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Ansonia Mayor David Cassetti and Derby Mayor Anita Dugatto Partner

to host a FREE Business Forum

Attend to hear from experts about programs, grants and resources to help businesses grow and stimulate job creation in the Valley.
Grow your Business, but need Resources, and Support? Then come to our FREE Forum & Informational Event Wednesday, March 12, 2014 7:30 am9:30 am My Health - 1st Urgent Care Facility 158 Main Street, Ansonia, CT Refreshments will be served. Event is Free, but registration is required.

Want To

To RSVP call John Marini at 203-751-2854, Victoria LaRue at (203)736-1453, or register online at

Hear from experts about programs, grants and resources to help businesses grow and stimulate job creation. Topics include:

Benefits and services offered through the Ansonia Economic Development Commission. Information and Access to FREE support Services available through CT Department of Labor Business Services Unit. Information and Access to Step Up Subsidized Wage & Manufacturing Training Grants available through May 31, 2014. Information and Access to Step Up Unemployed Armed Forces Member Grant available through June 30, 2015. Information and Access to other resources to accessing capital and become competitive. Information and Access to workforce development programs and job seekers.

If you answered, YES, then you should attend this FREE Event.

Event sponsored by the Ansonia & Derby Mayors Office in collaboration with

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