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CrochetinginCanada Namine Doll

Published in Becca de Kroon's Ravelry Store

Craft Crochet Category Softies Doll Published arch !"#$ %arn &eight 'orsted ( #" )ly *+ &)i, -nformation on yarn &eights .oo/ si0e $12 mm *3, $4dimensional&ritten4)attern aterials5

6 3(7 crochet hoo/ *$12"mm, 6 %arn needle

%arn *&orsted &eight, 6 'hite 6 8an *s/in colour, 6 9ight Blue 6 %ello& 6 Blac/ *if you are embroidering the eyes1 %ou could also use buttons: safety eyes or felt,

6 Polyester stuffing such as Polyfil1

Crochet ;bbreviations5

Ch5 chain Sl st5 sli) stitch Sc5 single crochet Dc5 double crochet Dec5 decrease -nc5 increase


8he )arts &ill be &or/ed in ro&s rather than a s)iral: so don<t forget to do a sl st to close each ro& and to chain one before you start the ne=t ro&1

>ccasionally: you &ill be as/ed to crochet counter cloc/&ise for a ro&1 8his &ill ma/e it so the ?right side@ of the crochet s&itches sides1

'hen - s&itch the yarn in the last stitch of the ro&: - do this during the sli) stitch1 - insert my hoo/ into the loo)s: and )ull in the ne& colour1 chain one and start the ne& ro& in the ne& colour1

Ball Aoint B C))er Body

Ro& #5 Crochet D sc into the middle of a magic ring &ith S/in coloured yarn1 *D, Ro& !5 -nc around *#!, Ro& $5 sc: incE Re)eat E around *#F, Ro& 75 sc around *#F, Ro& 25 sc: decE Re)eat E around *#!, Ro& D5 sc: decE Re)eat E around *F, Ro& G5 sc around *F, Ro& F5 sc: incE Re)eat E around *#!, Ro& +5 sc: incE Re)eat E around1 >n the last stitch of this ro&: s&itch colours from 8an to 'hite *#F, Ro& #"5 sc around *#F, Ro& ##5 sc around *#F, Ro& #!5 sc around *#F, Ro& #$5 sc around1 *#F,

9egs * a/e !,

Ch #" in 8an yarn1 Sl st into the first chain to form a circle1 *#", Ro& #5 Sc around *#", Ro& !5 sc: dec: sc: dec: sc: dec: sc *G, Ro& $5 Sc around *G,

Ro& 75 sc around1 *G, Ro& 25 sc: dec: sc: dec: sc *2, Ro& D5 sc around *2, Ro& G5 inc around *#", Ro& F5 sc 7: inc !: sc 7 *#!, Ro& +5 sc 2: inc !: sc 2 *#7, Ro& #"5 sc D: inc !: sc D *#D,

>nce you<ve finished the first leg fasten off and re)eat for the second leg1

'hen you have both legs com)leted hold them together so that the legs are )ositioned correctly *the long end of each foot &ill be facing for&ard,1 8hread some 8an yarn through a free loo) of the starting chain on both legs &here they meet in the middle1 8ie it off: and dra& u) a chain through the same loo)s1

Ro& ##5 Sc around the legs as you &ould usually do: moving cloc/&ise from the Hoin all the &ay around1 >n the last stitch of this ro&: s&itch colours from 8an to 'hite *#F, Ro& #!5 Sc around: ignoring the Hoin *#F,1 Do N>8 cut off the yarn &hen you have closed this ro&1

%ou are going to be attaching the ball Hoint(u))er body to the legs1 Stuff the ball Hoint( u))er body and the legs before you connect them together1

Ro& #$5 Sc the t&o )arts together1 Io through one sc of the u))er body and one sc of the legs using the 'hite yarn attached to the legs1 *#F, Ro& #75 sc around counter cloc/&ise for one ro&1 *#F, Ro& #25 sc around cloc/&ise1 *#F, Ro& #D5 sc around *#F,

;rms * a/e !,

Ro& #5 sc D into magic ring &ith 8an yarn1 *D, Ro& !5 sc: incE Re)eat E around1 *+, Ro& $5 sc around *+, Ro& 75 sc G: dec # *F, Ro& 25 dec: sc 7: dec *D, Ro&s D5 sc around *D, Ro& G5 sc around *D, Ro& F5 sc around *D, Ro& +5 sc D1 D> N>8 Hoin &ith sl st at the end of the ro&1 8he rest of the arm you &ill not sl st together1 Ch# and turn1 *D, Ro& #"5 sc D1 >n the last stitch of this ro&: s&itch colours from 8an to 'hite1 Ch # and turn1 *D, Ro& ##5 sc: dec: dec: sc *7, Ro& #!5 Dec: dec *!, Bind off and se& each arm to body1

Shoes * a/e !,

Ro& #5 Ch 7 &ith 9ight Blue yarn *7,1 Ro& !5 sc into the !nd chain from the hoo/ on the left side of the v made1 Sc into the ne=t chain on the left side1 %ou should be left &ith a single chain at this )oint1 Sc t&ice into the left side of the chain and then once into the right side1 Sc into the ne=t chain on the right side1 Sc into the last chain t&ice1 Sl st to close ro&1 *F, Ro& $5 -nc around1 Sl st to close ro&1 *#D,

Do not cut the yarn: continue to attach the shoe to the bottom of Namine<s foot1

;ttaching the leg and shoe

Io through both loo)s of a sc on the shoe and both loo)s of a sc on the leg1 Sc these together and re)eat all the &ay around1 9eave a long tail of yarn to add the shoe stra) details1 Do the same for other shoe1


Ro& #5 sc F into magic ring using 8an yarn1 *F, Ro& !5 inc around *#D, Ro& $5 sc: incE Re)eat E around *!7,

Ro& 75 sc around *!7, Ro& 25 sc around *!7, Ro& D5 sc around *!7, Ro& G5 sc: dec Re)eat E around *#D, Ro& F5 sc around *#D, Ro& +5 sc: inc Re)eat E around *!7, Ro& #"5 sc counter cloc/&ise around *!7,

8he ro&s you made so far &ill actually be on the inside of the head and function as a )lace for the body Hoint to go into: ma/ing the head )ivotable1

Ro& ##5 *go bac/ to crocheting cloc/&ise, sc !: incE Re)eat E around *$!, Ro& #!5 sc around *$!, Ro& #$5 sc around *$!, Ro& #75 sc G: dec 7: sc !: dec 7: sc G *!7, Ro& #25 sc D: inc #!: sc D *$D, Ro& #D5 sc around *$D, Ro& #G5 sc 7: decE Re)eat E around *$", Ro& #F5 sc $: decE Re)eat E around *!7,

;t this )oint you should stuff the head and )lace eyes if you<re going to do safety or button eyes1

Ro& #+5 sc !: decE Re)eat E around *#F, Ro& !"5 sc: decE Re)eat E around *#!, Ro& !#5 dec around *D,

3ars * a/e !,

Sc 2 into magic ring using S/in yarn and arrange in half4circle sha)e1 ;ttach to side of head1

Details5 6 ;dd hair to the head1 Cut yarn in to )ieces that are t&ice the length you &ant the hair to be1 8hey &ill be folded in half &hen you attach them to the head1 Iive her some shorter front hair bangs and a side )art1 ;fter you have com)leted the hair lines and her )art you can add a )iece of hair in every other stitch1 ;fter you have added the all hair you can trim it if you need to1

.o& to add the hair strands5

-nsert crochet hoo/ into one of the stitch s)aces in the dolls head: and out of the one that is above1 Jold your )iece of yarn in half and loo) it over the hoo/1 Pull this yarn through the stitch s)ace: but not com)letely *you should be ma/ing a loo), Pull the yarn ends over the hoo/ and )ull through this loo)1

Secure the yarn by )ulling it tight to the head1 6 Csing a yarn needle: use the long tails from her shoes to add the sandal stra)s1

6 %ou can embroider the eyes &ith yarn: use safety buttons: or use felt and fabric glue1

Jor more information: see5 htt)5((crochetingincanada1&ord)ress1com(!"#$("$(#7(/111

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