9 Novels by Marie Kelly

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9 Novels by Marie Kelly Requirements: EPUB Reader - 1.5 MB vervie!: "# believe t$at t$e se%ret to !

ritin& &ood stories is in readin& ot$er &reat !riters' stories and a((re%iatin& !$at made t$at story %onne%t on su%$ an emotional level) and t$ere are many many !onder*ul roman%e !riters out t$ere." -Marie Kelly +enre: ,ontem(orary Eroti% Roman%e

Billionaire's Reven&e -i. years a&o t$e tas/ o* *irin& 0arius 1arosa $ad *allen on -ara. No! $e is ba%/) and $ell bent on reven&e. 2$e ,om(any $e 3ust too/ over is in turmoil !it$ -ara's sister *a%in& (rison as an a%%om(li%e to $er abs%onded $usband's *raud. 0arius $o!ever) !ants reven&e on -ara) not 4n&ela so $e ma/es $er a deal 5 $er in $is bed or $er sister in (rison. 6it$ little %$oi%e -ara moves in !it$ t$e billionaire) but s$e $as (lenty o* se%rets) one o* t$ose bein& !$at really $a((ened si. year's a&o. 6ill 0arius *inally $ave $is reven&e on t$e youn&est Bal*our dau&$ter) or !ill $e *ind t$at (er$a(s $is assum(tions are not as %lear %ut as $e *irst t$ou&$t. Bla%/mailed *or t$e Billionaire's Pleasure 2$ree years a&o ,rai& Kent and Kira Bla%/ $ad s(ent a !$ole summer to&et$er be*ore) !it$ no !arnin& $e $ad abandoned $er) *or%in& $er to return to t$e UK $eartbro/en. No! $e !as bla%/mailin& $er to be $is mistress *or t$e !ee/) to use

$er as $e sa! *it) to be $is se. toy. 4t a loss as to /no! !$y $e !ould $ate $er so mu%$) s$e $ad determined not to on%e more *all *or $is %$arms) but %ould s$e7 Bla%/mailed 8or 9en&ean%e ":ou are bla%/mailin& me to slee( !it$ you)" s$e %ried in $orror) $er eyes starin& at $im. ;e $ad *ro!ned an&rily "# didn't say anyt$in& about you s$arin& my bed" $e re(lied "# $ave never $ad to *or%e a !oman to slee( !it$ me) and # %ertainly don't intend to start !it$ you" $e said !it$ %om(lete %ontem(t in $is voi%e "Please don't *latter yoursel*" Bla%/mailed Mer&er 6$en 0ante 0urant on%e more a((ears in -amant$a 2rey's li*e) it is a&ain to mani(ulate and use $er. ;o!ever t$is time -amant$a /no!s !$at is &oin& on and is determined not to allo! t$e %$arismati% and &or&eous +ree/ to (lay !it$ $er $eart as $e did !$en t$ey *irst met. Bla%/mailed into a marria&e to t$e one man s$e $ad ever loved s$e must (rote%t $er $eart and also t$e se%ret s$e /ee(s. Millionaire's -o%iety Mistress ,rai& 2$om(son is a man used to &ettin& !$at $e !ants. 2$e rut$less 4meri%an already $as t$e ,am(bell's business) but !$at $e !ants is 8iona ,am(bell. Ma/in& $er an o**er t$at s$e %annot re*use) 8iona (retends to be $is mistress. ;o!ever ,rai& $as no intention o* t$e arran&ement stayin& as it is !$en $e !ants t$e beauti*ul -%ot in $is bed. ,an 8iona resist $is %$arms...and does s$e !ant to. 2$e Billionaire's Bla%/mailed ;eiress 2o &ive $er mot$er $er dyin& !is$ Mina 1ane must deal !it$ t$e eni&mati% and dan&erously sedu%tive Ni/os 0u(ris. nly $e %an &ive $er a%%ess to t$e 9illa $er *at$er and mot$er s$ared !$ile $er mot$er !as t$e mistress o* Ni/os' $ated ste(*at$er. ;e $o!ever is in need o* $el( $imsel*) $el( t$at only Mina %an (rovide and usin& $er mot$er's situation bla%/mails $er to save $is business. Bot$ distrust t$e ot$er) yet %an t$ey *i&$t t$e &ro!in& attra%tion t$ey are tryin& so $ard to i&nore. 2$e Billionaire's Mistress 6$en <enna 1on& is $urt savin& t$e li*e o* t$e *amous sin&er 2om 2rudeau) s$e *inds $ersel* livin& !it$ $im and $is brot$er) t$e $andsome and eni&mati% Ryan

2rudeau. 4 (layboy Billionaire $is 'love 'em and leave 'em' ($iloso($y to!ards !oman is one t$at $e is very o(en about) es(e%ially to t$e beauti*ul !oman !$o $as landed on $is doorste(. 6$ile t$ey bot$ try to *i&$t t$e attra%tion t$ey *eel) t$ey *ind t$emselves unable to $old ba%/ *rom t$eir desire *or ea%$ ot$er) and eventually t$e t!o &ive in to t$e inevitable) bot$ a&reein& to &et it out o* t$eir systems. 2$e Billionaire's Runa!ay Bride -i. years a&o it $ad been +ra%e 1eotta's dream to be a marine biolo&ist. ;o!ever) $er bullyin& overbearin& *at$er $ad ot$er ideas. -$e !as to be married to t$e billionaire 4le.os Manetas a man most !omen !ould $ave been over t$e moon to %all t$eir $usband. ;andsome) smart) *unny and %onsiderate t$e (er*e%t man) e.%e(t t$at $er role !as to be a %onvenient !i*e) t$e !oman to (rodu%e $is %$ildren !$ile $e %ontinued $is (layboy !ays. No! si. years later s$e $ad on%e more *ound $ersel* on $is island as (art o* resear%$ s$e !as %ondu%tin&. 4le.os $ad still been *urious at t$e !oman !$o $ad dit%$ed $im so many years a&o) only no! it !as $e !$o $ad t$e u((er-$and and t$e motivation to use it a&ainst $er) to (unis$ $er *or $er (ast a%tions. ,an +ra%e survive anot$er domineerin& man in $er li*e) and more im(ortantly does s$e really !ant to es%a(e7 2$e Un!illin& Mistress 0ra/e 2rent !ants Mia <ones as $is mistress) $o!ever t$e e.oti% dan%er $as ot$er (lans. -$e !ants not$in& to do !it$ t$e billionaire) but $er boss sees a !ay o* usin& Mia to &et to 0ra/e) and $is (lan involves usin& $er as bait. Mia $as to learn !$o %an be trusted as s$e sets out to $el( $er sister and brin& do!n t$e evil <a/e. But s$e is soon as/in& $ersel* i* maybe s$e $as mis3ud&ed 0ra/e.

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