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Squad: Henry Han (rifle) Henry Kwan (rifle) Lucas (rifle) Vince Chow (rifle) Marissa (bazooka) Duke

(sniper/rifle) Pic1: Srg. Johnson: Alright squad listen up. Intelligence has just briefed us onMARISSA WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT THE BAZOOKA. Marissa: Teehee sorry. Srg. Johnson: -sigh- ok. Intelligence has just briefed us on a top-secret mission. Apparently those damn Nazis are up to something again building a giant robot or whatever. Satellite images show an N.B.E being built near and presumably in the Nazi hanger. Lucas: erm N.B.E? Srg. Johnson: Non-biological entityplease try to keep up with the acronyms. Vince: Dude you totally copied that off Transformers Srg. Johnson: STFU. Alright so Intelligence has asked us to infiltrate the Nazi base, find out whatever theyre doing, and bring any information back. If in fact they ARE building an N.B.E., then bring that back too. Kwan: Ok another kill and steal mission LETS DO THIS HOO-AH! Srg. Johnson: I LIKE YOUR ENTHUSIASM BOY. By the way, this here is Duke. Hes an elite sniper sent from Intelligence HQ to help us out with this mission say hello, Duke. Duke: Hello, Duke. Srg. Johnson: well ok then. Good luck team and dont die. Pic 2: Kwan: Scouting for bogies no bogies detected. Moving to Fresh Breath Gum wall. Pic 3: Kwan: In position. Han, come over. Theres room for two. Han: Dude Im not gay ok. Kwan: I DIDNT MEAN IT THAT WAY >_> Han: Ok ok chill your balls Im coming. Kwan: Pic 4: Han: We are in position. Btw, Kwan your leg is rubbing up against my thigh Kwan: Im moving to the Ultra-Pro Deck Box wall Pic 5: Kwan: In position behind Deck Box wall.

Pic 6: Kwan: Im gonna scout for bogieshey whats that? Pic 7: (iPod pic) Kwan: Oh hot damn Pic 8: Nazi 1: Soldier! Go scout outside to see if anyone is spying on us! Nazi 2: Yes sir! Pic 9: Nazi 2: In position behind Yu-gi-oh wall. Pic 10: Han: KWAN STOP LOOKING AT pr0n AND GET A MOVE ON! Kwan: WHAT HUH IM NOT LOOKING AT pr0n!! Han: -facepalmPic 11: Lucas: Ok Im moving to the Deck Box wall. Pic 12: Lucas: In position. Pic 13: Han: Scanning for bogies BOGIE SPOTTED AT 12 OCLOCK!!! Pic 14: Nazi: AMERICANA! ratatatatatatataPic 15: Han: OH GOD!!! Pic 16: Duke: F***ing rookies Pic 17: Duke: Target spotted, 12 oclock. BOOMPic 18: Nazi: -deadPic 19: Nazi: WTF

Pic 20: Han: thanks Duke moving to Brain Quest wall. Pic 21: Han: In position. Pic 22: Nazi 1: SNIPER! GET OUT THERE AND KILL HIM! Nazi 2 & 3: YES SIR! Pic 23: Nazi 2 & 3: Armed and ready, sir! Pic 24: Nazi: Im moving out moving to iPhone wall. Pic 25: Nazi: In position. Pic 26: Duke: In position behind Fresh Breath Gum wall and what is that guy doing? Pic 27: Lucas: Oh dont mind Kwan hes just looking at some pr0n. Kwan: -gazePic 28: Han: Im scouting around the cornerANOTHER BOGIE SPOTTED AT 12 OCLOCK! ratatatatatataPic 29 Nazi: OH SH -deadPic 30: Kwan: WTF WAS THAT Pic 31: Han: That guy almost killed you. I just saved yo ass. Now stop looking at pr0n and actually do something ok? Kwan: Pic 32: INTERMISSION. Overview of the current battlefield. WE NOW RETURN TO OUR PROGRAM.

Pic 33: Nazi: Damn we are getting slaughtered out there I WANT EVERYONE IN THE FIELD NOW! Pic 34: Nazi: GOGOGO! CHARGE! Pic 35: Vince: I hear furious screams whats going on out there? Pic 36: Vince: OH SH Nazi: HAHAHAHAHA ratatatatatataVince: AAAAAAARGH Pic 37: Lucas: NOOOOOOOOOO VINCE Pic 38: Marissa: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Pic 39: Duke: EVERYONE CALM DOWN! I AM DOCTOR! Pic 40: Lucas: WHERE DID YOU GET YOUR DEGREE FROM?! Duke: Well I play a lot of Medic in Team Fortress 2 Lucas: NOOOOOOO VINCE IS SCREWED!! Pic 41: Nazi: We are in position and ready to attack on command! Pic 42: Marissa: OH MY GOD THEY KILLED VINCE CHOW! YOU BASTARDS! BOOMPic 43: Bunch of Nazis: -deadPic 44: Duke: holy crap Pic 45: Nazi: AMERICANA PIGS!

Pic 46: Han: PEEKABOO I SEE YOU! ratatatatatataPic 47: Nazi: -deadPic 48: Kwan: ATTACK! ratatatatatatatatatatatatatatatataPic 49: Nazis: -deadPic 50: Nazi: BASTARDS! Pic 51: Duke: Have no fear, Duke is here! BOOM- -kachtk- -BOOMPic 52: Nazis: -deadPic 53: Kwan: Yea yea were on a roll! Han: No, DUKE is on a roll. Youve just been looking at pr0n this entire time. Kwan: Pic 54: Nazi 1: Quick! Theres no time! Release N.B.E. NOW! Nazi 2: Sir you do not have the authorization to order that, plus N.B.E isnt even close to being finished Nazi 1: DO YOU WANT TO DIE?! Nazi 2: no Nazi 1: THEN RELEASE N.B.E. NOW! Nazi 2: yes sir. Pic 55: Hangar: -rumbleNazi: This better be good

Pic 56: Nazi 1: ...what the F*** IS THAT Nazi 2: That, sir, is N.B.E. Nazi 1: THATS A FCKING BIONICLE Nazi 2: Yea N.B.E. o-o Pic 57: Nazi: N.B.E.! ATTACK! Pic 58: Lucas: oh God. Pic 59: Nazi 1: wtf is it doing? Nazi 2: I dunno HEY N.B.E. WTF ARE YOU DOING N.B.E.: MY LIFE FOR AIUR! Nazi 1: dont tell me you put the Starcraft engine in him Nazi 2: Hey it was either that or the Blizzard engine ok? Now would you rather have him say MY LIFE FOR AIUR or FOR AZEROTH? Nazi 1: I guess you have a point there N.B.E.: FOR ADUN! Nazi 1: ok big boy we get it now GO KILL THEM! Pic 60: N.B.E.: -zapPic 61: Wall: -BOOMPic 62: Lucas: HOLY CRAP LOOK WHAT HE DID TO THE WALL WITH HIS EYE LASERS Kwan: Hey is that a Penguin Soldier? Ive been looking for that card for a month wtf!! Now my ultimate deck is complete! Marissa: -facepalmPic 63: N.B.E.: ADUN TORIDAS! Lucas: Guys its looking at us Marissa: IM BLOWING IT UP Han: be my guest Marissa: HEHEHEHEHEHE BOOMPic 64: N.B.E.: -slash-

Pic 65: Kwan: WTF HE CUT THROUGH YOUR ROCKET Marissa: WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Pic 66: Duke: Hello, Headquarters? This is Agent Duke reporting in. Situation? Well all I can say is now we know what N.B.E. is. Yes sir, a Bionicle. Yes. No. Of course we have it under control. No sir that was sarcasm. Yes. Yes were fighting a giant robot that can kill us all; my nerves are perfectly under control. No sir that was sarcasm again. Ok understood that you have no sense of humor. No that was not sarcasm sir. Yes sir I understand. Requesting permission to bring out the big guns. Ok sir. Ok. Have a nice day. Pic 67: N.B.E.: AHASSADA TEMPLARI! Pic 68: Han: I think we should gtfo RIGHT NOW. Lucas: I couldnt agree more. Kwan: Hey this Penguin Soldier is 1st Edition AND super rare! Awesome! Han: KWAN GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE OR ELSE IM BURNING YOUR YU-GI-OH CARDS. Kwan: I hate you so much right now Pic 69: Duke: Hey, whats that over there? Pic 70: Blastoise: BLASTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOISE Pic 71: Lucas: OMG BLASTOISE I FORGOT ALL ABOUT HIM! Han: Now we actually have a chance of winning. Marissa: AVENGE VINCE CHOW OR ELSE ILL HAVE YOUR SHELL! Duke: Welcome to the party. Kwan: This card doesnt have a scratch on it! I wonder how much its worth? Pic 72: Blastoise: BLASTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOISE N.B.E.: POWER OVERWHELMING! Blastoise: -water gun attackPic 73: N.B.E.: -short circuits- Carrier has arrived -bzzzzzzzt-

Pic 74: N.B.E.: -BOOMPic 75: Nazi: well this is f***ing brilliant. Pic 76: Our heroes have once again managed to defeat the evil Nazis and bring peace to this world! Of course, it was not without sacrifice as the brave Vince Chow lost his lifemuch to the regret of Marissa more than anyone else. However, this will definitely not be the end as those darn Nazis will surely think of other ways to spoil our fun and cause global widespread panic. Join us next time on Pokemon AdventuI mean, Army Men! Yea I dont get paid enough for this job.

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