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Darkness Becomes Her (Gods & Monsters #1)

by Kelly Keaton (Goodreads Author)

3.94 of 5 stars

3.94 rating details 7,991 ratings 1,022 reviews

Ari can't help feeling lost and alone. With teal eyes and freakish sil er hair that can't !e changed or destroyed" Ari has al#ays stood out. And after gro#ing up in foster care" she longs for some understanding of #here she came from and #ho she is. Her search for ans#ers unco ers $ust one message from her long dead mother% &un. Ari can sense that someone" or something" is getting closer than they should. But it's impossi!le to protect herself #hen she doesn't kno# #hat she's running from or #hy she is !eing pursued. 'he kno#s only one thing% she must return to her !irthplace of (e# )" the lush re!uilt city of (e# *rleans. +pon arri ing" she disco ers that (e# ) is ery...different. Here" Ari is seemingly normal. But e ery creature she encounters" no matter ho# deadly or horrifying" is afraid of her. Ari #on't stop until she kno#s #hy. But some truths are too haunting" too terrifying" to e er !e re ealed.

A Beautiful , il (Gods & Monsters #2)

by Kelly Keaton (Goodreads Author)
4.17 of 5 stars

-yth and mayhem inha!it a richly reimagined (e# *rleans in this se.uel to Darkness Becomes Her.After the epic gra eyard !attle at the end of Darkness Becomes Her" Ari and her friends kno# #hat they/re up against% Ari is facing the -edusa curse and is haunted !y the image of #hat she #ill !ecome. 0o make matters #orse" the heinous goddess Athena has kidnapped young 1iolet and is threatening to destroy Ari. Ari" along #ith the superhot 'e!astian" is doing e erything she can to learn more a!out Athena and to get 1iolet !ack. But the !attle of good and e il is !igger than she reali2es" and she/s a!out to !e pulled into a #orld more horrific than she could e er imagine....

4.17 rating details 2,875 ratings 300 reviews

0he Wicked Within (Gods & Monsters #3)

by Kelly Keaton (Goodreads Author)
4.18 of 5 stars

Ancient lore leads to present danger in the final !ook in the dark and se3y paranormal romance trilogy a!out a descendent of -edusa" set in a richly reimagined (e# *rleans. Her fate is not set in stone. Ha ing temporarily defeated Athena" Ari races to !reak the gorgon curse that has plagued the #omen in her family for centuries. Her one lead sends her on a .uest for the Hands of 4eus" an ancient relic last seen in the charge of (e# )/s ruling elite" the (o em. But if there is one thing that Athena desires as much as re enge" it/s the Hands of 4eus5and Athena al#ays gets #hat she #ants. Before either can locate the Hands" the statue goes missing" and a trail of !lood follo#s those #ho once protected the relic/s secrets. Ari kno#s that her city" her friends" 'e!astian5her life5depend upon her finding the statue !efore Athena. And #ith rumors an ancient po#er is on the rise" that may not !e her only concern6

4.18 rating details 313 ratings 44 reviews

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