Artifact G Reflection Sheet

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Artifact G Reflection Sheet Caitlin Cairncross


Coming into this program, I had only moderate experience in research. Although I had done some research during my time in college, it had been a long time since I had to do extensive research on a specific topic (since I was an English major, most of my assignments were more about interpreting texts/theory rather than doing research). Two years later, I have become much more comfortable with research, and have gained an appreciation for the role that research plays in higher education, and for the role that it will play in my development as a professional. During my time in the SDA program, I have learned to appreciate research as a way to learn about what is going on in the field, whether it be new topics and issues that are being explored, or foundational theories that provide a basis for the field as a whole. I have also learned to appreciate research as a way to discover best practices student affairs is a very collegial field, and good ideas or programs are frequently shared with others. In the future, I will continue to utilize research and best practices as a way to improve my own practice, particularly in areas with which I am less familiar. Beyond just becoming more familiar with student development research, I have also learned how to take a critical approach to research. Essentially, it is important to keep in mind what a study isnt saying, and what gaps may exist in the research. It is also important to keep in mind demographics: who/what is being studied, and who/what is being left out of the study? Although this trend is shifting, much of the foundational student affairs research and theory are founded on the experience of a white male. The experience for individuals with other identities may be very different, and it is important to think about these differences when translating research or theory to practice. For this


reason, it is critical to keep up to date with emerging research, and to be intentional about reading studies that represent the perspective of diverse communities. Although I decided not to do an MA project, my experience doing research for specific class projects has heightened my desire to conduct research of my own. However, I realize that conducting research is complex and time-consuming. Going forward, I will try to seek out opportunities to assist others who are doing their own research, so I can familiarize myself with the process. Eventually, as is highlighted in Artifact I, I would like to perform my own research. Overall, I see research as a great way to contribute to the field, make connections with people who I may not otherwise connect with, and get to deeply investigate an area of student affairs that is of interest to me.

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