2014 02 08 Charles County Arson Arrest

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Maryland State Fire Marshal

News Release
Martin OMalley Governor Brian S. Geraci State Fire Marshal


Waldorf, Maryland (February 08, 2014) Deputy State Fire Marshals ha e !har"ed a Waldorf #an $ith in ol e#ent in t$o separate fires% &oren'o (harles )ho#pson, 20, of Waldorf, surrendered hi#self this #ornin" to Deputy State Fire Marshals at the Maryland State *oli!e &a*lata barra!+ $ithout in!ident% )ho#pson $as deter#ined to ha e been in ol ed in settin" t$o intentional fires this past )hursday shortly after , *%M% )he first in!ident $as a trash du#pster lo!ated at the - a )urner -le#entary S!hool at 1000 .annister (ir!le% )he fire resulted in /010 da#a"e and $as !ontrolled by four fi"hters fro# Waldorf in fi e #inutes% )he se!ond fire $as in an uno!!upied to$nhouse lo!ated at 4104 2 3uston *la!e% )his fire !aused appro4i#ately /5,000 in da#a"es and $as also e4tin"uished by Waldorf firefi"hters in fi e #inutes% 6n esti"ators deter#ined that this fire $as intentionally set to the !arpetin" of the li in" roo#% )ho#pson $as !har"ed $ith first de"ree arson and arson of a trash !ontainer% 7e is !urrently bein" held at the (harles8s (ounty Detention (enter pendin" a bond re ie$ hearin"% )he in esti"ation is !ontinuin" and #ore arrests are pendin"% 9509 Media !onta!t: ;ason M% Mo$bray, Deputy (hief State Fire Marshal< 501%105%0512

1201 Reisterstown Road Pi!es"i##e MD 2120$

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