting -.eneral 'edger -Periodic processing -Closing -Carry!orAard0alances carry!orAard neA $r cod is F%.'.F$2 &edger Compan/ code Carr/for5ard fiscal /ear 8eselect test run chec, 3o# Select output list of results chec, 3o# Select 3alances in retired earning chec, 3o# E#ecute Select retired earning accounts 3utton Select 3ac, arro5 Select 1alances sheet accounts 3utton To )o/9 n$0Ae* *ange inte*va! "o* neCt 9ea* Path :SP23-Financial accounting -Financial accounting global settings -Document -Document number ranges -copy to !iscal year ($r code is 30?2 Ignore the message press enter Compan/ code ?A+& "o fiscal /ear details under source fiscal /ear "o fiscal /ear under target fiscal /ear details E#ecute Select Ges 3utton To o/en /e*iods "o* neCt 9ea* April 277 6+arch 2717 April 277 6April 277 .iscal /ear 277 1st 1C 277 61C277 April 27726+arch 277 D D +andator/ ?2772 ?277 ?select O& leading ledger ?A+& ?277


2nd +arch 277 6+arch 277 12C 2772612C2772


Path :/p to document the path is same -Posting periods -3pen and close posting periods Select position 3utton Posting period *ariant Enter .or A+& .rom period 1 is 1 'April ( Gear "o period Gear .rom period Period Gear "o period Gear Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS Sa*e in /our reAuest 'o( to o/en s/e)ia! /e*iods On 15.7-.2772 @Accounts 8ept .inalized profita3ilit/ managementC management adEustment entries. "o post in special periods April 277 @+arch 2717 .iscal /ear 277 April 277 @April 277 1st 1C 277 61C 277 April 2772 @+arch 277 .iscal /ear +arch 277 6+arch 277 13C2772 613C2772 Same path :3052 .or *ariant ?A+& .rom the period2 ?13 Gear "o period ?13 Gear Sa*e ?12 ?2772 ?2 ?12 ?2772 +arch to +arch ?1 ?277 ?277 ?A+&

?2772 ?2772

'o( to /ost to s/e)ia! /e*iods -F? 3. 'AdEustment of management entries ( 8ocument date F Posting date "/pe Compan/ code Posting ,e/ Account no. Enter ?22.73.277 ?SA ?A+& ?-7 ?-77177 Salaries A9c


Change the period to 13 Enter Ignore the 5arning message press enter Amount 1usiness area "e#t Posting ,e/ Account no. Enter Amount 1usiness area "e#t Select document @Simulate and Sa*e .o and see the .' %@c FS*0C $i*e the $& A9c )o. ?-77177 Salaries A9c .iscal /ear ?2772 1usiness area ?A+&4 Compan/ code ?A+& E#ecute ?R ?A+&4 ?P ?577777 ?A+&4 ?Salaries pro*ision ?57 ?177577 Outstanding e#p

6ANE RECONCILIATION Chec, 8eposit D 66666666666666666666 D D +anual Electronic 1an, statement D 666666666666666666 D D +anual Electronic


+anual chec, deposit 9manual 3an, statement .or each current account 5e ha*e to create ` accounts 1. 2. 3. -. 5. +ain 3an, account Chec, issue account Chec, deposit A9c clearing account 1an, Changes Account no. should 5ith 7 1 2 3

Open item Open item Open item

If 5e ha*e 177 1an, current accounts instead of assigning accounts 177 times @5e assign onl/ one time using mas,ing. 1. +ain 3an, account PPPPPPPPP7 2. chec, issue account PPPPPPPPP1 3. chec, deposit a9c PPPPPPPPP2 -.clearing account PPPPPPPPP3 Al5a/s main 3an, account 3alance and 3an, statement 3alance 5ill 3e same. F!o(: Sa!es: 1. Sales in*oice posting .622 Customer A9c 8r "o Sales 2. Chec, deposit A( 1an, ,e/ 1( 1an, account C( Pa/ slip no. 8( "ransaction t/pe E( Customer .( 1ill no. $( Amount and Sa*e I81I Chec, deposit a9c 8r "o Customer 5ith clearing 177777 177777

177777 177777

3. Enter manual 3an, statement A( If the chec, deposit credit is not there @open items in 3an, chec, deposit A9c6Chec,s 8eposited 3ut not credited 1( If the chec, deposit credit comes in 3an, statement A( Pa/ slip no. 1( 1an, ,e/ C( 1an, account 8( "ransaction t/pe E( Amount and sa*e I81I main 3an, A9c 8r 177777 "o I81I Chec, deposit a9c 177777 '5ith clearing( P$*),ases : -. Purchase in*oice posting .6-3 In*entor/ 0+ 8r "o Part/ A9c 5

277777 277777

Outgoing pa/ment 5ith clearing .653 Part/ A9c 8r 5ith clearing 277777 "o I81I chec, issue A9c 277777

%. +anual chec, creation


Assign chec, pa/ment !. Enter manual 3an, statement A( If the chec, de3it is not there open items in 3an, chec, is issue A9c chec, issued 3ut not presented. 1( If the chec, issue de3it is there A( 1an, ,e/ 1( 1an, account C( "ransaction t/pe 8( Chec, num3er E( Amount and sa*e I81I chec, issue 8r 5ith clearing "o I81I 1an, a9c 1an, charges direct de3its 2. Enter manual 3an, statement A( 1an, Oe/ 1( 1an, account C( "ransaction t/pe 8( Amount and sa*e 1an, charges 8r "o I81I main 3an, a9c 5777 I81I main 3an, A9c 3 17777 ! 1( 27777 2( 577 5777 277777 277777

I81I 3an, statement 2( ! 1( 27777 577 80 3 1( 177777 Cr

I81I chec, 8ept A9c 2. 177777 3. 177777 I81I Chec, issue A9c ! 1( 27777 5 27777 . ?277137 <ages A9c ?A+&

@. C*eation o" 5L 0aste*s -FS $i*e the $& A9c no. Compan/ code Select 5ith template 3utton

$i*e the $& A9c no.277175 S1I A9c Compan/ code Enter Change short te#t and $& Account long te#t to I81I main 3an, Sa*e $& A9c )o. Compan/ code ?A+& Select 5ith template 3utton $i*e the $& A9c )O.277137 Compan/ code Enter Change short te#t and $& A9c long te#t to I81I chec, issue Select control data ta3s ?A+& ?277131 ?A+&


Select o/en ite0 0anage0ent ),e)< AoC Sa*e $& A9c )o. Compan/ code $i*e the $& A9c )o. Compan/ code Enter Select t/pe9description ta3 Change short te#t and $& A9c long te#t to I81I chec, deposit Sa*e $& A9c )o. Compan/ code $i*e the $& A9c )o. Compan/ code Enter Change $& A9c short te#t and $& A9c long te#t to 1an, charges Sa*e De"ine 'o$se 6an< -FI@3. $i*e the compan/ code ?A+& Enter Select ne5 entries 3utton 4ouse 3an, 1an, countr/ 1an, ,e/ Sa*e $i*e the name I81I 3an, limited Street Cit/ 1an, 3ranch Enter Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest 8ou3le clic, on 3an, accounts folder Select ne5 entries 3utton Account I8 8escription 1an, account no. Currenc/ $& A9c )o. Sa*e ?I81I1 ?I81I current no.1 ?A+&I81I123?I)0 ?277137 I81I +ain 3an, ?1an, StreetC Ooti ?4/dera3ad ?+ain 3ranch ?I) ?A+&I81I1 ?I81I ?A+& ?A+& ?-77377 0ent A9c Select 5ith template 3utton ?-7737?A+& ?A+& ?277131 Select 5ith template 3utton ?277132


4. C*eation o" C,e)< !ots -T* )ode is FC'I. $i*e the pa/ing compan/ code ?A+& 4ouse 3an, Account I8 Select change status 3utton Select create 3utton 'shiftP.5( 3eside details 3utton &ot no. Chec, no. "o no. Select non6seAuentional chec, 3o# Short information Purchase date Enter and sa*e De"ine /osting <e9s and /osting *$!es "o* ),e)< de/osit Path :SP23-Financial accounting -0an( accounting -0usiness transactions -Chec( deposit -De!ine posting (eys and posting rules !or chec( deposit Chart of accounts Enter Select ne5 entries 3utton Accounts s/m3ol "e#t Accounts s/m3ol "e#t Accounts s/m3ol "e#t Accounts s/m3ol "e#t sa*e press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest dou3le clic, on assign accounts to account s/m3ol folder select ne5 entries 3utton accounts s/m3ol ?A+&A ?A+&A ?+ain 1an, ?A+&1 ?chec, issue ?A+&C ?Chec, deposit ?A+&8 ?1an, charges ?A+& ?I81I 3an, ?"oda/Is date ?1 ?177771 ?177177 ?I81I ?I81I1

Account s/m3ol Currenc/ $& A9c A+&A I)0 A+&1 I)0 A+&C I)0 A+&8 I)0 Sa*e 8ou3le clic, create ,e/s for posting rules folder Select ne5 entries 3utton Posing rule "e#t

PPPPPPPPP7 ' times plus( PPPPPPPPP1 ' times plus( PPPPPPPPP2 ' times plus( -7737- @1an, Charges A9c


A+&1 A+&2 A+&3 A+&Sa*e

Chec, receipt @Clear customer Chec, deposit clearing in 1an, Chec, issue clearing in 1an, 1an, charges direct de3it 3/ 3an,s

8ou3le clic, on define posting rules folder Select ne5 entries 3utton )otes? Chec, receipt @clear customer A+&16Chec, receipt clear customer I81I chec, deposit 8r $& "o Customer @5ith clrg S& 8oc."/pe Posting rule Posting area 8e3it posting ,e/ Account s/m3ol 8ocument t/pe Posting t/pe Select ne#t entr/ 3utton Posting rule )otes? A+&2 ?select A+&2 'chec, deposit clearing in 3an,( ?Chec, deposit clearing in 3an, 8N ?A+&1 ?select 2 su3 ledger accounting ?-7 ?A+&C 'chec, deposit( ?8N ?select 2 su3 ledger a9c

I81I1 +ain account 8r $& "o I81I chec, deposit 5ith clearing $& 8oc .t/pe ?SA Posting area ?select 1 1an, accounting 8e3it posting ,e/ ?-7 Accounts s/m3ol ?A+&A main 3an, a9c 8ocument t/pe ?SA '$& account document( Posting t/pe ?select 5 clear credit $& Account Select ne#t entr/ 3utton Posting rule ?A+&1 chec, issue clearing in 3an, A+&3 Chec, issue clearing in 1an, I81I chec, issue 5ith clrg 80 $& "o I81I main 3an, A9c 8oc .t/pe ?SA Posting area ?select 1 3an, accounting 8e3it account s/m3ol ?A+&1 Credit posting ,e/ ?57 Account s/m3ol ?A+&A +ain 3an, 8ocument t/pe ?SA Posting t/pe ?select - clear de3it $& Account Select ne#t entr/ 3utton Posting rule ?A+&- 1an, charges ?8irect de3it 3/ 3an, 1an, charges 8r $& "o I81I +ain 3an, A9c $&


8oc t/pe ?SA Posting area 8e3it posting ,e/ Account s/m3ol ?A+&8 Credit posting ,e/ Account s/m3ol ?A+&A 8ocument t/pe ?SA Posting t/pe Sa*e ?select 1 1an, accounting ?-7 ?57 ?select 1 post to $& A9c

C*eate and assign A$siness t*ansa)tions : Path :/p to business transactions the path is same -Chec( deposit -Create and assign business transactions ($r code is 3$59 Select ne5 entries 3utton "ransaction P96 Posting rule "e#t "ransaction P96 Posting rule "e#t Select sa*e 3utton Select cancel 3utton Select Ges 3utton Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest De"ine va*iants "o* ),e)< de/osit Same path ' "r code is O"-5( Select create 3utton :ariant ?A+&1 )ame ?chec, deposit *ariant for A+& Enter .rom the possi3le fields column 8ou3le clic, on reference document no.'selection( Enter Co!$0n 1 2 3 O""set 3 27 3! 52 Lengt, 1% 17 ?A+&1 ?P ?A+&1 ?Chec, receipt clear customer ?A+&1 ?6 'for posting re*enues( ?A+&1 ?Chec, receipt clear customer re*ersal

Sa*e Select create reAuest 3utton short description ?<or, 1ench reAuest for A+& Enter press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest ,ept the customer on A+&1


select acti*ate 3utton )*eate and assign A$siness t*$n)ation "o* 0an$a! Aan< state0ent path :up to business truncation the path is same -Payment transactions -manual ban( statement -Create and assign business transactions select ne5 entries 3utton T*ansa)tion I#? A+&2 A+&2 A+&3 P 6 6 Posting *$!e A+&2 A+&2 A+&3 711 'Outgoing chec, ?Chec, no. different from pa/ment 11 Inte*/*etation a!go*it,0 TeCt Chec, deposit Chec, deposit clearing in 3an, re*ersal Chec, issue clearing in 1an, Chec, issue clearing in 3an, '0e*ersal( 1an, charges direct de3it 3/ 3an, 1an, charges direct de3it 3/ 3an, 're*ersal(

A+&3 A+&A+&-

P 6 P

A+&3 A+&A+&-

Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest 7116 Chec, no. different from pa/ment purchases

1. Purchase in*oice posting .6-3 In*entor/ 0+ 80 "o Part/ A9c 8oc no.1 2. Outgoing pa/ment 5ith clearing 277777 277777 .653 277777 277777

Part/ A9c 80 5ith clearing "o I81I Chec, issue A9c 8oc no.277771 3. +anual chec, creation .C45

Assign chec, no. to pa/ment doc no. Assign chec, no.177771 to pa/ment 8oc no.277771 Chec, no. and pa/ment 8oc no. are different De"ine va*iants "o* 0an$a! Aan< state0ent Same path ($r cod is 3$>9 Select create 3utton :ariant ?A+&2


)ame Enter

?+anual 3an, statement *ariant for A+&

.rom the possi3le fields column dou3le clic, on reference doc .num3er 'selection( Enter -the column '27P1%( ?3% .rom the possi3le field column dou3le clic, on 3an, reference Enter .rom the possi3le fields column dou3le clic, on 3usiness area Enter '53P13P-(?%! Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our 5or, 3ench reAuest Oeep the cursor on A+&2 ?select acti*ate 3utton

$o ma(e text !ield optional !ield !or !ield status groups .00* and .005 ($r code is 30C> Select field status *ariant ?A+& 8ou3le clic, on field status group folder 8ou3le clic, on $771 8ou3le clic, on general data "e#t ma,e it optional entr/ field Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest 8ou3le clic, on $775 8ou3le clic, on $eneral data "e#t ma,e it optional entr/ field Sa*e SALES Sa!es invoi)e /osting -F?33. $i*e the document date "/pe Compan/ code Posting ,e/ 0eference 3ill no. Account Enter Amount 1usiness area "e#t Posting ,e/ Account no. Enter ?177777 ?A+&4 ?Sales in*oice posting ?57 ?377777 Sales a9c ?A+& ?71 ?23-5 ?%%77771 ?"oda/Is date ?80


Amount 1usiness area "e#t 8ocument @simulate F Sa*e 1an$a! ),e)< de/osit

?R ?A+&4 ?P

Path :%ccounting -!inancial accounting -0an(s -,ncomings -chec( deposit -manual entry (FF8= .rom the menu select settings Specifications Start *ariant Enter 1an, ,e/ 1an, account Currenc/ $roup "ransaction Posting date :alue date Currenc/ Enter Amount 0eference no. 1usiness area Customer no. Enter F sa*e Sa*e once again .rom the menu select S/stem @Kser*ices 1atch input Sessions select session name ?I81I6I81I1 Select process 3utton Select 8ispla/ errors onl/ radio 3utton Select process 3utton <e get a message processing of 3atch in put session completed Select e#it 3atch input 3utton 5o and See t,e )$sto0e* A#) F6L8N $i*e the customer no.%%77771 Compan/ code ?A+& Select cleared items radio 3utton Select normal items chec, 3o# E#ecute 8ou3le clic, on t/pe 8N Select column document o*er*ie5 3utton C,e)< de/osit )*edit in Aan< state0ent Path :%ccounting -Financial accounting -0an(s-,ncoming -0an( statement -manual entry ($r code is FF8; ?177777 ?23-5 '3ill no.( ?A+&4 ?%%77771 ?A+&I81I1 aA+&I81I123?I)0 ?1 'pa/ing slip no.( ?select A+&1 'chec, receipt clear customer ( ?"oda/Is date ?"oda/Is date ?I)0 ?select A+&1


.rom the menu select settings @specifications Start *ariant Enter 1an, ,e/ 1an, account Currenc/ $i*e the statement no. Statement date Opening 3alance Closing 3alance Posting date Enter Ignore the 5arning message press enter "ransaction :alue date Amount $i*e the reference doc no. 1usiness area Enter F Sa*e Sa*e once again .rom the menu select S/stem @Ser*ices @1atch input session Select session name Select process 3utton Select displa/ errors onl/ radio 3utton Select process 3utton Ignore the message and e#it 3atch input 3utton 5o and see t,e ID6I ),e)< de/osit A#) -F6L4N. $i*e $& A9c )o. Compan/ code ?A+& ?277132 ?I81I @I81I1 ?select A+&2 chec, deposit in 3an, ?"oda/Is date ?177777 ?1 '"hat is pa/ing slip no.( ?A+&4 ?A+&I81I1 ?A+&I81I123?I)0 ?1 ?"oda/Is date ?7 ?177777 ?"oda/Is date ?select A+&2

Select cleared items radio 3utton Select normal items chec, 3o# E#ecute 8ou3le clic, credit 177777 Select call up document o*er*ie5 3utton @. P$*),ases .6-3 ?"oda/Is date

Purchase in*oice posting $i*e the document date


"/pe Compan/ code Posting ,e/ Account no. Enter $i*e the amount 1usiness area "e#t Posting ,e/ Account no. Enter Amount 1usiness area "e#t 8ocument @Simulate and Sa*e 3. ?A+&

?O0 ?31 ?-277771 ?27777 ?A+&4 ?Purchase in*oice posting ?-7 ?277127 In*entor/ 0+ ?R ?A+&4 ?P

O$tgoing /a90ent (it, )!ea*ing -T* )ode is F?84. ?"oda/Is date ?ON ?A+& ?Outgoing pa/ment ?277131 'I81I cheAue issue date( ?A+&4 ?27777 ?Outgoing pa/ment

$i*e the document date "/pe Compan/ code Clearing te#t Account under 3an, data 1usiness area Amount "e#t Select process open item 3utton 8ou3le clic, on pa/a3le amount

Account under open item selection ?-277771 ?27777

.rom the menu select 8ocument 66Simulate F Sa*e 4. 1an$a! ),e)< )*eation -FC'8.

$i*e the chec, no.177717 Sa*e 4. Ente* 0an$a! Aan< state0ent -FF67.

Select o*er*ie5 3utton '.2( Oeep the cursor on A+& I81I 1an, &td Select ne5 statement 3utton Closing 3alance '1777776277777(T277777 Posting date Enter ?toda/Is date


"ransaction :alue date Amount 1an, reference 1usiness area Enter

?A+&3 chec, issue clearing in 1an, ?toda/Is date ?27777 5ith minus ?177717 'cheAue no.( ?A+&4

Select sa*e 3utton C sa*e once again .rom the menu select S/stem @Ser*ice @1atch input @Sessions Select session name Select process 3utton Select 8ispla/ errors onl/ radio 3utton Select process 3utton Ignore the message e#it 3atch input 3utton 5o and see ID6I ),e:$e iss$e a))o$nt -F6L4N. $i*e the $& account Compan/ code ?A+& ?277131 I81I cheAue issue account ?I81I6I81I

Select cleared items radio 3utton Select normal items chec, 3o# E#ecute 8ou3le clic, on de3it 27777 Select call up document o*er*ie5 3utton 6an< ),a*ges Di*e)t deAits Enter manual 3an, statement ..%! Select o*er*ie5 3utton Oeep the cursor on A+& I81I 1an, &td Select ne5 statement 3utton $i*e the closing 3alance Posting date Enter "ransaction :alue date Amount 1usiness area Enter F Sa*e Sa*e once again .rom the menu select S/stem @Ser*ices @1atch input @Session Select session name ?I81I @I81I61 Select process 3utton ?A+&- 1an, charges direct de3its ?"oda/Is date ?5776 ?A+&4 ?! 577 ?"oda/Is date


Select displa/ errors onl/ radio 3utton Select process 3utton Ignore the message and select e#it 3atch input 3utton To vie( t,e do)$0ent /osted -F6 4. Enter "o *ie5 3an, statements in SAP ..%! Select o*er*ie5 3utton 8ou3le clic, on A+& I81I 1an, &td To vie( t,e t*ansa)tions in t,e state0ent 8ou3le clic, on statement no.

CAS' NOURNAL 1( "o *ie5 dail/ cash and 3an opening 3alancesC 0eceipts C Pa/ments and closing 3alance 2( $& Cash account accepts negati*e cash 3alance @Cash =ournal 5ill not accept negati*e cash 3alance 3( .or pett/ cash purpose @. Creation o! .' master -Petty cash account -Current assets-'oans B %d6ances (FS00 $i*e the $& A9c )o. ?277171 Compan/ code Select 5ith template 3utton $i*e the $& A9c )o. Compan/ code Enter Change short te#t and $& a9c long te#t to Pett/ Cash A9c Select create 93an, 9interest ta3 Select post automaticall/ onl/ chec, 3o# Sa*e De"ine n$0Ae* *age inte*va!s "o* )as, Mo$*na! do)$0ents Path :SP23-Financial accounting -ban( accounting -0usiness transactions-Cash +ournal -De!ine number range inter6als !or Cash +ournal Documents (F0CLC* $i*e the compan/ code Select change inter*als 3utton Select inter*al 3utton )o.range .rom no. "o no. Enter F Sa*e Ignore the 5arning message press enter ?71 ?577771 ?%77777 ?A+& ?A+& ?277177 ?A+&


Set$/ )as, Mo$*na! -F6CNC . Same path Select ne5 entries 3utton Compan/ code Cash Eournal no. $& A9c )o. Currenc/ 8ocument t/pe for $& A9c 8ocument t/pe *endor pa/ment 8ocument t/pe *endor receipt ?ON ?8N ?A+& 4G8 pett/ cash 8ocument t/pe customer pa/ment Cash =ournal nameC Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest C*eate GC,ange de!ete A$siness t*$n)ations -F6CNC3. Same path Select ne5 entries 3utton Compan/ code 1usiness transaction t/pe $9& A9c Cash Eournal 3usiness transaction Select account modifia3le chec, 3o# Compan/ code 1usiness transaction t/pe $& A9c )o. Select account modifia3le chec, 3o# Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest Set$/ /*int /a*a0ete*s "o* )as, Mo$*na! Select ne5 entries 3utton Compan/ code 0eport *ariant Correspondence Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest ?A+& ?0.CAS477 ?select SAP12 Cash document ?8E+OE) '8emo English( ?A+& ?select E E#penses ?-77177 Salaries A9c ?A+& ?select 0 0e*enue ?377777 ?0e*enue ?A+& ?7771 ?277171 ?I)0 ?SA ?ON

Cash Eournal 1usiness transaction ?E#penses

Cash Eournal print program name


Posting to Cas, Mo$*na! Path :%ccounting -Financial accounting -.eneral ledger -Posting -Cash +ournal posting (F0CL .rom the menu select E#tras Change Cash Eournal $i*e /our compan/ code Cash Eournal Enter Select cash receipts ta3 1usiness transaction Amount 1usiness area $9& A9c "e#t Sa*e Select post 3utton Select print cash Eournal 3utton Ignore the message press enter ?A+&4 ?377777 Sales A9C ?Cash sales ?select 0e*enue ?5777 ?A+& ?7771

&IT' 'OLDIN5 TAX -TDS "8S? "a# deducted at source on :endors9 Contractors9&ocal and professional charges "CS? "a# collected at source @on Customers9 scrap sale 95aste sale "8S is part of CI) 'Countr/ India :ersion( "8S t5o t/pes C!assi) (it, ,o!ding TaC ;p to -.% C SAP CI) from -.! EE on 5ords CI) is part of SAP SAP 5as released in India 1 5 @SA and CI) .e3ruar/ 1 % .inance 1udget $o*t. made changes to "8S for the changes in 1udget. SAP releases @Patch 'program( .e3ruar/ 1 ! finance 3udget changes .e3ruar/ 1 2 .inance 3udget changes .e3ruar/ 1 1 .inance 3udget changes ECtended (it,,o!ding taC

0eleased e#tended 5ith holding ta# Original CI) program modified 5ith the 3udget changes )um3er changes A( Education cess 1( 4igher and Secondar/ Education cess C( 0eturn @Contractors @annual 0eturn @form 2%C 8( Changed to annual return .orm 2% E( Changed to Auarterl/ return @.orm 2%> .( E"8S "8S on contractors9Professional charges


90ent9Interest other than salaries

TDS on )ont*a)to*s -In)o0e TaC Se)tion @J4C. 1 2. Status @Compan/ 9Partnership firm "8S 0ates 1asic 2Z Surcharges 17Z on 2Z E8 3Z on '3asic PSurcharges ( Indi*idual 17Z on 2Z contract *alue in the 5hole /ear e#ceed 17 &a,hs other 5ise )I& 3Z on 1asic PSurcharge ')ote ?contract *alue in the 5hole /ear e#ceeds 1 core other 5ise )I&(

-. "8S is to 3e deducted at the time of in*oice posting or ad*ance pa/ment posting 5hiche*er is earlier 5. If each contract *alue is less than 27777 and all contract *alue in the 5hole /ear is less than 57777 @)o "8S is to 3e deducted. %. "o create onl/ one code for in*oice postings and one code for ad*ance postings '+a# codes can 3e created has to deduct at lo5er rate or )il rate @E#emption certificate 5ill 3e gi*en 3/ Income "a# 8ept for each /ear. 2. In the 3ill amount includes material cost and con*ersion charges @ 'composite contacts( "o deduct "8S onl/ con*ersion charges. . "8S deducted should 3e deposited 5ithin ! da/s from the month end incase of /ear end credits "8S to deposit 5ithin 2 months from the /ear end. If !th da/ comes on pu3lic holida/ @choice to ma,e the pa/ment da/ 3efore or after. 17. Issue "8S certificate in form 1%A to the contractor @It can 3e a monthl/ certificate or consolidated certificate for the 5hole /ear. 11. .ile Auarterl/ return in form 2%> earlier annual return .orm 2% 12. Permanent Account )um3er 'PA)( 5ill 3e allotted at compan/ code le*el 5here as "a# 8eduction at Source '"8S )o.9"A) can 3e o3tained at compan/ code le*el91usiness area le*el91usiness places le*el. 1aintain )a!enda* Path :SP23-S%P Cet Aea6er -.eneral settings -&aintain calendar Select pu3lic holida/s radio 3utton Select change 3utton Select create 3utton Select 5ith fi#ed date radio 3utton Select create 3utton 8a/ +onth ?1 ?select 75 +a/ da/ ( !. If the contractor does not ha*e ta#a3le income he for lo5er rate of deduction or )I& rate of deduction . Compan/

Short holida/ name ?+a/ da/ &ong holida/ name ?+a/ da/ Enter Ignore the message select Ges 3utton


Ignore the message press enter Select 3ac, arro5 Select holida/ calendar radio 3utton Select change 3utton Select create 3utton Calendar I8 Select assign holida/ 3utton Select +a/ da/ chec, 3o# Select assign pu3lic holida/ 3utton Sa*e Ignore the message press enter Select 3ac, arro5 t5o times Select factor/ calendar radio 3utton Select change 3utton Select create 3utton .actor/ calendar I8 8escription 4olida/ calendar I8 Sa*e Ignore the message press enter C,e)< (it,,o!ding taC )o$nt*ies Path :SP23-Financial %ccounting -Financial accounting global settings-Dith holding tax-Extended Aithholding tax-basic settings-Chec( Aith holding tax countries Select ne5 entries 3utton Countr/ <ithholding ta# countr/ 8escription Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS Sa*e in account pa/a3le customization reAuest De"ine (it,,o!ding taC <e9s Same path $i*e the countr/ ,e/ ?In for India Enter Select ne5 entries 3utton Official 5ithholding ta# ?1 -C )ame ?"8S contractors Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest De"ine 6$siness /!a)es -se)tion )ode . Path :/p to extend Aith holding tax the path is same -0asic settings ,ndia De!ine business places Select ne5 entries ?I) ?India ?I) ?A1 ?A2 ?A+& 4G8 .actor/ calendar ?A1 'A+& 4G8 .actor/ 4olida/ calendar(

<or, da/s select +onda/ to Saturda/ chec, 3o#es


Compan/ code Section code )ame Sa*e $i*e the name

?A+& ?A+&. ?A+& 4G8 factor/ ?A+& 4G8 .actor/

Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest Assign "a)to*9 )a!enda*s to se)tion )ode -6$siness /!a)es. Same path Select ne5 entries 3utton Compan/ code Section code .actor/ calendar I8 0ule Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest ?A+& ?A+&. ?A2 ?select da/ 3efore

De"ine A$siness /!a)e Path: Form the menu select System -Ser6ices -$able maintenance -Extended table maintenance ($r cod is S&90 "a3le9*ie5 ?=J1110A)C: ?A+&

Select maintain 3utton $i*e the compan/ code Enter Select ne5 entries 3utton 1usiness place 8escription Sa*e $i*e the name ?A+& 4/d factor/ Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest Assign se)tion )ode to A$siness /!a)e -T* )ode is S14 . "a3le 9:ie5 Select maintain 3utton $i*e the compan/ code Enter .or section code 1usiness place Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest De"ine (it,,o!ding taC t9/e "o* Invoi)e /osing: ?A+&. ?A+. ?A+& ?:Jseccode ?A+&. ?A+& 4/dera3ad factor/


Path: /p to Extended Aith holding tax the path is same -Calculation -Dith holding tax type -De!ine Aith holding tax type !or in6oice posing $i*e the countr/ ,e/ Enter Select ne5 entries 3utton <ith holding ta# t/pe 8escription Select gross amount radio 3utton Select 5ith holding ta# commercial rounding radio 3utton Select post 5ith hold ta# amount chec, 3o# Select no accumulation radio 3utton Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest De"ine (it,,o!ding taC "o* /a90ent /osing Same path $i*e the countr/ ,e/ Enter Select ne5 entries 3utton <ith holding ta# t/pe 8escription Select gross amount radio 3utton Select 5ithhold ta# commercial rounding radio 3utton Select no accumulation radio 3utton Select post 5ith holding ta# amount chec, 3o# Select central in*oice propitiate radio 3utton Select sa*e 3utton or CtrlPS Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest &,9 to se!e)t )ent*a! invoi)e /*o/o*tionate "o* advan)e /a90ents 2.2%%Z 1. Ad*ance pa/ment .6-2 Part/ special $& 'A( 8r "o 1an, "o "8S '"o deposit 3efore 7!.12.2772( 22%% 27.11.2772 177777 !!3?8A ?Sec 1 - C contractors @Ad*ance posting ?I) ?81 ?section sec 1 -C contractors In*oice posting ?I)

2. Purchase in*oice posting .6-3 1-.12.2772 Con*ersion charges 8r 377777 "o part/ 2 3272 "o "8S 'to 8eposit 3efore 7!.12.277 ( %! 2

3. "ransfer of ad*ance from special $& to normal 3/ clearing special $& 65- 1-.12.2772
Part/ "8S 8r 8r !!322%% auto de3it


"o Part/ special $& 'A( "8S pa/a3le on 7!.12.2772 on 7!.12.2772 22%% "8S pa/a3le on 7!.12.277 -532 '%! 2622%%( De"ine (it,,o!ding taC )odes


Path :/p to extend Aith holding tax the pat is same -Calculation Dith hold tax codes De!ine Aith holding tax codes $i*e the countr/ ,e/ Enter Select ne5 entries 3utton <ith holding ta# t/pe <ith hold code 8escription Official 5ith holding ta# <ith holding ta# rate Posing indicator Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest Select 3ac, arro5 Select 5ith holding ta# t/pe ?81 Select cop/ as 3utton Change 5ith holding ta# t/pe 8escription Enter and Sa*e C,e)< *e)i/ient t9/e Path :/p to extended Aith hold tax the path is same -0asic settings -Chec( recipient types $i*e the countr/ ,e/ Enter Select ne5 entries 3utton <ith holding ta# t/pe 0ecipient t/pe "e#t One more <ith holding ta# t/pe 0ecipient t/pe "e#t ?8A ?CO ?Compan/ ?81 ?CO ?compan/ ?In for India ?81 to 8A Change 5ith hold ta# code ?from 81 to 8A ?sec 1 - C 'contractors @Ad*ance 2.2%%Z ( ?81 ?81 ?section 1 -C contractors In*oice '2.2%%Z( ?section 1 - C ?177 ?2.2%%Z ?selection 1 'standard posting ?1an, 9:endor 9Customer line item reduced ?I)

1ase amount percentage su3Eect to ta#


Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest

1aintain taC d$e dates Path :/p to extend Aith holding tax the path is same -0asic settings -,ndia &aintain tax due dates Select ne5 entries 3utton Countr/ ?I) Official 5ith holding ta# ,e/ ?1 -C 0ecipient t/pe ?CO )o.of da/s unit ta# due date ?!!! Sa*e Assign (it,,o!d taC t9/es to )o0/an9 )ode Path :/p to Extend Aith holding tax the path is same -company code %ssign Aith holding tax types to company code Select ne5 entries 3utton Compan/ code <ithholding ta# t/pe 0ecipient t/pe ?A+& ?81 ?CO ?71.7-.2772 ?31.73.277

Select 5ith hold ta# agent chec, 3o# <ithholding ta# o3ligated firm O3ligated to 5ith hold ta# until Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest Select 3ac, arro5 Select compan/ code A+& 5ith ta# t/pe 81 Select cop/ as 3utton Change the <ith holding ta# t/pe to 8A Enter F Sa*e A)tivate eCtended (it,,o!ding taC : Same path Select position 3utton $i*e the compan/ code Enter .or compan/ code A+& select e#tended 5ith holding ta# chec, 3o# Sa*e Ignore the 5arning message press enter Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest Co0Ained (it, ,o!ding taC )ode Path : up to Extend Aith holding tax the path is same -Calculation -,ndia -surcharges -&aintain surcharge rates (Surcharges combined Aith basic Aithholding tax codes ?A+&


Select ne5 entries 3utton Compan/ code <ithholding ta# code 0ecipient t/pe Surcharge rate Compan/ code <ithholding ta# code 0ecipient t/pe Surcharge Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest C*eation o" 3 5L 0aste*s -FS . 1. Con*ersion charges under manufacturing group 2. "8S on contractors under Current &ia3ilities F Pro*ision group FS $i*e the $& A9c )o. Compan/ code $i*e the $& A9c Compan/ code Enter Change the A9c group to manufacturing e#penses Change short te#t and $& A9c long te#t to Con*ersion changes Sa*e One more $i*e the $& Account no. Compan/ code ?A+& Select 5ith template 3utton $i*e the $& A9c )o.177577 out standing e#p. Compan/ code Enter Change short te#t and $& account long te#t to "8S on Contractors Sa*e Assign0ent o" a))o$nts "o* A$to0ati) /ostings: Path :/p to Extended Aith holding tax the path is same -Posting -%ccounts !or Aithholding tax -De!ine accounts !or Aithholding tax to paid o6er $i*e the Chart of Accounts ?A+& Enter Select 5ith holding ta# code chec, 3o# ?A+& ?177517 ?A+& ?A+& ?-77177 Salaries A9c Select 5ith template 3utton ?-77277 ?17 ?A+& ?81 ?CO ?17 ?A+& ?8A ?CO


And 5ith 5ithholding ta# t/pe chec, 3o# Sa*e <ithholding ta# t/pe <ithholding ta# code Account <ithholding ta# t/pe <ithholding ta# code Account Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest ?8A ?8A ?177517 ?81 ?81 ?177517

1aintain )o0/an9 )ode settings Path :SP23-'ogistic- .eneral -$ax on goods mo6ement -,ndia -0asic settings -&aintain company code settings Select ne5 entries 3utton $i*e the compan/ code A+& and Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest S/e)i"9 do)$0ent t9/e "o* *e0ittan)e ),a!!ans 0emittance challans "8S on contractors 1 2 3 5 CO O" CO CO "O 1777 2777 3777 -777 5777 'Compan/( 'Indi*idual(

<hen 5e ma,e "8S pa/ment @5e ha*e to prepare t5o challans 1 for Companies 2 for Indi*iduals In remittance challan screen recipient t/pe 1 3 CO CO CO Compan/ 'CO( 1777 3777 -777

"8S on contractors 8r6<ith Clg 2777 $& "o 1an, 2777 $& 8oc ."/pe ?SA Path :/p to Extended Aith holding tax the path is same -Posting -,ndia -2emittance challans -Document types -Speci!y document type (%ccounts payable Select ne5 entries 3utton Compan/ code Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest ?A+& ?SA 0emittance challan document t/pe


1aintain n$0Ae* g*o$/s: Same path Select ne5 entries 3utton Compan/ code Section code Official 5ithholding ta# ,e/ )um3er group Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest Assign n$0Ae* *anges to N$0Ae* g*o$/s: - T* )ode is N@INO. Same path Select ne5 entries 3utton Internal num3er range group ?72 Internal challan ?72 Sa*e 1aintain n$0Ae* *anges:-T* )ode is N@INU16ER. Same path Select maintain groups 3utton Select group 5ithout ta# ha*ing 72 chec, 3o# .rom the menu select Inter*al +aintain $i*e the compan/ code ?A+& Enter Select inter*al 3utton Gear .rom no. "o num3er Enter F Sa*e Ignore the message press enter ?2772 ?1 ?177777 ?72 ?A+& ?A+&. ?1 -C

Assign *e0ittan)e ),a!!an n$0Ae* g*o$/ to 6$siness /!a)e $r code is (S&90 $i*e the "a3le 9:ie5 Select maintain 3utton Select ne5 entries 3utton Compan/ code 1usiness place Official 5ith holding )um3er group Sa*e ?72 ?A+& ?A+&. ?1 -C "a# ,e/ ?=J1IE<");+$0


Assign *e0ittan)e ),a!!an n$0Ae* g*o$/ to se)tion )ode :-S14 . "a3le 9*ie5 ?=J1IE<");+$0J1

Select maintain 3utton Select ne5 entries 3utton Compan/ code Selection code Official 5ithholding )um3er group Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest 1aintain n$0Ae* g*o$/s and SAP s)*i/t "o*0s Path :/p to Extend Aith holding tax the path is same -Postings -,ndia -Dithholding tax certi!icates !or Fendors and Customers -&aintain number groups as S%P script !orms Select ne5 entries 3utton Compan/ code Section code Official 5ithholding ta# ,e/ .orm )o group Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest Assign n$0Ae* *anges to n$0Ae* g*o$/s Same path Select ne5 entries 3utton )um3er group ?7 Internal num3er range ?7 Sa*e Press enter to sa*e in /our reAuest 1aintain n$0Ae* *anges Sam path Select maintain groups 3utton Select group 5ithout te#t ha*ing 7 chec, 3o# .rom the menu select inter*al maintain Compan/ code Enter Select inter*al 3utton Gear .rom num3er "o num3er ?2772 ?177771 ?277777 ?A+& ?A+& ?A+&. ?1 -C ?=J11E<"JCE0" ?7 ?72 ?A+& ?A+&. ?1 -C "a# ,e/


Enter F Sa*e Ignore the message press enter Assign (it,,o!ding taC )ode in %endo* 0aste* Path :%ccounting -Financial accounting -%ccounts payable -&aster records-&aintain centrally -change ($r code is 4G02 $i*e the *endor no. Compan/ code Select 5ith hold ta# chec, 3o# Enter $i*e the 5ithhold ta# countr/ ?I) 'India( <ith holding ta# t/pe <ithholding ta# code Select lia3le chec, 3o# 0ecipient t/pe <ithholding ta# t/pe <ithholding ta# code Select lia3le chec, 3o# 0ecipient t/pe Select CI) details 3utton Ignore the 5arning message press enter Select 5ithholding ta# ta3 $i*e the PA) of *endor Select 3ac, arro5 Sa*e END USER AREA Conve*sion ),a*ges /osting -F?44. 8ocument t/pe "/pe Compan/ code Posting ,e/ Account no. Enter $i*e the amount 1usiness area 1usiness place 9section code Enter "e#t Posting ,e/ Account ?Con*ersion charges posting ?-7 ?-77277 con*ersion charges account ?A+&4 ?select A+&. ?177777 ?A+& ?31 ?-277771 ?"oda/Is date ?O0 ?AP-C123-5C ?CO ?CO ?8A ?8A ?81 ?81 ?A+& ?-277771



Conve*sion ),a*ges O/tion @ If the 3ill *alue is less than 27777 and 5hole /ear contract *alue is less than 57777 )o "8S O/tion 3 If the *alue consists of material 37777 and con*ersion charges !7777 A( .or 81 5ith @holding ta# 3ase amount enter !7777 "8S 5ill 3e deducted on !7777 1( 0emo*e 8A O/tion 4 If the 3ill amount is onl/ for con*ersion charges A( 0emo*e 8A

0emo*e 81 and 8A

0emo*e 5ith hold ta# code ?8A Enter Amount ?R 1usiness area ?A+&4 "e#t ?P .rom the menu select 8ocument Simulate and Sa*e )ote ? If /ou get a error message once chec, it Acti*ate e#tended 5ithholding ta# 9 8ocument splitting C*eate *e0ittan)e ),a!!an Path :%ccounting -Financial accounting -%ccounts payable -Dith holding tax -,ndia -Extended Aith holding tax -2emittance o! Aithholding tax-Create remittance challan ($r code is L*,CC?'C Compan/ code .iscal /ear 1usiness plane9 Second code Posting date Section 0ecipient t/pe 8ocument date Posting date 1an, account E#ecute '.2( Enter 1usiness area "e#t Select document o*er*ie5 3utton 8ou3le clic, on the line item S1I current A9c 5ith one rupee Amount Sa*e Select clearing document 3utton Select 3ac, arro5 ?R ?A+&4 ?Con*ersion charges amount ?CO ?7!.72.277 ?7!.72.277 ?277175 S1I CA ?A+&. ?71.71.277 to 31.71.277 ?1 - C ?A+& ?2772

8ou3le clic, on all open items '3/ default one rupee can not see in SAP zero(


Ente* 6an< ),a!!an Path: Same path ( $r code is L*,C0%CG $i*e the compan/ code .iscal /ear Challan clearing num3er 1ase challan no . 1an, challan date 1an, ,e/ E#ecute P*int TDS Ce*ti"i)ate Path :/p to extend Aith holding tax the path is same -Certi!icates -Print (L*,CCE2$ Compan/ code .iscal /ear 1usiness area 9Section code Section Posting dates 1an, challan dates Certificate date Signator/ 8esignation Place of printing E#ecute Select print 3utton Output de*ice Select print 3utton To vie( t,e /*int o$t From the menu select (ystem (ervices )utput control Select e#ecute 3utton Select spool no.chec, 3o# Select displa/ contents 3utton L$a*te*!9 *et$*n ( $r code L*,CKEF,'E Path for Entering ac,no5ledgement num3ers. In "8S certificate 5e ha*e to specif/ ac,no5ledgment num3er for each Auarterl/ return field. Path :System -Ser6ice -$able maintenance -Extended table maintenance ($r code is S&90 ?&P71 ?A+&. ?1 -C ?71.7-.2772 to 31.73.277 ?71.75.2772 to 37.7-.277 ?37.7-.277 ?+r M ?+anager ?4/dera3ad aA+& ?2772 ?A+& ?2772 ?select document no.3! ?!2 ?7!.72.277 ?select S1I

'Once 5e select challan clearing num3erC Internal challan num3er and internal challan date 5ill 3e update automaticall/(


"a3le 9:ie5 =J1IE"JACO)J) Select maintain 3utton Select ne5 entries 3utton Compan/ code ?A+& Gear Section code Period ACO )o. Sa*e )ote?

?2772 ?A+&. ?select second Auarter ?123

>uarterl/ return not 5or,ing in pirated soft5areIs patches updated in genuine SAP soft5are

Advan)e /osting: 1. Ad*ance pa/ment posting .6-2 15.12.2772 57777 1133 "8S to deposit 3efore 7!.71.277 2. Con*ersion charges posting .6-3 72.71.277 277777 -532 3. "ransfer of ad*ance from special $& to normal 3/ clearing special $& .6572.71.277 1133 Auto de3it 5ill come 3efore 7!.72.277 to deposit -53261133T33


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