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Jody McGraw

2359 Rohs St Cincinnati, OH 45219

CELL (330) 990-9260 E-MAIL
Bachelor of Science
Secondary Education Social Studies
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
GPA 3.62

Expected April

Hughes STEM High School Student Teacher
2013- Present
Daily produce instruction and support for about 90, 10 th grade students in their Social Studies
classroom; as a Cincinnati Public School majority of my students are minorities and are considered of
lower economic status
Teach For America 2014 Corps Member
Accepted as a 2014 Corps Member in Southwest Ohio, I will be teaching secondary humanities in a
low-achieving school for the next two years
University of Cincinnati School of Education Student Worker
August2013-Present Provide administrative and operational support to the professors and business
manager of the School of Education through logistical and clerical tasks
Teach for America Campus Campaign Coordinator
April 2012December 2013
Work with the recruitment and awareness of the TFA organization through marketing and presentations
to a diverse population of students
University of Cincinnati Orientation Department
March 2012- August 2012
Student Orientation Leader
Guide first year students as they went through their orientation at the university as well as support the
orientation program through daily operations

Extracurricular Experience
Omicron Delta Kappa I Vice President (current)
Formulated and executed a new curriculum for our annual leadership retreat as well as managed a
group of 20 members in the recruitment process of our newest class
Senior Class Officer I Internal Vice President (current)
Coordinate with the Student Affairs office to produce the three yearly commencement ceremonies,
assist with the fundraising and event planning to garner support for the senior gift
Cincinnatus Honorary Society I Secretary (current)
Schedule the meeting and event dates for the organization of 20, record all meeting minutes and all
organization event, and keep the operations and history of the organization protected and up to date
First Year Leadership Program I Director (2012-2013)
Created curriculum for 50 first year students and led their development into leaders in student
government as three were elected to senate and nine appointed to cabinet
Roar Tour Guide (2011-present) I Student Governments First Year Leadership Program Coordinator
(2011-2012) I College of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services Tribunal Senator (2012present) I Gamma Phi Beta Eta Zeta Charter Member I Gamma Phi Beta Sorority Ritual Chairwoman
(2011-present) I Gamma Phi Beta Sorority Preference Day Chairwoman (present) I RallyCats (20102012) I University Honors Program (2010-present) I University Honors Association (2010-2011) I
Committee for Athletic Tradition and Spirit (CATS) (2011-present) I Bearcat Buddies Tutoring Program
Head Tutor (2010-2012)


Deans List I Six quarters (2010-2013)

Gamma Phi Beta I Helen M. Dodge Award for Campus and Community Involvement
First Year Experience I Student Government Intern (2010-2011)
Josephine F. & Justin A. Rollman Scholarship I Awarded through the College of Education

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