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Paper Lesson 1 Teachers Questions: 1. When will you submit your exercises? I will submit tomorrow. 2.

. Will you be at CCAA by 1: next wee!? next wee!.

I wont. I ha"e to #o to CCAA by $:

%. &o you wear rin#s when you #o to parties? no' I (ont wearin# rin#s when I #o to parties. ). What time is your cur*ew on the wee!en(s? It+s mi(ni#ht ,. What+s your *a"orite poem? my *a"orite poem it-s .memories. o* the Carlos &rumon( (e An(ra(e. /e says: Amar o per(i(o (eixa con*un(i(o este cora01o. 2a(a po(e o ol"i(o contra o sem senti(o apelo (o 21o. As coisas tan#3"eis tornam4se insens3"eis 5 palma (a m1o 6as as coisas *in(as muito mais 7ue lin(as' essas *icar1o. $. &o you li!e to sit with your le#s crosse(? yes I (o' I li!e to sit with my le#s crosse( 8. What (o you (o (urin# a borin# class? I yawn a lot because i #et "ery bore( 9. &i( you thin! P:C % was easy? I (i( not thin!. it was "ery (i**icult ;. &o you actually (i# poetry? yes I (o' I li!e it 1 . What (o you thin! is really annoyin#? well...stan(in# in line is "ery annoyin# Teachers Answers: 1. <ou shoul( #i"e it a try. I ne"er went on a roller coaster' I-m a*rai(

2. =hat+s more li!e it. hey na#ila 6a!e my (inner' brin# it to me %. >i"e me a brea!. you shoul( wash the !itchen an( the laun(ry to(ay ). I+m in lo"e with him?her. what you *eel *or her? ,. <es' it+s @ust puppy lo"e. hia#o an( na#ila say they are in lo"e? $. I thin! it is 7uite borin#. What (o you thin! a poetry class? 8. Aut with it. I (on-t want to #o on that rollercoaster' but I (on-t want to tell you why 9. 2o' they (on+t ma!e a cute couple. you (o not thin! 2athana an( lucas ma!e a cute couple? ;. <es' I thou#ht it was annoyin# too. you was thin!in# that poetry was not interestin# 1 . Because she interrupte( me while I was tal!in#.

Teachers requests: 1. As! Bob i* he+s in lo"e with his wi*e. bob (o you lo"e your wi*e? 2. As! Chonny how many #irls he !isses at a party. @honny how many #irls (o you !iss at a party? %. As! Lin(a i* she actually (i#s Custin Bieber. lin(a you actually (i#s @ustin bieber? ). As! Brittany i* she will submit her exercises next wee!. brittany you will submit your exercises next wee!? ,. As! Ceremy i* Bob an( Dtephanie ma!e a cute couple.

@eremy bob an( stephanie ma!e a cute couple?

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