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Ginn 1 Quick Pronunciation Guide NecroPsy- Nek-ro-sy Vampiris- Vam-pier-iss Albumin- Al (like the name)-boo-men Cesmay- says-may(like the


Ginn 2

Is This Really an Introduction? The year is 2019. Im not sure the relevance of this information at this point, but it seems that as time is a relevant item in a novel it should probably be included in this introduction. My name is Dallath. People seem to think that I should be called the NecroPsy Master, or even Patient Zero. Why I have been given these names is somewhat irrelevant but still if thats what Im referred to I guess its relevant to the story that I am telling. Which will be told soon I promise. Although there are probably some things you should know first besides the basics. A disease that was created from an anticancer injection has infected one person. The disease is called Albumin Vampiris. Most people just call it Vampirism. That person, as all medical breakouts of a disease call the first person, is named Patient Zero. Yeah you are correct, I am a vampire. A patient of the disease as they call it. The mortals dont know the blessing they have bestowed me. My curse isnt so much of a curse, as I found out when I entered the realm of the Mythicals. The beginning of my story isnt all that interesting, but I guess I have to write it for my wife, who pretty much made the decision for me. No going back on her word though, I mean really, because she is similar to terror in a box. Dont tell her I said that. Im sure she would slap me or something. At least, unlike mortal men, I can take

Ginn 3 the slap of a Fallen Angel. Man, Mythicals are so temperamental. With that out of the way, I guess we can start the story. But Im warning you, you will be jealous, if not envious, of all the great, yes that was sarcasm, adventures I have had. Yes, they were absolutely fabulous. Ha, I totally fooled you there. Anyway, is this really an introduction? I guess we shall find out.

Ginn 4

Hospital? No Its Definitely Prison. The lights glaring in the bedroom, even the bathroom lights, annoyed me so much that it was completely impossible to see. My room, a solid white, vacillated between wanting to blind me and actually looking like a decent hospital room. All the new technology still couldnt cure the diseases that were spreading rapidly across the continent. In 2019 the disease rate skyrocketed, with everything from the Flu to Cancer. And the doctors hadnt been in for three hours. They said that the treatment decision would reach me in one hour. The sixth sense is something people dont really know about me. Many of them know that I studied the arts of NecroPsy magic, but none actually believed that it could possibly exist. The disease rates were on everyones minds way over any average guys weird obsessions. The detail in every piece of white cloth and piece of tile on the floor became clearly visible as I channeled my energy into the pierced eye. Another valuable technique making the world more visible than the naked eye normally perceives it. I looked for loose threads within the cushions of the one visitor chair in my containment room. Spying three threads was a simple trick with the Pierced Eye. I took a seat on the plaster white mattress of my bed. Then channeling the NecroPsy energy throughout the room, I split the threads in half with an invisible knife of energy after pulling them out of the chair with my pure energy hand. Currently

Ginn 5 simple objects took up most of my focus, due to being infected with a cancerous tumor on my ribcage. I used the hand to wrap the six threads under the remote on the shelf by the TV and lifted the remote. It glided toward me, right as a door opened and my doctor stepped into the room. He gazed at me, eyes wide in shock. Granted, thats the usual reaction I receive when someone sees my NecroPsy abilities. The remote floated onto the ground, softly because I didnt want it to break. I swear Im already in enough debt. I then turned to the doc, whose jaw was still on the floor, and said, Whats up Doc? in a classic Bugs Bunny imitation. His mouth clamped shut. Then, the music to my ears. We believe we have a cure. said Mr. Doctor man. My heart didnt stop, because that would be terribly cliche, however I swear my tumor nearly popped. Sign me right up. was the first thing out of my mouth. We dont know exactly how stable the cure is, and it might Doctor man began. I dont care sign me up! I seethed. I didnt have any loved ones, no one that I knew who would truly miss me if something went haywire. Thats where you are wrong. came a voice in my head. I should probably mention that I didnt know whose voice it was but that wasnt relevant at the time. After all, my wife had died to Leukemia, and all my other friends to some form of cancer by now. We werent allowed to see anyone after we were diagnosed, because cancer had found a way to spread. Not like

Ginn 6 the way a cold spreads. But rather in a you touch my skin and I infect you kind of way. Thats why the doctors wouldnt ever touch the patients anymore, they were more likely to just watch you die than actually try to cure you. Thats the sad part, but wise for them. After all, if my wife hadnt been in close contact with me, I wouldnt have become a patient. But it was never her fault. I still loved her. I wasnt going to let disease get in the way of that. After her death, I didnt know what I was to do, so I went to the hospital, knowing that I would be diagnosed. They stuck me in this cell of a room. I swear, its like a prison in here. The only thing I have are the NecroPsy powers and Pierced eye for entertainment. And a TV. I never really enjoyed TV. It was always about fakes. Fake everything. No those crimes arent real, even though they may happen, and those angels you see are nothing like the real ones. Oops did I just slip something there? I forget. The doctor left the room while I brooded over these thoughts, knowing I wasnt going to change my mind. His saunter out of the room was interesting though. It suggested something, although I am not sure what it meant. He closed the door before I could use NecroPsy energy in the Pierced eye to look at his thoughts. Unfortunately, physical matter is the only barrier I have to my abilities. I waited another two hours.

Ginn 7

Cured. The doctor flung open the door. Before I had time to turn, he injected me with something. I had no idea what it was. He just STUCK me. Sorry, but we were worried about resistance. He muttered into my ear. Resistance? I was willing!!! I screamed at him. Then it hit me. He had sauntered out the door because...because, all medicines have side effects. SIDE EFFECTS! They knew something bad was likely to happen. A wash of sleepiness made my eyes droop. The sedative was quick thats for sure. I heard the doc say one last thing before I passed out. Not much, patient. I didnt even have time to laugh

Ginn 8

The Mythicals While I was sedated, my dreams flowed like the blood through my veins. Pumped along with a rhythm akin to a tribal dance. And yet, the dreams didnt seem like dreams. They seemed to be a reality. A reality in which I lived. But no longer. For while I was sleeping per se, the world changed. The story of the change occurred in a matter of three hours. These details I procured are not told by me, but rather by my wife. Yes my wife. No Im not kidding. She was the one and only wife I ever had. I never remarried after she died. But what I hadnt known was that the Mythicals had never intended for me to become one of them. But it happened through mortal means. See, my wife didnt actually die. She fell. She was an angel, but not like the ones that people think of. She was not mortal, granted, she was a heavenly being. But there were no wings, they werent from a sacred plane of existence, and they were certainly not perfect. You see, the goddess of Hope, whose name happens to be Hope (yes its that original) made the race of angels. Hope is one of the creators, see. She has the abilities of creation, along with a few of the other gods. Death, whose creation abilities revolve around the taking of life and the creation of the mythicals. The only other two gods with creation powers are Love and Hatred. These two opposing gods have the most powerful of the creation powers. Love made the mortals, whose abilities are endless as they have the control of invention,

Ginn 9 which angels and demons cannot mess with. Mortals also naturally reproduce, an ability that angels and demons do not have. However the angels and demons can be vessels of reproduction, but that can be explained later. Hatred is the creator of the demons. The demons are the complete embodiment of Hatred himself, and are his messengers in the mortal and mythical worlds. But now I dont fit into any of these categories. My body changed the day that I dreamt the realities. I became a Mythical. The first of a now long line of mythicals that the mortals refer to as vampires, since they lost track of the patient numbers. Yes, they used to refer to us as NUMBERS. Death, the patron God of the Mythicals, never intended to create the Vampiric race, as he had seen what the effects the race would cause. But he couldnt interfere with the mortals. But thats enough of a history lesson for you now. Lets move on to the part that you actually want to read. The part that Cesmay told me. The part that I dreamt. The part, that actually meant something to the mortals. Yes, the birth of the Vampires.

Ginn 10

V Birth of vampires, or Death of the World?

While I was in the trance created from the injection, tendrils of my blood poked out from every part of my body. The slender strands of thickening blood pierced through any object in their path. The doctor was the first casualty. The tendrils slammed into him shortly after the injection, piercing his skin and causing major internal bleeding as they thickened. After half an hour of the tendrils lengthening the hospital had been completely engulfed in the blood from my body. Every living being in the hospital was stationary and dead. Then the hospital imploded, sending all the matter straight into my body. But the solid nonliving matter liquified and I absorbed the stone, plaster, wood, and glass. The blood replenished my body, but I still didnt wake. In the comatose state in which I currently resided, there was only one way to wake me, at least thats the way Cesmay put it. She said that in order to wake me from my visions, one had to happen. Thats where she came in. One of the visions was that she visited me while I slept in a desolate crater. So Cesmay decided that after two and a half hours of being utterly limp, she would visit the crater I created with the implosion. The rest of the mythicals knew that anyone who discovered the cause of the crater would try to exterminate it if it was still alive. So instead of leaving me to die, they created a protective

Ginn 11 barrier around the site within minutes of the implosion. The illusion stood that the hospital was still there and fooled those who heard the sound of an implosion into believing that nothing had happened. As soon as Cesmay entered the crater illusion I snapped up. I had just finished a dream about the utter annihilation of the world. At the end, I had seen four stones, each a distinct color, and a pair of hands. The weirdest part about the dream wasnt the death of the world (which was just plain scary), but rather that each stone had been numbered. And the hands...I could only distinguish pieces of the hands, they were a bright fleshy color with long nails. My eyes blinked. It was horrifically dark, yet I could see every detail from the fine grains of dirt to the rays of light from the half destroyed and blinking lamp post. At first, I thought I had channeled energy into the pierced eye unknowingly, but I realized that my necropsy energy was still at my core. Then, my head whipped around, hearing a noise I had never heard. Footsteps. I still didnt quite understand the implications behind what was happening. I couldnt believe what happened next. First, I caught a glimpse of Cesmay, about thirteen feet away. I then thought about how I could have possibly formulated that number, and then A wisp of shadow appeared where Cesmay had been. It was almost as if she vanished, but shortly afterward, black leather was straight in front of my eyes. There was a split in her pants towards the bottom of my vision. Hope above! Whats with the sexually suggestive advance Cesmay?! I thought you were DEAD for Hopes sake! I cried.

Ginn 12 Turns out Im not, I guess. She cooed in her sing-songy way. It always seemed so matter-of-fact, despite its constant slide of pitches. Yet she had never possessed that quality previously...where did that come from? I stood quickly still startled by the fact that her crotch had been directly in front of my face. Where did you go? Why was their blood on the carpet, and a knife of all things on the floor? What happened to you?! I choked on the last question. The righteousness of the red blood boiled when I fell. I could no longer be an Angel of Hope. I had to spill it, the black blood has opened my eyes. But I couldnt bear to change you and your life into something that wasnt yours. I wanted you to choose, not live my life without choice. She spoke softer this time, and slowed her words. Her voice was flat, only with a hint of sadness in it. I knew that she was speaking true. She had always taken this tone when we had serious conversations during our time together. I know I am asking way too many questions, but what is with the being able to see exact distances, and hearing things like footsteps? I mean, I havent even channeled any of my NecroPsy energy to anywhere. Its still all at the core. I broke out. What she said next changed it all. Honey, I dont know quite how to explain this...but, I guess I should put it bluntly. You are a race that Death had never intended to create himself. I cant get into the history of it now, but the gods cannot interfere with the creations of humans,

Ginn 13 their vaccines, their cures, et cetera. So Death couldnt stop this. You are a Vampire. And Death is your patron. You are now...a Mythical.

Ginn 14

VI The Witherstone
The streets glowed with the soft light of the dark streetlamps as we walked to the house. It hadnt seemed necessary to stay at the crater. Cesmay wanted me to come with her back to her safehouse. She didnt feel like waiting. Ill race you to the house! She challenged. I nodded and then she took off. Literally. Apparently, angels could use their wings, but most of the time they were concealed. Cesmay told me this as we walked up the steep slope of the crater, and now, after finally seeing them, I knew what she meant when she said they were majestic. The darkness that enveloped her imploded into a small ball on each of her shoulder blades. Shortly after, dark energy began to whip and flail out of the dark spheres. The whip-like energy froze, in the shape of a wing, and leathery material laced itself into the dark whips and materialized. Of course, I had expected Fallen Angels to have leathery bat-like wings, but the spheres were still present on her back. Before I had time to wonder, wisps of dark energy, trailed onto the leather, and assembled in the most gorgeous feather pattern I had seen. The feathers were pure black, like those of a crow, but they radiated not only Necro energy but something else. In the middle of her wings were two sigils with feathers forming to the outline.

Ginn 15 Deaths sigil. It represents the creation through Death that we have received. Look at your left shoulder. she said as I stared in disbelief. I checked, and there was the same mark. Time to race! I want to see your power for myself, and why Death so feared making your race. She called as she took off. Wait what?! My voice echoed. She was already gone. Yet there was some strange feeling in my body. Like an internal compass. A tracker of some sort. I began to run. But as I pumped my legs, they started going faster and faster. I was not used to this new speed. Following the direction of the feeling of this compass, I went through alleys, across streets, along sidewalks, and finally up a tall stairwell by a front door. I had just run about ten miles from the alley where we started to this door, where the compass turned off, in about two minutes. Just for clarification, thats 440 feet per second. Also known as really really fast. I put my hand over my heart. It wasnt pumping any faster. I'm not sure if it was pumping at all, but no time to check that out. I didnt even feel that exhilarating feeling that comes from exercising. And I had just run TEN miles. After waiting another minute or so, Cesmay arrived on the roof of the entryway and perched on the gutter, wings folding back into her flesh. She backflipped onto the stair right under the top flooring. I stood there, waiting for some sort of comment. She said nothing but rather stared into my eyes, as if searching for some sort of emotion. Her next words caught me off guard.

Ginn 16 There is no way. It just cant be. Why is it that your powers excel those of an angel? Even if I am a fallen one? You certainly are a force to be feared. She whispered. But how do I learn my capabilities? I stared back after a pause. I had no idea how to learn what I had potential for. I had no idea why it was me anyway. Why me? Is there some sort of connection between this and Cesmay? How is this connected? There had to be some sort of connection. Right? How are you dear Dallath? Oh you are probably wondering who I am and why Im in your head. I am your accidental creator. The names Death. Hope we can become acquainted. You and Cesmay will have a great impact upon this world. You two may just have to save it all together. said the voice. I answered back in my head. But what do I need to do first? How will I know what to do? I just barely came back, and I thought I was dead! How do you expect me to take all of this in? How do I fit in with this? I have so many questions. Theres no time though. Cesmay tried to usher me into the house. I stood as still as a rock. As for your first two questions, that is for you to decide. Secondly, you are dead. You are a Mythical, an agent of Death. Thirdly, I dont expect you to take any of this in. That is your decision. And fourth, well, that question will be revealed in time. As you can see, I cannot interfere as much as you would like. But I can say that there is limited time, and we must act

Ginn 17 quickly. Go now. Speak to your wife. Find a plan. I will hopefully be able to keep contact. His voice faded at the end, tapered to nothing, and I realized he was gone. Cesmay was extremely pushy now. She hissed for me to get inside, so I followed her direction. The interior of the house was fully decorated, mostly in black, with little colors other than the present black and a spectrum of grey and white. The lighting was dim, even for house lighting. The walls were splintered with shadows from the small objects around the house. There was a briefcase on the island in the kitchen, locked with an iron chain. The chain was tied to a heavy metal safe which stood in the walkway between the island and the sinks and dishwasher. It appeared to be some other sort of test. Cesmay stood, silently. Then, in a rushed tone but lyrically, she spoke. I want to test your strength now. We have a job to perform, and I want to know your true capabilities. That safe is the heaviest metal that I could find. The chain is unbreakable, even for me. And you will find what you need in the briefcase. And how do you know what I need dearest? I said, in a flattering tone of course. Trying to get our relationship back was an important part of my agenda. Trust me, youll need whats in there, she said in a hushed tone. I looked out the window facing to the east of the small house. We were still standing in the entryway, but the sun was rising. I felt my strength fading.

Ginn 18 Quickly then, I stated flatly. I walked over to the iron chain tied to the safe. Looking at the seemingly impossible links, I curled my fingers around the entirety of two sections of the chain. Then I pulled apart using about 50 percent of my strength. No budge. I pulled again bumping up the power to about 80 percent. I could feel the power growing each time I changed, like lifting a weight that slowly becomes heavier. The chain broke. I looked over my shoulder to Cesmay, who stared in disbelief. I unlocked the briefcase with a simple twist of the lock, which promptly broke. Opening the briefcase, my eyes opened wide with shock. Inside, a hooded cloak, an armor set of cured leather with metal studs, and 4 razor sharp daggers, stared up at me. "What the Hell am I supposed to do with these?!" I questioned in disbelief of what was sitting in front of me. "Children's stories have always had some truth..." Cesmay said blankly. She slouched and stared with the anguish of a small toddler looking at a puppy in the window of a pet shop. "So the whole sun thing, and the stories of super-powered abilities? All those muddy ideas we thought were never true are true now?" still disbelief. "You've seen it yourself. The speed. The strength. The internal compass. Even sometimes what is there, is not truly beleivable, and sometimes what isn't there, is," she spoke cryptically.

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