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1969 to 2014

Yea r 196 9 197 0 197 1 197 2 197 3 Month June Novembe r June Decembe r March October June Novembe r March Jul% Decembe r March Jul% October 197 5 Januar% Jul% October 197 6 Januar% March Jul% October 197 7 Januar% March Jul% October 197 Januar% June October 197 9 Januar% June October 19 0 Januar% June October 19 1 Januar% June Jul% Production The Ghost Train Brides of March The Deep Blue Sea Murder in the Cathedral Doctor in the House Not Now Darlin The Miracle !or"er Bill% 'iar Barefoot in the $ar" The 'ion in !inter The Other Cinderella No Time for &i 'eaves Stars ( Garters )n *nspector Calls Hansel ( Gretel Spot On Bill% 'iar Sleepin Beaut% Da% )fter the &air Old Time Music Hall M% Three )n els )laddin Dinn% ( the !itches +,-+ .evue !hite 'iars/ The Hole/ Collect %our H( Ba a e .obin Hood ( the Babes in the !oods How the Other Half 'ives Thin s Dic" !hittin ton The Drun"ard Blithe Spirit $antomonium The Creature Creeps Comed% b% Candleli ht Humpt% Dumpt% )ll Thin s Bri ht ( Beautiful Deadline Dawn #st 0rd STC $la% &estival .)&T) One )ct 0rd STC $la% &estival #st STC $la% &estival #st STC $la% &estival Our 1st Revue #st STC $la% &estival Awards Notes

197 4

October 19 2 Januar% )pril June Septemb er Januar% )pril June Jul% October 19 4 Januar% Septemb er Novembe r Januar% June )4G4ST Decembe r )pril Jul% 19 7 Januar% )pril June Novembe r &ebruar% )pril Jul% October 19 9 Januar% Ma% June October 199 0 Januar% )pril June October 199 1 &ebruar% June October 199 2 Januar%

Mi1ed 23rbs Jac" ( the Beanstal" &larepath )fter Ma ritte Bloomers Beaut% ( the Beast &riends ( Nei hbours )fter Midni ht/ Before Dawn Old Time Music Hall Time ( the Conwa%s Cinderella Sharps ( &lats Joint Best Musical .)&T) #st STC $la% &estival

19 3

The Gin erbread 'ad% The Treasure of Golden Mountain Barnstable .a s to .iches The Holl% ( the *v% Habeas Corpus Man in a Bowler Hat Mother Goose 'ivin To ether Hoora% for Holida%s Old Time Music Hall Sleepin Beaut% !hen !e )re Married Deadline Dawn Memories 'ittle .ed .idin Hood On Monda% Ne1t The $roposal That2s 3ntertainment )laddin The Ghost Train 5ni htsbrid e Bri6e Theatre .evised .obin Hood ( the Babes in the !ood Thermal 4nderware Thermal 4nderware7Gosforth8s &ete The 3lves ( the Shoema"er Best )ctor #st Best )ctress STC $la% &estival ,nd STC $la% &estival ,nd Best )ctor Best )ctress STC $la% &estival .)&T) One )ct

19 5

19 6



.)&T) )nnual

Ma% June 199 3 Januar% )pril June Septemb er Januar% Ma% June Septemb er Januar% June 199 6 Januar% )pril June Septemb er Januar% June Jul% Septemb er &ebruar%

Outside 3d e !aitin .oom .obinson Crusoe ( the *sland of Treasure Split 3nds 'oo" to the 'ad% Ha% &ever Bo $eep )n%thin Goes Hero )n *ntimate Murder Sword in the Stone The Da% The% 'ost .a The !i6ard of O6 The )nniversar% The Shoc" of .eco nition Mort )li Baba ( the &ort% Thieves One Da% Summers Da%7 .evue One Da% Summers Da% &ruit ( Nut Case Twin"le/ Twin"le 'ittle Star et% .uth

#st Best )ctress

STC $la% &estival

)uthor2s )ward

.)&T) One )ct

199 4


.)&T) One )ct

199 5

199 7

Best )ctress

.)&T) One )ct


Best $roduction/ Best $antomime/ Best Sta e $resentation Best $resentation Best Sta e $resentation

.)&T) #, Month &estival

Ma% October 199 9 &ebruar% Ma% October 200 0 &ebruar% Ma% Jul% October 200 1 200 2 Januar% Ma% Januar% Ma% Septemb er Januar%

!i""#$s !e% )ccrin ton $als Jac" ( the Beanstal" )lbert2s $lot !anted/ One Bod%9 $eter $an The Thief of Time The 'ion/ the !itch ( the !ardrobe $% malion Sinbad the Sailor No 31it The Thief of Time Melons at the $arsona e *nspector Dra"e2s 'ast Case Beaut% ( the Beast !inner : Technical 31cellence .)&T) One )ct &estival Best )ctor .)&T) One )ct &estival !inner : Technical 31cellence Best )ctor .)&T) One )ct &estival .)& 45 Drama &estival .)& 45 Drama &estival .)&T) #, Month &estival .)& 45 Drama &estival

Best )ctress

200 3

Ma% 200 4 Januar% Ma% October 200 5 Januar% Ma% June October 200 6 &ebruar% Ma%

)fter Ma ritte 7 Brea"fast for One Snow !hite ( the ; Dwarfs Sour Grapes ( )shes 2)llo 2)llo Cinderella 3as% Sta es 'au h in 0 3as% Sta es .eturn to the &orbidden $lanet 5in )rthur !ho Shot Scotland =ard The >irtuous Bur lar The *mportance of Bein 3arnest The Three Mus"eteers? 'e $anteau9 Touchin Tomorrow Distracted Globe Best )ctor #st@ Best )ctor Nomination Best )ctress Nomination .unner 4p/ $antomime )uthors )ward Best $antomime/ Best Sta e $resentation )d<udicator8s )ward Best $antomime/ Best Sta e $resentation

.)&T) One )ct &estival .)&T) #, Month &estival .)&T) #, month &estival .)&T) #, Month &estival

.)&T) One )ct &estival

200 7

Septemb er Januar% Ma%

.)&T) One )ct &estival .)&T) One )ct &estival


Septemb er Januar% Ma%

!ho 5illed the $op StarA Sleepin Beaut% Curses9 &oiled ) ain9 )laddin !inner/ Best $antomime .unners 4p Sta e $resentation .unner 4p/ $antomime .unners 4p Sta e $resentation .unners 4p/ Sta e $resentation !inner/ $antomime .unner 4p/ $antomime Best )ctor Nomination .)&T) )nnual )wards .)&T) #, Month &estival

200 9


Ma% 201 0 Januar%

Streuth9 Dic" Turpin .)&T) )nnual )wards

Ma% Sep 201 1 201 2 201 3 201 4 Januar% Januar% Ma% Ma% Januar%

Oedocles 5in Of Thebes Blithe Spirit Geronimo Dic" !hittin ton ( his Cat The .ose ( Crown )rmed .obber% for Dummies .umpelstilts"in

.)&T) )nnual )wards .)&T) )nnual )wards .)&T) )nnual )wards

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