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Constitution and By-laws

Rideau Lakes Figure Skating Club Constitution Revised: April 21, 2013

P.O Box 964 Smiths Falls, ON K7A 5A5

CONSTITUTION OF THE Rideau Lakes Figure Skating Club Club Name n/a Date of Incorporation

Club Number April 21, 2013 Date of Revision to Constitution

ARTICLE 1: The Name of the Club shall be Rideau Lakes Figure Skating Club hereinafter called the Club. ARTICLE 2: SKATE CANADA a) A not-for-profit figure skating or skating club, or the figure skating or skating section of a notfor-profit club, that is a member of Skate Canada and is managed by a volunteer board of directors for the general purpose of providing Skate Canada figure skating or skating programs for Skate Canada members [Skate Canada By-law 1100 (3)]. b) The Club shall pay such fees and such other charges as shall be required of clubs from time to time by Skate Canada. [Skate Canada By-law 1201 (1) (c) (ii), 1201 (1) (c) (viii) and 1201 (1) (c) (ix)] c) The Club shall abide by all Skate Canada By-laws, rules and regulations as per Skate Canada By-law 1201 (1) (c) (iv). d) The Club is located in the Eastern Ontario Section of Skate Canada. See Skate Canada By-law 1503 for definition of Sections. ARTICLE 3: PURPOSE OF THE CLUB a) The purpose of the Club shall be to encourage the instruction, practice, enjoyment and advancement of its members in all aspects of skating in accordance with the Rules, Regulation, Policies and Procedures as set out by Skate Canada. b) The Club, with regard to any aspect of its operation is to be managed and operated by eligible persons who are duly registered as Associate Members of Skate Canada [By-law 1201 (1) (c) (iv)] c) The Club shall protect the eligibility status of its members. The Club shall not take or omit any action that would knowingly jeopardize the eligible status of its members. d) The Club shall operate only Skate Canada figure skating and skating programs.

e) Only Skate Canada Professional Coaches are permitted to teach figure skating and skating in the Club. ARTICLE 4: BY-LAWS OF THE CLUB a) The By-laws, appended to this Constitution, shall describe the organization and functions of the Club, and the means by which members of the Club may elect the Club Board of Directors and control the property and activities of the Club. b) The By-laws, Rules and Regulations of Skate Canada and those of the Section in which the Club operates shall take precedence over any Club By-laws [Skate Canada By-law 1201 (1) (c) (iv)]. c) Any Club By-law contrary to the By-laws, Rules and Regulations set out by Skate Canada and those of the Section shall be invalid. It is acknowledged that any provincial statute governing a club has precedence over any inconsistent Skate Canada by-law relating to that club. [Skate Canada by-law 1201 (1) (c) (iv).]

BY-LAWS OF THE Rideau Lakes Figure Skating Club MEMBERSHIP By-law 1: Club Membership Membership in the Club shall be open to all, irrespective of sex, age, creed or colour. By-law 2: Skate Canada and Club By-laws, Rules and Regulations All members shall uphold, observe and conform to the By-laws, Rules and Regulations of Skate Canada, the By-laws of the Club and such regulations as made by the Board of Directors of the Club. By-law 3: Membership Fees Members of the Club must be registered with Skate Canada and pay such registration and other fees to Skate Canada as set from time to time by Skate Canada. (IAW Skate Canada By-law 1201 (1) (c) (ix), Skate Canada By-law 1202 (1) (a), Rule 2101, Policies and Procedures.) By-law 4: Member in Good Standing For a member of the Club to be considered in good standing with the Club, that member must pay Club fees as are stipulated by the Club Board of Directors in advance of the membership year in question. Members will not be permitted to take part in any Club activities if these fees are not paid within 30 days of the date set for payment. Members in arrears shall be considered as having terminated their club membership.

By-law 5: Setting of Club Fees, Rules and Skating Hours Fees, skating rules and skating hours of the Club shall be set as the Board of Directors decides from time to time. Club membership shall commence on the first day of the Skate Canada membership year, 1 September, or the date that fees are paid (whichever is the latter) and terminate on the last day of the Skate Canada membership year, 31 August. By-law 6: Guest Skaters Non RLFSC members All guest skaters must hold active memberships with Skate Canada. They must notify the Club prior to skating by e-mailing the club or a member of the board. Guest skaters fees will be set annually by the board. When blocks of more than four (4) sessions are pre purchased a special rate of 2/3 the regular cost shall be granted. Payment must be received prior to skating. By-law 7: Suspension and Expulsion from the Club The Board of Directors may suspend or expel a member of the club for acting contrary to the By-laws, Rules and Regulations of Skate Canada (Skate Canada By-Law 1204) or of the Club. This policy has been developed and shall be reviewed and approved by the Club Board of Directors annually. By-law 8: Classes of Club Membership The classes of membership, eligibility and privileges shall be as follows: Individual membership: Non-skating members who have paid the fees as set out by the club and are Associate Members of Skate Canada. Individual members of legal age of 18 shall be entitled to one vote at each Annual General Meeting and Special Meeting of the Club. Where there is a conflict of interest present, the member (s) must acknowledge the conflict and remove themselves from the vote. Active Membership: All eligible skaters who participate in a Club Skating Program and who have paid the fees as set by the club and are Associate Members of Skate Canada. All Active Members of the legal age of 18 shall be entitled to one vote at each Annual General Meeting and Special Meeting of the Club. (Underage Active Members have no vote but may be represented by Special Members) Special Membership: Parent or guardian of legally underage Active Members who have paid the fees as set by the Club and are Associate Members of Skate Canada. Partial Membership: All eligible skaters who are Associate Member or Restricted Member of Skate Canada through another HOME club and have paid a reduced fee as set by the Club. Partial members have no vote but may have a voice at the Annual General Meeting or Special Meetings of members. Honorary Membership: The Annual Meeting of members may elect any person an Honorary Member of the club. An Honorary Member shall be exempt from club dues (but not Skate Canada dues) [if the club is not incorporated add the following: and shall not

have interests in the assets of the Club] and shall not vote at meetings of the club unless otherwise qualified. They may have a voice at the meetings of the club. Restricted Membership: A restricted member is an individual who is a paid employee (of the club, Section or Association), a non-active coach, a performing professional skater or a professional dance partner. A restricted member is not permitted to hold elected office, may not vote at meetings, is not permitted to compete in competitions, and is not permitted to officiate at tests or competitions. [See Skate Canada By-law 1201 (1) (c) (xi), By-law 1202 (2) and Rule 2001.] CanPowerSkate members have no voting rights but may have a voice at the Annual General Meeting or Special Meetings of members. These active members (non voting rights) may not be represented by Special Members. [Skate Canada By-Law 1201 (1) (c) (i) and 1202 (1) (e)]

LIABILITY By-law 9: Liability The Club shall not be responsible for any damages, injury, or loss of property to any member, guest or visitor to the Club regardless of the reason or nature of such damage, loss or injury. Every member, guest or visitor shall use the Club facilities at his or her own risk. The Club shall participate in the Skate Canada Club Liability and Member Accident Insurance programs [Skate Canada By-law 1201 (1) (c) (viii)]. CLUB MANAGEMENT By-law 10: Members of Board of Directors, Committees and Club Delegate to Skate Canada The members of the Board of Directors, members and Chairs of committees, and the Club Delegate to Skate Canada must be members in good standing of the Club, be registered as Associate Members of Skate Canada, be of legal age, and be eligible persons (with the exception of the Coaching Representative) as defined by the Skate Canada Rules and Regulations. By-law 11: General Management of the Club The general management of the club shall be vested in a Board of Directors consisting of: immediate Past President, President, Secretary, Treasurer, and at least 2 Directors at large and a Coaching Representative. All of the above, with the exception of the Past President and the Coaching Representative shall be elected for 1 year terms at the Annual General Meeting. The President and two Directors at large shall be elected in even numbered years and the Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected in odd numbered years. The Coaching Representative shall be elected annually by and from within the coaches of the club in accordance with Skate Canada by-laws. The Past President shall be ex-officio and shall hold office until a new President has been duly elected.

Nominations for positions shall be tabled on the floor the day of the Annual General Meeting. Roles to be filled by Directors at large may include, but are not limited to the following: Registrar, Test Chair, Carnival Chair, Canskate Liaison, Competition Chair, Fundraising Chair, Administrator, Webmaster and Coach Liaison. Every director will take a Club position as determined by the Board of Directors. By-law 12: Holding of Board of Directors Office The Board of Directors shall hold office until the close of the meeting at which their successors have been duly elected. Any member of the Board of Directors may be removed by the members by a 2/3 majority vote at a Special General Meeting duly called for that purpose. By-law 13: Voting at Board of Directors Meetings A quorum of the Board of Directors shall consist of 50% plus 1 members of the Board of Directors, including the Chair. The meeting chair may vote only when the vote would change the result. Therefore the chair may vote to break a tie, and thus pass the motion, or to create a tie, and thus defeat a motion. [Skate Canada By-law 1420 (5)] Votes at any such meeting will be taken by ballot if so demanded by any Director present. If no demand is made, the vote will be taken in the usual way by assent or dissent. A declaration by the Chairperson that a Resolution has been carried and an entry to that effect in the minutes is evidence as proof of the fact. By-law 14: Board of Directors Vacancies Casual vacancy occurring between any Annual General Meeting of the Club, may be filled, until the next annual General Meeting by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Board of Directors or in the case of the Coaching Representative, by the coaching staff. By-law 15: Board of Directors Member Absenteeism If a Board of Directors Member is absent for more than 3 consecutive scheduled Board of Directors meetings, without good cause and/or without prior notification to the President or Secretary, then that office may be declared vacant by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. By-law 16: Role of President The President shall act as Chair of all Board of Directors and general meetings. In his/her absence, the Treasurer will fill this duty. By-law 17: Role of Treasurer The Treasurer shall be responsible for the safe control of all club funds, for preparing and submitting to the Board of Directors on a regular basis an annual budget and keeping such records as are required for financial review. The Treasurer is also responsible for arranging for an un-audited annual financial statement. Any two of three designated signees, of which one

needs to be the Treasurer, shall sign all cheques and legal documents. These individuals will be chosen through a voting process at the first executive meeting new board. The financial review will be made available to each member at the Annual Meeting of the members. By-law 18: Role of Secretary The Secretary shall deal with all correspondence subject to the approval of the President or his/her delegate, shall issue all notices for Board of Directors and general meetings, shall take minutes at all meetings, and shall be responsible for submitting to Skate Canada and the Section such reports as are required by Skate Canada rules and other regulations. By-law 19: Committees President as ex-officio member The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. By-law 20: Committees - Appointment The President shall appoint standing committee Chairs whom shall look after duties assigned to them. All Committee Chairs must submit the names of their committee members to the Board for approval prior to the official formation of the committee. By-law 21: Committees: Eligibility to Serve All Club Board of Directors and members of Committees shall be eligible persons and shall be of legal age (18 years). They must be members in good standing of the club and be Associate Members of the Association. Skate Canada By-law 1201 (1) (c) (ii). By-law 22: Rules of Order Rules of order for all meetings, General and Board of Directors, shall be as outlined in Roberts Rules of Order in all cases in which they are applicable and consistent with the by-laws or special rules of the Association (Skate Canada By-law1603). SKATE CANADA CLUB DELEGATE AND REGION COUNCILORS By-law 23: The Club Delegate to Skate Canada and/or the Section shall be appointed annually by the Board of Directors. The Delegate need not be a member of the Board of Directors. The Section and/or Skate Canada National Office shall be advised of the appointed delegate's name. The Club shall appoint a Councilor and an alternate Councilor to serve on the Region Council as required by the By-laws of the Region Council. The delegates and councilors shall report on activities at these meetings and shall be entitled to receive compensation for pre-approved expenses related to attendance at required meetings. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING By-law 24: Timing, Quorum, Special Meeting Request

An Annual General Meeting shall be held within 60 (sixty) days of the close of the March 31st fiscal year in accordance with Skate Canada By-law 1201 (1)(c)(i). Other general meetings may be held from time to time upon the request of the Board of Directors or upon written request of 10 per cent of Club Members. A quorum for an Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting shall be 10 per cent of the eligible-voting membership. By-law 25: Written Notice Written notice, e-mail notice, and/or posting on club website of all Annual General Meeting and Special Meetings shall be provided 15 days in advance to each eligible voting member. The notice shall include the time and place of the meeting, the agenda, full details of any proposed amendments to these By-laws, and a complete list of the candidates nominated for elections. By-law 26: Voting on Club Elections Voting on Club elections shall be by secret ballot and a simple majority shall elect a candidate. Voting on other matters may be by a show of hands. By-law 27: Eligibility to Vote Voting for club elections or on any matters pertaining to skating shall be restricted to eligible club members who are registered as Associate Members of Skate Canada and are 18 years of age, to the club Coaching representative(s) and to Special Members of the club voting on behalf of their underage children (who are members of the club and registered as an Associate Member of Skate Canada). Special members shall be restricted to one vote per family regardless of how many children are in the family. By-law 28: Order of Business The order of business at an Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be as follows: Reading of the Notice of Meeting Quorum Approval of Agenda Minutes of the preceding General/Special meeting Confirmation of the actions taken by the Board of Directors Secretarys Report Treasurers Report (Annual Financial Statement) Other Reports Election of Board of Directors Amendments to the Constitution and By-laws Appointment of Financial Reviewer (as applicable) New Business AMENDMENTS By-law 29: Right to Submit, Process for Submitting

Any member of the Club, in good standing, may propose an amendment to the Constitution or by-laws of the club. This proposal must be submitted in writing to the Club Board of Directors. The proposed amendment will be presented to the Annual General Meeting or Special Meetings. By-law 30: Interim Amendments By-laws may be enacted or amended by a majority vote (50% plus 1) of the Board of Directors whenever required. Such by-laws or amendments must be presented at the next General Meeting for ratification by the members. If they fail to be ratified, they will cease to be effective and may not be re-enacted by the Board of Directors for one calendar year. By-law 31: Voting of Amendments Any amendment, to be accepted or ratified, must pass by a vote of 2/3 of those eligible to vote and present at an Annual General Meeting of the Club. By-law 32: Effective Force of Amendments to By-laws All amendments to the by-laws upon receiving approval of any general or special meeting of members and upon approval of the provincial government (if applicable) shall come into force immediately or on a date specified for same. All such amendments shall be submitted to Skate Canada. Skate Canada reserves the right of refusal of any amendment. Such refusal shall only be made if the intent of such amendment is to violate, in principle or spirit, any Skate Canada rule and/or by-law. FUNDS By-law 33 The Treasurer shall deposit all funds of the Club in such banks or other institutions as may be designated by the Board of Directors in a timely manner. By-law 34 All disbursements of club funds shall be by cheque or other auditable document. By-law 35 A person designated by the Board of Directors shall make a review of the financial transactions of the Club each year and the financial statements shall be made available to the membership of the Club. By-law 36 Dissolution In the event that the club ceases to exist, the net assets from liquidation shall go to the Kids Sport/Jump Start Organization. In the case of any Bingo money remaining, the distribution of the property of the organization at windup shall go to charitable organizations which carry on their work for the benefit of the residents of Ontario that would also be eligible for charitable gaming licenses. The club would seek guidance from the Municipality in determining whom best to donate the lottery proceeds to within the community.

COMMITTEES By-law 37: Finance Committee This committee shall be responsible for preparing the Club's annual budget and supervising the finances of the club including the presentation of an independently reviewed annual statement of revenues and expenditures to its members. By-law 38: Membership Committee This committee is responsible for promoting and developing membership in the club and for ensuring submission of club and member registrations to Skate Canada. By-law 39: Skating Programs Committee In consultation with the club coaching staff the committee shall coordinate and oversee implementation and delivery of all Skate Canada skating programs including but not limited to CanSkate, CanPowerSkate, STARSkate, Competitive Skate. Reporting to the skating programs committee is the recreational skating programs sub-committee. By-law 40: Skaters attending high school may be allowed to skate during a higher level session (for example a junior skater may request to skate on a senior session) if requested. All requests will be evaluated based on the potential safety risks of the skater making the request and whether the higher level session can accommodate an extra skater. By law 41: There may be times when a coach request that a skater skate on a different session in order to ensure that they get their scheduled lessons. The coach must request permission from the club prior to the lesson. The skaters can only skate up levels. The cost of the additional ice must be paid or the skater can choose to not skate the same amount of time on their normal session. They must inform the board of their decision. By-law 42: Special Program Sub-Committees Committees shall be formed as deemed necessary as follows but are not limited to: Carnival Committee Test Committee Club Competition Committee Recreation Program Committee

By law 43: Smoke Free Policy BACKGROUND AND RATIONALE: The R.L.F.S.C is committed to providing a healthy environment for participants, volunteers and spectators involved with our organization. We recognize that there is significant evidence demonstrating the negative health impacts of tobacco use and exposure (including second-hand smoke from the use of tobacco indoors and exposure to drifting smoke outdoors) and that no level of tobacco exposure is safe. We also

recognize that children and youth gain positive images of tobacco use when they see rolemodels, leaders and individuals that they respect using tobacco. COMMITMENT: We believe that figure skating is a sport that promotes physical activity and healthy living. Skaters, coaches and volunteers involved in our organization have a responsibility to model positive health behaviour with regard to tobacco use. POLICY: Activities including but not limited to competitions, practices, training sessions, and events (e.g., fundraising, Carnival) and other performances sanctioned by our organization will be tobacco-free. Locations for each of these activities will vary, however our policy will apply to all locations while the R.L.F.S.C sanctioned activity is ongoing. POLICY IMPLEMENTATION We will promote the tobacco-free policy at all our activities by: Providing a copy of the policy and explaining it to coaching staff, skaters and parents. Reviewing and sharing the policy with others organizations/groups who may attend or participate in our activities. Including the policy in all orientation and information packages provided to coaches, officials, skaters, members, volunteers and teams/organizations attending or participating in our activities and/or using our facilities. Making the policy visible throughout the year using various channels/opportunities including information on our website, banners/signage at events and encouraging coaches and all skaters to promote a tobacco-free lifestyle. Definition: Tobacco-free means that the use of tobacco by skaters, coaches/leaders, parents/caregivers, spectators and officials is prohibited during all activities sanctioned or engaged in by our organization. Tobacco products include: cigarettes, cigars, pipes, cigarillos, tobacco chew, plug, or snuff, snus, hookah, bidis and kreteks. POLICY ENFORCEMENT: We will enforce the tobacco-free policy to ensure that all those attending and participating in the R.L.F.S.Cs activities has access to a tobacco-free environment. We will use the following steps to enforce our policy: 1. Post signs about our policy where our activities take place, using signs, banners and include in information materials available at the activity. 2. Encourage our coaches, skaters/members, officials and volunteers to respectfully remind individuals using tobacco at R.L.F.S.C activities about the tobacco-free policy. 3. Provide one verbal warning to individuals who repeatedly do not follow the policy. Verbal warning will be delivered by an official representative of the R.L.F.S.C .The R.L.F.S.C representative will inform the executive about the verbal warning including the date, location and name of the individual who was warned. 4. The Executive will provide a formal written warning to the individual. Following a written warning, the individual violating the policy again may be brought to the R.L.F.S.C for disciplinary actions which could include being banned from all future R.L.F.S.C events.

POLICY APPROVAL: This policy will be reviewed by the R.L.F.S.C Executive Committee annually. By-law 44: Ice Rules See Appendix A By-law 45: Award Selection Each year RLFSC Skaters will be eligible to win one of the clubs sanctioned awards. Criteria for each award is described in Appendix B. The eligibility period runs from March 1st to Feb28/29th to coincide with award ceremony at the end of March each year. The level of which the skater is at as of December 31st will determine their award eligibility. Adopted by: Rideau Lakes Figure Skating Club On this ______ day of ________, ________

_____________________________ President ____________________________ Club Executive Member, Position Held

___________________ Date ___________________ Date

Appendix A
RLFSC Ice Policy March 2013 This documents main purpose is to make skaters and parents aware of how to provide a safe environment for all members. Skating is a competitive and individualized sport that requires safe and courteous behaviour from all participants, on and off the ice. Skaters need to be aware of one another, and react predictably to ensure their own and others safety. Each skater is responsible for being aware of and practicing the rules of etiquette and safety noted below. Senior skaters should take the opportunity to mentor and act as role models to new/young skaters in the club. Due to insurance requirements, only registered Skate Canada members are permitted on the ice, except in a medical emergency. Skaters can only enter the ice when a certified coach or Executive member is present. Proper skating attire and hair tied back for safety- No bobby pins (safety issue if they fall onto ice). Food, drink, and gum are not permitted on the ice; plastic water bottles are acceptable, but must be left at the boards. NO glass bottles. Spectators, including parents of skaters, may watch quietly from the stands or seating area not by the boards and must refrain from conversing with or offering directions to skaters on the ice. (If a skater needs more direction, the coach should be consulted after the session, and a plan developed to help the skater become more independent.) The gates in the rink boards must be kept closed while a session is in progress, to ensure the safety of skaters on the ice. Sitting on the boards is not permitted. Skaters must clear the ice promptly at the end of each session. Skaters must always look both ways when leaving the boards. Skaters are expected to be skating at all times while on the ice, and to get up promptly after a fall in order to keep pathways clear for other skaters. The ice surface should be used for practice, not for conversation (Working in small groups with coachs approval is acceptable). When practicing routines, skaters must learn to maneuver around other skaters and still do jumps, spins, and footwork successfully. The skater whose music is playing has the right of way. Calling out Excuse me! or Heads up! will alert other skaters to get out of the way. Skaters should use the centre of the ice, between the blue lines and away from the boards, for practicing spins. This allows room at the ends and sides of the rink for preparations for jumps, and for other skaters to maneuver around the spinning skater. Foul language, yelling, and abusive, bullying or aggressive behaviour are prohibited. No kicking holes in the ice for safety concerns. These actions will result in disciplinary actions being taken. Please show RESPECT.

Priority for on ice: skaters must be aware at all times and take turns having their time. Skaters will abide by the scheduled discipline (Stroking, Freeskate, and Skills/Dance), unless an exception applies and has been approved by coaches on the ice.

1. Skater in a lesson with music with coach 2. Skater in a lesson with coach 3. Skater with music (no coach) Priority Exceptions Skaters in a lesson may practice a different discipline than scheduled (ex. dance/skills on Freeskate). Skaters having a lesson on a different piece of ice than their own for coaching reasons must have club permission, and it should pose no safety issues to the skaters that regularly skate on that session (i.e. dance lessons). During FREESKATE- spins, jumps, footwork, and field moves in appropriate places, and in keeping with the flow of the session, are acceptable. Solo programs are acceptable. Complete or partial skills or dance patterns are not allowed during Freeskate. During DANCE/SKILLS- skills exercises, footwork, and field moves are acceptable. Dance patterns and practice exercises are acceptable. Skaters who have completed Gold Skills/Dance tests may practice spins on Skills/Dance session. No Freeskate. No Jumping. No Flying Spins. During STROKING- skaters are expected to be prepared and prompt as to not disturb the group lesson. If late (missing over half of session), please wait to enter ice until stroking is finished. Rules will be monitored and enforced if necessary by the coaches on the ice, and should the need arise the board of directors in cooperation with the coaches will pursue resolving any incidents brought to the board in writing by a parent or skater (if over the age of 18). Disciplinary Actions: Skater conduct will be assessed taking into account the severity of the actions and if safety is compromised. Complaints will be evaluated by the Executives and Coaches and dealt with on a case-by-case basis. 1st offence: Verbal warning from skaters coach, parent informed of warning if skater is under 18. A copy of the Skater Conduct will be given to the skater to review again. 2nd Offence: Above plus a letter from President to the skater, or skaters parent if skater is under 18. 3rd Offence: Suspension from all Club programs and events for 1 week (This includes all competitions) 4th Offence: Skater will be fined by the Club. I have read and understand the rules stated above: Skaters Name (please print): ___________________________________________ Skater Signature: ____________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: ____________________________________________ (if skater is under 18) Date: ___________________________________

Appendix B


1. Award of Excellence The Award of Excellence is awarded to the skater who has displayed general proficiency in all areas. The skater will be awarded points based on their achievements in dance, skills, free skating and competitions as set out in Schedule A attached hereto. Markham Award The Markham Award is awarded to the Intermediate or Senior skater who displays dedication to the sport and to the Club itself t h r o u g h skating achievements, volunteerism and participation in club events. The Coaches are given one vote as a member of the board. Midway Sports Award . The Midway Sports Award is awarded to the junior skater who displays dedication to the sport and to the Club i t se l f through skating achievements, volunteerism and participation in Club events. The Coaches are given one vote as a member of the board. Amateur Coach Award The Amateur Coach Award recipient is recommended based on time spent as amateur coach, their effectiveness as a coach ( assisting the children and coaches), attitude and reliability. The Coaches are to submit at least two names for consideration by the Executive. -Canskater of the Year The Canskater of the Year is selected by the Coaches based on a desire to succeed, determination, ability and attitude. The Skater cannot have passed Stage 7 or passed a dance, skills or free test. Canskate Champion (2 ) The Canskate Champion awards are given to individuals who display a respect and admiration for the sport. He/She must be a skater with the Club. The Skater cannot ha ve passed Stage 7 or passed a dance, skills or free test. Gold The Gold Awards and their keeper plaques are based on testing held prior to the yearly Carnival.








Arranel Studios (3)

The Arranel Studio awards are chosen and presented by Arranel Studio based on recommendations from the Coaches. Skaters that are considered for this Award are either Intermediate, Junior or Senior skaters. The Board must first check with Arranels to see if they would like to offer this award each year.

SCHEDULE A Award of Excellence Criteria

Dances Preliminary Jr. Bronze Sr. Bronze Jr. Silver Sr. Silver Gold Skills Preliminary Waltzing Threes Waltzing Mohawks Circles Jr. Bronze Threes and Power Mohawks Power Circles 1 Change threes Sr. Bronze Forward Brackets Power Circles 2 Expanding Exercise Jr. Silver Multi turns and Power Threes Snakes and Ladders 2 Flying Chactaws Sr. Silver Rockers and Choctaws Multi Circle 3s and Brackets Expanding Exercise Gold Counters and 3 Change 3s Multi Circle Double 3s and Mohawks Expanding Exercise Points Per Dance 1 2 3 4 5 6 Points Awarded 2



Free Skate Preliminary Jr. Bronze Sr. Bronze Jr. Silver Sr. Silver Gold

Points Awarded Elements: 2 Solo: 2 Elements: 4 Solo: 4 Elements: 6 Solo: 6 Elements: 8 Solo: 8 Elements: 10 Solo: 10 Elements: 12 Solo: 12 Points Awarded 6 10 12 Competitions

Interpretive Bronze Silver Gold

*If during a competition t h e number of skaters equals or is less than 3, points wi ll be awarded to the top skaters only. Examples: three skaters compete, skaters finishing 1st and 2nd w o u l d receive points, the fi nal skater would not; two skaters compete, skater finishing 1st would receive points; and finally, only one skater i n event, skater would automatically receive first place but would not accumulate any points. **Any pair or team events will result in the points being divided by the number of skaters in that team or pair. Examples 1st place pairs event at sectional will results in each skater being awarded 17.5 points. Club: Bronze Silver Gold Invitational: Bronze Silver Gold Interclub: Bronze Silver Gold Sectional: Bronze Silver Gold EOSIC (Flight Awards): Bronze Silver Gold EOSIC Bronze 5 10 15 5 10 15 10 15 20 25 30 35 10 15 20 25

Silver Gold Ontarios Trillium Star Skate Championship Bronze Silver Gold Ontario Winter Games Bronze Silver Gold

30 35 40 45 50 40 45 50

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