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Paper Lesson 2 Teachers Questions: 1. Do you have posters in your room? I don't have posters in my room 2.

Who did you vote or the !ast e!ection? I voted or "ose serra #. What do peop!e $enera!!y put in a !oc%er? the peop!e $enera!!y put in a !oc%er : ma$a&ines'(oo%s'posters'(a$s etc... ). Do you %no* ho* to ho!d a (a(y? yes I do ho* ho!d a (a(y +. Who is the president o the ,nited -tates? the president o the ,-. is /arac% 0(ama 1. Is it important or a person to (e con ident? yes it is' very important to (e con ident 2. What do you need !ots o ener$y or?

3. Do you i$ht *ith your riends or do you $et a!on$ *ith them? I $et a!on$ *e!! *ith them 4. Who do you thin% is handsome?

15. What do you $enera!!y do on your o*n?

Teachers .ns*ers: 1. 6o' actua!!y' I *ent to the party *ith my riends. 2. 7ou shou!d $ive him a hand. #. I use a or% and a %ni e. ). 7es' p!ease I *ant a i th he!pin$. +. 6o' than%s. Im u!!.

1. 7es' teacher. I *ant to do more dri!!s. 2. I (et 8asco *i!! *in the $ame. 3. I thou$ht the speech *as very $ood. 4. 7es' Im in the student counci!. 15. -hes the $ir! *ith the hand on the door.

Teachers re9uests: 1. .s% :aiht!een i she *ants to (e e!ected to (e a president. 2. .s% ;mma i there is a student counci! at her schoo!. #. .s% <arry i he $ot a!on$ *ith every(ody *hen he studied. ). .s% Iris *hat she thin%s is tasty. +. .s% .m(er i her (edroom is empty.

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