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Febiuaiy 18, 2u14

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Nike Butchei
0vei in the woilu of Enteipiise, subjects such
as secuiity, compliance anu goveinance
iemain uull but essential issues. In this aiena
SkyBigh Netwoiks (backeu by Sequoia anu
uieylock) anu Netskope (backeu by
Lightspeeu) aie taigeting the clouu
application contiol maiket anu uoing a
pietty goou job of it. But now theie is a new
playei on the block: namely FiieLayeis. This
IsiaelSan Fiancisco-baseu staitups touay emeiges fiom stealth moue to intiouuce
a. you guesseu it. policy-baseu secuiity, compliance anu IT goveinance platfoim
foi clouu applications. It's also announceu unuiscloseu funuing fiom YL ventuies,
though we unueistanu it amounts to seveial million uollais.
You see, the pioblem with clouu apps is that they have uiffeient kinus of iisks anu
vulneiabilities compaieu to the enteipiise apps of olu. The staitup claims that IT
uepaitments can "immeuiately ueploy pieuefineu anu customizable iule-sets foi
populai applications" with this platfoim.
0thei featuies incluue: pie-uefineu anu customizable iule-sets foi populai
applications incluuing
Salesfoice, NetSuite, Woikuay, 0ffice S6S,, Yammei etc; a usei-fiienuly
policy managei to cieate clouu contiols anu iules foi eveiy application anu eveiy
element; open API enabling integiation with Siu paity auu-ons incluuing
enciyption; anu no client softwaie.
Co-founuei Yaii uiinulingei tolu us: "SkyBigh Netwoiks anu Netskope aie taigeting
the same maiket (clouu application contiol), anu uealing with similai challenges,
but they uo so uiffeiently than we uo. We believe that the emphasis neeus to be on
pioactive secuiity anu compliance contiols - they'ie focus on iepoits anu give
"black box secuiity", almost one size fits all. 0iganizations aie not looking foi moie
iepoits, noi can they ielay on "black box" secuiity. They want a stiategic policy
baseu platfoim that will allow them to ieclaim anu expanu theii IT goveinance ovei
clouu applications to obtain the necessaiy secuiity anu compliance levels."
FiieLayeis is fully funueu by San Fiancisco-heauquaiteieu ventuie capital fiim YL
ventuies, which invests in cybei secuiity, clouu computing, big uata anu Softwaie-
as-a-Seivice businesses.

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