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Athens Builds a Direct Democracy -Democracy means rule of the people, demo = people kratos = power -500 bc,

poor doesn't like rich tyrants, reforms government -Only citizens (free adult males born in athens) can participate in decision making. -1/10 were citizens. Draco: -Began when nobleman Draco took power -621 bc Draco developed a legal code saying that all Athenians (rich and poor) were equal under the law. -Debt slavery were still practiced. Solon: -More far reaching democratic reforms were introduced by Solon. -Came to power in 594 bc. -No citizen should own another citizen. -Outlawed debt slavery. -For classes of citizenship based on wealth rather than heredity. -Only the three hight classes were able to hold public office. -Lowest classes could still vote in the assembly. -Can bring charges against wrongdoers. Cleisthenes: -Athenian leader Cleisthenes introduced further reform in 500 bc. -All citizens can submit laws for debate and passage. -Council of Five Hundred - This body proposed laws and counseled the assembly. -Assembly was open to all 30,00-40,00 citizens, but usually only 500 would attend. -Met about 40 times a year. Athenian Education -Only sons of wealthy families received formal education. -School began at the age of seven. -Received training in logic and public speaking. -Went to military school when older. -No girls Democracy and Greece's Golden Age -For about 50 years (477 - 431 bc) Athens had growth in intellectual and artistic learning. -During this age democracy was strengthened. -Government workers salaries increased. -Citizens ruled directly and not through representatives. -Citizen = Male; 18 years old; born of citizen parents. -Laws voted on and proposed directly by assembly of all citizens -Leader chosen by lot

-Executive branch composed of a council of 500 men -Juries varied in size -No power spikes, almost all equal, leaders could be reelected, paired for their services (allows rich and poor to participate)

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