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Relative Clauses

1) John, who is very clever, did most of the work 2) This is the man who came last night. 3) Linda, who I have j st s!oken, is interested in yo . ") This is the woman who #o ght fice g ns. $) The # s, which was on time yesterday, is always late. %) & woman, who told me yo weren't in, answered the !hone. () )y #rother, who is 2$ years old, is getting married ne*t year. +) That is the st dent who told me the story ,) London, where we were last s mmer, is fantastic. 1-)I started working here in 1,,-, which was a good year for me. 11)The thieves, who m st #e very st !id, forgot the money. 12)The doctor has a wonderf l car which is a .errari. 13)The concert, where )etallica were !laying, started really late. 1"))y sister, who is deaf, likes J stin /ie#er 1$)0alencia, which is d e east of )adrid, is a grea !lace. 1%)Jim#o, who got divorced last year, is living in Thailand now. 1()1lare, who I don't like very m ch, is a good teacher. 1+)The school, which has a#o t +-- st dents, was # ilt in 1,-(.

Reported Speech
1) 2) !) $) &) () *) -) /) 11) 11) 12) 1!) 1$) 1&) 1() 1*) 1-) 1/) 21) Miss Claymore: "One month ago, I warned you to study for that test She said she really wished she had bought that new ar "a #s said that he might be guilty Cheryl as#ed her how long she had li%ed there 'e said he might get going be ause he was going to be late She said to me that she had wor#ed there sin e she left her last )ob +ou said to her that you will hel, her She as#ed me where we were going to lea%e. 0eter said he might bring someone with him to the ,arty My fraind said he would ha%e finished his homewor# by the time you arri%ed Mar# as#ed me why I wanted to study 2ussian Mar ia said she had been waiting for her for o%er an hour 3lison said she had eaten before you arri%ed 4enny sang that he wanted to get away and he wanted to fly away "ason as#ed me if I was oming with him Mr Smith as#ed me if I was a student Ms. 5ashingto as#ed them what their names were 6he tea her said that Mauri e had to stand u, Mr 7rown said that Melissa might not s,ea# then. Mii Claymore said that one month ago she warned them8him8her to study for that test

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